MHRA Data Analysis Demands Immediate Cessation of Vaxxination Use in Humans

An “urgent preliminary report of Yellow Card data” issued by the UK-based Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd submitted to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) states that “the MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans.” Not even on an emergency-only basis, the current status.

Vax declared unsafe for use on humans

Similar to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), the MHRA describes the purpose of its Yellow Card system as providing “an early warning that the safety of a medicine or a medical device requires further investigation.”

The report, signed by Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd and EbMC Squared CiC Director Dr. Tess Lawrie (MBBCh, PhD), says: “we have searched the Yellow Card reports using pathology-specific key words to group the data according to the following five [sic] broad, clinically relevant categories:

  • Bleeding, Clotting and Ischemic ADRs
  • Immune System ADRs
  • ‘Pain’ ADRs
  • Neurological ADRs
  • ADRs involving loss of Sight, Hearing, Speech or Smell
  • Pregnancy ADRs”

The report goes on to say:

“We are aware of the limitations of pharmacovigilance data and understand that information on reported Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) should not be interpreted as meaning that the medicine in question generally causes the observed effect or is unsafe to use under all circumstances.

We are sharing this preliminary report due to the urgent need to communicate information that should lead to cessation of the vaccination roll out while and until a full investigation is conducted.

According to the recent paper by Seneff and Nigh, potential acute and long-term pathologies include:

  • Pathogenic priming, multisystem inflammatory disease and autoimmunity
  • Allergic reactions and anaphylaxis
  • Antibody dependent enhancement
  • Activation of latent viral infections
  • Neurodegeneration and prion diseases
  • Emergence of novel variants of SARSCoV2
  • Integration of the spike protein gene into the human DNA

“It is now apparent that these products in the blood stream are toxic to humans. An immediate halt to the vaccination program is required while a full and independent safety analysis is undertaken to investigate the full extent of the harms, which the UK Yellow Card data suggest include thromboembolism, multisystem inflammatory disease, immune suppression, autoimmunity and anaphylaxis, as well as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE).”

The report concludes:

“The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans. Preparation should be made to scale up humanitarian efforts to assist those harmed by the COVID-19 vaccines and to anticipate and ameliorate medium to longer term effects.

As the mechanism for harms from the vaccines appears to be similar to COVID-19 itself, this includes engaging with numerous international doctors and scientists with expertise in successfully treating COVID-19.

“There are at least 3 urgent questions that need to be answered by the MHRA:

  • How many people have died within 28 days of vaccination?
  • How many people have been hospitalized within 28 days of vaccination?
  • How many people have been disabled by the vaccination?”

Source: Americas Frontline Doctors

Reptilians from Higher Dimensions are Replacing Humans on Earth

Alien Reptilian Legacy – There has been an occult darkness controlling humanity since the creation.

Often described as the “missing piece in the puzzle” by David Icke, or the “Invisible Darkness” by Ellis Taylor, the Reptilians are the higher dimensional beings in the dark fringe of human perception, exploiting humans through manipulation from their higher dimensional positions.

One of the unrevealed subjects of the literate world is the existence of the Reptilians. Enlightened Researchers reveal the presence of an inter-dimensional intelligence that has been manipulating mankind since the creation 135,000 years ago. These 8th dimension beings are able to pass down through the lower dimensions to take presence in a physical avatar.

An unprecedented expose’ on the Reptilians on Earth, gives riveting testimony from alien abductees and experiencers that point to a sinister agenda behind the alien presence on Earth.

“Staggering evidence that Shadow People are indeed very real.” – OH Krill, author of Montauk Babies.

“Very scary, we are just now understanding this manipulation of the human race.” – United Media Network. “Too many people are having these experiences, there’s something to this’’.

To believed that humans are the only intelligent life in the universe is way beyond complete ignorance and the height of arrogance.

The creator gods, the Anunnaki, came to earth 450,000 years to establish a mining colony to fulfill the need for gold on their home planet.  When their own laborers revolted, homo sapiens were created out of the homo erectus jungle ape and the Anunnaki scientist named Enki, using his sperm and the egg of the female homo erectus.  The homo sapiens was limited at a level of consciousness just adequate to perform the tasks in the mines.

The 8th dimensional entities departed earth about 3,000 years ago.  They knew the homo sapiens were incapable of governing themselves.  Before departing, they created a superior species in the same manner as with the homo sapiens.  This species, the homo capensis, are the blue-blood royals, kings and popes that have been ruling the humans for the past 3,000 years.

To make it possible for a small number of homo capensis to rule a large number of humans, they created a virtual reality system which I call the ‘Matrix’.  This is the day-to-day reality within which humans exist.  There is no ‘reality’ inside the Matrix. Only ‘virtual reality’.  The Matrix has evolved over the centuries to become more comprehensive and effective.

While the human population has always been limited to a number less than one billion, in the last 100 years, or so, the population has been allowed to grow to the current level of 7.4 billion.  This is a dangerous level, because by virtue of shear numbers, the humans could wrest control from the relatively few controllers, and destroy them all.

Before this can happen, the population must be reduced back to under one billion.  Plus, a new Matrix system must be implemented, just like it has been about every 200 years during the past 3,000 year period homo capensis rule.

Homo Sapiens is an obsolete species, in reality.  Rather than wait for millions of years of evolution, it makes far more sense to just replace the entire species with a more functional worker, more suited to the circumstances of the newer age.  It is not possible to allow humans to continue to be unproductive and, at the same time, be wasteful, destructive and absurdly greedy.

The interaction of the aliens with abducted humans has a clear purpose and that purpose is already at fruition.  They have been, after first harvesting the reproductive organs of animals, harvesting living humans to birth and care for the hubrid children born from their creation, and are now seeding the earth with millions of hubrids who can pass for humans once they are taught the ways of human everyday life and behavior.

They are much more adapted to the needs of the aliens in the modern age, than are homo sapiens, who are in the process of being retired from further commission. What does this mean for the future of humans?  It means there is no future for humans on this planet.  The souls that occupy the bags of skin of humans on earth are going back to rejoin their spiritual esoteric selves for reassignment to venues affording further soul evolution in new venues. 

I have described all this in prior essays, for those who want to learn and understand more.