We will be attacked when our nation is embroiled in a violent internal turmoil, The Domestic War on Terror, BLM, Antifa, anything George Soros touches. At that time, 9 phases, or prongs of attack, will be launched, coming based upon recent US war gaming. Plans change in today’s world, the attack parameters have been expanded to nine phases of subjugation, culminating in genocide.
As the domestic struggle worsens, at some point, the United Nations will invoke the Kigali Principles and take charge of the invading force. In other words, it is likely that Chinese and Russian forces will be wearing blue helmets at the time of the invasion of America. Russian defectors have warned of this possibility.
The Attack
When these forces attack the United States under the nine-pronged strategy, it will involve multiple allies under the direction of the United Nations. The Naval War College has practiced each one of these scenarios, multiple times. In every case, America becomes Amerika. In other words, surrender is the only option in order to avoid complete annihilation. Here are the fronts from which Russia and her allies will launch an all out attack, which will make use of limited cyber attacks upon the grid.
My sources also believe that the Chinese and Russians obviously want to encounter a significantly weakened nation. ‘Killshot #2’ will more than likely be that agent. The deadly effects of the vaccine, will have accumulated en masse, through exponential replication and produce ‘walking dead’ casualties. We are already seeing the first wave of these latent effects which can take up to around two years to finally kill.. Then and only then will the Russians and Chinese commence their attack. Further, some wonder why the Russians and Chinese would become allies since they have put on the air of hating each other. The answer is simple, they share the exact same ideologies and common enemy. Finally, Biden’s impotent performance at the recent summit with Putin, has emboldened the Russian leader to not fear “sippy cup” Biden, if that were ever the unlikely case.
Steve Quayle once told me that he is seeing unprecedented military movement in Montana. Many are reporting the same all around the country. What we are we seeing is the mobilization for war. It is now clear that China will not be attacking America on its own. Russia and China are both preparing to invade the United States. It is my belief that we will be embroiled in a violent internal dispute when the attack comes. The election audits, the border issues, state’s rights issues and the imposition of mandatory vaccines will provide the impetus for an internal struggle, perhaps even a civil war. In this scenario, the United Nations will invoke the Kigali Principles and be in charge of the invading force. Since I first reported on leaked information that American military leaders were expecting an attack from seven different areas/sources, more information has come to light. First, elements of the following scenarios have been repetitively practiced at the Naval War College. In each instance, America loses, badly. See the CIA/Deagel Report which tells us that in just 4 years, most Americans, 250 million to be exact, will be dead. In fact, it can be said that the best deterrent to illegal immigration would be to show potential illegal aliens the CIA/Deagel report predictions about impending mass casualties in America.
Updated information of what is coming, already known to our military leaders, a combination Russian and Chinese attack upon our country
Phase One: A Fifth Column Attack
A fifth column attack is already underway in America. It is largely comprised of Antifa and BLM. However, Sinolas are crossing the border in force and are headed to pre-stored weapons caches and are apparently awaiting orders, along with ISIS and MS-13. What is coming is an all out 5th column attack and it will be carried out by terrorists who have already gained entrance into the United States. Key assassinations and critical infrastructure sabotage will be carried out by these forces. The first casualty will be the grid. Random acts of violence will be perpetrated upon the American people including the slaughter of innocent Americans, the attack upon schools and malls will be common. I have often referred to this as the coming TET Offensive in which all the embedded terrorists will simultaneously attack America in dozens of locations. Many American communities will witness their communities rounded up and executed. That’s what communists do.
Phase Two: The Alaskan Front
The Alaskan Front will see the Russians attacking the lower 48 from Alaska after our most northern state is quickly overwhelmed. This will likely be preceded by an attack upon Taiwan in which American forces will drawn away from America to defend Taiwan, thus weakening the home defense. Two years ago, the Chinese, Russians and Mongolians practiced the invasion of Alaska.
Phase Three: The Cascadian Invasion
In close proximity to the invasion of Alaska, massive amounts of Chinese troops will pour across the Canadian border and consume the West coast. Embedded Chinese, already in America, thanks to the Chinese control of the port system, will seize key assets, similar to what Army Ranger paratroopers do prior to an advance. CANZUK and the amassing of Chinese troops in Vancouver, British Colombia will separate America from its allies and we will stand alone against what is underway and what is coming.
When these CHICOM troops cross the border, they will fan out and invade Idaho, Montana and seize the oil fields of Wyoming.
Taking prisoners is not part of the plan. Americans can’t believe this because they are very used to doing this to other, but it has not been done to them recently.
Phase Four: Red Dawn
The Central American Front will witness a conglomeration of 30 Central and South American states (i.e. CELAC) which will combine military strike forces, backed by Russian military supplies, weapons, technology and strategy. These forces will push north through Central America and will attack America from Mexican soil. Presently, El Salvador, Colombia and Brazil are the only American allies left. Trump had previously and strategically diminished the potential success of such an invasion. However, this will still tie up American resources which will deplete military resources elsewhere. Remember, the ability for the United States to fight a prolonged campaign was greatly diminished by economic devastation caused by the planned COVID lockdowns and the inflationary devastation of the handouts and other lunatic spending. No one now fails to see the dollar destruction at hand.
Phase Five: The Southeastern Invasion
The Southeastern Front will witness an amphibious invasion following the successes of the first of three fronts in which major American military assets will be deployed away from the Southeast to defend against the scissors attack from America’s Northwest and the Southwest. The invasion will come out of Cuba. Many thousands of Chinese forces have deployed in Cuba via Mexico. The Russian Navy and Air Force will supply support.
Phase Six: Calexit and Other Paramilitary Assets Located in California
In a secondary and delayed attack, CALEXIT backed Chinese forces embedded in American ports (e.g. Long Beach), who have entered the country in cargo ships, will be unleashed to attack key military bases in California. At the same time, Chinese soldiers, who are embedded in the Sierra Madras will join forces with the Latin American forces as they sweep northward through Mexico and will dramatically burst through the border and then fan out to the north, west and east. The inability to build the border wall may have a lot to do with this.
Phase Seven: Russian Attack from the Arctic
Russian forces will come out of the Arctic and sweep down through Canada and will attack the U.S. through Minnesota. This will allow the Russian led forces to cut the United States in half at the Mississippi River. The amphibious landings in the Southeast will make their way north on the Mississippi River with Naval vessels. These forces will link up with the Russians coming in from the North.
Phase Eight: Turning Out the Lights and Starving the Northeast
UN controlled Chinese and Russian forces would prefer to not have to engage major American forces in the Northeast. Urban conflict is the most expensive in terms of men and material. Subsequently, this region can effectively expect chemical weapons to be unleashed. These weapons can be completely deadly and then the effects will fade over time, thus allowing for re-occupation. Some analysts expect parts of the military in this region to defect and join forces with the enemy. Also, another popular option consists of the use of neutron weapons which will kill people, but leave the infrastructure intact.
Phase Nine: Surrender and Subsequent Genocide
The Americans in this region will be allowed to surrender. However, they will quickly be transported to FEMA camps and makeshift FEMA camps. The last three Chinese Defense Ministers have advocated for the complete extermination of all people in North America, prior to colonization.
Trudeau and his fellow traitors might be well-advised to pay attention because this involves the elimination of people in the newly formed state of Canuckistan. All the Brown Shirt traitors (eg. Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Feinstein et al) will be executed by the Chinese as they hate dishonorable traitors.
If there is still anyone home in America after Biden’s anti-domestic terror campaign, survivors will be wondering how to cope with the active military attack on the people and infra-structure. Survivors will not be found in the cities, where extermination is easy to mete out with methodical battle plans to sweep out every nook and cranny. Survivors will be in the sparsely populated areas, well-armed and supplied with survival necessities. Private arms will already have been thoroughly confiscated, so those who intend to be armed will have made provisions for their weapons to not be found at their residences, but to be found only by themselves at the remote survival destination sites, with lots of ammunition, cleaning and maintenance supplies.
Those who intend to survive in small groups must have all their plans and arrangements in place as to make it to the site without forming a noticeable convoy. Off-road vehicles will be necessary and pre-loaded with all required survival gear. Family members must has known deadlines for departure in the specific vehicle designated. Teenagers can not be showing up with cars that are extraneous and would leave a visible marker for the site that would lead trackers to the vicinity.
There are many more details. These are just a few of the measures that would be essential for serious survivors.