Term applied to the hybrid off-spring of the mating between Igiggi and human females. Typically giants in stature. Thousands of skeletons discovered all over the earth.
The highest certainty we have in our lives is that we know nothing of reality. Our parents were indoctrinated, so they indoctrinated us in the same matter. Our religions are control constructs of kings and popes, and the “chosen Ones” who wrote the bibles. The Public, private and religious education systems rewrite all the books after every reset period. Kind of ironic, don’t you think? We have just recently started to learn about our world and our history, yet our understanding is extremely restricted and occluded, serving the agendas of others to our own demise. It is almost impossible for the inhabitants of this domain to even come to the realization that they have a purpose for being here and a mission to fulfil.
One of the most puzzling aspects of our existence is the source of all life, the beginning point that led to the creation of this world and the diverse life it hosts.
In post-Anunnaki history, many different religions have sprung up trying to explain the origin and meaning of life, creating an un-needed system of morality, with a heavy price tag attached to the values already residing in our consciousness, leading to the dogmatic nature of our belief systems. Dogma is all that we have in all of these different self-serving systems. Just ‘believing’ what some other man has told you is held up as a virtue. That is why there are countless sects and splinters of all organized religions that need rites of ‘confirmation’ to hold their flimsy belief structures intact.
There was a time when creationist theories were dominant. Although, there have been many different versions and interpretations explaining divinity and creationism, all pretty much conformed to similar foundations.
For example, the Abrahamic religions all conform to similar beliefs with slight variations, yet all claiming to be the only authentic, while disproving the same foundational beliefs they are built upon.
Now creationist theories have lost their luster, and evolutionist theories are gaining more believers. But even the modern scientific theories fail to adequately explain the ‘missing-link’ between our leap from homo-erectus to homo-sapiens.
Today, we have various alternative theories that attempt to explain humanity’s evolution.
The Sumerian Cuneiform tablets, discovered in the 17th century provide an alternative understanding, and the only written one that has escaped tampering. A lot of these alternative narratives were slow to enter mainstream knowledge and thought. The main reason why certain knowledge that contradicted biblical accounts was slow to surface was due to the absolute control exerted by the Catholic Church in earlier times. Archeological expeditions were often funded by Popes and Kings who made it a condition of giving funding to withhold any discoveries that changed or altered any of the dogma already established. They were only interested in new knowledge if it could be made to support old dogma.
Since the Roman Catholic Church had great influence over the civilized world, they would not allow archaeological discoveries that countered any of their own narrative, the narrative dictated by the canonical Bible. All bibles were authored by the semetic priests around 200 BCE for the old testament and 60 ACE for the new testament, written by Flavius Josephus, the jew turned traitor to the Romans.
The Hidden Truth
The God that the Old Testament talks about, Yahweh, is the same god or deity worshiped by the people of the Ancient Sumerian city of Ur, who was known as Enlil while he lived on earth, with about 1,000 of his fellow Anunnakis, all gods. When they lived on earth, and after Enlil’s half-brother, Enki, created the homo sapiens from the ape-like homo erectus using his own sperm, all of the 1,000 Anunnakis were considered gods by the homo sapien slave laborers serving in the gold mines of SE Africa. The human slaves were created to release the Igiggi, the Anunnaki laborers brought to earth as a part of the contingent.. Once sufficient labor was bred for the gold mining, additional human laborers were requested by Enlil to perform manual labor to build new cities in the Middle East, his assigned domain.
The Igiggi, freed from the mines, had travelled north from South Africa and taken residence in the area controlled by Enlil and labor was needed. Ensuing from this situation, as laborers, particularly female humans who joined the population, the Igiggi, all males, noticed that the ‘daughters of men were fair, and chose from among them all that they wanted and made of them wives and mothers’. The new hybrid off-spring of the mating of human women and Igiggi men were giants, called, in the Hebrew language, Nefilim.
Proof of Enlil and his divine relatives can be found in every corner of the earth, where impossibly enormous and precision megaliths survive to the present. from Assur, Nineveh and Ur. to South, Central and North Americas, Britain, Europe, Asia and Antarctica. Enlil’s brother Enki, along with his children Innana and Nannar also had palaces dedicated to them in various prominent trade and cultural centers.
The Genesis mentions them both, Enlil and Enki, along with some prehistoric tablets. These accounts dictate that these beings were involved in genetic engineering to produce workers, the homo sapiens.
We also have historical records of a document, dating around 5,000 years ago, that provides a rather vivid account of the creation of human beings through genetic engineering. This is a part of a huge collection of stone documents, numbering in the millions, that were brought to the surface from digs over the period of several hundred years. These stone documents contained writings in the Cuneiform, which has only be deciphered in recent history, by finding identical passages in Hindi.
This also helps explain the story of Noah, who according to historical accounts, was around 600 years old at the time of the flood, 11,800 BCE, that nearly destroyed the world. This flood occurred as the ice age passed and melting brought about instability in the polar cap areas. Noah, also named Ziasudra, was the son of Enki and a human female. More than 100,000 years had passed since the original creation and the garden of e-din event. The need for monatomic gold had largely been satisfied by then, and Enlil saw the impending flood as an opportunity to clean up a problem. This problem was the very existence of humans and nefilim on the face of the planet. He preferred to leave the planet as he found it, cleaned up from what he perceived as the mess created by his colony during the mining mission
The Bible tells us that Noah was the son of a divine being. This divine being was Enki, an extra-terrestrial entity who mated with a human female– an assumption that would explain the abnormally long lifespan that Noah and some others enjoyed. The father of Noah was Methuselah, who died just days before the tsunami struck, at the age of 969 years.
Enlil took only the pure Anunnaki people on space ships, into earth orbit to observe the destruction. When he later returned to verify the extinction, he found some living humans as well as Nefilim. At this point, he decided that fate had made the decision to countermand his decision, and decided to remain on earth for three additional Nibiru years, each being 3,600 earth-years, totaling 10,800 earth-years. During this time period, the Anunnaki taught the earth survivors what would be needed for them to survive on their own after the departure of the Anunnaki around 1,000 years BCE.
According to Mantheo, an Egyptian historian and priest, the first Egyptian god-kings ruled the region for about 12,300 years. This rule began in 18,420 BCE with Enki as King of Egypt, then called Ptah. Egypt, in North Africa, was in the continent under the rule of Enki. The Middle East was under the rule of Enlil. Many family feuds and wars had taken place between the families of the brothers and their father, King Anu, had assigned the territories in an attempt to keep peace between the brothers.
Anunnaki stone tablets, also known as Sumerian texts, indicate that Enki, assigned as the ruler of Africa by Anu, his father, assumed the name Ptah when he established his own kingship of Egypt in 18,420 BCE. He ruled Egypt until 9,420 BCE, at which time his elder son, Ra (Marduk) ascended to the kingship. This is now the post diluvian period. Ra ruled 1,000 years, until 8,420 BCE, with his wife Nut. Their son, Shu, with his wife Tefnut, ruled 700 years, until 7720 BCE.
Essentially, the gods held the kingships exclusively until 4,450 BCE.
Over the years, breeding took place between the gods and human females, producing ‘demi-gods’, with a higher ratio Anunnaki genes to homo sapiens genes. The kingship was turned over to demi-gods beginning at 4,450 BCE. For a period of 3,650 years, 38 demi-gods occupied the Egyptian throne, which time it had been split into upper and lower Egypt in 6,870. At that point, Horus and Seth were rivals who chose this separation of territory to settle their differences.
In 2,550 BCE, Menes re-united Egypt, with the seat of power located in Memphis. This began the first reign of the ‘Old Dynastic System’ of Pharoah-ship. This is also approximately in line with the official restructuring of power, called ‘the lowering of the kingship from heaven to earth’, intended to give humans the opportunity to learn to govern themselves for a period prior to the final departure of the gods, intended for 1,000 BCE.
The Jewish calendar starts in 3,420 BCE., which also has its roots in Nippur, a Sumerian city. The jewish priests, who later wrote the bibles in 600-200 BCE, took great liberties with the clay tablets that they plagiarized, to give the jewish race and religion an antiquity, which is a total fabrication. This distortion has the purpose of attempting to establish the jews, from the line of Shem, as the ‘chosen people’ of Yahweh, designated the ‘inheritors of the earth’.
The time frames indicated in all the jewish bibles are totally distorted. 3,760 BCE is literally ‘modern history’. It is a time long after the Flood, during which the creator-gods were re-establishing the human population and establishing human cultures in all parts of the world.
According to the Sumerian culture, all aspects of their civilization were taught to them by their “gods.” They possessed an unusually detailed and accurate knowledge of Earth’s orbital plane, spherical shape, tilted axis, the order and size of all the planets, and the construction of the Zodiac.
However, in Middle-Age Europe, a period considered by ignorant historians to have been far more modern and scientifically advanced in comparison to the Sumerian civilization, scientists believed the Earth to be flat, whereas, Sumerians possessed advanced knowledge of mathematics, law codes, metallurgy, astronomy, had one of the most advanced alphabets and produced many inventions. Our history is clearly wrong. All of the so-called advanced civilizations of modern history (including Sumeria, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Incas, Mayas, etc.) are legacies-in-decline, from what they inherited from their gods.
All this evidence forces us to think about all of what we have been taught so far, shattering all of our beliefs and causing severe dissonance.
However, once a person is over the initial phase and simply examines the conflicting information regarding the prevailing beliefs, they acquire more clarity, as old misconceptions and fallacies are left redundant.
Without our beliefs clouding our objective view of the world and all of the evidence pointing towards an alternative truth, we are forced to look at history all over again and discover the complete and total influence of the Anunnaki.
Modern History is wrong
All of the evidence that we have, correlates the Sumerian gods with the gods of the bibles. For example, Enlil, the chief bureaucrat is the wrathful and vengeful God Yahweh in the Old Testament. Enlil vehemently opposed the creation of the humans and never changed his intention to destroy them all, leaving earth free of what he considered a scourge. Enki is the actual scientist and creator of humans. Enlil and Enki became mortal enemies over this issue. Enki, the creator, is Lucifer, who, as the mortal enemy and alter ego or Enlil, has been cast by the jews in their bibles as Satan, the devil.
The primary reason for this information not being part of the mainstream is due to the influence exerted by the dominant ruling powers or superpower on our mainstream culture. Can you think of any group that would like to see the true history and all the supporting evidence suppressed and ignored in favor of the altered and doctored bible versions? If people would open their eyes and minds to the enormous quantity and quality of evidence available, they would easily see the absurd accounts of history as a lie with an agenda to elevate the perpetrators at the expense of the ignorant.
Consequently, those who have ever ventured away from the mainstream religious teachings, have been considered as deviants and labeled with derogatory terms such as occultists or pagans. This results in the rejection of new ideas by the mainstream society and the polarization prevents people from seeking or advocating for the truth.
The perfect example of the ruling party narrating their version of truth is present not only in our history but extends to the present time.
Let’s examine the cradle of civilization, the Middle East, where all three dominant religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, were born.
Since the Middle Ages, these three religious factions have been involved in a perpetual war in the same region as the ancient land of Canaan. All of these religious factions are tied to Sumer.
The devotees of Yahweh/Enlil, still find themselves in conflict with the followers of Enki. The current conflicts in Israel, Iraq, Iran, Syria and other surrounding countries seem to be linked with the past wars that took place in the same region between the gods, Enlil and Enki and their respective offspring. Consider that the PNACers and the entrenched ‘Deep Staters” are virtually all dual citizens, Israeli-firsters, who have their mission to direct the military forces of the US to their bidding. It is undeniable fact and has been going on non-stop for the past 50 years. With the changes in the global power structure, it has rapidly ramped up its operations in Palestine and Gaza, Biden is fully on-board, supporting this desperate aggression as time runs out for US military action in the world theater.
In other words, the violent conflicts that we are witnessing today, are the same, never ending, wars for supremacy of the Yahweh-ists.
Their home planet, called Nibiru, is explained in the book, “The 12th Planet” by the renowned author, Zecharia Sitchin. It has been less than one Nibiru-year (3,600 earth-years) since they departed earth. As they are apparently only capable of traveling to earth when their orbit brings Nibiru into close proximity to earth. It may be the case that they are around 600 years from that point where it is possible for them to journey again to the planet earth.
Biblical Reference to Nibiru
The planet Nibiru has been frequently associated with the term Heaven, as used in the Bible. This little detail is of particular importance when re-examining religious prayers such as “Our father who art in heaven”, which provides us with a whole new perspective on who this father is and what heaven truly refers to.
Hence, we find the correlation between many Biblical prayers and its origination from Anu’s children who ruled the earth as creator gods. The gods had space traveling vehicles that are well described in the bibles. They came from above the earth’s atmosphere, miraculous in the eyes of their children left behind on earth.
According to Sitchin, the reason for the Anunnaki’s departure from their home planet to earth is because of its location, which lies beyond Pluto and is entrapped in a 3,600 year long retrograde elliptical orbit around the center of our solar system, the sun. Nibiru has its own sun, a brown dwarf, the binary companion of Sol.
Nibiru’s location is dictated by Sumerian maps, which were consolidated when Dr. Harrington discovered a large solar system object and conveyed his discovery in reports from the 1983 IRAS Survey of the Naval Observatory.
The object was found in the same region dictated by Sumerian accounts. Meaning, the planet that is home to the Anunnaki is real and inbound to perihelion, a point in orbit that is closest to the sun, around 600 years from now.
According to Sitchin’s research and translations on the history time line, around 450,000 years ago, Nibiru’s environment was suffering from ozone layer depletion. Anu’s plan was to locate a planet that had sufficient amounts of gold ore to be used in a monatomic state that gives zero gravity properties, allowing repair of the ozone layer by dispersal into its atmosphere.
The need to look for a gold-rich planet, led the leaders of Nibiru to travel on an exploratory mission, where they found Earth, which was not only the perfect environment for life but also rich in Gold.
Due to the superior technology possessed by the Anunnaki, they could use our planet’s gold resources in an attempt to save their own home, by dispersing ionized particles of monatomic gold dust into their planet’s atmosphere.
As a result, Anu and his two sons, Enlil and Enki, came to earth, which was never a planet possessed by homo sapiens, who did not even exist at the time, to mine the gold. Enki led the discovery expedition and explored the planet earth, finding much gold in the region now known as Zimbabwe, Africa.. Enlil, the son born of Anu’s official wife, was younger, but still senior to the elder son so far as succession. Enki’s mother was of lesser status. Enlil, the bureaucrat was designated as the mission commander. Enki, a scientist and engineer, was on a near equal status, but worked in direct application of his technical skills. They brought their own laborers, as there was no life on earth capable of performing such functions as gold mining.
All of this occurred in 450,000 BCE. The continency was comprised mostly of laborer-class persons, who would do the toiling work in the mines. They were known as the Igiggi, of a lesser caste than the others. After slaveing away diligently for over 300,000 years, the Igiggi finally revolted, and refused to continue the work in the gold mines. Enlil’s idea was to drive them back to the mines with deadly force, but Anu sympathized with the miner’s plight. Enki revealed he had been doing genetic experiments with various indigenous creature of the region of the mines in SE Africa. He offered to attempt to create a worker capable of performing the tasks of the mines. Enlil strongly disagreed with his brother, but Anu broke the stalemate by supporting the idea of Enki. The Igiggi agreed to continue working on the basis that they would be relieved of the work soon. Enki and his wife, Ninki, also a scientist, went to work on the project which resulted in a new species and a primitive worker, the Homo-sapiens. This came about in 135,000 BCE.
As the time for departure from earth approached, the gods decided that homo sapiens were incapable of self government. Enki created a new advanced species, now called homo capensis, the Blue Bloods. Perpetual Rule over homo sapiens was given to the Blue Bloods, who were also instructed to adhere strictly to breeding within their blood lines, to preserve their genetic superiority. This directive has not been entirely adhered to over the generations. While the Blue Bloods still rule humans to the present day, they have squandered a great deal of their genetic advantage by gene-dilution of the blood lines, reckless cross-breeding.
Religion is a touchy topic because it is formed on falsely fabricated and flimsy foundations. Ignorant people will kill their fellow humans over trivial disagreements of fictitious hair-splitting details of fabricated dogma. This is because the basis is so childishly transparent that it is not even possible to have a rational conversation about it. It mandates immediate resort to the irrational, as has been demonstrated over the centuries and to this very day. The origin of all religions on Earth today is the Anunnaki gods who upgraded primitive ape man, homo erectus, using their own DNA, to create homo sapiens (Cromagnon).
It was not for some glorious purpose that would attract us readily accept this fact. It was because they had a large-scale need for slave labor and the homo erectus was far to primitive and unintelligent to be used for the job. In a project that went slightly out of control, the slave model, called the “lulu” was upgraded four times, ultimately giving it more and more advanced genetic features, eventually going well beyond the degree necessary for performing the functions of gold mining, the original purpose.
The Anunnaki were not the first alien race to inhabit the Earth. There have been alien inhabitants seeding and messing with life on Earth for at least a billion years. There have also been numerous cataclysmic cosmic events that have destroyed life on Earth and drastically altered its configuration of land and sea, climate, habitability and pretty much everything else. Aliens with the ability to travel through space/time have re-started life on Earth many times. They also have the ability and knowledge to foresee cosmic events and to depart the surface of earth when impending conditions warrant, as well as to return when the dust has settled.
The Anunnaki happen to be the aliens that were here for the most recent devastating cosmic cataclysm, which just happens to have been caused by a planet from their home system. This event is the “great flood” of 11,600 BCE. At the time of this flood, the Anunnaki had been on Earth for about 430,000 years and they had created homo sapiens almost 125,000 years prior to the flood. In fact, the need for the homo sapiens as slaves was waning and the plan of the Anunnaki was to allow the flood to totally annihilate the homo sapiens on Earth and eliminate what was viewed as a huge problem of over-population and civil/social control. It is not a very flattering story of history, to be created as slave labor and then to be doomed to extinction because of no longer being worth the trouble to maintain.
This was a tumultuous decision due to the fact that there had occurred large-scale interbreeding between the lower echelon of Anunnaki civilization, called the Igigi (workers)
and the homo sapiens, over a vast period of time. The extinction would not only wipe out the homo sapiens, but the hybrid genetic members (biblical Nephilim) of the species as well. The interbreeding resulted in a hierarchy of social structure of which the Hindu caste system is the remainder. There were mixed-breeds with ¾ Anunnaki genes produced by Anunnaki women through the mitochondrial DNA. There were mixed-breeds with ½ Anunnaki genes produced by Igigi males and homo sapiens females. There were other mixed-breeds with further dilution of the Anunnaki genes, as well as pure homo sapiens and pure Anunnaki. The pure Anunnaki were probably limited to less than a thousand individuals in total. Any person with Anunnaki genes was considered a cut above a stock homo sapiens in the caste system. The good jobs, so to speak, went to those with the greater percentage Anunnaki genes. There were also some very special mixed breeds resulting from inter-breeding between the Anunnaki royalty and homo sapiens women producing specimens such as Ziasudra (Noah) and Cain.
The chief scientist and number two leader of the Anunnaki on Earth, Enki, arranged for the salvation of a small number of homo sapiens and mixed bred specimens, as well as plant and animal essence (DNA). He discreetly warned Ziasudra (Noah) of the impending flood and helped him design and build a water craft that could withstand the conditions anticipated during the floods and tsunamis. Enki also left an Anunnaki to pilot/navigate the vessel. When the Anunnaki returned to the surface of the Earth after the waters had subsided, Ziasudra and his cadre were found on a Mountainside, much to the consternation of half-brother, Enlil, the Anunnaki commander in charge of the Earth colony. Fortunately for humans, Enlil, after initially being extremely miffed, decided that fate was to be respected and he would support the on-going proliferation of homo sapiens and the various hybrid specimens, wishing them well and commanding them to be fruitful and multiply to repopulate the Earth. This would be accomplished with the help of the Anunnaki, lending their vast resources and technology. Thus, the Sumerian, Akkadian, and Mesopotamian civilizations re-emerged, almost immediately possessing a totally startling array of technology and know-how that cannot be accounted for in any other way but for the assistance of the gods.
Over the thousands of years, the populations grew and spread far and wide. Since the beginning and almost the entire time period, the pure Anunnaki notables were in-charge of everything and began to divide up the Earth into large domains for their children. This will be the topic of a forthcoming blog, where all such details will be explained. For purposes of this blog on the topic of modern religions, suffice to know that pure Anunnaki were vastly superior to all other creatures on Earth and were regarded as the “gods”. The gods were also greedy and ambitious and had territorial disputes among themselves where they used human armies like pawns in a vast chess-match. When Anu visited Earth circa 8,000 BC, he established the minimum requirements for a Pharoahship or Kingship to be ½ Anunnaki genes. There were becoming too many kingdoms for the few pure Anunnaki to physically govern them all.
This became increasingly the issue as the populations spread throughout Europe, Asia, Hindus Valley, North and South America and Antarctica. It became necessary for the gods to recruit agents among hybrid men that they could depend on to implement their orders and take care of their problems. There are numerous accounts of recruitment, tests of loyalty and the passing down of mandates, orders and commandments to the people via the hybrid intermediaries, who were educated as priests and kings of high rank.
The point to be made here is that there were no other superstitious gods in existence on Earth, so ALL references to god or gods are references only to the Anunnaki or, later, those designated into positions of kingships or priesthoods due to their Anunnaki lineage and genetics. The Anunnaki had a sophisticated understanding of the concept of ‘Creator’ or ‘Source’ which they saw no particular reason to share with the homo sapiens slaves who had no capacity to understand this subject. However, cosmic entities such as the Sun, the moon, the planets and comets were observed by the homo sapiens and, although understood by the Anunnaki, were mysterious to the humans. Thus, they associated their creator gods, the Anunnaki, with these esoteric cosmic entities, creating other dimensions of superstition and confusion in an unsuccessful attempt to understand their world.
The Anunnaki used the ignorance of humans as a system of control by designating and educating priests, who took advantage of their education of cosmic mysteries as a means to maintain superiority over the uneducated slaves. They relished the worship and recognized the critical aspect of control over the burgeoning population of mankind. As things progressed, it became more and more necessary to implement additional systems of control, both demographic and behavioral. Institutions of command and control were vital to extending the reach of their sovereign rule. Superstition, born of ignorance, called religion, was a more effective means of control than brute force, and it remains to this day.
Please keep in mind that the idea of the true Source Creator is totally alive here, and not to be confused with the gods (with small “g”). God is not a personage in some human form, nor has God ever taken on any human form, past, present or future. Nor is God any form of a “he”. God is the non-physical spirit of higher dimensionality that creates the physical illusion and everything in the cosmos out of multi-dimensional conscious energy. This is the energy that makes your inert chemicals form life and receive the information to maintain life via the all-permeating energy, called Chi, Prana, or other names. This is explained in many other posts found in the archives on this site.
Religion has been the primary means of mass mind, emotional and brute-force control of humans by the Anunnaki throughout history and to the present day. While there seems to be multiple religions among various cultures on the Earth, there is actually only one religion in many guises. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and the others, too numerous to mention, religions of the world all worship the exact same human-like deities who once lived among them. This may seem hard to believe because man has been indoctrinated into the belief that there is some system based on a cult of ‘good and evil’ and, somehow, the one he chooses is the only one among the thousands that is ‘true’ and can get him into heaven after his death. ‘Heaven’ is where he saw his gods rising from the surface of the planet, going into the heavens in their spacecraft, which is totally not part of his comprehension. He, therefore, must imagine some destination which he called ‘heaven’, a place humans sought to go to be with their gods.
I have bad news for you, if you are one of the many who have this irrational superstitious belief based on false hope and ignorance.. Heaven, as defined by religions, first of all, is found to be the home planet of the Anunnaki, where some few humans have visited and been returned to earth, telling their story to others who could make no association or understanding with their own reality. If you really find a phenomenal way to serve the Anunnaki, you too might even be selected for such an experience, but you will be returned to Earth soon enough to live out the remaining useful life of your body, the duration of which is a function of either your genetic clock, or sooner, based the diet and life-style you have chosen to sustain your body’s health, vitality and longevity. The duration of this particular body’s existence is not of particularly great importance. It is what you have accomplished during this existence, in terms of evolving your consciousness of truth and love that is of the sole importance.
It is certainly not going to matter how much money or ‘stuff’ you have when you die, as it will all be returning to the same place it came from…the earth. If you fail to grasp this important aspect of life during the span of existence of this currently present body, you will certainly get another chance, but it is kind of like flunking kindergarten and having to repeat the course. No one but you is going to determine your success in reaching the goals of this life experience. No one is going to ‘save you’. No ‘savior’ is coming to do it for you.
The fabricated “isms” don’t end with the obvious religious sects, but go on to include many other ‘religion-like’ factions……fascism, communism, socialism, commercialism, capitalism, scientism, Keynesianism, satanism, Zionism etc…all fabricated belief systems that are nothing more than control constructs. Were it not for your full-out indoctrination, from cradle to grave, into this Matrix system, beginning with the beliefs of your parents, who give you your ‘religion’, on to your public education and further governmental systems, man would be able to express his own creativity instead of living his life as a zombie or a sheeple.
When you are part of the herd, being a sheeple seems like the perfectly normal thing to do. After all…”everyone is doing it”. Religions provide a set of rules that require little or no thought, but if you follow its rules, even if you wait until the moment before you die, you will be saved from hell and ushered into St. Peter’s presence, at the gates to heaven. Now that’s comforting……except that it is all BS.
What you are really doing is:
Allowing your vital energy to be taken from you by the power structure, manipulating you to worship gods that are not God. Accepting a concept of ‘human-like gods’ is based totally on your local creators, the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki were ‘human-like’.
Worshipping the cadre of Anunnaki gods who enslave you, without your awareness.
Totally eliminating all possibilities of becoming aware of your own divine consciousness of the true God of your creation, who is not of this world or even this dimension.
Participating in the religion-game of the system with “my god is better than your god and you heretics are all going to hell….”
Playing the “god’ versus “anti-god” game thus abdicating responsibility for bad or evil by attributing it to the power of a devil or a satan. “Satan has deceived others into believing in other religions than mine, except mine is the only true religion”.
Playing into the postulate that “the only way to be with your god is through some other human who is somehow endowed with powers you are lacking”….:something other than what you find of your own volition inside your own consciousness.
The Anunnaki left the Blue-Blood Royalty to rule humans in their absence
The PTB (Powers that Be) don’t care what religion you belong to, so long as you are under the control of one. As the luster of the old religions fade into ennui and boredom, new religions are being invented for you: scientism, technocracy, artificial intelligence, genetic manipulation, NWO, Satanism, Child sex and torture, pornography, cloning, adenochrome, transhumanism, etc.. You have plenty of choices and you can join a new one every Sunday…except they are all the same, whether it’s the
new-age Bahai or the vengeful god of the old testament. Christians have the choice of the old testament god or the seemingly gentle and loving god of the new testament, except they are both the exact same thing…the Anunnaki, who created us, but then seemingly abandoned us. The bibles reflect the incredible schizophrenia of Enlil.
After the Anunnaki made their official departure from Earth, around 1000 BCE, the priests of Babylon made the clan of Enlil, of which they were part, be the special ‘chosen ones’ of Lord Enlil. In 600 BC, they started writing their scripture based on the existence of only a single god, that being Lord Enlil, god the father. With the multiplicity of gods who ruled over the numerous kingdoms that had spread rapidly across the landscape, it was not feasible to choose one among these gods who would be accepted and obeyed by the alien regions under rival control. They liked the idea of being the sole ‘inheritors of the earth’, the ‘Chosen Ones’.
The Romans empire became so vast and varied, that the Flavians had their jewish traitor, Josephus, assemble the new testament book on the topic, Jesus Christ or Julius Caesar, into a new religion, thus creating the Judeo-Romans around 300 BCE. Around 400 CE, Muhammed came along with a mishmash of Hinduism and Christianity to create another new one, Islam. This is satisfying to cultures that have become downtrodden, because they can embrace the new religion as something special, thus elevating themselves, in their own eyes. Why do most muslims wear beards? Because it is symbolic of Muhammed of 1500 years ago. But wait a minute. If you look back further, which most do not do, you will find all of the Anunnaki were also bearded, especially the top gods, Enki and Enlil. And then, there is also the other guy, Hari Krishna (or was it Harry or Hairy?).
The Romans and the Greeks are said to have influenced western society the most. If you study your history, you will find a smooth transition all the way from the survivors of the great flood. The Romans worshiped the multitude of gods that the Anunnaki had morphed into, until the emperor Constantine (306 – 337 CE) found it necessary to establish and maintain control of the vast and growing empire through a new religious consolidation into the Judeo-christian church of Rome. You will still find a vast array of surviving remnants from all of the religious traditions of the preceding periods, including garments (fish heads), tonsorial appurtenances, rituals, sacrifices (or simulated versions of such), cannibalism (body and blood), symbolisms, speaking in strange tongues (Latin), sacred books written by god, secret societies, satanism…all of the same singular origin.
Before the so-called reformation, the papacy of Rome ruled supreme over the Roman empire. The story of the kind and innocent savior of man being nailed to the cross by the jews is irresistable to all, except for the jews, of course. Well, you can go easy on the jews in this regard because it never happened. This tear-jerking gut-wrenching story is an artifact of multiple ancient religions going back long before 0 CE. Not to mention, of course, that Herod, Pontius Pilate and ‘Jesus’ are all jews.
Prior to introducing the Judeo-christianism to the empire, the Romans had a trinity consisting of Nimrod/Tammuz/Semiramis who morphed into the father/son/holy ghost. Semiramis had been symbolized as a dove. All the attributes that the Babylonians had given to Semiramis will be familiar. She was the virgin mother and queen of heaven thousands of years prior to morphing into the virgin Mary. Bacchus, the Roman Jesus, had a Greek counterpart, Dionysus, born of the virgin mother on December 25th, the holy child in a manger. He became a traveling teacher who performed miracles. He rode an ass in a triumph procession as a sacred king who was killed and his body and blood eaten in a purifying ritual.
He arose from the dead on March 25th. He had turned water into wine and was called the King of Kings. He was called….’only begotten son, savior, redeemer, sin bearer, anointed one and the alpha and omega’.
The Persians have an almost identical story of a deity called Mithras, born on December 25th, had 12 disciples and basically the identical experiences. His resurrection was worshiped at the Spring equinox. Rituals associated with Mithras were baptism to remove sins, the eucharistic cracker as a symbol of eating the body and wine as the symbol of drinking the blood. He is seen in drawings sitting on his mother’s knee while Persian magi offer him gifts. Mithras-worship was taken by the Romans to Britain, where you will find the temple of Mithras in London.
The Phrygian god, Attis, was born to the goddess Nana in a miraculous virgin birth on December 25th and became the divine son of the father. He died under a pine tree and was resurrected by the goddess Cybele or Great Mother. Describing Attis’ resurrection….”a light shone in the darkness; the tomb was opened; the god had risen and the priests whispered in their ears the glad tidings of salvation. His resurrection was hailed by his disciples as a promise that they too would be resurrected from the grave.” Attis was called the good shepherd, only begotten son and savior who shed his blood. The site of St. Peter’s basilica stands today on the site of the shedding of the blood of the bull to symbolize the death of Attis.
Was the papacy a beneficial institution that brought joy and enlightenment to world? Well, not exactly. It is and always has been a secretive operation of enforcement with powers and privileges envied by the jack booted police forces of the Nazis and the US. In the process, it has sent missions to kill and rob indigenous peoples all over the world to bring their gold and jewels back to the vast underground vaults of the vatican, becoming a possessor of wealth which can only be matched by the zionist Rothschild dysnasty (fiat money counterfeiters) and the British crown (exploiters of the globe). With its wealth and power, it has always been a secretive behind-the-scenes political and social force that has served the interests of the blood-line Anunnaki-dominated governments. It has preserved the ancient rituals of Anunnaki worship and provided a haven for the Anunnaki priests to the present day. The Anunnaki worship is hidden from the unwitting participants by every possible means of deceit, but do not be deluded into thinking you are participating in anything short of worship of the same gods that created homo sapiens through genetic manipulation as their slaves.
Child pedophilia, torture, adrenochrome drinking and ritual sacrifice were common practices on a scale maybe only exceeded by the present day. Priests were encouraged to ‘bugger’ their altar boys and children of the parish, just like the present. What do they care about paying out compensation to victims with the free fiat moneys created from thin air by their minions. Humans are only too eager to take their bribe money.
Belief in the written books of history, as taught in public education and the religions, is widespread, as one would expect when all competing versions of history are squelched and ‘revisioned’ from public view. History is defined as the methodical record of public events, thus is greatly influenced by views and perspectives of the authors, citizens of the conquerors.
It is said “history is written by the victors” meaning those who survived in the positions of power to author and enter the historical documents into the surviving public record. The versions of history you have been exposed to are those of the power structure that is revising history on a daily basis to inculcate into the minds of the students (your children) their concepts of history that support their agendas, thus making things easier to for them to engineer their plans for your future. Although history should not be politically dogmatic, it is so. History should be open and receptive to the discovery of new information that credibly super cedes the existing version. When the collective history of a society or religion is a device for bias in favor of a specific agenda, the student must be astute enough to recognize this fact and seek objectivity and truth from other sources.
The canonical bible, old and new testament, is accepted almost universally as historical. Now, the discovery of the Sumerian/Mesopotamian tablets and their translations have been delivered into the arena of public knowledge during the mid-20th century AD.
The Hebrew priests wrote the old testament between the 6th and 2nd century BCE, but the information related retrospectively to events of many thousands of years prior to that time, from the dates of the tablets and much earlier. Mankind had received only the Hebrew version of the old testament and the Judeo-Roman version of the new testament, both seemingly the oldest legitimate versions of this information.
No one in the Western world bothered to look at the Hindu scriptures because they were not monotheistic but heretical in the papal eye. As the translations of the clay tablets were made available and were read by scholars, “the historical aspects of accounts of events were familiar, and the characters and places were recognizable as being the old testament prototypes, but the literal emphases were so different from the approved scripture that had indoctrinated society, that its governing authorities felt immediately threatened.”, in the words of Lawrence Gardner, world re-knowned expert and author.
All of a sudden, the supposed authenticity of the bible is clearly demonstrated to be a fraud. The information has been systematically contrived and adjusted to suit the purpose of a new emergent religious cult movement that needed a historical past to substantiate is existence. This cult movement eventually became the basis for mainstream Judaism, which, of course, spawned christianity via the Roman emperor, Constantine. Christianity, initially Roman catholicism, spawned Protestantism and Islam. Hinduism and Buddhism were already busy doing their thing during these events.
The point is, ALL the religions of the world are worshipping the exact same deities, the Anunnaki progenitors and present day enslavers of man. If your mind is not totally sealed tight to reception of new information, this has got to make your knees go weak. The issue is, what is mankind going to do with this new knowledge of history? Meekly going on following the herd, as your masters hope and expect, or revising the belief structure posed by these insane monsters and start thinking for themselves?
The reason most people cannot perceive the deception and exploitation that they are subjected to is twofold. First, for many, this knowledge is beyond their fear-threshold…even when they see a military tank in the street in front of their house they assume it’s somehow for their own benefit. The second is because we have been taught that all that is real is perceived through the five senses.
You should be aware that your senses do not permit you to have experience or awareness of even one percent of reality, in fact, far far less than one percent, and that is just relating to physical 3D reality. Today, in the tiny little sub-one percent portion of the physical 3D world that represents the frequency of awareness for most people, the only holographic TV station broadcasting any signal is the MATRIX. I do not mean the Matrix that refers to the ZPF (Zero Point Field), I mean the MATRIX as suggested by the movie by that title.
Hollywood is one of the disinformation branches of the Royals PTB who often have some sadistic fun by laying things out right in-your-face so they can marvel over the fact that ‘you still don’t get it’. Like Neo in the movie, most are simply unaware of any other possible reality than their job and the TV set. That you are reading this blog is your slap-in-the-face to wake-up to your true status. Also, like Neo in the movie, you have the skills, the intelligence and the guts to awaken and take on the Matrix.
After all, it’s just an elaborate fraud. To do this, you will need to expand your awareness of reality as well as your own potentials. The transition for you does not take years in a monastery. Like Neo, you already have everything you need, so you just expand your awareness to encompass what is already there waiting for you. I am your guide, but, like Neo, you just have to get your awareness retuned from the matrix to the MATRIX. The first giant step is the awareness that you are being offered by me. Once you get comfortable with this, you make some easy and free changes to your energy layer that is obscured by your ego.
You do this by creating an internal environment of silent awareness whereby you quickly detune from the matrix broadcast. Turn off your ego. Watch the movie again, if you have not seen it for some time. You will see how Neo makes the transition from a weak zombie into a powerful martial being just using his own inner mind to connect with reality.
He already knows what the moves are…he just wasn’t yet aware that he knew. That is because when you tune into reality (the Matrix) and tune out the matrix, you are receiving your vital life information from the higher dimensional Akash, where you are supposed to be tuned. The information was never to be developed by you in your brain…the information is already is there, in your Akash. Read the following quotation from the 20th century’s greatest genius, Nikola Tesla:
“My brain is only a receiver; in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I do know that it exists.”
I have studied this core extensively and written a great deal of information on it, which is available in the archives on this website. Everything you need to know to transition from the old Neo to the new Neo is written here. In a few days time, you can be well on your way.
Meditation is a Martial Resource.
Knowing and understanding true history is vital. If you do not know where you came from, you most likely do not know where you are going. You are adrift in a sea of lies perpetrated by those who need to control and exploit you without your awareness and realization. Today, we are at one of those inflection points of history where the virtual reality is being reset to an entirely different structure. Humans have become too numerous, too wasteful, too destructive and out of control. This is not going to be tolerated.
You may be up to speed, or you may have an inkling that your reality is undergoing a complete overhaul. If you are unaware of this, you are already hopelessly behind the curve and will most likely be a hapless casualty. The same entities that created the human race and controlled it all along since day one, are still in control. That is why you cannot afford to ignore this information. Your very life depends on your knowledge of these facts and your ability to react successfully in the face of it all. Things do not just happen. There is always a driving force and a reason. Just realize that this planet and the system of which it is a part is infinitely more valuable than you are. You think nothing of killing cows, pigs, chickens. Well, they think nothing of killing you for the exact same reasons. You were an asset when your specie first came into existence. You have been used, exploited and killed, as a specie, for 135.000 years. Things have changed. You are expendable and must give way to advancement. They still have only one mission, which is exploitation of the valuable natural resource of the planet. Humans have become of little value in this mission, while the planet remains priceless. The planet will replenish itself and provide valuable assets indefinitely until the sun becomes a supernova or a burnt out rock. This is a long time off, measured in cosmic time. There are much more efficient ways to do things now, than the employ of human labor, along with what that has come to entail in this era.
The human population has been steady at the half-billion level until the most recent 100 years. As this reset goes, it is likely that it will take the human population back to the half-billion level as fast as possible without causing further harm to the planet. In order to pull off this reset without undue destruction, humans need to be kept in a state of semi-ignorance. That’s what all the secrecy, lies and manipulation is all about. They want you to voluntarily line up for your lethal injections and go out with minimal damage to the planet. They have always been able to incite humans to war against each other, to their gain. This is one major method to control the populations, along with plagues, gender confusion, abortions, etc.
Just like you do not want the cows to know their destination and fate when you load them on the truck to the slaughter house, they hope you will be thinking, like the cows, that you are heading to greener pastures.
“… the greater part of the population is not very intelligent, is basically propagandized instead of educated, dreads responsibility, and desires nothing better than to be told what to do. Provided the rulers do not interfere with its material comforts and its cherished beliefs, it is perfectly happy to let itself be ruled.”~ Aldous Huxley (2000). “Complete Essays: 1926-1929”, Ivan R Dee
Huxley’s quote above was exactly correct when written, but today, even the interference in the people’s material comforts does not dissuade their desire to be ruled, as has been evidenced this past year of obvious fake pandemic and ridiculous government responses. The best politician on earth is still a statist, so it stands to reason that all those that support the political class, unless ignoramuses are statists as well. Given this observation, the masses must then be either ignorant or lovers of the state, and that alone explains why this country is now on the verge of collapse and totalitarian rule.
Elected politicians are nothing more than traitors seeking power, status and unlimited graft, as they follow self-claimed experts into the land-fills. So called democracy is nothing more than a sham, a part of the Matrix virtual reality giving the slaves the illusion of freedom and self-gratification to entice them into greater productivity than can be attained through use of the whip.
Like everything the aristocratic tricksters dream up to deceive the slaves into higher production, it has worked for a little while, only to be wasted away as the masses have willingly slid into services-oriented non-productivity as they eagerly trade their means of productivity for cheap ’throw away’ trinkets from their emerging new masters. The US has always resorted to bullyism as they waste the last of their resources in a futile attempt to steal what they are too lazy to produce, using their armies, once powerful, not in self-defense but in outright plunder and murder, in their noble attempt to keep the recreational drugs flowing into the domestic market.
A huge part of the population has been trained to the effect that they seek out ‘experts’, believed to be more authoritative than themselves, to pattern their existence for them. They feel incompetent to make even small decisions for fear they will make bad choices due to their own incompetence. They want Gates and Fauci to do their thinking for them. They refuse to consider the likelihood that Gates and Fauci have another agenda for the people that is not at all in the people’s best interest. But, due to “virtue displaying”, they want to be the models of obedience and insist others follow their lead. If some disagree, then they delight in snitching on them to the police or other authorities and watching the punishment they have wrought. There is absolutely nothing virtuous about blindly adopting the lies passed out by government propagandists whose job entails lying without a moment of compunction. It is not all that difficult to review public facts, the preponderance of which prove that the government offers nothing more than blatant lies. The simple facts show that no one has died from a “COVID” disease. They also show that thousands have died and hundreds of thousands have serious side effects from what is being called a “vaccine” but is really a gene altering experimental concoction that will definitely have long term consequences for those who survive long enough to manifest them. These consequences will produce armies of zombies with little resemblance to humans beings.
The act of openly seeking ‘to be ruled’ negates any “right” to be free. This should be completely obvious, but most have been instructed (indoctrinated) to believe just the opposite is true. It seems to me that voting was created to plant the seed of being ruled as desirable into the minds of the weak, as this selection process is wholly based on this premise. Any critical thinker would have to pause when accepting the attitude that choosing a ruler to lord over him is in his best interest, so why has humanity succumbed to the idea of servitude as normal and right? The only plausible answer to this question appears to be that this is the real nature of man, or that most common men are fools.
If any take offense from these statements, and most will, then you will likely continue to behave as a ‘toady’ to the ruling class, and will also continue to cause great harm to those brave enough to respect freedom, by your inaction and acceptance of voluntary bondage. You are also the ones that hide from the truth, hide in your home prisons, wear masks, hide and distance from others, that abandon their families, that close their businesses, that tattle on their neighbors, that line up for toxic experimental injections, and that continue to support the controllers and their evil agents in government. You are the ones that choose to shame those courageous citizens that stand against tyranny, and you are the problem!
Because most have voluntarily accepted their own slavery, we now live in a very dangerous time of extreme stress, instability, division, and we face the threat of terror and democide at the hands of the state. All are at great risk, and none will be exempt from the carnage that is coming. The state cares nothing about you whether you are its biggest supporter or its biggest enemy. All will be treated with equal contempt, and all will be nothing more than fodder for the ruling class that loathes any not in its inner circle. This is the reality of our situation; a debacle caused and perpetuated by you the ‘ruled’
No virus exists, and total deaths have not increased at all, anywhere in the world. A pandemic? Absolutely not! The ‘test’ is a fraud; the lockdowns have destroyed millions, and the long-term consequences of these draconian measures are completely unknown. The falsely claimed ’vaccine’ is a death and control injection, and is a toxic bio-weapon in this war against the people. It can only lead to infertility, mass transhuman metamorphosis, zombification and murder. This plot against us has already led to unheard of numbers of suicides, mostly in the younger generation. The most harshly affected have been the children, the old, and those that have no ability to protect themselves. In other words, the state is happy in destroying the weakest and most helpless first, and is attempting to capture the minds and bodies of the young so they can more easily control the future. Is this what you want for your children and grandchildren? By your cowardice and passivity, you are helping to create prisons for all future generations.
So far in this plot to subdue and take over humanity, much has been lost. There is little freedom left, and what there is has been restricted and is constantly monitored, because any act of individuality or independence is now viewed as an uprising and is a bane to the state. Mass censorship of any opinion or truth concerning this scam is rampant. Everything of value is being destroyed, and speech has, in most cases, literally been ‘disappeared’. When the government and its fascist partnered henchmen hide or erase all free speech, what is left is pure tyranny. Families are being systematically decimated, and the purposeful spread of hatred is promoted at every level of society by the controlled media and the governing gang of professional criminals. The entirety of this government can only be described as organized crime on a massive ‘treasury’ level, but is much more sinister and criminal than any mafia. This is what this pathetic population has created for itself, and blame should be placed on all those that continue to worship this nation-state and adhere to its evil demands.
Human nature is on trial today, and for very good reason. It is the human that controls his own fate. It is the human that allows others to control his thoughts and actions. It is the human that cowers in the face of adversity. It is the human that worships the state as God. It is the human that acquiesces to the demands of tyrants. It is the human that fails to protect the innocent. It is the human that applauds and glorifies war. It is the human that causes his own and all other’s misery.
In conclusion, you may take this to heart, or you may ignore the warnings. You may continue to wallow in indifference. You may run and hide. You may cover your emotionless face with a mask. You may watch your family die in seclusion. You may turn in your neighbors to ‘authorities.’ You may follow every rule. You may in fact die at the hands of this heinous state.
Or you may curse this writer. This rant is for all or none; I care not anymore about those that have chosen to embrace obvious tyranny and shirk from any responsibility on their own part.
“Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it.”
Many are too afraid to touch the topic of ETs for fear of losing popularity, credibility or alienating (pun intended) their friends and readers.
There are even many alternative researchers who struggle with the idea that the creeping centralization of power is a manifestation of an ET agenda. However, the truth is the truth, and the evidence, as we shall see, is overwhelming.
If you’re wondering how ETs (extraterrestrials) fit into the whole picture of the UN NWO (New World Order), it’s simple: they’re intimately involved at the top of the pyramid. The UN NWO agenda is the ET agenda; they are one and the same.
It’s essential to realize that the directors of the entire UN NWO worldwide conspiracy are non-human entities: these are the aristocrats, the blue blood royalty that everyone has forgotten about, thinking they somehow disappeared recently, in the modern age of human freedom and liberation. Of course, it never happened that way. Human freedom is an illusion. Do not doubt it for one second.
If you go down the rabbit hole deep enough, the trail goes off planet – both to other worlds and to other dimensions.
What do the ETs Want from Us?
What the ETs want from us is very simple. First, stop thinking of earth as your planet. Just because you happen to have been born here, does not make this your planet, in the sense of ownership. Planets are not owned outright in the sense of a personal possession. Second, planets are controlled by the most powerful beings in the game. That does not include you. Thirdly, what you refer to as ‘Aliens’ are not aliens to this planet. If anyone is the alien, it is you. Just because you are not aware of something does not mean it doesn’t exist or is not true.
In fact, the vast majority of things you think you know are not true. Stop referring to the ET creator gods as ‘aliens’. They searched for this planet because their mission was to locate a planet that had gold ore. At that time, homo sapiens did not even exist. The creator gods decided to colonize this planet and place a contingent of their people here to extract the gold ore, refine it for trans-shipment and to transfer it to their home planet. They manned their colony with a core of worker-class people, as they found no suitable laborers among the existing Earth species at that time, 450,000 years ago.
Once the colony was established, they found other valuable minerals and ores that could be extracted for many purposes. After 315,000 years, the laborers revolted and refused to work in the gold mines any longer. As a solution to the labor problem, it was decided to use a primitive creature, now known as ‘homo erectus’, that could be genetically advanced by combining some of the ‘god genes’ with the ova of the female homo erectus.
Homo Sapiens
Here is the where, when and how homo sapiens came into existence, 135,000 years ago on this planet, Earth, then called ‘Terra’. The allocation of god-genes was carefully selected to provide the homo sapiens with no more advanced capabilities than were basically essential to perform the desired tasks. Extraction of gold ore was done differently at that time, compared to how it would be done today. The creator-gods possessed highly advanced technology and science compared to our present-day. Although the gold ore was located deep under the surface, they possessed technology that allowed extraction and elevation to the surface using sound generators, that could both cut and levitate the cut stone containing the gold ore.
The laborers, freed from work in the mines, established some cities in the middle east gulf area and requested that human slaves be made available to assist in construction, excavation, farming and other tasks, and the request was granted. The ET workers were basically all males and lacked the availability of females to complete the natural biological order of existence.
Upon the arrival of human slaves into the gulf area cities, the worker gods looked upon the human females, and found them to be fair (attractive) and chose from among them all that they pleased, to make of them wives and to bear for them children. These off-springs were the Nephilim, the giants, the mighty men of old. This practice of mating with human females was considered degrading by the royal gods and those who chose this practice we designated ‘the fallen ones’. These worker gods and their Nephilim off-spring killed human males in large quantities, seeing them as rivals in the ‘mating game’.
When the creator gods left Terra around 1,000 BCE, they left the aristocrat blue-bloods to govern the humans in perpetuity in their absence. The aristocratic families continued to exploit the humans as sources of free labor to carry on with the mining, which by then, had been expanded throughout the globe. To gain a sustained level of productivity from the human slaves, the aristocrats and the priests concocted many schemes that were more productive than the whip of overt feudalism. To keep the population of humans in check, non-stop wars, plagues and ultimately birth rate reduction by sterilization, sexual perversions, gender confusion and numerous psychological games to incentivize humans to chose unproductive types of sexual activities.
Just about every trick in the book has been played on humans but real production has collapsed as the fake currency Ponzi schemes, and religions have disintegrated. There are technological schemes that could bring humans to a point of total obsolescence. Humans are expensive to maintain, destructive, wasteful and dangerous. They are no longer reliable producers. There are better ways to get the job done.
Experiments have been conducted for a long time, involving ways and means to overcome the ‘human problem’. The creator-gods are only about another 600 earth-years away from the point of return, as the orbits of the two solar systems progress in the merging to the closest proximity of the 3,600 earth-year cycle.
The idea of totally removing the homo sapiens population from the planet, to be replaced by ‘hubrids’, engineered from the process of human myosis to yield a new specie that is better adapted to the environment and the required functionality.
Here is a brief list of some:
wanting to create a new ‘hubrid’ replacement race;
wanting to trap humanity in perpetuity through an endless cycle of birth, death and re-birth (e.g. through the soul net of soul recycling/forced reincarnation);
wanting to assimilate humanity into an android-like collective (like the Borg from Star Trek).
How do we know about this ET agenda?
There is so much proof, it is far far beyond the scope of this article to include it all, however this blog offers to give an outline and numerous examples.
There are many sources with a broad spectrum of provability. The ones listed first here are more “provable” to the rational, logical mind, for those interested in hard evidence:
photographic and video evidence of ETs and UFOs;
eyewitness accounts of ET contactees and abductees of their encounters and interactions with ETs;
researchers (ufologists) who have listened to and collected hundreds of case files of contactees and abductees;
testimony of former governmental and military insiders who saw case files and worked in “ET departments” of their organizations;
declassified governmental and military documents and case files;
past and present stories and lorefrom all over the world.
The ET Agenda According to Phil Schneider
Military engineer and geologist Phil Schneider was a brave whistleblower, who went public in 1995 (and was murdered by “suicide” a year later in 1996).
He is the one who first voiced the sentence “The UN New World Agenda is the agenda of the ETs and non-human aristocrats” – and he would have known, because according to his claim, he personally came face-to-face with both Grey and Reptilian ET species while working on the construction of DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases).
Incredibly, Schneider got into a gun fight with some of these ETs, which resulted in an exchange of fire where Schneider was wounded and the ET was killed.
Schneider’s accounts include a host of other stunning claims, such as detailed descriptions of underground bases and cities beneath the surface of America, the US Government’s secret deals with hostile ETs, the advanced ET technology being used by secret US agencies, the existence of “corbamite” (element 140), mining operations on the moon and the ET/NWO genocidal agenda to reduce the earth’s population by 85%, and then possibly 100%.
As much as possible, Schneider backed up his assertions by showing his scar to the cameras, as well as what he claimed was a sample rock of corbamite.
Bielek has revealed information that Schneider had confided in him, including tales of 7 foot Grey ETs dictating policy at a secret UN underground base, and how Schneider secretly flew to Japan in a private jet to reveal how the Kobe “earthquake” was a nuclear attack by the US, similar to the Fukushima tsunami.
Note: References to US Governments really mean the ‘real’ government controlled by non-humans and are not in reference to elected officials from illusionary elections, who are powerless traitors.
Schneider’s account is also corroborated by the Dulce Papers which talk of a fight between humans and aliens in 1979 at the underground base at Dulce, New Mexico.
Now let’s look at some of the proof of an ET agenda.
Photographic and Video Evidence
Thanks to the spread of technology, there is plenty of genuine photographic and video evidence for the existence of UFOs, despite the internet also being flooded with fake photos, fake footage and incessant censuring.
It may take you awhile to discern which is which, but if you familiarize yourself by watching and comparing them, it will become apparent.
Of the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of genuine sightings, it is probable that some are terrestrial (from Earth not another planet) and originate in the secret black military programs which ‘don’t officially exist’.
However, it is extremely unlikely they can all be explained away due to this.
Eyewitness Accounts of ET Abductees
There are many very viable researchers who have worked with abductees in helping them make an accurate recollection of their abduction experiences.
Dr David M Jacobs comes to mind as a highly credible researcher and author. Dr. Jacobs and dozens of his colleagues have documented thousands of cases. They have found incredible correlation between the experiences, to the point that they are able to piece the puzzle together with accuracy sufficient to draw reliable conclusions as to what is their likely agenda.
From these tens of thousands of documented cases of alien contact and abduction and, in reality, many more we don’t know about, an agenda emerges that is very hard to refute or discount. Since some people either don’t recall the incident (self-imposed memory suppression as a psychological defense mechanism to protect against trauma, or externally imposed memory wipe/mind control), or are too afraid to go public with it for fear of ridicule, ostracism or other reasons.
UFO Researchers
For those still skeptical, the work of various alien, UFO and abduction researchers is very compelling. For instance, take the work of Dr. David Jacobs, a tenured professor of American History at Temple University for 37 years, who has interviewed over 150 alien abductees, most life-long repetitious experiences and even multigenerational abductions.
Jacobs found in the accounts a repeated theme of extraterrestrial beings abducting and sexually molesting humans to create a race of hybrid human-ETs. These ‘hubrids’ have advanced over time to the point where they can’t be distinguished from humans when intermingling. It is estimated that more than 20 million of these hubrids are living among humans on the earth at this time.
Take the work of Budd Hopkins, who developed his own hypnotic regression methods to help heal the trauma of thousands of alien abductees – who he realized had become mere specimens in an ongoing ET genetic experimentation on humanity.
The common thread running through these cases was the fact that the abductees had a sense of missing time that their reproductive organs were tampered with and they were given the opportunity to be involved with the offspring of their own biology.
In some cases, female abductees were found to have one missing ovary, with no apparent scar tissue to show how it was removed.
Take the work of Dr. Karla Turner, a former college instructor who wrote 3 books on ET abduction: Into the Fringe (1992), Taken (1994), and Masquerade of Angels (1994).
As she became acquainted with a plethora of ET abduction cases, she also became convinced that the ETs (many of which were Reptilians) were visiting humanity with malicious intent.
As Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot write:
“From beginning to end, Turner had been struck by how contradictory the stories of the ETs were. They would, she averred, say anything they wanted to attain their ends.
“As the abductees in Taken reported it, the aliens insisted variously that they had come to help us cope with upcoming ecological disaster, interbreed for our good and theirs, help us evolve, take our genetic material to revivify their dying race.
“Sometimes they claimed they had outright created us; other times, that they were genetically altering us for our own good.”
Many other researchers have helped add to our knowledge base of an ET agenda, such as Mary Rodwell, John Mack, John Carpenter, Bill Baldwin and Barbara Lamb.
Of special note are the work of Dr. Roger Leir (who pioneered research into the shocking phenomenon of implants he found in many of the abductee’s bodies.) and Barbara Bartholic, whose protégés included Karla Turner, Eve Lorgen and James Bartley.
Bartley actually wrote the following about Bartholic:
“Barbara quickly realized energetic harvesting was a key component of the ET abduction syndrome. Barbara was an empath and highly intuitive and labored endlessly to document every facet of a person’s ET abduction experiences.
“She knew the negative ETs manipulated the energy centers and emotions of abductees in order to nourish and empower themselves at the expense of the abductees.
“This process is being played out on a macro society-wide scale. ET abduction is an all out assault on the abducted humans: physically, emotionally, energetically and spiritually.”
Testimony of Former Insiders
There are many level-headed former governmental and military operatives who have attested to the existence of an ET agenda, too.
Take the whistleblowing efforts of Bob Dean, who has given an abundance of presentations about his time at SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe) at the top of NATO.
Dean tells the story of how NATO knew there were ET craft above our skies, commissioned a study to see what could be done about it, and that the conclusion of the study was that the ETs probably had no hostile intentions and were here to observe – because if they had really wanted to enslave or destroy us, they could have done it a long time ago!
This was obviously a highly unsettling conclusion for the military brass to deal with, but so was another of Dean’s revelations: that the top commanders at the Pentagon knew there was a very high likelihood that some ET species (such as the Nordic-looking race of ETs) appeared so human-like that you could walk right next to one and never spot the difference!
Dean later himself had face-to-face meetings with some of these ETs, who he claimed appeared indistinguishable from terrestrial humans.
Another former military man Robert Salas (a retired Air Force captain) went public with his encounter with a UFO while on duty in a nuclear missile silo.
This was a military cover up until recently declassified. He relates the amazing story of how a large, pulsating red oval 30-40 foot in diameter spacecraft hovered over the front gate.
Seconds later the missiles underwent a “control system failure”. Did peaceful, intelligent ETs disable the nuclear weapons?
Listen to his story and decide for yourself. If so, it’s certainly not the first time such a story has been told …
Declassified Documents and Case Files
Many governments have declassified and released their UFO files. Earlier this year in 2015 the US Government declassified files from Project BlueBook.
This site shows a list of 24 countries/organizations that have done so, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand (Additional Report), Peru, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine (not in English), United Nations, United Kingdom, Uruguay and even Vatican City.
This is impressive evidence for those who would deny the existence of UFOs.
ET Stories, Lore and Legends
Humanity’s history is replete with references to ETs. The ancient Vedic texts of India mention vimanas or flying discs.
Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa, introduced to many in the Western world by David Icke, tells many stories of how reptilian beings feature throughout his people’s history.
Zechariah Sitchin, Jordan Maxwell and many others have talked about how the Bible itself originally stated “elohim” means “the gods” not “God” as it became mistranslated.
According to Sitchin, two reptilian ET beings named Enlil and Enki of the Annunaki created humanity.
If humanity itself was created by an advanced extraterrestrial race, as the article Scientists Find Extraterrestrial Genes In Human DNA and others suggest, how could there not be an ET agenda with humanity right now?
How could ETs not be intimately involved with our progress right now?
And since the world is pushed towards the UN NWO, wouldn’t it be fair to assume it is happening in alignment with their desires?
ETs Are Among Us – But Are They Malevolent?
More Likely, ETs are pragmatic.
Given the compelling amount of evidence above in this article (a tiny fraction of all the evidence in existence on the topic) – which not only indicates the existence of ETs, but also shows many are interfering in Earth affairs with a hostile agenda – it’s surprising that there is still the belief out there among some circles that “all ETs are benevolent and have humanity’s best interest at heart”.
This is foolish nonsense – and dangerous nonsense too, because it gives people a false idea about our galactic neighbors, and thus lowering their defenses and making them more susceptible to some kind of invasion or manipulation.
For some reason, this notion has been pushed by none other than Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project. Greer has done a truly outstanding job in bringing ET and UFO witnesses to light, and has exposed many aspects of the conspiracy, including the suppression of zero point energy technology.
Sadly, because Greer is a leading expert in the ET/UFO field, many blindly accept every word he says on the subject. He insists all the so-called “negative” interactions experienced by so many ET abductees are secret black military operations – MILABs (Military Abductions).
Greer is dead wrong on this point, as Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan of Project Camelot pointed out in this heated discussion, as well as other leading experts on exopolitics such as Dr. Michael Salla who wrote the rebuttal Exopolitics vs Exospin.
Some have theorized this is due to Greer’s connection with Lawrence Rockefeller of the infamous Rockefeller family (one of the two main UN NWO families along with the Rothschilds).
ETs atop the UN NWO Pyramid
Many have exposed the ET connection to world events, but David Icke has been the most comprehensive in the many books he has written on the Reptilian theme which has inextricably intertwined with the UN NWO.
Reptilians onboard space craft — art by Deimos-Remus
Specifically, the connection between hostile ETs (like many Reptilians) and certain humans (of certain bloodline and vibrations frequencies) is made through black magic – Satanic ritual of sex and sacrifice.
These human “leaders” (whether bureaucrats, politicians, business chiefs or military heads) are not running the show – they are willingly giving over their souls to other forces (demonic possession) in exchange for (what they perceive to be) power.
Open Your Mind to the Wider, Deeper Reality
We are not alone, and we never have been alone, as Bob Dean says. What makes some people think humans are the only species with high intelligence or capable of rational thought in the entire known universe? Ego and arrogance.
It is narrow-minded to think so, and it is equally narrow-minded to assume that any extraterrestrial motive or ET agenda would be neutral or beneficial to us. The cosmos is brimming full of life of all kinds. Humans are low on this totem pole.
We all need to remember the Game is a whole lot grander than we think. The UN New World Order doesn’t end with just political control, police brutality, indoctrination, assassination, infiltration, free trade agreements, geoengineering, international banking, suppressed technology or microchips, etc.
Copious evidence shows it goes off-planet into far more bizarre realms (like the ET agenda) than the average person could imagine.
Blind denial of the obvious is not going to bring about advancement in understanding the phenomenon of abductions, existence of ETs and coexistence of humans and hubrids on earth.
FOOD: Unavailable at any price. Eat soylent green or ratburgers. Gardening is illegal.
WATER: Unavailable at any price. Collecting rainwater is illegal. Public water is rationed and contaminated with toxic chemicals.
AIR: Pure air unavailable at any price. Breathe the poisonous contaminated gases surrounding you.
ENERGY: Unavailable at any price. Forget about heating, A/C, cooking, driving.
INFORMATION: Only propaganda is provided.
HEALTH: Forget about it.
FREEDOM: Totally unavailable.
SEXUAL PROCREATION: Forget about this. Reproduction rates are already far below replenishment levels. Childbearing-age people are mostly confused about their gender and have been physically or psychologically neutered.
Many people in America think ‘aristocracy’ is an old and obsolete system that died off recently. That is based largely on the idea that we think we are free and democratic because we don’t have kings and queens. This goes back to the previous RESET (1812)period which gave birth to the ‘MATRIX’ virtual reality system.
Aristocracy is alive and well today, just as strong as it was 3,000 years ago, at its inception. The blue-blood aristocrats were bred and given dominion over homo sapiens in perpetuity by the creator gods. The US and Canada remain under the dominion of the Queen of Windsor, just as always. You have simply drunk to much of the cool-aid and have absorbed lies which have replaced your reality.
Think about it. Every bit of real evidence indicates against this ignorant thinking. They are not even trying to keep it a secret now, but you still don’t get it. This is true fear. Denying what they are flying in your face because it is ‘too unthinkable’. There is a law of the cosmos or galaxy that requires our creators to inform us of what is in store in our futures. Any fool can easily find hundreds of examples of these disclosures from Huxley to Wells, from the Matrix to Demolition man. From James Bond to Soylent Green. Need I go on, or can you think and find your own examples?
The Internet and Technocracy:
The Internet of Bodies (IoB) hasn’t gotten as much attention as it needs to. It’s an outgrowth of the Internet of Things (IoT), a term that has been with us for several years now and which refers to the plan to embed every single thing on Earth with a sensor that allows it to be hooked up to the internet (using things like 5G and the Smart Grid) – and thus surveilled and monitored.
The IoT implies that every node on the grid will receive and broadcast transmissions. The Internet of Bodies takes the whole thing a step further by implementing a world where these sensors are biosensors that sit on or in the human body, with the potential to thus make every individual nothing more than another node on the grid.
Head of the UN WEF (World Economic Forum) Klaus Schwab Blofeld, who has become famous among alternative media reporters for his incredible likeness to an archetypal James Bond villain, proclaimed that his Great Reset (just another name for the New World Order or NWO) and his 4th Industrial Revolution (just another name for Transhumanism) would “lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity.”
The Internet of Bodies
There are several mainstream articles written in 2020 about the Internet of Bodies. This Forbes article defines it as follows:
“When the Internet of Things (IoT) connects with your body, the result is the Internet of Bodies (IoB). The Internet of Bodies (IoB) is an extension of the IoT and basically connects the human body to a network through devices that are injected, ingested, implanted, or connected to the body in some way. Once connected, data can be exchanged, and the body and device can be remotely monitored and controlled.
There are three generations of Internet of Bodies that include:
· Body external: These are wearable devices such as Apple Watches or Fitbits that can monitor our health.
· Body internal: These include pacemakers, cochlear implants, and digital pills that go inside our bodies to monitor or control various aspects of our biology.
· Body embedded: The third generation of the Internet of Bodies is embedded devices to integrate technology and the human body having a real-time connection to a remote system.”
It spells out the agenda pretty clearly. The IoB agenda is the same thing as the human microchipping agenda, just more advanced due to the progression of technology.
The idea is to slowly introduce external, foreign and synthetic devices, frog-in-the-boiling-pot style, so people become gradually accustomed to it. First, it’s on the body, then it’s in the body, then it’s all the way embedded deep in the body so it melds with the body, finally it’s genetic.
For example, COVID injection for genetic alteration, injectable, ingestible, digital, Smart pills, nano-insertions while ‘testing’, atmospheric-spraying, etc.
All of this is just the aspect of the Internet of Bodies where people are openly told what is happening and consent is manufactured, but there is another whole covert aspect where we have already been forcibly made to inhale and ingest nanoparticles without our knowledge and consent.
Meanwhile here is what the rather creepy RAND corporation has to say about the Internet of Bodies:
“Internet of Bodies technologies fall under the broader IoT umbrella. But as the name suggests, IoB devices introduce an even more intimate interplay between humans and gadgets.
“IoB devices monitor the human body, collect metrics and other personal information, and transmit those data over the internet. Many devices, such as fitness trackers, are already in use … IoB devices already in use and those in development can track, record, and store users’ whereabouts, bodily functions, and what they see, hear, and even think.”
WEF Pushes IoB
Given the central role of Schwab and the WEF (UN) in pushing the NWO Great Reset, it is also unsurprising that the WEF was pushing the Internet of Bodies in 2020.
To be fair, the WEF paper does analyze the risks and the downside, but it’s pretty clear it’s promoting this as humanity’s future and is simply trying to figure out how to make it legally and socially acceptable for all the nations of the world.
Source: Screen capture from the WEF website
COVID And Transhumanism
With over a year having passed since the overt advent of COVID-19 in the West, it is now abundantly clear that the coronavirus was never a medical emergency. It was just the convenient excuse and the catalyst for the UN NWO Great Reset.
It always was, as Schwab himself declared, “a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.” Notice how the words used here and elsewhere – reflect, reshape, reimagine and reset – are suggestive of the Freemasonic motto “ordo ab chao” or “order out of chaos”, which describes the method of destruction, of breaking people down, in order to make way for the new creation.
The NWO controllers want to remake you in their image, as a synthetic worker-slave on their digital Smart Network. This is why they are trying desperately to get at your genetics.
The next battleground is inside your body – your DNA. Whether it’s toxic non-metabolic GMO food or toxic gene-editing ‘vaccines’, it’s vital to realize that your genes are being targeted.
The nanotech and nanobot invasion is well underway. If you allow your genes to be altered via embedded nanotechnology, it could affect you in at least 4 key ways: firstly, it will shut you off from your connection to a higher spiritual source; secondly, your perceptive range will be reduced (thus making you more docile and more malleable); thirdly, it will reduce your capacity to access and utilize your higher meta-physical abilities; and fourthly, it will allow you to be directly programmed via transmissions beamed directly to the nanotech system inside of you, representing a new horrible kind of mind control never before known in human history.
The COVID op has many connections to the Internet of Bodies or transhumanism. Here are just some examples:
– COVID anal swab tests: it would be hilarious if it weren’t true, but it was certainly no laughing matter for Japanese citizens and US diplomatic staff who recently complained that China was forcing these tests upon them.
– COVID nasal swab tests: this invasive test involves sticking a cotton swab of about 6 inches way up inside your nose so that it hits the back of your throat. It touches a part of your skull there known as the fragile cribriform plate, your brain barrier.
Is there an ulterior purpose to these tests? Why not just take a saliva or blood sample which is less invasive? But these methods make it easy for those administering these tests to implant nanoparticles in your body and brain via this method.
– COVID mRNA alteration injections: the COVID ‘vaccine’ is definitely not what you think. There are many COVID vaccines on the market now, but 2 Big Pharma companies – Pfizer and Moderna – have constructed a new kind of vaccine called an mRNA (messenger RNA) alteration. All the other brands are variations on this same experimental technology.
What they have made does not comply with the medical and legal definition of a vaccine. It does not stop transmission, it does not protect you against moderate or severe COVID symptoms and it does not directly elicit an immune response via a weakened virus. These mRNA ‘vaccines’ are gene therapy or gene editing tools! They literally re-program your genes to produce foreign proteins.
In other words, they are operating systems and chemical devices – not vaccines – that alter your DNA and RNA by genetically modifying you.
Additionally, there is information that some of these non-vaccines may contain substances like luciferase and hydrogel which are biosensors.
They continue to use the term ‘vaccine’ because you have been inured to this process and therefore, it is far less frightening and threatening than the truth.
The Great Reset and Augmented Reality
You may have heard about AR (Augmented Reality) which is defined as “an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by digital or computer-generated perceptual information” or in other words, the overlaying of the digital world on top of the physical world.
The scheme is to overlay our entire physical reality with digital sensors (just as Schwab stated) and particles, to turn everything and everyone into nodes on the Smart Grid that can be monitored, traced, tracked and controlled.
The CIA ran the data-harvesting operation a few years back in 2016 known as Pokemon Go which is a basic, introductory version of what is to come.
The plan also involves transforming all paper money into digital currency, and handing over control of it to a centralized World Government that would have the power to allocate it directly to people – via bodily implants based on productivity and compliance.
There would be a social credit system (as in China currently) where all citizens are ranked according to how obedient and compliant they are. If someone doesn’t behave as a ‘good citizen’ their social credit, freedom, rights and even their access to their own (now digital) money could simply be turned off or lessened.
The UN WEF proposed in a recent article that by 2030, you, as an average world citizen, “will own nothing and have no privacy … but you’ll be happy” however due to negative attention they changed the title and wording.
Meanwhile, the oligarchs have been rapidly consolidating their wealth since COVID, hoping that people will fall for their rather obvious brainwashing attempts to embrace poverty and be fine with it.
Watch Out for the Biosensors of the Internet of Bodies
The Great Reset is just another phrase for the New World Order. When the sensors of the IoT become the biosensors of the IoB, you will know the agenda has advanced rapidly to the point where mass enslavement is the long-standing reality.
We claim the right to bodily autonomy but they, of course, claim you have no rights whatsoever. You must refuse to consent to anything forced on or into your body. You must claim your right to medical sovereignty by refusing to consent to any medical interventions or experimentation – government has no authority to mandate masks, which are a mass medical intervention, and the COVID injection is a giant worldwide medical experiment for genocide and absolute total control of survivors.
You must fully claim your right to breathe oxygen in an unobstructed and unrestricted manner. Don’t be lulled into becoming a human guinea pig for Big Pharma by taking an injection that will alter your genes forever. They are already telling you that frequent additional injections will be required. But, once you take the initial injection, it is going to be impossible to avoid that ongoing reinjections.
They are going to use every means available to force everyone to accept this inoculation program because it is the means for them to alter, monitor and control all of those who submit. You will not escape this horror by deceiving yourself into the idea that this is somehow going to save you from some invisible health threat that is proven over and over to be nonexistent. You must aggressively avoid their efforts to trap or forcefully inject this lethal or debilitating chemical soup into your body, no matter what the coercion. It is not going to be easy to escape, but unless you do, your future is doomed or nonexistent.
Remember, as this article states, that “the lure of Utopia has many hooks” as people are enticed to give up “privacy and freedom for the common good.”