The War on Cash Goes Ballistic


Always look beyond the obvious headlines to see what is going on in the shadows. In this case, the tools of outright wealth confiscation are being fine tuned: negative interest rates, limits on cash withdrawals, transfers and freezing assets. To keep cash alive, one must use it daily.

With so much news about Ukraine, inflation, massive government spending and exploding deficits, it’s easy to overlook the ongoing war on cash. That’s a mistake because it has serious implications not only for your money, but for your privacy and personal freedom, as you’ll see today.

The war on cash is a global effort being waged on many fronts. The war on cash is dangerous in terms of lost privacy and government confiscation of wealth.

Governments always use money laundering, drug dealing and terrorism as excuses to keep tabs on honest citizens and deprive them of the ability to use money alternatives such as physical cash, gold and, these days, cryptocurrencies.

The real burden of the war on cash falls on honest citizens who are made vulnerable to wealth confiscation through negative interest rates, loss of privacy, account freezes and limits on cash withdrawals or transfers. People assume the internet is always going to be there, but it is fragile and esoteric.  It can be ‘disappeared’ in a heart-beat.  The disappearance of the internet is very possible and even likely.  You may say “I will go to the bank”.  The banks doors can be locked with little effort.  The disappearance of the electrical power can take place in a heart-beat.  Under abnormal conditions, who is going to turn the electricity back on?  If the generator goes off line or fails due to paucity of fuel, who is going to bring some fuel to get it back quickly?  Maybe, no one is even going to try, because this is intentional.  You will wish you had some cash in your pocket under any of these circumstances, which are all very probable and likely.

The enemies of cash promote the ease and convenience of digital payments. Of course, there’s no denying that digital payments are certainly convenient. I use them myself in the forms of credit and debit cards, wire transfers, automatic deposits and bill payments. I’m sure you do too.

But the surest way to lull someone into complacency is to offer a “convenience” that quickly becomes habit and impossible to do without. The convenience factor is becoming more prevalent, and consumers are moving from cash to digital payments just as they moved from gold and silver coins to paper money a hundred years ago.

One survey revealed that more than a third of Americans and Europeans would have no problem at all giving up cash and going completely digital. Specifically, the study showed 34% of Europeans and 38% of Americans surveyed would prefer going cashless.  This seems like a small percentage.  Very many of the population think none of this could be a problem…because they do not think at all.

But in reality, the so-called “cashless society” is just a Trojan horse for a system in which all financial wealth is electronic and represented digitally in the records of a small number of megabanks and asset managers.

Once that is achieved, it will be easy for state power to seize and freeze the wealth, or subject it to constant surveillance, taxation and other forms of digital confiscation like negative interest rates.

They can’t do that as long as you can go to your bank and withdraw your cash. That’s the key. In other words, it’s much easier for them to control your money if they first herd you into a digital cattle pen. That’s their true objective and all the other reasons are just a smoke screen.

That’s what they won’t tell you.

Elites know that they can’t ram their unpopular agendas through in normal times. The global elites and deep state actors always have a laundry list of programs and regulations they can’t wait to put into practice. They know that most of these are deeply unpopular and they could never get away with putting them into practice during ordinary times.

Yet when a crisis hits, citizens are desperate for fast action and quick solutions. The elites bring forward their rescue packages but then use these as Trojan horses to sneak their wish lists inside. That’s what we’re seeing.

The USA Patriot Act passed after 9/11 is a good example. Some counterterrorist measures were needed, of course. But the Treasury had a long-standing wish list involving reporting cash transactions and limiting citizens’ ability to get cash.

They plugged that wish list into the Patriot Act and we’ve been living with the results ever since, even though 9/11 is long in the past, and was an inside job in the first place.

Cash prevents central banks from imposing negative interest rates because if they did, people would withdraw their cash from the banking system.

If they stuff their cash in a mattress, they don’t earn anything on it; that’s true. But at least they’re not losing anything on it. Once all money is digital, you won’t have the option of withdrawing your cash and avoiding negative rates. You will be trapped in a digital pen with no way out. Your cash will be evaporating by the second, as you helplessly look on your screen and watch.

What about moving your money into cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin? Bitcoin has all the dangers associated with all forms of currency that is not issued by the Central Bank.  If you try to go on line one day, and find your bitcoin account either not available or empty, who are you going to call to fix this? If your internet is out, or your electricity, this could very likely be intentional.  Who are you going to call to get some money?

Let’s first understand that governments enjoy a monopoly on money creation, and they’re not about to surrender that monopoly to digital currencies like Bitcoin. Libertarian supporters of cryptos celebrate their decentralized nature and lack of government control. Yet their belief in the sustainability of powerful systems outside government control is naïve.  It is not sustainable except under anarchy.

Blockchain does not exist in the ether (despite the name of one cryptocurrency), and it does not reside on Mars. Blockchain depends on critical infrastructure including servers, telecommunications networks, the banking system and the power grid, all of which are subject to government control.

You need to understand that reality.

The good news is that cash is still a dominant form of payment in many countries including the U.S. The problem is that as digital payments grow and the use of cash diminishes, a “tipping point” is reached where suddenly it makes no sense to continue using cash because of the expense and logistics involved.

Once cash usage shrinks to a certain point, economies of scale are lost and usage can go to zero almost overnight. Remember how music CDs disappeared suddenly once MP3 and streaming formats became popular?

That’s how fast cash can disappear.

Once the war on cash gains that kind of momentum, it will be practically impossible to stop.

Who you gonna call?  Saul??

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