Harvest of Souls and Ascension

As a grand finale fitting for the end of time, this article is a comprehensive synopsis of my studies on the matrix.

As a Starseed that has come into this reality to help with the ascension process of Earth’s inhabitants, I feel that the information I am going to share with you will help you to identify who you are and your role. I am also going to share with you information about Lucifer and what role he plays in Yahweh’s matrix and the ascension.

In a 60 page interview by an alleged ruling bloodline priest going by the name of “Hidden Hand”, I read an interesting synopsis of the nature of our reality in the matrix, who the creator of this matrix is, and Lucifer’s role in the matrix.

First, I am going to share with you my short summary and then I will post a more in depth synopsis of the interview that I found on the same website wanttoknow.info. The Hidden Hand synopsis will appear at the end of my summary, and I encourage you to read it in its entirety. This summary confirmed some things I already knew, and helped me to come to some of my own conclusions about our exit from the present domain.

There is one Infinite Creator that created everything.

In the interview this is referred to as “The One Infinite Creator”. This creator is described as infinite intelligence and infinite consciousness. This creator divided itself into many sub creators in order to experience creation on a mass scale.

Each portion is a fractal and contains the same infinite intelligence. As each creator becomes aware of itself, it desires to create its own reality and send parts of itself into its creation.

-Inside of this particular creation environment called Earth, you are a Starseed, an aspect of Yahweh, and an aspect of Lucifer.

We are in a matrix, or holographic virtual reality created by “Yahweh” and “Lucifer”, half-brothers. They have been referred to by many other names. Yahweh’s children inside of this matrix are actually aspects of him, as are Lucifer’s. There are also other aspects of the Infinite Creator that joined the brothers inside of his creation. As we awaken, it becomes a desire of ours to know who we are on a planetary level as well as outside of this matrix, on a galactic and higher-dimensional level.

Starseeds are not from here and have come to help Earth’s inhabitants “ascend” into a fourth density (5th, 6th, and 7th dimension). They are on assignment from the One Infinite Creator and guided by the Galactic Council of Elders.

Starseeds are here to assist the aspects of Yahweh that he sent into his own creation as well as Lucifer into his own creation. These aspects were not growing or expanding in experience but were very happy to be in the “Garden of Eden” with all of their basic needs being cared for.

In the Hidden Hand interview, it said that Yahweh asked the Galactic Council of Elders for suggestions and assistance in tweaking his creation template so that his aspects, or children as he refers to them, could have some sort of challenge that would eventually create spirit growth and move them past their stagnation.

In truth, it could have actually been that Yahweh had to go before the council because he may have not been following the rules of creation.

The council suggested that the oversoul group known as Lucifer be introduced into the creation in order to ‘shake things up’. Yahweh was not agreeable to this at first but grudgingly accepted the change. Yahweh is very unhappy with the results, as it isn’t what he intended at all for his children and the same can be said for the children of Lucifer..

Lucifer provides polarity that is the recipe for free will, which was said to provide the quickest spirit expansion and the most growth. Although the oversoul group of Lucifer comes from the light, its job is to create the ‘polarity of darkness’. The aspects of Yahweh actually were given the choice to experience free will, which was knowledge.

On a higher level, the Starseeds, Yahweh, and Lucifer all a part of the One Infinite Creator.

-There was an “end time” given for this polarity insertion.

Upon the end of the grand cycle, an opportunity was created for the aspects of Yahweh to grow and “ascend” to a beautiful and positive fourth density (5d) New Earth if they became 51% or more ‘positive in polarity’.

Lucifer’s group could only ascend if they were more than 95% negative in order to get out of third density. Those who were not in these two categories would be taken to another third density reality ’creation environment’ in order to continue learning and growing, but without the extreme negative polarity of the Luciferian contract.

Starseeds were assured that by coming here to help increase the number of people who met the 51% positive polarity, they would be assured of receiving all of the help they need to exit to the New Earth, the new 3d creation environment.

As an alternative, they could go “home” to their planet of origin or choice of their oversoul at the time of the “harvest” (a Luciferian word for exit) if they did not need to be a part of the New Earth creation experience.

Either way, they were warned that they probably would not remember who they really are and that they would be nudged to awaken by their oversoul at a specified time in their life. They would need to do the “inner work” to clear their own negativity and to hold a high vibration of integrity and love which would then affect all of the inhabitants of the Earth.

-The harvest, or separation of vibration began in December 21,2012 and is culminating rapidly toward the “end of time”.

As reported here on this website, How to Exit the Matrix, and MANY other websites, we are very close to this ascension door opening. It is my opinion that all souls have been weighed and we are simply waiting until the last moment so that as many people as possible can awaken and raise their frequency to more than a 51% positive polarity.

In the interview, Hidden Hand states that the end of linear time could bring the beginning of another cycle for those who are not completely ready and for those Luciferians who were not able to be 95% negative.

The Luciferian group would be harvested together (separated from the positive polarity group) and will have to balance their karma out in a negative polarity reality for one cycle before returning back to their ascended, positive sixth density light state of being.

-I have information and personal proof that the outcome explained by the Luciferian in the interview may have changed..

As an unbiased Starseed, I personally have met and deeply engaged with incarnated aspects of Yahweh and Lucifer and their soul groups. I have also counseled, many, many Starseeds and have encouraged them about an extremely positive outcome to this situation.

Starseeds, Messengers (angels on one level), stars on another, and extraterrestrials on another level. An angel is a messenger from the One Infinite Creator. Starseeds have been the ground crew, the eyes and ears for Creator, and have heard all sides of the story.

What is not discussed in this interview synopsis is that there is a possibility that Yahweh’s construct and the energy and experience derived from it may actually be created into something completely new rather than repeating the same  cycle for the third density, after the “harvest” or vibrational split.

Keep in mind, that “Hidden Hand” is an aspect of the Luciferian soul group, and does not have the highest possible consciousness. As I have discussed before, a divine dispensation to end the karmic cycling and the creation of a new Universe is a possibility in the creation of infinite knowledge and possibilities.

In this new scenario, everyone goes where they need to and there will be no more “snake eating its tail” for survival or an “eye for an eye” for karmic retribution. 

All will get healing and/or will go to an appropriate creation where they can continue to learn from their actions and deeds in order to become highly responsible creators. There would be no negative harvest and a karmic cycle for the Luciferian light beings that were playing a negative energy role for Creator and Yahweh.

Each would instead immediately be placed where they need to be outside of the matrix. The control matrix would completely collapse and its AI creations and other illusory dark beings will be reconstituted into another use of energy.

There would be a mock third density planet created in order to help those who are not ready to ascend into a fourth density transition from this Universe to the next. There will still be a new 5d vibrational Earth as well as many other places of creation that humanity will be able to explore as multidimensional beings.

Yahweh will be healed and will re-integrate with his higher self. He as well as others, will be able to create new and exciting creations, with the knowledge and experience of what not to do.

The Starseed angels compassionately pleaded with the Council to stop the insane continuous cycle of retribution (karma) for the sake of all aspects of Creator involved. Because there was a deep seated virus in this matrix, from the Starseed perspective this reality was beyond repair to be used in another cycle of linear time.

In their astral bodies (dreams), they reported back in their council meetings what they saw and were experiencing. They helped to hold space for both the Luciferian oversoul as well as the lost aspects of Yahweh. They held the reality together like glue and cleaned up the shit the best they could while the end times played out. They loved both Yahweh and Lucifer as beloved Creator beings who were both tired of the game.

There has been info revealed that says the top level Luciferian bloodlines have already left the planet and have returned to their higher-self levels. The only thing left running the negative agenda on Earth at this time is an AI program, coupled with the beliefs and programs running in the minds of humanity. Humanity’s thoughts still interact with the matrix and give them exactly what they are resonating with.

Many starseeds and ascending aspects of Yahweh have “unplugged” from the control matrix system and have been healing and increasing their vibrational resonance and polarity. Being in the world but not of it has been exceedingly difficult for these awakened beings. Many are ready for the final burst of Creators’ light and unconditional love that changes everything when the sands of time run out.

Many are leaving the planet before the ascension, but be assured that we never die and there is no false light reincarnation agenda being played at this time. Many are also suicidal because they are completely unable to handle the energies we are receiving at this time. The Schumann Resonance has spiked to an all time record high this week and the spikes are coming faster than they ever have.

The veils are lifting and the divine plan is being remembered. I have seen evidence that some of the Luciferian group has changed polarity, realizing that they would rather experience their exit in a positive or at least balanced polarity. This was evidence to me that the negative harvest for the Luciferian soul group may not be taking place the way they were told.

Everyone wants to know when the ascension will happen and what it will be like. It is best to have patience and faith in the divine plan. A highest and best outcome for this reality shift and to stay in connection with your higher self and Creator at this time.

Be the best, responsible co-creator you can be to insure you do not rock your own boat within an ocean of powerful creators; some of whom are still negatively creating. There is absolutely NOTHING to fear, as fear itself is an illusion created by the matrix of free will. Fear does not exist outside of polarity.

I do not claim to know everything, nor have I shared all of my observations. Just as I have searched for the answers, you too can find what you need to help you through the end of this chaotic time.

I encourage you to continue to meditate on the contents of this article and to expand this idea within your own circles. Report on it through channelings, downloads, inspirations, songs, writings, and videos. We will all be shown eventually as the Infinite Creator’s big surprise continues to rapidly unfold in our reality

Anunnaki Gods Basis of all Current Religions

Religion is a touchy topic because it is formed on falsely fabricated and flimsy foundations.  Ignorant people will kill their fellow humans over trivial disagreements of fictitious hair-splitting details of fabricated dogma.  This is because the basis is so childishly transparent that it is not even possible to have a rational conversation about it. It mandates immediate resort to the irrational, as has been demonstrated over the centuries and to this very day.   The origin of all religions on Earth today is the Anunnaki gods who upgraded primitive ape man, homo erectus, using their own DNA, to create homo sapiens (Cromagnon). 

It was not for some glorious purpose that would attract us readily accept this fact.  It was because they had a large-scale need for slave labor and the homo erectus was far to primitive and unintelligent to be used for the job. In a project that went slightly out of control, the slave model, called the “lulu” was upgraded four times, ultimately giving it more and more advanced genetic features, eventually going well beyond the degree necessary for performing the functions of gold mining, the original purpose.   

The Anunnaki were not the first alien race to inhabit the Earth.  There have been alien inhabitants seeding and messing with life on Earth for at least a billion years.  There have also been numerous cataclysmic cosmic events that have destroyed life on Earth and drastically altered its configuration of land and sea, climate, habitability and pretty much everything else.  Aliens with the ability to travel through space/time have re-started life on Earth many times.  They also have the ability and knowledge to foresee cosmic events and to depart the surface of earth when impending conditions warrant, as well as to return when the dust has settled.

The Anunnaki happen to be the aliens that were here for the most recent devastating cosmic cataclysm, which just happens to have been caused by a planet from their home system.  This event is the “great flood” of 11,600 BCE.  At the time of this flood, the Anunnaki had been on Earth for about 430,000 years and they had created homo sapiens almost 125,000 years prior to the flood.  In fact, the need for the homo sapiens as slaves was waning and the plan of the Anunnaki was to allow the flood to totally annihilate the homo sapiens on Earth and eliminate what was viewed as a huge problem of over-population and civil/social control.  It is not a very flattering story of history, to be created as slave labor and then to be doomed to extinction because of no longer being worth the trouble to maintain.

This was a tumultuous decision due to the fact that there had occurred large-scale interbreeding between the lower echelon of Anunnaki civilization, called the Igigi (workers)

and the homo sapiens, over a vast period of time.  The extinction would not only wipe out the homo sapiens, but the hybrid genetic members (biblical Nephilim) of the species as well.  The interbreeding resulted in a hierarchy of social structure of which the Hindu caste system is the remainder.  There were mixed-breeds with ¾ Anunnaki genes produced by Anunnaki women through the mitochondrial DNA.  There were mixed-breeds with ½ Anunnaki genes produced by Igigi males and homo sapiens females.  There were other mixed-breeds with further dilution of the Anunnaki genes, as well as pure homo sapiens and pure Anunnaki.  The pure Anunnaki were probably limited to less than a thousand individuals in total.  Any person with Anunnaki genes was considered a cut above a stock homo sapiens in the caste system.  The good jobs, so to speak, went to those with the greater percentage Anunnaki genes.  There were also some very special mixed breeds resulting from inter-breeding between the Anunnaki royalty and homo sapiens women producing specimens such as Ziasudra (Noah) and Cain.

The chief scientist and number two leader of the Anunnaki on Earth, Enki, arranged for the salvation of a small number of homo sapiens and mixed bred specimens, as well as plant and animal essence (DNA).  He discreetly warned Ziasudra (Noah) of the impending flood and helped him design and build a water craft that could withstand the conditions anticipated during the floods and tsunamis.  Enki also left an Anunnaki to pilot/navigate the vessel.  When the Anunnaki returned to the surface of the Earth after the waters had subsided, Ziasudra and his cadre were found on a Mountainside, much to the consternation of half-brother,  Enlil, the Anunnaki commander in charge of the Earth colony.  Fortunately for humans, Enlil, after initially being extremely miffed, decided that fate was to be respected and he would support the on-going proliferation of homo sapiens and the various hybrid specimens, wishing them well and commanding them to be fruitful and multiply to repopulate the Earth. This would be accomplished with the help of the Anunnaki, lending their vast resources and technology.  Thus, the Sumerian, Akkadian, and Mesopotamian civilizations re-emerged, almost immediately possessing a totally startling array of technology and know-how that cannot be accounted for in any other way but for the assistance of the gods.

Over the thousands of years, the populations grew and spread far and wide.  Since the beginning and almost the entire time period, the pure Anunnaki notables were in-charge of everything and began to divide up the Earth into large domains for their children.  This will be the topic of a forthcoming blog, where all such details will be explained.  For purposes of this blog on the topic of modern religions, suffice to know that pure Anunnaki were vastly superior to all other creatures on Earth and were regarded as the “gods”.  The gods were also greedy and ambitious and had territorial disputes among themselves where they used human armies like pawns in a vast chess-match.  When Anu visited Earth circa 8,000 BC, he established the minimum requirements for a Pharoahship or Kingship to be  ½  Anunnaki genes.  There were becoming too many kingdoms for the few pure Anunnaki to physically govern them all.

 This became increasingly the issue as the populations spread throughout Europe, Asia, Hindus Valley, North and South America and Antarctica. It became necessary for the gods to recruit agents among hybrid men that they could depend on to implement their orders and take care of their problems.  There are numerous accounts of recruitment, tests of loyalty and the passing down of mandates, orders and commandments to the people via the hybrid intermediaries, who were educated as priests and kings of high rank.

Lord Enlil – Yahweh and Jehovah in the bible. Paranoid schizophrenic psychopath.

The point to be made here is that there were no other superstitious gods in existence on Earth, so ALL references to god or gods are references only to the Anunnaki or, later, those designated into positions of kingships or priesthoods due to their Anunnaki lineage and genetics.  The Anunnaki had a sophisticated understanding of the concept of ‘Creator’ or ‘Source’ which they saw no particular reason to share with the homo sapiens slaves who had no capacity to understand this subject.  However, cosmic entities such as the Sun, the moon, the planets and comets were observed by the homo sapiens and, although understood by the Anunnaki, were mysterious to the humans.  Thus, they associated their creator gods, the Anunnaki, with these esoteric cosmic entities, creating other dimensions of superstition and confusion in an unsuccessful attempt to understand their world. 

The Anunnaki used the ignorance of humans as a system of control by designating and educating priests, who took advantage of their education of cosmic mysteries as a means to maintain superiority over the uneducated slaves. They relished the worship and recognized the critical aspect of control over the burgeoning population of mankind.  As things progressed, it became more and more necessary to implement additional systems of control, both demographic and behavioral.  Institutions of command and control were vital to extending the reach of their sovereign rule.  Superstition, born of ignorance, called religion, was a more effective means of control than brute force, and it remains  to this day.

Please keep in mind that the idea of the true Source Creator is totally alive here, and not to be confused with the gods (with small “g”).  God is not a personage in some human form, nor has God ever taken on any human form, past, present or future.  Nor is God any form of  a “he”.  God is the non-physical spirit of higher dimensionality that creates the physical illusion and everything in the cosmos out of multi-dimensional conscious energy.  This is the energy that makes your inert chemicals form life and receive the information to maintain life via the all-permeating energy, called Chi, Prana, or other names.  This is explained in many other posts found in the archives on this site.

Religion has been the primary means of mass mind, emotional and brute-force control of humans by the Anunnaki throughout history and to the present day.  While there seems to be multiple religions among various cultures on the Earth, there is actually only one religion in many guises.  Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and the others, too numerous to mention, religions of the world all worship the exact same human-like deities who once lived among them.  This may seem hard to believe because man has been indoctrinated into the belief that there is some system based on a cult of ‘good and evil’ and, somehow, the one he chooses is the only one among the thousands that is ‘true’ and can get him into heaven after his death.  ‘Heaven’ is where he saw his gods rising from the surface of the planet, going into the heavens in their spacecraft, which is totally not part of his comprehension. He, therefore, must imagine some destination which he called ‘heaven’, a place humans sought to go to be with their gods.

 I have bad news for you, if you are one of the many who have this irrational superstitious belief based on false hope and ignorance..  Heaven, as defined by religions, first of all, is found to be the home planet of the Anunnaki, where some few humans have visited and been returned to earth, telling their story to others who could make no association or understanding with their own reality.  If you really find a phenomenal way to serve the Anunnaki, you too might even be selected for such an experience, but you will be returned to Earth soon enough to live out the remaining useful life of your body, the duration of which is a function of either your genetic clock, or sooner, based the diet and life-style you have chosen to sustain your body’s health, vitality and longevity.  The duration of this particular body’s existence is not of particularly great importance.  It is what you have accomplished during this existence, in terms of evolving your consciousness of truth and love that is of the sole importance.

 It is certainly not going to matter how much money or ‘stuff’ you have when you die, as it will all be returning to the same place it came from…the earth.  If you fail to grasp this important aspect of life during the span of existence of this currently present body, you will certainly get another chance, but it is kind of like flunking kindergarten and having to repeat the course.  No one but you is going to determine your success in reaching the goals of this life experience.  No one is going to ‘save you’.  No ‘savior’ is coming to do it for you.

The fabricated “isms” don’t end with the obvious religious sects, but go on to include many other ‘religion-like’ factions……fascism, communism, socialism, commercialism, capitalism, scientism, Keynesianism, satanism, Zionism etc…all fabricated belief systems that are nothing more than control constructs.  Were it not for your full-out indoctrination, from cradle to grave, into this Matrix system, beginning with the beliefs of your parents, who give you your ‘religion’, on to your public education and further governmental systems, man would be able to express his own creativity instead of living his life as a zombie or a sheeple.

 When you are part of the herd, being a sheeple seems like the perfectly normal thing to do. After all…”everyone is doing it”.  Religions provide a set of rules that require little or no thought, but if you follow its rules, even if you wait until the moment before you die, you will be saved from hell and ushered into St. Peter’s presence, at the gates to heaven.  Now that’s comforting……except that it is all BS. 

What you are really doing is:

  1. Allowing your vital energy to be taken from you by the power structure, manipulating you to worship gods that are not God. Accepting a concept of ‘human-like gods’ is based totally on your local creators, the Anunnaki.  The Anunnaki were ‘human-like’.
  2. Worshipping the cadre of Anunnaki gods who enslave you, without your awareness.
  3.  Totally eliminating all possibilities of becoming aware of your own divine consciousness of the true God of your creation, who is not of this world or even this dimension.
  4. Participating in the religion-game of the system with “my god is better than your god and you heretics are all going to hell….”
  5. Playing the “god’ versus “anti-god” game thus abdicating responsibility for bad or evil by attributing it to the power of a devil or a satan.  “Satan has deceived others into believing in other religions than mine, except mine is the only true religion”.
  6. Playing into the postulate that “the only way to be with your god is through some other human who is somehow endowed with powers you are lacking”….:something other than what you find of your own volition inside your own consciousness.

The Anunnaki left the Blue-Blood Royalty to rule humans in their absence

The PTB (Powers that Be) don’t care what religion you belong to, so long as you are under the control of one.  As the luster of the old religions fade into ennui and boredom, new religions are being invented for you:  scientism, technocracy, artificial intelligence, genetic manipulation, NWO, Satanism, Child sex and torture, pornography, cloning, adenochrome, transhumanism, etc..  You have plenty of choices and you can join a new one every Sunday…except they are all the same, whether it’s the

new-age Bahai or the vengeful god of the old testament.  Christians have the choice of the old testament god or the seemingly gentle and loving god of the new testament, except they are both the exact same thing…the Anunnaki, who created us, but then seemingly abandoned us.  The bibles reflect the incredible schizophrenia of Enlil.

After the Anunnaki made their official departure from Earth, around 1000 BCE, the priests of Babylon made the clan of Enlil, of which they were part, be the special ‘chosen ones’ of Lord Enlil.  In 600 BC, they started writing their scripture based on the existence of only a single god, that being Lord Enlil, god the father.  With the multiplicity of gods who ruled over the numerous kingdoms that had spread rapidly across the landscape, it was not feasible to choose one among these gods who would be accepted and obeyed by the alien regions under rival control. They liked the idea of being the sole ‘inheritors of the earth’, the ‘Chosen Ones’.

 The Romans empire became so vast and varied, that the Flavians had their jewish traitor, Josephus, assemble the new testament book on the topic, Jesus Christ or Julius Caesar, into a new religion, thus creating the Judeo-Romans around 300 BCE.   Around 400 CE, Muhammed came along with a mishmash of Hinduism and Christianity to create another new one, Islam. This is satisfying to cultures that have become downtrodden, because they can embrace the new religion as something special, thus elevating themselves, in their own eyes.  Why do most muslims wear beards?  Because it is symbolic of Muhammed of 1500 years ago.  But wait a minute.  If you look back further, which most do not do, you will find all of the Anunnaki were also bearded, especially the top gods, Enki and Enlil.  And then, there is also the other guy, Hari Krishna (or was it Harry or Hairy?). 

The Romans and the Greeks are said to have influenced western society the most.  If you study your history, you will find a smooth transition all the way from the survivors of the great flood.  The Romans  worshiped the multitude of gods that the Anunnaki had morphed into, until the emperor Constantine (306 – 337 CE) found it necessary to establish and maintain control of the vast and growing empire through a new religious consolidation into the Judeo-christian church of Rome.  You will still find a vast array of surviving remnants from all of the religious traditions of the preceding periods, including garments (fish heads), tonsorial appurtenances, rituals, sacrifices (or simulated versions of such), cannibalism (body and blood), symbolisms, speaking in strange tongues (Latin), sacred books written by god, secret societies, satanism…all of the same singular origin.

Before the so-called reformation, the papacy of Rome ruled supreme over the Roman empire.  The story of the kind and innocent savior of man being nailed to the cross by the jews is irresistable to all, except for the jews, of course.  Well, you can go easy on the jews in this regard because it never happened. This tear-jerking gut-wrenching story is an artifact of multiple ancient religions going back long before 0 CE.  Not to mention, of course, that Herod, Pontius Pilate and ‘Jesus’ are all jews. 

Prior to introducing the Judeo-christianism to the empire, the Romans had a trinity consisting of Nimrod/Tammuz/Semiramis who morphed into the father/son/holy ghost.  Semiramis had been symbolized as a dove.  All the attributes that the Babylonians had given to Semiramis will be familiar.  She was the virgin mother and queen of heaven thousands of years prior to morphing into the virgin Mary. Bacchus, the Roman Jesus, had a Greek counterpart, Dionysus, born of the virgin mother on December 25th, the holy child in a manger.  He became a traveling teacher who performed miracles.  He rode an ass in a triumph procession as a sacred king who was killed and his body and blood eaten in a purifying ritual. 

He arose from the dead on March 25th.  He had turned water into wine and was called the King of Kings.  He was called….’only begotten son, savior, redeemer, sin bearer, anointed one and the alpha and omega’.

The Persians have an almost identical story of a deity called Mithras, born on December 25th, had 12 disciples and basically the identical experiences.  His resurrection was worshiped at the Spring equinox.  Rituals associated with Mithras were baptism to remove sins, the eucharistic cracker as a symbol of eating the body and wine as the symbol of drinking the blood.  He is seen in drawings sitting on his mother’s knee while Persian magi offer him gifts.  Mithras-worship was taken by the Romans to Britain, where you will find the temple of Mithras in London. 

The Phrygian god, Attis, was born to the goddess Nana in a miraculous virgin birth on December 25th and became the divine son of the father.  He died under a pine tree and was resurrected by the goddess Cybele or Great Mother.  Describing Attis’ resurrection….”a light shone in the darkness; the tomb was opened; the god had risen and the priests whispered in their ears the glad tidings of salvation.  His resurrection was hailed by his disciples as a promise that they too would be resurrected from the grave.”  Attis was called the good shepherd, only begotten son and savior who shed his blood.  The site of St. Peter’s basilica stands today on the site of the shedding of the blood of the bull to symbolize the death of Attis.

Was the papacy a beneficial institution that brought joy and enlightenment to world?  Well, not exactly.  It is and always has been a secretive operation of enforcement with powers and privileges envied by the jack booted police forces of the Nazis and the US.  In the process, it has sent missions to kill and rob indigenous peoples all over the world to bring their gold and jewels back to the vast underground vaults of the vatican, becoming a possessor of wealth which can only be matched by the zionist Rothschild dysnasty (fiat money counterfeiters) and the British crown (exploiters of the globe). With its wealth and power, it has always been a secretive behind-the-scenes political and social force that has served the interests of the blood-line Anunnaki-dominated governments.  It has preserved the ancient rituals of Anunnaki worship and provided a haven for the Anunnaki priests to the present day. The Anunnaki worship is hidden from the unwitting participants by every possible means of deceit, but do not be deluded into thinking you are participating in anything short of worship of the same gods that created homo sapiens through genetic manipulation as their slaves.

Child pedophilia, torture, adrenochrome drinking and ritual sacrifice were common practices on a scale maybe only exceeded by the present day.  Priests were encouraged to ‘bugger’ their altar boys and children of the parish, just like the present.  What do they care about paying out compensation to victims with the free fiat moneys created from thin air by their minions. Humans are only too eager to take their bribe money.

Belief in the written books of history, as taught in public education and the religions, is widespread, as one would expect when all competing versions of history are squelched and ‘revisioned’ from public view.  History is defined as the methodical record of public events, thus is greatly influenced by views and perspectives of the authors, citizens of the conquerors. 

It is said “history is written by the victors” meaning those who survived in the positions of power to author and enter the historical documents into the surviving public record.  The versions of history you have been exposed to are those of the power structure that is revising history on a daily basis to inculcate into the minds of the students (your children) their concepts of history that support their agendas, thus making things easier to for them to engineer their plans for your future.  Although history should not be politically dogmatic, it is so.  History should be open and receptive to the discovery of new information that credibly super cedes the existing version.  When the collective history of a society or religion is a device for bias in favor of a specific agenda, the student must be astute enough to recognize this fact and seek objectivity and truth from other sources. 

The canonical bible, old and new testament, is accepted almost universally as historical. Now, the discovery of the Sumerian/Mesopotamian tablets and their translations have been delivered into the arena of public knowledge during the mid-20th century AD. 

The Hebrew priests wrote the old testament between the 6th and 2nd century BCE, but the information related retrospectively to events of many thousands of years prior to that time, from the dates of the tablets and much earlier.  Mankind had received only the Hebrew version of the old testament and the Judeo-Roman version of the new testament, both seemingly the oldest legitimate versions of this information. 

No one in the Western world bothered to look at the Hindu scriptures because they were not monotheistic but heretical in the papal eye.  As the translations of the clay tablets were made available and were read by scholars, “the historical aspects of accounts of events were familiar, and the characters and places were recognizable as being the old testament prototypes, but the literal emphases were so different from the approved scripture that had indoctrinated society, that its governing authorities felt immediately threatened.”, in the words of Lawrence Gardner, world re-knowned expert and author. 

All of a sudden, the supposed authenticity of the bible is clearly demonstrated to be a fraud.  The information has been systematically contrived and adjusted to suit the purpose of a new emergent religious cult movement that needed a historical past to substantiate is existence. This cult movement eventually became the basis for mainstream Judaism, which, of course, spawned christianity via the Roman emperor, Constantine.  Christianity, initially Roman catholicism, spawned Protestantism and Islam.  Hinduism and Buddhism were already busy doing their thing during these events.

The point is, ALL the religions of the world are worshipping the exact same deities, the Anunnaki progenitors and present day enslavers of man.  If your mind is not totally sealed tight to reception of new information, this has got to make your knees go weak.  The issue is, what is mankind going to do with this new knowledge of history?  Meekly going on following the herd, as your masters hope and expect, or revising the belief structure posed by these insane monsters and start thinking for themselves?

The reason most people cannot perceive the deception and exploitation that they are subjected to is twofold.  First, for many, this knowledge is beyond their fear-threshold…even when they see a military tank in the street in front of their house they assume it’s somehow for their own benefit.  The second is because we have been taught that all that is real is perceived through the five senses. 

You should be aware that your senses do not permit you to have experience or awareness of even one percent of reality, in fact, far far less than one percent, and that is just relating to physical 3D reality.  Today, in the tiny little sub-one percent portion of the physical 3D world that represents the frequency of awareness for most people, the only holographic TV station broadcasting any signal is the MATRIX.  I do not mean the Matrix that refers to the ZPF (Zero Point Field), I mean the MATRIX as suggested by the movie by that title.

Hollywood is one of the disinformation branches of the Royals PTB who often have some sadistic fun by laying things out right in-your-face so they can marvel over the fact that ‘you still don’t get it’. Like Neo in the movie, most are simply unaware of any other possible reality than their job and the TV set.  That you are reading this blog is your slap-in-the-face to wake-up to your true status.  Also, like Neo in the movie, you have the skills, the intelligence and the guts to awaken and take on the Matrix.

After all, it’s just an elaborate fraud.  To do this, you will need to expand your awareness of reality as well as your own potentials.  The transition for you does not take years in a monastery.  Like Neo, you already have everything you need, so you just expand your awareness to encompass what is already there waiting for you.  I am your guide, but, like Neo, you just have to get your awareness retuned from the matrix to the MATRIX.  The first giant step is the awareness that you are being offered by me.  Once you get comfortable with this, you make some easy and free changes to your energy layer that is obscured by your ego. 

You do this by creating an internal environment of silent awareness whereby you quickly detune from the matrix broadcast.  Turn off your ego. Watch the movie again, if you have not seen it for some time.  You will see how Neo makes the transition from a weak zombie into a powerful martial being just using his own inner mind to connect with reality. 

He already knows what the moves are…he just wasn’t yet aware that he knew.  That is because when you tune into reality (the Matrix) and tune out the matrix, you are receiving your vital life information from the higher dimensional Akash, where you are supposed to be tuned.  The information was never to be developed by you in your brain…the information is already is there, in your Akash.  Read the following quotation from the 20th century’s greatest genius, Nikola Tesla:

“My brain is only a receiver; in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration.  I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I do know that it exists.”

I have studied this core extensively and written a great deal of information on it, which is available in the archives on this website.  Everything you need to know to transition from the old Neo to the new Neo is written here.  In a few days time, you can be well on your way.

Meditation is a Martial Resource.

Knowing and understanding true history is vital. If you do not know where you came from, you most likely do not know where you are going. You are adrift in a sea of lies perpetrated by those who need to control and exploit you without your awareness and realization. Today, we are at one of those inflection points of history where the virtual reality is being reset to an entirely different structure. Humans have become too numerous, too wasteful, too destructive and out of control. This is not going to be tolerated.

You may be up to speed, or you may have an inkling that your reality is undergoing a complete overhaul. If you are unaware of this, you are already hopelessly behind the curve and will most likely be a hapless casualty. The same entities that created the human race and controlled it all along since day one, are still in control. That is why you cannot afford to ignore this information. Your very life depends on your knowledge of these facts and your ability to react successfully in the face of it all. Things do not just happen. There is always a driving force and a reason. Just realize that this planet and the system of which it is a part is infinitely more valuable than you are. You think nothing of killing cows, pigs, chickens. Well, they think nothing of killing you for the exact same reasons. You were an asset when your specie first came into existence. You have been used, exploited and killed, as a specie, for 135.000 years. Things have changed. You are expendable and must give way to advancement. They still have only one mission, which is exploitation of the valuable natural resource of the planet. Humans have become of little value in this mission, while the planet remains priceless. The planet will replenish itself and provide valuable assets indefinitely until the sun becomes a supernova or a burnt out rock. This is a long time off, measured in cosmic time. There are much more efficient ways to do things now, than the employ of human labor, along with what that has come to entail in this era.

The human population has been steady at the half-billion level until the most recent 100 years. As this reset goes, it is likely that it will take the human population back to the half-billion level as fast as possible without causing further harm to the planet. In order to pull off this reset without undue destruction, humans need to be kept in a state of semi-ignorance. That’s what all the secrecy, lies and manipulation is all about. They want you to voluntarily line up for your lethal injections and go out with minimal damage to the planet. They have always been able to incite humans to war against each other, to their gain. This is one major method to control the populations, along with plagues, gender confusion, abortions, etc.

Just like you do not want the cows to know their destination and fate when you load them on the truck to the slaughter house, they hope you will be thinking, like the cows, that you are heading to greener pastures.

200,000 YO Metropolis in South Africa

The incredible discovery was made in South Africa, around 150 km west of port Maputo. There, we find the remains of a huge metropolis that measures, according to tests, around 1500 square kilometers.

This ancient city is, according to researchers, part of an even larger community with about 10,000 square kilometers and is believed to have been constructed 160,000 to 200,000 years BCE.

The region is somewhat remote and the “circles” have often been encountered by local farmers who assumed they were made by some indigenous people in the past. But, oddly, no one ever bothered to inquire about who could have made them or how old they were.

This changed when researcher and author, Michael Tellinger, in association with Johan Heine, a local fireman and pilot who had looked at these ruins for years, decided to investigate them.

Adam’s Calendar

Heine had the unique opportunity to see these incredible structures from the air and knew that their significance was not appreciated.

“When Johan first introduced me to the ancient stone ruins of southern Africa, he had no idea of ​​the incredible discoveries we would make in the following years. The photographs, artifacts and evidence we accumulated, point towards a lost civilization that has never before been and precedes all others – not for a few hundred years, or a few thousand years … but many thousands of years.” – Tellinger

Adam’s Calendar location

According to Tellinger, these discoveries are so incredible that It will need a complete paradigm shift in how we view our human history.

The surrounding geology is interesting due to the numbers gold mines located in the vicinity. Researchers have proposed that a vanished civilization from the distant past, could have lived and proposed in that part of the world while mining gold. They point to the Ancient Anunnaki:

The Anunnaki Timeline – Coming to Earth: (According to Z. Sitchin)

450,000 B.C.
After long wars, the atmosphere of Nibiru began to deteriorate and became a hostile place for life, The Anunnaki needed gold to repair their atmosphere. According to researchers, we can use monatomic gold nano particles to repair our damaged ozone layer.

445,000 A.C.
The Anunnaki astronauts landed on Earth and established their base in the Persian Gulf, building a new city, Eridu. Wanting to extract gold from the Persian Gulf, they were led by Enki, son of King Anu.

416,000 B.C.
Gold production was insufficient, which made Anu come to Earth. Beside him his other son Enlil arrived. Anu decided that mining would take place in Africa and promoted Enlil to the position of commander of the Earth colony.

400,000 B.C.
In southern Mesopotamia were seven developed nations. Among the most important were:  “Sipar”, “Nippur” and “Shuruppak”. After the metal was refined, the ore was transported from Africa by ‘ship’, processed, packaged and sent into orbit.

You can take a look at these incredible mine structures with Google Earth using the following coordinates:

Carolina: 25 55 ‘53.28? S / 30 16 ‘13.13? E
Badplaas: 25 47 ‘33.45? S / 30 40 ‘38.76? E
Waterval: 25 38 ‘07.82? S / 30 21 ‘18.79? E
Machadodorp: 25 39 ‘22.42? S / 30 17 ‘03.25? E

These incredible ruins mostly consist of stone circles, most have been buried in the sand and are only observable by plane or satellites. Some have been exposed to weather that has removed the sand, revealing the walls and foundations.

“I see myself as someone quite open-minded but I admit that it took me over a year to figure it out, and I realized that we are actually dealing with the oldest structures ever built by man on Earth. The main reason for this is that we have been taught that nothing of significance has ever come from South Africa. Powerful civilizations all emerged in Sumeria and Egypt and other places.” – Tellinger

According to Tellinger, it shows that the Sumerians and even the Egyptians inherited all their knowledge from an earlier advanced civilization that lived at the southern tip of Africa more than 200,000 years ago… mining gold.

These were also the people who carved the first Horus bird, the first Sphinx, built the first pyramids and built an exact stone calendar right in the heart of it all.

Adam’s Calendar is the flagship among millions of circular stone ruins, ancient roads, agricultural terraces and thousands of ancient mines, left behind by a vanished civilization which they now call the FIRST PEOPLE. These were the ancestors of all humans today possessed with an advanced knowledge of energy fields existing throughout planet Earth.

The geometry is significant for cymatic levitation

They carved detailed images into the hardest rock, deified the sun, and are the first to carve an image of the Egyptian Ankh – key of life and universal knowledge, 200,000 years before the Egyptians came to exist.

Tellinger presents this groundbreaking new evidence which is released in his latest book Temples Of The African Gods. It graphically exposes these discoveries and will undoubtedly be the catalyst for rewriting our ancient human history.

UN Depopulation and the RESET

Depopulation Motive:

Who is behind the emerging depopulation efforts that are beginning to surface in mass? The answer, at its root, is the UN, the visible entity of what is known as the ‘Globalists’.  The UN has a list of talking-head celebrities on its payroll.  They are all famous examples of the impossibly rich and successful business men who have become the ‘richest people in the world’, or, so it is proclaimed.

We are talking about such folks as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Klaus Schwab, etc.  Of course, such individuals were created to influence you into believing that you ought to believe them, whatever they may say.  Of course, most do believe them, as obviously, if you have a lot of money, you are superior and worthy of listening to.  You should follow their direction so you can become wealthy and powerful, just like them.

These are the front-men for the public relations propaganda campaign.  Most people do not look any deeper.  If Gates says “you should submit to my new vaccine regime”, then many will just line up to receive it, no further questions asked.

In spite of claims to the contrary, none of these paid front men give a shit about the causes they purport to champion.  They do it solely for the obvious motives of personal gain.  But these are the faces the real culprits want you to identify with.  You buy it because you believe these guys are really the richest people in the world.  You think they do not have any unfulfilled desires, so they must be sincere.  You are sadly mistaken.

As I said, these guys do not really give a shit whether you live or die.  They are in it for personal gain.  So, who then wants to bring the world population of humans back to its traditional historic level of about one-half billion souls?  And why? 

To understand this, it is necessary to know some history.  The history you need to know has never been taught to you in history class.  We are in the midst of a major RESET, the current one of many prior ones.  The most unique aspect of this current one is that we are sitting with a human population far exceeding anything ever seen before.  We’re at about 8.5 billion people, almost all of which have accumulated in the last 100 years.  All of them have come to existence during the most recent RESET which started around 1812 and ended in 2020, a little over 200 years.  This past RESET was globally dominated by the US, the former world super power, having risen to glory and fallen into the trash bin during the recent 100 years.

The human race was initiated about 135,000 years ago.  The first human came to be created at that time due to the need for laborers to work in the gold mines of the astronauts who were on earth as part of a mining colony, having arrived some 450,000 years ago.  These miners were from the solar system of the sun’s binary companion star, referred to as Nibiru.  Nibiru has an orbit that brings the solar systems into near proximity every 3,600 earth-years.  Although these miners had brought their own laborers along with them, the mine laborers had decided to go on-strike and refused to labor further in the gold mines, mostly located at that time, in SE Africa, currently Zimbabwe. 

The Astronaut Miners found the planet, earth, to have no advanced life forms.  They considered the planet to be their possession, and most likely still do.  It can be inferred, by reading more details of the written history left behind by these Astronauts, that their space transportation technology limited their ability to journey between earth and their home planet to the period of near physical proximity during the 3,600 earth-year orbital cycle.

The mining mission was under the control of two sons of Anu, the King of the Anunnaki (subjects of King Anu).  The brother named Enlil was the nearer to the throne, thus was mission commander.  The older but more distant from the throne brother, named Enki, was the engineer, skilled in genetics and biomedical practices. The primary purpose of the mission was to locate a planet with a large amount of available gold.  Gold was not considered valuable at the time.  The atmosphere of the home planet was suffering from a problem of inadequate levels of atmospheric ozone to absorb cosmic radiation.  Increasing radiation levels were threatening the health and life of the people of Anu.  It was determined that gold could be converted to a monatomic state rendering it virtually weightless.  The intent was to disperse monatomic gold into the atmosphere to rectify the problem of reflecting cosmic radiation back into outer space before reaching the surface.

The landing site for the mission was the gulf of Persia.  However, gold was not plentiful in this area.  Further exploration revealed that there was a large amount of gold to be found underground in SE Africa.  Anu assigned Enki, with his wife, Ninhurzag (Ninki, also a scientist) to reside in SE Africa and brother Enlil to reside in the Persian Gulf area, to establish facilities to refine and prepare the gold for trans-shipment, as the 3600 earth-year orbital cycle permitted.

So, the colony mined gold and shipped it home for a period of 315,000 earth-years, at which point the mine workers revolted. Note needs to be taken of the characteristics of the people of Anu.  These people are much more interdimensionally, consciously and physically evolved than the humans they eventually created to take the place of the mine workers who had revolted.  Overall, the contingent was comprised of about one-thousand individuals, of which about 800 were a laborer class, called Igiggi.  With Igiggi workers refusing to work in the mines, interruption of the gold flow ensued. 

In a meeting of the Senior Council, a solution was sought.  Enlil wished to force the Igiggi back to work under threat of death.  Enki suggested another way.  He told the council that he had bee experimenting with an ape-like creature, today identified as homo erectus.  He proposed that he use his own genes and the ovum of a female homo erectus to try to create a worker with sufficient faculties to learn to perform the mine work.  Enlil objected on the basis that he was responsible for controlling the mission and he feared that such creatures, endowed with Anunnaki genes, may be able to reach a population size beyond his span of control.

King Anu, the ultimate decision-maker, favored Enki’s plan.  And so, it was decided that certain design parameters demanded by Enlil would be implemented to limit the dangers feared by Enlil.  The first batch of ‘Lulus’ were to be male only, have limited intelligence, have limited physical stature, have a limited finite life-span of 150 earth-years and live under tight security.  The Anunnaki were about 10 feet in stature, were very advanced in all physical, mental, and meta-physical aspects and possessed very powerful weapons and technology.  Anunnaki were almost immortal.  They did not die from any diseases and their cells replicated without any limitations for an indefinite time period.  While they could be killed in battle, they also had very sophisticated medical technology that included repair of injuries so long as body components remained available that could be regrown or repaired.

Enki and Ninki were eventually successful with the project and used the available 14 Anunnaki females to carry 14 ‘lulus’ to term.  The only real problem was the limitation of 14 wombs making the process very slow.  The new born lulus had to reach a point of maturity where they could be trained and able to perform the work of mining gold.  It was decided that the only practical way for this plan to work was to produce female lulus and allow the lulus to procreate.  Enlil demanded that Enki have a breeding program that was very tightly controlled and secure, so that only the quantity of lulus required would be produced.

The ‘telomeres’ of the cells of the lulus were to be set strictly for a life-span limit of 150 earth-years, at which point cellular replication would no longer be possible.  They, themselves, of course, had no telomeres limiting their own ability to replicate their cells.

The Igiggi, now free of their responsibilities in Africa, dispersed and many went to the territory of Enlil in the Persian Gulf area.  They established residence and found that they could make use of some slave labor in construction, farming, etc. so they asked Enlil to bring slaves from Africa to the Persian Gulf.  This Enlil did, thus lulus went to the cities of Enlil in significant numbers. 

“The daughters of men were noticed by the Igiggi, all male, who found them to be fair, and took from among them all that they wished, to make of them wives and produce off-spring.”

There is no room to narrate all the stories found in the clay tablets of the Anunnaki, discovered in excavations in Mesopotamia, Sumeria and other sites.  So, the abbreviated story goes like this:  Enlil and Enki became bitter enemies over the long term as Enki continued his experiments beyond the permission and awareness of his brother, Enli, eventually producing the Adamu, vastly superior to the lulus.  The families feuded all throughout the histories of their time on Earth.  Enlil formed a clan of humans, as did other Anunnaki gods, who lived under the protection of their gods and followed along with them wherever they went.

The story can be fleshed out further by reading other posts on this site and by reading both of the jewish bibles, which are fictionalized versions of the historical accounts found in the Annunaki tablets.  The writing of the fictionalized bibles had motive.  The priests of Enlil, hoping to prolong their power and relevance, decided to start a new religion based on the gods, after the Anunnaki left earth around 1,000 BCE.  Their religion was based on the jew’s supreme god, Enlil, who appeared in their bible stories as Yahweh, Jehovah, God-the-father.  His brother, Enki, his enemy, was cast as Lucifer, the tempter because he had created the E-din, where the lulus dwelt in their youth, prior to being ready and able to take on their duties as slaves in the gold mines. Enlil always feared and despised the humans.  He discovered, on a visit to SE Africa that Enki’s E-din afforded the young humans the opportunity to have sex outside of the strict breeding control program.  This is the origin of “Original Sin’.

After the great flood of 10,600 BCE, caused by melting of the polar ice caps due to the remission of the ice age in the Younger Dryas period, and all life on Earth was found to not have been destroyed, as Enlil had predicted. The bibles claim Enlil sent the great flood as a punishment for the human sinners, which is, of course, ridiculous.  What Enlil did actually do, is decide to not give any prior warning to the humans, hoping they would all perish. Enki, although sworn to secrecy, gave his son (by a human female) a warning and helped him construct a water craft capable of surviving the flood.

At the time prior to the departure from Earth by the gods, Enki and Ninki designed and produced another specie of humans, having a much higher percentage of god-genes.  The gods realized that the humans could not be left unmanaged on Earth, to survive on their own.  This new specie, called homo capensis, are the divine blue-blood Royals and priests who were given dominion over humans in perpetuity.  They still rule us to this day.

Humans have lived under the rule of these Royals since 1,000 BCE.  The system of rule is the same as that employed by the gods on their home planet, called feudalism.  The property is owned exclusively by the Royal Set.  The serfs work for their needs on land owned by the Royals.  The serfs have no illusion of freedom or even human rights, whatever they may be.  On Earth, the system was exactly the same, and, in fact is unchanged.  Only the illusion has been changed during the RESET period 1812 to 2020.  This period was an experiment, never tried before on earth.  The humans were allotted the illusion of freedom, property ownership and rights.

This experiment was to determine whether the slaves would be more productive under the delusion compared to the whip. In any case, we are now in a new RESET period and the population is going to be reduced to prior historic limits of about 500 million total people.  There is going to be no more delusion of non-existent freedoms and rights. 

The planet, earth, is owned by the Anunnaki gods, and they will determine how many humans it can support, while meeting the standards set by the gods.  There is going to be no more production for the sake of production.  Over-consumption, depletion and waste is going to be stopped.  The purpose of the planet is not what humans think.  It is not just to push the envelope to see how many humans it can hold.  The humans are here to provide the labor to extract the natural resources the gods want to extract from their farm.  Not for the benefit of humans.  As many human laborers as is needed to meet their goals is the total quantity of humans that will be allowed to exist. 

But this takes us to the other aspect of useful production or real assets.  Are human laborers still the best means of production, considering the advances in technocracy?  Humans are not really that efficient as a means of production.  They are extremely high maintenance.  This leads us to robotics, transhumanism and artificial intelligence (AI).

In 1993, the term transhumanism did not exist.

The Pandemic and The Vaccines

With regard to these matters, I have a unique perspective. Most people are seeing these events for the first time and are horrified as we are seeing Vaccines unveiled that are fundamentally altering our DNA . As I look at the emerging evidence that is being highly suppressed, I know that I have been told that this was coming, back in 1993.

The death rate connected to the vaccines is off the charts, however, the real death rate is not known to most and the figures are not readily available. We know that the ‘vaccine’ manufacturers skipped the animal trials. You are the animals, the guinea pigs. This was done, not because Covid was a threat, it was done under the guise of a fake emergency. Covid is a bunch of made-up bullshit to scare you into accepting your role as a human guinea pig.

As with any fake medical threat, Covid is not producing bodies piling up in the street. States that have no mask mandate and whose businesses are open, have lower infection rates than states with draconian lockdown procedures. This is attributable to the degree of susceptibility of the state governors and minions to the pressures of the federal authorities.  If there were any states that were governed by honest and truthful people, there would be no ‘cases’ in those states at all.  Masks, social distancing, and the tests do not work for any purpose other than fear and intimidation.

 This has all been verified, but the quieter voices of science are being extinguished through censorship, threat of job loss and even violence, like a covid jab. Yes, elderly people with comorbid conditions are at risk, but the weak and dying are easily pushed over the limit with a little bit of additional toxicity.  And Covid deaths, as a stand-alone statistic, do not exist.  They have taken every cause of morbidity of the elderly and falsely called it COVID.  The end results are the same, as statistics prove there is no excess morbidity in any part of the world.

The whole process of subjugating society is for a different specific reason.

Why the Deception?

It is clear that the old has to be destroyed in order to usher in the new. The lockdowns so debilitated society that it created the pretext for what is coming. And what is coming is hell on earth. It is indeed going to result in the demise of most of the humans on the planet. Gates is at the forefront of destroying billions of humans, through his role as fake rich man employed by the UN. The UN is also preparing to starve humanity to death, those refusing the killer inoculation, and other survivors will be forced to the will of the UN.  There is no shortage of minions willing to work for the Royals and benefit from the appearance of wealth and privilege. At this time, the Royals do not want to show their faces, so it works out both ways.  Positions are limited however.

This recently ended RESET period has been the strangest ever.  There has never been a population spike like the one that is ending now. There has never been a degree of delusion like that which exists in the Western populations at this time.  That is the very reason why this can all go down as planned.  Everyone is scared to death to face the facts of their situation.  People will go to their deaths without ever believing it is happening.  Even after half the population is dead, they will still be in denial. 

The Great Reset Explained

What is this “Great Reset” we’re now hearing about? In a nutshell, the Great Reset refers to a global agenda to monitor and control the world through digital surveillance.

As explained by journalist James Corbett in his October 16, 2020 Corbett Reportthe Great Reset is a new “social contract” that ties every person to it through an electronic ID linked to your Social Credit account and health records, and a social credit ID that will end up dictating every facet of your life.

It’s about getting rid of capitalism, free enterprise, illusion of individual freedom and elective politics, replacing them with “sustainable development” and “stakeholder capitalism” — terms that belie their nefarious, anti-humanity intents. You are not a ‘stakeholder’. You are a slave asset, just as you have always been.

As noted in the book, “Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order”:

“… Sustainable Development is Technocracy … The Sustainable Development movement has taken careful steps to conceal its true identity, strategy and purpose, but once the veil is lifted, you will never see it any other way. Once its strategy is unmasked, everything else will start to make sense.”

The Grand Plan

The RESET is a regularly occurring event.  It has been happening every 200 years since around 1,000 BCE. 

It goes back to the Romans, Greeks, Byzantines, etc. The superpower is designated and is provided with a virtual reality system needed for control of the populations and natural resources.  But mostly it is a simple method to maintain the size of the human population and to assure the continuance of human slavery to extract the real wealth of the planet and deliver it into the hands of the real power structure, the homo capensis blue-blood royalty, left to rule humans in the absence of their creators, those called the ‘People of Anu’. 

The population of humans has miraculously remained steady at 500 million throughout the history of mankind (135,000 years), until the last century of the currently ending RESET period.  The population of humans has been allowed to spike to almost 8 billion during this century, one-half of a RESET period.  It’s not really miraculous, it is deliberate. Using wars, toxins, poisons, pathogens, propaganda, etc., it is the means of satisfying the concerns of Enlil that the creations of his brother Enki will remain at a controllable level indefinitely. 

As technology has advanced, it reached a level during the most recent RESET1812 period that allowed the MATRIX to control a greater population span.  This was an experiment in productivity.  The slaves under the whip, will never be as productive as the slaves that believe they are free men, earning wealth for their own keeping.

The lesson learned from this experiment is not that humans will become uncontrollable, as Enlil feared, but that consumption and waste is what has become uncontrollable and equitable distribution of consumable resources is virtually impossible.

Now, with the RESET 2020 at the threshold, the ‘sustainable development’ requires the population of humans to return to the 500 million level.  This is going to be accomplished by 2050.  The immediate change of the power structure will be completed by 2025, with the catastrophic destruction of the US and its attending empire (Canada, Brittan, Western Europe, Australia and NZ).

The infinite expansion economic model is bust — but obviously, the super powerful Royals want to continue the flow of real wealth into their coffers, and so they need a surgically precise system for managing the Earth’s resources.’

At the same time, they intend to tighten the peasants’ belts, starting with ‘behavioral modification,’ resetting the western peasants’ sense of entitlement to high life standards and liberties.

Thus, the practical aim of the Great Reset is to fundamentally restructure the world’s economy and geopolitical relations based on two assumptions:

One, that every element of nature and every life form is a part of the global inventory (managed by the Royals, which, in turn, is operated by Technocrats).

And two, that all inventory needs to be carefully planned into existence and strictly accounted for, be registered in a central database, be readable by a scanner, and be managed by AI, using the latest ‘science.’

The goal is to not expend any raw materials unless the known supply is adequate to meet future demands, count and then efficiently manage and control all resources, including people, on an unprecedented scale, with unprecedented digital precision.  Unneeded humans are a liability because they heavily consume valuable resources in excess of their own value and the needs of the society and they are also heavily polluting of the environment. 

Global Asset Reallocations Will Not Benefit ‘The People’

There will be no ownership of global resources or means of production on the part of humans, thus there will be no wasteful trading of stocks or paper assets using fake currency, because that was only needed in the MATRIX era to deceive humans into believing they were receiving something of lasting value in exchange for their labors.  That is a façade that will not be needed.

With no private ownership of property, there will be no need for currency at all.  Everything humans need to live their lives will be derived from replenishable social credits that will appear in the digital account of every human based on the social compliance score.  The opportunity goes both ways, so more compliant slaves will be allowed to improve their living conditions somewhat or will lose based on non-compliance.

There’s not a single area of life that is left out of this Great Reset plan.

Humans will have no effect on government, energy, finances, food, medical care, real estate, policing or even how we interact with our fellow human beings in general.

Privacy protections are non existent.  You have what you are given.  No one can steal it but it can be taken away, or it can be augmented, based on compliance.  There will be no motive to do anything other than comply.

In the U.S., there will be no individual rights, constitutions or laws.  The US will be rendered a midget on the global theater.  It will be under control of the new global superpower, China, who will manage the turf with an iron fist.  It is likely that the US will have a very small roll globally, and will be heavily occupied by Asians.  Survivors will be mostly young children, who are still immature enough to be thoroughly propagandized into the New World Order, never knowing that there was anything other.

“To sum it up, the desired end result is a giant, joyless, highly controlled global conveyor of everything and everybody where privacy is non existent, dissent is unthinkable, and spiritual submission is not an election.

Stakeholder Capitalism

An October 5, 2020, a Winter Oak article addressed the “technocratic fascist vision” of professor Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum who wrote the book on the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Schwab announced the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset Initiative in June 2020, which includes stripping all people of their privately owned assets.

In addition to being a staunch technocrat, Schwab also has a strong transhumanist bent, and he has spoken of a near future in which humans merge with machines and in which law enforcement will be able to read your mind.

Winter Oak — a British nonprofit social justice organization — points out that Schwab and his globalist accomplices are using the COVID-19 pandemic “to bypass democratic accountability, to override opposition, to accelerate their agenda and to impose it on the rest of humankind via simple deceit.”

This NWO plan has been about 100 years in the design and implementation. The plan is now more out in the open. It is the purpose for the invention of the United Nations.  The UN has the job of implementation and then operation of the new system. Although the US has been a major supporter of the UN, its population knows very little about the purpose and operations of the UN.  Most Americans think the UN is just some ‘Peace Keepers’ who go around keeping peace in various places and ways. 

The UN has never been a friend to the US and the US has never been offered positions of actual authority nor have they been privy to the real operations involving the mission of the RESET2020.  This is probably due to the fact that the US is the target for elimination and would resent planning the take down of the country.  The UN has voted down the US in the general assembly 72% of the time.  Nobody ever seemed to really care or think of this as disconcerting.

Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned to Usher In The New World Order

The same statement has been delivered by a number of politicians and organizations around the world in recent months.

Schwab’s book, “COVID-19: The Great Reset” also urges industry leaders and decision makers to “make good use of the fake pandemic” and “to take full advantage of the locked down populace who are frightened out of any semblance of their sensabilities.

Incidentally, the owner of Time magazine and founder of Salesforce, Mark Benioff, is also a board member of the World Economic Forum, so he’s clearly familiar with the RESET plan.

While the plan is being sold as a way to, finally, make life fair and equitable for all people, the required consequences are not being disclosed and the vast majority have no idea that they are likely scheduled for termination by vaccination.

Ultimately, the Great Reset will disclose the two tiers of people: the Royal elite, who have all the power and rule over all assets, and the rest of humanity, who have no power, no assets and no ‘say-so’ in anything.  While this has always been the case, people with short attention spans and little knowledge of even recent history will find this shocking.  The most shocked people of all will find themselves vaccinated with a toxic mixture of chemicals that either kills outright, renders them paralyzed, oblivious or establishes a metabolic process of genome alteration that makes them nice little slaves who behave and comply without much trouble.

Technocracy is not a political system nor an economic one.  It is a discarding of the MATRIX and the facades that go with it.  It takes the whole structure of human and superhuman endeavors to its simplest possible form.  The humans now see clearly that they were genetically created to be slave labor for the Children of Anu.  It places them into a structure that allows them to survive in this world by accepting their fate and doing the tasks assigned to them.  The superhumans, who have been left in-charge of the humans for the past 3 millenia, will carry on with their mission of mining the resources of Earth for their superiors, the Children of Anu.  These Anunnaki will be showing up on Earth in another 6 centuries.  They have the capability to visit Earth only when their solar system comes into the Earth’s solar system, every 3,600 earth-years

Their spacecraft can only travel the shorter distances between the planets during the interval of this physical proximity lasting about 100 earth-years.  As they have done for thousands of years, they use this proximity to off-ship the accumulated resources mined from the Earth to their ships to transport to their own planet. 

At this point in time, they can allow some of their people to remain on Earth for the next 3,600 earth-years, or they can all return in their spacecraft to their home planet, knowing it will be another 3,600 earth years before they will return again.  3,000 earth-years ago, they all departed the Earth, leaving the superhuman Royals to rule humans and manage the on-going mining operations.  Humans will continue to mine the assets of the planet as slave labor and life will go on as usual.

It will be a major change for the lives of humans, but humans are in no position to do anything about it.

Terms like “stakeholder capitalism,” described by Forbes magazine as “the notion that a firm focuses on meeting the needs of all its stakeholders.  ‘Customers’ is really not a proper term anymore.  The humans will provide the labor of production, both for their own survival but also for the Stakeholders, the Anunnaki, who continue their ages-long mining business. Customers implies that some humans are buyers of manufactured goods and have choices.  This is no longer the case, of course.  You get what you are given, and like it.  Stakeholders are owners, who expect to derive benefits from their business operations.  This means that ‘capitalism’ is just another meaningless ‘ism’ that has no application.

Forbes magazine, uses this term incorrectly, as humans are in no way stakeholders, other than hopefully survivors.  Forbes magazine will not be a survivor, as it will have zero relevance to anything in the Technocracy, so don’t seek answers from them.

Great Reset Plan for Big Food

“The architects of the plan claim it will reduce food scarcity, hunger and disease, and even mitigate climate change. But a closer look at the corporations and think tanks the WEF is partnering with to usher in this global transformation suggests that the real motive is tighter corporate control over the food system by means of technological solutions.”

Partners also include data mining giants, telecommunications, weapons manufacturers, finance, drug companies and the biotechnology industry.  It should be obvious to all that none of the above-mentioned industries will even exist in the near future.

It should come as no surprise that the World Economic Forum insists the future of food and public health hinges on genetically modified organisms (GMOs), laboratory-grown protein, drugs and industrial chemicals.  The anticipated problems of food production and other related factors will be totally mitigated in the long term by a population reduction to the 500 million level.  There is not going to be a US that throws enough food away everyday to feed the whole rest-of-the-world.

The EAT Forum and The Rise of Food Imperialism

To further the fake food takeover, the World Economic Forum has partnered with the EAT Forum, which will set the political agenda for global food production.

The EAT Forum was cofounded by the Wellcome Trust, which in turn was established with the financial help of GlaxoSmithKline.

EAT currently collaborates with nearly 40 city governments across Africa, Europe, Asia, North and South America and Australia, and maintains close relationships with imitation meat companies such as Impossible Foods, which was cofounded by Google, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates.

As noted by The Defender, the ultimate aim is to “replace wholesome nutritious foods with genetically modified lab creations.”

To this end, EAT is working with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to establish global dietary guidelines and sustainable development initiatives.

The “Planetary Health Diet” developed by EAT is a diet that is supposed to replace all others.

Frederic Leroy, a food science and biotechnology professor at University of Brussels told The Defender:

“The diet aims to cut the meat and dairy intake of the global population by as much as 90% in some cases and replaces it with lab-made foods, cereals and oil.”

This may all be the case, but the food requirements of the world are going to tiny and not subject to future increases.

The Future of Food And Health Care

You can get a feel for where the future of food is headed by analyzing the World Economic Forum’s strategic intelligence map.

As you can see, this top-down approach ties food production to a wide range of sectors, including biotech, the chemical industry, artificial intelligence, the internet of things and the digital economy.

If any of this raises your concern, you’re probably not going to like what the World Health Economic Forum has in store for health care reform either. As detailed on their website:

“Our current capital intensive, hospital-centric model is unsustainable and ineffective. The Platform for Shaping the Future of Health and Healthcare leverages a data-enabled delivery system and virtual care, integrated across the continuum of care from precision prevention to personalized care delivery …”

Aiding the World Economic Forum in this health care transformation are the biggest corporate criminals in the history of the modern world, including Bill Gates, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Pfizer, Novartis and a host of others.

These companies have at various times been found guilty of all sorts of crimes that they have paid tens of billions of dollars in fines for.

They are also loaded with conflicts of interest in nearly every venture they are involved with.  The future will eliminate the need for any competition between each other, vying for the consumer dollar.  You will, of course, see no commercials.  Only ‘Public Service Announcements’.

Build Back Better

As noted in a July 21, 2020, World Economic Forum article, the economic devastation caused by COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns “has the potential to hobble global prosperity for generations to come.”

The reality is that none of the industries that are going down in flames will be needed or have any place in the Technocracy.  If you think you are going to be deciding which new restaurant to dine at this evening, you just have failed to grasp the facts of the future.  With a depopulation on the order of 8 billion people, things you take for granted now will simply be gone and forgotten.  You will be dining at the mess hall designated on the menu planned for your survival, not your pleasure.

Make no mistake, this ‘Build Back Better’ slogan is part and parcel of the Great Reset plan and cannot be separated from it, no matter how altruistic it may sound. As reported by Fox News:30

“A radical movement called the Great Reset embraced by some Democrats poses a grave threat to liberty and free markets in the United States and around the world … The Great Reset is perhaps the biggest danger to capitalism and individual rights since the collapse of the Soviet Union …

It would destroy the current capitalist system and replace it with progressive and modern socialist systems, with a special emphasis placed on eco-socialist policies …

Policy ideas offered by ‘Great Reset’ advocates include government-provided basic income programs, universal health care, massive tax increases and the Green New Deal …

For example, at a campaign event on July 9, Biden said we need to end the ‘era of shareholder capitalism,’ a major part of the Great Reset proposal that would alter how companies are evaluated, elevating social justice causes and climate change concerns over property rights …

The Build Back Better plan comes straight from the Great Reset’s playbook … As recently as July 13, the World Economic Forum promoted ‘building back better’ through ‘green’ infrastructure programs as part of the Great Reset …”

Read: Joe Biden’s Campaign Slogan ‘Build Back Better’ Was Actually Taken from UN’s New World Order Agenda

This slogan is intended to give people the idea that there is an intent to go back to a better normal.  This placates many people who have no clue as to what is in store.  Building back better only means that what has been in existence is not going to be any part of the future.  Maybe you are not going to be any part of the future.  They would not want to tell you this until it is all too late.  They want this to go down as orderly as possible, which means that the vast majority must be ‘in the dark’ until it is too late.  They want you to believe in the ‘future’ right up to the moment you realize it is all over.

An August 13, 2020, article on the Federal Reserve website discusses the supposed benefits of a central bank digital currency (CBDC).

Many uninformed people believe that these new CBDCs will be very similar to existing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but they are mistaken.

Bitcoin is decentralized and a rational strategy to opt out of the existing central bank-controlled system, while these CBDCs will be centralized and completely controlled by the central banks and will have smart contracts that allow the banks to surveil and control your life.  Do you really think that Bitcoin is going to successfully defy them all?  That they lack the power to take Bitcoin down?  You would have to be a fool to believe this.  People are not going to have the availability of outlets to spend their Bitcoins at.  Their cyber wealth is nothing more than a cyber-vapor than will waft away in a few seconds of realization.

The Great Reset Psyops Guide

No person in their right mind would agree to this RESET if aware of the details of the whole plan.

So, to roll this out, they had to use psychological manipulation, and fear is the most effective tool there is.

As explained by psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin, there’s an entire school of public health research that focuses on identifying the most effective ways to frighten people into accepting desired public health measures.

By adding confusion and uncertainty to the mix, you can bring an individual from fear to anxiety — a state of confusion in which you can no longer think logically — and in this state, you are more easily manipulated.

The following graphic illustrates the central role of fearmongering for the successful rollout of the Great Reset.

Social Engineering Is Central to Technocratic Rule

In closing, keep in mind that technocracy is inherently a technological society run through non-social engineering. Technocracy is sterile, non-emotional pure logic and engineering.  They do not require your permission or acquiescence.

Fear is but one manipulation tool to keep some order during the initial transition while enhancing the control-factors during implementation of the changes. The focus on “science” is another. Anytime someone dissents, they’re simply accused of being “anti-science,” and any science that conflicts with the status quo is declared “debunked science.” All of their BS science is called “settled science”.

The only science that matters is whatever the technocrats deem to be true, no matter how much evidence there is against it.

We’ve seen this first hand during this pandemic, as Big Tech has censored and banned anything going against the opinions of the World Health Organization, which is just another cog in the technocratic machine.

Unfortunately, with the scamdemic lockdowns, it is very difficult to meet in groups for discussion and planning of actions to defy this takeover.  Of course, that is the plan.  Keep everyone away from each other and masked so they can’t even speak or be identified.

Organizing and fighting back against mandatory vaccines is of the essence.  If people accept the vaccines, then there is no going back.  You are f@cked.

If we don’t take a firm stand against that and fight for the right to make our own choice, there will be no survivors to fight back.

The implication being touted is that without a vaccine the world will be unable to return to any sense of normality, particularly in terms of open interaction with fellow humans … Many will succumb to this implication, and those will be totally lost.  The vaccination is the critical stand that must be taken for any possibility of defying this tragedy.