Cellular Life Spans in the Human Body

The Importance of Proper Nutrition

Whatever your age, your body’s cells are many years younger. In fact, even if you’re middle aged, most of your cells may be just 15 years old or less. This heartening truth arises from the fact that most of the body’s tissues are under constant renewal and the average age of all the cells in an adult’s body may turn out to be as young as 7 to 10 years. So long as your body is able to accurately replicate its trillions of cells, you will be able to live out your programmed life-span of 140 years.  All living entities on Earth have a programmed life-span, a part of an overall system for perpetuating the physical 3D domain.

But a few of the body’s cell types endure from birth to death without renewal, and this special minority includes some or all of the cells of the cerebral cortex.

Most molecules in a cell are constantly being replaced but the DNA, which is confined to the nucleus, is replicated on a programmed basis by means of a biological process called MITOSIS.  All living entities on Earth have a programmed life-span, a part of the system for perpetuation of the domain.  This means that all of the trillions of cells comprising a human body will comply with the scheduled cycle by suiciding themselves, called apoptosis, after each scheduled mitosis.  The DNA sends mRNA out of the nucleus into the cell’s interior to begin acquiring amino acids from which proteins will be structured to build the new identical DNA molecule.  The materials to build these proteins are obtained from the foods eaten and metabolized by the body, which are introduced into the blood stream.  These amino acids are selected by the cells using a geometric process that allows cells to intake, through the cell wall, the specific molecules required by the mRNA to build the DNA as a perfect replica of the of the original.

Once the new DNA molecule is complete, a new cell wall will be constructed to incorporate a set of protoplasm and the DNA will be encapsulated in the nucleus.  Now, the old cell can apoptose and be discarded from the body.  The mRNA molecules for building the new DNA are packaged up tightly in a proteinaceous sack and expelled from the new cell as waste material, called a VIRUS.

The counterpart to mitosis is meiosis, which is cell duplication for growing the quantity of cells.  In meiosis, there is no apoptosis involved.

 As a result of above-ground nuclear tests during the 60’s, carbon-14 molecules were only produced during the short time period up to the nuclear test ban of 1963. All the carbon-14 in cellular DNA is acquired on the cell’s birth date, the day its parent cell divided. Hence the extent of carbon 14 enrichment can be used to figure out the cell’s age. Cells from the muscles of the ribs, taken from people in their late 30’s, have an average age of 15.1 years. The epithelial cells that line the surface of the gut have a rough life and are known by other methods to last only five days. Ignoring these surface cells, the average age of those in the main body of the gut is 15.9 years.

The renewal of brain cells has been a matter of much contention. Prevailing belief, by and large, is that the brain does not generate new neurons after its structure is complete, except in two specific regions, the olfactory bulb that mediates the sense of smell, and the hippocampus, where initial memories of faces and places are laid down. Cells from the visual cortex are exactly the same age as the individual, showing that new neurons are not generated after birth in this region of the cerebral cortex, or at least not in significant numbers. Cells of the cerebellum are slightly younger than those of the cortex, which fits with the idea that the cerebellum continues developing after birth.

Although people may think of their body as a fairly permanent structure, most of it is in a state of constant flux as old cells are discarded and new ones generated in their place. Each kind of tissue has its own turnover time, depending in part on the workload endured by its cells. The cells lining the stomach last only two days. The red blood cells, bruised and battered after traveling nearly 1,000 miles through the maze of the body’s circulatory system, last only 120 days or so on average before being dispatched to their graveyard in the spleen.

The epidermis, or surface layer of the skin, is recycled every two weeks or so. As for the liver, the detoxifier of all the natural plant poisons and drugs that pass a person’s lips, its life on the chemical-warfare front is quite short. An adult human liver probably has a turnover time of 300 to 500 days.

Other tissues have lifetimes measured in years, not days, but are still far from permanent. Even the bones endure nonstop makeover. The entire human skeleton is thought to be replaced every 10 years or so in adults, as twin construction crews of bone-dissolving and bone-rebuilding cells combine to remodel it.

About the only pieces of the body that last a lifetime, on present evidence, seem to be the neurons of the cerebral cortex, the inner lens cells of the eye and perhaps the muscle cells of the heart.

Lifespan of select human cells:

              Cell Type — Lifespan

     *  Granulocytes — 10 hours to 3 days

     *  Stomach lining cells — 2 days

     *  Sperm cells — 2-3 days

     *  Stomach lining cells — 2 days

     *  Colon cells — 3-4 days

     *  Epithelia of small intestine — 1 week or less

     *  Platelets — 10 days

     *  Skin epidermal cells — 2 – 4 weeks

     *  Lymphocytes — 2 months – 1 year

     *  Red blood cells — 4 months

     *  Macrophages — months – years

     *  Endothelial cells — months – years

     *  Pancreas cells — 1 year or more

     *  Bone Cells — 10 – 30 years

For all our cells there is a time to die. There are three ways in which our cells die:

     *   They have used up their telomere, a part of the DNA, and can’t replicate.

     *  They are killed by injurious agents (external or internal).

     *  They are induced to commit suicide – following natures call, so to speak, apoptosis.

Biologically, Human Beings are built out of approximately 100,000 billion cells. A human being is initially just one cell, or zygote, but when that zygote divides, it will form an embryo. The early embryo is made up of totipotent (infant) stem cells, which go on to differentiate. Differentiation is a process in which an unspecialized cell becomes specialized into one of the numerous cell types that build the human body, for instance the kidney, the liver, or heart. During this process of differentiation, certain genes are activated, while other genes are inactivated. This process is intricately regulated. The result is a differentiated cell that develops specific structures and performs specific functions. Differentiation can involve changes in numerous aspects of cell physiology; size, shape, polarity, metabolic activity, responsiveness to signals, and gene expression profiles can all change during differentiation.

Programmed cell death (apoptosis) is the natural, necessary death of individual cells for the good of the organism as a whole. It is a well-orchestrated process consisting of three sequential stages. First, killing the cell. Next, getting rid of the body. And third, destroying the evidence. Basically, you have a corpse and you must do something with it, so a neighboring cell swallows the corpse to remove it from the body.

The outer limit of human life is about 140 years, the typical life-span of a human being that has avoided modern lifestyle and allopathic medicine. Inside the nucleus of virtually all of our cells are chromosomes, 46 in all. At the tips of these chromosomes are telomeres, repeating sequences of genetic material that shorten each time a cell divides. When a cell’s telomeres reach a critically short length, that cell can no longer replicate with precision. Its structure and function begin to fail as it enters this state of replicative arrest, called senescence.

The human body is unfathomably intelligent. It builds itself from 1 cell into 100 trillion cells in 9 months. Then it goes on a schedule of cell regeneration, replacing most of those 100,000,000,000 cells on a programmed basis.  Where does the body get the necessary raw material to accomplish this enormous task?  Hopefully, you understand that the only raw materials your body receives is from what you put in your mouth with each meal.  If you put junk food in your mouth, your body is quickly going to become a pile of junk.  If you look at the typical American diet of fast-food, processed convenience food, carbonated soda drinks, pasteurized dairy products, fluoridated water, 52 teaspoonfuls of simple sugar daily, and 200 pounds of feed-lot produced red meat every year, you will quickly understand why the US has the most diseased population to have ever existed on the planet.

To regenerate healthy cells, your body requires a proper balance of high quality, pure, organic food types, an ample amount of pure water, ample pure, clean oxygen, a balanced supply of sunlight, a muscle maintenance program, detoxification of all forms of poisons such as pharmaceuticals and cleaning of the mind from all fear which yields love.  Lacking any of these, your body cannot perform its function of keeping you intact and healthy…..it’s that simple. Because most people with a typical “American” life-style are seriously lacking in these essentials, most die long before their telomeres are used up.

Applying this information to the situation of the moment, we have learned that precision is required on a non-stop basis with the hundreds of trillions of cellular replications going on within the body.  Only with highly nutritious foods intake will the raw materials be available to keep the process working on this massive scale.  It will take a concerted effort and lots of dedication to reach 140 years of age in sound health.  It is happening still today in cultures that are isolated from “westernization” and adhering to the rigid principles of past generations.  Disease and poor health are by no means inevitable.  Yet, looking within our own culture, we find only sickness, weakness and a craving for the latest sugary confection that can be purchased for cheap, at the street corner closest to your residence.  This is the recipe for premature bad health and death.  Any fool can see this plainly.

Now we are inundated with propaganda of a viral pandemic, which, again, any fool can see is a total fabrication from every angle.  You are made fearful and want to take a fake vaccine being pushed to save you from the pandemic peril.  You do not need to do much research to learn that there is no peril.  Pandemic is defined as massive excess mortality due to some medical issue.  Every country in the world publishes birth and death statistics.  Take a look at recent death statistics.  You will find no excess mortality anywhere, therefore, by definition, there is no pandemic…period.

Now take a look at the so-called ‘vaccine’.  By definition, this is not a vaccine.  It is readily acknowledged to be an experimental genetic modification of your body.  It is specifically approved for use only in dire emergencies.  Truth be told, it is unlikely it is suitable for use no matter how serious the dire emergency.  However, we have already seen that no dire emergency exists.  The hyped-up lies are already disproven by the death statistics.  They are showing on TV, those people who have symptoms of common colds and flu, relabeled to state ‘covid’.

The non-vaccine injections being given out are DNA corrupting chemicals.  They make your cells build foreign proteins that trick your cells into mis-replication of your DNA, producing a corrupted new DNA molecule for your new cell.  Now, this new cell is unable to replace the old cell with another that is identical.  The new one can not take the form nor perform the function of the old one.  Initially, your body will produce some lesser quantity of corrupted cells that will be insufficient to kill you.  But the process will be occurring on an exponential basis and will rapidly accelerate the production of corrupted cells in your body, to the point where problems will manifest. 

But, it is too late.  This process can not be stopped.  In one to two years, you will be only a zombie and probably die. Maybe you will have caused a lot of trouble for others by this point.  It has already been announced that the “vaccinated” become much more susceptible to the diseases and can slough off defective cells that others, in proximity, can pick up  bringing ill effects due to contamination.