The Unvaccinated Are Idiots?

Tony Blair recently graced us with his insight that anyone who still refuses to get vaccinated is an “idiot”.

“Frankly, if you’re not vaxxinated at the moment and you’re eligible and you’ve got no health reason for not being vaxxinated, you’re not just irresponsible, I mean you’re an idiot.”

Following right on the footsteps of Blair comes the Justin Trudeau show, asking “how much longer are we going to tolerate these un-vaxx’d people?”. He is attempting to create the delusion that the ‘unvaxx’d’ are some tiny minority, who are holding up the rest of some vast majority from reaching Nirvana. He is ‘flim-flamming’ you with his cheap rhetoric designed to incite intolerance based on painting a fake picture of reality.

Blair’s claim can be dismissed based on his highly dishonest character. He perpetrated fraud and murder two decades ago by intentionally lying that Iraq had WMD and was aiming to nuke us. He knew this was false, along with his cohort, Baby Bush.

But let’s look at the merits: Is Tony lying again? Is it idiotic not to get vaxxinated?

There’s no longer any debate: these “vaxxines” do not prevent transmission or provide immunity for anything. COVID-19 and its “variants” are fabrications of UN nazis like Fauci to instill fear and panic in ignorant people.  They are figments of his imagination that he presents as ‘gospel truth’.  They do not exist in the real world.  So, getting vaxxinations won’t “protect you or anyone else from anything. However, they will definitely kill you and everyone else”

But these drugs reduce the symptoms! They reduce death and hospitalization! Right? Wrong!!! 

Then why are “the fully vaxxinated” being hospitalized and dying  – including Tony Blair co-conspirator Colin Powell?

We know that COVID itself is common flu, causing little harm and negligent mortality. The WHO has told us for about two years that “Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment”. This is the flu, with which you have no doubt had prior experience.

We know that, without the vaxxine, there’s a 99+% survival rate. We know that, without the vaxxine, the risk of hospitalization is less than 2 percent. Well, some of us know, according to a Gallup poll, a few months ago, many people, especially ignorant liberals, think the risk of hospitalization is much, much higher. And once hospitalized, you are subject to extremely dangerous treatments and that the hospitals have been incentivized with cash bonuses for all covid deaths they can cause.

We know that of all Americans who are claimed to be dead of COVID, almost 95% had an AVERAGE of four comorbidities.  COVID, it appears, is dangerous only to the already dying. More importantly, the higher death rates did not start until the vaxxines were rolled out in early 2021.  Yet, they continue to attribute the deaths to covid19, when they are really caused by the vaxxine, itself, manifesting totally different symptoms from the covid flu.  The symptoms are primarily thrombosis and myocarditis.  They are caused by the nano graphene hydroxide, that is injected, the sharpest cutting particles known to exist, into the victims’ blood stream, then carried to the heart, brain and all vital body organs.  Nano lacerations occur due to the nano cutting edges of trillions of blades with a thickness of only one atom.  You cannot get a sharper blade than that. These nano lacerations cause nano blood clots that multiply over time with accumulation at a rapid pace.

Politicians and pundits huff and puff that people who get vaxxinated decrease their chances of dying or being hospitalized.  But who wants to get injected to improve on less than a one percent risk?  Certainly not anyone who has the slightest clue to the truth of what is being foisted as medical efficacy.

But what about … THE CHILDREN?  They must place their trust in adults who swear not to cause them harm.  These practitioners are fucking liars, who must be classified as ogres without conscience.

According to CDC statistics, of all the Americans who died of COVID, less than 1.1 percent (that’s 0.011) were below age 30. Less than 0.4 percent (that’s 0.004) were below age 18. Do the parents rushing to get their kids injected comprehend this? (I tried to tell one and got “unfriended.”).

The new-variant being trotted out, Omicron, is the well known common cold, which should not instill fear in anyone.  But just look at the idiots in panic over its appearance.

As if this all weren’t enough to deter reasonable people from getting injected, there is just no risk/benefit equation here. We’re told these drugs are “safe and effective,” but not only do they appear ineffective, there’s mounting evidence they are, in fact, the only threat. Thousands of deaths and injuries have been reported to VAERS, and according to MIT’s own study, only about 1 percent of the total incidences are ever actually sent to VAERS. And who could ever have claimed, honestly, that these drugs are safe?  They’re experimental, for emergency use only. They were barely tested for EUA and FDA approval. They weren’t — and couldn’t have been — tested at all for long term harm. This means that they should not be administered wholesale in every clinic, school, place of employment or street corner. Emergency is a word that has a clear definition and the way this is being handled totally disregards the obvious definition of ‘emergency use only’.  This is just another scam being run on the citizenry, who obviously are not very informed or discreet with their own lives let alone their children.

More, they’re made by corporate felons, Pfizer and J& – Moderna never brought a drug to market before this fabulous money-making opportunity. These corporate felons have been granted full legal immunity from any lawsuits for resulting death or injury. What’s their incentive to be careful?

These Big-Pharma companies are – like all business corporations – about increasing profits. As German Member of EU Parliament Christine Anderson recently said, “pharmaceutical companies are about as interested in public health as the arms industry is in world peace.” Good health is bad for their bottom line.

Indeed, financial experts have said – unwittingly – that Big-Pharma’s interests are 180 degrees opposite to yours and mine. Last July, Motley Fool said that Big-Pharma’s worst case scenario with these vaccines was that they wouldn’t work, and its “second worst case scenario” was that … these experimental drugs would work “too well.” That is, that they’d end the pandemic.

That’s OUR best-case scenario. (Except for the Mask Karens and Vaxxholes who get off displaying their Inner Tyrants, of course.)

The best-case scenario for Big-Pharma, according to the money experts back in July, is that the drugs would be sort of less harmful or deadly. That is, they wouldn’t work so well that we’d need them only once. Rather, the ideal for Big-Pharma would be that the effectiveness would wear off fairly quickly, so everyone would need “boosters.” “Pfizer and Moderna want their vaxxines to be highly effective, but they also hope that booster doses are needed at least monthly.”

Of course, it’s hard to tell whether people actually need boosters, or if it merely appears they do because the vaccines don’t work at all.

Lo and behold, it’s all working out nicely for Big-Pharma.

So, Tony Blair, you’re 180 degrees wrong. Anyone willingly rolling up his sleeve for the first time now for these experimental drugs would be a sub-idiot.

But here’s the thing, Tony: All these facts — the 99.7% survival rate; the less than 2% hospitalization rate; the comorbidities; that the FDA EUA materials admitted these drugs don’t prevent infection or transmission; that these companies are corporate felons with zero liability; that kids have practically zero risk ….  were available to all BEFORE the vaxxine rollout. Obviously, this was never made clear to the victims.

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