CDC-FDA faked covid testing protocol by using human cells mixed with common cold virus fragments

PCR tests are merely detecting the common cold

In a shocking revelation first reported by Dan Dicks of Press for Truth (Canada), an FDA document admits that the CDC and FDA conspired to fabricate a covid-19 testing protocol using human cells combined with common cold virus fragments because they had no physical samples of the SARS-CoV-2 “covid” virus available. This being due to the fact that this virus is non-existent and they believed no one would discover the scam.

Without physical reference material to use for calibration and confirmation, the test has zero scientific basis in physical reality. And all the PCR analysis based on this protocol is utterly fraudulent, flagging people as “positive” for covid when they have no presence at all. This is the type of fraud that the CDC-FDA make as their stock-in-trade. Both agencies deal solely in deceit and fraud. There is no validity to anything these agencies claim.

The FDA document, available from the website, is entitled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel .” The document astonishingly admits:

Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic a clinical specimen.

In other words, they had no covid virus from which to develop and calibrate the test, so they mixed up a cocktail of human cells and RNA fragments from a common cold virus, then called it “covid.” The GenBank sequence referred to in this paragraph is simply a digital library definition that’s labeled “covid” but has no supporting reference materials in physical reality either.

That’s because no doctor or researcher has isolated “covid” from any infected, symptomatic patient. As a result, no laboratory instruments can be calibrated against actual covid, and the tests simply rely on digital libraries pushed out by the CDC and WHO, using “covid” as the label.

The PCR tests are then instructed to look for these genetic sequences obtained from the fabricated digital libraries, meaning the entire scheme is junk science circular logic with no basis in physical reality.

Why are there seemingly no certified reference materials for covid available to laboratories for instrument calibration?

I am the founder and owner of an analytical laboratory that routinely conducts quantitative analysis of food contaminants, producing high-precision analysis results for pesticides, herbicides and heavy metals. In every case where we conduct lab analysis, we calibrate the instruments against known physical samples called “external standards” or “certified reference materials.” (CRM)

Any lab can purchase CRMs for mercury, arsenic, glyphosate and even salmonella. For example, this link at Biosisto lists CRMs for various salmonella strains. Labs can purchase those reference materials and use them to calibrate their instruments, making sure their analysis is traced back to physical, real-world samples of a purified material. These CRMs, in turn, must be NIST-traceable in order to confirm their origin and authenticity. All CRMs are therefore labeled with lot numbers and expiration dates.

While labs can purchase reference materials for microbes, heavy metals, pesticides, etc. — all physical materials — I have searched far and wide and have not been able to locate any certified reference materials for SARS-CoV-2 or even a weakened, non-viable version of it. As far as I can tell, there appear to be no physical specimens of isolated covid viruses available for instrument calibrations and testing protocol quality control.

To be clear, I’m not saying that viruses don’t exist, and it’s quite clear that the Wuhan Institute of Virology colluded with Fauci, Daszak, the NIH, Baric and others to develop a weaponized spike protein. But the spike protein is not a virus by itself. It’s simply a toxic nanoparticle that can be synthesized in quantity and then either dumped on cities or added to vaccines and injected into people via immunization protocols.

I ask the big question about all this in my science lab whistleblower video here, which presents more details about all this that will have your head spinning. In essence, if “covid-19” is a real virus that can be isolated, why are there apparently no physical reference materials to calibrate laboratory instruments for covid detection? And why were no such materials used in the development of the FDA-approved, CDC-endorsed PCR testing protocols?

CDC pulls its own fraudulent covid PCR testing protocol, implying it cannot differentiate between covid and influenza

What adds to the mystery in all this is the fact that the CDC just issued a “laboratory alert,” announcing their intention to withdraw the faulty PCR testing protocol by the end of this year. As part of their announcement, they implied that the current PCR test — the same one the FDA mentioned above, which was developed without any physical covid samples for calibration — cannot tell the difference between influenza and covid.

From the CDC document:

In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses.

Why might it be important to differentiate covid from influenza?

Because, as it seems, influenza cases nearly disappeared in 2020 as influenza was re-labeled “covid” due to the faulty testing.

“Percentage influenza positivity decreased by 64% (p = 0.001) and estimated daily number of influenza cases decreased by 76% (p = 0.002) in epidemiologic weeks 5–9 of 2020 compared with the preceding years,” reported the CDC in 2020.

In essence, the medical establishment simply took all the people who would normally be diagnosed with colds and the flu, and shifted them into the “covid” category in order to push a covid mass hysteria narrative that would drive people into vaccines. The vaccines, then, were formulated with spike protein toxic nanoparticles to cause the “delta” panic wave, which is largely occurring among vaccinated individuals.

From here, the plandemic scam proceeds like clockwork: People get sick from the vaccines, so more vaccine boosters are demanded, which perpetuates the illness. Rinse and repeat. It never ends until the perpetrators are arrested and people wise up to the scam.

It’s entitled, “Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Including COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections, Associated with Large Public Gatherings — Barnstable County, Massachusetts, July 2021” and it shockingly admits that 74% of infections occurred in fully vaccinated (double dose) people:

During July 2021, 469 cases of COVID-19 associated with multiple summer events and large public gatherings in a town in Barnstable County, Massachusetts, were identified among Massachusetts residents; vaccination coverage among eligible Massachusetts residents was 69%. Approximately three quarters (346; 74%) of cases occurred in fully vaccinated persons (those who had completed a 2-dose course of mRNA vaccine [Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna] or had received a single dose of Janssen [Johnson & Johnson] vac- cine ?14 days before exposure).

See, the vaccine is the plandemic. The vaccine is spreading the graphene oxide-spike protein, and the fake PCR tests provide the fuel to keep the mass hysteria going.

To Know What is Coming Watch the World Around You

“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in time of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality”.
~ Dante Alighieri

Mankind is a fickle insecure creature at best, and is normally content to not ‘rock the boat’. This is the collective philosophy held by the many, as it is mistakenly thought to be the easiest way to avoid any danger and strife.

Reality is another matter, as weakness is forever present in the minds of men, and therefore tyranny and control are easily accomplished by psychopaths who understand that the common masses will always obey the dominant Ruling class at the expense of their own liberty, so long as they are promised safety in return. This grotesque phenomenon will be the undoing of humanity.

All that is happening today is based on this premise, and the ruling ‘authority’ has taken control of the entire population of the planet by simply introducing the idea that a great crisis, that does not even exist, is present, and is an imminent and ongoing menace to society.

In doing so, they claim to be a prophet, false of course, promising to defend the people, when just the opposite is intended. Instead of reacting in some sort of logical or sane manner, the general population en-masse has acquiesced to the controlling power, and in doing so has taken the neutral position explained so well by Alighieri, all at the great expense of their own lives and freedom. This attitude is one of not only great harm, but exposes the worst side of humanity, as most hide and wallow in unnecessary fear while in ignorance of the fact that their very existence is threatened. Other than the children, those that take this position deserve no empathy.

By hiding from the truth, the herd does not seek to understand what is actually happening around them, but concentrates only on their local, immediate, and present circumstances, while ignoring all the signs of impending doom that are brutally obvious to any thinking individual. In doing so, the specter of tyranny grows ever faster, and without enough resistance to stop the premeditated onslaught against the common people.

The people of this country falsely called the “united states” has one great advantage over most others on earth, but fails to see their favored position due to ignorance and brainwashing over time. That advantage is that the people of this country still have many guns to defend themselves against the terror that is the ‘State;’ that ‘State’ that is continuously at war against its own people. It is not the active use of guns and bullets that is so important, but the threat, capability, and willingness to do so is certainly enough to halt the advancing totalitarian policies of the ruling class.

They are all cowards after all. They are the few, while the people are the many, and being armed is the best protection against tyrannical behavior on the part of evil and corrupt governments. The people in most countries around the world have been forcibly (or more likely, voluntarily) disarmed, and are at much greater risk than Americans today. That is why the most restrictive, regulated, and heinous policies are being advanced faster in other parts of the world, but it will all be here very soon if this society allows it.

If U.S. citizens did not have guns, it would be no different now here than in Canada, Australia, China, the United Kingdom, Western Europe, and many other places around the globe. This is why it is imperative for Americans to understand that everything going on in these captured societies is coming here soon, so watching the world around you is of great importance. It is also necessary to listen to the controlling political class in this country that is constantly attempting to capture and control arms and ammunition, with the future aim of eliminating all gun ownership here just as has already happened across the globe. The only reason we are not already living in a total dictatorial society is because we have the armed capability to stop this government’s attempts to create a totalitarian master/slave nation with a total population of 79 million citizens in a world of less than one billion.

The more restrictive and brutal activity that is levied against the people in the countries mentioned above, among others, the more likely it will be accepted by the drones of this country. If that occurs, the takeover of America will be successful in short order. That would be the end of this country, as a new system of technocratic dictatorship would be put into place. The illegitimate poisonous gene-altering injections called ‘vaxxines’ are meant to be a key mechanism in changing the mental and physical makeup of the masses, accelerating submissive behavior, and allowing for total control in order to create a compliant populace that will accept their slave status as dependent wards of the state.

Much of Australia is locked down, and travel for Australian citizens and tourists is virtually impossible in much of that country. Restrictions and mandates are ever increasing, including ‘vaxxine passports.

The evil Macron in France has “announced that from next month anyone wanting to go out to eat or drink, take a long-distance train or visit a shopping center will need to show either proof of vaxxination or a negative test. The so-called “health pass” will also be needed to attend a festival, a theatre show or a cinema screening as part of the government’s strategy to tackle the surging number of new cases linked to Graphene Oxide poisoning. You will have understood that vaxxination is not technically obligatory straight away, but we are going to extend the health pass to its maximum to encourage as many of you as possible to get yourselves vaxxnated,” Macron said.

In Canada, besides all the massive tyranny that has already occurred, now in Vancouver, all arrivals into that country are separated into vaccinated/unvaccinated lines, not unlike the heinous racial segregation in the not so distant past.

Contact tracing, forced ‘Covid’ testing, mandated ‘vaxxination’ in order to survive and gain necessities of life, draconian travel restrictions, forced colored arm bands to distinguish  those injected and not, immunity passports, college admission requirements to take the jab in order to attend, job loss without ‘vaxxination, mandated food restrictions, extreme government marketing campaigns for poisonous ‘vaxxination, more lockdowns and quarantine, more mask mandates, and much more tyrannical authoritarian orders are coming. This is happening all around the world, including the U.S., as the depopulation agenda demanded by the UN Agenda 2025 is gaining much ground as this plot to harm and destabilize this population continues without end.

Everything happening concerning this non-existent ‘virus pandemic’ in every part of the world will also happen here soon, if in fact, it is not already happening or in-process. Do not ignore the signs right in front of you, and do not trust any claims coming from this government, the controlled mainstream media, non-governmental organizations, think tanks, tax-free foundations, or any government partner or NGO whatsoever. Understand that the people still have the power to stop this by banding together against the state. Disobey, do not comply, dissent, take no orders, and let these psychopaths know that you have the power to stop them.  They are pretty sure that they hold all the aces in this poker game and that you are a cowering ignorant slave who obeys automatically.  You are more obedient than their robots.

There is really no on-going need for humans anymore in the emerging New World Order of the Technocratic State.  This is just a part of the evolving state of exploitation of this planet.  They needed slave labor 135,000 years ago when they created humans using their own DNA and the eggs of a female homo erectus in the south African jungles.  They needed initially mine workers to extract the gold from ground.  Then they needed more slave labor to accommodate the now freed alien mine workers who wanted to build cities, grow crops and marry or rape the daughters of men. Humans were clearly subservient slaves of that time and were treated no different than we now treat our own useful slave animals for labor and food.

I know, you think that humans are and always have been the ultimate in evolved beings in the universe.  That is an erroneous opinion that could only come from a human ego.  It is a wishful thought originating from the human ego that is full of erroneous opinions.  Allowing the human ego to drive the car is going to get you to all kinds of places you would do better to avoid. But that is not the point of the immediate extinction idea.  There are simply better ways now to get the job done, without the trouble, complications and messes.  As the Queen has ordered…”Get rid of all those useless eaters”, is not a joke or idle threat.  It is hard to think objectively about this subject, but if you can find a way to reach objectivity, you will eventually reach this same conclusion. In the ‘West’. Humans contribute nothing but sure do make a mess of it.