What is more valuable, a spurious destructive animal specie (humans) or an inhabitable planet?
Failure to Discern Reality
Only a tiny percentage of the world’s population has glimpsed behind the curtain to see how the fake reality is being created. It seems impossible to most people, that they do not possess an accurate view of reality in their daily existence. Their family, friends and the media all support the false reality they think is real. Public education has established this version of reality based on revisionist history a purchased scientism. Authority has demanded that the current narrative is absolute, and will enforce belief in it with reward or punishment. If other versions of reality are sequestered from your means of knowing, you will likely go along with the crowd down ‘fake lane’.
Some think they have discovered the underlying truth because they saw some You Tube videos about chemtrails or vaccinations. They are now somewhat convinced that all is not as it seems. Yet, as they have not realized that their knowledge and understanding is very slight and superficial, most have no ability to grasp the massive and all-encompassing aspects of the Matrix virtual reality. Many have seen the movies called the ‘Matrix Trilogy’, making them all the more confused and, ironically, ‘Hollywood’ fantasized.
They conclude that this is all Hollywood fantasy because, after all, what could be the motives driving the perpetrators? If you can’t think of a motive, then it must not be true. They also can’t conceive of who has the power and means to perpetrate such an extensive deception. Who would have the means to destroy the World Trade centers? Who has the means to send young American people to endless wars abroad, that kill millions, cost $trillions and kill, maim and psychologically destroy these same young American soldiers, who we regard as heroes, defending our shores. Who has the means to perpetrate global warming/cooling/climate change? In this case, the highly ignorant children of activist parents and NEA grade school teachers, who then control their equally ignorant and apathetic parents into joining the hysteria. Who are the desperate pseudoscientists who will fake any graph in exchange for a research grant?
Who are the conceivers of the fossil fuel lies that have kept mankind dependent on oil sucked out of the planet for 100 years beyond its obsolescence, in the face of a large host of alternative energy sources, patents bought up and stored in the basement, permanently. The same Rockefellers and Rothschilds invented a knowingly fake theory of germs and so-called health care, called allopathy, which spawned the multi-$trillion pharmaceutical industry of fake pills and shots. By the way, these are the same unscrupulous thieves that put fake money into the economies of all countries in the world to maintain the debt-interest based economies. They also put into effect the central income tax systems that guarantee the repayment of the interest-bearing debt that can never be repaid. Oh, and these same sheisters are the ones who poisoned all the croplands with glyphosate and GMO’d the crops all over the world to make them into toxins that cannot be metabolized by your body. The people are eating non-foods and toxins, getting sick, then turning to the monopolistic system of allopathy for fake healthcare that assures they continue to live with disease that keeps them coming back for more until they finally arrive at a premature death, when their insurance and bank accounts run dry.
Although there are no atomic weapons, there is active radiation. The sun emits cosmic radiation that will literally cook humans unless the atmosphere of the planet filters out the UVA. You may have noticed they are busy destroying the atmosphere of the planet with their atmospheric spraying programs. They have weaponized weather to destroy selectively homes, infrastructure and crop production. They have introduced microwave ovens, communication devices like WIFI and 5G, smart meters that will work with the 5G to make your whole house into a microwave oven. People say “they wouldn’t do that. What could be their motive?”
The above is just a hint of the hundreds or thousands of ways they destroy humans. The whole gender-confusion program is intended to reduce human procreation. Gender-confused people do not reproduce. Gender-confused people are sexually hyperstimulated to make sex the predominant prevailing theme in their lives. They indiscriminately seek new sexual partners with high frequency, obviously having no need for seeking lasting familial relationships, as no children will bind any of these relationships, except for those children who are delivered to them by CPS agencies taking babies away from heterosexual people and placing them into extreme danger. Sex trafficked children number about 80,000,000 per year worldwide. Most of these trafficked children meet untimely deaths or are traumatized for life.
A desperate effort is being made to normalize child-adult sexual practices, obviously on the part of sick-minded adults who wish to have their perversions accepted as normal. The scope of child sex trafficking, torture, ritual sacrifice and cannibalism is vastly beyond the imagining of the majority of people. Religion hosts an extremely high percentage of the perpetrators, right up to and including particularly the pope himself. The practice is universal among the cadre of world powermongers, all psychopaths, and on down the tiers of the power pyramid of the lesser powered psychopaths who are copycat perverts. If it is rife at the top, those who seek to elevate themselves freely indulge themselves. And how many politicians have you heard of who have not suddenly become super rich?
Getting to the subject of religion, all organized world religions are artifacts from the time when our alien creators were living here on this planet. All humans considered them gods, as they were powerful, technically advanced, domineering masters of their human creations. They most certainly are not GOD. They are physical creatures of a more highly developed DNA coding structure. We may be their equivalents if we last another 100 million years. We advance our consciousness by a conscious process of increasing our DNA coding capacity. Humans, by and large, are not even aware of how the process works, let alone doing something to advance their capacity. We have the free-will and free-choice to go forwards or backwards. Many species have gone backwards and obsoleted themselves, even in our own domain in recent times.
Everything you think you know is coming from the Imperial Propaganda Machine….everything.
Our gods were on earth on a mundane mining mission. The laborers they brought were spent out and they needed to do something about it to continue the mission. The mission was under the supervision of two half-brothers, a bureaucrat and a scientist, who eventually came to hate each other enough to engage in interfamilial wars. The scientist, name of Enki, proposed to solve the labor problem by taking a primitive endemic homonid, the homo erectus, and, using his own advanced DNA, make a physical coding enhancement to create a being capable of being a worker in the mines. His half-brother, name of Enlil, opposed the idea based on a legitimate fear of losing control of the situation by means of becoming heavily outnumbered by semi-intelligent creatures. The father of the two, name of Anu, decided in favor of Enki’s idea. The half brothers came to war and hate, thus bringing good and evil into a classical standoff in the world of dualities. After all, these were the two most powerful beings on the Earth at that time.
The genetic advancement was equivalent to 10 million years of genetic evolution. But it took place in a relative heartbeat. The physical equipment was vastly upgraded but without the time for the akasha to gain the necessary and commensurate experience to develop the maturity and wisdom that would have accompanied the advance, had it occurred naturally and gradually. The gods got their workers, but with or without realizing it, also got an extremely dangerous wild animal. While they held the animal in captivity and tight control, in limited production, they kept the problem at a manageable level. Enlil correctly foresaw the problem and used means to limit the freedom of this dangerous animal. Enki also saw the problem, but thought he could continue refining the creature genetically to make the creature control its own brutish nature.
During the 135,000 years of alien occupation, the population of humans was never allowed to grow beyond Enlil’s span of control. He maintained the population at less than 500 million by whatever means were required. He demanded absolute obedience to his commands and directives. That is why ‘commandments’ are such a big deal. He allowed the nefilim hybrids to kill their rival human males indiscriminately. He intended the Great Flood to ultimately resolve his problem by killing all humans and nefilim. When he brought his fleet back to the Earth’s surface, after the flood waters settled and found survivors, he acquiesced to what he regarded the ‘demands of fate’, and agreed to remain 3 more shars, 10,800 earth-years, to re-establish the population and retrain them in how to survive life on Earth alone. He was leaving, in any case, and then humans would either fare for themselves, or not. But his conscience was clear.
The aliens kept a careful history, written in stone tablets. They also built megalithic monuments all over the world which stand today in the face of all humans as an irrefutable reminder of their presence on earth. A great golden era occurred, leaving humans with prosperity and survival skills. The humans were initially no more advanced than what was required to perform the mining tasks, per the demands of Enlil. Humans love to think they are the most advanced beings in existence and the cosmos was built for them alone. They got this nonsense from the jewish bibles and the so-called modern organized religions. The alien miners, aware of the imminent tsunami that would flood the earth, decided to close out their mission and return home, leaving their human workers and also the hybrid off-spring of the matings between the furloughed alien mine workers and human females, mostly giants, to perish in the flood, solving the problem of the undesirables very neatly.
The flood occurred as predicted in 11,800 BCE, while the miners circled in low-earth orbit. Unbeknownst to all but Enki, a vessel of his own design was able to survive the flood. Although sworn to secrecy, he had surreptitiously warned his son, Ziasudra, of the impending disaster and helped him design a sturdy vessel for his family and numerous DNA specimens from animal and plant life. When Enlil took the spacecraft back to the surface to investigate, he found survivors. He took this to be a symbol of fate and made a decision to remain for three more of their shars, totaling 10,800 earth years. This was a short time, as they had already been present on earth for about a half-billion years. They decided to help the humans to repopulate and teach them how to survive on their own.
During this period of 3 shars, the human population grew to eventually populate every landmass of the globe and they acquired skills and knowledge from the gods to survive after their departure. However, there was an awareness that the sudden genetic advance of the homo erectus into the homo sapiens was not without its flaws. The humans had more sophisticated faculties, but the rapid advance was not accompanied by the commensurate gain in wisdom and maturity to use the advanced faculties in a wise and mature fashion. The gain in faculties was a dangerous thing without the commensurate gain in experience and wisdom. Homo sapiens was hopelessly immature in terms of the wisdom required to use the advanced capacities in a safe and useful manner. Humans were powerful and dangerous from a leap in genetic advancement, lacking the time to acquire the maturity to use their power wisely. A large percentage of humans never mature beyond the toddler stage. Genetic evolution takes as long as ever. Actually, longer, as humans seem to lack the patience and understanding to spend their time in pursuit of expanded consciousness. They prefer to spend their time pursuing fun, games, physical wealth, sex, drugs and endless entertainment instead.
This problem of immaturity yielding lack of wisdom was compounded by warring between the extended families of Enlil and Enki, where each powerful Anunnaki god had a clan of human followers who sought protection and survival skills from the particular god they followed, in turn serving and obeying the commandments of that god. The gods warred with each other utilizing the humans as their chessmen, to engage and do battle, dying in large numbers to satisfy the giant egos of the Anunnaki gods. Enlil made it his mission to apply a concerted effort to reduce the numbers of humans by many and varied methods, including plagues. Enki, the creator of humans, had a more tolerant and kinder disposition towards them, whom he considered his children. The idled giant laborers, the Igiggi, had taken on the practice of mating with human females and killing their rivals, human males. The off-spring of these matings were usually giants with various characteristics, as is often found with mismatched genes. The skeletal remains of these giants have been found in every part of the world. They remain in evidence today, in spite of the tireless efforts of the Smithsonian to burn and destroy all that they could acquire. Motive? To keep you in ignorance.
So, the idea that mankind is, in any way, homogenous is simply a false idea. Mankind is made up of the first genetically engineered version of Enki’s labors in Africa, which were called ‘Lulus’, subsequent varieties born from Enki’s ongoing experiments over the centuries, the myriad of hybrids born from Igiggi and Anunnaki breeding with human females, to the more advanced specimens of breeding Royal Anunnaki with females from other Royal unions, producing the ‘Adam/Eve’ type of beings with more than 50% god genes.
When the Anunnaki were ready to depart the planet, around 1,000 BCE, they had to deal with this problem of advanced genetic abilities controlled by souls with insufficient experience, wisdom and maturity, which they could see would bring about rapid destruction of the planet and everything living on it. Again, Enki had a solution, which was to produce a further advanced specie that could take over the kingships/priestships/godships currently held by the gods themselves. Enki created the homo capensis , human-like but possessing a genetic makeup that had even more advanced DNA coding capacity from the god-genes than the previous subspecies. The homo capensis, characterized by the elongated skull, were to restrict familial breeding with lesser beings and preserve the purity of the genetic blood line over the millennia.
But, of course, that did not happen either. Over the generations, the capensis diluted their genetic lines through interbreeding outside of the capensis families. The capensis still rule us, but they are, today, not able to preserve the planet and the life upon it either.
Everything flows in cycles. Nothing is linear. A Great Year ended in 2012 and a new one has started….432,000 Earth years. The Capensis have wasted away their genetic superiority. They are not capable of being competent rulers or leaders, if they ever were. But they have retained their positions due to possession of enormous wealth and control of the majority of Earth’s assets. The truth of the matter is, the plan of Enki to create the Capensis to rule the humans was as flawed as the original plan to make the huge evolutionary genetic advance from the homo erectus to the sapiens, inside of a mere moment of time. It is no different for the Capensis. All of the major power players on Earth are toddler-level psychopathic intellects in the bodies of powerful, dangerous creatures…like putting the baby in front of the red button that launches the missiles and letting it play.
There is nothing but a bunch of heavily armed children running the Earth. Is it a wonder to anyone that the Earth is being destroyed while human existence is on the brink of mass suicide.
Intervention is in process
The disastrous situation on Earth is not happening in a total vacuum. Whether it is the Anunnaki or other protectors of the cosmos, Earth has been visited by unearthly superior beings for a long time, long before the creation of humans 135,000 years ago. But keep in mind, we are toddlers and have a very short attention span, concept of time passage, and a life-span limited to 150 years. The short life span was a demand of Enlil, that prevents humans from retaining history, accumulating wisdom and controlling population growth.
We are also prone to believe anything told to us by ‘authority figures’ and ‘experts’, whoever they may be. We learned this well from our god-parents. The Capensis, controllers of Earth’s assets, want the humans to remain under their faltering control system, often referred to as the Matrix. Because humans are seriously lacking in wisdom, maturity and the initiative to pursue worthy intellectual and spiritual endeavors. They are easily kept in the fake reality of the Matrix, so long as they are treated like spoiled brats, entertained endlessly and fed drugs, alcohol and sugar and pizza as their staple diet.
To try to get the population back under control, the capensis also feed humans every kind of tasty non-food imaginable. Humans love it and die at half their biological life expectancy, while feeding $trillions into the capensis’ healthcare and pharmaceutical drug complex. The system of allopathic medicine, upon which it is all based, is a total fake and a fraud, once again brought to you by the Rockefeller/Rothschild reality TV show. The same one that brings you fake money and obsolete fossil energy, although the fossil part is another lie.
Because their god-parents were beyond geniuses by comparison to the human race, another artifact of the god’s presence/departure is the need and willingness to bow to superiority and expertise. The capensis know this all too well, and play this card over and over.
There is really only one conspiracy
Although it appears that there is a whole host of conspiracies being perpetrated against humans, they are all part and parcel of the same single conspiracy with the same single objective perpetrated by the same single perpetrators. Of course, there are many minions who carry out some various aspects of the grand plan, but, like in all of the secret societies, these are pawns who are not privy to the master plan and have little realization of how their part fits into the larger whole. Like all Freemasons below the rank of 33rd degree, the minions are told what to do and given bullshit explanations about how important they are in the operation. In reality, there is only the very few who even know the master plan and objective. All others are just self-important stooges.
Their plan is massive depopulation of the planet of what we call human beings and replacement by hybrid substitutes that have a resemblance to normal human beings, but are actually possessed of much more highly advanced souls. They are correcting the fatal error of Enki discussed above, by a much more advanced form of upgrade where the hardware matches the software. They are doing this changeover in real-time. The new hybrids are silently entering the ranks while the humans are being phased out as fast as possible.
They want to pull this off while the humans remain blissfully ignorant until it is blatantly obvious, but too late. Maybe you think this current attempt to elevate a small group of perverts, the LGBTQetc., into the privileged, glorified and protected status is all about protecting the rights of a persecuted minority who are valuable to the human race. Well, it was never about any such thing. It is about motivating mere children into thinking it would be glamorous and ‘special’ if they became a part of this perversion because it is now glorified and held ‘special’ by society. The NEA is busy introducing programs into the school curriculum, especially including kindergarten and first-graders, those who know no better, of the wonders of anal sex and how to install condoms, among numerous other totally depraved and inappropriate things. The parents are relieved. They now are excused from the awkward sex training thing.
Obviously, if they can get enough of these immature children to get on board, none of them will be procreating and having families. This ‘special group’ is one of promoting promiscuity and indiscriminate sex that does not lead them to recognize that the consequence of no families leads directly to no procreation, which means no more humans. The suckers could not put that combination together in a million years and the NEA teachers have the satisfaction of playing their part in the deceit of not only the kindergarteners, but also their entertainment-addicted parents.
Sperm counts and births are plummeting in the developed world. Feminism takes the female component of the population into a different status. Many have been taught to hate and disrespect men in-general and, without arguing the merits of this thinking, it tends to lessen procreation. The humans are taught to eat corner junk-store food, processed and GMO non-foods, the wrong foods that acidify their bodies, like milk, meat, sugar, coffee, denatured grains, etc. and then to put the junk food in the microwave oven to demolecularize it into Frankenfood. The water is poisoned, as is the air. All of this leads to unhealthy bodies with low sperm production, prostate problems, general chronic health problems, lack of energy and motivation. Then they go to the allopath and get loaded up on pills and shots…maybe even a surgery. Or, the acidified bodies loaded with sucrose, corn syrup, etc. become cancerous. Then they bring out the chemotherapy and radiation treatments that destroy whatever is left. Probably you won’t even die immediately because your whole system is stunned into inactivity but the placebo effect will last a short time, while you believe you’re are receiving effective treatment to cure your problems.
Nobody seems to be updating longevity statistics, but It is obvious that life-expectancy is plummeting. Even the young are obese and chronically diseased. With never-ending non-stop wars, millions are dying and families of those who are not our enemies are being obliterated, their homes, schools, infrastructure and economies are demolished. Our young, family-aged children return with psychological trauma, loss of hope and suicidal tendencies. Those psychopaths who discovered they like killing can get good government jobs in police, FBI, CIA, DEA, ATF, etc. where they can continue their careers in the field of brutality, theft and murder.
They are not gong to reveal, until it is too late, the impact of the inability of the populations to replenish themselves.
Who is behind the hybrid development program?
None among the human population, including the capensis, have the ability to design and produce the hybrids that are appearing in the population in large numbers. The observation, analysis and planning of this phenomenon has been underway for a very long time. Going back to the beginning of the Common Era (CE), we find UFOs appearing in works of fine art and literature. The capensis have always denied and ridiculed any who try to bring any light on this. Most people are scared to death of being ridiculed as conspiracy theorists. That is why you see everyone who looks into the malfeasance of the government is labeled a conspiracy theorist. They are masters at manipulation. Humans are ridiculously easy to manipulate. All of the AI and transhumanism predictions that literally fill the news media today, is total bullshit, intended to keep you stressed out by the future, just like the atomic bomb bullshit that had us quavering under our desks at school. There are no atomic bombs and never bee any. You say ”Oh, you say, what about Hiroshima and Nagasaki?”. They were fire bombs with a lot of radioactive metallic junk thrown into the chambers to fake people into a false belief in the Manhattan Project and a future world of horrible destruction. The same liars telling the same type of lies to maintain control of humans by means of fear.
Whether they admit it, even to themselves, most individuals have been exposed to the phenomenon of UFOs. I want to be the first to admit that I have personally observed the presence and activities of UFOs in the night sky, along with my very sane and skeptical wife. Countless photos exist, many very clear, taken by thousands of different people who have witnessed the same UFOs at the same place and time in every part of the world.
In this world, we are literally inundated with evidence of the presence of the Anunnaki, who seem to be the most recent visitors, spending a period of 450,000 earth years on the planet and creating humans 135,000 years ago. This is the recent modern history. In the cosmological time frame, we are an extremely recent development. The Earth has been in its present position in this solar system for billions of years. Statistically, the popular human belief that the cosmos was created a few thousand years ago by a human-like god, just for us, is laughable. The people who believe this are the conspiracy theorists who have adopted lunatic theories that could not even remotely have any essence of truth. They deny all common sense, logic and vast hard evidence to adopt a children’s fairytale story, an unfortunate common human trait when the storyteller is an authority figure.
Even in the very short time that humans have been alone here, abandoned by their parents, they have a brief history of pure disaster. By the time the planet of the Anunnaki orbits close enough to Earth for them to make the flight here again, one of their years, a shar, humans will likely have become extinct and made the planet uninhabitable, at least for humans, if there is no intervention. Fortunately, intervention is occurring and the planet may be saved in some form or another. Do not rejoice just yet, as humans seem to be a missing element in future developments.
Human Abductions
The human abduction situation is very difficult to document and study. One problem is related to a very high number of abductions in a world where abductees are not given consideration or support nor even is their existence acknowledged. It is compounded by the abilities of the abductors to use higher dimensional powers to perform abductions in relative secrecy while also employing the use of telepathy and mind control, including memory occlusion. This occlusion applies not only to abductees but also to witnesses who may be present when abductions occur. This is further complicated the feeling on the part of the abductee that, should they attempt to reveal their experiences, they would be subject to ridicule and extreme skepticism, which, rather than helping them, would drive them into further isolation and desperation.
There are only a small number of qualified counselors available in the world to a large number of abductees. After all, counselors are subject to the same bias and abuses as abductees, and only the few, with impeccable credentials and special education can provide help and still retain their own credibility and retain their professional standings. No assistance or aid of any kind has ever been granted by government authorities, who have mostly joined in the denigrations of those trying to help and learn. For abductees, this leaves few viable options in an unsympathetic world while in a state of memory occlusion.
Even, in spite of the enormous obstacles, many thousands of cases have been analyzed, documented and collected into a larger picture of what is happening. Evidence seems to indicate that abductions are not rare, but rather common. They often occur among family groups repeatedly and extending through generations. Both sexes are taken, mostly from post-puberty individuals, because the nature of the experience is almost always clinically sexual.
Shortly following the end of WW2, a rash of animal mutilations began to occur. These were studied most notably by Linda Moulton Howe, an author, film maker, reporter and analyst who has gained a lot of recognition from her excellent insights and continuing highly professional involvement in the phenomena. She discovered that the mutilations of cattle and other animals typically involved the surgical removal of organs and tissues related to reproduction. These surgical procedures were performed with precision and with surgical equipment unlike any available to surgeons at-large. Scalpels leave tell-tale evidence of cutting with a sharp edge. Laser procedures leave evidence of burning tissues. This surgery used neither of these methods, nor was it recognizable as any other surgical method known, both then and now. There is no blood loss with this procedure. There is no evidence of any bleeding.
It is apparent here that tissue samples have been harvested from some of the animals of the Earth. These tissues are all associated with reproduction. It is apparent that there are entities who have a need for these reproductive tissues and organs to study and learn the properties of the reproductive process of the life species existing in earth’s environment. Linda Moulton Howe has written numerous books and articles, but three very prominent volumes, well illustrated, are specifically devoted to these mutilations over a period of many years. The organ harvesters leave no evidence of how they arrived at these various locations. Careful and extensive investigation yields not a trace of any known means of transportation to or from the point of the mutilation, nor any evidence of the presence of beings who would have subdued these animals and subjected them to the mutilation process. The conclusion arrived upon is that the perpetrators are entities possessing abilities beyond that of any known to humans.
Simultaneously, another phenomenon involving abductions of humans was emerging. Finally, enough abductions were being reported to a growing cadre of assistance-givers to glean a picture of the scope of the abduction activity. It is massive, numbering into the millions each year. The abductions have been going on for a long time. They are generational, over numerous generations and often several or all of the members of a given family. The abductees have been subjected to memory erasure, among many other psychic control measures. They are often in need of a type of hypnosis, which can aid them in recalling their experiences. Some skeptics feel that hypnosis gives the hypnotizer the power of suggestion, so that the recollections are due to those suggestions, not to real experiences.
Researchers and counselors are able to correlate the recollections of a large number of abductees into a very consistent framework of events that match too consistently to be based on suggestion. The many aspects of the abduction experience, the descriptions of the abductors, how the abductions were perpetrated, the events experienced during abduction and all other aspects are amazingly consistent and tell an unmistakable story of what is going on, how and why.
Abductions have been occurring for a large number of years. The incidence has been on the increase over the last 70 years, or so. Apparently, the abductors conducted a period of initial research and feasibility followed by an implementation planning phase. At the present time, the project seems to be moving out of beta testing, into full blown production. The abduction rate has gone into the millions on an annual basis. The same humans are being abducted more frequently and for longer periods of time. These abductees seem to be the parents of hybrids, sometimes referred to as hubrids, who are being trained for assimilation into the general population at-large, all over the world. At this time, there may be as many as 10s or even 100s of millions of hybrids already living within the world population, without detection or awareness of their presence or existence on the part of most humans. They would be relatively young people with typical physical characteristics but with vastly more sophisticated and powerful soul connections providing abilities beyond that of humans in terms of their connection to their higher dimensional etheric selves. They are able to communicate telepathically, both between themselves and with humans. They can understand the life process of humans and have the power to intervene at-will to control the minds of humans to do their bidding and follow their suggestions.
Investigation, Research, Analysis and Counseling
Who is taking responsibility for giving assistance to abductees, assessing the scope and impact of the program, analyzing the events to discover methods and motives and creating public awareness? Well, it is certainly not the government. They are busy trying to undo the work of private researchers and to discredit their work and professional credentials.
Among prominent figures in this work, we find Dr. David M. Jacobs, Professor Emeritus, Temple University. He has personally conducted hundreds of sessions with abductees and authored several books covering his own experiences, findings and conclusions. Dr. Jacobs describes the abductions as “a complex reproductive enterprise involving the conception, gestation or incubation of alien-human hybrid babies. The focus of the abduction is the production of children, the training and conditioning of these children and the covert placement of these children into the population world-wide.”
The abduction phenomena has a hard edge, a huge strange interbreeding program that has covertly invaded our physical and psychic reality on a massive scale, to the tune of millions of such placements that is changing the consciousness of the entire planet. Some speculators are suggesting that these are the ‘indigo children’ from another planet who have come to help us humans to save ourselves and our habitat. Personally, I believe that these hubrids are here as part of a program to correct the genetic experiment on the part of Enki, who left the race with a hardware-software mismatch that is fatal to the race and the planet itself, as discussed above. My opinion is that the ultimate conclusion is to effectively halt human breeding, while the population replaces itself with new beings possessing both the physical and spiritual qualities to preserve the planet and to live in harmony here on earth. This is the dangerous problem that humans have demonstrated their inability to rectify. It is not the humans fault, per se, but the result of an error on the part of the creator, who’s objective was to make the homo erectus into a powerful being who could do the hard work in the mining operations, but lacking the spiritual refinement to ultimately be in-charge of the planet.
At a cosmic level, the value of the planet Earth vastly exceeds the value of an anomalous species created under a short-sighted plan who are on a path to take the planet out of commission. It has become essential that intervention takes the management of the planet out of the hands of the incapable and places it in new capable hands. It is not too difficult to see the mechanisms in-play to halt human breeding and ultimately human existence. Coming generations of children will not have any idea about sexual identity or normal procreation. School curriculums are training 6 year-olds in how to perform anal sex, to masturbate and install condoms. Sperm counts are dropping precipitously among males who are eating modern Westernized diets of non-viable foods. LGTBQ life-styles are being highly promoted while conventional hetero lifestyles are being discouraged and demeaned. Women’s libbers are making women undesirable in the eyes of normal hetero males. Tanking incomes on the part of the ‘middle-class’ are making marriage and children an unaffordable luxury. The millennial generation is hopelessly lost, living in their parent’s basements with no ambitions or plans for their own futures. The cultural structures of the world are being torn apart with endless destructive wars that create unplanned aimless immigration on a massive scale. The whole global warming hoax is making young people believe it is irresponsible on their part to bring new children into a world that is headed for uninhabitability. The inoculations that the allopaths are pushing, especially the MMR, are designed to create sterility. That is the reason they are so desperate to inoculate the children, placing unaffordable fines and punishments on parents who do not comply. I could go on here, but probably you get the idea.
So, who are the abductors?
It is going to be helpful, here, to outline the nature of the abductors, so that you can see how neatly this all melds together. They travel here in advanced aircraft, which are often publicly displayed as UFO sightings. For abductees, these craft are common and carry alien beings who are totally dedicated to conducting their mission of producing hybrid entities that have a perfect likeness to the typical human, but have a much more advanced soul-connection to their etheric higher dimensional selves that gives them a level of consciousness far beyond that of even the most evolved humans.
This advanced consciousness is displayed on the part of the beings who operate the aircraft, perform the human abductions, carry out the mass breeding, birthing, incubating, training and development of the hybrids in large quantities. This is all with the help of human abductees who participate because they are taken under mind-control and follow instructions which they have no ability to resist. The abductees are totally mind-controlled to donate eggs and sperm, to engage in sexual intercourse, to become pregnant, to allow the fetus to be removed in the early phase of gestation, to engage in socializing hybrid babies who may actually be their own, to be a part of the childhood development experience, to offer the hybrid child human contact, social normalizing, and parental love, all throughout their pre-adult years.
In considering the nature of the abductors in contrast to the abductees, we find that the abductors are a race that is highly evolved from a mental/psychic standpoint. They never seek to control a situation through any form of physical force. Their psychic abilities facilitate total control of any situation by using their vastly superior mind power. They never ‘lose it’ and become emotional or irrational. In contrast, the abductees are physical brutes with literally zero psychic mind control capability. In spite of being physically stronger brutes, they are powerless to resist the psychic powers that control them. This includes not only the psychic powers directed from the abductors, but also any powers that might exist within themselves to control their brutish behaviors.
This is the biggie, that I have been referring to. Humans apparently see no alternative to the use of brutish physical force, therefore they devote all of their resources into using physical force to control all aspects if all situations to try to gain compliance to their wishes. This is why we have a ‘war’ on literally everything that exists, including on ‘Nature’ herself. We see UFOs that are apparently capable of interplanetary travel. So, we take the approach of trying to gain the capability by blowing things up with carbon-chemical fueled rockets that can get us 200 miles above the earth’s surface and then fall back down again. So, we must resort to trickery and lies, as we always do, to pretend that we have conquered the frontier of space by ‘faking it’. NASA is one big, expensive fake machine. Neal degrasse Tyson is one big brainless windbag, along with a host of other similar characters paraded out to fool the rest of the brutes who mindlessly regale themselves in our apparent ‘scientific superiority’.
We are apparently not even intelligent enough to see through to the fakery, or we want to believe with such intensity of our superiority, and the cosmos was created by a human-like god for our amusement and pleasure, as the most superior and advanced beings that could ever possibly exist. So not only are we primitive brutes, but we are delusional as well. This is the problem that Enki left us with. We are on-our-own, in a sophisticated environment, with ourTNT and stilted mental development. Enki’s objective was to create a physical brute, after all, that could follow simple instructions, and perform the labors of mining gold. They left us in-charge of the planet, a task which we are totally incapable of performing.
From the hundreds if investigative interviews with abductees, researchers have been able to acquire a meaningful picture revealing the nature of these alien beings. The following is a short-list of important aspects of their nature that reveal important insights into what is occurring:
- Psychic control, not only over human minds, but over the physical properties of matter that most humans take for granted as being real and immutable. Their manipulative psychic powers include anticipatory abilities, visual perceptions, spatial relationships of time and dimension, the removal of volition of human will, mitigation of fear and pain, instigation of selective amnesia, telepathy, imagination, scenarios, emotions, sexual arousal and anxiety. They can make humans love them and desire them sexually. Humans learn to see them as ‘all-powerful’.
- The most common physical attributes are those many are familiar with, typically called ‘grays’. The ‘small grays’ are the most common. They seem not to be in-charge, but are the minions of the ‘tall grays’ who are found only on-board the craft. The small grays deliver the abductees to the craft, where the tall greys are waiting and ready for the procedures of the given abduction.
- The grays have a large head, large eyes, a disproportionately small body, with arms, legs, hands, fingers, feet and toes. They stand and walk in a similar fashion as humans.
- The small grays are not clad in clothing that is apparent or differing from one being to another. If they have clothing, it appears to have been spray painted on. On some occasions, they do appear in loose fitting robes, particularly the tall ones. They do not wear body adornments or any personal adornments. No expression of individuality is displayed. The aliens are described as ‘whitish’ but not Caucasian. The skin color is totally uniform.
- There is no evidence of a vascular system. The skin is uniform, totally smooth, not revealing any pores, hair, freckles, bumps, ridges, discolorations, warts, moles, scratches, wrinkles or indications of internal structures like bones, ligaments, muscles, vascular structure, lungs, heart, breathing apparatus or food/water intake or waste discharge.
- Age is not discernable and does not change over time, as a human life span. Even over long periods of time, they always seem to be exactly the same.
- Their faces do not display recognizable features that could provide a means of differentiation. They do not display any form of emotion. They do not seem to have faculties for speech, hearing or smell. Vision and touch seem to be their only physical senses. They have highly advanced psychic senses that more than make up for the lack of physical ones. The tall grays have a feature whereby the abductees seem to know if it is the same one they had prior experience with.
- The predominant feature is the eyes, which are disproportionately large, contain no irises, pupils or corneas. They use their large eyes for a technique that has been coined as ‘mindscan’. The eyes are black, opaque, without color variation and do not follow a target from side to side. Some abductees have reported noticing a squint, sparkle and an axial turning, mainly seen during ‘mindscan’. They do not have eyelids, thus no blinking. They also have no eyebrows.
- They have a slight raised bump where the nose would be located but no nostrils. They have a slit-like mouth with no lips. The opening of the mouth seems to have a membrane covering it, but no teeth, tongue or saliva. The mouth is not used for communication. They have no chin, jaw or means of mastication.
- Although the head is very large, there appears to be no bone or muscle to provide a structural attachment between body and head.
- The neck is very narrow and tube-like without sufficient structure to support the weight. There is no throat action like swallowing or an epiglottis, adam’s apple or larynx.
- The chest appears to have no sternum, clavicle, ribs, waist, genitals, nipples, pelvis or hip bones. There is no evidence of stomach, intestines, paunch or food processing faculties. No evidence of an alimentary or elimination system for liquid or solid waste.
- Although no anatomical features would provide indication of sex, abductees know if it is a male or female they are dealing with.
- Their small-motor dexterity is excellent. They are able to examine human specimens with great speed – touching, probing, prodding, poking, lifting and feeling. They can maneuver instruments with precision. They do not have accidents or spills. They remove the clothing of the abductees rapidly, without fumbling or clumsiness. All sessions seem to be conducted without clothing.
- Although the aliens appear weak and frail, they display great strength and are able to maneuver humans to where they want them. They can lift abductees up onto tables and grip their bodies with great pressure.
- The taller beings are involved with egg and sperm harvesting, mindscan and other more sophisticated procedures. The taller being often elicits more fear and dislike. But he can bond with a human in a way that makes a strong relationship. The taller being is usually clad in something like a labcoat and a surgeons cap.
Taking into account these observations, which are consistent throughout the abduction community, we are able to draw some conclusions:
- These aliens do not breathe air or any other gases
- They do not eat or drink anything we would call food and water.
- They do not employ speech or language.
- They communicate among themselves using the same telepathic means they use with humans.
- When they telecommunicate with each other, the humans also receive the same messages.
- They have no need for the functions of the nose, ears, sinuses or related equipment, including lungs.
- They do not use the atmosphere in the same way as humans.
- These aliens are housed in a bag, or a body, that feature some similar faculties to humans, but, for the most part, is very different from human bodies.
- They are far more highly evolved entities than humans with very logical thought processes, great learning capacity, a far deeper wisdom and understanding of reality, a sophisticated system of working in cooperation with each other towards the achievement of goals with evidence of a hierarchical social structure featuring a high degree of efficiency.
How does this tie together?
The powers that rule are destroying the atmosphere by means of intense geoengineering and programs to occlude sunlight by means of reflectant particles. The are destroying the croplands by means of glyphosate saturation along with many other herbicides/fungicides/insecticides. They have already extincted over 70% of invertebrates. They have genetically engineered basic food commodities into Frankenfoods that humans can not metabolize. They have poisoned the water supplies with fracking, flourides, heavy metals and other contaminants. They have poisoned the oceans with radiation, plastics and oil spills. Viable water is becoming scarce. They are using geo-engineering and HAARP arrays to create continuous weather extremes that preclude viable farming operations. Public education is indoctrinating 6 to 18 year-olds into gender confusion and sexual practices that will preclude procreation. Grocery store and street corner food outlets are vending processed non-foods that cause cancers and heart disease. The medical/pharmaceutical complex is treating the populations that are diseased from all of the methods mentioned above with fake pills, shots, surgeries, radiation and chemotherapy that are incapable of curing anything, but address symptoms of your own body’s attempt to rectify these induced diseases. If you look around and give this a little thought, you will come up with countless additional methods for reducing human populations.
We have, in sight, the last generation of humans that will live on this planet. Humans are being replaced on a large-scale and rapid basis by hybrids, who look like normal humans but have the etheric and psychic attributes of the aliens. At this time, tens if not hundreds of millions of hybrids are already living within the populations all over the world. As the replacement rate of humans falls, the introduction rate of hybrids increases accordingly.
In 1950, then president Dwight Eisenhower was approached, via the Magnificent Twelve, to meet for the purpose of making an accommodation involving human abduction. An agreement was forged that gave the aliens the right to abduct some defined number of humans in exchange for advanced technology that could have military applications. In practice, no one was policing either side of the agreement. The US used the technology for military uses and the aliens imposed no limits on themselves as far as numbers of abductions was concerned. We do not know if Eisenhower was privy to the total replacement plan.
The hybrids are endowed with the best of both species. They can function indistinguishably within the ranks of humans but possess the higher-dimensional psychic powers and abilities of the aliens. They may not have a need for the atmosphere, the oceans, the food crops, the potable water and other commodities that humans rely upon for their very lives. Things may look the same while actually being very different as this transition takes place. Many of the abductees of later time, are performing the functions of providing for the hybrids who are living within the population. They have come from breeding facilities that offer no normalization to the human aspects of life that are taken for granted. The humans are taking a role in the rapid development of beings that they believe are their own children in many respects. They come to play a role offering protection, learning and skills acquisition similar to normal parenting, except that the so-called children are light-years more advanced that the surrogate human parents.
After all, the bag or body is not the source of life. That comes from the higher dimensional etheric body that gives the bag of chemicals the information to organize and perform the functions to emulate life. Please refer to the post entitled ‘The Essence of Life’ in the archives of this site.
With the demise of humans, the hybrids can live on the Planet without draining its blood, while protecting it and nurturing it back to health. And probably not a moment too soon. Some humans will cry…”but I am a protector of Nature and care about the health of the Planet. Yes, there are some who can say this, but there are few who can also say….”look, I took the time and effort to discover what the psychopaths were doing to dupe the humans into complying with their fake reality that is the basic root cause for the destruction the Planet”. The psychopaths can’t do it alone. They require the luddite army of humans to do the heavy lifting in the process, without even realizing they are the exterminators and terminators of their own race.
From the book of Dr. David Jacobs, SECRET LIFE, there is a forward written by John E. Mack, M.D., Harvard University. I want to transcribe a segment of his forward for you here: “…This has led me to offer at least a parable, if not a theory, to illuminate what is going on. Virtually all peoples, throughout history, with the exception of the Western culture of the Newtonian/Cartesian era, have experienced the universe as possessing an intelligence or consciousness in which human beings participate with other animate and inanimate beings in an enterprise that has meaning, purpose and direction, however unfathomable these may be. In the West, we seem, for reasons perhaps as mysterious as the abduction phenomena itself, to have cut ourselves off almost totally of awareness of any form of higher intelligence. But let us suppose that such an intelligence did exist, and, what is more, that it was not indifferent to the fate of the planet Earth, regarding its life-forms and transcendent beauty as one of its better or more advanced creations. And let us imagine that the imbalance created by the overgrowth of certain human faculties, a kind of techno-destructive and fear-driven acquisitiveness were also present as the basic problem facing the Earth, in terms of survival. What could be done as a corrective measure?
The two natural approaches of which we can conceive would be the genetic and the environmental. It is possible that through a vast hybridization program affecting the entire human race, and a mental imposition on human consciousness of the imminent self-destruction being caused by its inability to apply wisdom and willpower to correct its behavior problems, that the entire planet has been placed under ‘receivership’. This would not necessarily be for the direct benefit of humans, but for the survival of the Planet itself, which does not just exist for the pleasure of humans. Humans have broken their covenant with the Planet as its protectors and nurturers and have proven beyond any doubt that they are incapable of rectifying the destruction that is already highly advanced. It is necessary for more advanced beings to take over the job and return the Planet to a path of recovery so the evolution of the other consciousnesses, the anima mundi, has the opportunity to continue.”
What would be your reply to this presentation of data? I am very interested to learn the opinions of those who read this blog. Do you take this to heart or do you want to bring superior military power to bear against the abductors and hybrids? If humans were capable of killing all the aliens and hybrids, what would become of the Planet and the life-forms who depend on it for their existence?
Recommended Reading:
Glimpses of Other Realities, Vols. 1 and 2, Linda Moulton Howe
An Alien Harvest, Linda Moulton Howe
Secret Life, Dr. David M. Jacobs, PhD
Walking Among Us, Dr. David M. Jacobs, PhD
The Threat, Dr. David M. Jacobs, PhD
Abduction, Dr. John E. Mack
Alien Abduction Files, Dr. Nick Redfern