ET New World Order

The UN New World Order agenda is the ET agenda, as the late whistleblower Phil Schneider once said.

Many are too afraid to touch the topic of ETs for fear of losing popularity, credibility or alienating (pun intended) their friends and readers.

There are even many alternative researchers who struggle with the idea that the creeping centralization of power is a manifestation of an ET agenda. However, the truth is the truth, and the evidence, as we shall see, is overwhelming.

If you’re wondering how ETs (extraterrestrials) fit into the whole picture of the UN NWO (New World Order), it’s simple: they’re intimately involved at the top of the pyramid. The UN NWO agenda is the ET agenda; they are one and the same.

It’s essential to realize that the directors of the entire UN NWO worldwide conspiracy are non-human entities: these are the aristocrats, the blue blood royalty that everyone has forgotten about, thinking they somehow disappeared recently, in the modern age of human freedom and liberation.  Of course, it never happened that way.  Human freedom is an illusion.  Do not doubt it for one second. 

If you go down the rabbit hole deep enough, the trail goes off planet – both to other worlds and to other dimensions.

What do the ETs Want from Us?

What the ETs want from us is very simple.  First, stop thinking of earth as your planet.  Just because you happen to have been born here, does not make this your planet, in the sense of ownership.  Planets are not owned outright in the sense of a personal possession.  Second, planets are controlled by the most powerful beings in the game. That does not include you. Thirdly, what you refer to as ‘Aliens’ are not aliens to this planet.  If anyone is the alien, it is you. Just because you are not aware of something does not mean it doesn’t exist or is not true.

In fact, the vast majority of things you think you know are not true.  Stop referring to the ET creator gods as ‘aliens’.  They searched for this planet because their mission was to locate a planet that had gold ore.  At that time, homo sapiens did not even exist.  The creator gods decided to colonize this planet and place a contingent of their people here to extract the gold ore, refine it for trans-shipment and to transfer it to their home planet.  They manned their colony with a core of worker-class people, as they found no suitable laborers among the existing Earth species at that time, 450,000 years ago.

Once the colony was established, they found other valuable minerals and ores that could be extracted for many purposes.  After 315,000 years, the laborers revolted and refused to work in the gold mines any longer.  As a solution to the labor problem, it was decided to use a primitive creature, now known as ‘homo erectus’, that could be genetically advanced by combining some of the ‘god genes’ with the ova of the female homo erectus.

Homo Sapiens 

Here is the where, when and how homo sapiens came into existence, 135,000 years ago on this planet, Earth, then called ‘Terra’.  The allocation of god-genes was carefully selected to provide the homo sapiens with no more advanced capabilities than were basically essential to perform the desired tasks. Extraction of gold ore was done differently at that time, compared to how it would be done today.  The creator-gods possessed highly advanced technology and science compared to our present-day.  Although the gold ore was located deep under the surface, they possessed technology that allowed extraction and elevation to the surface using sound generators, that could both cut and levitate the cut stone containing the gold ore.

The laborers, freed from work in the mines, established some cities in the middle east gulf area and requested that human slaves be made available to assist in construction, excavation, farming and other tasks, and the request was granted.  The ET workers were basically all males and lacked the availability of females to complete the natural biological order of existence.

Upon the arrival of human slaves into the gulf area cities, the worker gods looked upon the human females, and found them to be fair (attractive) and chose from among them all that they pleased, to make of them wives and to bear for them children.  These off-springs were the Nephilim, the giants, the mighty men of old.  This practice of mating with human females was considered degrading by the royal gods and those who chose this practice we designated ‘the fallen ones’. These worker gods and their Nephilim off-spring killed human males in large quantities, seeing them as rivals in the ‘mating game’.

When the creator gods left Terra around 1,000 BCE, they left the aristocrat blue-bloods to govern the humans in perpetuity in their absence.  The aristocratic families continued to exploit the humans as sources of free labor to carry on with the mining, which by then, had been expanded throughout the globe. To gain a sustained level of productivity from the human slaves, the aristocrats and the priests concocted many schemes that were more productive than the whip of overt feudalism.  To keep the population of humans in check, non-stop wars, plagues and ultimately birth rate reduction by sterilization, sexual perversions, gender confusion and numerous psychological games to incentivize humans to chose unproductive types of sexual activities.

Just about every trick in the book has been played on humans but real production has collapsed as the fake currency Ponzi schemes, and religions have disintegrated.  There are technological schemes that could bring humans to a point of total obsolescence.  Humans are expensive to maintain, destructive, wasteful and dangerous.  They are no longer reliable producers.  There are better ways to get the job done.

Experiments have been conducted for a long time, involving ways and means to overcome the ‘human problem’.  The creator-gods are only about another 600 earth-years away from the point of return, as the orbits of the two solar systems progress in the merging to the closest proximity of the 3,600 earth-year cycle.  

The idea of totally removing the homo sapiens population from the planet, to be replaced by ‘hubrids’, engineered from the process of human myosis to yield a new specie that is better adapted to the environment and the required functionality.

Here is a brief list of some:

  • wanting to create a new ‘hubrid’ replacement race;
  • wanting to trap humanity in perpetuity through an endless cycle of birth, death and re-birth (e.g. through the soul net of soul recycling/forced reincarnation);
  • wanting to assimilate humanity into an android-like collective (like the Borg from Star Trek).

How do we know about this ET agenda?

There is so much proof, it is far far beyond the scope of this article to include it all, however this blog offers to give an outline and numerous examples.

There are many sources with a broad spectrum of provability. The ones listed first here are more “provable” to the rational, logical mind, for those interested in hard evidence:

  • photographic and video evidence of ETs and UFOs;
  • eyewitness accounts of ET contactees and abductees of their encounters and interactions with ETs;
  • researchers (ufologists) who have listened to and collected hundreds of case files of contactees and abductees;
  • testimony of former governmental and military insiders who saw case files and worked in “ET departments” of their organizations;
  • declassified governmental and military documents and case files;
  • past and present stories and lorefrom all over the world.

The ET Agenda According to Phil Schneider

Military engineer and geologist Phil Schneider was a brave whistleblower, who went public in 1995 (and was murdered by “suicide” a year later in 1996).

He is the one who first voiced the sentence “The UN New World Agenda is the agenda of the ETs and non-human aristocrats” – and he would have known, because according to his claim, he personally came face-to-face with both Grey and Reptilian ET species while working on the construction of DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases).

Incredibly, Schneider got into a gun fight with some of these ETs, which resulted in an exchange of fire where Schneider was wounded and the ET was killed.

Schneider’s accounts include a host of other stunning claims, such as detailed descriptions of underground bases and cities beneath the surface of America, the US Government’s secret deals with hostile ETs, the advanced ET technology being used by secret US agencies, the existence of “corbamite” (element 140), mining operations on the moon and the ET/NWO genocidal agenda to reduce the earth’s population by 85%, and then possibly 100%.

As much as possible, Schneider backed up his assertions by showing his scar to the cameras, as well as what he claimed was a sample rock of corbamite.

Cynthia Drayer, Phil’s ex-wife, has highlighted the many suspicious details surrounding Schneider’s death.

Schneider was close friends with Al Bielek, the man involved in the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project.

Bielek has revealed information that Schneider had confided in him, including tales of 7 foot Grey ETs dictating policy at a secret UN underground base, and how Schneider secretly flew to Japan in a private jet to reveal how the Kobe “earthquake” was a nuclear attack by the US, similar to the Fukushima tsunami.

Note:  References to US Governments really mean the ‘real’ government controlled by non-humans and are not in reference to elected officials from illusionary elections, who are powerless traitors.

Schneider’s account is also corroborated by the Dulce Papers which talk of a fight between humans and aliens in 1979 at the underground base at Dulce, New Mexico.

Now let’s look at some of the proof of an ET agenda.

Photographic and Video Evidence

Thanks to the spread of technology, there is plenty of genuine photographic and video evidence for the existence of UFOs, despite the internet also being flooded with fake photos, fake footage and incessant censuring.

It may take you awhile to discern which is which, but if you familiarize yourself by watching and comparing them, it will become apparent.

As a starting list, the following ones appear genuine: the Phoenix lights incident , ET craft/orbs appearing (and rapidly speeding off) in LondonJerusalem (Dome of the Rock sighting)AustraliaHawaii, etc.. I am a personal observer of numerous UFOs seen in the dark skies of the suburbs of Minneapolis, MN in 1976.

Of the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of genuine sightings, it is probable that some are terrestrial (from Earth not another planet) and originate in the secret black military programs which ‘don’t officially exist’.

However, it is extremely unlikely they can all be explained away due to this.

 Eyewitness Accounts of ET Abductees

There are many very viable researchers who have worked with abductees in helping them make an accurate recollection of their abduction experiences. 

Dr David M Jacobs comes to mind as a highly credible researcher and author.  Dr. Jacobs and dozens of his colleagues have documented thousands of cases.  They have found incredible correlation between the experiences, to the point that they are able to piece the puzzle together with accuracy sufficient to draw reliable conclusions as to what is their likely agenda.

From these tens of thousands of documented cases of alien contact and abduction and, in reality, many more we don’t know about, an agenda emerges that is very hard to refute or discount.  Since some people either don’t recall the incident (self-imposed memory suppression as a psychological defense mechanism to protect against trauma, or externally imposed memory wipe/mind control), or are too afraid to go public with it for fear of ridicule, ostracism or other reasons.

UFO Researchers

For those still skeptical, the work of various alien, UFO and abduction researchers is very compelling. For instance, take the work of Dr. David Jacobs, a tenured professor of American History at Temple University for 37 years, who has interviewed over 150 alien abductees, most life-long repetitious experiences and even multigenerational abductions.

Dr. Jacobs’ books are available on Amazon.

Jacobs found in the accounts a repeated theme of extraterrestrial beings abducting and sexually molesting humans to create a race of hybrid human-ETs. These ‘hubrids’ have advanced over time to the point where they can’t be distinguished from humans when intermingling.  It is estimated that more than 20 million of these hubrids are living among humans on the earth at this time.

Take the work of Budd Hopkins, who developed his own hypnotic regression methods to help heal the trauma of thousands of alien abductees – who he realized had become mere specimens in an ongoing ET genetic experimentation on humanity.

The common thread running through these cases was the fact that the abductees had a sense of missing time that their reproductive organs were tampered with and they were given the opportunity to be involved with the offspring of their own biology. 

In some cases, female abductees were found to have one missing ovary, with no apparent scar tissue to show how it was removed.

Take the work of Dr. Karla Turner, a former college instructor who wrote 3 books on ET abduction: Into the Fringe (1992), Taken (1994), and Masquerade of Angels (1994).

As she became acquainted with a plethora of ET abduction cases, she also became convinced that the ETs (many of which were Reptilians) were visiting humanity with malicious intent. 

As Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot write:

“From beginning to end, Turner had been struck by how contradictory the stories of the ETs were. They would, she averred, say anything they wanted to attain their ends.

“As the abductees in Taken reported it, the aliens insisted variously that they had come to help us cope with upcoming ecological disaster, interbreed for our good and theirs, help us evolve, take our genetic material to revivify their dying race.

“Sometimes they claimed they had outright created us; other times, that they were genetically altering us for our own good.”

Many other researchers have helped add to our knowledge base of an ET agenda, such as Mary Rodwell, John Mack, John Carpenter, Bill Baldwin and Barbara Lamb.

Of special note are the work of Dr. Roger Leir (who pioneered research into the shocking phenomenon of implants he found in many of the abductee’s bodies.) and Barbara Bartholic, whose protégés included Karla Turner, Eve Lorgen and James Bartley.

Bartley actually wrote the following about Bartholic:

“Barbara quickly realized energetic harvesting was a key component of the ET abduction syndrome. Barbara was an empath and highly intuitive and labored endlessly to document every facet of a person’s ET abduction experiences.

“She knew the negative ETs manipulated the energy centers and emotions of abductees in order to nourish and empower themselves at the expense of the abductees.

“This process is being played out on a macro society-wide scale. ET abduction is an all out assault on the abducted humans: physically, emotionally, energetically and spiritually.”

Testimony of Former Insiders

There are many level-headed former governmental and military operatives who have attested to the existence of an ET agenda, too.

Take the whistleblowing efforts of Bob Dean, who has given an abundance of presentations about his time at SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe) at the top of NATO.

Dean tells the story of how NATO knew there were ET craft above our skies, commissioned a study to see what could be done about it, and that the conclusion of the study was that the ETs probably had no hostile intentions and were here to observe – because if they had really wanted to enslave or destroy us, they could have done it a long time ago!

This was obviously a highly unsettling conclusion for the military brass to deal with, but so was another of Dean’s revelations: that the top commanders at the Pentagon knew there was a very high likelihood that some ET species (such as the Nordic-looking race of ETs) appeared so human-like that you could walk right next to one and never spot the difference!

Dean later himself had face-to-face meetings with some of these ETs, who he claimed appeared indistinguishable from terrestrial humans.

Another former military man Robert Salas (a retired Air Force captain) went public with his encounter with a UFO while on duty in a nuclear missile silo.

This was a military cover up until recently declassified. He relates the amazing story of how a large, pulsating red oval 30-40 foot in diameter spacecraft hovered over the front gate.

Seconds later the missiles underwent a “control system failure”. Did peaceful, intelligent ETs disable the nuclear weapons?

Listen to his story and decide for yourself. If so, it’s certainly not the first time such a story has been told …

Declassified Documents and Case Files

Many governments have declassified and released their UFO files. Earlier this year in 2015 the US Government declassified files from Project BlueBook.

This site shows a list of 24 countries/organizations that have done so, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand (Additional Report), Peru, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine (not in English), United Nations, United Kingdom, Uruguay and even Vatican City.

This is impressive evidence for those who would deny the existence of UFOs.

ET Stories, Lore and Legends

Humanity’s history is replete with references to ETs. The ancient Vedic texts of India mention vimanas or flying discs.

Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa, introduced to many in the Western world by David Icke, tells many stories of how reptilian beings feature throughout his people’s history.

Zechariah SitchinJordan Maxwell and many others have talked about how the Bible itself originally stated “elohim” means “the gods” not “God” as it became mistranslated.

According to Sitchin, two reptilian ET beings named Enlil and Enki of the Annunaki created humanity.

If humanity itself was created by an advanced extraterrestrial race, as the article Scientists Find Extraterrestrial Genes In Human DNA and others suggest, how could there not be an ET agenda with humanity right now?

How could ETs not be intimately involved with our progress right now?

And since the world is pushed towards the UN NWO, wouldn’t it be fair to assume it is happening in alignment with their desires?

ETs Are Among Us – But Are They Malevolent?

More Likely, ETs are pragmatic.

Given the compelling amount of evidence above in this article (a tiny fraction of all the evidence in existence on the topic) – which not only indicates the existence of ETs, but also shows many are interfering in Earth affairs with a hostile agenda – it’s surprising that there is still the belief out there among some circles that “all ETs are benevolent and have humanity’s best interest at heart”.

This is foolish nonsense – and dangerous nonsense too, because it gives people a false idea about our galactic neighbors, and thus lowering their defenses and making them more susceptible to some kind of invasion or manipulation.

For some reason, this notion has been pushed by none other than Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project. Greer has done a truly outstanding job in bringing ET and UFO witnesses to light, and has exposed many aspects of the conspiracy, including the suppression of zero point energy technology.

Sadly, because Greer is a leading expert in the ET/UFO field, many blindly accept every word he says on the subject. He insists all the so-called “negative” interactions experienced by so many ET abductees are secret black military operations – MILABs (Military Abductions).

Greer is dead wrong on this point, as Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan of Project Camelot pointed out in this heated discussion, as well as other leading experts on exopolitics such as Dr. Michael Salla who wrote the rebuttal Exopolitics vs Exospin.

Some have theorized this is due to Greer’s connection with Lawrence Rockefeller of the infamous Rockefeller family (one of the two main UN NWO families along with the Rothschilds).

ETs atop the UN NWO Pyramid

Many have exposed the ET connection to world events, but David Icke has been the most comprehensive in the many books he has written on the Reptilian theme which has inextricably intertwined with the UN NWO.

Reptilians onboard space craft — art by Deimos-Remus

The Biggest Secret (1999), Children of the Matrix (2001) and The Perception Deception (2013) in particular contain a monumental amount of dot-connecting and information showing that at the apex of the UN NWO pyramid are non-human entities.

Specifically, the connection between hostile ETs (like many Reptilians) and certain humans (of certain bloodline and vibrations frequencies) is made through black magic – Satanic ritual of sex and sacrifice.

These human “leaders” (whether bureaucrats, politicians, business chiefs or military heads) are not running the show – they are willingly giving over their souls to other forces (demonic possession) in exchange for (what they perceive to be) power.


Open Your Mind to the Wider, Deeper Reality

We are not alone, and we never have been alone, as Bob Dean says. What makes some people think humans are the only species with high intelligence or capable of rational thought in the entire known universe? Ego and arrogance.

It is narrow-minded to think so, and it is equally narrow-minded to assume that any extraterrestrial motive or ET agenda would be neutral or beneficial to us. The cosmos is brimming full of life of all kinds. Humans are low on this totem pole.

We all need to remember the Game is a whole lot grander than we think. The UN New World Order doesn’t end with just political control, police brutality, indoctrination, assassination, infiltration, free trade agreements, geoengineering, international banking, suppressed technology or microchips, etc.

Copious evidence shows it goes off-planet into far more bizarre realms (like the ET agenda) than the average person could imagine.

Blind denial of the obvious is not going to bring about advancement in understanding the phenomenon of abductions, existence of ETs and coexistence of humans and hubrids on earth.   

Klaus Blofeld Is Pushing the UN’s Internet of Bodies

FOOD: Unavailable at any price.  Eat soylent green or ratburgers. Gardening is illegal.

WATER: Unavailable at any price.  Collecting rainwater is illegal. Public water is rationed and contaminated with toxic chemicals.

AIR: Pure air unavailable at any price.  Breathe the poisonous contaminated gases surrounding you.

ENERGY:  Unavailable at any price.  Forget about heating, A/C, cooking, driving.

INFORMATION:  Only propaganda is provided.

HEALTH:  Forget about it.

FREEDOM:  Totally unavailable.

SEXUAL PROCREATION:  Forget about this.  Reproduction rates are already far below replenishment levels.  Childbearing-age people are mostly confused about their gender and have been physically or psychologically neutered.


Many people in America think ‘aristocracy’ is an old and obsolete system that died off recently.  That is based largely on the idea that we think we are free and democratic because we don’t have kings and queens.  This goes back to the previous RESET (1812)period which gave birth to the ‘MATRIX’ virtual reality system.

Aristocracy is alive and well today, just as strong as it was 3,000 years ago, at its inception.  The blue-blood aristocrats were bred and given dominion over homo sapiens in perpetuity by the creator gods.  The US and Canada remain under the dominion of the Queen of Windsor, just as always.  You have simply drunk to much of the cool-aid and have absorbed lies which have replaced your reality. 

Think about it.  Every bit of real evidence indicates against this ignorant thinking.  They are not even trying to keep it a secret now, but you still don’t get it.  This is true fear.  Denying what they are flying in your face because it is ‘too unthinkable’.  There is a law of the cosmos or galaxy that requires our creators to inform us of what is in store in our futures.  Any fool can easily find hundreds of examples of these disclosures from Huxley to Wells, from the Matrix to Demolition man.  From James Bond to Soylent Green. Need I go on, or can you think and find your own examples?

The Internet and Technocracy:

The Internet of Bodies (IoB) hasn’t gotten as much attention as it needs to. It’s an outgrowth of the Internet of Things (IoT), a term that has been with us for several years now and which refers to the plan to embed every single thing on Earth with a sensor that allows it to be hooked up to the internet (using things like 5G and the Smart Grid) – and thus surveilled and monitored.

The IoT implies that every node on the grid will receive and broadcast transmissions. The Internet of Bodies takes the whole thing a step further by implementing a world where these sensors are biosensors that sit on or in the human body, with the potential to thus make every individual nothing more than another node on the grid.

Head of the UN WEF (World Economic Forum) Klaus Schwab Blofeld, who has become famous among alternative media reporters for his incredible likeness to an archetypal James Bond villain, proclaimed that his Great Reset (just another name for the New World Order or NWO) and his 4th Industrial Revolution (just another name for Transhumanism) would “lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity.”

The Internet of Bodies

There are several mainstream articles written in 2020 about the Internet of Bodies. This Forbes article defines it as follows:

“When the Internet of Things (IoT) connects with your body, the result is the Internet of Bodies (IoB). The Internet of Bodies (IoB) is an extension of the IoT and basically connects the human body to a network through devices that are injected, ingested, implanted, or connected to the body in some way. Once connected, data can be exchanged, and the body and device can be remotely monitored and controlled.

There are three generations of Internet of Bodies that include:

· Body external: These are wearable devices such as Apple Watches or Fitbits that can monitor our health.

· Body internal: These include pacemakers, cochlear implants, and digital pills that go inside our bodies to monitor or control various aspects of our biology.

· Body embedded: The third generation of the Internet of Bodies is embedded devices to integrate technology and the human body having a real-time connection to a remote system.”

It spells out the agenda pretty clearly. The IoB agenda is the same thing as the human microchipping agenda, just more advanced due to the progression of technology.

The idea is to slowly introduce external, foreign and synthetic devices, frog-in-the-boiling-pot style, so people become gradually accustomed to it. First, it’s on the body, then it’s in the body, then it’s all the way embedded deep in the body so it melds with the body, finally it’s genetic.

For example, COVID injection for genetic alteration, injectable, ingestible, digital, Smart pills, nano-insertions while ‘testing’, atmospheric-spraying, etc.

All of this is just the aspect of the Internet of Bodies where people are openly told what is happening and consent is manufactured, but there is another whole covert aspect where we have already been forcibly made to inhale and ingest nanoparticles without our knowledge and consent.

Meanwhile here is what the rather creepy RAND corporation has to say about the Internet of Bodies:

“Internet of Bodies technologies fall under the broader IoT umbrella. But as the name suggests, IoB devices introduce an even more intimate interplay between humans and gadgets.

“IoB devices monitor the human body, collect metrics and other personal information, and transmit those data over the internet. Many devices, such as fitness trackers, are already in use … IoB devices already in use and those in development can track, record, and store users’ whereabouts, bodily functions, and what they see, hear, and even think.”

WEF Pushes IoB

Given the central role of Schwab and the WEF (UN) in pushing the NWO Great Reset, it is also unsurprising that the WEF was pushing the Internet of Bodies in 2020.

One post written in June 2020 is entitled The Internet of Bodies is here. This is how it could change our lives. Another one is a research paper entitled Shaping the Future of the Internet of Bodies: New challenges of technology governance that goes into great depth about how the IoB would work, talking about “data-enabled social benefits” and analyzing how governance and laws would need to change to make the IoB legally feasible.

To be fair, the WEF paper does analyze the risks and the downside, but it’s pretty clear it’s promoting this as humanity’s future and is simply trying to figure out how to make it legally and socially acceptable for all the nations of the world.

Source: Screen capture from the WEF website

COVID And Transhumanism

With over a year having passed since the overt advent of COVID-19 in the West, it is now abundantly clear that the coronavirus was never a medical emergency. It was just the convenient excuse and the catalyst for the UN NWO Great Reset.

It always was, as Schwab himself declared, “a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.” Notice how the words used here and elsewhere – reflect, reshape, reimagine and reset – are suggestive of the Freemasonic motto “ordo ab chao” or “order out of chaos”, which describes the method of destruction, of breaking people down, in order to make way for the new creation.

The NWO controllers want to remake you in their image, as a synthetic worker-slave on their digital Smart Network. This is why they are trying desperately to get at your genetics.

The next battleground is inside your body – your DNA. Whether it’s toxic non-metabolic GMO food or toxic gene-editing ‘vaccines’, it’s vital to realize that your genes are being targeted.

The nanotech and nanobot invasion is well underway. If you allow your genes to be altered via embedded nanotechnology, it could affect you in at least 4 key ways: firstly, it will shut you off from your connection to a higher spiritual source; secondly, your perceptive range will be reduced (thus making you more docile and more malleable); thirdly, it will reduce your capacity to access and utilize your higher meta-physical abilities; and fourthly, it will allow you to be directly programmed via transmissions beamed directly to the nanotech system inside of you, representing a new horrible kind of mind control never before known in human history.

The COVID op has many connections to the Internet of Bodies or transhumanism. Here are just some examples:

– COVID anal swab tests: it would be hilarious if it weren’t true, but it was certainly no laughing matter for Japanese citizens and US diplomatic staff who recently complained that China was forcing these tests upon them.

China has just announced that COVID anal swab tests will be mandatory for incoming visitors.

– COVID nasal swab tests: this invasive test involves sticking a cotton swab of about 6 inches way up inside your nose so that it hits the back of your throat. It touches a part of your skull there known as the fragile cribriform plate, your brain barrier.

Is there an ulterior purpose to these tests? Why not just take a saliva or blood sample which is less invasive? But these methods make it easy for those administering these tests to implant nanoparticles in your body and brain via this method.

– COVID mRNA alteration injections: the COVID ‘vaccine’ is definitely not what you think. There are many COVID vaccines on the market now, but 2 Big Pharma companies – Pfizer and Moderna – have constructed a new kind of vaccine called an mRNA (messenger RNA) alteration. All the other brands are variations on this same experimental technology.

What they have made does not comply with the medical and legal definition of a vaccine. It does not stop transmission, it does not protect you against moderate or severe COVID symptoms and it does not directly elicit an immune response via a weakened virus. These mRNA ‘vaccines’ are gene therapy or gene editing tools! They literally re-program your genes to produce foreign proteins.

In other words, they are operating systems and chemical devices – not vaccines – that alter your DNA and RNA by genetically modifying you.

Additionally, there is information that some of these non-vaccines may contain substances like luciferase and hydrogel which are biosensors.

They continue to use the term ‘vaccine’ because you have been inured to this process and therefore, it is far less frightening and threatening than the truth.

The Great Reset and Augmented Reality

You may have heard about AR (Augmented Reality) which is defined as “an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by digital or computer-generated perceptual information” or in other words, the overlaying of the digital world on top of the physical world.

The scheme is to overlay our entire physical reality with digital sensors (just as Schwab stated) and particles, to turn everything and everyone into nodes on the Smart Grid that can be monitored, traced, tracked and controlled.

The CIA ran the data-harvesting operation a few years back in 2016 known as Pokemon Go which is a basic, introductory version of what is to come.

The plan also involves transforming all paper money into digital currency, and handing over control of it to a centralized World Government that would have the power to allocate it directly to people – via bodily implants based on productivity and compliance.

There would be a social credit system (as in China currently) where all citizens are ranked according to how obedient and compliant they are. If someone doesn’t behave as a ‘good citizen’ their social credit, freedom, rights and even their access to their own (now digital) money could simply be turned off or lessened.

The UN WEF proposed in a recent article that by 2030, you, as an average world citizen, “will own nothing and have no privacy … but you’ll be happy” however due to negative attention they changed the title and wording.

Meanwhile, the oligarchs have been rapidly consolidating their wealth since COVID, hoping that people will fall for their rather obvious brainwashing attempts to embrace poverty and be fine with it.

World Economic Forum: By 2030 ‘You Will Own Nothing and be happy about it’

World Economic Forum: By 2030 ‘You Will Own Nothing’

Watch Out for the Biosensors of the Internet of Bodies

The Great Reset is just another phrase for the New World Order. When the sensors of the IoT become the biosensors of the IoB, you will know the agenda has advanced rapidly to the point where mass enslavement is the long-standing reality.

We claim the right to bodily autonomy but they, of course, claim you have no rights whatsoever. You must refuse to consent to anything forced on or into your body. You must claim your right to medical sovereignty by refusing to consent to any medical interventions or experimentation – government has no authority to mandate masks, which are a mass medical intervention, and the COVID injection is a giant worldwide medical experiment for genocide and absolute total control of survivors.

You must fully claim your right to breathe oxygen in an unobstructed and unrestricted manner. Don’t be lulled into becoming a human guinea pig for Big Pharma by taking an injection that will alter your genes forever. They are already telling you that frequent additional injections will be required.  But, once you take the initial injection, it is going to be impossible to avoid that ongoing reinjections.

They are going to use every means available to force everyone to accept this inoculation program because it is the means for them to alter, monitor and control all of those who submit.  You will not escape this horror by deceiving yourself into the idea that this is somehow going to save you from some invisible health threat that is proven over and over to be nonexistent.  You must aggressively avoid their efforts to trap or forcefully inject this lethal or debilitating chemical soup into your body, no matter what the coercion.  It is not going to be easy to escape, but unless you do, your future is doomed or nonexistent.

Remember, as this article states, that “the lure of Utopia has many hooks” as people are enticed to give up “privacy and freedom for the common good.”

The NWO conspirators ALWAYS cloak their agenda of control in noble-sounding language, whether it’s social justice, the New Normal, the Great Resetfreedom passportsfreedom bracelets, sustainability, diversity, inclusivity or the common good.  Do not be duped.

Anunnaki Pedophilia Syndrome

Awareness of Pedophilia is on the increase – it is a very lucrative, huge, international industry. The Anunnaki Have always demanded the first-born children from human mating and have given example of detrimental behavioral disorders to their minion slave creations..

This has been done with alcohol, gambling, prostitution, pornography, drugs, slavery, cannibalism, human and animal sacrifices, wars, religions, psychopathy etc. The recent mass awareness of pedophilia is due to copycat behavior on the part of the divine Royals and their minions among the ranks of humans. As the ratio of psychopaths increases, the incidence of pedophilia increases by creep-down. It has always been rampant at the top of the pyramid, but it is creeping down to the broader tiers.

It started here

One might wonder why religions would be clumped into this category. The jewish bibles, adopted by Christian humans, is amply full of references of pedophilia practiced by gods and priests alike.  It is only to be expected to have migrated into the ranks of the politically powerful as well as among wealthy power figures in corporate and other fields.  It seems to migrate further and further down the ranks as psychopathy explodes among the ranks gods, demi-gods and humans alike. 

The ruling Royalty, in the absence of the gods, often play a double game by being both the punisher and the promoter of certain acts for discipline, control and fear.  That is, they, by way of example, promote certain activities and allow some individuals to partake in the privelege of abuse, which may actually afford advantages in selection of minions who display similar psychopathy..

It goes to this level

When there is too much general awareness, they can sacrifice some unimportant offenders and claim the problem is solved and just punishment has been meted out. They can get mileage out of promoting their image as ones who are attempting to correct wrongs that just cropped up out of human evil or ‘sinfullness’.

Here we have the case of top authority retaining their position of respectability, akin to corrupt police investigating corruption.

Understanding pedophilia is difficult because many think that pedophiles chase after children only for perverted sexual gratification, but that is not always the case. There are esoteric reasons that drive pedophiles, although very few of the perpetrators would be conscious of these.

Furthermore, pedophilia is a far too civilized term for what is really going on in many cases.  We are talking about blood rituals to adrenalize the blood of the child, which is taken for the purpose of further ritual blood drinking and even cannibalism. I use the term pedovoria to differentiate the aspects of the crime.

It goes to this level

Pedophilia is not a newly developed phenomenon. It has been around for thousands and thousands of years. In fact, in some cultures, it is quietly acknowledged as an acceptable practice even though it raises some eyebrows. It is something akin to a right of ownership

Humans are the creations of the Anunnaki gods and literally their possessions.  It is found in other aspects of society, such as religions that practice rites of consumption of ‘body and blood’ as a routine practice.  This sickening behavior flows from the royal gods to the Royal demi-gods, created by the Anunnaki to rule humans in their absence.  From this point, we have humans who offer themselves into the employ of the demi-gods, providing needed assistance in maintaining control over the system of rule.

 Despite the differences in cultural and socio-economic situations, there is a common thread underlying such practices – pedophiles “rob” energy from young, vibrant children.

All pedophiles are, in this sense, energy “vampires”. Nearly all of the pedophiles are Anunnaki Remnants or they have succumbed to Anunnaki programming. In rare cases, the tendency towards pedophilia could be due to possession of the physical body by an Anunnaki consciousness.

Some ancient cultures believe that the “pure” energy from young children, especially virgins, can heal their maladies such as: tuberculosis, impotency, leprosy, ageing, and especially the sexually transmitted diseases of syphilis and Gonorrhea.

Often, children from poor families are sold or hired out to rich people to pay off debts. The pathetic children are then abused by wealthy pedophiles or sick and elderly ones that seek cures. Imagine what an impact this has on the victims!

The Anunnaki do not care what impact their horrific, demonic, repulsive behavior has upon their victims and their families.

Many people have disdained this behavior for centuries, yet they have been powerless to stop it because the Anunnaki masters are still active participants in it.

Also, the topic is so shameful, unpleasant and painful that discussion of it is avoided if possible, especially by the families involved. Many children have been abducted or sold to cater to pedophiles.

The numbers of pedovores in the world is many millions.  If each one indulges only one time per week, the numbers are staggering.  Even US statistics admit to over 8 million children each year disappearing into the system, never to be heard from again.  These cases are not pursued by the law enforcement system, due to the elevated stats of perpetrators in the society at large.


Today, especially in third-world countries, child prostitution is on the increase. The internet is loaded with child pornography and sites that solicit child-adult sexual encounters. Some people are so addicted to pornography that even their work computers are loaded with it and it is freely circulated in some offices. In some cases, those who object to the circulation of pornography are being harassed by those who participate in it.

Pedophilia occurs in many settings where youths congregate, such as: schools, youth centers, churches and Sunday schools, scout groups, sports, camps, child nurseries etc. It also occurs very close to home, with incest being rampant in some cultures. Child Welfare Services is rife with child sex trafficking, with children that no one is looking for outside the CWS system. 

In extreme cases, old men choose pre-teenage, virgin females for wives, using the façade of legality and custom to support their energy “vampirism”.

Pedophilia is a common tool used by the Anunnaki, and probably other dimensionally advanced races of space/time travelers, in their various endeavors. The Anunnaki, being capable of creating new races of people based on their own genetics, have no compunction or disdain for this practice, any more than humans would in their own genetic experiments.  Already, we learn of new sources of food meats from cloning and 3d printing.  I assure you that humans have no compunctions about this general concept at all.

Bohemian Grove level

Most pedophiles seem to be male due to Anunnaki male chauvinism, but then, we have the well-known case of Hillary Clinton and her proteges. Some females are used to solicit and cover up for male pedophiles and do so willingly.

Some police forces actively use their power over young children in various situations where they can take advantage their coercive power to squelch any revelations.  They can perpetrate these types of crimes and be charged, receiving no punishment what-so-ever. After the children are abused by those perverts, the police make arrests and the prosecutors obtain convictions based on no punishment except for a little suspension time with full pay.. These children are often from very poor and disadvantaged families and are often willing participants in exchange for food, alcohol and drugs.

Not surprisingly, pedophilia is present amongst the leaders of religions, from the lowest parish priest to the pope, himself.  The unenforceable concept of celibacy as a condition of priesthood, actually creates a situation where priests feel intitled and justified in committing these types of crimes, especially when they see the same practices on the part of their superiors, who are never punished in any way and victims receive large cash bribes to drop any form of prosecution.

Down to this level

Parents of these victims are reluctant to make accusations of their local priests and often the child is the further victim of accusations of lying.  Islam, Judaism, Christianity and other religions have the same problem amongst most of their religious leaders and representatives. After all, this practice has ancient origins in religious books. However, due to the nature of their religious training, they are likely to be consciously aware that they are energy “vampires”. To outsiders, these religious leaders and representatives are seen as people with deviant sexual behavior, which suits the ruling elites just fine.  The commoners, whose children are the victims, are more than likely to let these types of perverts off without punishment, again.

Many times, when religious figures are found out as pedophiles, their superiors hush up the crimes and allow further attacks on unsuspecting victims in the same location or elsewhere. This is predictable because all the major religions are modeled after the Anunnaki gods as their esoteric mysterious imaginary deity.

God-the Father, as mentioned above, is Enlil, who is preserved in the jewish bibles as the ‘only god’ Yahweh, with the exception of Lucifer, cast as satan, the enemy of the good god, Yahweh, who is Enki.  Enki is the one, among the two most powerful, who created and helped the fate of humans, while ironically, humans have taken Yawweh, who always hated humans and worked to their demise.

Esoterically, the life force is usually at its fullest and “purest” state in children. Young children, especially in their growing stages, carry with them certain aspects of energy that can strengthen sexual and mental powers.

Donald and Melania Trump with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell at the Mar-a-Lago club, Palm Beach, Florida in 2000. Photo | Davidoff Studios

I think it is pretty easy to see, among our own human race, the propensity to use what we consider to be lesser creatures for our own purposes, whatever they be.  We feel entitlement as the more advanced, thus superior entities in the available world.  It should not be too hard to carry this analogy over to the gods, as the superior, in fact the creators of humans.  They would have the same feelings of entitlement to use humans however they chose, regardless of how the humans would feel about it.

The Reptilian Roots of Pedophilia

Pedophilia is not confined to the 3d physical world. It also occurs in the multi-dimensional astral world, which is also the conscious environment of the Anunnaki. In the astral world, above 3d, entities are less forms of coalesced energy, than energy-born information.  pedophilia occurs as thought forms.

These thought forms are also projected into the physical world to influence the unsuspecting inhabitants of that world. In the astral world, the “vampiric” pedophiles derive pleasure in watching the acts of pedophilia in the physical. Dimension.  As consciousness evolves and yet higher dimensions become available, this activity loses relevance.  In the lower dimensions, energy, in its free form, is less available.

In this sense, they are truly voyeurs. Apart from the vicarious pleasure they derive from watching other pedophiles’ activities in the physical, they also steal some energy directly from the victims in the physical.

So, energy is being stolen from the victims by physical “vampires” and astral “vampires” simultaneously. Further, the excitement from the experience also releases abundant energy from the physical pedophile, which is picked up by the astral pedophile. Thus, the astral pedophile gets a larger share of the energy from the acts.

The pedophile culprits from the astral world are usually the same entities from the lower astral realms, as the ability to translate between dimensions comes with the elevated status of consciousness.. With the breakdown of the astral world, these lower beings now have more ready access to the physical world.

The Order of the Garter

When an astral pedophile cannot use thought forms to produce an actual, physical encounter, they can use the thought forms to directly influence people in the physical world to be drawn towards the behavior in more passive ways, such as viewing pornography, which gives gratification to the astral pedophile as an energetic thought form..

In the physical world, people can go through most of their lives until the tendency towards pedophilia suddenly blossoms. This is usually due to the influence from the astral plane or programming by unseen higher-dimensional forces. It can also be due to possession or subtle programming by physical agents in the world.

Pedophiles derive a “kick” from their episodes. This is somewhat analogous to taking drugs for a high. Advancing to higher planes of consciousness does not necessarily have anything to do with morality, or sinfulness, in the context of these words to those still bound to the 3d plane.

There are many legends about vampires who drink physical, human blood. Some people have proudly declared themselves to be vampires. Pedophiles “drink” the etheric or physical adrenalized blood of their victims. In severe cases, pedophiles can develop a dependency on physical blood.

There are many cultures that believe in drinking blood to keep them warm in winter and to boost their strength, power and longevity. This is usually then followed up with cannibalism of the victim’s flesh, as symbolized by the religious rituals of superstitious humans who practice a misinterpreted version of this ritual as a religious ceremony. Aliens in their alien bodies have been consuming human flesh and blood since humans were created 135,000 years ago. It is no wonder that the Eucharist ritual in holy communion symbolically requires the participants to drink the blood of god and to eat his flesh.

Of course, at the time of the Anunnaki presence on Earth, there were no superstitious religions.  The gods were physically present, more than one thousand of them. After the departure from Earth of the creator gods, the jew’s attempt to create a new religion with them as the ‘chosen people’, required story books and rituals to make imaginary things seem more real.

In this world of exploitations within exploitations, young children are subjected to exploitation by pedophiles, who can often be family members, friends or people in positions of power and trust. Ironically, sometimes children who have NOT been abused exploit others by falsely accusing them of pedophilia. When real things get twisted by being fictionalized, things can become very complicated and make little sense.  Sometimes the false accusations come from the children and other times the children are coached by their parents or others into making false accusations for monetary gain, revenge or other forms of blackmail.

Nowadays, the public is quick to respond to accusations of pedophilia, whether the accusations are true or false. An example of this involved the Branch Davidians who were stormed by superior government forces and burned to death in Waco, Texas. Police and military forces had surrounded the Branch Davidians and laid siege to their compound for many weeks. To speed matters up, the police and military were bombarded with programming to drive them into a frenzy for the blood of the Branch Davidians. In order to draw the public into the frenzy to support the storming of the compound by the authorities, stories were broadcast about how children were being molested in the compound. This caused the public to panic and absurdly condone the murders of the children in order to “protect” them from supposed molestation. There are many who claim that they would have loved to have walked with Jesus. The programming directed at the mobs in the time of Jesus was far more intense than the programming used at Waco, Texas. At stake here was the global acceptance of some or various forms of the fictionalized story of the jews being the ‘chosen people to inherit the earth’ with the goyim being soul-less ghouls, placed on earth to serve the jews and to be treated accordingly..

Even with the level of  programming at Waco, the vast majority of the public condoned the murders of the men, women and children in the compound. Programming in this world is no joke. Nobody is free from it. Even the food eaten and the air breathed are loaded with “artificial” programming that adversely affects people physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. That is why this Virtual Reality, The Matrix, that is loaded with apparent and non-apparent programming, has been so effective at implementing the on-going program of exploitation of the Earth’s natural resources on behalf of the temporarily absent Anunnaki, under direction of the demi-gods, the homo capensis Royals. 

The Matrix is being taken down, and a new system is replacing it, called the New World Oder (NWO), UN Agenda 21. This is a regularly scheduled occurrence to keep the system updated with the newest technology and to achieve the objectives in the most efficient manner possible.  The Annunaki are returning soon, at least by their sense of time.  The departure of the Anunnaki occurred around 1,000 BCE.  The Anunnaki year is 3500 earth-years.  About 3,000 years have elapsed, leaving about 600 more years before they enter the earth’s solar system and come into range for the interplanetary trip to Earth

The Cult of Lucifer

‘The Cult of Lucifer’, narrated by Sacha Stone is the first of four movies being produced by Robert David Steele and funded by individual donors to expose the connection between election fraud; corrupt and controlled legislators, judges, and executives; Wall Street treason and crime with government complicity; and Satanic pedophilia, a major source of both Wall Street profit and Wall Street depravity.



“Thousands of years ago, under the thrall of archonic influence, the Brotherhood of the Snake and the Sons of Belial, and wickedness emerged as a rudimentary source code to the current seeding of humankind.

“As Baal worship and human sacrifice prospers, we see the genesis of Canaanite ritualism leading through the strains of Osiris and Nimrod to the pharaohs of Egypt and the kings of Babylon.

“Talmudism gave rise to Judeans and the Synagogue of Satan. As the tryst of Cleopatra and Marc Anthony seeded in their own empire, a marriage between Amun-Ra and the Cult of Saturn.

“The weaponization of Christianity through the Council of Nicea takes place in 325 AD, wholesale slaughter of the noble Cathars give rise to the Roman Catholic Church and the evil papacy. The jewish bibles spread the message of Yahweh to create the most formidable template to planetary cult programming that the world has ever conceived in the history of humankind…

“The Society of Jesus, through the Jesuitical Order at the Council of Trent in 1534 perverts the god-worship of the Anunnaki, disguised by the bibles into the atom-seed of what will become the Deep State. The assassins are born.

“The inverted message of Yahweh has become a Clarion Call for a planetary orchestration of blood-sport, subversion, infiltration, deception and the sacrifice of innocents.

“The Bank of England and Dutch East India interests thus forged their way through trade and commerce, usury and exploitation to the emergence of the Masons in 1717, with the formation of the United Grand Lodge, the true birth of Luciferianism in the temporal domain.

“The Glorious Revolution in 1688 seeds the formation of the United Kingdom and the Rothschild Dynasty, both empowered through the Jesuitical suppressions, in concert with the Scottish Rite Freemasonry to catalyze the formation of a barbarian Illuminati in 1776, under the leadership of one Adam Weishaupt, a damnable soul who can indeed lay claim as the patron saint of the modern Bilderbergs.

“This year saw the birth of the Masonic Atlantis, the United States of America, Novus Ordo Secolorum, the New Order of the Ages, glorified and immortalized on the Great Seal of the United States. The human experiment is fully underway.

“The Napoleonic Wars between 1803 and 1815 paved the way for a consolidation of the Vatican City and City of London in 1871, giving spark to a culminating element of a trifecta of evil empire: Washington, District of Columbia in 1871 and Vatican in 375.

“With this spark emerges the worldwide destructivity that is the Rothschild Federal Reserve Bank in 1913, a fateful day in which the soul of humanity was put to the pyre of Moloch.

“The prime target became the living soul of that great human experiment, America and by extension, all the peoples of the world. Forced into usury, debt, scarcity economics and systemic corruptibility of all governments, their institutions and their minions.

“Every government on Earth is thus owned by and indentured to their national reserve bank, which in turn is owned by and indentured to the central banking cartel, consolidated through the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, the IMF, IFC, World Bank, Bank of England and then ultimately, the Vatican Bank.

“This Molochite Sabbatean Cabal is answerable not to the god of Men but to their own dark lord, to whom sacrifice,penance, tribute and tithe must be constantly on the altar of life through blood sacrament, sex, magick and the inversion of kundalini and life force – ultimately, through the systemic stealth sacrifice of innocents.

“Our religious, political and academic, military and corporate media leadership are cast adrift within the thrall and compromise of these dynastic Sabbatean, Satanic, Luciferian elements and their agendas.

“A Faustian pact is offered to all comers and invariably taken before the sin is even realized. Sexual blackmail is rife. Global depopulation becomes the needful and perfunctory necessity toward realizing transhumanization of the mortal realm. That is because the grand enterprise of Luciferic Satanism has been to prepare our species for full spectrum intervention and takeover at the Oversoul level. Universal law determines that this can only occur where permissions are granted by the subject.

“The Adamites, the Sons and Daughters of God, the spells and bonds of witchery and mind control, to trick humanity into surrendering conscience, reason and thereby, the very fabric of our soul. This is the Great Reckoning. The Mark of the Beast has arrived, ushered into the daylight by Davos and the Sons of Lucifer.

“It offers us our greatest gift, which is the perfect reflection of all the unresolved aspects of Self.

“Do we take the Mark? Or do we not? Do we obey or do we not? Do we acquiesce or do we not? Do we permit the surgical steel of a needle point to breach the sovereign skin, of our ignoble Adamite flesh? Or do we not?

“By the grace of God, we get to decide.

UN Depopulation and the RESET

Depopulation Motive:

Who is behind the emerging depopulation efforts that are beginning to surface in mass? The answer, at its root, is the UN, the visible entity of what is known as the ‘Globalists’.  The UN has a list of talking-head celebrities on its payroll.  They are all famous examples of the impossibly rich and successful business men who have become the ‘richest people in the world’, or, so it is proclaimed.

We are talking about such folks as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Klaus Schwab, etc.  Of course, such individuals were created to influence you into believing that you ought to believe them, whatever they may say.  Of course, most do believe them, as obviously, if you have a lot of money, you are superior and worthy of listening to.  You should follow their direction so you can become wealthy and powerful, just like them.

These are the front-men for the public relations propaganda campaign.  Most people do not look any deeper.  If Gates says “you should submit to my new vaccine regime”, then many will just line up to receive it, no further questions asked.

In spite of claims to the contrary, none of these paid front men give a shit about the causes they purport to champion.  They do it solely for the obvious motives of personal gain.  But these are the faces the real culprits want you to identify with.  You buy it because you believe these guys are really the richest people in the world.  You think they do not have any unfulfilled desires, so they must be sincere.  You are sadly mistaken.

As I said, these guys do not really give a shit whether you live or die.  They are in it for personal gain.  So, who then wants to bring the world population of humans back to its traditional historic level of about one-half billion souls?  And why? 

To understand this, it is necessary to know some history.  The history you need to know has never been taught to you in history class.  We are in the midst of a major RESET, the current one of many prior ones.  The most unique aspect of this current one is that we are sitting with a human population far exceeding anything ever seen before.  We’re at about 8.5 billion people, almost all of which have accumulated in the last 100 years.  All of them have come to existence during the most recent RESET which started around 1812 and ended in 2020, a little over 200 years.  This past RESET was globally dominated by the US, the former world super power, having risen to glory and fallen into the trash bin during the recent 100 years.

The human race was initiated about 135,000 years ago.  The first human came to be created at that time due to the need for laborers to work in the gold mines of the astronauts who were on earth as part of a mining colony, having arrived some 450,000 years ago.  These miners were from the solar system of the sun’s binary companion star, referred to as Nibiru.  Nibiru has an orbit that brings the solar systems into near proximity every 3,600 earth-years.  Although these miners had brought their own laborers along with them, the mine laborers had decided to go on-strike and refused to labor further in the gold mines, mostly located at that time, in SE Africa, currently Zimbabwe. 

The Astronaut Miners found the planet, earth, to have no advanced life forms.  They considered the planet to be their possession, and most likely still do.  It can be inferred, by reading more details of the written history left behind by these Astronauts, that their space transportation technology limited their ability to journey between earth and their home planet to the period of near physical proximity during the 3,600 earth-year orbital cycle.

The mining mission was under the control of two sons of Anu, the King of the Anunnaki (subjects of King Anu).  The brother named Enlil was the nearer to the throne, thus was mission commander.  The older but more distant from the throne brother, named Enki, was the engineer, skilled in genetics and biomedical practices. The primary purpose of the mission was to locate a planet with a large amount of available gold.  Gold was not considered valuable at the time.  The atmosphere of the home planet was suffering from a problem of inadequate levels of atmospheric ozone to absorb cosmic radiation.  Increasing radiation levels were threatening the health and life of the people of Anu.  It was determined that gold could be converted to a monatomic state rendering it virtually weightless.  The intent was to disperse monatomic gold into the atmosphere to rectify the problem of reflecting cosmic radiation back into outer space before reaching the surface.

The landing site for the mission was the gulf of Persia.  However, gold was not plentiful in this area.  Further exploration revealed that there was a large amount of gold to be found underground in SE Africa.  Anu assigned Enki, with his wife, Ninhurzag (Ninki, also a scientist) to reside in SE Africa and brother Enlil to reside in the Persian Gulf area, to establish facilities to refine and prepare the gold for trans-shipment, as the 3600 earth-year orbital cycle permitted.

So, the colony mined gold and shipped it home for a period of 315,000 earth-years, at which point the mine workers revolted. Note needs to be taken of the characteristics of the people of Anu.  These people are much more interdimensionally, consciously and physically evolved than the humans they eventually created to take the place of the mine workers who had revolted.  Overall, the contingent was comprised of about one-thousand individuals, of which about 800 were a laborer class, called Igiggi.  With Igiggi workers refusing to work in the mines, interruption of the gold flow ensued. 

In a meeting of the Senior Council, a solution was sought.  Enlil wished to force the Igiggi back to work under threat of death.  Enki suggested another way.  He told the council that he had bee experimenting with an ape-like creature, today identified as homo erectus.  He proposed that he use his own genes and the ovum of a female homo erectus to try to create a worker with sufficient faculties to learn to perform the mine work.  Enlil objected on the basis that he was responsible for controlling the mission and he feared that such creatures, endowed with Anunnaki genes, may be able to reach a population size beyond his span of control.

King Anu, the ultimate decision-maker, favored Enki’s plan.  And so, it was decided that certain design parameters demanded by Enlil would be implemented to limit the dangers feared by Enlil.  The first batch of ‘Lulus’ were to be male only, have limited intelligence, have limited physical stature, have a limited finite life-span of 150 earth-years and live under tight security.  The Anunnaki were about 10 feet in stature, were very advanced in all physical, mental, and meta-physical aspects and possessed very powerful weapons and technology.  Anunnaki were almost immortal.  They did not die from any diseases and their cells replicated without any limitations for an indefinite time period.  While they could be killed in battle, they also had very sophisticated medical technology that included repair of injuries so long as body components remained available that could be regrown or repaired.

Enki and Ninki were eventually successful with the project and used the available 14 Anunnaki females to carry 14 ‘lulus’ to term.  The only real problem was the limitation of 14 wombs making the process very slow.  The new born lulus had to reach a point of maturity where they could be trained and able to perform the work of mining gold.  It was decided that the only practical way for this plan to work was to produce female lulus and allow the lulus to procreate.  Enlil demanded that Enki have a breeding program that was very tightly controlled and secure, so that only the quantity of lulus required would be produced.

The ‘telomeres’ of the cells of the lulus were to be set strictly for a life-span limit of 150 earth-years, at which point cellular replication would no longer be possible.  They, themselves, of course, had no telomeres limiting their own ability to replicate their cells.

The Igiggi, now free of their responsibilities in Africa, dispersed and many went to the territory of Enlil in the Persian Gulf area.  They established residence and found that they could make use of some slave labor in construction, farming, etc. so they asked Enlil to bring slaves from Africa to the Persian Gulf.  This Enlil did, thus lulus went to the cities of Enlil in significant numbers. 

“The daughters of men were noticed by the Igiggi, all male, who found them to be fair, and took from among them all that they wished, to make of them wives and produce off-spring.”

There is no room to narrate all the stories found in the clay tablets of the Anunnaki, discovered in excavations in Mesopotamia, Sumeria and other sites.  So, the abbreviated story goes like this:  Enlil and Enki became bitter enemies over the long term as Enki continued his experiments beyond the permission and awareness of his brother, Enli, eventually producing the Adamu, vastly superior to the lulus.  The families feuded all throughout the histories of their time on Earth.  Enlil formed a clan of humans, as did other Anunnaki gods, who lived under the protection of their gods and followed along with them wherever they went.

The story can be fleshed out further by reading other posts on this site and by reading both of the jewish bibles, which are fictionalized versions of the historical accounts found in the Annunaki tablets.  The writing of the fictionalized bibles had motive.  The priests of Enlil, hoping to prolong their power and relevance, decided to start a new religion based on the gods, after the Anunnaki left earth around 1,000 BCE.  Their religion was based on the jew’s supreme god, Enlil, who appeared in their bible stories as Yahweh, Jehovah, God-the-father.  His brother, Enki, his enemy, was cast as Lucifer, the tempter because he had created the E-din, where the lulus dwelt in their youth, prior to being ready and able to take on their duties as slaves in the gold mines. Enlil always feared and despised the humans.  He discovered, on a visit to SE Africa that Enki’s E-din afforded the young humans the opportunity to have sex outside of the strict breeding control program.  This is the origin of “Original Sin’.

After the great flood of 10,600 BCE, caused by melting of the polar ice caps due to the remission of the ice age in the Younger Dryas period, and all life on Earth was found to not have been destroyed, as Enlil had predicted. The bibles claim Enlil sent the great flood as a punishment for the human sinners, which is, of course, ridiculous.  What Enlil did actually do, is decide to not give any prior warning to the humans, hoping they would all perish. Enki, although sworn to secrecy, gave his son (by a human female) a warning and helped him construct a water craft capable of surviving the flood.

At the time prior to the departure from Earth by the gods, Enki and Ninki designed and produced another specie of humans, having a much higher percentage of god-genes.  The gods realized that the humans could not be left unmanaged on Earth, to survive on their own.  This new specie, called homo capensis, are the divine blue-blood Royals and priests who were given dominion over humans in perpetuity.  They still rule us to this day.

Humans have lived under the rule of these Royals since 1,000 BCE.  The system of rule is the same as that employed by the gods on their home planet, called feudalism.  The property is owned exclusively by the Royal Set.  The serfs work for their needs on land owned by the Royals.  The serfs have no illusion of freedom or even human rights, whatever they may be.  On Earth, the system was exactly the same, and, in fact is unchanged.  Only the illusion has been changed during the RESET period 1812 to 2020.  This period was an experiment, never tried before on earth.  The humans were allotted the illusion of freedom, property ownership and rights.

This experiment was to determine whether the slaves would be more productive under the delusion compared to the whip. In any case, we are now in a new RESET period and the population is going to be reduced to prior historic limits of about 500 million total people.  There is going to be no more delusion of non-existent freedoms and rights. 

The planet, earth, is owned by the Anunnaki gods, and they will determine how many humans it can support, while meeting the standards set by the gods.  There is going to be no more production for the sake of production.  Over-consumption, depletion and waste is going to be stopped.  The purpose of the planet is not what humans think.  It is not just to push the envelope to see how many humans it can hold.  The humans are here to provide the labor to extract the natural resources the gods want to extract from their farm.  Not for the benefit of humans.  As many human laborers as is needed to meet their goals is the total quantity of humans that will be allowed to exist. 

But this takes us to the other aspect of useful production or real assets.  Are human laborers still the best means of production, considering the advances in technocracy?  Humans are not really that efficient as a means of production.  They are extremely high maintenance.  This leads us to robotics, transhumanism and artificial intelligence (AI).

In 1993, the term transhumanism did not exist.

The Pandemic and The Vaccines

With regard to these matters, I have a unique perspective. Most people are seeing these events for the first time and are horrified as we are seeing Vaccines unveiled that are fundamentally altering our DNA . As I look at the emerging evidence that is being highly suppressed, I know that I have been told that this was coming, back in 1993.

The death rate connected to the vaccines is off the charts, however, the real death rate is not known to most and the figures are not readily available. We know that the ‘vaccine’ manufacturers skipped the animal trials. You are the animals, the guinea pigs. This was done, not because Covid was a threat, it was done under the guise of a fake emergency. Covid is a bunch of made-up bullshit to scare you into accepting your role as a human guinea pig.

As with any fake medical threat, Covid is not producing bodies piling up in the street. States that have no mask mandate and whose businesses are open, have lower infection rates than states with draconian lockdown procedures. This is attributable to the degree of susceptibility of the state governors and minions to the pressures of the federal authorities.  If there were any states that were governed by honest and truthful people, there would be no ‘cases’ in those states at all.  Masks, social distancing, and the tests do not work for any purpose other than fear and intimidation.

 This has all been verified, but the quieter voices of science are being extinguished through censorship, threat of job loss and even violence, like a covid jab. Yes, elderly people with comorbid conditions are at risk, but the weak and dying are easily pushed over the limit with a little bit of additional toxicity.  And Covid deaths, as a stand-alone statistic, do not exist.  They have taken every cause of morbidity of the elderly and falsely called it COVID.  The end results are the same, as statistics prove there is no excess morbidity in any part of the world.

The whole process of subjugating society is for a different specific reason.

Why the Deception?

It is clear that the old has to be destroyed in order to usher in the new. The lockdowns so debilitated society that it created the pretext for what is coming. And what is coming is hell on earth. It is indeed going to result in the demise of most of the humans on the planet. Gates is at the forefront of destroying billions of humans, through his role as fake rich man employed by the UN. The UN is also preparing to starve humanity to death, those refusing the killer inoculation, and other survivors will be forced to the will of the UN.  There is no shortage of minions willing to work for the Royals and benefit from the appearance of wealth and privilege. At this time, the Royals do not want to show their faces, so it works out both ways.  Positions are limited however.

This recently ended RESET period has been the strangest ever.  There has never been a population spike like the one that is ending now. There has never been a degree of delusion like that which exists in the Western populations at this time.  That is the very reason why this can all go down as planned.  Everyone is scared to death to face the facts of their situation.  People will go to their deaths without ever believing it is happening.  Even after half the population is dead, they will still be in denial. 

War for Human Survival

Fulfillment of UN Agenda 2025

Most people think they know what warfare is.  They think it is weaponized soldiers on the ground killing one another to hold or capture physical ground and assets.  This is not incorrect, in and of itself.  This is one dimension of warfare, but it is not the only dimension of warfare.  This is just the brute-force form of warfare where everything is decided by the metric of surviving assets.  Similar to battles of old, where the forces of the opposing kings meet in conflict on the ‘battlefield’ and the one with no assets surviving is the loser.  This is one-dimensional warfare. This has been used for thousands of years to cull the human population.

In the recent period, we have been engaged in a different type of warfare, unfamiliar to most civilians.  Even to the point of total lack of awareness that they are actually actively engaged in a war. It is very hard to win a war when you are ignorant of it.  The enemy is fighting you with their elite forces, who can totally defeat you before you even realized you were being attacked.

5th Dimensional Warfare

But this is exactly what the human race is engaged in.  The enemy has been present on the battlefield for a long time, without the need to disclose its presence or intentions.  They can operate with impunity anywhere because they have made you trusting and dependent on them for all of the things you think you require to exist.  They have made you believe that you need their trade currency, which, in fact, is only worthless paper.  They have made you believe you cannot be healthy without their fraudulent worthless form of medical care, only because you have become dependent on it to treat your state of induced sickness, which they have also caused.  They have given you worthless public education only to make you ignorant enough to believe all their other lies.  They have given you worthless food goods that would bring any living creature to premature ill health and death, while making you shun Nature and the food goods and sunshine that will keep you in perpetual health.  You would not have any need for their pills, chemo, and hospital/surgical procedures then.  The grotesquely distorted economy could not survive without the pharmaceutical/medical spending that is then identified as about half of the US GDP.  The other major component of corrupted GDP is military/industrial complex spending to deter non-existent threats.  Although the largest of all is probably the drug/pornography/human sex trafficking complex.

This is far from all of the weapons being used against you, but you get the idea.  You are being defeated in this 5th dimensional warfare without even being aware that you are engaged in a ferocious life-or-death battle for your very existence.

The enemy presents you with examples of ‘success’ in this Matrix: like Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Eric Schmidt, Henry Kissinger, Barack Obama, Sam Walton, etc. so you believe you too have the potential and should devote your strivings to become successful like them.  You are not one of ‘them’.  These are sponsored people who have jobs working for the UN and the CIA.  The UN and CIA have unlimited wealth and can make anyone they want look incredibly successful in your mind.  Forget about all of these fakes and all of the celebrities you worship, whether pro sports, TV or Hollywood.

If you have any hope of coming out of this conflict alive, you first need to become aware of what is going on.  The enemy, of course, prefers you to continue denying there is a war ongoing.  The longer you continue to deny what is happening, the further along the war progresses towards your immanent demise.  You can’t win a war if you do not understand who is the enemy and what are their tactics and weapons of conquest.  You are already conquered and still do not even know it.

The most challenging part of this is getting your head around it and achieving situational awareness, especially because very often, the enemy is not only an issue of foreign or domestic, but has also parked itself inside your head or inside the heads of your loved ones via unceasing propaganda, such that perhaps your friends and family have been conquered by the enemy and they are acting on behalf of the enemy and they don’t even know it. Throw all of your TVs in the dumpster.  Use your computer for something useful.

In order to survive, you need to understand the enemy, the theater and the arsenal.


“The first rule of war is to know when you’re in one. The second rule of war is to delineate who is friend and foe and that, of course, in a covert virtual reality in your mind, is not always easy to do.

Even Special Operations soldiers, real squared-away types, have a real hard time understanding this, because it’s such a new and subtle type of warfare and people just don’t grasp what’s happening.” They think this isn’t war, it’s just normal existence. It is not normal existence. It is warfare and if you fail to see this, you are doomed.

“It’s not just information warfare, it’s really 5th Generation Unrestricted Warfare encompassing every aspect if your day-to-day life.

“3rd Generation warfare would be clearly visible, like World War II. 4th Generational is the covert operations of undeclared war, with hard-to-identify virtual enemies created by politician’s executive orders. For example, ISIS, Al Queda or Antifa. You see it mostly via TV.  Then 5th dimension is, ‘you can’t even identify exactly who they really are and who they work for’.

“So, for example, the false flag event at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, where we have the fake situation extensively recorded with videos of Blantifa changing clothes and they’re all identified and there’s MAGA guys trying to pull back and say, “We’re not Antifa!” and it’s obviously movie actors. But before that, all the intelligence is bought-off, as are all the play actors on-stage.

The enemy has human resources…paid or blackmailed for influence and access. And that’s what, for 30 years, since 1999, the Chinese have been doing with the US Judiciary branch, with the DOJ, with the Clintons, the Bushes, Obama and Biden, and etc.

This war has been running since the RESET of 1812, that is concluding at the present time, by means of the fake pandemic, and the absurd debilitating response measures being imposed.  RESETS are recurring about every 200 years, and have been since about 1,000 BCE.  This conclusion and defeat of humanity will implement the new RESET 2020, which is a part of UN Agenda21, to remove the US and the Western powers from hegemony within the global power structure.  The ‘West’ is being replaced, in this capacity, by the ‘East’. The outcome will leave the US with a population of about 70 million people, a military structure reduced to about 20% of its current level and a US dollar worth about 20 cents.

“The Chinese are moving from unconventional to conventional warfare and they’re challenging the US in the Indo-Pacific Theater. The guys that pull the strings of the Biden-Puppet will pull that back and so they [the Chinese] will dominate in that area.

“And Gates is now the largest [farm] landowner in America and the Chinese are buying up ranches and farms at three times that rate.

“We’re going to continue to see the militarization of DC, because a dumbed-down, drugged-up, fattened-up populace isn’t even paying attention.

The West Coast is already inundated with Chinese soldiers by means of owning the Port Authority.  The East coast is being taken over by a “Feral Cities” concept

“With the Feral Cities doctrine, you don’t get to hide. The guerrilla now hides in the urban environment, not in the rural environment, because overhead surveillance is too sophisticated now. So, in the Feral Cities, they will continue to creep inwards…

“That’s why they have to use force of armed soldiers there. They do not hold the mid-ground. Although there are large militarized forces both at the Canada and the Mexico borders.  But, the UN forces are also on the side of the opposition, and the UN has over one million troops, fully equipped, on the ground at various US military bases in strategic locations within the continental US.

We now have police home invasions, unannounced and warrantless, to seize private weapons.  The moment there is any conflict, martial law is set for auto-implementation.  By means of the Kigali Principle, the agreement signed by Obama with the UN, martial law anywhere in the US triggers transfer of control to the UN forces with no need for further legal or military initiatives or actions.

“This has never been tried before. We’re living in historic times. And they’re going to turn on each other. People are asking, ‘When is the military coup?’ There is not going to be one.  The real military is stationed on foreign soil, where they will stay for this one.

Having seen the manner in which the police have been treated for the past year, are the police going to engage in the war on behalf of the people? Probably not. How about the National Guard?  Not likely they are up to the task. How about the armed citizens?  They will be mostly disarmed by this point.  The regular army?  Mostly stationed at overseas bases. 

A lot of National Guard troops are in DC.  DC. Is not a part of US, Inc.  DC is basically the enemy, or minions of the enemy.  Obviously, DC has no provisions to accommodate the Guard, as shown by the capital hill fiasco and false-flag event.  The Guard ‘head count’ is not nearly sufficient, in any case.  During the mass door-to-door disarmament, note will be made of heavily armed households and martially formidable civilians.  They will be targeted specifically, early in the engagement. 

Once the US, Canada, Briton, Europe, Australia and NZ are reduced to global insignificance, the UN will continue on with the installation of the new global power structure based on Agenda 21, the Technocracy, Sustainable Development, and China as the new hegemon.  This will be the fulfillment of UN Agenda 2025 as the Deagel-CIA predictions will also be fulfilled. This is step one in the actual implementation of Agenda 21.  The next phase will be full implementation of Agenda 2030. And so on. The full agenda will be rolled out in succession with the objective of full operation by 2050.

You may be skeptical, thinking you have not heard too much about this agenda. You’re are not alone. Most humans in the nations affected by Agenda 2025 have been given little to no warning about what is happening to them, for obvious reasons. The UN’s existence is certainly no secret, but its purpose is not widely revealed, although not actually being kept a secret. It is just a huge agenda that has been devised and documented very thoroughly. It is to the advantage of the UN that the victims of Agenda 21, and particularly Agenda 2025 have not been widely studied by average citizens. They can pull off the genocide with utter surprise on the very people who are to be genocided. In war, surprise is always a key advantage. Citizens of the decadent and rotting empire are much to inclined to avoid reading lengthy, boring, detailed documents about UN plans written such that the impact on humans is cloaked in subtle details, only understandable in a larger context of even more boring details. This is not unintentional.