Matrix Creates Your Reality

If You Let It…..

Who are we?

As the saying goes “As above, so below”.  We are all fractal aspects of the One Cosmic Consciousness (Source), learning who we are and what is our purpose, in this plane of duality. Fractal soul aspects begin an evolutionary experience at a low state of consciousness. ‘Above’ refers to the higher dimensional aspect of our being. ‘Below’ refers to the reflection of reality that we exist within in our current state of being. The reflection is imperfect and subject to distortions. In the case under consideration, the distortions are NOT from natural causes, but from a system which creates specific distortions to serve its own purpose and agenda. We call this system of distortions the Matrix.

Matrix engulfs you in its virtual reality to control and exploit you.

Through awakening and awareness we are remembering who we are and why we are here.  The end of the last cycle of the ‘Great Year’ occurred on December 21, 2012.  Many expected the end of the world in some spectacular fashion  This actually is the date of the initiation the next Great Year.

Mayan Calendar received by natives from Nigishzida, youngest son of Enki.
Mayan Indians did not create or invent the Mayan calendar. Like all great legacies gifted to mankind by the gods, humans have been unable to hold-on-to or maintain them. The same is true in the case of all cultures that seemed to have a history of great civilization, such as the Egyptians.

But the closing great year is not finished with us yet. Cosmic alignments have formed that facilitate the transition of some souls to the next dimensional level of evolutionary learning experience in their journey. Do not confuse the use of the word ‘evolution’ with anything from the theory of Darwin. His theory of evolution is based on random chance mutations of cellular replication. This is not what we are talking about. We are talking about conscious evolution by means of expanding the coding capacity of our DNA, a conscious process.  Many people have identified with what has been called “the golden cage”, or the Matrix, created and operated by the demiurge, leader of the archons, malevolent extraterrestrials, although they do not consider themselves to be malevolent They are ‘just following orders’, as the guilty like to say.

 They consider themselves to be performing a necessary service to facilitate the end of the Great Year graduation of ascending spirits.  The Matrix has not existed in its current technocratic form for more than a short period of about 100 years. It performs a service to provide the amplification of the negative aspects of reality to apply pressure on the souls who may be almost ready to begin the process of ‘waking up’, of beginning to consciously evolve again.  They make the seemingly evil aspects both more intense as well as overt to intensify the experience.  This may help those with one eye slightly open to jump up in a sudden realization that will make the difference between flunking out again or graduating to a higher level future experience.. 

If you are considering waking up, this would be the time to look at what is going on so there is no more doubt or apathy for you. Those who have awakened sufficiently may be able to make a dimensional advance from 3d to 4d or 5d and enter a new venue of opportunity for the next phase of their evolutionary journey.  Most will remain for another Great Year cycle to have this opportunity again in another 25,980 earth years.  The Matrix is not over for the majority although the venue may change to another planet.  The earth needs time to heal itself.

The Matrix is a virtual reality computer simulated holographic fake reality.

Explaining the matrix?

If you were to take the movies The Matrix, Jupiter Ascending, and The Truman Show and combine them, you would have a metaphor of what the matrix is on Earth. Many cannot fathom what this matrix is with our limited perception at this time. All of the ‘alphabet agencies’ of the US government, and those of Canada, Britain, Europe, Australia, Russia, and China are constructs of the Matrix. That is why the governments have found it imperative to expand their purview into every single aspect of everyone’s lives. That is why Obama has recently militarized and armed every one of them to the teeth, Even the US Dept. of Education has purchased hundreds of thousands of assault rifles and billions of rounds of ammunition, for example. This is where DHS and TSA came from.

For simplicity of explanation, the original Earth matrix was created as a holographic projection of consciousness in the form of physical plants, animals, and humans in an ecological system of congruent linear experience.

Earth cataclysms have occurred in the past and will occur again in the future. In fact, we are on the verge of another grand solar minimum which will lead into an ice-age of some duration and intensity of as yet unknown proportions.

In the past, earth cataclysms have eradicated life many times.  These were cosmic collisions, gravitational disruptions, plasma and electromagnetic phenomena, like pole shifts, local earth disasters from volcanic eruptions, grand solar minimums/maximums, tektonic plate changes to mudfloods and tsunamis. After these disasters, millions of years of regeneration may have been required for the dust to settle and a viable atmosphere to reform, before gradual terraforming could reseed higher life on earth. In other cases, the earth may have suffered less trauma and the children might have lived on to re-start civilization with a brand new version of history.

Earth is component of an infinite system of bodies in the cosmos that have been evolving for an infinite amount of time.  Statistically, it is impossible for earth to be the only planet hosting life, and for humans to be the epitome of advancement in the cosmic hierarchy, by any stretch.  There are lifeforms of lower consciousness that we observe all around us, and also of vastly higher consciousness in existence in the cosmos.  The ability to navigate in space/time has been mastered long ago.  No one is going anywhere by blowing up hydrocarbons in an oxygen environment.  You go somewhere else by navigating space/time on a quantum level.  You fold the space/time fabric so that locations become adjoined, adjacent. 

DNA code capacity determines level of consciousness by virtue of communication bandwidth between the body-physical and the body-etheric.

The DNA codes of many living creatures and plants from many different planets were brought to Earth to co-exist together within Earth’s environment. The templates for creation for many things were tweaked and tested over billions of years to achieve a state of delicate but sustainable co-existence..

Advanced beings have also been on earth for billions of years, or longer.  Beings do not become ‘advanced’ by chance random mutations of molecular structures in their bodies. They advance by conscious evolution, consciously engineering their DNA structures to accommodate higher degrees of coding, thus gaining the ability to process more information per unit of time.  This is the same case for all life forms, whether simpler or more complex. 

When advanced beings from another planet in our binary star system set out on a inter-planetary search for gold, they decided to colonize the earth, 450,000 years ago.  During this colonization, needing workers, they used their own DNA to implement a rapid genetic advancement of the primitive hominid we call the homo erectus, in SE Africa, 135,000 years ago.  Designed to be a laborer, homo sapiens was allocated only the necessary faculties to perform simple functions, no more.  The Advanced Beings (ABs) limited the capabilities and population of homo sapiens to fall within their span of control.  They used wars and brute force methods with no pretenses about their intentions.  Humans were slaves and no one had any illusions about it.  Humans considered the ABs to be gods, who comingled with them in this venue, earth, which was mostly unfathomable to them until the gods educated some chosen among them to be angels (messengers, intermediaries, minions). Control has always been a primary issue.

The ABs departed the earth around 800 BCE.  They engineered a new being, the homo capensis, to take over the rule and governance of the humans in their stead.  This is where the matrix came into initial existence in the most primitive form.  The exact same dynamics  continued, as the homo capensis were few, while the homo sapiens were many, and increasing.  When a point came where wars, genocides, pogroms, plagues and brute methods were insufficient, more subtle means of deceit were devised to create illusions of freedom to encourage the willing participation of the humans in a virtual reality. The priest/kings used their educations, knowledge of cosmic phenomena, fear, black magic, money, religions, laws and rules, smoke and mirrors, and many other tools to maintain the facade of freedom while actually maintaining the humans in slavery.

Mid-1800s, cities with numerous elaborate structuress but almost no people. A reset took place in 1812 that drastically reduced the adult population of the world. Orphaned children were transported all throughout the world to clean up and repopulate.

About every 200 years, as some human adults began to catch on to the deceptions, they implemented ‘resets’ to reduce the population of adults by means of seemingly natural and organic disasters that at least fooled the children, young adults and those of limited intelligence. The most recent reset occurred in 1812. By manipulating historical accounts, the younger humans learned a version of history that accounted for everything they had means of direct knowing.  With elimination of the adults, orally transferred lore disappeared. Since 1812, especially in the second half of the 200 year reset cycle, the 20th century, something new was tried.  Technocracy was again emerging that could create a sophisticated virtual reality to form a virtual existence for a large number of humans, who would  be unable to distinguish the virtual reality from actual reality.

“The Matrix is the scripted delusion we think is reality. It utilizes the temporary construct of the ego to entice us with all things related to the five senses and forces us to live in servitude and fear, seemingly cut off and separate from one another and our Source Creator, without our comprehension.

“It scares, seduces and feeds the ego and in turn the ego will do anything to perpetuate it’s existence. It (the ego) identifies itself with the cravings and attachments to all things physical and creates Karma. Karma is the tool used by the ego to keep us locked into the game and coming back for more, endlessly repeating the cycle of birth and death.” ~ R.J. Spina

Once awakened to some basic spiritual concepts like “our soul never dies” and “we are all one”, the matrix reveals itself instantly for what it is- a control system facilitated through false belief constructs. It is a living organism, always changing and adapting to the collective human consciousness of those populating the planet.

The matrix team ‘dark players’

The Gnostic teachings blame Earth’s takeover on a group of beings they called archons, that seem to be highly sentient beings that use artificial intelligence and subservient species like reptilians, greys, and other lifeforms to interface with humans in the 3rd density.

The “Anunnaki” or ‘Aniqiti’ are ‘those who from heaven to earth came’. Some of their creations are on the planet in the form of shape shifting ‘hubrids’. They built pyramids and megalithic structures all over the globe that bear witness still today to their existence and prowess. The history of the Anunnaki was written in cuneiform on fired clay tablets, of which over one million have so far been dug out of ruins in Sumer and Mesopotamia (Iraq). The Iraq invasion afforded the controllers the opportunity to abscond with over one million ancient artifacts and relics, all evidence of the ancient advanced civilization. Many were destroyed on the spot while other went to the Vatican basements.

They have played the role of ‘negative’, ‘service-to-self’ ascending beings of the Luciferian soul group. There is a higher, big-picture view that they are playing a role in humanity’s awakening and ascension through extreme polarity, and they will return to Source and will be healed and absorbed with the utmost respect and gratitude.  They are said to be of 6d density and have been requested and accepted to perform this function.  There are definitely rules to this game that they seem to be required to abide by.  The homo capensis hubrids are obligated to pre-inform us when they have some adverse event planned that affects humanity.  They obviously are not required to make this disclosure overtly, using methods like movies, YouTube, news media, seemingly fictional entertainment, but revealing, in hind-sight, the actual truth, the agenda, that was known and planned beforehand.

The matrix overlay objective

The main purpose of the matrix manipulation is to steer reality through human consciousness in order to use Earth as an energy source. Energy is stolen in the form of natural resources like metals and minerals from the surface and emotional energy is stolen from humans in many ways such as through the construct of money via the slavery/ debt system or religion through the worship of the since-departed demigods, although humans do not realize who they are worshiping.. Certainly not the true Singular Source of Cosmic Consciousness. Religions are all worshiping very imperfect superior flesh and blood beings who engineered the homo sapiens from a more primitive creature. In the Matrix movie, humans were encapsulated and used as batteries to illustrate this situation.

Tools and tactics of the matrix overlay

The overlay used by ’team dark’ consists of many programming techniques that were tested and honed in many other planets before being applied to the occupants of Earth.

Some of their tactics to drive consciousness into a lower frequency where entire societies can be controlled are:

Media propaganda– television programming, internet, newspapers, magazines, and movies.

– Politics– the illusion of having the right and freedom to vote for a hierarchical leader. (Kings, Queens, presidents, prime ministers, tsars, pharaohs, etc.), who are currently powerless and nothing more than stage actors. In the times of overt rule, they were obvious power mongers.

–Banking– a monetary system that is hierarchical debt slavery. You work to produce the loot, you give it to the archons in exchange for worthless pieces of paper that they create in unlimited quantities for free.

Education– early programming to indoctrinate a conforming slave mentality through rote memorization of false history and lies and reduction of capacity for free thinking and logical deduction.

–Medical / pharmaceutical– treating the symptoms for profit rather that finding the cause. Creating and perpetuating diseases and epidemics such as HIV, psora, bubo, tuber, syphilis, gonorrhea and sycosis. Vaccinations that cause autism and deliver toxins in admixture, concentration, and quantity as desired or required for specific harmful results unrelated to their purported purpose, including death. The fundamental basis underlying allopathy and vaccination is patently false, concocted by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds about 100 years ago.

–Energy– establish a fossil fuel myth, then monopolize availability to exclude all other energy sources. Charge for electricity, natural gas and dirty fuels such as nuclear and coal, tax it heavily and buy up all patents for more efficient and cheaper forms of energy. Destroy the planet in the process.

Religion–True spirituality is diametrically opposed to organized religion, dogma, doctrines or agendas written into books called ‘bibles’ by mortal beings with agendas and intent to manipulate and deceive. Those entrapments feed off of hunger for spirituality using  fear of damnation to hell by a wrathful god. named Yahweh, who is none other than Enlil, the chief Anunnaki bureaucrat.

–create the illusion that time is money, it is scarce and must not be wasted..  It should not be spent on things like relaxation, communing with Nature, meditative contemplation of reality, human destiny and purpose. “We don’t have time for this”.

–Professional Sports– another entertainment obsession. Serves only to provide surrogates to enter battle on behalf of TV-addicted degenerate groups who want to pay for combatants to pretend to represent their power and honor in a field of mortal combat, while they sit on their couches and stuff their faces with potato chips and beer. Professional sports are totally rigged by organized gambling mobs who have complete control of winners, losers and gambling odds. “The mob don’t gamble”.

–Law– planetary, country, state, and city laws created for restriction, control, and separation. Court system fraud, selling your birth certificate on the market, declaring you dead upon birth. Hiding and denying access to the real Universal Laws.

–Illusion of freedom
– like animals on a very large wildlife refuge, we never really had any explicit reason to believe we were captive. We’ve never seen the cage, walls, or bars nor do we know the rules..

–Separation from source
– a memory wipe of who we are upon reincarnation, an aggressive and dominant ego to deceive of even the very existence of our true selves, let alone our true origin and purpose for being..

Population control and medical / scientific tyranny
– through toxins such as GMO food, pesticides, herbicides, radiation, fluoridation/chlorination, atmospheric spraying of toxins into the air we must breath, damaging radiation from nuclear and electromagnetic sources, hydrocarbon smog pollution, fake toxic vaccines, pills, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments for disease conditions which are induced artificially and intentionally to keep the meme in-play.

False light / new age teachings
–New Age doctrines are to supplement the failing organized religions by offering a fake option. They do not teach sovereignty, rather the awaiting for some new ‘savior’ to come to the rescue of those who feel they are hapless victims.

Energy vampirism and implants– The Matrix and its purveyors require energy to fuel their existence and activities that they, themselves, are unable to generate or create.  Their system is designed to extract energy from you, and all who are participating in it, to enable its on-going operations. You give energy when you submit to the lies and fake constructs and when you worry about the endless contrived warring and false-flag terror.

–Materialistic societal programming– insatiable consumption mentality, willingness to extravagantly waste resources of all types.  Throw away your $1000 cell phone to get a new one that has some new game or even only mnemonic changes in the name/model just to be ‘one-up’ on others.

–Taxation– abuse of taxation on almost everything, giving back more than half of the fiat ‘funny money’ from your labor to IRS. Then give the rest back for other hidden forms of tax, like credit card, auto and mortgage interests, insurance payments of every stripe, including one to participate in the fake non-healthcare system.

Electromagnetic grid systems– ELF’s, HAARPS, CERNs, DEWs, atmospheric ionization, 5g, microwave ovens, cell phones, WIFIs, are all designed to seem benign and even helpful when they are really designed to kill you slowly, so you are unable to correlate the event of your death with the real cause.

Big Brother– NSA super computer database, CIA, DHS, TSA, FBI, DIA, cell phones, Windows10, smart TVs, smart meters, ID implants, “Eye in the Sky”, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Pinterest and the rest.

War– Divide and conquer, ‘isms’, false flags to justify wars which fund the military industrial complex, kill innocent people, destroy the fruits of human labor and keep people in a state of fear and irrational hostility.

Fear induced programming– Survival as economic and other structures collapse, fear of death, inadequacy, loss of will to live, fear of diseases, fear of lack of identity.

Black magic– Spelling through language, smoke and mirrors, copying, shape shifting, mind control, hand-signs, numerology, and rituals. Think you do not participate in rituals?  Have you been to mass lately?

Implants– Etheric and physical. Cause energy blockages, illness, imbalance.

–Timeline incursions and repeated mini cycles–Matrix is multi-dimensional, Matrix controllers, archons, are multi-dimensional.  In 4d, time is just another linear dimension like length, width and height.  Controllers operating in 4d/3d can manipulate your timeline to control you without your awareness.

A reincarnation system– The Matrix can offer ways to trick you into incarnating right back into the Matrix again wearing your new avatar.  Thus you may recycle endlessly in this paradigm without ever evolving your consciousness beyond the present level.

“The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined, so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison, that there is something outside of where they exist. You have been controlled like sheep in a pen..” ~ Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn

How To Exit The Matrix

The tools used in the matrix overlay have created a war on consciousness because collectively we are unconsciously, subconsciously, and consciously creating this reality. This system was created in a 3d physical reality but it is run and overseen in a 4d level that most humans cannot perceive or conceive of.

This problem cannot be fixed at the same level as it was created in.  We must shift our conscious energies out of the frequency where the control matrix exists and the old matrix must be dissolved from a dirth of energy on its own.

Since we are creating our own reality based on false beliefs, we can easily fall into the trap of being stuck in the past. This creates a perpetual loop of old energy and recurrences that keep us in a recycling trap.  We can steer the collective consciousness to a positive timeline faster with fewer than a majority, if we put more focused intense energy into the effort. We have been receiving energy from the cosmos that has been raising the vibration of the planet gradually.  We must work harder to raise the level of awareness among those who are capable doing so.

Personal and planetary ascension to exit the matrix

The Matrix is not capable of holding any beings who are not willing participants.  Participation is always by ‘free-will’, even if it is also by deceit.  Waking up is the way out.  Being out offers all of the positive aspects of existence:

-Freedom from Worry. Stay stress-free and in a positive outlook, focusing on a great future.

-Forgive yourself and forgive others, for they do not remember who they are, where they came from, or why they are here.

-Be of “service-to-others”. Service could be as simple as offering encouragement, service to your community, running a blog where people share their own experiences or articles about consciousness, or simply holding space in a positive way for someone going through a hard time.

Love yourself, heal yourself and learn to be an aspect of Source. When you are at a balanced place, full of self love, you are ‘available’ to others.

-Creation of Reality. Watch your actions, reactions, thoughts, and words. We are creating our own reality. Our words, thoughts, actions, and imagination are way more powerful than we realize. Being cognizant of where our energy is “leaking” will starve the dark ones who rely on it.

-Focus and intention- To auto correct what has been created, we can focus on what we do want while existing in the now, in a place of balance and peace within ourselves. Join or form groups to practice meditation, drumming, singing, sports, and all forms of positive activities.

-No Money. Envision a world of prosperity and abundance without fake money. What would you be doing if there were no such thing as money? Leave out the little details of the how we will get there (magic) and instead just focus on the end result- not having to work to pay bills, eat, have a roof over your head or any worthless gadgets.

-Peacefulness. Envision a world of peace where there are no more wars, no more fighting. Lay down the sword- give up the fight to always be right. Rather than protesting against what you do not want, show what you are for.

-The Planet. Envision an Earth that is pristine and beautiful, untouched and unspoiled. What would it take to bring about an ecological recovery of the Earth’s resources and life forms?

-Education. Envision an education system that teaches children who they are, why they are here, how to discover their own abilities to avail the needs of the community.   What would this be like?  

-Wellness. Envision all of your superhuman abilities- Total wellness, energy, enthusiasm, age regression or rejuvenation, regeneration, telepathy, intellectual growth, expansion of consciousness, understanding of mysteries… Imagine what you would be like at your “perfected” age of choice.

-Envision a council of selected elders working in the best interest for humanity as a new type of government that offers ideas for preservation and betterment in lieu of laws and coercive enforcement of oppressive self-serving mandates.

-Manifestation– Remove blocks, contracts, and limiting beliefs that keep you in lack of what you need to comfortably thrive and receive the information of life freely in every DNA strand in every cell in your body..

-Nature. Imagine a magical world, where colors are vibrant, skies are blue and we remember how to manifest and un-manifest from the “background” or Source energy. Being connected to Nature and lifting the veil of illusion allowing for a clear connection to the Source Field. Nature will happily provide for all needs, with no scarcity memes.

Imagination.  Visit loved ones who have passed on and freely travel to other planets, galaxies, universes and points in time, past, present and future.

-Balance.  The Matrix has been an extreme of torture and lies, servitude to greed and prevention of enlightenment and purpose for existence.  It is no more. Extremes are not natural.  Balance is natural.

-Sovereignty.  You are a fractal of Source on a journey of learning through experiencing all of the possible phenomena of existence. No one has the right to hinder your progress.

-Wellness.  We are multidimensional beings who are having a learning experience in the physical plane of dualities.  The physical is temporary and the least part of us.  We will never lose wellness if we are not subjected to daily doses of unwellness in the form of poisons, n0n-foods and toxins.  There will be no need of ‘healing’ because there will be no disease because there will be no disease causers.  Of course, there will be no drugs, shots, surgeries, except for trauma repairs. There will be no allopathic drug pushers, no cancers, no radiation or chemo. 

-Relationships.  Removing the distorted and negative influences of the Matrix will allow humans to develop into happier, better adjusted people.  The dialectics and ego inflation will be significantly reduced or non-existent.  Inter-human relationships will be typically harmonious and rewarding.

-Fears. The creators of all fears, the Matrix, will be gone totally.  Fear will be displaced by love.

-DNA.  The ability of your DNA to exchange life information freely and clearly with the Source Field will replace the current Matrix-occluded state of glitches, errors, blockages, limitations, extremes and failures.

Vibration.  Match your frequency to the highest possible outcome, meditation, grounding and earthing, laughing, singing, whistling, natural foods. No fluoride from water or the dentist. No poisons. Nothing to reduce your vibration.

Holism and Connectedness. Become whole and merge with your higher self, be the higher self frequency embodied. Your higher self always has a part of itself outside of the matrix and has the wisdom of your Akasha, from all your past lifetime experiences.

-Truth. After a lifetime of absolutely no truth, you will finally come to shed the lies and realize the truth of everything you have never known before.  You will have a whole lifetime of relearning ahead of you, but you will have a clear open mind to absorb all the information you have never known before.  It will be an exciting experience.

Death of the body– You will come to the realization that death of the body is not to be feared nor is it a negative experience.  It is all part of the progression of your journey back to cosmic consciousness and the Source.

Archons can make computer-generated duplicates of themselves.

-Gratitude.  You can be truly grateful for this opportunity to exist, thrive, learn and advance into the future with confidence and assurance.

Life shows you what is inside

This may sound like an overwhelming amount of work to be accomplished.  The truth is, many people are already working on this and are well on their way to the real world. They have accomplished much in spite of having to do this within the overwhelming negative aspects of the Matrix.  As more become awakened, the task will become easier.  The energy required for the existence and functioning of the  Matrix and its controllers comes from us.  In every way that they squeeze and crush us in their constructs, they are bleeding us of our energies.  They rely totally on obtaining sufficient energies from this process to support their own existence and that of the Matrix virtual reality itself. You are totally a form of energy. Physical matter is only a form of energy.
It may seem a little too much thinking outside of the box to say that we are going to imagine a new world into existence but if we only believed in the power of our creative mind and if we understood that everything outside of us is a holographic projection from within, then we could grasp how this shift will be possible.

For those who have been on the awakened path for a while, they may feel like their work in this lifetime is both endless and thankless. Struggling mightily, unsupported and unappreciated by the majority of unwilling and uncooperative fellow humans, it can seem hopeless.  But the vision of what would emerge from a successful struggle is so inspiring that few give up on the effort.

If you do not do anything else at this point but focus on trying to be calm and balanced, you are still doing a tremendous amount of work to shift the collective towards ascension. Those that are newly awakened and fresh are taking the baton to finalize the rest of the work that needs to be done to reach the “critical mass” toppling point.

However, no one can do the self work for you and we are ALWAYS ascending in the universe until we merge back with Source no matter how many wasted recycle trips you make in this Matrix.

Here’s Some Helpful Advice

The Matrix Controllers take whatever measures are necessary to stop awakened humans from spreading the truth.

Our idea of self is contrived. It’s broadcast at us from birth and reinforced by the world around us. It’s on this false, heavily reinforced self-screen on which they are able to project their manipulated worldview. We cooperate, believe their paradigm to be the only one, and help pass it on to succeeding generations.

All the while asleep to the True reality within and without us.


Letting go of this mindset is not an overnight thing, but your wakening can be. It takes time to realize all the ways we’ve been programmed and the vast quantity of disinformation and wrong mechanisms we’ve accepted. The beautiful thing is it’s actually a very simple process to get free. You just have to listen to your inner consciousness and dig into real and true information. A lifetime of lies must be recognized, faced up to and discarded.

Then do what your awakened consciousness tells you to do. The true reality will be revealed with a little effort. Unless you put what you’ve learned to be true into action you’ll be just another stillborn spiritual baby. That’s not what you want. Just get started one response at a time and it will start to fall in place.

What makes it difficult is that waking up is ‘cross-grain’ to the virtual society. The matrix is built to search out and smother dissent. It doesn’t like to be exposed, so it will activate all kinds of machinations to stop you; fear, guilt, humiliation, doubt, retribution, peer pressure, financial worries, and governmental coercions. Proudly wear the stigma of ‘conspiracy theorist’.

It’s nothing new. That’s how they run everybody’s lives. But when you start speaking up as well as changing your life according to what you’ve learned to be true, you’ll see fantastic confirmations.

The Spider and the Fly

The central spider concept is a real one. Nasty forces (the spider) are behind this Matrix web. The beauty of it is, once you “get it”, the Matrix loses its power over you. True Universal Consciousness, of which we are part, is beyond these lower level matrices and paradigms. The perpetrators of the Matrix are not gods. They are not even moral, let alone worthy of respect. They demand respect by virtue of superior strength and technology. They are horribly flawed and really only worthy of a firing squad.

However, those unaware are subject to many influences. Those trapped in this web of deceit and control are not just subject to psychological, social, political and economic manipulation, but spirit manipulation as well. The worst of which is religion, but this has also morphed by manipulated “new age” dynamics. There’s much to beware of.

True spirituality is diametrically opposed to organized religion, doctrines, dogmas or tenets of any kind. Oddly enough, those entrapments feed off of this hunger for spirituality and then build their elaborate hierarchical structures to control and contain it. Anything that is mysterious, superstitious, requiring unfounded belief is beyond worthless. Beware.

Warning –‘ Cling-Ons’ Are Real

We sometimes call these negative, parasitic socio-political psychopathic inter-dimensionals “Cling-ons” or archons.

You’ve seen dark and mean people who appear to be periodically powered-up by something outside themselves. This is real. And we’ll be seeing more and more of this in the days to come. It happens to people who invite these influences in, consciously or subconsciously. They either like the lusty lives they get into as a result, the feeling of superiority, the psychopathic power and control over others, or their propensity for violence and cruelty gives them a sensation. It often manifests in outright Satanism or extreme religiosity or some such self-righteous exercise. Sexual deviance and child abuse “naturally” runs rampant amongst these people.

Stay far away from anyone prone to these influences. Trust your instincts.

This is why we need to wake people up. The ignorant can not only be easily manipulated by the matrix, but they can be deluded about advantages they might gain by joining into this crowd. This shouldn’t put fear into anyone, but we do need a healthy respect for the quickly evolving battleground we are in and aware of its many influences.

They can use methods like ridicule, web-site destruction, deplatforming or censor, up to and including ‘suiciding’

Letting Go

Letting go is the key. Detaching from everything. We are the only ones who let anything have power over us. It happens when we’re ignorant of the Truth and base our thoughts or actions on lies, unfounded fears and need to be included in the group. This is why ‘victimhood’ is running rampant in society.

It happens when we try to defend ourselves and any sense of “who we are”. It happens when unfounded belief systems replace knowledge and experience. It happens when we don’t respond to what Love tells us to do, or we ignore our moral compass.

It happens when we’re attached to the outcome. When we get set in our minds that something needs to be a certain way, or we need to be in a certain place, or at a certain time when it’s actually arbitrary, or think our goals of any sort are “set in stone”, we’re setting ourselves up for trouble. That applies even more so to unfounded ascribed “beliefs”. When you see people who desperately need to have you join the fragile tenuous belief structure they ascribe to, beware and do not join in this crowd. Those who go out of their way at every chance to try to persuade you to their cult are aware they are on quicksand and are anxious for others to confirm their phony beliefs.

What if the Universe opens another door? We’re not free to enter it in that mindset. If our mind is already made-up, we can’t even see the new door that opened. In those states we’re “unconscious”.

Controllers know that there is a delicate line holding the illusion in place and dread the illusion-busters.


Personal freedom is when we’re free to follow life’s signs and live in synchronicity with the holistic self and the cosmos.  One must live in the veritable ‘NOW’ for this to be possible.  If you are trying to live in the past or the future, you are spinning your wheels. Synchronicity will be your daily guide if you stay tuned-in.

The wonderful thing is, following synchronicity is fun! Wrong turns become right turns. Delays become adventures. Red lights become free time…free to enjoy the scenery and look for something we might need to see.

Carl Jung defined synchronicity as the ”acausal connecting principle” that links quantum mind and physical matter.

It manifests as uncanny yet meaningful coincidences and serendipities. Since we’re all interconnected in a flowing field of energy-borne information, it makes perfect sense we should be able to see this inter-connectivity at work, and the more conscious we become and learn to fully live in the moment, the more we’ll see.

Final points

Try to show respect for those who do not seem to be awake for there may be many reasons why their soul did not choose to awaken; or is not ready for the final incarnation/ascension path at this time.

Everyone is experiencing this shift in consciousness differently. Move towards being with like minded individuals that are balanced in support for each other. Do what you can for those that are lacking energy but do not allow them to steal yours.

Let go of the past and focus on what you want in the ‘now’. Do your higher consciousness self work and then return to your 3d life knowing that you are the witness for things that you do not want in your future. We are currently straddling two worlds – one of control and domination by others, and the other of imagination and creativity by self.

Our reality continues to gradually shift, but one day it will be obvious that there has been a bifurcation or splitting of worlds. Ultimately, In order to exit the struggle, we have to leave the 3d/4d frequency and move to 5d and above where everything is openly seen for what it is. You will have passed out of the confusion.

The bigger picture shows us that when we hurt someone else, we are hurting ourselves because we are all connected and we come from the same Source. If people only realized this we could change our reality overnight.

Remember, “Anything is possible”


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