Cancer and Antioxidants

Acute chronic stress is unique to humans, the fearful ‘worryers’.  The chart below reveals the amount of adrenal stress hormones (cortisol) released by humans compared to other animals.  This is attributable to the nature of the ‘Matrix virtual reality existence’ that man lives within during the past 100 years of the RESET-1812 period.  It is a thinly veiled reality that appears to avail man of inalienable rights of freedoms, private property ownership and control of destiny.  The only problem is, even for non-thinking men, this veil is so thin that really anyone can see through it.  Man hopes with all his being that these realities are true, but knows that the reality is a mirage that is not true at all.

This experience is confined to the recent 100 years period of the second half of the 200-year reset period…of decline from the pinnacle reached during the first 100 year portion of the cycle.  Prosperity was apparently reached and began the decline phase, the inherent decline from the pinnacle.

Man has found himself, in the most recent 100 years, in a battle associated with the changes inherent in to the decline phase, where seemingly everything has gone awry and what was thought to be permanent is demonstrated to be impermanent.  It was also at the onset of the decline cycle, that Rockefeller, now very wealthy from his oil empire made possible by seed funding from Rothschild, who seed-funded many other robber barons of the new world cycle, invented allopathic medicine out of thin air in a scheme to multiply his wealth by building a pharmaceutical empire that could turn carbon-based organic chemicals from oil into drugs.  These drugs formed the basis for the monopoly takeover of the medical industry by deceiving every living human into believing they needed and endless supply of pills, shots, chemo/radiation therapy and surgeries.

The combination of factors has brought about an unusual state of being where man virtually lives in a state called ‘fight-or-flight’ mode, whereby the autonomic nervous system attempts to establish a survival mode, intended to exist only during brief real dire life-or-death emergencies, but for a brief time, only long enough to resolve the immediate crisis.  But, in the current situation, humans are living almost perpetually in this state due to fears of mortality created by the very allopathic care system that is supposed to be so advanced and effective sustaining life and health.

When the body automatically enters this state of ‘fight-or-flight’, all non-essential systems of the body, such as the immune system, are shut down for the purpose of giving the body all available potential resources to win the fight or successfully flee the from the danger.  Your immune system is not supposed to remain shut-down for extended time periods, but that is exactly what happens in this system of worry and fear that has become normal.  In conjunction with fear, worry, bad diet and bad life-style, the typical body is making adrenalin and cortisol non-stop and releasing into the blood stream.

When comparing humans with various other animal species, such as guinea pigs, fruit bats, and primate monkeys, for example, the problem described above can appear like some genetic flaw preventing the body from synthesizing vitamin C. There is a reason that human mammals do not always synthesize vitamin C (ascorbate) in their liver. A liver enzyme (gulonolactone oxidase) required to produce vitamin C is made unavailable in many humans due to something known as ‘fight-or-flight’ mode, an autonomic nervous system-induced state for facilitating defense from a mortal threat.  When you have an experience that is life threatening, you must either fight and win, or flee and escape.  For this to be possible, your body needs every resource it can make available to fight successfully or to run very fast.  This happens by means of your body’s nervous system performing a shut-down of all non-essential systems for a brief period of time, until you are safe again.  Even your immune system is temporarily incapacitated. This includes liver synthesis of Vitamin C, the essential antioxidant, which is thereby unavailable for its vital role in maintaining alkalinity of body fluids.  This state should be temporary and brief.  Shortly, your body should be back to normal, performing all necessary functions for health maintenance. 

All fluids have a ‘PH’, which is a measure of available hydrogen.  PH is measured on a scale from 0 to 14, where 7 is neutral. Zero to 7 is acidic and 7 to 14 is alkaline.  Acid states are oxidizing, and alkaline states are antioxidizing.  Most people have a vague understanding, sufficient, at least, to know that ‘antioxidants’ are beneficial to the metabolism and ‘oxidants’ are harmful, as in ‘oxidation’, taking available oxygen to neutralize acids, leaving it unavailable for cellular metabolism.

A normal functional cell operates on the ATP system to provide the needed energy for life.  Adenosine Triphosphate is produced using oxygen and glucose.  This is also called the carboxylic acid cycle or the Krebb’s cycle. Without going into detail, this is how a healthy body operates.  Of the food consumed, 85% must be metabolized into glucose, some of which is stored in the form of glycogen in the liver, but which is readily available for reconversion to glucose.  Glucose can be tightly controlled to maintain proper blood sugar levels adequate for cellular ATP synthesis.  The body must have control over blood sugar levels to be healthy.  Glucose is a poly-saccharide, unlike common refined simple sugars, which cannot be controlled and just enter the blood stream based on the amount consumed.  This makes for a very unhealthy body, eventually turning the body into a state known as diabetes.

If your blood were to become acidic, your body would die in short order due to the inability to carry free oxygen between your cells and your lungs. The acidic blood would rapidly use all the available free oxygen to react with acids.  In fact, should your fluids become acidic, your body will sacrifice bone calcium in and effort to achieve a state of alkalinity again.

Animals that function normally in terms of fight-or-flight state, internally synthesize vitamin C, handling stress naturally.  Humans who are unable to handle stress adequately, are busy making cortisol that impairs internal vitamin C production. Unless the body eats supplemental vitamin C from fresh plants, it will become sick.  This is especially the case with cancer cells, that thrive on simple sugars by means of a fermentation process that likes little oxygen and lots of simple sugars, that the body cannot control by means of the liver

Animals that synthesize Vitamin C are known to maintain blood plasma at saturation levels regardless of health challenges, dramatically increasing vitamin C-production internally in response to physical or emotional stress.

Humans do not have a genetic flaw resulting in the inability to internally produce vitamin C as most other animals do. The present-day requirement for vitamin C is variable, based on many factors, but there is no upper limit on the quantity that can be consumed from plant sources.  The amount that will be produced internally is determined by ones’ stress level, life-style and diet.

Vitamin C

Sailors of the middle ages learned about vitamin C when long voyages without availability of fresh produce resulted in a disease called ‘scurvy’. Symptoms include fatigue, anemia, weak blood capillaries, hemorrhage, skin bruising, lassitude, painful joints, bleeding gums, shortness of breath, nausea.

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient involved in the repair of tissue and the enzymatic production of certain neurotransmitters. It is required for the functioning of several enzymes and is important for immune system function as a powerful antioxidant.

Dehydroascorbic acid is an oxidized form of vitamin C. It is actively imported into the endoplasmic reticulum of cells via glucose transporters. It is trapped therein by reduction back to ascorbate by glutathione and other thiols.

Stress and vitamin C

“Westernized Humans” are being exposed to non-stop monster levels of stress by their life-styles, diets and oppression from their governments via the programming presented in schools, TV, movies, newspapers and internet.  Most people know that stress is a factor in bad health but do not understand why. As described above, the ‘fight or flight’ mode is autonomic, not chosen.  It is a survival program in the reptilian part of the brain.  It is only supposed to be a brief state that achieves its goal, one way or the other, and turns the body back to a normal state where all systems function and adrenal/cortisol levels are also normal.

Activation of the adrenal glands, located on top of the kidneys, to secrete stress hormones (called cortisol, adrenalin, epinephrine/ norepinephrine) that in turn release sugar stores in the form of glucose from the liver into the blood circulation.  Said another way, stress induces high blood sugar levels. This is supposed to be brief and temporary.

Diurnal cycles of cortisol levels are found in humans. In humans, the amount of cortisol present in the blood undergoes diurnal variation; the level peaks in the early morning (around 8 am) and reaches its lowest level at about midnight-4 am, or three to five hours after the onset of sleep.

Blood sugar & vitamin C

Experiments have repeatedly shown that humans subjected to mental or physical stress experience a temporary rise in blood sugar levels.  This is because you need extra energy to fight or run at top performance.  Again, this is intended to be brief and abnormal. This is not diabetes, a problem with insulin utilization.

It is categorically impossible for most mammals to develop diabetes/high blood sugar because blood glucose is converted to vitamin C. 

But this stress/sugar relationship creates a more serious problem than elevated blood sugar. 

The Warburg Effect

It was Otto Warburg in the 1930s who observed that tumors take up enormous amounts of sugar.  This became known as the Warburg Effect. 

When doctors seek to confirm whether a mass revealed in a x-ray is cancerous or not they order a CAT-scan with injected radioactive sugar.   The sugar goes right to the tumor and lights up the scan.   

Because cancer cells voraciously utilize sugar for their growth, this scan accurately displays the size and shape of the tumor mass and sequential scans reveal growth or regression. This illustrates that the body is not able to control simple monosaccharide by converting them to glycogen, which can be stored in the liver and released as needed. 

The term sugar is used as a nonspecific noun to cover all of the organic compounds ending in ‘ose’.  One cannot just say ‘sugar’ to specify the many different molecules that make up the sugar group.  This is a common way they keep people ignorant through insufficient definition of commonly used terms.  Your body runs on sugar, but only on the specific form of sugar called glucose.  Since more than 85% of the food you consume must be converted into glucose, needed for energy, this is of serious consequence.  Meats, for example, are net negative foods in terms of glucose.  It takes more energy from your body to convert meats to glucose than is yielded from the process.

Cancer cells form, often at weak sites of chronic irritation, chemical toxin exposure or chronic inflammation.  But other factors are needed, such as fluid acidosis, from a diet of acid forming foods such as meats, dairy, refined sugars such as in sodas and all types of typical fast junk foods and treats.

This is because cancer cells are very abnormal, using a sugar fermentation process to produce energy rather than the normal ATP cycle.  The fermentation process does not use free oxygen and doesn’t produce CO2 as a waste gas.

Cancer patients are often advised to curb their sugar consumption because cancer cells feed off of all types of dietary sugar, sucrose (cane sugar) and fructose (corn sugar). They do not use the ATP cycle, therefore do not require glucose exclusively.

Glucose is a sugar naturally produced in the liver that is the essential source of energy in all the normal cells of the human body.  The human brain accounts for 2% of the body by weight but consumes 20% of glucose-derived energy (utilizes 5.6 milligrams of glucose per 100 grams of brain tissue per minute).  The brain needs sugar to facilitate thinking capacity. 

Low blood sugar may result in a person seeing spots before their eyes which is resolved with consumption of a sugar cube. 

 So, there is no practical way to put a halt to glucose sugar so cancers won’t grow. But there is a way to reduce simple sugars in the blood.  Just quit eating junk foods and sodas.

Glucose is normal and blood sugar levels are carefully controlled by the liver.  Elevated mono-carbon sugar levels negate programmed cell death, a process called apoptosis which allows for normal cell replacement by mitosis.  Inhibit simple sugars, that cannot be controlled by the liver, and tumor cells are more likely to die off naturally.  But only if the body fluids are slightly alkaline, the blood has normal levels of cortisol and oxygenation is ample.  These factors will totally cure cancer.

Vitamin C  Again

Patrick Holford points out that consumption of 2500 milligrams of vitamin C per day more than triples blood plasma levels compared to “Recommended Daily Allowance” levels despite its rapid excretion. There is no such thing as too much vitamin C intake.

When tumor cells are experimentally injected into animals that have been supplemented with vitamin C, tumor spread (metastasis) is reduced by 71% and growth factors by 98%, and tumor weight by 28%.

Vitamin C Renaissance 

Vitamin C therapy for cancer is undergoing a renaissance.  The failure of modern medicine to discover a cure for cancer has caused researchers to revisit the vitamin C paradigm of cancer.

Cancer patients exhibit very low amounts of ascorbate (vitamin C).

The cancer cell-killing activity of vitamin C is attributed to transient production of hydrogen peroxide.  When high blood plasma concentrations of vitamin C are maintained at 1 millimole or above, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is generated which selectively kills cancer cells and does not harm healthy cells.

A millimole (MIH-lih-mole) is the amount of a substance equal to a thousandth of a mole –a measure of the amount of a substance within a soluble base.

Intravenous infusions cannot easily be administered 24-hours a day for cancer patients without continual hospitalization.  In between infusions of vitamin C the cancer cells roar back to life.  (Chemotherapy has the same problem.)  But what is lacking in simple attempts to elevate vitamin C levels are the factors of PH, highly elevated cortisol and poor oxygenation.  These factors must all be dealt with simultaneously, which require simple, at home interventions.

Humans must obtain vitamin C totally from their diet. Supplements are totally useless.  The typical intake is 110 mg. each day.  Compare that to wild gorillas that consume 8000mg of vitamin C a day largely by eating bamboo and jungle fruits.  Eat more apples and oranges.

Measures of blood levels of vitamin C in the US population reveal serious vitamin C deficiency (below 11.4 micromole/liter blood sample).  Smoking destroys most of your vitamin C intake.  The body does not have the capacity to store vitamin C, so diet must continually provide for replacement.

Most oral vitamin C is excreted within 30 minutes.  The depletion of vitamin C is accelerated during illness, in particular in cases of cancer. 

The average lifespan in developed nations is about 75 years today. If people could obtain and consume viable real food and find relief from the fear-mongering governments, they would live 150 years on average.   Their life-spans would be determined by their Telomeres, not by government.

Oxygen is not Required by cancer cells

The tumor eventually develops its own blood vessels, called angiogenesis or neovascularization.  In this manner, tumor cells are connected to sources of sugars that feed the tumor directly, enabling it to outgrow surrounding normal cells. The fermentation process requires no oxygen.

Contact inhibition

What initially triggers the rapid growth of cancer cells?  The general answer for solid tumors is that there is a lesion of some kind induced by trauma, infection, hemorrhage, smoking habits, aluminum deodorants, etc., that triggers chronic repair mechanisms which become perpetual.  Cancer has been called a wound that can not heal.

Absorption of oral vitamin c

Taking oral vitamin C is not equivalent to making vitamin C internally.  The primary reason is lack of oral absorption.   With advancing age humans secrete less stomach acid (hydrochloric acid) which is required to absorb vitamin C.  The absolute absence of stomach acid (achlorhydria) is reported to occur in 19% of adults in the fifth decade of life and 69% in the eighth decade of life.  About 35% of Americans have H. pylori infection that shuts off stomach acid secretion and therefore limits vitamin C absorption. 

Restoration of internal Production of Vitamin C

Cancer is a disease of the Modern Era.  It was extremely rare prior to the time of Rockefeller’s invention of his fake Allopathic medicine.  Even until the 1950s, in countries not yet taken over by Allopathy, cancer was basically unheard of.  Take, for example, rural China, were most people lived in the food-growing countryside, there was virtually no incidence of cancer.  Chinese doctors had no prior experience with cancers up to the time when ‘Westernization’ arrived. 

Then, very rapidly, in less than one generation, the children of farm families who went to the cities for job opportunities, contracted cancers at a rate equivalent to ‘Westernized’ countries. They did not lose their GULO genes, thus losing the capacity to synthesize vitamin C.  Their bodies went into acidosis from ‘Western’ fast food.

There is no loss of vitamin C synthesis on the part of humans.  There is only horrible ‘MacDonald’ corner junk food, sugary soda drinks and coffees.  Allopathic pills showed up in new drug stores and allopathic doctors opened offices everywhere, pushing pills, shots, x-rays, chemo, surgery.

No genetic changes somehow occurred in any humans anywhere.  Genetic changes take hundreds of millions of years of evolution to occur.  Environmental changes can be sudden and rapid.

I recommend a book entitled The China Study by T. Colin Cambel for those who wish to know more about this ‘once in a million year’ large scale multigenerational live study.

Cancer is easily cured and prevented.  But there is no lucre in it for the crooks.  Cancer is a multi-trillion dollar industry that the US can not afford to lose.  So do not be looking for a big breakthrough that consists of simple and cost-free changes in diet and life-style.  It is never going to happen.

A disease-care system that is focused on any diagnosis with an insurance billing code attached to it becomes a selfish industry solely governed by profits over cures.  Prevention is not profitable.  Treatment without a cure is the unstated ideal paradigm. This is true not only for cancers, but for the entire spectrum of ‘germs’ that each cause a disease symptom requiring a prescription, shot, hospitalization, surgery, chemo or radiation.  Allopathy is the only growth industry in existence in the US.

Unless cancer’s sweet tooth is removed, cancer will continue to be a major cause of death.  Unless the massive government fear-mongering is eliminated, cancers, cardiovascular disease and others will be the real pandemics killing ‘Westerners’. The stress-factors will continue to induce the non-stop autoimmune cortisol disorder.  Oxygen deprivation will also continue unabated due to acidosis and the ridiculous killer mask mandates.

Viral pathogens are another fantasy of Rockefeller Allopathic medicine, today’s giant step backward in human wellness. They picked up on an ancient Greek word, ‘virus’ which means ‘corrupt’, an used it to give rise to many more germs that they needed to increase the ‘pill count’. If the word ‘virus’ has any valid meaning at all in medicine, it is certainly not the meaning that has been corruptly applied to it, the worlds must plentiful submicroscopic’ throw-away’. The word ‘virus’ has been applied to the dead waste by-product of mitosis, which is a normal process of eukaryotic cells of plants, animals, spores, fungus, molds, insects, worms existing in the world. It is the mRNA fragments used to assemble the new DNA when a new cell is formed. It is not contagious, infectious, nor is it living. It is just dead molecules, carefully packaged up for ejection from the newly formed cell (an exosome), and discarded from the organism. Forget about viruses. Your epidemics are cancer and heart disease. They are totally curable by giving people real knowledge instead of the packaged up blatant lies of the current failed system.

Patients and loved ones can’t imagine such callous indifference, such intentional misdirection.  It’s slow murder by a different name. 

Cure cancer and you bring down a multi-billion industry, crash the healthcare sector of the stock market, bring down Big Pharma, eliminate millions of jobs, and abolish the need for $6.56 billion in appropriations for the National Cancer Institute.  Cessation of paying for cancer treatment and cures will materialize overnight. 

“The root of all evil is the worship of money.”