Correlation of the Sumerian Gods and the Bibles

The highest certainty we have in our lives is that we know nothing of reality. Our parents were indoctrinated, so they indoctrinated us in the same matter.  Our religions are control constructs of kings and popes, and the “chosen Ones” who wrote the bibles.  The Public, private and religious education systems rewrite all the books after every reset period.   Kind of ironic, don’t you think? We have just recently started to learn about our world and our history, yet our understanding is extremely restricted and occluded, serving the agendas of others to our own demise.  It is almost impossible for the inhabitants of this domain to even  come to the realization that they have a purpose for being here and a mission to fulfil.

One of the most puzzling aspects of our existence is the source of all life, the beginning point that led to the creation of this world and the diverse life it hosts.

In post-Anunnaki history, many different religions have sprung up trying to explain the origin and meaning of life, creating an un-needed system of morality, with a heavy price tag attached to the values already residing in our consciousness, leading to the dogmatic nature of our belief systems.  Dogma is all that we have in all of these different self-serving systems.  Just ‘believing’ what some other man has told you is held up as a virtue.  That is why there are countless sects and splinters of all organized religions that need rites of ‘confirmation’ to hold their flimsy belief structures intact.

There was a time when creationist theories were dominant. Although, there have been many different versions and interpretations explaining divinity and creationism, all pretty much conformed to similar foundations.

For example, the Abrahamic religions all conform to similar beliefs with slight variations, yet all claiming to be the only authentic, while disproving the same foundational beliefs they are built upon.

Now creationist theories have lost their luster, and evolutionist theories are gaining more believers. But even the modern scientific theories fail to adequately explain the ‘missing-link’ between our leap from homo-erectus to homo-sapiens.

Today, we have various alternative theories that attempt to explain humanity’s evolution.

The Sumerian Cuneiform tablets, discovered in the 17th century provide an alternative understanding, and the only written one that has escaped tampering.  A lot of these alternative narratives were slow to enter mainstream knowledge and thought. The main reason why certain knowledge that contradicted biblical accounts was slow to surface was due to the absolute control exerted by the Catholic Church in earlier times. Archeological expeditions were often funded by Popes and Kings who made it a condition of giving funding to withhold any discoveries that changed or altered any of the dogma already established. They were only interested in new knowledge if it could be made to support old dogma.

Since the Roman Catholic Church had great influence over the civilized world, they would not allow archaeological discoveries that countered any of their own narrative, the narrative dictated by the canonical Bible. All bibles were authored by the semetic priests around 200 BCE for the old testament and 60 ACE for the new testament, written by Flavius Josephus, the jew turned traitor to the Romans.

The Hidden Truth

The God that the Old Testament talks about, Yahweh, is the same god or deity worshiped by the people of the Ancient Sumerian city of Ur, who was known as Enlil while he lived on earth, with about 1,000 of his fellow Anunnakis, all gods.  When they lived on earth, and after Enlil’s half-brother, Enki, created the homo sapiens from the ape-like homo erectus using his own sperm, all of the 1,000 Anunnakis were considered gods by the homo sapien slave laborers serving in the gold mines of SE Africa. The human slaves were created to release the Igiggi, the Anunnaki laborers brought to earth as a part of the contingent..  Once sufficient labor was bred for the gold mining, additional human laborers were requested by Enlil to perform manual labor to build new cities in the Middle East, his assigned domain.

The Igiggi, freed from the mines, had travelled north from South Africa and taken residence in the area controlled by Enlil and labor was needed.  Ensuing from this situation, as laborers, particularly female humans who joined the population, the Igiggi, all males, noticed that the ‘daughters of men were fair, and chose from among them all that they wanted and made of them wives and mothers’. The new hybrid off-spring of the mating of human women and Igiggi men were giants, called, in the Hebrew language, Nefilim.   

Proof of Enlil and his divine relatives can be found in every corner of the earth, where impossibly enormous and precision megaliths survive to the present. from Assur, Nineveh and Ur. to South, Central and North Americas, Britain, Europe, Asia and Antarctica.  Enlil’s brother Enki, along with his children Innana and Nannar also had palaces dedicated to them in various prominent trade and cultural centers.

The Genesis mentions them both, Enlil and Enki, along with some prehistoric tablets. These accounts dictate that these beings were involved in genetic engineering to produce workers, the homo sapiens.

We also have historical records of a document, dating around 5,000 years ago, that provides a rather vivid account of the creation of human beings through genetic engineering. This is a part of a huge collection of stone documents, numbering in the millions, that were brought to the surface from digs over the period of several hundred years. These stone documents contained writings in the Cuneiform, which has only be deciphered in recent history, by finding identical passages in Hindi.

This also helps explain the story of Noah, who according to historical accounts, was around 600 years old at the time of the flood, 11,800 BCE, that nearly destroyed the world.  This flood occurred as the ice age passed and melting brought about instability in the polar cap areas.  Noah, also named Ziasudra, was the son of Enki and a human female.  More than 100,000 years had passed since the original creation and the garden of e-din event.    The need for monatomic gold had largely been satisfied by then, and Enlil saw the impending flood as an opportunity to clean up a problem.  This problem was the very existence of humans and nefilim on the face of the planet.  He preferred to leave the planet as he found it, cleaned up from what he perceived as the mess created by his colony during the mining mission

The Bible tells us that Noah was the son of a divine being. This divine being was Enki, an extra-terrestrial entity who mated with a human female– an assumption that would explain the abnormally long lifespan that Noah and some others enjoyed.  The father of Noah was Methuselah, who died just days before the tsunami struck, at the age of 969 years.

Enlil took only the pure Anunnaki people on space ships, into earth orbit to observe the destruction.  When he later returned to verify the extinction, he found some living humans as well as Nefilim.  At this point, he decided that fate had made the decision to countermand his decision, and decided to remain on earth for three additional Nibiru years, each being 3,600 earth-years, totaling 10,800 earth-years. During this time period, the Anunnaki taught the earth survivors what would be needed for them to survive on their own after the departure of the Anunnaki around 1,000 years BCE.

According to Mantheo, an Egyptian historian and priest, the first Egyptian god-kings ruled the region for about 12,300 years. This rule began in 18,420 BCE with Enki as King of Egypt, then called Ptah.  Egypt, in North Africa, was in the continent under the rule of Enki.  The Middle East was under the rule of Enlil.  Many family feuds and wars had taken place between the families of the brothers and their father, King Anu, had assigned the territories in an attempt to keep peace between the brothers.

Anunnaki stone tablets, also known as Sumerian texts, indicate that Enki, assigned as the ruler of Africa by Anu, his father, assumed the name Ptah when he established his own kingship of Egypt in 18,420 BCE.  He ruled Egypt until 9,420 BCE, at which time his elder son, Ra (Marduk) ascended to the kingship.  This is now the post diluvian period.  Ra ruled 1,000 years, until 8,420 BCE, with his wife Nut.   Their son, Shu, with his wife Tefnut, ruled 700 years, until 7720 BCE.

Essentially, the gods held the kingships exclusively until 4,450 BCE. 

Over the years, breeding took place between the gods and human females, producing ‘demi-gods’, with a higher ratio Anunnaki genes to homo sapiens genes.  The kingship was turned over to demi-gods beginning at 4,450 BCE.  For a period of 3,650 years, 38 demi-gods occupied the Egyptian throne, which time it had been split into upper and lower Egypt in 6,870.  At that point, Horus and Seth were rivals who chose this separation of territory to settle their differences.

In 2,550 BCE, Menes re-united Egypt, with the seat of power located in Memphis.  This began the first reign of the ‘Old Dynastic System’ of Pharoah-ship.  This is also approximately in line with the official restructuring of power, called ‘the lowering of the kingship from heaven to earth’, intended to give humans the opportunity to learn to govern themselves for a period prior to the final departure of the gods, intended for 1,000 BCE.

The Jewish calendar starts in 3,420 BCE., which also has its roots in Nippur, a Sumerian city.  The jewish priests, who later wrote the bibles in 600-200 BCE, took great liberties with the clay tablets that they plagiarized, to give the jewish race and religion an antiquity, which is a total fabrication.  This distortion has the purpose of attempting to establish the jews, from the line of Shem, as the ‘chosen people’ of Yahweh, designated the ‘inheritors of the earth’.

The time frames indicated in all the jewish bibles are totally distorted.  3,760 BCE is literally ‘modern history’.  It is a time long after the Flood, during which the creator-gods were re-establishing the human population and establishing human cultures in all parts of the world. 

According to the Sumerian culture, all aspects of their civilization were taught to them by their “gods.” They possessed an unusually detailed and accurate knowledge of Earth’s orbital plane, spherical shape, tilted axis, the order and size of all the planets, and the construction of the Zodiac.

However, in Middle-Age Europe, a period considered by ignorant historians to have been far more modern and scientifically advanced in comparison to the Sumerian civilization, scientists believed the Earth to be flat, whereas, Sumerians possessed advanced knowledge of mathematics, law codes, metallurgy, astronomy, had one of the most advanced alphabets and produced many inventions. Our history is clearly wrong.  All of the so-called advanced civilizations of modern history (including Sumeria, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Incas, Mayas, etc.) are legacies-in-decline, from what they inherited from their gods.

All this evidence forces us to think about all of what we have been taught so far, shattering all of our beliefs and causing severe dissonance.

However, once a person is over the initial phase and simply examines the conflicting information regarding the prevailing beliefs, they acquire more clarity, as old misconceptions and fallacies are left redundant.

Without our beliefs clouding our objective view of the world and all of the evidence pointing towards an alternative truth, we are forced to look at history all over again and discover the complete and total influence of the Anunnaki.

Modern History is wrong

All of the evidence that we have, correlates the Sumerian gods with the gods of the bibles. For example, Enlil, the chief bureaucrat is the wrathful and vengeful God Yahweh in the Old Testament. Enlil vehemently opposed the creation of the humans and never changed his intention to destroy them all, leaving earth free of what he considered a scourge.  Enki is the actual scientist and creator of humans.  Enlil and Enki became mortal enemies over this issue.  Enki, the creator, is Lucifer, who, as the mortal enemy and alter ego or Enlil, has been cast by the jews in their bibles as Satan, the devil. 

The primary reason for this information not being part of the mainstream is due to the influence exerted by the dominant ruling powers or superpower on our mainstream culture. Can you think of any group that would like to see the true history and all the supporting evidence suppressed and ignored in favor of the altered and doctored bible versions?  If people would open their eyes and minds to the enormous quantity and quality of evidence available, they would easily see the absurd accounts of history as a lie with an agenda to elevate the perpetrators at the expense of the ignorant. 

Consequently, those who have ever ventured away from the mainstream religious teachings, have been considered as deviants and labeled with derogatory terms such as occultists or pagans. This results in the rejection of new ideas by the mainstream society and the polarization prevents people from seeking or advocating for the truth.

The perfect example of the ruling party narrating their version of truth is present not only in our history but extends to the  present time.

Let’s examine the cradle of civilization, the Middle East, where all three dominant religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, were born.

Since the Middle Ages, these three religious factions have been involved in a perpetual war in the same region as the ancient land of Canaan. All of these religious factions are tied to Sumer.

The devotees of Yahweh/Enlil, still find themselves in conflict with the followers of Enki. The current conflicts in Israel, Iraq, Iran, Syria and other surrounding countries seem to be linked with the past wars that took place in the same region between the gods, Enlil and Enki and their respective offspring. Consider that the PNACers and the entrenched ‘Deep Staters” are virtually all dual citizens, Israeli-firsters, who have their mission to direct the military forces of the US to their bidding. It is undeniable fact and has been going on non-stop for the past 50 years.  With the changes in the global power structure, it has rapidly ramped up its operations in Palestine and Gaza,  Biden is fully on-board, supporting this desperate aggression as time runs out for US military action in the world theater.

In other words, the violent conflicts that we are witnessing today, are the same, never ending, wars for supremacy of the Yahweh-ists.

Their home planet, called Nibiru, is explained in the book, “The 12th Planet” by the renowned author, Zecharia Sitchin.  It has been less than one Nibiru-year (3,600 earth-years) since they departed earth.  As they are apparently only capable of traveling to earth when their orbit brings Nibiru into close proximity to earth. It may be the case that they are around 600 years from that point where it is possible for them to journey again to the planet earth.

Biblical Reference to Nibiru

The planet Nibiru has been frequently associated with the term Heaven, as used in the Bible. This little detail is of particular importance when re-examining religious prayers such as “Our father who art in heaven”, which provides us with a whole new perspective on who this father is and what heaven truly refers to.

Hence, we find the correlation between many Biblical prayers and its origination from Anu’s children who ruled the earth as creator gods. The gods had space traveling vehicles that are well described in the bibles.  They came from above the earth’s atmosphere, miraculous in the eyes of their children left behind on earth.

According to Sitchin, the reason for the Anunnaki’s departure from their home planet to earth is because of its location, which lies beyond Pluto and is entrapped in a 3,600 year long retrograde elliptical orbit around the center of our solar system, the sun. Nibiru has its own sun, a brown dwarf, the binary companion of Sol.

Nibiru’s location is dictated by Sumerian maps, which were consolidated when Dr. Harrington discovered a large solar system object and conveyed his discovery in reports from the 1983 IRAS Survey of the Naval Observatory.

The object was found in the same region dictated by Sumerian accounts. Meaning, the planet that is home to the Anunnaki is real and inbound to perihelion, a point in orbit that is closest to the sun, around 600 years from now.

According to Sitchin’s research and translations on the history time line, around 450,000 years ago, Nibiru’s environment was suffering from ozone layer depletion.  Anu’s plan was to locate a planet that had sufficient amounts of gold ore to be used in a monatomic state that gives zero gravity properties, allowing repair of the ozone layer by dispersal into its atmosphere.

The need to look for a gold-rich planet, led the leaders of Nibiru to travel on an exploratory mission, where they found Earth, which was not only the perfect environment for life but also rich in Gold.

Due to the superior technology possessed by the Anunnaki, they could use our planet’s gold resources in an attempt to save their own home, by dispersing ionized particles of monatomic gold dust into their planet’s atmosphere.

As a result, Anu and his two sons, Enlil and Enki, came to earth, which was never a planet possessed by homo sapiens, who did not even exist at the time, to mine the gold. Enki led the discovery expedition and explored the planet earth, finding much gold in the region now known as Zimbabwe, Africa.. Enlil, the son born of Anu’s official wife, was younger, but still senior to the elder son so far as succession. Enki’s mother was of lesser status. Enlil, the bureaucrat was designated as the mission commander.  Enki, a scientist and engineer, was on a near equal status, but worked in direct application of his technical skills. They brought their own laborers, as there was no life on earth capable of performing such functions as gold mining.

All of this occurred in 450,000 BCE.  The continency was comprised mostly of laborer-class persons, who would do the toiling work in the mines.  They were known as the Igiggi, of a lesser caste than the others. After slaveing away diligently for over 300,000 years, the Igiggi finally revolted, and refused to continue the work in the gold mines.  Enlil’s idea was to drive them back to the mines with deadly force, but Anu sympathized with the miner’s plight.  Enki revealed he had been doing genetic experiments with various indigenous creature of the region of the mines in SE Africa.  He offered to attempt to create a worker capable of performing the tasks of the mines.  Enlil strongly disagreed with his brother, but Anu broke the stalemate by supporting the idea of Enki.  The Igiggi agreed to continue working on the basis that they would be relieved of the work soon.  Enki and his wife, Ninki, also a scientist, went to work on the project which resulted in a new species and a primitive worker, the Homo-sapiens.  This came about in 135,000 BCE.

As the time for departure from earth approached, the gods decided that homo sapiens were incapable of self government. Enki created a new advanced species, now called homo capensis, the Blue Bloods. Perpetual Rule over homo sapiens was given to the Blue Bloods, who were also instructed to adhere strictly to breeding within their blood lines, to preserve their genetic superiority. This directive has not been entirely adhered to over the generations. While the Blue Bloods still rule humans to the present day, they have squandered a great deal of their genetic advantage by gene-dilution of the blood lines, reckless cross-breeding.

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