Why the ‘Why-question’ Is Not Asked

The Technocratic Dictatorship

Children are innately curious. They always ask “why” when they do not understand something.

Adults are loath to ask such questions anymore. Especially not, when these may be of utmost significance and urgency – such as in today’s comprehensive crisis pertaining to Nature, society, civilization and extermination of human-life itself.

Why not?

When it comes to deep reflection and highly critical analysis, offering more than just skepticism, outrage or at least, acknowledgement would be expected. Pretending nothing is wrong, when you should know better, is perpetuating and complicating the problem. Why are so many in this mode?

The dilemma of our times, which is the undisputable progressive destruction of the environment, Nature and human life on earth, warrants more than simple curiosity. It demands to know ‘WHY’.

People blame modern-day fake scientism and technology as the main contributors to this destruction. The ‘mechanistic world view’ of the modern era and its subsequent technology, are seen as the major cause of this destruction, its technology being broadly conceptualized in terms of machine-technology.

They agree, contrary to all predictions and promises, so-called progress has not resulted in improvement for humankind, of life itself, Nature and the environment. Quite the contrary, it has instead led to a situation which threatens to become a technocratic dictatorship, dedicated to manifest destruction.

The human being is the destructor of Nature, when examined objectively. The alchemists are the destructors of everything earthly.

The depopulation of human beings seems to be the actual current agenda of the alchemists.

The depopulation of human beings has been an agenda of the gods since the creation of the human race. Enlil, aka. Yahweh, has been committed to depopulation of humans for 135,000 years. The records of human population reflect a steady level of less than 500 million human beings for the entire duration, with exception of the most recent 200 years. Only during this most recent period have humans been living in the illusion of freedom and ownership of property. We are now pushing eight billion total human beings on this planet, all thinking they are free property owners. The Kings and Priests are all still here. They have just restructured their property ownership into corporations. These seem more civilized and are much easier used to manipulate humans.

All along the path of the history of humans, they have been undergoing, a process of controlled depopulation, the reduction in numbers of humans living on the Planet at a given point in time. By means of inter-human wars, plagues, famines, droughts and other deprivations, essentially by regulated premature deaths, the death rate has been matched to the birth rate so that the population has been stable at 500 million for 135,000 years.

When Enki, aka. Lucifer, proposed to solve the problem of the alien miner’s revolt by genetically engineering new workers using his own genes to upgrade the indigenous homo-erectus female ape, he was supported by Anu and opposed by Enlil. Enlil, when over-manded, made several impositions on the characteristic features of the new Adamu, one being the setting of the telomeres of the cellular DNA to limit the life-span to approximately 150 years. Initially, over-population was not an issue. Just the opposite was the case. Workers were needed immediately but in short supply, but Enlil, as the ultimate leader of the mining mission, could foresee the day when uncontrolled population growth would become a problem that could not be tolerated or maybe not even survived. Powerful but consciously/intellectually immature beings existing in large populations, would be a major problem.

The Adamu was genetically advanced, physically, to attain the necessary capabilities to perform the work in the mines. What would be equivalent to millions of years of evolution was achieved over the course of tens or hundreds of years…literally no time at all. In this process, no account was made for spiritual/intellectual evolution at all. In the haste of getting the mining operations back on-line, no thought was given to the possibility that the Adamus would ever need to have an equivalent degree of intellectual advancement sufficient to manage the adamu’s state of consciousness, wisdom, reasoning, morality, intelligence, creativity, conscience and innate social instincts. It was only thought at that time, the Adamu would be under tight control, dedicated to slave labor, who would not have need of advanced intellectual features. As far as Enlil was concerned, he did not intend to leave the Adamu in a state of on-going existence when the mission was finished and closed down. He intended to depart the Earth with the Adamu and Nephilim all dead.

For example, he intended all Adamus and Nephilim be destroyed in the great flood of 11,600 BCE (Noah’s flood). Enki had betrayed the secrecy oath by telling his son, Noah of the impending disaster in time for construction of a survival vessel carrying his family and many hosts of DNA specimens. Noah was not the only survivor, it turned out, and Enlil had a change of heart, believing the outcome was determined by fate. Adamu’s and Nephilim were fated to survive.

The creator gods, who had intended to leave behind a devastated planet, decided to remain for another 3 shars (one shar equals 3,600 earth years), or 10,800 earth-years longer on the planet, to re-establish life on the planet. This means the creator gods did not depart the Earth until around 1,000 BCE. They knew that the Adamus were incapable of ruling themselves in their absence, so they decided to genetically create a more advanced specie possessing the required level of conscious intellectual evolution to rule the planet successfully as Kings. These are the homo capensis, the ‘blue-bloods’, the Kings and Priests, who were designated to rule humans in perpetuity while preserving the health of the planet. The blue-bloods were instructed to preserve their genetic structure by means of interbreeding only among the thirteen family blood lines and never cross-breeding with the Adamus.

The gods of Anu can only travel to Earth when they are in proximity of this solar system, which is for a period of about a 100-year time-span, once every shar.. They will be able to visit Earth in about another 600 earth-years. If there are any surviving humans by then, this will be first visit in the modern era. Their concern will be the condition of the Planet’s health primarily. The planet is infinitely more valuable than the entire human race. The planet is going to be tended to with first and top priority. The blue-bloods are going to be held accountable for the many errors they have made during this first period under their government. Rest assured that the blue-bloods are well aware of this, and time is short.

The homo sapiens are the most dangerous animals ever to exist on the Earth. They have the power to develop the means of killing everything here, but totally lack the wisdom to use their powers for preservation and good. They think, in their insanity, that they should be able to rule Mother Nature in any way they desire. They think they can take the planet’s resources in total abandon of any sense at all. They think they can bleed the planet dry with over-consumption and then fix everything with insane ideas of occluding the sun light that brings all life and healing. Humans are on the deadly-wrong path with regards to literally everything they get their hands on. They think they can literally fill the oceans with their human waste, and wonder why the oceans rise. Has anyone heard of displacement? If you take a finite container of water and dump literally megatons of shit and plastic into it, displacement of water will occur and the liquid will rise. If you mess around enough with the atmosphere, you can change prevailing wind patterns that affect weather conditions. I am sure I do not need to go on, because either you can see what I am talking about, or you are too ignorant to ever see it.

Displacement is not global warming, as the fluid level rises. Only humans could think that this planetary system is subject to their scientism. Humans have literally no idea of even what science is, let alone how to apply it to solar systems. To keep humans under control, the technique being applied is called “lying”. Humans can’t get enough of it. How can a human population that has been allowed to reach 8 billion people, be totally controlled by a handful of homo capensis? Probably it is a good thing that this is possible, because the humans are surely on the path of destroying their habitat. This is not going to be allowed to happen.

Is the often-discussed project of so-called transhumanism, a continuation of the technological progress beyond Nature and humans?

You can rest fully assured that it is not. Not even a little.

Transhumanism is total fear-porn bullshit.

Humans somehow have the idea that literally everything in the world is based around themselves. Sorry to have to break the news, this is not the case. While humans seem to believe they are the essential element on earth, and beyond into the vast cosmos, the truth is, the planet and the cosmos would be infinitely better off if humans were totally eliminated from the entire equation and scene. Humans are mostly miscreants who serve no viable role in the entire ecosystem except for destruction, waste, mismanagement and over consumption.

The agenda is to abolish humans as an unnatural development and aberrant species. There is no conceivable reason to preserve humans at all. After all, it would be human technology at play here, and human technology is not even remotely viable for any useful purpose. Human technology produces throw-away gadgets, claims of advances based on deceit and trickery. It is 99% fake lies to claim unearned merit and glory. Humans could not transform themselves into anything but greater disaster. All of this hype about transhuman is nothing beyond transgender. That’s as far as human science can go with this. Talk of AI and man-machine hybrids is more lies, for the purpose of making the ignorant think the self-aggrandized elite have something special going. Nothing could be more fake than the ‘space force’, the mars rover and NASA.

No one but humans would even think about making absurd enhancements that bring about no value. What is it that humans are doing other than vying to enrichen themselves like the imaginary little CIA multi-billionaire boys, employed by the CIA, like Gates, Musk, Soros, Bezos, etc. The homo sapiens were created to perform the labor of gold mining, for the benefit of the gods of Anu. Just exactly what is their current value? If you can conceive of this objectively, there is no current value for the labors of man, except to amuse and entertain themselves, usually at the expense of others that can be trod upon and the ever-tolerant planet.

What would these farcical developments toward ‘beyond human’ look like, in reality? The current propaganda advertising of such continued progress promises the improvement and higher development of ‘sex dolls’, to become even more ‘life-like’ for the perverts. And in continuation of this sort of thinking, the merging of human beings with the machine (Kurzweil) is considered an advanced development, allegedly leading to a new level of ‘evolution’.

How is one to imagine this? Or, what does the logic of invention of a ‘post-human machine-being’ or a human machine, have to do with the sacrifices demanded for centuries from Nature and all other life forms in the name of human progress? What exactly is human progress? Human’s swan-diving into the sea of human shit.

What a monstrosity. Where have we got to, if we have to ask such a question?

But, no one seems to be asking. No one has the answers. No one dares ask the question. For good reason. There are no answers that leave humans alive..

Why is no one is asking ‘why’?

They very idea that there is something like a ‘post-human’ future is ludicrous speculation. There is just no reason or justification for it. At this time, when the scamdemic has frightened large numbers to take the deadly vaxx, it serves to keep order and control, while the vaxx’d are waiting to die. They can’t have the vaxx’d falling on the floor dead in too many cases, or no one is going to show up tomorrow to take more vaxx serum. It’s a carefully plotted scam that leaves no humans living. It has some hint of hope for ‘a future’, which is more calming than just saying, “there is no future”.

Are people willing to go along with this? Do they believe, as it is often the case, the promises made from above or do they not yet understand what is really in store for them?

As long as people are ignorant and compliant, we have no way to get out of the current state as living, creative and self-empowered creatures.

The fundamental ‘why’ question is not posed. Why does hostility towards Nature and human beings exist in the modern world? This question is not asked in the remaining fields of life. It seems no one is even noticing the absence of this key question.

However, the assumption of ignorance is the crowning achievement of modern public education. The long-past held knowledge and understanding in times before modern scientism was developed, did not doubt the existence of the living force of Nature and its meaning.

So, what has happened that has led to the belief that the living force is, supposedly, no longer relevant, that it can be omitted from any consideration and now, even from reality, including the reality of the human being?

The anticipated ‘machine-being’ of natural science and technological progress is precisely not supposed to be an augmentation of human aliveness in its original sense. What kind of development has taken place that allows for and openly anticipates a state of existence that is a false existence, being claimed as the ‘new normal’, which can be described as a general state of non-living?

What kind of a strange self-fulfilling prophesy is at play here, that such untruth is now supposed to become a concrete reality of normalcy?

Might this be because the alleged science of Nature is in fact pursuing other interests, other from the investigation of truth and its effects on earthly conditions, and other from its inherent order, preventing those pursuing these other interests from seeing, respecting and honoring the ”whole” – making money with the dead, which by implication also means making profits from murdering?

Is it capitalism, war and profit-making that have narrowed the field of natural science in this way, luring it onto a false path, which cannot easily be admitted to, nor walked away from? In this case, the question should be: why is natural science still considered a science, and in fact, the scientism? And finally, why is it the same under conditions of socialism and communism, in systems that are not profit-oriented per se? So-called scientific and technological progress in these systems is not on a different path, rather the contrary is the case. It is running on a hamster wheel.

Finally, irrespective of the money involved, why are people putting up with the destruction of their earthly environment, their only existing living sphere, to be finally confronted, in a strange logic, with their own extinction in the end?

The old saying, ‘don’t do something to others that you do not wish to experience yourself’ holds true. Why did it not do so with respect to ‘progress’?

Could anthropocentrism, the well-known perception of man being the ‘crown of creation’, be responsible, an overall claim to power, giving permission to appropriate and destroy everything? So, the idea that the same could happen to man, himself, does not even occur to him? Besides, who would put him in such danger? Were people forced to destroy the non-human world, without being able to successfully raise their voice in opposition to this? Or did they do this voluntarily? If so, why?

Anthropocentrism, in complete contrast, could also have consisted of feeling especially responsible for life and could have resulted in even developing stewardship for life everywhere. Why has this, at least in the modern era, rarely been the case?

The reversal: destruction as a way to creation? Just like hate is love and education is false propaganda.

Is it possible that the destruction is not being perceived as such? Or could it be that it appears as its very opposite, serving as the foundation for an improved creation, including the re-creation of man himself?

Is the ‘why-question’ on the destruction not asked because it is assumed not to be the case, but rather, the other way around? It is seen as the path to progress, to assumed abundance and betterment, always associated with progressive change?

The economist, Joseph Schumpeter, states that in capitalism an economically-motivated throw-away destruction results in an even greater creation, economic growth, which supposedly even exceeds the damage done. Accordingly, progress and specifically, in this case, economic progress, cannot be achieved without losses, but progress, in principle, would always surpass the latter.

Karl Marx has called it the ‘development of the productive forces’, namely those techniques that would guarantee the steady increase of ‘excess in production’.
However, he also anticipated that the ‘wellspring of riches, the earth and the laborer’ would eventually run dry. Since that time science and technology have been striving to eliminate the wellspring of riches, the laborer. However, the ebbing of this well would not be left to occur naturally. It would, rather, be created intentionally – the reasons for and consequences of this ebbing being the subject of this discussion.

On the whole, it seems to be about defining the problem of destruction and its subsequent measurement, whether as temporary or long-term, whether as collateral damage or a basic problem of the mode of production and of progress, the costs of which have so far been externalized. They have been ‘outsourced’, moved to China, becoming invisible and unaccountable. In this way, these costs appear to be non-existent when the costs of goods are covered by borrowing the funds back again, creating faux wealth.

In the end, the debate about the problem of the ‘necessary destruction’ resulted in taking the destruction, as such, for granted, but not to be taken seriously as a significant objection to the modern era, and its mode of production, science and technology. Just make goods to be thrown away due to rapid planned obsolescence.

Goethe wrote about this dilemma in Faust II and was the first to grapple with increasing horror, finding the words to describe the consequences of this decision.

Then he fell silent, as his interpreter, the philosopher Michael Jaeger noticed. Goethe proved correct. Since then, the destruction of the world has advanced rapidly, never to be reversed, halted or even slowed down, not to mention any larger attempts of reparations. Instead, a radical nihilism has made its way towards all existence and beings in the world, including the related acceptance of human sacrifice. In Faust, it is the pre-modern elders, Philemon and Baucis, who had to yield to progress with their own deaths.

Who will have to yield today, Humanity in total?

Progress, as the spawning of the more and furthermore, of the ‘better’ remains largely uncontested. No one has successfully blocked its path. Any possible challenging has been declared a global taboo.

This is the reason why the ‘why-question’ has not been asked and is still not being asked.

Apparently, the question is superfluous, because it is allegedly about the common good and advancement. ‘Progress’ remains beyond being challenged. The ‘why-question’ would have merely resulted in the answer: “one destroys in order to produce something more and better”, according to the motto: “you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs”. Who would have doubted that, in this process, ‘the more’ is always the better’. No one can ask the question, “why is more better?”. Better than what?. Throw away that cell phone you bought a few months ago and get the new one with the new game. No one ever questions this behavior. It is just taken for granted that this is good behavior. Over consumption is always good. Get out one of the 30 credit cards in your wallet. Overconsume.

Who would have wanted to abstain from progress, whatever it produces? Progress appeared to be completely without any alternative. Throw-away overconsumption is good to quell unemployment and sluggish economies. Does this make any sense? This seems to be the best logic any humans can come up with.

This is just circular non-logic to justify the existence of more humans engaged in the same insanity. Humans have to find stupid things that give some reason to their existence. Many choose reproduction for their reason to exist. They dedicate the lives, first to children, then to grandchildren, and some to great-grandchildren. These kinds of people think they are doing important work in running the lives of various family members as they come along. Other than providing the reproduction equipment, everyone would be far better off if they would exit the picture shortly after the second child, and allow the others to discover their own way and their own truths.

Many others devote their lives to money and one-upmanship. These folks are not even in the game of life, because life has nothing to do with the control-construct called money.

Most of the pathways of life chosen by humans would only qualify as objects of ridicule and childishness in a world of reality. Instead, those who question ‘progress for the sake of progress’ are the objects of ridicule from the mainstream. They appear to be backward, reactionary, uninformed, romantic, naive or lost in toy-land.

Thus, the question of why their chosen path of development is destructive and to what degree, was dropped from the discussion. Practical alternatives to such ‘progress’ did not succeed in being implemented or sustained because these could not affect any change on the apparent unstoppable path of progress.

Why there was such an adamantine clinging to this progress, even when it became increasingly obvious what it really meant for the world, initially called ‘silent spring’ by Rachel Carsen during the 1960’s, now commonplace continued to be swept under the carpet.

The ‘why-question’ was and is not posed, in spite of all the warning signs, such as the observed rapid extinction of animals, invertebrates, plants or the continual ozone-depletion in the atmosphere, because the preconditions for asking this question are simply renounced. There is massive denial of the situation; that it has been ‘progress’ itself, responsible for the tremendous destruction, which at this point can no longer be ignored, and which in the meantime has begun to even threaten the very living conditions on earth, including the existence of mankind.

Man can never ask this obvious ‘why’ question, because the answer would reveal the undesired conclusion that man simply has no further use on this planet, and has been useless since the cessation of the gold mining by the creator-gods. The gods in reference here are sixth dimensional beings, who are still on their own journey through the multi-dimensional cosmos, in pursuit of cosmic consciousness. They have been temporarily reassigned in this 3d space/time to deal with this specific problem, created and not yet rectified by them.

The answer is: there is no good reason for the continued existence of homo sapiens on Earth, and the planet is being destroyed by the ‘loose cannons’ as they multiply unchecked and destroy everything in their path. This is not going to be allowed to continue. Humans have no real value as actors in this skit. They have to twist logic into illogic to even justify their existence to themselves.

Manmade destruction will soon be terminated with the Closing of What is Known as the ‘Mayan Long Calendar’.

The Mayan Calendar is the invention of Ningiszida, youngest son of Enki. Author of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. The Emerald tablets of Hermes is just the ancient Greek version of the same amazing body of knowledge. During the 10,800 earth-year period between the flood and the departure of the gods from Earth, Ningiszida devoted himself to the survival of the Adamu during this time and travelled world-wide, creating human societies and nations in all parts of the globe. What humans have come to call the ‘Mayan Calendar’ was not developed by Indians in the American jungles. It is far too complex for humans to even comprehend let alone devise. It is not a calendar for keeping track of birthdays, or appointments. It is a calendar that reveals the conscious purpose of every soul in existence. Many thought that December 22, 2012 would be the end of the world, but that’s not the way things work. It was a day that initiated the world-wide matriculation of souls. Other than that, the long cycle just started over again, with the cosmological forces exerting themselves on souls just like the previous long cycle.

Of course, the culprits causing all the destruction are being searched for elsewhere, as now there is no longer any way to avoid identifying the responsible ones. ‘Nothing to see here’.

The responsible ones are the humans themselves, who dare not look into the mirror. Humans are desperately trying to justify their own existence but there is no justification to be found, they learn. Better not look in the mirror too much, because the solution is a little too obvious.

The crisis is being defined as a ‘man-made’ crisis.

This applies to today’s so-called climate crisis and equally to the corona-pandemic as an alleged health crisis since 2020. How about the pedophilia crisis? Neither the inventors of ‘progress’ nor its enforcers and profiteers are accused of having done anything wrong. Instead, it is supposedly now the ‘humans’, who, because of their sheer numbers, their consumer behavior, or their ignorance and carelessness are blamed for the entire disaster. Who can argue this is false?

Supposedly there are too many of them, who consume too much, who do not follow the rules, fill the oceans and skies up with their shit and overburden Nature or try to change the way Nature’s systems function to suit themselves better and demonstrate their imagined powers over Nature… They are defined as too dangerous because they are miscreants with too much physical power and too little spiritual/intellectual power. According to the declared agendas of the ruling non-humans, progress based on the hitherto existing industrial revolution is supposed to be brought to a halt. The only reason for an industrial revolution is to accommodate the desires for luxuries to gratify humans. This whole thing is a non-viable enterprise with no purpose, since it serves only the humans, who cannot even justify their own existence.

Alongside the UN-agendas 2010, 2025, 2030, 2050 and so on, the policies of the ‘Great Reset’ of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Green New Deal of the EU and the US are openly discussed and explain to us how this is to take place. What is being revealed is an agenda for nothing less than a new world order in the form of a Technocracy. Only 500 million humans are destined to survive the currently running UN Agendas. Seven plus billion humans are to be taken from this Earth within a short time period. But this is not the end, only the precursor.

In this process, the ‘why-questio’n is still avoided, but nevertheless apparently answered. The answer is already there, before the question itself is even posed.

Were it not so, the answer coming from above, would have been noticed that something is wrong with this response. The problem with ‘progress’ and the destruction it causes is not simply man-made, as the answer reads to the unposed question. It’s just that the humans are totally superfluous and extremely dangerous, so eliminating them can carry the blame of others for a while.

But the destruction is inherent in the system. This in particular should not be revealed because obviously those who run the system are interested in holding on to it – until the very end. Interests beyond this planet are in control, having many future agendas on their journey to Nirvana.

Those who have invented this model of progress and who, over centuries, have enforced it by fire and by sword, worldwide, even against the strongest resistance, are now applying the brakes to indicate the end of the progress orchestration, the one which caused and orchestrated this destruction in the first place, which now, all of a sudden, is recognized, but not admitted to as being due to its own failure. Rather it is seen as the failure of the humans, who are accused of pushing the planet to the limit of what’s possible, and then even beyond.

Already humanity is in need of two or three earths, only to keep up with over-consumption and there is a threat that ‘peak oil’ will be followed by more peaks, with rare earths, lithium or coltan, if not even the ‘peak of everything. We have this, all in the face of not needing any of it. Just for the pure sake of ‘progress, to glorify the egos of the egocentric humans.

It is becoming obvious now, raw supplies are running short. Who was it in the first place who pretended that the production of commodities was supposed to be never ending? Who chased the farmers off their land where they produced their own livelihood, and who ended their mass revolts against this expulsion with arms and wars? Who maneuvered them into the factories of the industrial revolution and profited endlessly from their labor in the name of ‘progress’, and from controlling the consumption market which replaced the subsistence economy? Was any of this really in the best interests of the small-minded, heavy-handed human destructors who never grow up?.

This history of excessive violence over centuries, its reasons, methods, institutions and wrong-doers is simply being omitted from the new narrative of a ‘man-made crisis’. The perpetrators are obviously not even considered to be like other human beings even though what they did was also man-made.

Consequently, this term today is reserved for the masses.

The Blue-bloods are exempt from it. The people are now convicted of the mistakes, which those human beings belonging to the elite have forced them to commit, by employing all possible means for the last 3,000 years. In conclusion, ‘man-made’ is an invention from above, the system of the elite, itself..

The Information Wars

There is an information war going on, in which the Ubermensch decide which questions can be asked, what the problem is, how it may be defined, which narrative and associated explanations belong to it, and how this is to be handled. In the meantime, all collateral players adhere to this, official media as well as scientism, and all those who do not ask or do not allow any questioning. For questions regarding the behavior of the elite are automatically considered conspiracy theories, because they question this very behavior or could pose untenable questions regarding it. Thus, it becomes clear where the term conspiracy theory actually comes from. Included in this is the ‘why’ question. In fact, it ranks first place. This question is simply forbidden and undesired.

At the moment, according to the official discourse, there is a threat of climate-collapse because of a steadily increasing heating up of the atmosphere since the beginning of industrialization, which is now leading to a cataclysmic climate event which threatens all life on earth. As if the scamdemic covid kill-off event is not sufficient. The tailor-made reason for this is supposedly solely the emission of alleged greenhouse gas, CO2, of civil industry and civil consumption, in addition to insignificant CO2 growth as a component of atmospheric gases. As a consequence, the extend of harmful, damaging climate change is designated ‘man-made’ in the sense of being allegedly caused by human behavior today. Again, we have scientism at work. CO2 is a harmless component of the atmospheric gases, and an essential one, in light of the well-known fact that plants require CO2 to perform photosynthesis, which in turn, provides the atmospheric oxygen required by eukaryotic-celled life-forms, humans included, to breath the life into their own bodies. This, not to mention the fact that all food is plant-based. Meanwhile, ignorant humans do not make a peep about the gyrations underway to implement this horrible deadly error in basic science, even though their very lives depend on it.

Here, the circle of blame is closed on the narrative of who is responsible for the alleged problems, and the silence about the real problems of today.

CO2, however, cannot develop a greenhouse gas effect because the earth is not a greenhouse. Greenhouses are enclosed structures providing an environment of elevated CO2 levels, which is rather an invisible plant gas and not some dirty polluting emission as commonly portrayed. It develops during the rotting of organic material and is used by plants for growth alongside oxygen, without which we could not even breathe or be alive on earth. Thus, CO2 is a very essential gas. If a change is needed, it would be to increase the CO2 in the atmosphere to support more plant life.

Currently it makes up only 0.04 % of the atmosphere and of which only a fraction develops from human activities. Man-made CO2, all of a sudden, is deemed responsible for the threat of global warming. In this information war, the fact that in previous times, CO2 is observed to be the result of a warming, not its cause.

For over twenty years now, the new narrative is being repeatedly preached from above, especially by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (IPCC), one of the political organizations closely affiliated with the UN who projects an image of being the purest and most highly developed place in science. The IPCC thereby merely reveals, how much science today operates in the service of other interests, different from an alleged pursuit of knowledge and search for the truth, not to mention all life on this planet.

It is no different in the case of the so-called Corona-plandemic, which means we have to investigate how the supposedly man-made climate and health-crisis is related to ‘progress’ and its continuation, despite its damaging effects. Or rather, we have to investigate what new forms this ‘progress’, with its inherent destruction will now take. Because ‘progress’ must continue on as the only justification for human existence.

Stoppage of the progress to date and the enforcement of a new form of progress – the 4th industrial revolution

In the mean-time it is deemed to be clarified how the current form of ‘progress’ is to be brought to a halt through the dismantling of civil production and its consumption, according to the model of the industrial revolution hitherto. Instead, the building-up of a CO2-neutral production and consumption on the basis of renewable energies, replacing non-renewable, dirty energies is to take place. The old forms, being coal, oil and gas, supposedly lead to too much CO2production. The new energies are intended to no longer produce much CO2, and should come from sun, wind and water-flow ‘free-energies’ as well as from other sources such a bio-mass.

In this context, it is clear to all participating parties that all forms of power generated in this way will not be available in ample supply unless demand is greatly reduced. This will presumably be accomplished by the vaxxine for the covid plandemic scam. In order to achieve sufficient energy-supply, drastic measures for the reduction of global energy demands are necessary. As it is, the people who, according to the planning strategy, are the ones who would be in need of this energy. Otherwise, suitable measures and technologies would require development and licensing. Instead, the solution seems to be at hand – the path to be taken is the human depopulation project.

Depopulation was already recommended when the problem of a population bomb was identified for the first time which, according to the theories of Thomas Malthus, would necessarily also lead, in the end, to human starvation.

There is a controversial debate on the necessity for universal vaxxination, with depopulation, as the actual objective. Bill Gates’ project with the World Health Organization (WHO), has the objective to vaxxinate, for the first time in history, the entire population of the world.

That this is not about a medical intervention for a non-existing viral threat, but rather about something very different indeed, is becoming increasingly obvious as the correlating vaxx deaths mount, in spite of controlling every bit of data to restrict it from public view.

Furthermore, the new forms of energy, which are supposed to reduce the alleged climate-damaging effects of ‘production’ and consumption by the civil population are far from being clean and green, as propagated. The manufacturing of certain components such as wind turbines and generators require heavy industry. Their periodic renewal as well as disposal represents an ecological disaster as there is no way to recycle them. Also, photo-voltaic installations need to be manufactured industrially and are in need of regular replacement, including the dirty battery arrays. Obviously, with almost total depopulation of humans, the need for electric power generation will become much smaller and less problematic.

The newly proposed energy generation methods are not really fit for their purposes for many reasons. As yet unsolvable problems exist regarding sufficient energy storage, reliance on weather patterns and means of distribution. Furthermore, from an ecological perspective, waterflow-based power plants are far from being problem-free, and biomass, such as rapeseed and palm-oil, are of dubious efficiency and effectiveness, or they would already be in-use today.

That is why many countries, US included, continue to use nuclear energy, reasoning that it is also green and clean. This, of course, is not true. One must take into consideration the mining and refining of uranium, not to mention the renewability and the anticipated sustainability issues with this form of energy, depending on a decreasing amount of available uranium. Furthermore, there is the insurmountable and permanent problem of radioactive waste disposal, on a global scale. Disasters, such as Fukushima, a man-made disaster, pollute vast oceanic and land masses basically forever. As the aging nuclear plants deteriorate, it should be expected that disasters will become more frequent and clean-up will be impossible, such as is seen with Fukushima. Again, with radical depopulation, continuing needs would allow many facilities to be shut down and taken off-line. This may not really solve all of the radio-active waste disposal issues, however.

Nuclear energy obviously seems indispensable. It was invented by the military and in this context, continues to be in need for various weapon systems and the operation of military geo-engineering installations, such as the ionosphere heater, which is another technological invention of the new form of ‘progress’, rarely discussed, as part of the so-called 4th industrial revolution. As weather manipulation is only a part of the human population control agenda, again, it may become irrelevant.

This is already an indication of what the ’new progress’ is supposed to look like. Contrary to the previous form of ‘progress’, the new one is falsley presented as green and sustainable. After the alleged acknowledgement of the problem of destruction, it is now not at all about introducing non-damaging ways of ‘production’. So, the drastic reduction of the consumption of natural resources is indeed intended. Otherwise, the current rate of consumption would soon reach its absolute limits, leaving nothing for future requirements. This is the reason all of the UN agendas are based on sustainable consumption of renewable source materials, which is really a very good idea that humans would never think about.

At the same time there is a new ‘progress’ announced. For this to take place, however, the new technologies would need a gigantically increased energy supply. Thus, the new ‘progress’ far exceeds the questionable CO2 reduction targets, and the currently available energy sources, as well as dubious renewable energy sources.

This ‘progress’ is part of the so-called 4th industrial revolution and is intended to reach an even more esteemed reputation than its predecessor.

This way, the successor model of ‘progress’ vastly surpasses the previous model, not only in energy consumption but also regarding the required industrial machinery.

The 4th industrial revolution is designed to overcome, first and foremost, the hitherto industrial revolutions, by dispensing them from the necessity to use a huge quantity of human beings as a living labor force. However, this does not mean that human beings will now be liberated from work. It only means that consumption will be way down from recent past levels. Production will be a tiny because consumption will be tiny because the human population will be tiny. Luxury and pointless amusement will not exist. Look at the world of people today. What is happening? Everything is for the gratification of humans. WHY? It is because humans think the universe is for their own gratification and entertainment. They believe they are of unquestionably huge value. WHY? The truth is, the homo sapiens are much worse than superfluous. They are just dangerous bullies who are really cowards that, when confronted, will fall to the ground whimpering and pleading for mercy, willing to cede back anything to be assured of safety.

Rather, at the core, this new model of industrial revolution is based on the intention to integrate the still required labor force directly into the machinery. The aim is to transform them in such ways that they become parts of the machine, also by way of feeding their organic, biological force as renewable, green energy into the machine. Apart from that, the idea is to transform them into controllable robots. This idea is embraced by scientifically ignorant psychopaths who are being fed scientismistic bull shit ideas of how real science works. They brag on TV of being the only ones with ‘science’ backing up their imaginary claims. What could possibly be a bigger joke than this? People who lack even ‘clue one’ about science are representing themselves as exclusive experts. If you think about this long enough, you will see the joke behind this and you will have a good laugh.

There simply is no such thing as AI, in the sense that a machine of any kind can have greater intelligence than its creator. This is like a perpetual motion machine where you would allegedly ‘get something for nothing’. These machines that display a small degree of intelligence, of learning are based on software algorithms designed by their creator. They will be able to calculate more rapidly, but will not have greater intelligence than the author of the software.

Victim of the new progress – the human race itself

The transformation of human beings from being users of machines into patentable, trans-human beings used by the machine does not lie ahead of us. It is all only hyped-up TV nonsense. There is now something called the ‘internet of things’, IoT. This includes smart electric meters and smart cars, etc. You use the internet and it is integrated with the ‘smart’ devices. This is presented as something special, but it is not something special. It is just more control mechanisms for you. The Ubermensch seem to think that, once the human population is down to 500 million, they will take a different approach to how they will utilize humans as assets. They will make all the decisions and you will be nothing more than a cog in the production wheel somewhere, busy putting the planet back into working order. Wealth will certainly no longer be represented in the form of currency. It will be measured in the form of power. Those taking measure of the power will not be superfluous beings who can amuse themselves at the expense of the planet. They will be those who are responsible for the health and well-being of the invaluable living organism, the planet, itself.

Humans would no longer be considered beings with their own rights, but rather be defined as patents or assets belonging to a company. This thing has become the property of others, much like a slave in previous times, and because of this status, is no longer allowed to have property of its own.

This is what the so-called circular economy of the Great Reset, the Green New Deal, is designed for.

Thus, today’s green revolution as a New World Order, no longer recognizes the homo sapiens, the individual, the owner, the proprietor, or any otherwise independent and free human being, except those non-humans on the very top. It would be the utmost of a technocratic dictatorship that is now becoming blatantly clear.

However, 7-8 billion people are not needed for such a transhumanism conversion. This form of ‘de-growth’ only works via de-population, as a new form of eugenics, even euthanasia. The new ‘progress’ of mankind now turns directly against mankind. It is a complete reversal of the perspective on humanity. Humans will finally lose their ‘king of the hill’ status, and be relegated to the status of ants.

There is a further possibility here. A great deal of evidence indicates that humans will be taken off this planet in total. As provided for the by the so-called Mayan Calendar, there will be a matriculation. For those humans who have reached a designated level of conscious awareness over the course of their many lifetimes of opportunity in the third dimension, to realize the purpose for their existences in this plane, the multi-dimensional universe will allow spiritual conscious advancement to the 5th dimension, where they will live in a higher energy state, to continue their long journey toward cosmic consciousness. The vast majority of souls who have experienced the dualities of the third/fourth dimension over countless lifetimes but have never found a purpose for their existence in this level of consciousness, they will move laterally to a new venue at the same density, to continue their opportunity to acquire the spiritual level of awareness during the next long-cycle of Ningishzida’s Calendar.

The great Armageddon of the bible is derived from the cuneiform tablets left to us by the creator gods from about 12,000 earth-years ago. This is known as the ‘Great Harvest’. Humans seem to universally interpret this Armageddon as some kind of fire and brimstone destruction of the planet or the habitat. This is an error. The planet is protected and far too valuable to be destroyed for or by humans. The Armageddon refers to total destruction of human physical bodies and the removal from this planet of their souls. Only humans, in their egomania, could still think this is all about them. They see themselves as too important. Certainly, more important than the planet. The Armageddon wipe-out is to get the ultra-destructive humans off the planet before it is too late to restore and salvage it.

It is this very reversal that is not comprehended, because ‘progress’ is always supposed to be in the service of the good, from the perspective of the humans. That is why no alternative is considered. There is a compulsion to always apply ‘progress’ in its latest development. So, no ‘why-question’ is asked about the fact that ‘progress’ demands ever higher sacrifices and spiritual discipline.

Most of all, one would not fulfill the alleged human task of establishing a civilization seeking to pursue a constant higher spiritual development, including the subsequent vanishing of humans from the 3/4d Earth altogether.

So far, there is no uprising in sight against the new and shocking plan of making homo sapiens disappear from the earth, a project that is not even concealed, as the common belief in ‘progress’ being only for the good of humans is so powerful everywhere, that no other possible consideration is made.

It seems that most people have not yet understood what today’s crisis is all about. It is about solving the problem with humans, or more precisely, it is about a rescue of the planet and its eco-system inhabitants. Humans do not fit into the category of ‘normal-inhabitants’. They are abnormal miscreants springing from a temporary need for manual labor at a time in the past. This need has long ago been fulfilled, and is now non-existent. Humans are going to vociferously object to this fact, but the evidence abounds, irrefutably as we speak. Humans have no reason for their existence and they are dangerous bullies that kill and destroy just to satisfy their unfounded urges.

There actually are no progressive technologies stemming from the fake science of humanity that disregards all components of science except for physical matter.. Any scientism that is based on the sole existence of matter is a total ‘non-starter’. Because of ignorance, there is a belief in these technologies, that they are all advancements for humans. Nothing less than a technological world revolution in favor of man is expected from them. Humans are too ignorant to see that this matter-based science is ridiculous and without the least shred of veracity.

Hence, an apocalypse-blindness reigns, which does not allow for the current developments to be experienced as an unveiling or a revelation of the actual truth of this civilization’s technical makeup. The consciousness of most people has not yet entered into awareness of the realm of a multi-dimensional cosmos within which this kind of ‘mechanical technological progress’ is only a process of ignorance without meaning or use.

“When the 4th industrial revolution is being realized, the living will envy the dead.

As a life-long scientist myself, who has researched, written, and taught for many decades, I am a critical thinker who was never blinded by the Matrix’ virtual reality. I recognized the existence of elements of the Matrix by the time I was six years old, accumulating pieces of the jig-saw puzzle during further studies through-out my life. Truth reveals itself with great reluctance in this venue. Truth is obviously the enemy of ‘virtual reality’, and, as the jig-saw puzzle pieces mesh together, veracity is revealed. Once at the point of veracity, virtual reality can never cloud the true reality again.

That, in the case of the new industrial revolution, the quality of progress, as the alleged generator of a better world, does not apply, particularly and notably, not for human beings. The Matrix bubble has already been burst, even though most humans still do not even have awareness of its existence.

So how, if progress so far has not only damaged Nature, but generally did not ever produce anything comparable, let alone better than Nature? And what if now the same development would take place with respect to humans? Why would humans not just go along and join with Nature to optimize their existence?

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

On the historical deep structure of progress and human sacrifice

Are 500 years sufficient in calling forth and strengthening an unquestionable belief like the one in progress, even under continuously adverse conditions and exorbitant sacrifices, including human sacrifices, which so far have always been an integral part of it, ever since its implementation?

Are the developments during the recent centuries sufficient in explaining that people today seem to be ready to offer themselves voluntarily in the name of progress, to sacrifice their very lives or their lives as human beings in the hitherto existing understanding?

Are we now approaching a large-scale human sacrifice, whose ritualization is already heralded, considering the propaganda for massive ‘Covid-19’ inoculations with deadly poisonous serums consisting of nano graphene-hydroxide. They called it ‘vaccination’, a term that humans have become inured to for generations, and is thus already accepted as beneficial and harmless, although this is really not true either. Not warranting further investigation, the beginning of defamation of those unvaccinated, who have studied, analyzed and comprehended the situation, is called the ‘non-solidarity ones’. In the summer of 2021, this was still about 50% of the population in Central Europe and the US.

Are we approaching the sacrifice of the lives of people, even the lives of their children, the worst possible sacrifice of all. Or will it finally come to a revolt?

It is no coincidence that the modern era is almost always presented as a civilization sui generis, rarely having roots in a past – except for a few references to antiquity. The modern era does not seem to have a historical depth-dimension. In this way, the view of its old historical roots and what these consist of is obscured.

Issues like a ‘creation out of destruction’, the alleged improvement of Nature, of life, of matter, at the hands of humans, even their higher re-creation. A characteristic feature of the modern era, are ideas, utopias, plans and experiments that are not limited to the current time. On the contrary, these issues have a history of several 1000’s of years, even though initially, these have not been defined as ‘progress’. Do you think ‘build back better’ is holding a place for you?

One could not talk about progress as long as it remained in the imagination and was not able to be put into practice and as long as these attempts continue to yield unsuccessful results. Respective experiments have been conducted for a long time, mostly without success.

Alchemy as the method of progress – the utopia of a re-creation of the world via its destruction

These experiments were called alchemy and this continues to be the name, even though it is nearly nowhere admitted nor identified as such.

The supposedly improved neo-creation of the world is a very old project. It is surrounded by an ideology that has shaped humanity for thousands of years and it is one we know since our very early days. It is also tied to a belief system that still persists. Recently, it is propagated with increased intensity.

Initially, the only thing missing was a general, success-promising practice. Alchemy, pursuing this aim, failed time and again. Only in the modern era has progress as alchemy gained a systemic gestalt and became of interest again. So-called ‘modern science has captured most of the attention.

The failure of alchemy as a scientific method is related to the fact that it abandoned its much older source, the black goo mud from the river Nile, that essentially honored and imitated the processes of Nature, with the cyclical flooding of the Nile and its effects on the fecundity of the soil on its banks. Such was the custom in all early garden and agricultural communities.

Much later, a new form of alchemy was invented, that did not observe Nature’s processes, but instead was interested in conquering Nature, desiring to create something entirely new. This intent was unsuccessful because Nature’s process is not meant to be overcome. Later practice of alchemy, which we can observe in recent times, as not be of lasting value.

This, in fact, is the key question of today:

Did alchemy achieve its break-through in the modern era or is it approaching its final failure?

If one compares the failed alchemical method with today’s scientism, then the latter one means progress is the alchemical transformation of the original state of the world into something which is precisely not its ‘Natural state’, but considered as ‘being better’, higher and closer even to ideal, represented as something that Nature itself was allegedly seeking.
• The belief in ‘progress’ is the alchemical belief in miracles, in a literal overthrowing of Nature’s inherent order, anticipating its complete neo-creation, produced by man, preferably in random ways: it is deemed to be better and good, even god’s desire, and anticipated by Nature, herself.
• From an alchemical perspective, the meaning of ‘progress’ as a form of religion, ideology and utopian project is grounded in the belief that ‘progress’ is supposedly the raison d’etre of man’s existence on earth.
• ‘Progress’ is the ‘sacred cow’ of our times. It is supposed to be the realization of an old dream of mankind as well as seemingly the dream of Nature herself. That is why it is sacro-sanct. Hence, critiquing ‘progress’ appears as a kind of lèse-majesty.

Alchemical transformation of the world precisely means transformation of matter, of the living and all of Nature to the point of transforming the Earth as a planet and even human beings themselves. But transforming into what, and why?

The object to be transformed becomes dissected first, then is assembled with new kinds of material and finally is transformed from flesh into machine. The machine appears as the respective better and higher truly successful creation.

By comparison god, Lord Enki, as the alchemical father and creator, allegedly was not good enough. To have an on-going purpose justifying existence here on Earth, the human race must be in pursuit of something that is ‘good-enough’. But what is it? And where is it?

The improvement of man or the creation of a new human being was already undertaken in previous times via specific measures by Enki, himself,in cloisters, dungeons, educational institutions, in factories, in the military, in the field of medicine and in psychotherapy.

After millenia, alchemists are now at the point of attempting to substitute the very body of a human being, no longer being born (in a natural way) from the body of a mother. Thus, they are changing the very ‘conditio humana’. So far, experiments were limited to the homunculus: the first attempts of breeding a human being outside the body of a mother, have remained unsuccessful, as likely will forever be the case.

The now anticipated, literal ‘manufacturing of human beings in an industrial sense, is supposed to be the crown of creation, the neo-creation of humans by humans, and precisely not by woman, or a mother. In this way, humans would become allegedly better and a higher form of being, precisely, because it would no longer be a natural, free and sovereign being.

Actually, as a machine-being, it is intended to be more ‘godly’. In this case, the new god no longer requires women as material mothers and the father would appear in the form of the universal god-machine. Overall, this is a utopian, planetary mega-project and its realization is intended to be implemented gradually.
In its course the entire world would literally be turned upside down, taken apart and put together in new and completely different ways, largely independent of Nature’s inherent order, evolution, and boundaries. The random composition of its parts would then be propagated as a higher neo-creation, even though the exact opposite would be true.

In alchemy, essential terms for this process include:

  1. Mortification, deriving from ‘morse’, death, the taking apart of, the killing of living matter.
  1. The ‘Opus Magnum’, as the result of the new composition of what was mortified, beyond the original, natural appearance, becoming a new and considered a higher form of matter (originally gold), or rather, a higher form of life, a machine.
  2. the ‘philosopher’s stone’, a kind of formula/technique/essence/substance/idea which is to render possible the ‘Opus Magnum’ everywhere and at all times.

It is about nothing less than the utopian creation of a new world and a new order, which is directed against the current one. The intention is to gradually substitute the latter one by a kind of counter, or anti-Nature-order. This then is propagated as a better and higher order of Nature, allegedly intended by Nature itself, as Nature presumably feels imperfect. In order to document this claim, the results of alchemy are called Nature, even though the neo-creation is precisely intended to no longer be Nature in its original sense. But it has to be pretended that everything emerging from alchemy is Natural.

The contradiction of this entire endeavor lies in the treatment of the world and a course of action based on ‘destruction as method’. Naturally, the total result in the end cannot produce a better Nature.

What is the source of such a monstrous utopia, this concrete project which, since centuries ago, keeps the world in suspension with its actions, thoughts and intentions, and in a breathless dynamic of constant change?

In its process, it has already transformed and damaged the world to a very large extent.
For without destruction – mortification – of the world there can be no new one.
Hence, those who want a different world will have to sacrifice the existing one to the cause.

This is the reason for the continuous destruction of the world, which is reigned over by alchemists, approaching essentially the final Omnicide, the destruction of everything, while there is a co-existing belief of witnessing the alleged emergence of a completely new and better world. Now, this is what the alchemists think they are capable of bringing about. But, as I stated before, the planet itself is infinitely more valuable than the human race, with its delusional alchemists put together. In this galaxy, there are those designated to manage its on-going existence and state of health. Are they going to allow this bunch of sub-monkeys to destroy the planet?

The idea of a nuclear alchemy is celebrating even the atomic mortification as the ultimate creation of a new life, while existing life turns to ashes. The idea of a nuclear bomb is nothing more than a hoax used to punish the Japanese after they were already defeated in WW2. Nagasaki and Hiroshima were bombed with a large conventional weapon which carried down with it, a payload of radio-active waste material that exposed Japanese people to hot radio-active materials that gave them radiation poisoning and fooled all the fools of the world into thinking the US had given birth to a nuclear bomb. There is no nuclear weapon.

The present agenda of the Pretenders to the World Throne are a bunch of throw backs to the ‘Spectre’ organization of old James Bond movies. They have somehow convinced each other that they are on the path to pull this adventure off.

Will Nature go along with all this? We shall experience whether people, being blind to this apocalypse, are willing to sacrifice themselves, too, in order to become ‘Improved’.

The human race is the only animal species on the planet that has somehow deemed itself to be so ‘special’ that it can defy Nature’s rule regarding Natural Selection. Natural selection is the process of the on-going culling of a species of its weak and inferior members by failure to survive. Every other species on the planet maintains and advances itself over the eons by instinctively obeying the laws of Nature. As the quantity of humans has grown, the quality has eroded irreparably. Instead of gradual selective culling, the humans are bent on the idea that total destruction of the species, including the habitat will bring about a rebirth of a superior world and species. Do you think this will end well? Do you think the Gates, Fauci’s, Schwab’s etc. are accomplished alchemists who are capable of this feat?

Changing the structure of the civilization to Patriarchy from Matriarchy is not a new idea.

Those who have read any philosophy will recall that it was the Jews, in their bible writings, that managed this feat. Does this set off any bells?

The entire endeavor remains incomprehensible unless the core theme is identified. The key issue, from the onset, seems to be locked up in the collective unconscious. If the neo-creation will no longer be Natural but born from a Mother, as is generally accepted, a ‘mater arché’ must exist to bring about the origin. Nature herself is primarily organized in motherly ways.

Nature is to be transformed from feminine to masculine, in the sense of a patriarchal Nature, bringing forth a fatherly neo-creation, a pater arché instead of mater arché.

The patriarchal system can never be viewed as being neutral, but merely rational. This was and is merely its claim and self-justification. The truth is, it has always been about the realization of the self-fulfilling prophecy of a world of the fathers against the world of the mothers. In modern times, however, the discussion of this issue was stopped. Instead, this project became the unquestioned or unjustifiable cause of a general sine qua non for one’s own acting, thinking, feeling and desiring. It became part of the collective unconscious.

Already in ancient Egypt, the pharaoh Echnaton had himself depicted as a pregnant man and adopted the name of the former original and all-powerful goddess Nut. The aspiration is clear. In this way, the first monotheistic, patriarchal religion, the Aton religion, was founded. From then on, God became the opposite of the Goddess. He became the creator of life, not her. From then on, the pater arché was valid.

Now, the new creation is to be born of the fathers, man-made, without Nature’s creation, an invention beyond Nature, an anti-, and counter–nature, allegedly desired even by nature itself. It would be the fulfillment of its own dream, perfected and redeemed from the mother through the pater arché, the fatherly creator.

When Enki created the Adamu, he was doing so as the pater arche.

Likewise, the alchemical Mesopotamian creation document, the Enuma Elish, depicts the fight of Marduk against his mother, the all-powerful Ur-goddess, Tiamat. He kills her and from the parts of her dead body he forms the new Nature, which he dominates, creating the new order of the cosmos.

This is the key issue at the root of it all, ever since the foundation of patriarchal civilizations. It remains the central theme to this very day. Neo-creation, after destruction of the original creation, is the utmost goal, to be achieved in everything and everywhere, on a global scale. For a new world, created by the self-proclaimed ‘fathers’ as opposed to the one by Mother Nature, would prove the existence and justification of a ‘patriarchal world’, a civilization and a new nature, according to the conceptions of those fathers. It would represent their permanent legitimization.

The success of such a project would, furthermore, be the final proof of the alleged existence of god, who incarnates himself even in human earthly form, in the ‘fathers’, and who, in the end, would have found his final gestalt in a ‘god-machine’, allegedly representing nothing less than the creation of the universe itself.
In this way, the hubris of patriarchy turns into a mere joke in the end, a joke into which the entire world is now about to be forced to believe in. This is to be accomplished by a removal of all existing humans, who would never be able to make such a total transition, were they allowed to continue their lives on the Planet.

Today, we have a definition of patriarchy that allows us to understand what is taking place, what has taken place and what is supposed to happen in the future, as long as the patriarchal civilization exists. This definition far exceeds the regular term of patriarchy as a mere form of domination, which is only a political term. It is about far more than that, namely the concrete technical transformation of the world, to the point where one does no longer need to dominate it, because it has become the way one always wished it to be.

From a patriarchal perspective, domination is only necessary as long as the world is still in its primary, original nature. The ideal patriarchal condition however, would be one in which domination is obsolete. It does what we want, said Craig Venter, inventor of synthetic biology, in reference to a bacterium he created in order to describe what the new life is supposed to be. Notice, he created a bacterium, not a virus.

From a patriarchal-alchemical perspective, the better and higher life form is one which is no longer an independent life, and hence is no longer in need of being dominated. Ideally, it has its source in the patriarchal system itself and as a pater-arché-product, it is apriori perfectly fitted for patriarchy, like the machine. Likewise, the machine’s purpose is to do what we want.

Patriarchy, as an alchemical war system against humanity and Nature: the ‘Why’ of it all.

After the invention of the machine during the 18th century, the 4th industrial revolution represents the realization of the alchemical-patriarchal dream per se.

This revolution is based on a total alchemy in the form of segmentation of all matter and non-matter, down to its finest molecular/atomic structures and is supposed to bring forth completely new compositions, neo-creations and inventions of the world and all its creatures, by way of pushing beyond the evolutionary boundaries, previous forms and inherent order.

Its inventors are in an actual state of intoxication and delusion. Now everything seems to be possible. Not only is now apparently proven that god, as a creator, does exist, but he is among us, and I, the creator of new life, am God. The 2nd creation, the new Genesis, is on its way. It is about finalizing the complete implementation of patriarchy as the ‘ultimate alchemical war system’ against all of life, human and other beings, Nature and the earth itself.

Our in-essence simple, yet comprehensive definition of patriarchy, which is applicable in complex contexts and able to convert all reversals, has led to the new, pre-disciplinary approach of Critical Theory of Patriarchy.

Patriarchy came about because the why-question was asked, time and again, and in expansive ways. The why-question was leading to the identification of patriarchy. Perhaps this is the reason why this question is not asked, in order to avoid this very answer.

Not until this perspective is considered, can one comprehend

The reason there is so much destruction by the fathers against the mothers and Mother Nature? Without it, there would be no opportunity for a neo-creation by the fathers
Why is the element of the living in science not considered? Because after its destruction, the scientists want to neo-create it and present it as father-made, as the allegedly better, superior and even god-like.

Why is a human being in patriarchy, on the one hand, conceived of as a nothing and on the other hand as God? Because being born of a mother is considered to be lower and imperfect, essentially unworthy. Only being manufactured/born by a father produces a higher value, even a godly one.

Why does the belief in ‘progress’ exist, to the point of being a religion? Because it promises to create a new and better world via patriarchal neo-creation. The world of the mother is considered imperfect and to be of low value.

Why is there no moment of pause for reflection? Why do change and destruction continue? Because everything, according to this patriarchal way of thinking, requires a neo-creation and therefore needs to be destroyed first.

Why has this patriarchal endeavor become a veritable’ world-war against life, women, mothers, original Nature, and is now even turning against human beings? Because all are supposed to vanish, be annihilated and/or be turned into their very opposite – the neo-creation.

Why are the inherent dangers of such a project not identified? Because, in a complete reversal of things, the moment of pause and maintaining Nature’s given ways themselves are seen as the danger.

What is the meaning of the machine as a patriarchal element? It is the epitome of the alchemical bringing forth of a better life, without a living body, without women and mothers, without a gender and a motherly genealogy and without the original natural occurrence of childbirth. The machine represents the ideal of a machine-body, and the natural living body is to be transformed and replaced by it.

Why does science not admit that they are operating from a false premise, from a wrong definition of Nature? Because they want to destroy and mortify living Nature and substitute it by pursuing a self-fulfilling prophecy, proving they were right by saying all matter is dead, matter and life is created from dead matter. Their leading premise is death comes first before life.

Why is natural science not dumb when it comes to life? Actually, it is dumb about biological life, which cannot exist at all without higher dimensional meta-physics assembling the essential organic molecules of various complexity as building blocks for living biological organisms. Then, a two-way dialogue must perpetually be maintained to exchange information between the akasha and each cellular DNA in every cell to update biological information providing instructions to perform the tasks necessary for trillions of cells, simultaneously. The essence of living organisms are cells. The complexity of life is essentially the degree of agglomeration and specialization of cells that are part of multi-cellular entities. From single-celled protozoa to human beings having trillions of cells, it is all a geometric structure that communicates on a metaphysical level with a soul co-existing on multi-dimensional planes of existence.
• If destructive mortification is necessary, it is logically impossible that in the long run, something better will somehow emerge.
• If systemic destruction is rampant – up to the point where everything vanishes, the Omnicide appears as Nothingness.
In this way, the problem is only deferred, resulting in ever more destructive forms.

Why is patriarchy and its method, patriarchal alchemy, not abolished?

Because it is collectively unconscious and is only a form of ‘religion’. It really is the destruction of the creation, rather than its so-called neo-creation. Abandoning patriarchal alchemy would be equivalent to dismantling patriarchy.

How did the human tragedy, as a result of this, begin? When was this development initiated and when did the fatality start? It began with patriarchy a few thousand years ago. In modern times, it gained momentum steadily with its alchemical development dynamics, reaching a culmination point today.

The Answer – The revolt of life and the people

The humans are adrift and milling aimlessly, as they go on about their meaningless existence, which is rapidly destroying the planet in the process.

The real meaning of life has to enter people’s consciousness now and not only stream spontaneously through their hearts but reveal the meaningful side of their existence. We are on a long journey to cosmic consciousness. It is a multi-dimensional journey through spectrums of energy gradients, each different and capable of manifestation of the soul in ever higher levels of existence, for the purpose of experiencing the infinite array of possibilities for soul experiences offering the opportunity for conscious evolution.

The answer to the ‘why-question’, of why ‘progress’ seems to know no limits and is systemically destructive, needs to be addressed urgently, like never before. Blind unthinking zombie behavior is enabling the alchemists to carry out a total removal of souls from this venue. One can even stop and ask whether removal of all souls from the earth might be a step in the right direction for eliminating the threat of human destruction of the planet. This destruction must and will be stopped one way or another. Humans are an anomaly in the cosmos, brought to existence by advanced beings who needed to hastily solve a labor shortage. They were never intended to survive and multiply to the present condition.

They are ill-conceived and eternally destructive to themselves and everything around them. Just as the creator gods realized just prior to their departure from the planet. Humans are incapable of governing themselves. They are also totally incapable of seeing themselves as the ‘problem’, thus unable to solve their dire problem of their child-like behavior. They are incapable of ever reaching any level of maturity on the conscious level. They will always be ‘toddlers’ in the physical body of a monster.

This is why the original creators of this problem are brought in to solve it. Since the homo sapiens was a grave error from the beginning, has no on-going purpose and is incapable of solving the dire problems of its own creation, the burden is appropriately placed on the creator gods, to clean up their own mess.

For today the moment of truth has come. In unfathomable ways, those highly advanced beings from higher dimensional planes of existence, have already begun to relinquish life, to sacrifice humans, in the name of progress and according to the intentions of its patriarchal protagonists. The mortification of human beings as their transformation into ‘no longer-human-beings’ within the Opus Magnum, has already begun on a global scale.

One hundred years after Karl Krauss, this topic is coming up again, and now, even for almost everyone, for mankind. Why and how could it come to such a situation? Already in 1986, after the nuclear accident of Chernobyl, we, the mothers, appealed in protest…We will not sacrifice our children to ‘progress’..

And now it has come thus far, in fact on the entire planet?

Culmination or the End of patriarchy?

The question today is about the provisional end of a long history, the history of patriarchy. It consisted of building a world, that is less mother and Nature- oriented, consisting instead of destruction, transformation and substitution of Matriarchs and Nature. This project was performed with humans, and humans essentially participated in it, either by ignorance or by force. In this respect, patriarchy is truly man-made, but most of all, elite-made. It has been extended into a comprehensive system of so-called civilization.

This historical process of a massive reversal of everything is not being understood to this very day, not to mention, being regretted or put on hold.
Things cannot continue in this way. In the face of all this destruction, the earth has reached its limits. Likewise, to Nature and non-patriarchal cultures, all human beings not yet transformed or not able to be turned into capital are now supposed to give way to patriarchy. In the end, its ruthless, brutal project can only be sustained for a minority of people, due to its destructive nature – unless it is given up. From the perspective of patriarchy, such an idea certainly is not an option.

In the meantime, capitalism has done its part, by mobilizing the masses via free enterprise economy into plundering and transforming the world. In socialism this was accomplished via command-economy of the state. Today, this is no longer necessary. On the contrary, it has long become counterproductive for the system, because the consumption of resources, given their finiteness, has become too comprehensive.

Furthermore, in the meantime, the system has built up capital in the form of a machinery that no longer requires masses of people, like in the past.

Similar to the entrepreneur and the laborer, now even the housewife, who was previously in wide demand, is now abraded, in order to diminish or even stop the reproduction of the species. Humans will be totally unable to reproduce by 2040, for those surviving to this point. All of the gender and sex confusion is about bringing on more sex thrills which are incapable of bringing about reproduction in the process. This includes first-graders.

The system thus transforms itself into a technocracy or rather into one that substitutes Nature and society with the mega-machine which makes and distributes its profits no longer in the common form, as thus far used in the Western world. In the East, these practices had already been different. After all, money can be printed, or rather be dished-out in different forms. This is what is already happening and what has been in the planning for a long time. Fiat money has no costs, no limits and no delays. For these reasons, it also has no value.

In this process, the criterion has shifted, from human beings to the machine, their higher substitute as the alleged better life. That is how its fathers attempt to fulfill their delusion of a complete neo-creation of the world. Will they succeed? What kind of problems will such a transition entail? The key players, the WEF and UN estimate a period of approximately 30 years. By then the last rebels will have passed away, that is, if there are no new ones. That is why nowadays children are targeted, becoming more and more the focal point of the measures to instill and maintain ignorance. Then follows the industrial creation of the ‘human-machine-being’ still needed on some lesser scale. Such seems to be the plan.

In this way, the genuine patriarchal hating of LIFE and of living human beings finally is revealed. Patriarchy no longer wants to tolerate free human beings who are original, surprising, loving, funny, always different, clever, graceful, independent, resistant and act with self-authority. For it views humans born by a mother essentially as deficient beings, as evil, low, imperfect and as a permanent ‘risk-factor’, in need of being transformed into something supposedly higher, better, according to god, through an alleged fatherly neo-creation. Initially this applied particularly to women as mothers, who were always suitably tormented – but they were still needed.

Matricide is on the verge of now becoming global mass-murder.

In past time, most people believed in patriarchy and participated in its politics. Recently, also increasing numbers of women, who were made to believe that the category of sex or gender would be dropped, by overcoming Nature through progress. Thus, they would be liberated from patriarchy, in the understanding of being a system to simply mean the domination by men. In reality, however, it is about robbing women of their creative abilities and integrating them into the gender-neutral machinery.

Most human beings no longer know anything different than progress of patriarchy. Patriarchy is man-made, insofar as people have increasingly handed over their responsibility to the Ubermensch, or rather, to the machine. Should this behavior continue, it will become their suicide. They are literally falling prey to their own system – its reversal of everything. Now they will have to recognize this very fact and make a choice.

Do they really want to be born of fathers and become cyborgs, allowing the sacrifice of living bodies, no longer born of a mother, to happen – in the same way they allowed the body of Nature to be sacrificed? Do they really want to perform an alleged service to the grand plan and contribute with their very lives to progress, thus bidding farewell to the concept of man being a part of Nature, as recommended from above? (Schwab)

Or, will they finally ask the ‘why-question’ – in order to receive the feared and long postponed, but saving answer? Do they want to be saved and will they save Nature as well? Or will they continue to abandon Nature? Will they, thereupon, finally want to abandon patriarchy and carry this out?

Patriarchy is the historical deep structure of the modern era as capitalist patriarchy, the higher-order civilization, which imposed itself by means of violence and war on the old-world civilization of matriarchy, understood as the order of mater arche. In this process, patriarchy gradually annihilated the previous order almost everywhere.

The inherent life affirming, egalitarian, non-dominating and Nature-honoring motherly order and wisdom, which can still be experienced in the living matriarchies of today, was followed by its exact opposite. Our definition of patriarchy explains why, where, when and how this took place.

The mention of the term patriarchy alone is not sufficient to comprehend why and how the system of patriarchy is the key to arriving at a true understanding of our times.

The moment of truth

This moment of truth decides who will survive the current demolition of the modern era and, if so, for what purpose. What is at stake, by penalty of one’s own downfall, is to at last understand patriarchy, to abandon this system and to rebuild a Nature-honoring civilization.

Saying no is not enough and illusions are counterproductive, as these prevent the recognition of the key issue and a right course of action. One has to really think our current situation all the way through and consider where we are now, and why, what we each have contributed to the situation, by not having prevented it.

Hope would come from the certitude of finally being on the right path. How this is to take place on a political level is unclear, as the means to do so are not in reach, or in decline. On a spiritual level, this would first of all require reparations towards the earth, Mother Nature and the natural state of humanity.

The purpose of the moment of truth is to eventually arrive at an understanding of patriarchy. This requires a considerable leap of conscious advancement. Otherwise, there will be no corresponding action, feeling and volition. So far, hardly anyone knows why all this happened and is happening. Hardly anyone even wants to know.

The ‘why-question’ inevitably leads to patriarchy and one would see that almost everyone participated, either voluntarily or out of necessity. This recognition of course, had to be prevented. The question of guilt can only be answered by admitting to it, to know its origins, and to immediately stop contributing to it.

The evidence of the existence of patriarchy and the explanatory power of our different definition of patriarchy are resounding.

Patriarchy is the common blockhead that hides in the collective unconscious.

People will take away this blockhead and will be able to see – what a liberation this would be. It will open the door for a revolt of life and of the people.

As with a thirsty person in the desert, the current destitution and threat evoke the memory of the body, the mind and the soul, of LIFE itself. For a long time, their plethora and powers have been betrayed, destroyed, lost, and forgotten.

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