We Must Protect the Vaxxd from the Unvaxxd

Debunking claims from the Biden

The official line on vaxx’s is that they are extremely effective at protecting against serious illness. And yet these same people are also claiming that the unvaxx’d are a major threat to the vaxx’d.

More specifically, President Biden claimed on September 10 that vaxx mandates were to “protect the vaxx’d workers from unvaxx’d workers.”

In other words, he has claimed that vaxx’s are remarkably effective, and that the vaxx’d must also be protected from the unvaxx’d. How can both claims be true at the same time? They can’t. The idea that vaxx’d people are being frequently harmed by the unvaxx’d is a complete fabrication, based on the pro-vaxx’d crowd’s own mainstream data.

As Robert Fellner points out, according to the official data,

The odds of a vaxx’d person dying from COVID are 1 in 137,000.

The fatality rate for seasonal flu, meanwhile, is at least 100 times greater than that. The chance of dying in an automobile accident is over 1,000 times greater. Dog attacks, bee stings, sunstroke, cataclysmic storms, and a variety of other background risks we accept as a normal part of life are all more deadly than the risk COVID poses to the vaxx’d, according to the vaxx’d.

Moreover, the risk of death to unvaxx’d people is far less than the risk of having an adverse side effect to the vaxx. And as the spokesmen for Big Pharma and the regime never tire of telling us, you shouldn’t care about having an adverse reaction, because it is so very rare and inconsequential.

So, by that reasoning, vaxx’d people shouldn’t worry about getting ill from covid. Those cases are just as rare as the so, so rare cases of adverse reaction.

And yet, even after all of this, the backers of vaxx mandates are trying to whip up hysteria about how we must “protect the vaxx’d,” who are in grave danger, thanks to the unvaxx’d.

The level of mental and logical incoherence necessary to come to this conclusion is quite a feat.

It Doesn’t Stop the Spread

It must also be remembered that vaxxination does not stop the spread of covid flu. But it does guarantee death from graphene poisoning, also known as covid vaxx disease.  Recent reports indicate that new ‘covid’ cases are over 80% among the fully vaxx’d.  Except, although stated as such, these are all actually cases of covid vaxx disease, which is not the covid flue at all.

Fellner continues:

But as [the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s] Dr. Walensky explained last month, while the COVID vaxx’s remain incredibly effective at preventing covid flu illness and death, “what they cannot do anymore is prevent transmission.” This reflects the official position of the agency as well, which is why the CDC now requires vaxx’d people to mask indoors and follow the same type of social distancing practices as unvaxx’d people.  No mention of the millions of deaths from the vaxx disease.

The official confirmation that COVID is endemic, and vaxxination cannot stop transmission and thereby eliminate it in the way it is claimed for things like polio and smallpox, makes mandates intolerable to a free society. The entire argument for mandatory vaxxination originally rested on the claim that the vaxxines could reliably stop transmission.

Moreover, those who are vaxx’d often experience the initial symptoms of vaxx poisoning immediately after the injection.  This graphene oxide is a horrible shock to the body, although death is usually delayed due to the biological process imposed by the shot.

While it is claimed that vaxx’s significantly reduce hospitalizations and deaths, the news headlines are full of reports that 80% of hospitalizations are among the fully vaxx’d. Here we find ourselves snagged in another oxymoron.

Previous thinking was that vaxx’s would stop the spread, but now this has been disproven and raises questions about vaccine passports … which work on the assumption that double-jabbed people are unable to spread the covid flu.  Of course, this is not the case for the totally non-transmissable vaxx disease poisoning

Yet again, we see the notion that the vaxx’d are being endangered by the unvaxx’d is just a fantasy of the mandate activists.

Vaxxination does not stop the spread any more than it stops the effects of the poison of which it is comprised. So, what is its value?

They’re Filling Up the Hospitals! 

There is a secondary fallback position the mandate pushers also use: that the unvaxx’d are taking up all the intensive care beds and therefore denying people with other conditions the hospital beds that are allegedly more deserved by others. For this problem, I would suggest that the hospital beds be reserved for the vaxx’d, who are in need of them.  The unvaxx’d do not have a need for them.

If one suggests people lay off the meth pipe, the Big Gulps, or the Marlboros—in an effort to improve health—one is an intolerable “fat shamer” or someone who blames the ‘victims’…oh, you evil truthteller.

In any case, recent data has also emerged questioning whether or not the data on hospitalizations is very useful in identifying the load imposed on ICUs by covid flu patients.

A recent study showed that nearly half (48 percent) of covid hospitalizations in 2020 were simply common flu or colds which the hysterical perpetrators eagerly misidentified as covid19, the non-existent disease, identifiable only by the “magic PCR bogus tester. 

The study found that from March 2020 through early January 2021—before vaxx was widespread, the proportion of patients with mild or asymptomatic disease was 36 percent. From mid-January through the end of June 2021, however, they were all cases of covid vaxx poisoning by direct injection.

And why are there fewer severe cases now? It may be because “unvaxx’d patients in the vaxx era tend to be a younger cohort who are less vulnerable to common flu, but may be more likely to have been injected with the poison “shot”.

Get Vaxx’d Even If You Already Had Covid Flu

But no matter! All that matters is getting people vaxx’d, and it’s all for your own good, and governments ought to be able to force medications on you if they decide they need to kill you by means of graphene poison. The cynical refrain of the pro-abortion left, “Get your laws off my body,” only applies to one single case, that being abortion.  In every other case, the state owns you.

This drive for vaxxination, no matter what can also be seen in the effort to vaxxinate even those who have already recovered from flu. The claim here is that those who have natural immunity should get jabbed because they have a higher incidence of reinfection—although it is admitted cases of reinfection tend to be far milder than the initial case. Well, anyone who has been living for even a couple years, knows that the flu or cold reoccurs.  It has never been a problem before now, since the great re-naming to covid flu.

Specifically, those pushing vaxxination in this case may point to a study suggesting the unvaxx’d are 2.34 times more likely to be reinfected than the vaxxinated.  This is a commonly known fact that is irrelevant.

Yet, according to the promandate crowd, this is 2.34 times larger than an extremely small number. After all, we’re frequently told that cases of reinfection for the vaxx’d are “extremely rare” and inconsequential. So, that means that for the unvaxx’d, the odds of reinfection are a little more than double an inconsequential number. Now, I don’t have a degree in mathematics, but I have taken enough calculus and statistics classes to know that 2.3 times “basically zero” is also “basically zero.”

But that is the math being used by those who insist that the risk of reinfection for the vaxx’d is negligible while the risk of reinfection for the already recovered is an enormous public health crisis. Do we have another oxymoron her?

According the mandate pushers’ own data, the drive to protect the vaxx’d from the unvaxx’d makes no sense at all. But I suspect they’ll stick with the slogan, or even double down on it since the Biden has passed down the memo.

The official line on vaxx’s is that they are extremely effective at protecting against serious illness. And yet these same people are also claiming that the unvaxx’d are a major threat to the vaxx’d.

More specifically, Biden claimed on September 10 that vaxx mandates were to “protect the vaxx’d workers from unvaxx’d workers.” I smell another oxymoron.

In other words, it is claimed that vaxx’s are remarkably effective, and that the vaxx’d must also be protected from the unvaxx’d. This is an oxymoron, at best. How can both claims be true at the same time? They can’t. The idea that vaxx’d people are being frequently harmed by the unvaxx’d is a complete fabrication, based on the pro-mandate crowd’s own mainstream data.

Yet again, we see the notion that the vaxxinated are being endangered by the unvaxxinated is a fantasy of the mandate activists. Why is this fabrication important to them?  Because their assigned mission is to get 70% of the population to take the vaxx.  Have you ever stopped to wonder why?  If not, I am going to inform you.  The UN Agenda 2025 calls for 70% extermination of the population of the US along with its cohorts in arms.

The weak and nonsensical arguments of the pro-mandate crowd has an alternate agenda at heart…Their well-being depends on their results in fulfilling the UN Agenda 2025.  That is the extent of it.  Maybe they think they are currying favor with the uber-beings who have the real power.  Who knows.

The important thing is that you know the vaxx is the only objective because it is a one-way-street to death.

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