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Today, the Biden administration will announce “new measures” in its COVID response that will target the unvaxxinated. They seek to project the sense of an unstoppable juggernaut that can only culminate in FEMA camp incarceration and a Final Solution 2.0 for those who refuse to voluntarily kill themselves with the vaxx.
Deception is the Deep State’s only weapon, such as the bait ‘n switch fake FDA approval and the announcement of a door-knocking campaign, to deploy teams of vaxxine tracers to inject people at their homes – which lasted for a week before it fizzled into oblivion.
Whatever tyranny Biden announces today at the 5PM news is more dribble and slaverings.
Clif High describes one of the most nefarious tools at the Deep State’s disposal, which is the heavy deployment of CCP bot armies throughout social media:
“They are employing technology to trick us. They employ bots through all the social media…They have farms of people that are paid by the CCP to sit in rooms in China and people with about 40 to 60 different cell phones in front of them with a computer that can feed all those different cell phones. This is how they establish the persona of large crowds of people that are supposedly agreeing with or putting out the Mainstream Media talking points or reinforcing those.
“So, on average, I’m assuming that out of every 1,000 replies that would hit in a controversial subject on Twitter, I’m figuring that close to 80% of those are generated by a bot farm.”
Even though the polls show a decline in Biden’s approval rating in the aftermath of the Afghanistan debacle, they suggest that about half the country still supports him and his agenda. Greg asks Clif if his datasets from social media confirm this:
“I don’t buy it. If I look in my linguistic tracking, I can find about – and this is an ‘about’, it’s an approximation, because with all the bots out there, it’s very difficult to separate, even using IP addresses – but I can find about 12% of the population that will repeat the talking points and about 6% of the population that will do it consistently, on their own, unbidden…”
In other words, only 6% of those commenting positively about Biden on social media are actual Biden loyalists. Another 12% are those who lean towards the Democrats and Biden, politically but aren’t particularly passionate.
Clif says, “They’re attempting to make you think it’s about 80% – 20% in favor of the Deep State, the Progressives, the Social Justice, the CRT and so on. Their goal is to generate 9 times as many words on their subject, as any of the native conservative voices that may appear, to which they’re riffing off of or to which they’re responding.”
In his analysis of the data, Clif is positive that in reality, 80% of the people in the country are against Biden and against all of the COVID and vaxx mandates at a passionate level, the intensity of which is ratcheting up.
He says, “Imagine a situation where your country has been taken over by infiltrators and you’re about to go to war with the foreign government that’s backing those infiltrators – and you’ve isolated those infiltrators but you haven’t neutered them. They’re not in jail yet, they haven’t been arrested yet. You’re just allowing them out there, for your purposes but you’ve made it such that they’re without power, other than the media…
“All they have in the way of power are media words, because they can’t get legislative words signed-off on, in a legal, meaningful fashion. So, we’re in a really weird period of time.”
He says the recent spate of videos taken all over the country at college football games, showing entire stadiums chanting “Fuck Joe Biden” was a key temporal marker that is being used in tracking the populace’s sentiment by what he calls the “self-organizing collective” (SOC) involved in Devolution.
“It is necessary that the entire population of the Normies of the planet be made to understand that what we call the Deep State here could be termed a global criminal conspiracy that includes the CCP…It is necessary that everybody come to understand this, because of what will be coming out really soon…
“If you take out that the Deep State wants to kill us off, then NOTHING makes sense in how they’re managing any of the vaxxines, any of the COVID, any of the lockdowns, any of that. It doesn’t even make sense in a compounding of errors cascade. It simply makes no sense.
“However, if one puts back in there the idea that there’s a cadre of people in the upper echelons of government that want to kill off 95%, then EVERYTHING makes sense about all of their actions, from any aspect you care to examine, from Australia, to New Zealand, to New York, to London, to Paris – all of this stuff all makes sense, if you put back in this one central idea into the equation…
“If we examine that, then here we are, we’re at this point where we need to let the Normies know that we are in a war and we are going to be getting into an active phase of this war now, because so many people will be dying off, because of the vaxx, because the Globalists have been able to succeed in getting so many of the individuals on this planet injected with the bioterrorism weapon of the graphene poison.
“And so, the damage has been done as though, all around the planet, bombs had fallen and killed people or were killing people very slowly. Once the bomb has fallen, it’s done. You can’t undo it. And that’s how we need to start getting our heads wrapped around this…we’re at this point in the war, where it’s going to get very serious. We’re going to have these major breakdowns in a very short period of time…
“In order to progress to the next stage, we have to have a certain amount of the population demonstrate that they have this attitude; they have at least this understanding that the Deep State, the Bidenistas, all these people are the bad guys. They don’t have to necessarily understand they’re a criminal, that they’re trafficking in humans, that they’re stealing oxidized adrenochrome out of the glands of children and all of this kind of stuff. They don’t have to understand these horrors, but they have to get to the point where that crack has appeared within the spell, the illusion that’s been laid over their mind by Mainstream Media all of their lives.
“This is the most extraordinary time in human history in thousands of years. We are looking at a war now, breaking out into the open. This is between a self-organizing collective (SOC) and a 6,000-year-old death cult and it’s going to be global, it’s going to take decades to get it all done and it’s not going to be easy but it’s going to be the end of the Matrix experiment, that gave humans the illusions of freedom and private property ownership. The Matrix experiment has been the virtual reality within which humans have been living for the past 200 years, since the last Reset of 1812, at which time, the US was given the hegemony in this global structure of delusional government.
Clif talks about the imminent financial collapse and how one of the markers for this is at the end of this month, which marks the end of the US Government’s fiscal year. Clif questions whether the Federal Reserve Bank is even capable of lasting the month. Right on cue (after this show was recorded), Biden Treasury Secretary and former Federal Reserve Chair, Janet Yellin announced on Wednesday that the US is on track to default on the national debt in October.
Clif talks about weapons from Afghanistan coming back to the US via the CCP to arm Antifa and BLM.
“A lot of those weapons are GPS-tagged so we’ll know they’re in the US. They can be spotted by satellite. I would suspect that the CCP at least suspects it, but are they in a position to with hold them from Antifa?…It doesn’t look like they can stop themselves from walking along this path – and this path ultimately leads to a Global New World Order among humanity and the finishing of the American Revolution, which was lost, ultimately to the Crown.
“I suspect that we’re going to hit another temporal marker that will be in the economic area, relating to global bonds That will come out in the next week or two and will do something to the Special Drawing Rights, the SDRs.
It looks like the next phase of this war has been activated within the economic realm. The Self-Organizing Collective that’s fighting the Globalists has real power here.
The Evergrande collapse is a result of actions taken by the SOC, which is described as an international group that began fighting the Cabal in earnest during the time of Reagan.
“In my opinion, the actions that they took were designed to get us to this point now, that they may involve the general public of the planet…
Three more stages are to come. The gut-punch of Afghanistan to the United States and to the Western World.
1) We’re going to go through a brutal beat-down in the financial system…that will happen very rapidly and cause a lot of hurt. And we’re in there now: the eviction moratorium breaking, the bonds breaking, the pressure on gold and silver prices. All of these things are happening now, not by coincidence but by design. This is going to support what will be coming around.
2) the audits
3) other hugely disturbing information. Like UN takeover and control, with the first move, under martial law, being the total disarmament of the people.
“As you see these events, you’ll now that we are extremely close to the overt part of the SOC reaction taking things to the same situation as the original revolutionaries of the United States, because the legal authority is going to be upended and undone, the same as was done by King George. The Globalists have captured our legal authority. This time, there will be no covert part to the agreement, whereby the citizens can claim victory and freedom.
“The fact the CDC’s illegal action on the matter of moratoriums on evictions and rents, defalts, liens and mortgages, banks are going to be seeking recompense from the landlords and property owners that had been held in abeyance during this period of time. So, this is a giant cascade of things that is going to add to the confusion.
“At the same time, we’re going to have massive food shortages, because the Deep State is paying farmers to destroy the food reserves and the harvest has already been failed by Darpa’s weather manipulation. Bill Gates, in his surrogate role as the uber wealthy software kingpin, who is really an employee of the CIA, has purchased much of the farmland in the US, and is taking it all out of production. Who’s the second largest owner of farmland in the United States? The Communist Party of China and they’re taking it out of production, because they want to starve us. They must take our guns before they can do to the US what they’re do to Australia and New Zealand.”
There’s going to be a deliberate, horrifically violent massacre in most likely Australia, New Zealand and France, that will inspire and set off the same revolutionary fervor Stateside.
We’re going to emerge into a world where nothing is known for sure, because the Deep State has lied to us for so long about everything, about all of our academic understanding of the planet, of science, of biology, of history, of everything. For example, Clif is in agreement with Russian mathematics professor, Anatoly Fomenko that the Deep State added 800 years of history and that we’re not really in 2021, we’re really closer to 1200, as we reckon years.
“Things are not what we’ve been told about anything. Humans have been so grossly dis-educated by public education, that it will not be sorted out for a century of more. Obviously, those in the ranks of the uber-powerful know the truth. But when any truth is given to the masses, they immediately reject it. That is how thoroughly indoctrinated humans are.
We are in a war and war has casualties, especially when intelligence is not only totally missing, but is universally incorrect. This war is going to be particularly brutal, in the number of people that will die. Clif High says if his original 1997 data run is accurate, then 1.24 billion people will die from the vaxxine, on this first phase go round, UN Agenda 2025.