UN Depopulation and the RESET

Depopulation Motive:

Who is behind the emerging depopulation efforts that are beginning to surface in mass? The answer, at its root, is the UN, the visible entity of what is known as the ‘Globalists’.  The UN has a list of talking-head celebrities on its payroll.  They are all famous examples of the impossibly rich and successful business men who have become the ‘richest people in the world’, or, so it is proclaimed.

We are talking about such folks as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Klaus Schwab, etc.  Of course, such individuals were created to influence you into believing that you ought to believe them, whatever they may say.  Of course, most do believe them, as obviously, if you have a lot of money, you are superior and worthy of listening to.  You should follow their direction so you can become wealthy and powerful, just like them.

These are the front-men for the public relations propaganda campaign.  Most people do not look any deeper.  If Gates says “you should submit to my new vaccine regime”, then many will just line up to receive it, no further questions asked.

In spite of claims to the contrary, none of these paid front men give a shit about the causes they purport to champion.  They do it solely for the obvious motives of personal gain.  But these are the faces the real culprits want you to identify with.  You buy it because you believe these guys are really the richest people in the world.  You think they do not have any unfulfilled desires, so they must be sincere.  You are sadly mistaken.

As I said, these guys do not really give a shit whether you live or die.  They are in it for personal gain.  So, who then wants to bring the world population of humans back to its traditional historic level of about one-half billion souls?  And why? 

To understand this, it is necessary to know some history.  The history you need to know has never been taught to you in history class.  We are in the midst of a major RESET, the current one of many prior ones.  The most unique aspect of this current one is that we are sitting with a human population far exceeding anything ever seen before.  We’re at about 8.5 billion people, almost all of which have accumulated in the last 100 years.  All of them have come to existence during the most recent RESET which started around 1812 and ended in 2020, a little over 200 years.  This past RESET was globally dominated by the US, the former world super power, having risen to glory and fallen into the trash bin during the recent 100 years.

The human race was initiated about 135,000 years ago.  The first human came to be created at that time due to the need for laborers to work in the gold mines of the astronauts who were on earth as part of a mining colony, having arrived some 450,000 years ago.  These miners were from the solar system of the sun’s binary companion star, referred to as Nibiru.  Nibiru has an orbit that brings the solar systems into near proximity every 3,600 earth-years.  Although these miners had brought their own laborers along with them, the mine laborers had decided to go on-strike and refused to labor further in the gold mines, mostly located at that time, in SE Africa, currently Zimbabwe. 

The Astronaut Miners found the planet, earth, to have no advanced life forms.  They considered the planet to be their possession, and most likely still do.  It can be inferred, by reading more details of the written history left behind by these Astronauts, that their space transportation technology limited their ability to journey between earth and their home planet to the period of near physical proximity during the 3,600 earth-year orbital cycle.

The mining mission was under the control of two sons of Anu, the King of the Anunnaki (subjects of King Anu).  The brother named Enlil was the nearer to the throne, thus was mission commander.  The older but more distant from the throne brother, named Enki, was the engineer, skilled in genetics and biomedical practices. The primary purpose of the mission was to locate a planet with a large amount of available gold.  Gold was not considered valuable at the time.  The atmosphere of the home planet was suffering from a problem of inadequate levels of atmospheric ozone to absorb cosmic radiation.  Increasing radiation levels were threatening the health and life of the people of Anu.  It was determined that gold could be converted to a monatomic state rendering it virtually weightless.  The intent was to disperse monatomic gold into the atmosphere to rectify the problem of reflecting cosmic radiation back into outer space before reaching the surface.

The landing site for the mission was the gulf of Persia.  However, gold was not plentiful in this area.  Further exploration revealed that there was a large amount of gold to be found underground in SE Africa.  Anu assigned Enki, with his wife, Ninhurzag (Ninki, also a scientist) to reside in SE Africa and brother Enlil to reside in the Persian Gulf area, to establish facilities to refine and prepare the gold for trans-shipment, as the 3600 earth-year orbital cycle permitted.

So, the colony mined gold and shipped it home for a period of 315,000 earth-years, at which point the mine workers revolted. Note needs to be taken of the characteristics of the people of Anu.  These people are much more interdimensionally, consciously and physically evolved than the humans they eventually created to take the place of the mine workers who had revolted.  Overall, the contingent was comprised of about one-thousand individuals, of which about 800 were a laborer class, called Igiggi.  With Igiggi workers refusing to work in the mines, interruption of the gold flow ensued. 

In a meeting of the Senior Council, a solution was sought.  Enlil wished to force the Igiggi back to work under threat of death.  Enki suggested another way.  He told the council that he had bee experimenting with an ape-like creature, today identified as homo erectus.  He proposed that he use his own genes and the ovum of a female homo erectus to try to create a worker with sufficient faculties to learn to perform the mine work.  Enlil objected on the basis that he was responsible for controlling the mission and he feared that such creatures, endowed with Anunnaki genes, may be able to reach a population size beyond his span of control.

King Anu, the ultimate decision-maker, favored Enki’s plan.  And so, it was decided that certain design parameters demanded by Enlil would be implemented to limit the dangers feared by Enlil.  The first batch of ‘Lulus’ were to be male only, have limited intelligence, have limited physical stature, have a limited finite life-span of 150 earth-years and live under tight security.  The Anunnaki were about 10 feet in stature, were very advanced in all physical, mental, and meta-physical aspects and possessed very powerful weapons and technology.  Anunnaki were almost immortal.  They did not die from any diseases and their cells replicated without any limitations for an indefinite time period.  While they could be killed in battle, they also had very sophisticated medical technology that included repair of injuries so long as body components remained available that could be regrown or repaired.

Enki and Ninki were eventually successful with the project and used the available 14 Anunnaki females to carry 14 ‘lulus’ to term.  The only real problem was the limitation of 14 wombs making the process very slow.  The new born lulus had to reach a point of maturity where they could be trained and able to perform the work of mining gold.  It was decided that the only practical way for this plan to work was to produce female lulus and allow the lulus to procreate.  Enlil demanded that Enki have a breeding program that was very tightly controlled and secure, so that only the quantity of lulus required would be produced.

The ‘telomeres’ of the cells of the lulus were to be set strictly for a life-span limit of 150 earth-years, at which point cellular replication would no longer be possible.  They, themselves, of course, had no telomeres limiting their own ability to replicate their cells.

The Igiggi, now free of their responsibilities in Africa, dispersed and many went to the territory of Enlil in the Persian Gulf area.  They established residence and found that they could make use of some slave labor in construction, farming, etc. so they asked Enlil to bring slaves from Africa to the Persian Gulf.  This Enlil did, thus lulus went to the cities of Enlil in significant numbers. 

“The daughters of men were noticed by the Igiggi, all male, who found them to be fair, and took from among them all that they wished, to make of them wives and produce off-spring.”

There is no room to narrate all the stories found in the clay tablets of the Anunnaki, discovered in excavations in Mesopotamia, Sumeria and other sites.  So, the abbreviated story goes like this:  Enlil and Enki became bitter enemies over the long term as Enki continued his experiments beyond the permission and awareness of his brother, Enli, eventually producing the Adamu, vastly superior to the lulus.  The families feuded all throughout the histories of their time on Earth.  Enlil formed a clan of humans, as did other Anunnaki gods, who lived under the protection of their gods and followed along with them wherever they went.

The story can be fleshed out further by reading other posts on this site and by reading both of the jewish bibles, which are fictionalized versions of the historical accounts found in the Annunaki tablets.  The writing of the fictionalized bibles had motive.  The priests of Enlil, hoping to prolong their power and relevance, decided to start a new religion based on the gods, after the Anunnaki left earth around 1,000 BCE.  Their religion was based on the jew’s supreme god, Enlil, who appeared in their bible stories as Yahweh, Jehovah, God-the-father.  His brother, Enki, his enemy, was cast as Lucifer, the tempter because he had created the E-din, where the lulus dwelt in their youth, prior to being ready and able to take on their duties as slaves in the gold mines. Enlil always feared and despised the humans.  He discovered, on a visit to SE Africa that Enki’s E-din afforded the young humans the opportunity to have sex outside of the strict breeding control program.  This is the origin of “Original Sin’.

After the great flood of 10,600 BCE, caused by melting of the polar ice caps due to the remission of the ice age in the Younger Dryas period, and all life on Earth was found to not have been destroyed, as Enlil had predicted. The bibles claim Enlil sent the great flood as a punishment for the human sinners, which is, of course, ridiculous.  What Enlil did actually do, is decide to not give any prior warning to the humans, hoping they would all perish. Enki, although sworn to secrecy, gave his son (by a human female) a warning and helped him construct a water craft capable of surviving the flood.

At the time prior to the departure from Earth by the gods, Enki and Ninki designed and produced another specie of humans, having a much higher percentage of god-genes.  The gods realized that the humans could not be left unmanaged on Earth, to survive on their own.  This new specie, called homo capensis, are the divine blue-blood Royals and priests who were given dominion over humans in perpetuity.  They still rule us to this day.

Humans have lived under the rule of these Royals since 1,000 BCE.  The system of rule is the same as that employed by the gods on their home planet, called feudalism.  The property is owned exclusively by the Royal Set.  The serfs work for their needs on land owned by the Royals.  The serfs have no illusion of freedom or even human rights, whatever they may be.  On Earth, the system was exactly the same, and, in fact is unchanged.  Only the illusion has been changed during the RESET period 1812 to 2020.  This period was an experiment, never tried before on earth.  The humans were allotted the illusion of freedom, property ownership and rights.

This experiment was to determine whether the slaves would be more productive under the delusion compared to the whip. In any case, we are now in a new RESET period and the population is going to be reduced to prior historic limits of about 500 million total people.  There is going to be no more delusion of non-existent freedoms and rights. 

The planet, earth, is owned by the Anunnaki gods, and they will determine how many humans it can support, while meeting the standards set by the gods.  There is going to be no more production for the sake of production.  Over-consumption, depletion and waste is going to be stopped.  The purpose of the planet is not what humans think.  It is not just to push the envelope to see how many humans it can hold.  The humans are here to provide the labor to extract the natural resources the gods want to extract from their farm.  Not for the benefit of humans.  As many human laborers as is needed to meet their goals is the total quantity of humans that will be allowed to exist. 

But this takes us to the other aspect of useful production or real assets.  Are human laborers still the best means of production, considering the advances in technocracy?  Humans are not really that efficient as a means of production.  They are extremely high maintenance.  This leads us to robotics, transhumanism and artificial intelligence (AI).

In 1993, the term transhumanism did not exist.

The Pandemic and The Vaccines

With regard to these matters, I have a unique perspective. Most people are seeing these events for the first time and are horrified as we are seeing Vaccines unveiled that are fundamentally altering our DNA . As I look at the emerging evidence that is being highly suppressed, I know that I have been told that this was coming, back in 1993.

The death rate connected to the vaccines is off the charts, however, the real death rate is not known to most and the figures are not readily available. We know that the ‘vaccine’ manufacturers skipped the animal trials. You are the animals, the guinea pigs. This was done, not because Covid was a threat, it was done under the guise of a fake emergency. Covid is a bunch of made-up bullshit to scare you into accepting your role as a human guinea pig.

As with any fake medical threat, Covid is not producing bodies piling up in the street. States that have no mask mandate and whose businesses are open, have lower infection rates than states with draconian lockdown procedures. This is attributable to the degree of susceptibility of the state governors and minions to the pressures of the federal authorities.  If there were any states that were governed by honest and truthful people, there would be no ‘cases’ in those states at all.  Masks, social distancing, and the tests do not work for any purpose other than fear and intimidation.

 This has all been verified, but the quieter voices of science are being extinguished through censorship, threat of job loss and even violence, like a covid jab. Yes, elderly people with comorbid conditions are at risk, but the weak and dying are easily pushed over the limit with a little bit of additional toxicity.  And Covid deaths, as a stand-alone statistic, do not exist.  They have taken every cause of morbidity of the elderly and falsely called it COVID.  The end results are the same, as statistics prove there is no excess morbidity in any part of the world.

The whole process of subjugating society is for a different specific reason.

Why the Deception?

It is clear that the old has to be destroyed in order to usher in the new. The lockdowns so debilitated society that it created the pretext for what is coming. And what is coming is hell on earth. It is indeed going to result in the demise of most of the humans on the planet. Gates is at the forefront of destroying billions of humans, through his role as fake rich man employed by the UN. The UN is also preparing to starve humanity to death, those refusing the killer inoculation, and other survivors will be forced to the will of the UN.  There is no shortage of minions willing to work for the Royals and benefit from the appearance of wealth and privilege. At this time, the Royals do not want to show their faces, so it works out both ways.  Positions are limited however.

This recently ended RESET period has been the strangest ever.  There has never been a population spike like the one that is ending now. There has never been a degree of delusion like that which exists in the Western populations at this time.  That is the very reason why this can all go down as planned.  Everyone is scared to death to face the facts of their situation.  People will go to their deaths without ever believing it is happening.  Even after half the population is dead, they will still be in denial. 

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