Covid Vaxxine Bioweapon

The Nuremberg Code is applicable here and those who commit mass murder are accountable under this code.

Coercing those ignorant of the dangers of the vaxx to take it anyway is conspiracy to commit murder.

Dr. Richard M. Fleming, PhD, MD, JD, a distinguished scientist who is also a medical doctor and a doctor of law, points out that under the Nuremberg Code established by the US and under which German officials, doctors and judges were tried after World War II, and under a number of international treaties to which the United States is a signatory, violating medical “informed consent” is a felony for which Germans were executed and constitutes treason on the part of officials who have sworn an oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution.  Vaxxine mandates, of course, violate informed consent and thereby constitute serious crimes by those issuing and enforcing such mandates.

Dr. Fleming begins with an explanation of the Covid flu and an explanation of the “vaxxine lethality” and how it invades the body, destroying vital organs slowly but surely.  The official data demonstrates that there is no correspondence between covid flu and vaxx deaths, or between the vaxxinated and unvaxxinated. The matter is the “vaxxine” provides zero protection from the flu or any other disease, but the “vaxxine” does cause adverse reactions that are serious and ultimately deadly.  The vaxx has nothing to offer by way of protection against anything.  No protection is needed against the covid flu.  None have died from the covid flu, although a lot of documents have been altered to place the ‘causes of death from any and all sources’ on the covid flu. For example, Alberta, Canada now has license to identify every death from any cause as a ‘covid death’.  What could be the reason?  Could it be to boost the waning threat from covid? The growing awareness of vaxx disease, as a separate and unrelated problem from covid flu? That the VAXX is the dangerous issue, not the fake covid?

Dr. Fleming shows how authorities manipulated the official data to produce the false claim that being doubly vaxxinated provided 95% protection, when in reality, it provides zero protection against the flu, or, for that matter, any other disease of any kind.  The vaxx is pure graphene oxide, a deadly poison that is 100% fatal by means of a progressive thrombosis, starting with micro blood clotting in the vital organs and progressing over a period of two years into a vital organ failure that is lethal.

Dr. Fleming presents a Department of Defense study that shows that Antibody Dependent Enhancement, ADE, is accelerating in vaxxinated people, as the body attempts to stem the thrombosis from the poison.  In other words, the “vaxxine’s” destruction of the immune system is progressively advancing over time.

Alex Jones made available, on Infowars, Dr. Fleming’s long but precise technical explanation, and this might affect some readers who have been affected by the mainstream’ demonization’ of Alex Jones.   Alex Jones is doing all of us a great favor by taking the heat for making wrongly censored information available.  Here, it is Dr. Fleming speaking, not Alex Jones.   “Alex Jones is still many times more reliable than CNN, MSNBC, NPR, New York Times, Fauci, Walensky, Biden and the rest of those ‘irresponsibles’, for the crimes being actively perpetuated against the public under cover of a “Covid scamdemic.” 

Become thoroughly informed and independent from a complicit lying media, indoctrinated and self-serving doctors, and politicians who shill for the UN agenda and their own profit.  If you do not avail yourself of the opportunity to become informed, it is your life you are risking. This is a game the shysters are perpetrating against the ignorant.  You will lose this game unless you take every advantage to overcome your own ignorance.  These shysters are not experts, only exploiters, and you can become informed to not consent to your own murder and that of your family and loved ones.

If justice prevails and there is accountability for the violations of informed consent, the corrupt and evil governors of California, New York and many others will certainly be among those executed under the Nuremberg Convention.

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