HHS documents admit the CDC has never isolated any “covid-19 virus”

PCR tests nothing but instrument NOISE

The global covid HOAX is rapidly unraveling

  • No isolated Certified Reference Materials for “covid-19” virus exist.
  • PCR tests that find “positive” results for covid merely the result of amplified instrument background noise..
  • FDA admits PCR tests were developed without any isolated covid-19 virus samples. So, they simulated the virus with nasal ‘snot’.
  • Virologist Dr. Judy Mikovitz confirms common coronaviruses and monkey viruses fraudulently labeled “covid.”
  • Dr. Jane Ruby explains the lack of any viral isolate and why the pandemic is based on coordinated science fraud.
  • CDC FOIA documents reveal proof the CDC has never isolated covid-19.
  • The graphene oxide and spike protein bioweapons are real. Covid “vaxxines” are lethal injections to achieve depopulation.
  • CDC Director Walensky admits the covid vaxxine does not stop covid infections, doesn’t provide immunity against covid, causes diseases that they are still incorrectly calling covid19 and has already caused more deaths  than the original flu (wrongly called covid19)..
  • Sen. Rand Paul calls for Americans to reject covid tyranny consisting, first and foremost, lethal vaxxines, lockdowns, restrictions, masking, distancing and attacks against babies, children and the elderly citizens of the world.

One and one-half years ago.  I explained to my readers that “there is no such thing as a covid virus, I was aware that even the old SARS-CoV-2 had only been genomically sequenced on a computer, never isolated to prove it exists. How could the government sponsored and funded public health institutions, like the CDC and WHO shriek to the world that a pandemic exists, knowing the alleged cause, a novel virus,  had not been isolated, purified and determined to be the cause of covid-19 sickness when it does not even exist.

A year and a half later, it turns out I and the other skeptics were right. The warnings of people like Dr. Thomas Cowan, Sally Fallon, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Jon Rappoport, David Icke and others, including myself, were right on the mark. I have not only studied real medical practices (not the fake allopathy) as well as world history, real world history, not the revisionist crap taught in public education. I wrote about this more than 10 years ago, as history has shown that this is a repeating theme.  In the past Resets, empire change was the objective.  The Romans or Byzantine empires had peeked, in turn, then crashed, just like the current Reset of the US empire.  These empires were no longer capable of leading the world.  They had become defunct after their heydays.  Nothing is ever linear.  Everything is always cyclical.

How did I come to realize the medical and scientific establishment had fabricated all this? And what’s the explanation for the very real sickness that people are experiencing?

Common cold and flu pathogens had all been misdiagnosed and mislabeled to create statistics that show a brand-new novel corona disease had materialized.  Now, strangely and impossibly, all these recurring seasonal flus and colds had disappeared, while a brand-new disease having the exact same symptoms of all the usual flu cases have been and are being mislabeled “covid”.  They are even going back in time and changing death certificates to read: Cause of Death: Covid19 and reclassifying them.

The WHO immediately claimed a pandemic existed.  The definition of pandemic is ‘massive excess fatalities in all countries of the world’.  I gathered death statistics from all countries, but found not a single bit of information indicating any excess deaths, AT ALL, ANYWHERE. The flu had suddenly become covid disease.  This is only possible by means of a scam.

We know now, there’s no such thing as a genuine, physical, isolated covid-19 virus that has been harvested from sick people and shown to infect other people and make them sick. Statistics showed that, in spite of hysterical claims of massive fatality, the fatality rate was perfectly normal and hot alarming at all.  The survival rate was more than 99%.  Normal deaths expected from old age far exceed 1%, so what is there to be alarmed about.  People get born and people die everyday.  It’s simply how things work.  But the shysters manipulated even this data to allude that it was somehow attributable to covid.  Fact is, I believe there are zero deaths legitimately attributable to covid.  The stampede was caused by the RT-PCR tester, a little plastic toy never intended for any use except by researchers in labs who could make some totally unrelated determination having nothing to do with viral pandemics.  It was the wrong device, but chosen knowingly, to be the only way to test for covid, when it was incapable of the task.  None-the-less, these little plastic non-testers were spread world-wide, claimed to be the ‘gold standard’ for covid detection. 

This fits together very well, as the known-to-be non-existent covid19 disease was now being detected by the PCR non-tester that is not capable of detecting covid, or any other virus.  Now, a couple days ago, The FDA withdrew their phony Emergency-Use-Only (EUO) approval for the PCR tester, admitting it was useless for the task.  Does anyone recall that the ‘useless’ PCR tester was, itself, the sole basis supporting all the lockdown measures, masking, isolation, etc., the lethal vaxx injections that were also EUO approved by the FDA.  When they decided to withdraw their emergency use only approval, will all the dead and mutilated people change back to normal too.  Maybe not.

Here are  three distinct things we are seeing:

1) No sicknesses other than the usual flu, cold, etc., except they have been mislabeled as ‘covid’, and normal death due to attrition, the normal birth-death cycle.  No excess fatalities anywhere.

2) A “casedemic” scheme that comes from the now-decommissioned PCR non- tester, known to yield whatever test result it is set for by the operator.  It can flag anything or anyone as “positive” based entirely on how many cycles the PCR is instructed to carry out, thereby amplifying instrument noise to the point of a “positive” reading. Almost anything can be flagged as corona “positive,” including previous years’ flu shots and papayas 

.3)  Emergency-Use-Only (EUO) vaxxines were rolled out by eight so-called manufacturers.  Here marks the point where real sickness and deaths occur.  The hospitals are full again with people who have multiple injections, after which they become very ill and may die, tens times more that the official reports.  The same is true all over the world now.  The only countries spared are the ones who do not give the vaxxines.

The CDC labels these as “break-through” cases, intending to imply that disease has broken through the immunity of those vaxx’d and somehow, ‘variants’ are coming out of the woodwork. No, it couldn’t be our lies, it has to be those ‘variants’. But this term, ‘breakthrough’ and the implications presented do not hold water.  There never was a corona19 disease or any other virus, so there never were any genuine ‘cases’.  No one was sick or dying from anything but old age until the vaxx’s started to be given out on a large scale. Now, suddenly the real sickness and death begins.  This is the order of things, which tells the real story of this scam.

Researchers at Almiera University, in Spain, where a scanning electron microscope is available, analyzed samples of all eight vaxx products currently available from operation warp speed.  None are approved for anything other than emergency use.  That means that some victim is dying, no other options are available, so this medication can be given because, although unproven, the victim is facing immanent death anyway.  Everyone can see that this is far from how the vaxx’s are actually being given.  Rather than emergency use only, the authorities are dispensing vaxxines by the billions to victims that are not subject to any emergency at all.  You may say, “its just a vaccine” but you would be dead wrong.

The Spanish University analysis discovered that all eight brands of vaxxine serum vials contained the identical same chemical contents.  Even though the test samples were ordered directly from the distribution centers of all eight suppliers, were new, fresh, latest issue and totally randomly acquired.  This study revealed that the contents of all the vials is graphene oxide, 99%. 

 Graphene oxide is a unique compound, in terms of its chemical characteristics, but it is common and inexpensive.  It can be readily obtained in large quantities, so no real research and development went into these vaxxines.  Graphene oxide is discussed in several blogs on the site, that can provide adequate information for the purpose of this essay.  Graphene oxide is submicroscopic in one dimension, which is why a scanning electron microscope is needed to analyze it.  It is a deadly poison if inserted into a body.  It goes to work slowly on many of your vital organs, such as heart, lungs, and brain.  Deterioration of body functionality will begin immediately, but will take up to two years to kill.  The processes of killing can be accelerated by increasing the titer, the concentration of the chemical in the body’s fluids.  The higher the concentration, the faster the death. 

Have you noticed that they immediately decided that two shots are required, which was a decision to accelerate.  Now, the latest is three shots, and monthly boosters.  If you go for this, your death will be greatly accelerated.  The variables are different for each person, because the constitutional state of health will determine the ability of the body to detoxify, as will the existing toxic load.  It is not a factor of whether or not you will die, only how long it will require to reach fatal toxicity.  You will experience on-going and gradual deterioration, as the poison works initially on the heart.  Myocarditis is usually the first malady to manifest.  Microscopic blood clots will form and cause various damage to the circulatory system.  Lungs are usually attacked next and various issues with oxygenation will begin to manifest.  Most Americans have very high levels of toxicity already and many will die very quickly, or rapid deterioration of from blood clotting can kill, or require amputations.

Read as much as you like to upgrade your technical understanding of graphene oxide.  The key thing to know is that all vaxxines are the same and there was no development period needed.  The chemical is readily available and plentiful.  It was just a matter of rolling it out under the various brand labels.  All of the suppliers, except for Phizer, simply acknowledged the Spanish report without missing a beat in their efforts to get as many people shot up as possible.  Once shot up, death will come at its own pace.  The suppliers of this rat poison vaxx are all fully protected from any liability in this mass murder because you took the injection voluntarily and acknowledged you were fully informed of the risks.

These three things — combined with the media’s mass hysteria programming — have achieved a level of global fear and psychological terrorism that the world has never seen before. But it’s all based on lies, it turns out. And here’s how we know.

No certified reference materials for isolated SARS-CoV-2 “covid-19” virus

The process of using Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) to validate analysis methods and instrument calibration sequences is standard protocol and not even subject to compromise or question.

Here’s how the process normally works in a legitimate science lab:

Step 1) Acquire the CRM of the thing you want to test (“analyte”).

Step 2) Run the CRM as a sample, at different concentrations, to build a “curve” that effectively teaches the instrument what the analyte looks like and how the instrument detector responds to different concentrations of the analyte. The end result is a “quant curve” that will be used in step 3.

Step 3) Run unknown samples through the instrument (of blood serum, urine, saliva, water, food sample extracts, etc.) and see if the unknown sample contains any of the thing you were looking for (the analyte

You’d be stunned to realize how deep the science fraud really goes. Consider these critical points:

Point #1: There appear to be no isolated, purified Certified Reference Materials available for SARS-CoV-2 “covid”. This appears to be not possible due to the non-existence of this virus..

Point #2: If you have no isolated, certified reference materials, you can’t develop a legitimate analysis test. And this is exactly what the FDA admits in its own documents, which state that since covid-19 viruses weren’t available for the development of the PCR test, they “simulated” it by using human cells with ‘cold pathogens’.

Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA … spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.

In other words, they faked the covid virus by using gene bank cells which were deliberately and falsely labeled “covid.” This is how the PCR test was developed. The FDA admits it all. The PCR test is a fraud.

Point #3: If you don’t have a CRM isolate, you can’t calibrate instruments against a known sample. And this means the PCR tests aren’t being calibrated against anything real and physical. Instead, they’re relying on downloaded digital libraries provided by none of than the CDC, the very same Big Pharma front group that’s spearheading this covid scam.

Point #4: PCR instruments are incapable of quantitative analysis. The “positive” hits are nothing but amplified background noise. 

To show you what this looks like, consider the following graphic. It shows results across a spectrum of masses. The horizontal axis here is m/z (mass over charge), which is simplified to just “mass” for general discussion. It’s the mass of the molecules or particles being detected.

Notice the red and orange lines across the bottom of each chart. That’s largely “background” noise across all the masses. Then notice the very tall orange peak which rises above the background. This is the mass of the molecule they’re looking for. It might be a pesticide, or a contaminant, or a nutrient, etc.

Importantly, if I were to turn up the amplification of the detector, the “background noise” at the bottom of the screen would vertically expand to fill the screen. The entire screen would be a “hit” on every mass, because the amplification is turned way up. That’s the equivalent to what PCR instruments are doing when they run 30+ cycles. They are amplifying noise, and then pretending they got a “hit” on covid.

Yet PCR instruments are taking background noise and amplifying it until they get a “positive” hit. This “positive” is then absurdly called a “covid case,” even though it means literally nothing from a legitimate science point of view. These cases are not among people who have symptoms of any disease, so the call them asymptomatic, as though this term has some validity.  You can’t have an infection with no symptoms, by simple definition.  Everyone has hundreds of trillions of viruses and bacteria present in their bodies at all times.  In fact, without all these biodromes, you could not be alive.  They are essential to you life and good health. 

Dr. Judy Mikovitz confirms it all in a recent interview

Dr. Judy Mikovitz, author of Ending Plague (PlagueTheBook.com), confirmed all this in a recent interview. Not only did she confirm that there is no isolated covid-19 virus that has been harvested and purified from a sick person and proven to cause disease in another person

In other words, Dr. Fauci knew he was building a Frankensteinian viral stew that the fraudulent CDC and complicit scientific community would simply label “covid.” Bio-weaponizing means that the spike protein is planted and is growing on the surface of the proteinaceous vesicle in which the dead virus is encapsulated by the cell before expelling it with the ’trash’  In the archives of this site, you will find numerous essays on how virus come into existence in the cell replication process.

Thus, the real story here is that Fauci and the CDC used common coronaviruses to fake the covid pandemic in order to inject people with a real bioweapon: graphene oxide that may also carry spike protein.

Importantly, Dr. Mikovitz confirms this all originated under the United States military, which means both the U.S. and Chinese military institutions were involved in the development and deployment of this global depopulation bioweapon.

CDC FOIA documents reveal no “covid-19” isolated virus in existence

Finally, new FOIA documents have surfaced, revealing the CDC has never isolated any covid-19 virus. A Canadian named Christine Massey has reportedly filed multiple FOIA requests with the CDC, requesting the following via the Freedom of Information Act:

All studies and/or reports in the possession, custody or control of the CDC and/or the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) describing the purification of any “COVID-19″ virus (including B.1.1.7”, “B.1.351”, “P.1” and any other “variant”) (via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge; also referred to at times by some people as “isolation”), directly from a sample taken from a diseased human, where the patient sample was not first combined with any other source of genetic material (i.e. monkey kidney cells aka Vero cells; fetal bovine serum).

In a response letter dated June 7th, 2021, the CDC responded:

“A search of our records failed to reveal any documents pertaining to your request. Specifically, the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease apprises that CDC does not purify or isolate any COVID-19 virus in the manner the requestor describes.”

The FOIA request is identified as #21-01075-FOIA.

In other words, the CDC has never isolated and purified any covid-19 virus, period.

The website of Dr. Robert O. Young reveals additional documents showing that the CDC has never isolated and purified the HPV virus, the Measles virus, the MERS virus, the Zika virus or the Polio virus, among others.

In effect, it appears the CDC has been fabricating the science behind global “pandemics” for decades, using the media to spread mass hysteria where no pandemic existed. One of the best and most recent cases is the recent Zika virus, where mainstream media outlets were screaming that babies born to new mothers in Florida would be born with shrunken heads (microcephaly) because of the Zika virus. Just as with the covid scheme, billions of dollars were funneled into pharmaceutical companies to research a vaccine for Zika, which turned out to be nothing more than fictional hype.

CDC director Walensky admits the covid vaxxine does not prevent infection or transmission

Adding to the unraveling of this covid-19 vaccine hoax, the Director of the CDC, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, just admitted something astonishing on CNN: Covid-19 vaccines do NOT prevent covid-19 infections. They also do not stop people from transmitting the “Delta variant” of what the CDC calls the covid virus. They also do not provide any immunity for the covid disease.  They do, however, infect the victim with the true danger, the killer, the vaxxine-disease. 

This is the ‘nut’ of the entire matter.  The objective was always, from day one, to kill the victim of the vaxx.  They wanted to do this in such a way that victims would not see the proverbial ‘pea in the peapods’ trick.  The deadly and sickening part is the vaxx.  You are supposed to see the vaxx as the salvation from the covid disease.  The covid disease does not exist,however.  But when you  take the vaxx, now you have the new disease that they hope to keep confused with the old, non-existent disease.  You will always see the new vaxx disease called breakthrough covid disease, which, of course, is the lie to keep you coming in for more vaxx’s, to increase the titer to kill you faster.  Get it?

In effect, Walensky just admitted that vaccine passports are pointless and prove nothing. If someone who is “fully vaccinated” right new, can still catch and transmit covid, then a vaccine passport is nothing more than proof of obedience, not proof of immunization. You vaxx paper is expiring soon, and you will then be in the same social position as an un-vaxx’d person.  Unless you go back for more.

Here’s Dr. Walensky saying all this on CNN, and no, this isn’t a “deep fake” video. It’s an open admission:

The covid-19 virus is a hoax, but the weaponized spike protein is very real as is the graphene oxide, and quite deadly

While the covid-19 virus appears to be nothing more than a renamed cold, the spike protein toxic nanoparticle — now being injected via vaccines — is a deadly biological weapon initiated in the USA, then augmented in Wuhan using U.S. taxpayer dollars.

It now seems obvious that the entire purpose of the covid hysteria was to herd people into accepting fatal injections which are intentionally mislabeled “vaccines.” These graphene oxide vaxx’s, from which the covid vax is now called the “clot shot,” cause blood clots, neurological injury, strokes, heart attacks, spontaneous abortions and universal vascular damage, even according to the mainstream Salk Institute.

The spike protein was developed as a bioweapon in order to cause widespread symptoms that can then be falsely labeled “covid” and then cited to push even more vaccine injections containing more spike protein bioweapons. The covid-19 “virus” is just a cocktail stew of monkey viruses and cold viruses, while the spike protein — which is what the vaccines contain as the antigen target — carries out the vascular damage, infertility damage, immune system damage, etc.

What’s the whole point in all this? Depopulation, of course.

It’s all a depopulation weapon to achieve the mass extermination of the human race

The “vaxxine” is a Soylent Green-style extermination / suicide shot that has been repackaged as “medicine.” The “pandemic” was media hysteria whipped up to create panic and widespread demand for the vaccine so that people wouldn’t resist the extermination shots.  They also planned that death and carnage would be a delayed reaction, which might have worked if people were healthier.

And that means many who have taken the shot will soon be dead because the entire point of this faked plandemic has been to rid the world of billions of human beings.

That also means every person going along with this is complicit in genocidal murder and crimes against humanity. That includes the journalists, the scientists, the doctors, the governors, the FDA / CDC / WHO officials, and even local pharmacists and nurses who are administering these kill shots into men, women, children and even the elderly.

In essence, you are witnessing a global mass extermination campaign disguised as a public health response to a pandemic.

This is the most sinister and diabolical “science” scam ever perpetrated in the history of known civilization. It is, by any honest measure, a globalist attempt to achieve homo sapiens extinction, a kind of “planetary-scale ethnic cleansing” to rid the world of humans and make way for whatever scenario they hope will follow.

It is time for all human beings who wish to preserve the human race to peacefully rise up and reject this genocidal extermination attempt.

This is why US Sen. Rand Paul is now calling for Americans to resist lockdowns and mask mandates, stating ”We don’t have to accept the mandates, lockdowns, and harmful policies of the petty satraps and feckless bureaucrats. We can simply say no.

They can’t arrest us all. They can’t keep all your kids home from school. They can’t keep every government building closed – although I’ve got a long list of ones they should. We don’t have to accept the mandates, lockdowns, and harmful policies of the petty tyrants and feckless bureaucrats. We can simply say no, not again.

President Biden — we will not accept your agencies’ mandates or your reported moves toward a lockdown,” said Paul. “No one should follow the CDC’s anti-science mask mandates.

…[W]e will not allow you to do more harm to our children again this year.

We’ve all been hoodwinked, folks. This entire thing has nothing to do with public health, saving lives or halting any pandemic. This is elaborate, coordinated theater to corral people into committing suicide via bioweapons injections so that globalists can remove many billion of people from the planet while they advance their tyranny and authoritarian control over the survivors.