c.600 BCE

Beginning of Traumatic Life Changes for Humans

It is safe to say that there is absolutely nothing that even comes remotely close to the impact left on the collective human psyche than that made by the abandonment by the creator gods of their children, the human race.  Even with the erasure from the human collective memory of the actual events, by virtue of numerous resets and revisions of history, collective subconscious patterned behavior has been imprinted. The programs are playing out their subconscious algorithms every minute of every day in the lives of all human beings, from generation to generation.

It is no different than the subconscious programming that we all experience from our childhood traumas that make us behave in ways we cannot often explain or understand.  The reason for this is that during the intellectual and psychological state of immaturity we were experiencing in our childhoods, events occurred that programmed our subconscious reptilian read-only-memory to respond without conscious thought when triggered by situations that once seemed dire or even life-threatening.  This subconscious programmed behavior is robotic and usually referred to as the “shadow”.  It replays the algorithm in response to certain stimulations that recur in your life that stem from your childhood experience of trauma.

The very existence of the shadow is forgotten over the years leading to adulthood, but its programs persist on and on until each person either confronts and integrates it or, in the case of many, just live with it until they die. Do you know people who automatically respond irrationally and inexplicably to certain things or situations? “I just hate corn”. “Why?”. “I don’t know, but I hate it”. This is a true example…my ex-wife. Probably her mother made her eat her corn when she was 2 years old, and was traumatized. Maybe her mother made it a big deal and threatened her. When you are 2 years old, being threatened by your mother can seem like life or death.

So, as childhood traumatic events go, this one is the ‘biggie’.  Our birthgivers and sources of survival left us high and dry, one day.  We have the psychological impact of this indelibly imprinted in our collective psyche forever.  It is the same thing as if you, and all the other little children in the world suddenly learn that all your parents are not coming home from work, not today, not ever. They have given you some training, but not nearly enough for you to survive, let alone thrive. You are alone with a deep sinking fear that you have no one to take care of you.

I don’t expect that everyone is going to understand this, so, if you are one who can’t make this connection, you might as well move on to lighter reading.  Probably you are never going to get it.  However, the fact that you are here reading this probably puts you among the category of readers who are going to find this very interesting.

We’re all stocked up on ‘Crazy’ here.

What Happened in c.600 BCE?

From reading the prior blog post ‘The Tower of Babel’, you know that the perihelion of Nibiru in 800 BCE was the time of departure of the Anunnaki gods from the Earth to return to their home planet. They left us with a bunch of blue-blood royal dip-shits in charge, who immediately took to lying, scheming, thieving and murdering us indiscriminately. This only exacerbated our fragile traumatized psyches. Needless to say, our subconscious irrationality only worsened.

After a couple hundred years of hiding under the bed, some interesting developments started to occur.  Prior to the departure of the gods, there was no ‘religion’.  The gods, our creators and lords, were here among us on a daily basis.  There was no mystery, superstition or supernatural aspects that required faith.  We just looked to them like children to their parents and used what they gave us and did what we were told. We were the lower tier of the feudal system and it was all quite straightforward and simple. It wasn’t always a cakewalk but it was a system that was knowable and predictable and sometimes that is the most desirable.  Living in fear of powerful elements and a bunch of greedy dip-shits could make one wish for the good old days when the gods lived among us.

Buddha taught god-less morality and wisdom

The royal dip-shits were busy scheming and conniving about how they could turn this situation around into profitability.  Controlling and exploiting a bunch of people who did not want to come out from under their beds was not a simple matter.  They needed to develop constructs that would motivate the slave laborers to get busy with productive endeavors.  They needed to come up with some carrots to dangle from the end of the poles. 

It did not take genius to come up with the idea of religion.  The recorded histories and documents of civilization from the preflood era had been reproduced again after being buried and lost by the flood.  The royal priests possessed these reproductions.  The priests of the semite tribes of Lord Enlil decided to use the opportunity to cast Lord Enlil into the position of the one and only god and to cast themselves into the position of the one and only ‘chosen people’, chosen by Lord Enlil to inherit the kingdom of earth and put the soul-less goyim, meaning all the rest of the humans, to work serving them.  They started writing a book that would tell this story as if being told to humankind by the lord Enlil-Yahweh..

Zarathustra taught the fallacy of the ‘Good versus Evil’ dialectic.

Religion was truly designed for the uneducated traumatized masses who would simply buy into fairy tale levels of philosophical thinking, taking the ready-made instruction book to find their way to ‘heaven’, a concept they could believe in.  After all, their gods in their spacecraft ascended into heaven.  Ezekiel had been transported to Nibiru and returned back to Earth. There must be something to this ‘heaven’ business.

They told the humans that they needed to seek salvation….by going through them to reach Lord Enlil-Jehovah. Exactly what did we need to seek salvation from? If, anything, it was not sin. It is Enlil and his gang of dip-shits that we need to be saved from.. He created commandments that, if not followed, resulted in ‘sin’, for which we needed to be saved to make things right with the world or be punished severely. In reality, the only thing needed to make the world right is not salvation, but extermination of these filthy vermin.

They could not just dismiss away the Lord Enki, so they found a way to keep him in the story by casting him in the role of Satan in a ‘classical struggle between good (Enlil) and evil (Enki)’.  The clincher, of course, was eternal hell for the disobedient and ‘nonbelievers’.  Take a lot of factual data from the Anunnaki historical tablets, turn it upside down wherever need be, shake out some inconvenient facts, and you have the bible.  We can observe that it has worked well, an international best seller, released around 200 BCE. 

Now, the people can be controlled and commanded.  Now you can hear the cash registers ringing in the temples as the gold starts to flow in to the dip-shits. Now what construct do we need next?  How about a nice monetary system that will get the humans busy working for symbolic money and credit in exchange for producing valuable real goods for the dip-shits.

Confucius wrote proverbs of morality without god.

Not that everyone among the commoners was taken in by all this.  There were some philosophers and thinkers who preached and published contrary philosophies.  No problem.  “We always need a good dialectic to keep things from becoming too obvious”. We had, in this same era:

            Lao Tzu (604 – 531 BCE), who wrote the Tao te Ching

            Confucius  (580 – 479 BCE), who wrote agnostic proverbs

            Buddha (565 – 483 BCE), who taught godless wisdom and morality

            Pythagoras (550 BCE), who taught godless mathematical sciences

            Zarathustra  (627 – 585 BCE), taught the false duality of good and evil

And many more philosophers wrote and taught personal responsibility and ethics.  The prophets, on the other hand, tried to sell people on the new religion idea and the efficacy of the bible.  That was their job.  Just like before the god’s departure, obedience to god’s commandments was the real mandate.  Only now, they could be the ones claiming to be pushing god’s commandments, on God’s behalf, which included whatever they wanted those commandments to say.  Yahweh wasn’t around now to do any editing or correcting.

You do understand that the eternal conflict between good and evil is the contrived idea that Enlil is good and just, while Enki is evil for creating and caring about humans, thus opposing the bigoted Lord Enlil-Yahweh.

Lord Enlil dominated the age of Pisces after the departure of the creator gods in 800 BCE. The semite priests elevated Enlil to Yahweh/Jehovah in their bible, thereby creating the construct of religion, monotheism and good versus evil.

There is not, nor was there ever any morality in the commandments of Lord Yahweh. The commandments were practical instructions for keeping his tribes alive and healthy, so they would be able to perform the deeds of his desires. Yahweh was not against killing, but he needed strong and healthy killers to do it for him. Whenever he decided some of his enemies needed ‘smiting’, he ordered his butchers to kill every last man, woman and child of their city or tribe. How are ethics and morality to be derived from the amoral, paranoid, schizophrenic psychopath god Enlil, then written and told by scheming, greedy, liars of the priesthood of the same Yahweh Enlil? The simple answer is – it is not. It is all a deceit for the purpose of controlling and manipulating a brainwashed population of non-discriminating people who are looking for the easy path to fictitious eternal reward to be found in the afterlife. 

They expect to be greeted by saint Peter at the pearly gate to receive their lyre and be assigned their cloud to float upon forever after. One has to wonder what kind of simple mind would buy into this.  It is the mind of victimized children who prefer not to have to confront any form of reality. And it has only gotten more bizarre in the modern age of technocracy. “We’re all stocked up on ‘crazy’ here. thank you”.

There are self-proclaimed prophets today who are preaching on You Tube, attempting to preserve the alleged integrity of the bible while simultaneously also exposing the bible as a distorted tale of the insane Anunnaki god, Enlil, as written in the Sumerian tablets. They attempt to do this by reversing the roles of Enlil and Enki.  By doing this, we can have the god of the bible as the kinder, rational god we were hoping for while the devil is the schizophrenic psychopathic mass murderer.  Sorry David, you can’t have it both ways.  The god of the jewish bible is Enlil, the psychopath, while Satan is Enki, the intelligent, caring, true father of the human race, who taught his own sons to work for the benefit and advancement of the human condition. This is a sick ploy to confuse further the already super confused population of people who think they can have everything their way just because that is how they want it to be. “Pay no attention to the facts”.

Blood Sacrifice recondite ritual – the catholic mass – to keep you retrained on a weekly basis.

Prior to 600 BCE, there exists no documented reference to a sole god-the-father, Jehovah, Yahweh, YHWH or any other mono-deism.  Everyone knew, before this date, that there were around 1000 gods on earth who freely involved themselves with humans and nephilim alike. These are the gods who had given man life and the means to survive. They also knew that these gods had another home in the sky (heaven) where Anu, the king of the gods, and a whole other planetary population of gods dwelt.  That is why it was so easy for the jewish bible to pass off the concept of ‘heaven’ as they contrived the superstitious mysterious, supernatural new religion.  Then, once sold on the idea of heaven, it is only logical, in a world of duality, to have ‘hell’, the opposite of ‘heaven’.  You must have it to maintain the duality. Hopefully you can understand the source of this deceit and the motivations of the greedy manipulators.

The Great Year of the Ningishzida Mayan calendar ended December 21, 2012.

As a few more people start to wake up and become aware of the truth of their past history, it is obvious that this manipulative deception is the first thing that must be corrected to begin an understanding of our reality. If we, as a race, fail to discover and embrace our real beginning, we will never succeed in discovering why we exist and what is the purpose of this earthly existence.

The respected author, Lawrence Gardner, writes:  “The perceived ‘Jehovah’ figure first appeared around 530 BCE, as some of the books of the jewish priests started to be circulated. Since the earlier Mesopotamian, Palestinian, and Egyptian accounts were very much Elohim-Anunnaki based, this jewish ‘one-god’ concept, which did not exist before, was suddenly applied to all their historical ancestral accounts.  The reality is, those ancestors they identified as jewish, such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, etc., were totally versed in the reality of the plurality of the gods.  They were never jewish. The only monotheistic concept ever to appear previously was the Aten culture of Amarna, c.780 BCE, who worshipped the sun as the only true god. This was ready made for the jewish bible writers who converted the word Aten to ‘Adon’, meaning Lord, and applied the principle historically back to the beginning of time” in their contrived bible stories.

Laurence Gardner, respected author of several books about the Holy Grail and the Creator Gods.

“Noah, Abraham, Moses, etc., the patriarchs, were all a part of the original Elohim/Anunnaki culture who knew nothing about any ‘one-god’ culture because they, themselves were the gods. They had no idea that the jewish writers were going to cast them out of the god culture and into the ‘jewish patriarch’ culture at a much later time, after their departure from earth”. Moreover, Amarna was really an Egyptian culture and Egypt has always been the domain of Lord Enki, and never the domain of Enlil.

It is About Time to Set the Records Straight

Taking a look at another culture to the east, that of the Hindi, we find a religion based on other books, the Vedas, which were also composed slightly earlier than the jew’s bible using the same basis as the jews, the tablets of the Anunnaki.  The Vedas are not an attempt to deceive for personal gain.  The “Aranyakas” and “Upanishads” were published circa 600 – 300 BCE in the Sanskrit language.  They expound the symbolism of the more recondite rites and speculated on the nature of the universe and man’s relationship to it.  Bringing people into the religion construct, these texts were never deliberately altered and contrived to exploit others.  In other words, everyone had religion foisted upon them. The difference was, the Hindi were honest about, to the best of their knowing.

The key to selling mysterious lies is the participating in mysterious rites and readings in languages that are obsolete, thus strange and mysterious, an idea carried on later by the Romans (Josephus, the Flavians and Emperor Constantine) with the new Catholic religion construct, written in Latin, intended to stabilize and unify all the divergent cultures of the Roman empire. There can be no doubt that the catholic mass is a recondite ritual that few participants have even the remotest understanding of.  It is a ritual symbolic blood sacrifice and consumption of the victim’s flesh and blood, right in line with other blood sacrifices so common these days involving your children and the royals, including all their hordes of wanna-bes. How can you buy morality from immoral perverts who secretly ‘bugger’ your children on a massive scale? And, in the upper ranks, traffic children for sexual torture, murder and cannibalism. The real rulers of the world universally participate in these crimes.

Hindu Lord Shiva is Lord Enlil

These rites are important in the establishment of the construct because they are a part of the misunderstood mysteries that shroud the very foundational construct of all this nonsense.  Participants are regularly and systematically inducted into the ceremony of it all which reinforces the entire system in the minds of the confused and feeble.  This systematized indoctrination never ends until death.  This is how Lord Enlil operates with his band of slaves.

Lord Enki is a god of wisdom and beneficience, who sought to work for the betterment of the plight of humans during his life, starting with the creation and following on with numerous further genetic advancements.  As we can readily observe from our present day situation, the psychopaths always manage to dominate the power structure because they are incapable of empathy and rely on power and manipulation to achieve domination over the weak, meek and poor, to fulfill their incessant personal drive for power over others.  Anyone can see this clearly in the power structure in existence in governments today. Why does government feel compelled and entitled to control every aspect of the lives of its citizens to their own detriment? Why do they universally use deceit to lead the simple minded along in a false reality?

Lord Vishnu is Lord Enki

Why this has come to be is very simple.  After the departure of the gods from earth, the-dip shit royal psychopaths that were left to rule humans made their power play in short order.  Since that point, it has not changed with exception of more subtle technocracy-based constructs that allowed the subjugation of even the engorged population that we exist within today. 

Kali is Inanna

Enlil and his gang of Shemites pulled off a big power play that has taken humanity on a very dangerous ride into a dark and dangerous world of devolution and every brand of lunacy imaginable. All of this madness has been occurring during the ‘Kali Yuga’, the dark phase of the 26,000 year ‘Cycle of Consciousness’ that turned the corner on December 21, 2012. 

Since this date, we have turned the corner on the devolution track and headed back on the evolution track.  This date is, of course, the end of the Mayan calendar of Ningishzida.  We are now in a brand new ‘Great Year’.  The Cycle of Consciousness is comprised of eight segments totaling 26,000 solar years of the Precession of the Equinoxes.  I will try to explain further.

A way to view and understand the Yuga Cycle which is the Cycle of Consciousness.

The descending Kali Yuga is a period of 1200 solar years, followed by the ascending Kali Yuga, also a period of 1200 solar years, totaling 2400 years of total conscious darkness. If you take this back from 2012, you will find yourself at a point close to 600 BCE.  This, of course, is no accident.  We are now barely entering the ascending Dwapara Yuga which extends through a period of 2400 solar years.  Note the year marker, 2013, in the above illustration. During this time, we will be evolving consciously again. 

Then we will enter the Treta Yuga, a 3600 solar year period called the Silver Age, followed by the Satya Yuga, a 4800 solar year period of ascending consciousness, known as the Golden Age.  Here is the pinnacle of conscious awareness, which continues, although now descending, on into the ‘descending Satya Yuga’, another 4800 solar year period leading from the pinnacle, the Golden Age totaling 9600 solar years, to the Silver-age descending. This is a cycle or circle which goes round and round, merging altogether the great calendar systems of Ningishzida from the Olmecs, Toltecs, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Hopis, Hindus, Chinese and all the rest.

Another way to view the Yuga Cycle and the Long-Year calendars. We are leaving the black area of the Kali and headed into the bronze area, the ascending Dwapara.

Is it a wonder to anyone that our world is as f##ked up as could be?  And we allow ourselves to be ruled and dominated by total dip-shits who blatantly deceive, rob and murder us while we go on like a herd of sheep.  We can blame it on our state of total unconsciousness but the dip-shits know all this too and are going to try to take us out before we wake up again.  It is going to be a race to see if we can regain consciousness in time for any chance of human survival.

The Ages of Consciousness, the Yuygas, the Precession of the Equinoxes.

The key factor in this all-critical period is the dawning age of Aquarius which is thought to be also the dawning of the age of Lord Enki-Lucifer.  The gods are very much orderly in their progressions of change.  In spite of other events or dire circumstances, things go on in their orderly fashion as fate will dictate.  They are fatalists and believers in destiny, if nothing else, which is why they accepted the survival of humans from the Great Flood and even stayed on to assist with the rebuilding of the human race.  Probably they did not intend for the dip-shit royals to put us through the meat grinder and seek our destruction before we, or they can prevent it.

Precession of the Equinoxes – 26,000 solar years.

After all, Enki is the actual “Father of Mankind”, the ‘hands on’ engineer who created us from the primitive homo erectus.  Lord Enki has always done everything possible for the benefit of humans, although during the Age of Pisces and the dominance of Lord Enlil-Yahweh/Jehovah, fate dictated the conscious status of those living within.  He must allow fate to take its course and come what will.  But now, the shoe is on the other foot.  He even had to go along with Enlil’s decision to permit the extermination of mankind by the Great Flood, although he did manage to thwart Enlil’s plan.

The family of Anu is obviously a dysfunctional one.  There are a lot of giant egos bumping into one another, ignoring the human and other conundrums.  The stage has been set by the age of Lord Enlil and cosmic time-frames do not make for rapid changes such as are expected by humans, with their short solar years and brief life spans.

Here is a bigger picture view, another way to d understancd the Yugas and the long calendar of Consciousness given to humans by Ningishzida.. The calendar period is actually 4,230,000 solar years long, with the subcycles occurring within the greater cycles.

Lord Enki-Lucifer has lived with the ‘bad-rap’ of being Satan, the evil one, for a long time, since 600 BCE.  It is apparent that, although the simple humans who are bought into the religions still see Lucifer as the bad guy, it is only because they are totally under the influence of Enlil who consciously sets the stage for the defamation of the family-group Lucifer. There is nothing known from any historical source than the bible of the jews that shows Lucifer as being guilty of any bad deeds.  People want to have some scape goat to blame their own faults and failings on….as in, “the devil made me do it”.  Since all true history has been hidden, people only know what some dip-shits with ulterior agendas have told them.  Maybe they can sit up straight and think this through.  It is not a complicated scenario.  We have one dominant psychopath who wants to demonize his rival.  It is not like this is unheard of and never happened before.

In any case, the power to set our stage comes from above our rank or pay-grade.  We just get indoctrinated from infancy and march along in lock step with the program.  We do not want to hurt ourselves by spending too much time on thinking.  It is a lot easier just to turn on the TV or You Tube.  But for those few who are thinkers and awareness seekers, like those who read my blogs, this is real food for thought.  Lord Enki is going to assert influence on the human situation sooner or later, or at least we hope so.  Remember that it has not even been one Anunnaki year (shar) since we last saw him.  Lord Enki/Lucifer has plenty of time…until 3400 BCE to exert his influence during his cosmic age.  We do not know if he has a means to maintain awareness of the present human plight on earth, or not.  If he is aware of the plans of the dip-shit royals to exterminate humans prior to the coming perihelion of Nibiru, will he intervene in any way?  Or, if he is unaware of what is going on here on earth, will it just be fate that removes humans from the face of the earth? Or, is it already ordained that the earth venue requires the elimination of humans for its very survival?

Precession of the Equinoxes.

There is a viable school of thought that posits a total ‘harvest’ of the souls of humans is already underway.  Members of the’ Luciferian Soul Group’ are said to already be present on earth  playing an assisting role in accelerating and intensifying the negative polarity. This to jolt the fence-straddlers one last time so they may grasp the opportunity for awakening and achievement of a state of consciousness sufficient to actually graduate from the Matrix cycle and ascend to the 4th or 5th density to continue their journey to cosmic consciousness, while the majority of souls, who are soundly unconscious, will be relocated to a new venue for another great year cycle of more of the same.

The pro-Enlil factions, the dip-shit royals, are not going to lay down and play dead just because the age of Lord Enki is upon us.  It never works that way.  In the end, the rightful influencing forces will ultimately bring about a change, but, meanwhile, the rats will have to be dealt with.  Is the human race even going to wake up to the changing power structure?  Or are they going to be too involved in their over-consumption of things, their obsession with their celebrities and their tattoos, and their TVs to even realize that some change is occurring, with or without them?  It appears the pro-Enlilites believe they can take out the whole human race before they begin to wake up and before Enki may personally come on the scene.

The denigration of Lord Enki-Lucifer by the priests of Enlil.

They seem to have put a stop to our rabbit-like breeding by means of sterilization, gender-confusion, HIV, etc.  The population growth is stopped, but there are still a lot of bodies to be disposed of. The situation is a delicate one.  They have the control but humans have the numbers, billions versus a few thousand.  Just how good is their Matrix control structure? In the big picture, the few still control the very many.  What would it take to change this?  How many humans must awaken for the tide to change? The ‘reset’ is virtually occurring now, as we read. They take out the awakening adults before the sleeping children can be influenced by them.

If Lord Enki is coming to influence the tides, he is not going to be arriving for another 800 years, until the perihelion of 2800 CE.  Although, like with army ants, the numbers can easily prevail, there has to be awareness, motivation and a plan of action.  We need a whole new mindset and leaders to come to the front. This is not an “impossibility”, but it has to start somewhere.  I am writing this and you are reading this. The methods devised to take-down the human race are already in-place and in-process.  It appears that they do not intend to take out the entire population in a single step.  They are malicious but maybe also greedy. They have amassed a great deal of plunder over the past 2.5 millenia and have no way to get it off the planet for another 800 years.  Will they try to close down the now unproductive areas while continuing to exploit other areas which are potentially still productive?  Or will they go ahead with the extermination and then live in their massive underground bunkers while awaiting the arrival of the space fleet?

Of course, we, as observers of reality, can only analyze and project our own conclusions from the processes we observe.  Based on this projection, we can attempt to bring about changes that are within our power to gain the survival of the race, at least enough with which to rebuild in the future.  I think more discussion and new ideas are needed and invite contributions from readers, whether as comments or further written discourse.  There are a lot of questions here remaining.


The Tower of Babel

If you read this story in the bible, you are seriously misinformed.

Why was it so critical to do away with the common human language? Think about it. If we had a common human language today, we would have superior communication among nations leading to understanding rather than misunderstanding. It would be very difficult for LORD ENLIL (Yahweh) to lead us into fear, hatred and ultimately war with those whom we share understanding. Enlil requires misunderstanding to perpetuate the non-stop wars that we see today and forever. He requires us to depopulate ourselves.

LORD Enlil-Jehova-Yahweh is desperate to go down to the city of Babel to break up the Ziggurat project of Marduk’s people and to dispel them in different directions across the earth to confuse their common language.  War is the pressing reason. Enlil needs non-stop wars. He needs people to be willing to kill each other, not carry on discussions.

Marduk – eldest of the five sons of Lord Enki

Babel is located in present day Iraq, controlled at that time by Persia, a post Flood development.  Egypt was the domain of Lord Enki and during his 9000 year reign as king, he was called Ptah.  Marduk, the eldest son of Enki, was given the kingship of Egypt in 11,420 BCE, whence he was called Ra.  He ruled Egypt for 100 years, until 10,420 BCE.  The rule of Egypt was set up on a planned succession among the heirs of Enki.  In this system, the king’s reign was pre-ordained, and conflicts over the kingship were few. 

Marduk was born ‘in-heaven’, meaning on the god’s home planet, Nibiru, son of Enki and his wife, the goddess Damkina.  Enki’s other wife, his half-sister, Nin-khursag (meaning “Mountain Queen”), the Lady of Life, also known as Nin-mah, the Great Lady and Ninki accompanied him to live in the Earth colony.  

It was Enki who first came to Earth to set up the gold mining colony.  After a period of time, Enlil, half-brother to Enki, asked his father, Anu, to send him to the Earth colony.  Rivalry over succession had always run hot between the half brothers, so the presence of both on Earth was destined to be contentious.

Enki is an engineer and scientist while Enlil is a bureaucrat.  Enki is a jovial good hearted god while Enlil is a paranoid, schizophrenic psychopath. Neither are particularly moral, whatever that means. After several incidents on Earth, Anu visited on the next perihelion of 4400 BCE, and lots were cast to determine who would fill the key positions.  Anu was to continue his rule of the home planet, Enlil won the position of mission administrator located in the Mesopotamia and Enki was sent to South Africa (the Abzu) to run the mining operations and ultimately the breeding of the human workers, after the miner’s revolt.  Neither brother was allowed to enter the territory of the other without prior permission.

When Anu approved the project to create the Adamus, Enlil protested.  He was concerned about his responsibility to maintain control of the Adamus should they eventually become too plentiful and powerful.  He opposed the project but was over-ruled by Anu.  Enki was excited for the challenge and the opportunity to demonstrate his ongoing value to the mission’s success.

Enki – the engineer scientist who created the human race by advancing the DNA of the Homo Erectus using his own DNA.

Various incidents, which you can read about in other posts on this site, flamed the rivalry and enmity between the brothers.  At the end of the ice age around 11,600 BCE, when a great flood was foreseen, the council decided it was time to depart the Earth and return to the home planet. It was decided that all the Adamus and Nephilim would be left to be destroyed by the tsunamis and ensuing floods.  This looked like the end of the colony Earth and the human experiment.  Enlil was happy to leave the planet wiped clean of the mess they had created.

Enki had a son born of mating with a human female.  This son was named Ziasudra, the biblical Noah.  Noah was loved deeply by Enki who was wrestling with the problem of being sworn to secrecy about the impending decimation of all humans and Nephilim (hybrids).  He contrived a way to disclose this event without directly breaking his oath of secrecy by discussing the matter with Ninki while within earshot of Noah.  When Noah later asked him if he was going to perish, Enki told him of his idea to construct a unique watercraft that could withstand the inevitable rolling and tumbling while keeping the family of Noah alive.  He also disclosed his idea of bringing on-board DNA from plants and animals to reseed the Earth again once conditions allowed.

In 11,600 BCE, the waning ice age was allowing the Earth to warm and the enormous polar ice caps, accumulated during the ice age, were thawing, creating an unstable situation that could become a disaster by an impending cosmic event that was known to be immanent. This was the near passage of the Nibiru perihelion on its 3600 year orbital cycle. The bible deliberately misinterprets this natural event by attributing the power to create such an cataclysm to Yahweh Jehova.  The power to create this type of event was not possessed by Enlil-Yahweh-Jehova.  His power was limited to observing that the conditions were ripe for a natural occurrence and to plan to use it against the humans..

Ziasudra – son of Lord Enki by human female. Biblical Noah.

The bible, again, misinterprets this situation by claiming that Yahweh Jehova used his non-existent power to punish the humans because they were sinful.  Yahweh Jehova hated the humans from day one, and was only too happy to have this natural opportunity to take care of what he saw as a major problem he would otherwise have to leave behind in his departing wake.  The paranoid schizophrenic psychopath viewed the very existence of humans as an abomination.  He was not above the idea of claiming to have unlimited powers, however, and always considered the humans as sinful, thus warranting destruction. To him, sinful simply meant not following his commandments. This is a totally arbitrary and often irrational set of rules that he imposes on his followers.

The great flood/tsunami occurred, but not all humans were exterminated.  When the gods returned to the surface they made this discovery.  The existence of the ark of Noah revealed to Enlil that, once again, his half-brother had thwarted his plans.  Add this to the E-din incident and the enmity was further stoked.  None-the-less, the gods decided to accept the fate of human survival and to remain on Earth for another term with the idea of re-establishing the population and re-teaching the humans the skills necessary to survive and thrive on Earth.

In the post-diluvian period, the gods did not re-establish the gold mining, but rather devoted themselves to the enormous task of reclaiming the Earth’s surface that was covered by 500 feet of mud silt.  Everything had to be rebuilt and then they set out to establish new cities on all the continental masses now accessible post ice-age.

Lord Enlil – Yahweh/Jehovah in the bible. Paranoid schizophrenic psychopath.

Getting back to our topic, the area of Mesopotamia received the first efforts.  The families of Enki and Enlil were literally now at-war with each other.  As the human population grew, the humans were actively recruited to one side or the other of this feud.  The territories were established as either those of Enlil or those of Enki.  The lines of conflict were established along these polarities and the concepts of ‘good versus evil’ became more formalized.  Since Enlil had previously been in-charge of the area known as Mesopotamia, he recruited the various tribes from the middle east to join under his aegis.  Lord Enki-Lucifer had previously been in-charge of Africa and continued to incorporate the humans from this area under his aegis.

Enlil took upon himself the mantle of the good, the supreme, the ‘Only God’.  Amongst those humans who comprised his tribe, he cast Lord Enki-Lucifer into the role of the evil one, the serpent, the Satan.  The tribes multiplied in numbers and banded together according to their descendancy from the original  Patriarchs, falling into the camp of either Enki or Enlil.

Meanwhile, Marduk, the eldest son of Enki, was feeling that his father was being deprived of his rightful ascendancy to the kingship of Nibiru, which, of course, also left him out of what he considered to be his own rightful path to power.  His rival was Ninurta, the eldest son of Enlil.  All of the sons and daughters of the two power figures were searching for their own avenue to ascendancy and many interesting stories of their adventures exist for future posts.

Marduk – King of Egypt and Babel.

The story of Marduk is the topic of this post.  Marduk was more than ready to make his own power-play.  His objectives were to be found in Mesopotamia, the territory of his rival, Ninurta.  There existed a degree of respect for Marduk, as he was definitely one of the principal power figures, both on Earth and Nibiru.  He was altogether powerful, ambitious and ruthless. Among one of his unsuccessful quests for power, he found himself sealed within the great pyramid of Giza.  Fortunately for him, he was saved by his comrades by blasting out an area of the pyramid to access the chamber in which he was sealed. 

The great god, Ptah, who ruled Egypt for 9,000 years, returned to Egypt after the Deluge to engage in great works of reclamation and to literally raise the country from the inundating waters.  Sumerian texts also attest to Enki’s works in Meluhha (Ethiopia/ Nubia) and Magan (Egypt) in again making them habitable for man, beast, fowl, and plants using the DNA from the ark..

After the lands were made habitable again, Enki divided the length of the African continent between his six sons.  Nergal (and wife Ereshkigal) went home to the southernmost domain of Africa;  Gibil (“The One of Fire”), having been taught by Enki the secrets of metalworking, took over the mining regions to the north, Ninagal (“Prince of Great Waters”) was given the lakes and headwaters of the Nile (Ethiopia), and Dumuzi (“Son Who Is Life” and whose nickname was “The Herder”) received the grazing pastures of the Sudan.  Enki’s fifth and youngest son, Ningishzida,was endowed with the knowledge of his brilliant father and travelled afield to establish new civilizations and to bring them great spiritual culture, understanding and technology, such as the Mayan calendar..  The sixth son, Enki’s first born and legal heir, Marduk, we will deal with now.

The great king of Egypt Ptah. Ruled Egypt for 9000 years in the pre-diluvian era. King Ptah is Lard Enki.

Marduk/Ra, the Great God of Egypt, however, had a problem: Egypt was not enough.  Ra yearned to rule the whole Earth, to garner for himself what had been denied his father.  Ra also wanted to rule from the olden “Navel of the Earth” in Mesopotamia.  It was this ambition that led him to abdicate the divine throne of Egypt in favor of his children and grandchildren.  It would also lead to the two “Pyramid Wars”, and very nearly to his own death.  But Marduk of Babylon was not out of the running yet.

c. 10,420 BCE.  Ra fathered Shu (a male, meaning “dryness) and Tefnut (a female, meaning “moisture”).  These two set the example for human Pharaohs in later times, in that the brother married his half-sister.  Shu and Tefnut began a 700 year reign in Egypt, the deities being still very much in charge there.

c. 10,000 BCE  The Tower of Babel incident is one of those strange and perplexing stories.  In biblical brief:

“And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.  And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar (Sumer); and they dwelt there.  And they said to one another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly.  And they had bricks for stone, and slime had they for mortar.  And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto the heaven (sky); and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.  And the LORD ENLIL-Yahweh came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.  And he said, Behold, the people are one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do; and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.  Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.  So the LORD ENLIL scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth; and they abandoned the building of the city.  There is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD ENLIL did there confound the language of all the earth; and from thence did the LORD ENLIL scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.”  [Genesis 11: 1-9]

The Tower of Babel is a ziggurat, a type of pyramid that was built throughout the world for the generation and distribution of electrical energy.

You should be aware that the Anunnaki gods provided free energy to the entire world via a grid of pyramids eventually located virtually throughout every continent, each located on the important nodes of the ‘ley line grid’ of the Earth.  Ziggurats are one of the several types of pyramidal structures that were built by the gods as a component of this network.  Pyramids were not built by slave labor nor were they tombs of pharaohs.  They have multiple uses but the primary one is a source of electrical energy that was transmitted wirelessly.  This form of electrical energy was available to the world until the 18th century CE and the last ‘reset’.  At this time, the controllers implemented a much more primitive system based on burning fossil fuels and distributed by wire lines on poles.  It is a system that has clamped a lid on the progress of humanity and destroyed the planet.  This wireless energy system was obviously not an invention of humans, any more than all the rest of the knowledge and technology of the gods, the evidence of which is found virtually everywhere in the world.

Inasmuch as Noah’s second son, Ham, was the begetter of the Negroid race, and this race came under the tutelage of Enki — does this tell us something about why the blacks were considered inferior from the Enlil-Yahweh point of view?  Was the eventual slavery issue in some way connected with Enlil’s bashing of those humans who were followers of Enki instead of himself?  Is racial prejudice and bigotry — which seem to exist even today — the result of thousands of years of Enlil bad-mouthing anything that Enki did? 

Quite possibly.

Another example of the ziggurat pyramid. This one was built in Mesoamerica for the Mayan civilization by Ningishzida.

There are semites and anti-semites.  The semites are named after their patriarch, Shem.  Thus the anti-semites are the descendants of Ham and Japheth, sons of Noah.  It appears that Western Man is the descendant of Japheth and Maat.

Thoth (whom the Greeks called Hermes) is none other than Ningishzida, the son of Enki, whom we encountered above.  Thoth had not been given specific lands to govern, but in fact was given much of Enki’s scientific knowledge — which in the end may have served him better.  Thoth was also a chip off the old block in that he was, according to Plutarch, the father of Isis.

The end result of Nut’s repeated promiscuity was that Osiris, Seth, Isis, and Nephtys were all candidates for the crowns of Egypt.  The firstborn son was Osiris, with the greater claim to succession, having been fathered by the great Ra himself

Ninki – second wife and half-sister to Lord Enki. Mother of the human race.

The result of the First Pyramid War was that Seth — from the line of Ptah, Ra, Shu, and Geb — departed Egypt and established his dominion in the land known as Canaan.  In the same fashion, Canaan (the god) went against his father, Ham and his brothers, to live, he and his sons, also in the land of Canaan. 

The illegal seizure of the area which laid between the Sinai Peninsula and Baalbek, Lebanon was Seth and/or Canaan’s incursion into the lands of Shem, Ninurta, and Enlil. 

c. 8,620 B.C.E.  Meanwhile, back in Egypt, Lord Earth [Geb] had given to Horus and his line, Upper and Lower Egypt.  Seth assumed dominion outside Egypt, and thereafter was deemed by the traditions of Egypt to have become an Asiatic god (The land of Canaan existing within the confines of the continent of Asia). 

We might also note that while Inanna was the daughter of Nannar/Sin, the second son of Enlil, Inanna was also the daughter of Ningal, the daughter of Enki and Ninhursag!  Inanna and her twin brother Utu/Shamash, may, in fact, be the result of some form of consolidation of the Enlil and Enki lines.  This consolidation might have been intended as a means of resolving the ultimate dispute of Enlil and Enki, and perhaps more importantly, of their sons, Ninurta (Enlil’s first born), Marduk (Enki’s first born), and all the descendent sons.  It is also, particularly noteworthy that Ninurta and Marduk were “heaven born” (from Nibiru), while Nannar/Sin, Adad (Enlil’s third son), Ningal, Dumuzi, etcetera — and most importantly, Utu and Inanna, were earth born!

The Second Pyramid War was considerably bloodier than the first.  Horus chasing Seth out of Lower Egypt was a minor skirmish, comparatively speaking; and involved only some inner family fighting.  The second war, however, was an all out conflagration between the two main forces on earth — the Enki and Enlil camps.  And while no major god fell casualty to the fighting — in spite of the ferocity of the battles — it was readily apparent that things were quickly getting out of hand.  Marduk (Ra), for example, was sealed inside the Great Giza Pyramid, where it was quite likely that the pyramid would become his tomb.  Meanwhile Horus had been seriously blinded. 

 It was time for a a peace conference. This first recorded peace conference on earth was convened by Ninhursag  (Ninki), who after healing Horus, decided to intervene to stop the fighting.  Keep in mind that Ninhursag was literally the mother of mankind, and she could not help but be distressed by the use of men as cannon-fodder for a war between the gods.  It was an early version of the time of knights and peasants, where the knights were armored and rode on horses and engaged in a great sport (seldom if ever getting killed), while the peasants were routinely slaughtered by the better trained and armed, noble knights.  It’s the old “Rank has it Privileges” (e.g. staying alive) scenario prevalent today in modern armies.  Inasmuch as mankind, comprising the peasants in the days of knights and the grunts in the modern day army, was quite literally the offspring of the mother god. Feudalism then, the same as now.

Ninurta – Eldest son of Lord Enlil and rival to Marduk. He is the Destroyer of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Enlil considered the sons of Enki, who had brought about the war, an anathema.  The fact that Ninurta had launched the initial attacks — supposedly after Seth’s incursion into Canaan — did not dissuade Enlil.  Enlil was also furious about certain gods using the Great Pyramid as a combat theater.  Enlil thus demanded that both the battling sons and those who used the sacred Great Pyramid to be barred from ever ruling over Giza, or for that matter, over the whole of Lower Egypt.  Enki agreed, announcing that the lord of Giza and Lower Egypt would be a young son of his, one who was espoused to one of the female deities born when Enki had made love to Ninhursag.  Enki’s young son was then granted the exalted title of NIN.GISH.ZI.DA (“Lord of the Artifact of Life”).

Circa 8,000 B.C.E. is also the first perihelion of Nibiru, following the Flood/Deluge of 11,600 BCE. 

c. 4,400 B.C.E.  Approximate date for the next perihelion of Nibiru. The perihelion is important because apparently that is the only point in time that the interplanetary travel is possible. It is here that the royal King of Nibiru, Anu, along with his official spouse, Antu, paid a state visit to Earth.  A brand-new sacred precinct with a temple-tower had been built in their honor at a place that was later to become the city of Uruk (Biblical Erech).

c. 3,800 B.C.E.  Suddenly begins, on this approximate date, the history of mankind!

c. 3760 BCE.  Curiously, while the biblical account includes the names of cities such as Kish, Babylon and Uruk, the Sumerian King List asserts that Kingship moved from Kish to Uruk to Ur, omitting any mention of Babylon.  This apparent discrepancy seems to be connected to the Tower of Babel debacle, and ultimately to Marduk (first born son of Enki called Ra), who had asserted before the Pyramid Wars that he, Marduk, should possess Sumer’s next capital, instead of Enlil’s son.  Marduk was pretty well put in his place by his near-fatal entombment in the Great Pyramid.  (They eventually dug him out, leaving the evidence of the rescue attempt still intact today!)  But Marduk/Ra is not out just yet. 

Nimrod – Descened from Marduk. Picks up where Marduk left off in the city of Babel. He is confronted by Lord Enlil who drives the people of the city to places far and wide to confuse their ability to easily communicate with one another via a common language.

[Note that the Jewish calendar counts from the start of the calendar by the Anunnaki.[  This particularly identifies Yahweh Enlil with the jews and the fabrications of the jews in the old testament bible making them the ‘chosen people’ of the one and only god, Yahweh-Enlil.

c.3509 BCE. This is the era in which Quetzalcoatl first appeared in Mexico — tall of stature, bright of countenance, bearded, and wearing a long tunic.  His staff, shaped like a serpent, was painted black, white, and red [and reminiscent of American Indian mythology of the three races of Man].  The staff was inlaid with precious stones and adorned with six stars. Quetzalcoatl is, of course, Nigishzida on one of his missions abroad and afield to establish the Aztec, Toltec, Hopi, Mayan, Incan, etc. cultures.

c.3,372 B.C.E.  The first date in the Quetzalcoatl Mayan calendar:

1.         After Marduk/Ra was defeated in the Second Pyramid War, the first born son of Enki went home to sulk.  Nimrod stepped in to carry on. But being one of the more egocentric of the Anunnaki, is there any doubt he would return?  Of course not.  But just how will he manage to become the premier god of Babylon and begin the time-honored activity of history revisionism, e.g. putting himself in the role of the avenging planet in the Sumerian Epic of Creation (the Enuma Elish)? 

2.         Thoth, known to the Sumerians as Ningishzida and to the Greeks as Hermes, was, apparently, the heir favorite of Enki.  Inasmuch as Enki was a master of the art of accomplishing his many nefarious goals through guile, wit, and intelligence; it seems only likely that Thoth would continue the tradition.  And he did.  Can you imagine which new aliases he would take in coming times and in different places like Meso and North America?

Ningishzida is Kukulkan in Mesoamerica, spreading human civilization throughout the world.

c.800 BCE  The date of the next perihelion of Nibiru.  This is the date of departure of the creator gods from Earth, as they return to their home planet.  Prior to this date, the Council decided to authorize Enki to engineer a more advanced species of humans to take over the rule of the Adamu race, which was considered far too inferior to govern itself.  The positions of governance were all previously filled by the gods, and would now be vacated, creating an insurmountable void that would surely lead to the demise of humans.  This new species is known as the Homo Capensis, the ‘Blue Bloods’, the Royals, the surrogate gods, or, as I call them – the “dip-shits.  The homo capensis were assigned as the rulers of humans in perpetuity. That means until now and beyond. They are also the priests of the Vatican, the Jesuits.

c.2800 CE The next perihelion of the planet of the gods.

The Tower of Babel – But precisely why was the Tower such a problem? 

Was this another case of “Behold, the man is become as one of US, to know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the Tree of Life, and eat, and live forever; Therefore the LORD ENLIL sent him forth from the garden of E-din, to till the ground from whence he was taken.”? [Genesis 3:22-23]  What would man have accomplished by completing the tower? Man had to be disbanded again and sent out, scattered to the winds to devolve into a lesser state of consciousness. Completing the ‘Tower’ would have brought the city of Babel “on-line” to the electrical energy grid, a great advance, all accomplished by humans, without the assistance of the gods.  This would be way to empowering to suit LORD ENLIL.

      “And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar (Sumer); and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach into heaven (sky); and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.” — Genesis 11:1-4

The first thing we see is that all people still spoke the same language at this point in history. This would not be unusual considering the fact that at this time the world had just begun to replenish the population after the great judgment of LORD ENLIL at the flood of Noah to allow all to perish. Lord Enlil realizes now that a common language cannot be tolerated because it will lead the humans to cooperation in civic endeavors which will enable them to advance their state beyond that of which he is willing to tolerate. It will also lead to common understanding among men who will not be willing to engage in interhuman wars needed to depopulate the world and maintain the total population of humans at the level he is comfortable with.


 The Bible tells us Nimrod “began to be a mighty one in the earth.” (Genesis 10:8). Nimrod is descended from the lineage of Marduk Ra.

The First City

One of the more interesting aspects of the tower tale is the assumption that man was of a primitive understanding at that point in time. This comes from a superficial reading of the bogus texts of modern history, and the presumed implication that the people were foolish enough to think they could actually climb up into heaven by building a tower “whose top may reach unto heaven.” (Genesis 11:4). The fact is, archaeological evidence from this era tells us this early society was already well versed in mathematics, astronomy, commerce, and writing. They never intended to get to ‘heaven’ via the Tower of Babel. They wanted to build a modern city on their own and needed to join the electrical energy grid to accomplish this.

These extremely old Anunnaki tablets tell us the ancient Sumerians learned metallurgy, geography, and even map-making from the Annunaki. They had elaborate beliefs on the things of the spirit, and their records covering cosmology include facts about the planetary alignments in our solar system that weren’t `rediscovered’ until the Voyager space probes of the 1980’s. To put it bluntly, there is a great deal more to the Tower of Babel story than most people are willing to recognize. 

We know, for example, the ancient “tower” that is usually referred to as the Tower of Babel was a ziggurat – essentially a `step-pyramid’ that was used as an observatory as well as a component of the power grid. In the excavated ruins of ancient Babylon, this tower is named Etemananki.

Here is the LORD ENLIL in his modern incarnation. His new nickname is Zbignew.

The essential idea is that the builders of Babel sought to create an identity or found a government that would provide them with a vehicle that would enable them to develop a dominion that would preclude their being “scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth” (Gen 11:4). In short, the idea was to build a kingdom for their posterity. They sought to bring themselves into a more technologically advanced stage without waiting for and relying on the gods to do it for them.

Most early construction of luxury houses can be seen to sport electrical receivers usually on the corners of the roof. These are said to be lightening rods which are seldom if ever seen in later construction. Lightening has not ceased to exist. What changed?

As previously noted, the prior chapter in Genesis identified the latter day leader of this enterprise as Nimrod. The text goes on to inform the reader that “the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar” (Gen 10:10). Thus, Nimrod was the undisputed head of the government that ultimately built the later Babylon.

When the Bible tells us Nimrod was a great “hunter before the Lord,” the word “before” has many applications that change the way the verse is perceived. Strong’s Concordance tells us “before” can mean “against,” or in “opposition to”. Because we know the LORD ENLIL ultimately intervened against the effort at man-made government that originated at Babel, we can see the context requires we recognize that the text is telling us that `Nimrod was a great leader that opposed the Lord ENLIL.’

[The “Lord” in this connection is the Sumerian god, Enlil, while Enki’s son, Marduk, being partial to Babylon was very clearly a leader/Anunnaki who “opposed the Lord” (i.e., opposed Enlil]. 

Another factor is that Nimrod’s program involved a hierarchical political structure. Prior to and immediately after the tower episode, we find two crucial examples of LORD ENLIL’s preference for man’s development. In these two cases, we see he selected an organizational structure that was feudal.  [It is probably quite accurate “He” chose a feudal organization, provided we understand that the “He” in this connection refers to Enlil – and not to some omnipotent Source Creator.  In fact the Sumerian Anunnaki were always feudal in their social structure].

In the first case, we learn that Noah’s associates were all his family members, consisting of his wife, his sons, and their wives. It is self-evident that Noah was the undisputed leader of this feudal structure. Noah is the son of Enki.

Furthermore, in both cases of these examples of the LORD ENLIL’s concept for a people-group, we see that He is the one that chose the figure He would develop into a people. He chose Abraham. The LORD Enlil did not choose Nimrod, and neither were the latter’s subjects his offspring.  [If Nimrod and his ancestors are the people of Marduk, son of Enki, then it should be clear that such offspring were not chosen in any way by Enlil].

A good example of this are the famous kings of Assyria, Asshur-banipal and Asshur-nasirpal. While it is theoretically possible the Asshur that was later elevated to deity by the Assyrians was actually the grandson of Noah and a contemporary of Nimrod, the evidence suggests that the two people were actually one and the same. Thus, we identify Nimrod under the Assyrian god-name of Asshur. How Nimrod assumes the identity of the deity named Asshur is of great interest as it provides us with a key understanding in the present account — as well as on the larger scale of interpretation of contemporary events.

When the tower was being built under the guidance of Nimrod in order to build a system that would unify all the people under the government of his kingship, the LORD ENLIL intervened. Genesis tells us: “And the Lord ENLIL said, Behold, the people are one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.”

               “So the Lord Enlil scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord Enlil did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord Enlil scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.” (Genesis 11:6-9) 

Saturn’s orbit was altered from a position confortably close to Earth to one significantly more distant. Saturn, pre-flood, was a second-sun to Earth.

This verse is very revealing for it tells us Enlil recognized that the hierarchical structure that had emerged in the government of King Nimrod would be able to accomplish whatever the leader so desired. Furthermore, not only was the government of Nimrod/Asshur in direct opposition to the LORD ENLIL’s plan for the family unit, the dominion of the king Nimrod had a spiritual dimension (not to be confused with religious) as well which also enhanced his authority.

What is truly fascinating is what Enlil actually accomplished with the scattering the languages. This one event caused the most profound change since the flood itself; and in the process of recognizing what actually happened, we can gain a significant understanding of the entire panorama of religion.

Ironically, the scattering of the languages also set the pattern as to how the nations would eventually develop – to say nothing of the divergent religious beliefs that ultimately emerged due to and following the departure of the creator gods, the father-figures of humans. The truth of this matter is strikingly simple. In fact, the earlier question of how Nimrod became Asshur is the key to why all nations have so many divergent god names that may be traced back to the same original source.  Nimrod became Asshur simply because Asshur was the word assigned to Nimrod that was used in the language of one of the earliest family groups that became powerful after the languages were scattered (the Assyrians). Divergent god-names led to eventual religious wars and splinter sects.

It has been known for many years these diverse religious god-names have distinct similarities, attributes, and historical parallels.  For instance, in the Greek language, the name for Nimrod was Nebrod – which means “mighty hunter.” A related word, Nebros, means the spotted fawn. This was the symbol for Bacchus – a Grecian version of Nimrod.

A similar linguistic trail exists when tracking the name of Nimrod’s mother (and wife) Semiramus. She shows up as Cybele, Rhea, Baalti, Minerva, Diana (the huntress), Athena, Hera, Venus, Ashtaroth, Astarte, Ishtar, etc. Significantly, as in the case with Nimrod, there is always a connection with the stars.

The Solar System In The Sides Of The North

Here we come to the missing component in the tale of the tower. Because the truth of the story of what really happened just before and just after the flood of Noah has been obfuscated by the confusing of the languages – to say nothing of the `washing away’ of the evidentiary record because of the overwhelming devastation of the flood itself – few understand what is at the root of the history of religion.

Prior to the flood, a planetary body in our solar system provided the requisite energy and light that was necessary to completely balance Earth’s biosphere

Shining brightly on a continuous basis, this planet provided just the right amount of light and warmth that complemented and perfected the radiant activity of the sun. Linguistic research on the origins of the god-names tells us it was the planet we know as Saturn.

After the flood, the descendants of Noah quickly learned that Saturn was missing. Although Saturn could still be located by the ancient priests, the evidence suggests that its ability to provide energy was substantially diminished – its location was moved to a more distant orbital path.

[The evidence for this view is given by Immanuel Velikovsky ]

There are even more fascinating aspects to the LORD ENLIL’s intervention at Babylon. First, the great concern that the Babel builders originally had concerning being scattered became the very judgment that Enlil brought upon them. Enlil chooses the form of judgment that is inflicted upon man. Because the pursuit of building a world apart from him under the first figure of LORD LUCIFER displeased the LORD ENLIL so much, He brought upon the people the very thing they feared most – being “scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth” (Genesis 11:4).

Second, the passage shows us that the intertwining unity of spiritual and political purpose was the factor that cast off the prior restraint that had kept the world from establishing the global order of man with the spirit of LUCIFER-ENKI as its guiding power.

In Genesis at the apex of Nimrod’s spiritual and political power, Enlil says “now nothing will be restrained from them…” (Genesis 11:6).

This is a significant indicator that it is the initiative and the effort of man, working in unity as the world becomes more and more indwelled by the spirit of LORD ENKI, that brings about the removal of the restraint of Enlil. 

Finally, once the restrainer is removed, Enlil says that unless He intervenes, man will be able to accomplish anything “which they have imagined to do.” (Genesis 11:6).  

Why is this a problem for Enlil, who always feared and hated humans?

The answer is obvious.


Trump Visits Queen

Have they told You Why?

You may be wondering why I am devoting so much time and energy to presenting information on this topic.  Please refer to the two recent blogs on this site entitled “Who Really Owns the World?”. The reason is simply that a deadly crossfire is being mounted to achieve a massive depopulation of humans and most are totally oblivious, thus unprepared.  The evidence is clearly visible as to the methods being employed.  The question as to exactly who is really behind this in less clear.  It is always attributed to nebulous entities like “Illuminati”, “globalists”, “The Deep State” or the Russians.  The first step in responding to this threat would seem to involve clarifying the actual identities of the perpetrators.  In attempting to accomplish this, I have followed a path that has led to places that may come as a surprise, although in retrospect, now seem obvious.  It was always apparent that the District of Columbia is a rotten cesspool with its dirty fingers in every traitorous aspect of conspiracy.  But D.C. is just the tail trying to wag the dog.

In the first two parts of this story, I  presented a great deal of evidence proving that the scoundrels who secretly rule and exploit mankind are  to be found in the three city/states known as the Vatican, the District of Columbia and the City of London (the Crown).  They are each a part of a huge multi-tentacled parasitic monster that was left to complete, or carry-on with the total exploitation of planet Earth that was the original objective of the ‘creator-gods’ who came to the planet 450,000 years ago to mine earth’s gold and ship it to their home planet.  Yes, the same ones who created us.

The creator gods brought their own labor force with them, but 135,000 years ago, the laborers (the Igiggi) rebelled against the non-stop drudgery and the solution was to genetically upgrade the homo erectus creature using DNA of the gods, themselves, to produce the homo sapiens as a worker species to take over in the mines and free the Igiggi workers.  The creator gods departed the planet Earth around 1,000 BCE to return to their home planet.  Up to this point, they provided all of the leadership, knowledge, technology and skills to allow civilization to thrive on earth.  Realizing that the homo sapiens were far too primitive to successfully take over the legacy being left to them, they created a more advanced specie called the homo capensis to fill the positions of kingships and preservers of knowledge.  These have become known as blue-bloods, royals, monarchs, popes, cardinals and down the years to pharaohs, tsars, kahunas, presidents, prime ministers, etc.

The “Western World”, of which we are a part, is a “Crown” colony, presently represented by Queen Elizabeth II, of the Capensis blood-line Saxo-Coberg Gotha.  This appointment was made by old Roman Empire Venetian power brokers under guidance from the Vatican. This illustrates the visible power structure of the current “reset” period. There is, and has always been, an invisible component of the power structure that is even more permanent than any part of the visible structure. We do not know the names or faces that only change due to deaths and predetermined succession. The program itself is never changed.

This reset period began in 1812 and is the era of exploitation of the “Western World” which is now in the process of completion and being closed-out.  This will be finalized by the immanent new ‘reset’ that will shut down and depopulate the “West” and launch the new era of exploitation of the “East”.  The surviving ‘Western’ population will consist of only 10 – 15 % of the current population, individuals chosen for specific skills to provide standby levels of maintenance of the landmasses and surviving infrastucture.  Productivity has almost totally been shut-down in the “West” as the staging for the new era of the “East” is completed.  After this reset, the era of exploitation of China and India will occupy the coming new reset period of the next 200 years.

You may be tempted to argue that, although the ‘West’ is no longer productive, we have a big military presence that is essential to world order.  Surely they would have to keep us around to continue to be the world police force.  This argument holds no water when the “Western World” is drastically depopulated and the survivors live in FEMA camps under UN control.  All the fake saber rattling and ‘ism-driven’ conflicts will be ‘disappeared’.  China will be able to police its own population.  This sets the stage for what is going on in the present time.  Until the ‘plug is pulled’, the facade must go on.  Most will never even see it coming.

Trump Visits Queen

Trump just got back from his recent state visit with the Queen.  No meaningful public disclosure was made as to the purpose of the visit and what, if any, outcome should be anticipated.   With rampant speculation ongoing about what “really” happened in England recently between the Queen and the Donald —the evidence suggests that the Queen is removing her government from the middleman position, and letting The Donald have direct interface with the Municipal Government system run by the Vatican. The Queen is no longer the middle man. 

Does this look like a happy couple?

It is apparent that no love is lost in the relationship between the US president and the Crown. After trading a number of juvenile public barbs and insults, the Mayor of The City of London described The Donald as a fat 6′-2″ tall person with the mentality of a 6-year-old child.

The Queen’s role as a Vassal of the Holy See is being revised, releasing her as an element of the soon-to-be greatly diminished “Western World” structure that is in-process.  What the new role of the Queen will be is up for speculation.  Historically, the Crown has a very long-standing relationship with China, over which the Crown has very successfully managed the exploitation of the ‘East’ in a previous olden era.  None-the-less, it is viable speculation to assume that the Queen’s job description has been re-written and she is quite busy implementing the changes, therefore no longer has time for The Donald and the likes. 

LONDON, ENGLAND – The Donald getting it on with the queen.

This also makes sense because The Donald actually works for the Municipal Government in his capacity as the POTUS—- but he was having to go through the Queen and bow and scrape because she has been holding  our Delegated Powers and exercising them “for” us.  Now The Donald must go directly, without protocol, to the Vatican.

The Lord Mayor of London and the Government of Westminster, the Queen and the Pope were supposed to be riding herd on “ways and means” of the US government — not letting them devolve into the biggest racketeering scheme in world history.

There was supposed to be a Global Defense Fund or Exchange Stabilization Fund or whatever other name(s) they want to assign to the same pile of ill-gotten assets that the rats assembled and used to utterly rig and control the world currency markets — about $65 trillion in assets used to manipulate, control, and enforce their schemes and interfere with the governments and economies of other countries under their stewardship.

Then there is the “Secret Constitution” — but there are no secrets, just things nobody has been told or bothered to learn. There are long-standing misunderstandings about our Federal Constitutions– some of them deliberate that need to be guarded against. But probably it is a little late in the game for that.

The Donald made a bad impression on the Crown royals.

“The United States” is the proper name of our national union of republican states controlling the soil jurisdiction of the country.  It was adopted on September 9, 1776.  At the same time, a federation of States was formed and named “The United States of America” controlling the international jurisdiction (both land and sea) belonging to The United States.  Five years later, in March of 1781 — still during the active American Revolution— a confederation of States of States was formed doing business as the “States of America”. Nation gives rise to Federation and Federation gives rise to Confederation.

Commercial corporations acting as Confederate States, at all levels, can be chartered by any government. The original Federal States of States (Confederate States) were all disabled and moth-balled in the wake of the Civil War, so henceforth there have been foreign-chartered interlopers manipulating the show to their own advantage, thus to the disadvantage of the US citizens.

So now it comes as no big surprise that there are three Federal Constitutions, take your pick —

  1. The Constitution for the united States of America  — governing the structure and operations of the States of America –the original Confederation– describes the duties and limitations of this government under contract to provide certain enumerated governmental services. 
  2. The 1787 Constitution, set up to define exactly what powers the States are allowing the States of States to exercise “for” them and under what limits. It addresses business organizations under contract to our States to provide stipulated government services, but there have been no American organizations in this position since 1868:  the Federal States of States haven’t been “reconstructed”. Instead, the Brits and the French-Benelux-Swiss-Holy Roman Empire goons have been in here “helping us out” of house and home and substituting their own Territorial and Municipal State-of-State organizations to do the work of our own Federal States of States.
  3. The Constitution of the United States of America — reiterates the structure and duties of “the” United States of America — the British doppelganger operating “in our name” to exercise our powers delegated to it.  This addressed British business organizations under contract to the States to provide agreed upon services. The Constitution of the United States – again reiterates the same basic plan for the Municipal Government which is operating “in our name” to exercise our delegated powers for us.  This addresses the rights and duties of the Municipal corporations which, like the States of America, are all business organizations, in the business of providing stipulated government services.

The Constitutions set up the three branches of the Federal Government — Federal, Territorial, and Municipal — to provide “essential government services”.

The Constitutions are glorified government service contracts backed via international treaties.  They spell out which subcontractor gets to manage which piece of the pie. 

By “conferring” municipal citizenship on us and “gifting” us with multiple Municipal PERSONS without our knowledge or consent, the rats have attempted to subject us under commercial code attempting to make us liable for their odious hypothecated debts, and have deliberately sought to create unconscionable contracts and do all sorts of other shenanigans.

This entire scheme has been a conspiracy to undermine, circumvent, vacate and otherwise avoid the lawful restraints and obligations of our Constitutions— and to deny the American People the guarantees and protections the people believe they possess. 

The British did not “lose” the War of Independence and the Germans did not “lose” WWII.  The ostensible “losers” simply went covert.  The WW2 was always a sham anyway. Between Freemasons and other secret societies the British ended up controlling the US economy and US politics, and between CIA Operation Paperclip, NASA and Argentina and Antarctica the Nazis lived happily with their tentacles in everything. Most of what we are taught, be it history, medicine, science, is a lie. The people are indoctrinated to seek their knowledge of everything important from the TV or You Tube.  Those who have never spent even one minute in true pursuit of real facts consider themselves experts based on what they learned from Tavistock propaganda designed to lead them by the nose to their own early graves.

British calumny and treacherous deceits have destroyed the world within its grasp, billions of lives, and now they wash their hands clean. Even the final lie, rubbing our noses in our own ignorance, we have Herr Mueller, special investigator, defender against 911 truth, leading the circus down the path of Russian collusion in the 2016 election of the The Donald.  Oh, now we are in 2019 and finally we see it was only the usual British collusion after all.  Still obscured is the 100+ years of using the sons of the colonies as a cheap mercenary army to fight and die to achieve the ends of the Crown and the Holy See.  Wait, we thought that was the Zionists who were doing that.  The Zionists are only the capos and Bibi is the Queen’s lapdog, trying to curry more of the Queen’s favor to satisfy his own greed, ego and nefarious goals.

America may be waking up to the fact that they have no more productive industrial sector. After all, since shortly after WW2, we have been running an enormous trade deficit with the rest of the world for over 75 years…this to the tune of $60 – $80 billions per month.  They told us this does not matter. 

They have been ‘off-shoring’ the viable remnants of manufacturing technology to China for more than 50 years.  They tell us this is to take advantage of ‘cheap labor’. Exactly ‘who’ is the one taking advantage of this cheap labor and deriving the benefits therefrom?

 We have been content to know that we are no longer an industrialized economy but rather are now a ‘service-sector’ economy, as if this is a natural progression and nothing to worry about.  Services are, by definition, “overhead”.  Anyone who knows even the first thing about business knows this.  Overhead is, by definition, a cost of doing-business, which must be covered from the “profits of the business”.  If you are no longer manufacturing and selling goods to trading partners, you are no longer generating profits.  Your only recourse is to revert to credit and borrowing.  Credit and borrowing are not inherently bad, but that is on the premise that you are generating profits from which you cover your own overhead and also repay the borrowed funds with interest.  Otherwise, it is a totally unsustainable non-viable fool’s errand that can only lead to ruin.  Is any of this ringing any bells? Does anyone see that the US debts, running at over $330 trillion can never, ever be repaid. There are no profits, so the overhead services cannot be sustained either except by more borrowing.

The party is still running on its own fart gasses, for some, but not for the no-longer-existing ‘middle class’ element of the population anymore.  The credit cards are still keeping the cocaine and beer coming, but the banks are all on-the-skids, and only continue because ‘reality’ is just ‘too unthinkable’ and they have no other ideas.  There is not going to be another $33 trillion bank bail-out.

Herr Mueller, after completing his job as the ‘cover up man’ on 911 has now finished his report on the 2016 election conspiracy. Everyone can now sleep easier. Do not leave your house without your ‘papers’ in order. You have been ‘NOTICED”.

So, what is going to happen?  Has anyone heard of an independent city/state already in existence called Hong Kong?  Now, who is the owner of Hong Kong?  It is not China, any more than the District of Columbia is owned by the United States. Hong Kong has been a very successful economic center for a long time.  It is a holding of the Crown, just like D.C.  It is within the land mass of China but is an independent entity owned by the Crown, not China.  Will China rise up and reclaim Hong Kong?  China is a much longer standing asset of the Crown than is the US and its Western friends.  China is a subject of the Crown. To the world, the identity of China and Hong Kong will be intermingled and eventually be confused as one-and-the-same. Just like DC and the United States.

Has it escaped anyone’s attention that China has built a powerful military with a large conscription of soldiers and modern weapons?  With the US and the West depopulated, is it too hard to conceive the idea that China will be able to take over the role of world police from the US?  Don’t worry about Russia.  They are already on-board with all of this. They are long running allies of China.

Are you sitting back witnessing all of this, yet thinking that somehow someone is going to make this all be OK?  After all, they always do, don’t they?  Yes, the always do until they don’t.  What can be done?  Whatever it is, it must be done sooner than later, while there are still 7.4 billion of us and maybe a few thousand of them.  Well, they have the big army, don’t they, with the sophisticated weapons?  Yes, but it is your sons and daughters who comprise the big army.  They have them deployed to faraway places while bringing in the foreign UN troops to the US.  Your sons and daughters in the military are not going to use the sophisticated weapons to kill their own parents, family and friends.  They know this, so they deploy them far away.  The UN troops have no such compunctions.

We do not have a lot of time as depopulation is underway as we read.  We need more awareness.  Help people to wake up.  We need to bring our military children home.  We need to be smart enough not to give up our arms based on all of the false-flag campaigns using fake crazed lone gunmen in mass shootings.  These are all staged government operations to influence the weak to voluntarily give up their arms. We need to prepare for food shortages.  As early as this fall, harvests are going to come up very short. Do not accept shots nor allow your family to be innoculated.  Your body is amazingly versatile and can detoxify itself to a significant degree.  They know this.  They try to overwhelm you with so many toxins that your body’s capacity is exceeded.  You can avoid as many toxins as possible by learning all of the ways you are being exposed to them.  Try to maintain a toxicity status within your body’s capacity to clear it.  You can’t avoid all toxins totally.

Do not allow yourself to get caught up in the ongoing soap opera reality show that is Western democracy (not) and all western news.  They own the media, so expect to get inundated by non-news fake information that seems to be more entertaining than the facts.  When you get into this more, you will find the facts much more interesting and challenging.  The reality show is all fake and a total waste of time and energy. It can only lead you to one place….a hole in the ground.

Government Has Always Been Feudal

The last 100 years is no exception

David Rockefeller: “If I stand accused of developing a New World Order, then I plead guilty”

Feudalism is not new. The ‘New World Oder’ (NWO) would have you thinking this is some revolutionary ideal in the annals of government. It’s not. It is just more of the same. Feudalism is not dead, never has been dead and democracy is nothing but a big fat charade. The charade was an experiment to test the capacity of the latest technocracy of the Matrix. The test was to determine the population size that could be controlled using this technocracy during a given reset period. Prior to this experiment, the world population of humans has always been maintained at around 500 million or less. At this point, the job at hand is to return the population of humans to 500 million. Now we find ourselves at the end of the current reset period that began in 1812. The reset button has been pushed and the new reset is upon us, like it or not.

Have you heard of the European Union? While the Donald and the Putin carry on their popular reality TV shows, how much do you see or hear about Jean-Claude Juncker? Not too much, maybe. The EU is a non-elected governing body of all Europe, that is seated in Brussels and makes the rules. There is not too much spotlight on these royals, yet. Their day is coming, when they will be well known as the Kings of the world. You will just have to wait while this all plays out.

This blog is for those who want to know what is in store for the human race in the immanent future. Most of the factors that will bring about these radical changes are already well in-play and will now finish playing themselves out no matter what. Nothing can stop what has been unleashed. What is to occur can be clearly foreseen. Only the ultimate timing cannot be told beyond the immediately active phase that is currently already underway.

The Matrix has decided that the population explosion experiment is over.  It was a success, keeping 7.4 billion people ignorant and totally under control. The current ‘reset’ is now underway. They have decided to depopulate the ‘Western’ world by about 80-90%.  The USA has been fully exploited and is basically an uninhabitable toxic wasteland.  This has been decided long ago and has already been at least 50 years in-the-process. The Georgia Guide Stones declare this goal….population 500 million in perpetuity. Many think the Guide Stones are just some kind of joke or hoax. Not so. They are the pre-warning that is always given to humans in advance of coming important events of high impact to the human race.

Georgia Guidestones declare the message. Population of earth at 500 million in perpetuity

Technology ‘out-sourcing’ has been underway for more than 50 years, sending all viable manufacturing technology from the USA to East Asia. This is now completed. China has a large highly educated work force, so they do not need more humans, especially from the ‘West’.

The military forces of the US and allies are deployed to the 800+ foreign bases and the on-going wars and coup d’etats underway in the rest of the world.  Trump recently dispatched thousands more troops to the Middle East and is considering sending more. Meanwhile, a million UN military troops have entered and are already on the ground in the US, fully equipped. 

Why do they want the US military forces of the out of the US and the military forces of foreign UN countries in the US?

Everyday, long trainloads of UN heavy armaments and transports are being deployed around the country.  You can watch the numerous videos on-line. FEMA camps are ready to receive guests and 30,000 guillotines have been acquired. Hundreds of millions of coffins are stacked up and visible on these FEMA sites. Semi-truck loads of “Martial Law” signs have been delivered to major cities. The UN is being asked to patrol Chicago based on the Obama treaties under the guise of heavy gun violence. This is the tip of the iceberg. The Obama treaties between the US and the UN provide for immediate transfer of all control to the UN in any area of the US where Martial Law is declared. No further protocol is required.

UN will implement martial law unilaterally based on the Obama treaty.

Soros’ paid immigrants are flooding through the borders, creating chaos and diversion for more military, street gang and drug-related forces to enter the country as well as a pretense for declaration of ‘Martial Law’. Trump has declared a national state of emergency. Immediately after Martial Law will come the forced confiscation of the 500 million guns from the homes of the US population.  Once this is done, Katy bar the door.

The Center For Disease Creation (CDC) has released a patented weaponized measles virus and is hysterically waving its arms, claiming the sky is falling.  Worse, they are declaring medical ‘Martial Law’ based on this contrived hoax of their own making.  If the Matrix can get a lot of Martial Law zones going, this is going to make gun confiscation a lot easier and faster. Meanwhile, the CDC has the perfect excuse to administer another MMR vaccine to all people of all ages. This particular MMR vaccine serum is not the one you got before, but a highly toxic and ultimately fatal new version. The beauty of the vaccine genocide is that it is not directly possible to correlate the event with the death so people who want to continue living under delusion have the option to remain deluded. If they are able, they will bring about mandatory vaccination for all, so that even those who have been vaccinated in the past will receive a new lethal one. If you are very constitutionally strong, you may be among the 10% who survive this lethal injection.

The Center for Disease Creation (CDC) develops pathogens, patents them and delivers them to their chosen victims. Then, they administer their lethal vaccines to the frightened population as a fake countermeasure.

In the aftermath of literally hundreds of false-flag fake incidents, beginning with Columbine and Oklahoma City, many fools in the population are ready to capitulate to UN gun confiscators without a word of argument.   Your military sons and daughters are too far away to help you, probably taking guns from some other poor saps in faraway places. The Matrix knows that if they were at hand, they would not stand by and see their families killed by foreign UN troops, who have no compunction about doing so. Just as they probably have no compunction about killing the foreigners whose guns they may be confiscating. It’s a family thing.

What is underway is a major change in the world order.  The ‘West’ is finished and full of ‘useless eaters’ who must be disposed of, according to Queen Elizabeth II. Dismiss the orders of the Queen at your own peril. Obey the orders of the Queen at your own peril. Take your pick. This is phase one, which will eliminate 1– 1.5 billion people.  It will, of course, be done as another ‘false-flag’, under pretenses creating the illusion of organically arising disasters requiring emergency martial law and population control measures. This is done for show to placate observers in other countries of the world so they will peacefully standby, thinking it could never happen to them.

The ultimate long-term goal of reducing total world population to 500 million will be a multi-phased endeavor.  There is no way of putting a time-frame on it, as the plans for further exploitation of the natural resources of the earth are not known to us.  There is still the possibility of strip-mining Africa and South America. But, what is going to occur in the end is totally predictable. 

Feudal system is very simple. The king/Queen rules under the approval of the pope. They own everything. You are a common slave. Don’t be deluded by the fake democracy of recent times.

For 134,800 years of the 135,000 years of human existence, the system of rule has been overtly feudal .  Only the most recent 200 years, and primarily the last 100 years, has been under a system of technocratic virtual reality inside what I call the Matrix.  During this brief period, the population was allowed to grow from 500 million to 7+ billion.  Within the Matrix system, the ‘West’ was rapidly exploited totally, but at a great cost to the planet.  There is a lot of gold in the vaults of the Rothschild’s, the Vatican, and the Crown.  There may be a lot more in other vaults that are unknown to us in this age. Even though fake democracy appeared in some of the nations, it has never been anything but a feudal system.  The Crown has and still does rule the world under a feudal system of royalty, pope, knights and commoners. The creator gods live under a feudal system and ruled humans under a feudal system. The ‘blue blood’ surrogate rulers of humans were given a legacy that is feudal and operated under a feudal system for the recent 3000 years of their reign. The recent fake democracy is only a brief anomaly to discover the scope of control achievable under this new version technocratic Matrix.

It is possible that the goal for the next 200 years is to complete the exploitation of East Asia, followed by 200 years each for Africa and South America.  The planet of our creator gods is about 600 years out, but inbound, based on its 3,600 earth-year orbital cycle. The departure of the creator gods occurred around 1,000 BCE.  The ability of the gods to travel to earth seems to be limited to the period within the orbital cycle when they are in close proximity. Do the math and you will see that it is possible the gods will arrive on earth in 600 years and a whole new direction will be set, maybe to give the earth a long deserved rest. It is even possible that they will take exception with the blue-blood homo capensis as as to how they have managed the 3600 year period of their rule. Maybe they will wish to establish a better system. After all, Enki and his family have always been interested in the betterment of the human plight.

Presently, the creator gods are back on their home planet. Every 3600 earth-years, the solar system of the sun’s binary companion star passes through our inner solar system. At this point of proximity, the creator gods are able to visit earth.

However, what is clear to me is that this period will continue to be one of a ‘feudal’ order, the system under which humans have been governed during the entirety of their existence.  The system of the gods. Once the depopulation is completed, the hidden controllers in the eye of the pyramid will emerge once again into the open and put on their crowns and sit on their thrones.  They will have their familial bloodline fellow royalty to occupy the various thrones around the globe who will have their various entourages of toadies.  There will be the lords, barons, earls, duchesses etc. to broaden the ruling structure.  The military are the knights at the beck and call of the royals, to do their dirty work.  Then, there will be ‘all the rest’ of the surviving masses, commoners, who will not enjoy the illusion of freedom, who will not have the right of property ownership and whose children will be rendered to the royals openly for their sex, torture and dining pleasure.  No need for further sneaking around and covert child trafficking.  The masses will be sharecroppers, miners and tradesmen, who will work the property and the commercial ventures owned by the royals for a subsistence share.

Crowned King on his throne. The royals can fight amongst each other for who will be the big kahuna.

The recent HBO TV spectacle, The Game of Thrones, is typical of the type of pre-announcement provided to humans of such impending developments.  If you are not familiar, it may be interesting to enjoy the spectacle for yourself.  If you are already familiar, it may be a good idea for you to review in your mind under the benefit of this information.  Do not get emotionally involved with the individual characters. Take in the overall concept of this type of government. You may not like the idea of this kind of subservience to totally dominant rulers because you maybe you think it couldn’t happen to you. Think again. You also may have noticed that the mainstream news is full of reports about the Crown royals these days.  Everyone is hanging on every minute tidbit of royal news.  They are conditioning you for impending changes.

This is the outline of events underway.  If you would like to have more details, read on.

“Stop having babies, die and stay dead.”…Bill Maher

The annihilation of the vast majority of humans on planet Earth is now openly advocated by insider-wannabes, CIA published reports, and the wealthy elite, including Bill Gates, Ted Turner and even comedians like Bill Maher, who just want people to “Not have kids, DIE, and stay dead.”

“As he argued that humans threaten the environment, he concluded that it would be better for Earth for more people to ‘not have kids, die and stay dead,’” reports NewsBusters.org.

Military activity is supported by a large element of the population who really believe the planet will be destroyed if humans are allowed to survive much longer.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,  Soros-sponsored junior freshmen congress-woman,  warns that planet Earth only has 12 more years before it will be destroyed by “climate change” — as if she has studied this matter and has any valid opinion. But many buy into this crap because she is flaunted by state media as the inventor of the ‘green movement’.

Because foolish humans are brain-washed to believe they are a threat to the planet and themselves, they have no qualms whatsoever about calling for the mass genocide of human beings around the world, so long as it does not include them. After all, they are trying to “save the planet,” they tell themselves, which means in their minds, the ends justify the means.  Of course, for them, the extermination is directed to others and they are to survive to takeover ‘cushy’ power positions.

Washington State about to legalize the composting of human corpses to “recycle” them into the food supply:

As the global annihilation agenda is ramping up, laws are now being pushed that will allow governments to efficiently dispose of billions of bodies by “recycling” them back into the food supply. (Soylent Green, anyone?)

In the state of Washington, for example, a new “human composting” bill has been passed by the state House and Senate. Once signed into law, it will allow human corpses to be liquefied and flushed into the sewer system. From there, “biosludge” is collected which is dehydrated and trucked out to the rural farms in surrounding areas. There, it’s dumped on farm fields after being dishonestly labeled “free fertilizer” for farmers.

Effectively, what this means is that human corpses are going to be “recycled” back into the food supply in Washington. Soon, this will be authorized across America. It’s one of the necessary steps before the globalists unleash their “kill switch” biological weapon that’s designed to kill off 90% of the ‘Western’ population. Corpses into food solves a lot of problems.

Once that is accomplished, human labor will be replaced by automated robots, while armed Google “suicide drones” seek out and exterminate the human survivors living in the rubble of cities like Seattle, LA and NYC. Anyone remember ‘Escape From LA’?

Kurt Russell is a survivor of extermination in ‘Escape from LA’. More predictive programming.

The fake U.S. government must find a way to exterminate the masses, or it will be financially wiped out by 2035:

What many people don’t yet realize is that the governments of the world have made too many entitlement promises that simply cannot be met if human beings are allowed to survive. Exterminating 90% of the population is now deemed a “necessary step” to keeping those governments financially solvent by erasing hundreds of trillions in financial obligations such as retirement pensions, Medicare and Social Security for 90% of the people who will be ‘genocided’.

As the Wall Street Journal now reports, the Social Security Administration (SSA) goes cash flow negative in 2020 and will be completely looted and penniless by 2035, even as it owes hundreds of trillions to future entitlement recipients. “By 2035, the trust funds for both programs will be depleted, and Social Security will no longer be able to pay its scheduled benefits unless Congress steps to shore up the program,” reports the WSJ.  This puts the timing of the 90% wipeout into the very immediate future unless they have a reason to wait for the complete depletion of the funds.

“More broadly, rising Social Security and Medicare costs are also expected to weigh on the federal budget. Both programs together account for 45% of federal spending, excluding interest payments on the national debt, and have contributed to larger deficits that are set to exceed $1 trillion a year starting in 2020 on a cash accounting basis.”

The “welfare state” is obviously unsustainable. If the masses were allowed to live, they would eventually attempt to overrun / overthrow the governments that fail to keep their entitlement promises. It is unclear if this is a desired consequence, or not as the elected politicos would be their prime target. In any case, it is obvious to anyone who can add and subtract that the governments cannot pay these massive entitlements and will do something to bring the situation back to viability.

Nobody has the right to have more than two children…..Paul Erlich

The Matrix will unleash a vaccine, bioweapon, electrical grid down, 5G/smart meter microwave attack, or a fake small nuke in dense population zones, etc. that kills off 90% of the human population, either instantly or over 6 months. Food shortages will take care of the rest. After all, people who are dead no longer receive government “benefits.” That’s how genocide becomes a matter of public policy and government self-preservation. In fact, this is the only way out for the US, that is over-extended to the tune of more than $330 trillion on an accrual accounting basis.

The Matrix experiment will be over. It will be blamed on others or that overpopulation is the primary cause of the most important problems that the world was facing and that something was desperately needed to be done about it. For them, useless humans are a needless plague upon the earth.

“The earth will be dead in 12 years due to climate change”….Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
(One of our leading experts with the IQ of a midget fruit fly)

They complain that it “costs too much” to keep elderly patients that are terminally ill alive, especially when their insurance plans and savings runout, and they eagerly promote abortion for babies that are “not wanted” because they would be “too much of a burden” on society. People who do not want to take responsibility for their own actions agree.

Anything that reduces the human population in any way is a good thing for those that operate the Matrix. This twisted philosophy is being promoted in our movies, in our television shows, in our music, in countless books, on many of the most prominent websites in the world, and it is being taught at nearly all of the most important colleges and universities on the planet. 

The Matrix includes the construct of the fake monetary system and they generate all the currency of the world for free, instantaneously in unlimited quantity.  So, as long as the people keep thinking this worthless fiat money is good, they will keep accepting it to pay for the mechanisms of their own demise.  Microchipping and destruction of cash money will be implemented soon, providing a more rigid control system on human behavior and survival.

“We’re too many people. That’s why we have global warming. We must reduce the population to 300 million maximum”….Ted Turner

In fact, many of them are entirely convinced that we are in a “life or death” struggle for the fate of the planet, and that if humanity does not willingly choose to embrace population control soon, then a solution will have to be “forced” upon them. Notice that it is always ‘them’, as in ‘not me’.

Minions all the way down the pyramid ranks, who are not privy or decision makers are on-board and supporting plans to depopulate.  Of course, most are thinking that it is someone else who is going to be ‘depopulated’.  These fools include your two-bit elected politicos, right up to the POTUS. The Donald has learned that same lesson that all his predecessors have learned….he is not the most powerful person in the world….not by a long shot. He can be replaced by moving his trash can onto his desk chair.

Here are some quotes from supposed leaders among us at various levels indicating their knowing or ignorant support for depopulation:

1. UK Television Presenter Sir David Attenborough: “We are a plague on the Earth. It’s coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so. It’s not just climate change; it’s sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us, and the natural world is doing it for us right now”

2. Paul Ehrlich, a former science adviser to president George W. Bush and the author of “The Population Bomb”: “To our minds, the fundamental cure, reducing the scale of the human enterprise (including the size of the population) to keep its aggregate consumption within the carrying capacity of Earth is obvious but too much neglected or denied”.

Paul Ehrlich again, this time on the size of families: “Nobody, in my view, has the right to have 12 children or even three unless the second pregnancy is twins”

3. Dave Foreman, the co-founder of Earth First: “We humans have become a disease, the Humanpox.”

4. CNN Founder Ted Turner: “A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”

He was quoted saying: “We’re too many people; that’s why we have global warming.”

Unfortunately for him and other fervent depopulationists, both the overpopulation myth and the man-made global warming hoax, have been repeatedly debunked., not that this is going to change anything.

5. Japan’s Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso about medical patients with serious illnesses: “You cannot sleep well when you think it’s all paid by the government. This won’t be solved unless you let them hurry up and die.”

6. David Rockefeller: “The negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming appallingly evident.”

7. Environmental activist Roger Martin: “On a finite planet, the optimum population providing the best quality of life for all, is clearly much smaller than the maximum, permitting bare survival. The more we are, the less for each; fewer people mean better lives.”

8. HBO personality Bill Maher: “I’m pro-choice, I’m for assisted suicide, I’m for regular suicide, I’m for whatever gets the freeway moving – that’s what I’m for. It’s too crowded, the planet is too crowded and we need to promote death.”

9. MIT professor Penny Chisholm: “The real trick is, in terms of trying to level off at someplace lower than that 9 billion, is to get the birthrates in the developing countries to drop as fast as we can. And that will determine the level at which humans will level off on earth.”

10. Julia Whitty, a columnist for Mother Jones: “The only known solution to ecological overshoot is to decelerate our population growth faster than it’s decelerating now and eventually reverse it — at the same time we slow and eventually reverse the rate at which we consume the planet’s resources.

“Success in these twin endeavors will crack our most pressing global issues: climate change, food scarcity, water supplies, immigration, health care, biodiversity loss, even war.

“On one front, we’ve already made unprecedented strides, reducing global fertility from an average 4.92 children per woman in 1950 to 2.56 today — an accomplishment of trial and sometimes brutally coercive error, but also a result of one woman at a time making her individual choices. The speed of this childbearing revolution, swimming hard against biological programming, rates as perhaps our greatest collective feat to date.”

11. Colorado State University Professor Philip Cafaro in a paper entitled “Climate Ethics and Population Policy”: “Ending human population growth is almost certainly a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for preventing catastrophic global climate change. Indeed, significantly reducing current human numbers may be necessary in order to do so.“

12. Professor of Biology at the University of Texas at Austin, Eric R. Pianka: “I do not bear any ill will toward people. However, I am convinced that the world, including all humanity, WOULD clearly be much better off without so many of us.”

13. Detroit News Columnist Nolan Finley: “Since the national attention is on birth control, here’s my idea: If we want to fight poverty, reduce violent crime and bring down our embarrassing drop-out rate, we should swap contraceptives for fluoride in Michigan’s drinking water.

We’ve got a baby problem in Michigan. Too many babies are born to immature parents who don’t have the skills to raise them, too many are delivered by poor women who can’t afford them, and too many are fathered by sorry layabouts who spread their seed like dandelions and then wander away from the consequences.”

14. John Guillebaud, professor of family planning at University College London: “The effect on the planet of having one child less is an order of magnitude greater than all these other things we might do, such as switching off lights. An extra child is the equivalent of a lot of flights across the planet.”

15. Democrat strategist Steven Rattner: “WE need death panels. Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.”

16. Matthew Yglesias, a business and economics correspondent for Slate, in an article entitled “The Case for Death Panels, in One Chart”:

“But not only is this health care spending on the elderly the key issue in the federal budget, our disproportionate allocation of health care dollars to old people surely accounts for the remarkable lack of apparent cost effectiveness of the American health care system. When the patient is already over 80, the simple fact of the matter is that no amount of treatment is going to work miracles in terms of life expectancy or quality of life.”

17. Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger: “All of our problems are the result of overbreeding among the working class” and “The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”

18. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: “Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”

19. Salon columnist Mary Elizabeth Williams in an article entitled “So What If Abortion Ends Life?”: “All life is not equal. That’s a difficult thing for liberals like me to talk about, lest we wind up looking like death-panel-loving, kill-your-grandma-and-your-precious-baby storm troopers. Yet a fetus can be a human life without having the same rights as the woman in whose body it resides.”

20. Alberto Giubilini of Monash University in Melbourne, Australia and Francesca Minerva of the University of Melbourne in a paper published in the Journal of Medical Ethics:

“[W]hen circumstances occur after birth such that they would have justified abortion, what we call after-birth abortion should be permissible. … [W]e propose to call this practice ‘after-birth abortion’, rather than ‘infanticide,’ to emphasize that the moral status of the individual killed is comparable with that of a fetus … rather than to that of a child.

“Therefore, we claim that killing a newborn could be ethically permissible in all the circumstances where abortion would be. Such circumstances include cases where the newborn has the potential to have an (at least) acceptable life, but the well-being of the family is at risk.”

21. Nina Fedoroff, a key adviser to Hillary Clinton: “We need to continue to decrease the growth rate of the global population; the planet can’t support many more people.”

22. Barack Obama’s primary science adviser, John P. Holdren: “A program of sterilizing women after their second or third child, despite the relatively greater difficulty of the operation than vasectomy, might be easier to implement than trying to sterilize men.

The development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens additional possibilities for coercive fertility control. The capsule could be implanted at puberty and might be removable, with official permission, for a limited number of births.”

23. David Brower, the first Executive Director of the Sierra Club: “Childbearing [should be] a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license … All potential parents [should be] required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing.”

24. Thomas Ferguson, former official in the U.S. State Department Office of Population Affairs: “There is a single theme behind all our work–we must reduce population levels. Either governments do it our way, through nice clean methods, or they will get the kinds of mess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran or in Beirut. Population is a political problem. Once population is out of control, it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it…”

25. Mikhail Gorbachev: “We must speak more clearly about sexuality, contraception, about abortion, about values that control population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren’t enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage.”

26. Jacques Costeau: “In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it.”

27. Finnish environmentalist Pentti Linkola: “If there were a button I could press, I would sacrifice myself without hesitating if it meant millions of people would die”

28. Prince Phillip, husband of Queen Elizabeth II and co-founder of the World Wildlife Fund: “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.
29. Prince Charles, the son of aforementioned Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth II, has openly expressed support for a recent population study by biologists Paul and Anne Ehrlich, calling for drastic global efforts to reduce fertility worldwide.

On the official website of the Prince of Wales, prince Charles commended Paul and Anne Ehrlich’s latest population study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society on January 8, 2013 calling among other things for globally provided “back-up abortions” to avert overpopulation catastrophe.

The prince wrote: “We do, in fact, have all the tools, assets and knowledge to avoid the collapse of which this report warns, but only if we act decisively now.”

30. Prince William, just like his father and grandfather before him, has showed his support for depopulation. William has recently stated that the population growth in Africa is putting a tremendous amount of pressure on the natural world and driving many species of animals to extinction.

Africa’s rapidly growing human population is predicted to more than double by 2050 – a staggering increase of three and a half million people per month,” Prince William explained during a recent event hosted by the Tusk Trust, a charity that is committed to protecting African wildlife.

“There is no question that this increase puts wildlife and habitat under enormous pressure.”

“Urbanization, infrastructure development, cultivation – all good things in themselves, but they will have a terrible impact unless we begin to plan and to take measures now.”

It’s no surprise to see yet another “elite” depopulationist pushing for the death of billions of humans for the sake of the wildlife, whilst holding massive investments in the very companies that plunder the Earth’s resources.

31. Henry Kissinger, a top architect of the New World Order, is believed by many to be one of the biggest war criminals alive. He has worked hard to put his depopulation plans into action.

He was also quoted saying:

“Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries”.

32. Bill Gates is possible the biggest depopulationist alive. According to him, his father was the head of Planned Parenthood and has influenced his views on population control from an early age.

In a TEDx lecture, he explains that one way to lower the CO2 levels (which, by the way, are not a problem AT ALL, since the total manmade CO2 output levels are very low already) by decreasing the human population:

“The world today has 7.2 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care and reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

Because of the vaccination programs pushed by Bill Gates, countless children have died or became paralyzed in third world countries. Most notably, over 47,500 cases of paralysis have been reported in India as a result of Gates’ vaccination program, as well as at least 500,000 young Kenyan girls and women have been made sterile, following a tetanus vaccine administered by the government, and pushed by the international organizations in Bill Gates’ back pocket.

Bill Gates’ foundation has also announced the development of a remote-controlled contraceptive microchip (i.e. population control microchip), which can be implanted under the skin of young women for 6 cents.

David Rockefeller, Inventer of allopathic medicine and pharmaceutical drugs, killing hundreds of millions annually. Funding CDC programs such as the ZIKA scam as an excuse to inoculate hundreds of millions with fake killer vaccines while making $trillions.

You will need to read the previous blog entitled Idiocy in an Age of Stupidity to tie this all together.
