Known Lethal and Extreme Toxic Injections Now to be Given to Children

“The victimization of children is nowhere forbidden; what is forbidden is to write about it.”

~ Alice Miller (1998).

 “Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society’s Betrayal of the Child”, p.235, Macmillan

While you sit on your fat ass engrossed by the TV set, you are allowing the same government fiends who intends to kill or zombify you, to inject the children with this ‘known lethal and toxic serum’, under the guise of good and essential medical practice.  Just how fucking stupid or careless are you?

This government is victimizing the innocent trusting children, to purposely cause them irreparable harm and death, so as to control their bodies, minds, and spirits in the quest to achieve power over all mankind in the immediate future. Do you even know about or understand this? I think the children are not spreading any disease, not do they pose any risk to anyone.

The hope in life is that it will be filled with joy and happiness, but often this is not the case. We strive to achieve a better way, but still life can be consumed by misery and evil. imposed by government psychopaths.  The normal expectation of parents is that their children are healthy, happy, and free of strife, and have a better chance at life than they did. Children, especially when they are first born and very young, are not only totally helpless, but they are completely innocent beings fully dependent on others to survive and remain unscathed. The protection we provide for them is vital, and nothing is more important than protecting the innocent children. We have reached a stage where this government that has been voluntarily allowed to exist by this population of fools, is attempting to destroy children in order to control humanity. This is an immoral abomination.

The fiends are taking stock of just how depraved and chikenshit the people have become due to their fear mongering. If the children are destroyed, so goes the rest of the world, but if the royals and their government pawns succeed in this plot to mutilate the bodies and minds of children, those that allowed such a travesty will deserve no life at all.

Mass Shooting Events are 100 Percent False Flags Perpetrated by government

Photograph by Nathaniel St. Clair

“…but if we withdraw from Afghanistan, there a serious chance it might fall into the hands of the Afghanis”

In light of the tragic violence that has unfolded once again in the form of mass shootings in Boulder, Colorado and Atlanta, Georgia, it becomes clear that another gun confiscation plan has been launched by the government.  Since the Columbine shooting in 1999, there have been 114 mass shootings with 1300 victims. Every single one of these mass shooting events is a ‘false-flag’ perpetrated by various entities of the US government and fellow allies, with whom the US has reciprocated by assisting in their own ‘false-flag’ atrocities.  Why would they do this.  Firstly, it is part of a global strategy of genocide, to take the world population down from the current 7+ billion people to under 500 million people.  To do this, at this stage, with such a large global population that possesses hundreds of millions of guns, necessitates a total disarmament.  Disarmament is not popular among the populations who understand that all genocides have been preceded by disarmament.

Most people are scared to death to acknowledge this fact due to the obvious implications.  In other words…”Holy Shit!  If that is true, then my whole world view is completely shattered into a million pieces”.  Well, it is precisely true and you are in desperate need of having your whole world view revised.

With events currently going on in the world today, it is unavoidable to conclude that massive changes are underway in, not only the size of the surviving population, but in how control of humans will be changed in the immediate future. 

Moreover, as one national report notes “Every day, more than 100 Americans are killed with guns and more than 230 are shot and wounded.”   The idea of confiscating guns, limiting or eliminating ammunition purchases or gun purchases is unbelievably naïve.  The government is purchasing billions of guns and ammunition on the part of civilian (non-military) entities for use domestically.  The weapons owned by the people privately are a huge deterrent to the governments, local and foreign, who would implement genocide, intent on massive depopulation.  And massive depopulation is definitely in the cards.

It is not the American people who radiate violence or mass shootings.   It is totally and strictly the government, even if the actual perpetrator is a ‘Patsy’, recruited and set up by the FBI. The US is far from the richest country in the world. That is like saying you are rich because you have a bunch of stuff that you bought on credit and have not paid for.   It has one of the largest prison systems in the world, rings the planet with over 800 military bases in 70 countries, and has a military budget of $738 billion that is insanely bloated and is larger than the next ten countries combined. Moreover, it criminalizes social problems, has an insatiable entertainment culture that trades in violence as a spectacle, militarizes its police forces… again, all problems instigated or created by government.  Its elected politicians are as fake as Monopoly money, who have no power or decision-making authority.  Even the president is just a mouthpiece who does as he is told.  This fakery is so deluded, citizens can feel that they have control over their government, which they do not.

Americans can no longer be safe in schools, supermarkets, walking down the street, or going to public venues, all because of government perpetrated false-flag events, although the majority of casualties are ‘crisis actors’ bleeding catsup. The real violence is among syndicated organized crime elements who play a large role in the real deep government and sanctioned drug trafficking by the CIA, the world’s largest drug smugglers.  Of late, all of the petty wars are really drug wars, such as SE Asia, and Afghanistan.  The government, the ‘real government’ is nothing short of organized crime on a massive, treasury-level scale.

Domestic terrorism is another fiction of the government, run totally by Zionist double-citizenship jews in the Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations, who write all the laws that show up at congress and must be passed immediately “so we can read what it says”, to quote Pelosi.  Americans no longer appear capable of understanding where violence ends since it has been turned on the citizens as the solution for addressing most of America’s fabricated problems, like COVID pandemics.

The public imagination has turned lethal. Government has blood on its hands, and the mass shootings will continue until such time as the sheeple either volunteer their weapons or the UN forces, in-country, forcibly confiscate them on midnight door-to-door raids.

Mass shootings cannot be considered as isolated events since they are rooted in institutional and systemic deceit at every level of government, pursuant to completion of its mission of genocide to reduce the American population by 80 – 90%.

Violence in America has become a commodity. TV, video games, movies and mass media base their very existence on violence and pornography.  The citizens endorse their military force’s programs to bomb, destroy, maim and kill other people, so long as they are doing it in some other part of the world where those living in the areas being attacked can be called ‘gooks’.  Just claim they are a national security threat that is threatening our oil supply problems.  Then we can condone it. 

The spectacle of violence dominates the mainstream media adding to a culture of cruelty and misdirected notions of pleasure in which violence becomes the chief source of entertainment. Violence is a business and source of profit for the merchants of death that include lobbyists for the defense industries, the fake Rockefeller allopathic medical system and the accompanying pharmaceutical industry.

The drug shootings, police violence, and prison-industrial complex must be seen within a broader understanding of a society marked by massive inequality, systemic injustice, and deat- dealing poverty. Every day, state violence, senseless police killings, strip searches of women, property confiscation underwritten by a political culture indifferent to the value of human life, except for the rich and privileged, makes for good entertaining news broadcasts for the psychopaths.

America is addicted to violence because it has become the organizing principle of a predatory socio-political-economic system in which human suffering, human misery, and death function as a valued form of political and economic currency.  The fake mass shootings have become accepted expressions of daily life are taken in-stride as real valid signposts that make clear that America has become a failed state, a country in which fascism now has a smooth edge. Democracy has never existed in America, not from its inception that began with the killing of 80 million indigenous people, whose lands and ways of life have been obliterated and stolen, right up to today’s neoliberal capitalism that is headed for the trashpile. A new ‘sheriff’ has come to town and all the rules are changing.  After the Western population has been reduced to about 15% of its current level, the ‘new sheriff’ is going to eliminate these sick cultural notions that have predominated the society for the past 100 years.  No more entitlement mentality will be tolerated. 

On Friday, the West Virginia House overwhelmingly passed a bill that would set the foundation to end state enforcement of federal gun control; past, present and future. Passage into law would represent a major step toward ending federal acts that infringe on the right to keep and bear arms within the state.

Del. Brandon Steele along with a coalition of 10 cosponsors introduced House Bill 2694 (HB2694) on Feb. 23. On March 26, the House passed HB2694 by a 74-22 vote.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the Fourth Reich

From the recent past Reset of 1812, the Eternal Powers chose the US to emerge as the world hegemon to do their dirty work.  This time, they have chosen China to be the hegemon, doing their dirty bidding under the banner of global Technocracy, which is really the Nazi Fourth Reich.

“The Great Reset” is the latest deceptive euphemism for totalitarian socialism that is being promoted by yet another group of wealthy corporate elitists who think they can centrally plan the entire world economy.  They are essentially the ideological heirs of Frederick Engels and his intellectual puppet Karl Marx.  “The Great Reset” follows in the rhetorical footsteps of such euphemisms for socialism as “economic democracy,” “social justice,” “liberation theology,” “progressivism,” “market socialism” (an oxymoron, like “jumbo shrimp” or “military intelligence”), “environmentalism,” “fighting climate change,” “sustainable development,” and “green new deal,” to mention just a few.

The main figure of this movement is wealthy German engineer, Klaus Schwab, founder of the “World Economic Forum,” who champions what he calls “transhumanism,” the integration of nanotechnology into the human body so that humans can be controlled remotely by the state.[1] As Ron Paul has noted, “Included in Schwab’s proposal for surveillance [of every citizen] is his idea to use brain scans and nanotechnology to predict, and if necessary, prevent, individuals’ future behavior .  This means that anyone whose brain is ‘scanned’ could have his constitutional rights violated because a government bureaucrat determines the individual is going to commit a crime.”[2] In the new reality, the very idea of constitutional rights is possible, as there is no more fake constitutional government at all. America will be a large land mass with a population of only 69 million people, and these will be governed under a totally different system, described further below.

In the recent past Reset of 1812, the Eternal Powers chose the US to emerge as the world hegemon to do their dirty work.  This time, 2020, they have chosen China to be the hegemon, doing their dirty bidding under the banner of global Technocracy, which is really ultimately the Nazi Fourth Reich.

“The Great Reset” is the latest deceptive euphemism for totalitarian socialism that is being promoted by yet another group of wealthy corporate elitists who think they can centrally plan the entire world economy.  They are essentially the ideological heirs of Frederick Engels and his intellectual puppet Karl Marx.  “The Great Reset” follows in the rhetorical footsteps of such euphemisms for socialism as “economic democracy,” “social justice,” “liberation theology,” “progressivism,” “market socialism” (an oxymoron, like “jumbo shrimp” or “military intelligence”), “environmentalism,” “fighting climate change,” “sustainable development,” and “green new deal,” to mention just a few.

Placed in the hands of politicians, this would create a level of totalitarianism the Soviets could only have dreamed of.  In other words, Schwab is reminiscent of that famous twentieth-century German who also fantasized about creating a master race and ruling the world.

This is nothing new, Antony Mueller points out, as eugenics, which was all the rage among so many ruling class elitists of the early twentieth century “is now called transhumanism.”[3]  Among the most prominent late nineteenth-and twentieth-century eugenicists were H.G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Charles Darwin’s son Leonard, John Maynard Keynes, Irving Fisher, Winston Churchill, and Bill Gates, Sr.  Bill Gates, Jr. is an enthusiastic funding source for “transhumanism” research and, like his father, is fond of eugenics.

During a recent “Ted” talk Gates, Jr. complained that “The world today has 6.8 billion people . .. that’s headed up to about 9 billion.”  Have no fear, he said, because if “we” do “a really great job on vaccines [with anti-fertility drugs? Poisons?] health care, reproductive health services [including abortion?], we could lower that by perhaps 10 to 15 percent.”[4]  That in turn will lower carbon dioxide levels on the planet and address “climate change” as well, said Gates.

Keynes was treasurer of the Cambridge University Eugenics Society and director of the Eugenics Society of London.  He called eugenics “the most important and significant branch of sociology” [Eugenics Archive].  Irving Fisher, icon of the Chicago School of Economics, literally wrote the book on the subject, entitled Eugenics.

When he was the British Home Secretary (1910-1911) Winston Churchill advocated “the confinement, segregation, and sterilization of a class of persons contemporarily described as the ‘feeble minded’” [International Churchill Society].  His stated goal was “the improvement of the British breed”.  Accordingly, he supported “compulsory detention of the mentally inadequate”; the “sterilization of the unfit”; and “proper labor colonies” for “tramps and wastrels.”

World Government, Anyone?

Antony Mueller also wrote of how the first attempt to create some kind of global governing institution to centrally plan the world was the League of Nations (1920), followed by the United Nations in 1945 under the leadership of Stalin, FDR, and Churchill.[5]  Although Churchill was fond of citing F.A. Hayek, especially The Road to Serfdom, FDR was essentially a fascist whose domestic policies differed very little from fascist Italy and Germany, and of course Stalin was a mass-murdering communist.

Churchill was voted out of office and replaced by the socialist Labor Party’s Clement Atlee in 1945.  The three “allied powers” of World War II were then led by two socialists and the political heir to FDR’s economic fascism, Harry Truman.

The U.N. immediately created UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and the World Health Organization (WHO), whose stated goal was to “manipulate human development.”  Eugenicist Julian Huxley was the first director of UNESCO who lamented that Marxism’s attempt to create a new type of human (“socialist man”) had already failed because it lacked a “biological component.”

Neo-Malthusianism and the Birth of “Environmentalism”

Nazi/Socialism is the society that must emerge if humanity is to cope with the ecological burden that sustainable economic growth is placing on the environment.

– Robert Heilbroner, “After Capitalism,” The New Yorker, Sept. 10, 1990

The above quotation by socialist economist, the late Robert Heilbroner, was written in the context of an article that lamented and mourned the worldwide collapse of socialism in the Soviet Union in the late 1980s.  The great debate between capitalism and socialism was over, he said, and Ludwig von Mises was right about socialism all along, said a man who had spent the past half century promoting socialism in his teaching, speaking, and writing.  But do not despair, he told his fellow socialists, for there is one more trick up our sleeves, namely, the Trojan Horse of achieving socialism under the guise of “environmentalism.”

The basic strategy was then, as it is now, to constantly frighten the gullible public with predictions of The End of the World from environmental catastrophe, unless we abandon capitalism and adopt socialist central planning. This has always been the one constant theme of the environmentalist movement (not to be confused with the conservation movement which is actually interested in the health of the planet and the humans who occupy it) since the 1960s.  It ignores the fact that the twentieth-century socialist countries like the Soviet Union and China had by far the worse environmental problems on the planet, orders of magnitude worse than in the capitalist countries.

In 2019 the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) published “Wrong Again: 50 Years of failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions” by Myron Ebell and Steven Milloy.[6]  The study is a compilation of reprints of newspaper and magazine articles that illustrate the seemingly never-ending false scare stories spread by the “environmentalists” and their media puppets.  The real founder of the modern environmental movement was entomologist Paul Ehrlich, not Rachel Carson, author of the widely-cited novel, Silent Spring.  Ehrlich was supported by a group of wealthy socialists known as “The Club of Rome.”  His book, The Population Bomb, was incredibly successful, selling millions in just a couple of years, warning that the entire world will soon be destroyed by capitalism unless it is ended NOW and “severe” regulatory measures are taken.

The first article displayed by CEI was from the November 17, 1967 Salt Lake Tribune announcing that Professor Paul Ehrlich of Stanford said the “time of famines” is upon us and will be “disastrous” by 1975 because of over-population.  Such talk was a resurrection of the hoary, thoroughly-discredited Malthusianism of the nineteenth century, cloaked in the words of “modern science.”  Birth control may have to be made “involuntary, said Ehrlich, and accompanied by “putting sterilization agents into staple foods and drinking water.”  The Catholic church needs to be “pressured” by government to support his, said Ehrlich, who became one of the most celebrated, rich, and famous academics of the twentieth century.

The New York Times quoted Ehrlich on August 10, 1969, as predicting that “unless we are extremely lucky, everybody will disappear in a cloud of blue steam n 20 years.”

Ice Age Hysteria of the ‘70s

Global cooling that would create a new ice age was the next scare tactic.  An April 18, 1970 Boston Globe article quoted “pollution expert” James P. Lodge, Jr. as saying “air pollution may obliterate the sun and cause a new ice age in the first third of the next century.”  He, of course, seems unversed on the subject as the ice age is a result of ‘Grand Solar Minimum’ that has been forecast for a very long time.  Things of this nature do no happen in the course of a single human life span.  We are talking about geological time spans that are predictable in terms of centuries as a short time duration.  People that believe dribble such as proposed by The Al Gores are simply ignorant from lack of education.

Ehrlich chimed in, naturally.  An October 6, 1970 Redlands, CA Daily Facts article quoted him as predicting that “the oceans will be . . . dead . . . in less than a decade” because of pollution caused by capitalism…more dribble.  And they will be frozen over.  A July 9, 1971 Washington Post article quoted a Dr. S.I. Rasool of NASA and Columbia University who said that pollution will cause an average temperature drop of as much as ten degrees that “could be sufficient to trigger an ice age!”…more dribble.

On December 3, 1972 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration sent a letter to President Nixon predicting a “global deterioration of climate” never before seen by “civilized mankind” that would lead to a new ice age.

A January 29, 1974 article in The Guardian was headlined, “Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast.”  This was followed by a June 24, 1974 Time magazine article warning that “telltale signs are everywhere” that we were already in a new ice age.  Global cooling hysteria was still alive and well in 1978.  A January 5, 1978 New York Times article was headlined, “International Team of Specialists Finds No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend in Northern Hemisphere. Of course, in a short time, it was all about ‘Anthropomorphic Global Warming’ and Inconvenient Truths.

Pivoting on a Dime:  Global Warming Hysteria

By 1988, after more than a decade of warnings of a new ice age unless capitalism is destroyed failed to produce the desired result, many of these same “scientists” and bureaucrats all of a sudden began warning of an earthly apocalypse caused by global warming.  The “greenhouse effect” of pollution was discovered/invented, with nationwide warnings like one in the June 24 Miami News declaring that “’88 On Way to be Hottest Ever as World Temperatures Up Sharply.”  James Hansen of NASA warned in the Lansing State Journal on December 12, 1988 that Washington, D.C. would “go from its current 35 days a year over 90 degrees to 85 days a year” and “the level of the ocean will rise” by as much as six feet.  “Rising seas could obliterate nations,” a “U.N. official” informed the Associated Press on June 30, 1989.  In reality, as CEI points out, is that the number of 90+ degree days in Washington, D.C. peaked in 1911 and continues to decline. 

By 2000 the mantra of the global warming hysterics included predictions that “snowfalls are now just a thing of the past,” and “children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” The Independent announced on September 12, 2015, quoting another environmentalist “expert” from the University of East Anglia.

By 2013 “the Arctic will be free of sea ice” predicted James Hansen in 2008, as reported by The Argus Free Press of Owosso, Michigan.  In the same year Al Gore informed us that “the North polar ice cap would be gone,” as reported by the Associated Press on June 24, 2008.   For such predictions Massachusetts Senator ed Markey designated Hansen as “a climate prophet.”

The renowned atmospheric scientist, Prince Charles, told The Independent on July 9, 2009 that “the price of capitalism and consumerism is just too high.”  The planet will be destroyed by 2017 if capitalism is not essentially destroyed immediately, said the mega-wealthy prince whose preferred method of travel is by gas-guzzling Rolls Royce and private jet.

Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown outdid the prince by informing The Independent on October 20, 2009 that “we have fewer than fifty days to save our planet from catastrophe.”  When New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez publicly announced in 2019 with perfect certainty that the world will end in in twelve years, she was referring to a 2018 United Nations “study” of “climate change” that said the same thing.[7]  The world will likely end in twelve years, said the U.N. bureaucrats, unless the U.N. is given vast new governing powers over all countries of the world, and vast sums of additional tax revenue.

Of course, NONE of these widely-touted and celebrated predictions came true, as anyone other than a total idiot could proclaim.  Birds did not even disappear from the planet as predicted in Silent Spring.   Capitalism was not replaced by worldwide socialist central planning; so the environmental “scientists” pivoted on a dime once again and adopted the language of climate change.  It now does not matter whether the climate’s temperature is increasing or decreasing; either will cause a “catastrophe” that can only be avoided by replacing what’s left of capitalism with some kind of worldwide socialist central planning, they inform us.

A quarter of a century of “climate change” hysteria has still not led to the desired result.  The next step in this more-than-a-century-old political crusade for worldwide socialism, therefore, is “The Great Reset”, which has occurred on a 200 year cycle since 1,000 BCE.

The Great Resets are evidenced by history, especially the most recent one of 1812, during a time when photography existed and leaves its proof, if education would ever stop revising its texts and tell the truth for once. Earlier changes of empire are still found in history, maps, books, drawings and paintings.

Klaus Schwab holds doctorates in engineering and economics, although he seems ignorant of the most elementary economic concepts when he contends that the entire world economy can somehow be stopped by a god-like hand, pushbutton style, and “reset” and “built back better,” one of his favorite slogans.   He is the founder of the “World Economic Forum,” touted as an organization that promotes “Public-Private Cooperation.”  As Ayn Rand once said, however, whenever the private sector “partners” with government, government is always the senior and controlling partner.  The government is nothing but a giant ‘Lie Generator’ that enforces its lies with coercive force.

Schwab, like Obama, holds many degrees and credentials, most of which are honorary, bought and paid for and speaks not from erudition or experience, but from  teleprompters lines of bullshit.  Schwab seems totally unaware of how the institutions of capitalism have evolved over the centuries by ingenuity and efforts of millions and were not magically set or reset by any single man or government committee.[8] 

Money evolved on the free market and did not originate from governmental edits.[9] Even language evolved, and was not invented by any government bureaucracy.  There is no recognition at all in any of Schwab’s books that he understands (or cares) anything about the spontaneous order of markets, the importance of private property and free-market prices, the economy-smothering effects of government bureaucracy, or the economic reasons for the inevitable failures of socialism. 

Like all other socialist ideologues, he does not even bother to address the critics of socialism as he blindly makes his case for world socialism.  It can work, he insists, if only he and his corporate elitist comrades could be in charge.

The “logic” of The Great Reset can be stated in a syllogism:  1.  Socialism has failed disastrously everywhere it has been implemented; 2) Everyone knows this; 3; Therefore, what the world needs is more socialism on the biggest scale ever.

Schwab is an engineer and believes that world society can be socially “engineered” by corporate elitists like himself.  The Soviets would label this kind of thinking “scientific socialism.”


Like all socialist ideologues, Schwab’s starting point is what Ludwig von Mises called “destructionism.”  All socialists, Mises said, advocated the destruction of the existing institutions of society, especially capitalism, the family, and religion, all of which form a barrier between the individual and the controlling dictates of the state. Only then can society be “reset” to create a socialist utopia.  For “Socialism is . . . the spoiler of what thousands of years of civilization have created.  It doesn’t build; it destroys.  For destructionism is the essence of it . . . each step leading towards socialism must exhaust itself in the destruction of what already exists.”[10]

This is why Schwab, Gates, Biden, and other proponents of “the UN great reset” so enthusiastically celebrate the lockdowns that occurred during the so-called pandemic of 2020 and declare that it is time to “build back better.”

Destroy what exists, they tell us, and then trust them to “build back” the entire planet “better.”  In fact, they were caught on video at their annual World Economic Forum meeting in early 2021 cheering a video of empty city streets and closed-down businesses caused by the government-mandated lockdowns that plunged literally millions into poverty worldwide. The lockdowns are “improving cities around the world,” said Schwab.[11] 

They may even moderate “climate change,” he triumphantly chortled.  The unemployed and impoverished residents of those devasted cities would obviously disagree with this rosy scenario.

A “team of researchers” at the University of East Anglia, an institution that is notorious for its “studies” of global warming/cooling/climate change hysteria, has also chimed in to advocate a “global lockdown” every two years to supposedly reduce carbon dioxide emissions as required by the “Paris Climate Accord.”[12]  These lockdowns would not be related to any virus but would simply be designed to intentionally destroy much of the world economy, leaving millions in abject poverty, causing untold illness and death, for the sake of “fighting climate change” and of course, to achieve their real objective of destroying capitalism and adopting a version of worldwide socialist central planning.

Abolition of Private Property

The Word Economic Forum (WEF) socialists reveal themselves as classic Marxists in the sense that many of them call for the abolition of private property which, coincidentally, was the first plank of the ten planks of The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels. 

Former Danish Minister of the Environment Ida Auken was given a platform at a WEF event to explain her definition of “a good life” that entailed the abolition of private property:

“Welcome to the year 2030 . . .  I don’t own anything, I don’t own a car.  I don’t own a house.  I don’t own any appliances or any clothes . . . someone else is using our [house] whenever we do not need it . . .   I have no real privacy . . . everything I do . . . is recorded [by the state].  All in all, it is a good life.”[13]

Auken here is obviously dreaming of “a good life” where governments own all property and rent or lease everything to their subjects.  Of course, that means that technicians will decide for you what you need.  There would be no such thing as consumer sovereignty any more than there was in the Soviet Union (apart from the black markets).  And as Hayek famously said, in such a system the only power worth having would be coercive power.  Bribery, corruption, and rent seeking run amok would be pervasive in any such society.

They want to spy on your every move, using the latest nanotechnology which probably means implanting devices into your body.  There will no privacy, and that’s all good with Ida Auken and her WEF colleagues.

Auken speaks fondly of how, if she wasn’t “using” a room of her house, it would be perfectly fine for strangers to occupy it in her absence.  Government-approved strangers, of course.  This is eerily reminiscent of how the Soviets socialized housing and forced strangers to live in extremely cramped spaces in communal housing.  It is easy to imagine an Auken army doing the same in the name of “sustainability.”

After receiving criticism of this outrageous view, Auken attempted to soft pedal and disguise her true beliefs by saying that such a world was not actually her “utopia” but only what she believes is the inevitable.  This is another old socialist gimmick – to argue that socialism is inevitable, and it is therefore futile to oppose it.  Her argument that she was just explaining an inevitable future is not believable.

In fact, the inevitability gimmick is the main theme of all of Schwab’s books on the subject.  They tend to go into excruciating detail about the digitalization of life, nanotechnology, etc., portray it all as “inevitable,” and then make a pitch for why this supposedly means that centralized technocratic control of all societies is necessary. No doubt, Schwab, like Obama, has his books written by the think tanks and disseminated under his name.

Exactly the opposite is true, however.  As Hayek pointed out in almost all of his life’s work.  The more complex society becomes, the greater is the need to rely on voluntarism, private property, and free markets, the only known means of achieving an effective use of knowledge in society.  Complexity requires the use of many minds (and bodies) to make effective use of increasingly complex knowledge in order to advance.  Not only many minds, but many minds in a regime of economic freedom is necessary — again the polar opposite of “the great reset” ideology.

The Soviet Union had many brilliant people but they were largely forbidden to apply their talents in a way that would improve the lives of their fellow citizens.  They were viewed by the state instead as tools to aggrandize the state, not to serve the citizenry. To deny this is to engage in what Hayek called a “fatal conceit.”[14]

The “Stakeholder” Subterfuge

The WEF elitists also employ another subterfuge as a means of essentially abolishing private property.  They do this by advocating the replacement of corporate shareholders with “stakeholders,” which includes just about every type of group of individuals in any community which are said to have a “right” to affect corporate decision-making on a day-to-day basis.[15] 

Such groups usually involve various left-wing political pressure groups such as labor unions, environmentalists, the “civil rights”/affirmative action lobbyists, ad infinitum.  Libertarians and free-market economists never seem to appear on the lists of “stakeholders” that are espoused by leftist stakeholder theorists.

Public choice economics teaches us, however, that such large groups tend to be disorganized because of their size, diversity, and consequently high decision-making costs and are therefore rarely effective.  It would also subject corporate decision making to profit-destroying bureaucracy and indecision, effectively turning corporations into versions of say, the Department of Motor Vehicles or the U.S. Postal Service in terms of efficiency.

The “stakeholder” advocates surely understand this, which is why they propose that people such as themselves serve as unelected spokesmen for all the various “stakeholders.”  This will require the heavy hand of government to empower them to order corporations to do as they say, not as their customers and shareholder owners say. 

It is de facto nationalization, in other words, an effective abolition of private property in corporations.

In addition to offering no clue that he understands elementary economic principles, Schwab also seems completely clueless about the long history of classical liberal ideas such as private property, free markets, limited constitutional government, decentralized government, the rule of law, and much else.  Or, he simply doesn’t care because he is a megalomaniacal tyrant.  He is no different, in other words, than all the other twentieth century socialists who were either ignorant of these things or openly attacked them as barriers to their totalitarian objectives.

Moreover, Auken’s utopian daydream is reminiscent of the late nineteenth century book, Looking Backward, by Edward Bellamy.  This was another utopian socialist daydream in the form of a novel whereby one Julian West falls asleep in 1887 and awakens 113 years later in the U.S. in the year 2000 when the country had been turned into a socialist utopia.  Auken apparently believes it would only take a single decade to achieve her (and Schwab’s) socialist utopia, however.

The Great Reset as Super Fascism

The World Economic Forum claims to exist in order to promote an integration of private enterprise and the state.  This is a perfect definition of economic fascism.[16]  Economic fascism in Mussolini’s Italy and Nazi Germany allowed ostensibly private enterprises to exist (unlike the Russian socialists), but only if it was subjected to a totalitarian regulatory regime that forced all production to serve “the common good” as defined by the political ruling class, not the ruled. Consumer sovereignty was not at all a concern.  Schwab uses this same language of “the common good” to describe his “great reset” agenda.

It is basically a plea to turn the entire world economy into a version of Chinese fascism.  In the past several decades the Chinese communist government allowed more and more private enterprises to exist, but they are all still very heavily regulated, regimented, and controlled by the state.  Of course, the same can be said of the U.S. economy; it’s all a matter of degree.  As Robert Higgs has said, the American economic system is a system of “participatory fascism,” by which he meant a combination of economic fascism and democracy instead of overt dictatorship. It most certainly only offers the illusion of freedom and control of politics by means of the vote.  Once the RESET is complete, there will be no politicians at all, as there will be no illusion of free elections.

After claiming that the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” in the form of the “digitalization” of just about everything is inevitable, and arguing that that means there is a need for the most centralized government the world has ever known, Klaus and his associates drag out the same tired, old socialist platitudes that Leftists have been promoting for generations as the alleged answers to all of society’s problems.  They advocate shutting down more and more of the world economy with more lockdowns (destructionism); a huge expansion of the catastrophically-failed welfare state with the unlimited printing of money by central banks in order to hand out “universal basic income” to everyone. Of course, ‘everyone’ will mean only about one-half billion humans populating the entire globe. This small population will actually return things to ‘normal’, as the global population has been at the half-billion level for thousands of years and only in the most recent 100 years has it been allowed to surge out of control into the realm of seven billion plus.  At this point, it is probably not necessary to support a half-billion population because there are many better and more efficient means of production and there will be no surplus mouths to feed, mouths that, of late, have just been serving one another junk food, whiskey and drugs, etc. 

There will be no more fossil fuel energy industries and their replacement with windmills and solar panels; communal housing, Soviet style; the “leveling” of wage differences by regulating labor markets essentially null and void, which would create communistic chaos; and the effective nationalization of whatever is left of private society.

There will no longer be a necessity for a never-ending scheme of monetary inflation, because the present day Ponzi Scheme will disappear with the disappearance of currencies.  There will only be the ‘social score’ system which will periodically grant social credits that can be used for obtaining a limited number of essential goods, as they are available.

There is supposed to be no opposition to this recipe for totalitarian utopia because it is all being done in the name of “equity and inclusion” (the mating call of Leftists everywhere), “sustainability,” and “the common good.”  To oppose this latest proposal for a totalitarian world order is, therefore, to be an enemy of society.  The “common good before individual good,” by the way, was also the explicitly-stated theme of the 1920 Nazi Party Platform.[17]  According to the World Economic Forum crowd this is the “new” ideology that can work to solve all of the ills of today’s ridiculous over-consumption and irrational consumerism, idol-worship, drug-culture, mass sociopathy, irresponsibility, hedonism, and gross waste, to name just a few.”

Is China Calling for Civilizational War Against America & The West?

There was a “strong smell of gunpowder” when American and Chinese diplomats met in Anchorage beginning March 18. That’s according to Zhao Lijian of China’s foreign ministry, speaking just hours after the first day of U.S.-China talks concluded.

“Gunpowder” is one of those words Beijing uses when it wants others to know war is on its mind.

The term is, more worryingly, also especially emotion-packed, a word Chinese propagandists use when they want to rile mainland Chinese audiences by reminding them of foreign — British and white — exploitation of China in the Opium War period of the 19th century. China’s Communist Party, therefore, is now trying to whip up nationalist sentiment, rallying the Chinese people, perhaps readying them for war.

More fundamentally, Beijing is, with the gunpowder reference and others, is taking its official place as the new global hegemon for the new RESET 2020 period of 200 years.

There was more than just a whiff of gunpowder in Alaska. The foreign ministry’s Zhao blamed the U.S. side for exceeding the agreed time limit for opening remarks from Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. Blinken and Sullivan overran their allotted four minutes by… 44 seconds.

The Party’s Global Times called the two presentations “seriously overtime.” The foreign ministry’s Zhao said the overrun prompted the Chinese side to launch into its two presentations, which lasted 20 minutes and 23 seconds, well over their allotted four minutes.

Yang Jiechi, China’s top diplomat, and his subordinate, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, were mostly reading from prepared texts, suggesting that much of their remarks — in reality a tirade — was planned well in advance.

There were, in addition to the diplomats’ obviously rehearsed expressions of outrage and Zhao’s incendiary comments, a third element to the campaign: a propaganda blast against policies Beijing said were racist. The primary target is America.

“Everything Washington talks about is centered on the U.S., and on white supremacy,” the Global Times, controlled by the Party, stated in an editorial on March 19, referring to the darker skin tones of America’s “few allies” in the region.

Furthermore, the race-based narrative appears in a series of recent Communist Party propaganda pieces indirectly portraying China as the protector of Asians in the U.S. For instance, the Global Times on March 18 ran a piece titled “Elite U.S. Groups are Accomplices of Crimes Against Asian Americans.”

Beijing has played the race card in North America for some years. China, for example has tried to divide Canada along racial lines. Lu Shaye, when he was Beijing’s ambassador to Canada, railed against “Western egotism and white supremacy” in an unsuccessful attempt in early 2019 to win the immediate release of Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of Huawei Technologies, detained by Canadian authorities pending extradition proceedings instituted by the Trump Justice Department.

Significantly, Yang Jiechi in Anchorage pointedly mentioned Black Lives Matter protests in his opening remarks on Thursday, continuing China’s race-based attack on America.

China’s regime continues to talk about China’s rise, but now Beijing’s propaganda line is shifting in ominous ways. Ruler Xi Jinping’s new narrative is that China is leading the “East.” In a landmark speech he gave at the end of last year, he stated “the East is rising and the West is declining.”

This theme evokes what Imperial Japan tried to do with its notorious Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, beginning in the 1930s, an attempt to unite Asians against whites.

Racial divisions bring us to Samuel Huntington’s The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order“In the post-Cold War world, the most important distinctions among peoples are not ideological, political, or economic,” the late Harvard political scientist wrote. “They are cultural.”

Analysts and academics have severely criticized Huntington’s seminal 1996 book, yet whether or not this work is fundamentally flawed, Xi Jinping is in fact trying to remake the world order by leading “the East” in a civilizational struggle with “the West” which has been ordained for many years.

Mao Zedong, Xi’s hero, saw China leading Africa and the peoples of Asia against the West, but Mao’s successors for the most part dropped such racially charged talk as they sought to strengthen their communist state with Western cash and technology. Now that Western cash is approaching worthless and the technology has all been \off-shored’ to China, it’s a different story.

Deng Xiaoping, Mao’s mostly pragmatic successor, counseled China to “hide capabilities, bide time.” Xi, however, knows China’s time has come, and America is in terminal decline.

Xi’s conception of the world is disagreeable, but Americans do not have the luxury of ignoring him. They and others must recognize that in Xi’s mind, race defines civilization and civilization is the world’s new dividing line.

Xi is serious. In January, he told his fast-expanding military it must be ready to fight “at any second.” That month, the Party’s Central Military Commission took from the civilian State Council the power to mobilize all of society for war.

Militant states rarely prepare for conflict and then back down. For China’s Communist Party, there is a smell of gunpowder around the world, as Xi is announcing its place in the NWO as the hegemon.

[1] Klaus Schwab, The Fourth Industrial Revolution (New York: Currency, 2016); Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret, COVID-19: The Great Reset (Geneva: World Economic Forum, 2020).

[2] Ron Paul, “The Great Reset is about Expanding Government Power and Suppressing Liberty” (

[3] Antony Mueller, “The United Nations and the Origins of ‘The Great Reset’” (

[4] Gary D. Barnett, “Eugenics is Alive and Well, and the ‘COVID-19’ Scam is the Engine for Accomplishing Depopulation” (

[5] Antony Mueller, “The United Nations and the Origins of ‘The Great Reset’”.

[6] Myron Ebell and Steven Milloy, “Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-Pocalyptic Predictions,” (

[7] Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, “The World is Going to End in Twelve Years if We Don’t Address Climate Change” (

[8] Nathan Rosenberg and L.E. Birdzell, Jr., How the West Grew Rich: The Economic Transformation of the Industrial World (New York: Basic Books, 1987).

[9] Carl Menger, “On the Origins of Money” (

[10] Ludwig von Mises, Socialism (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1951), p. 457.

[11] Jim Holt, “World Economic Forum Deletes Latest Video After Cheering Global Lockdowns that Pushed 100 Million Humans into Extreme Poverty” (

[12] Helen Buyniski, “Global Lockdown Every Two Years Needed to Meet Paris CO2 Goals” (

[13] Ida Auken, “Welcome to 2030:  I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy and Life Has Never Been Better” (

[14] F.A. Hayek, The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991).

[15] See George Reisman, “Shareholders Not Stakeholders” (https://misesorg/wire/shareholders-not-stakeholders); and Gary Galles, “Why Shareholders are Better Than Corporate ‘Stakeholders’”(

[16] Lew Rockwell, Fascism versus Capitalism (Auburn, Alabama: Mises Institute, 2013).



Sir Klaus Martin Schwab, KCMG (British Knight Commander [of the Order] of St Michael and St George, 2006). Founder and only chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) that first met Feb. 04-07, 1971 in Davos, Switzerland. Its original name was the European Management Forum until 1987. It was founded under the “supervision of the Swiss Federal Department of the Interior” by Klaus and the soon-to-be Mrs. (Hilde) Schwab (née Stoll). They were married within weeks of that first conference.

Since inception WEF has been a British-American Pilgrims Society new world order League of Nations cum United Nations cum Marshall Plan hustle, under the direction of Rockefeller Foundation operatives Otto von Habsburg, IBM, Henry Alfred Kissinger, John Kenneth Galbraith, Paul Adolph Volcker and other “new world order” globalist hucksters from Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge and the London School of Economics (communism central).

Sir Klaus Martin Schwab. (Compiled Feb. 15, 2021). Biography and Timeline. Anonymous Patriots. communists

A barker is a person who stands in front of a theater, sideshow, etc., and calls out to passersby to attract customers

In 1971, Klaus Schwab, under British Pilgrims Society direction, chose Otto von Habsburg, the would-be Fourth Reich king, to keynote the first World Economic Forum (then named the European Management Forum)

Schwab’s hometown—Ravensburg, Germany—was the first German city to practice eugenics (killing “useless eaters”)

Ravensburg was a transport hub for stolen Nazi gold to the Swiss Bank for International Settlements run by Pilgrims Society spies Allan W. Dulles (later C.I.A. director, 1953-61), Edwin W. Pauley (Allied reparations) and William J. Donovan, director of the OSS (MI6-controlled precursor to the C.I.A.—Dulles’ boss)

Until 2003, the British Pilgrims Society in America operated under Donovan’s New York non-profit. Henry Kissinger and Paul Volcker became Pilgrims Society vice-presidents 2007-09 during the “bank bailout”

Schwab’s family company, Escher Wyss, exploited slave labor and Allied POWs, manufactured key nuclear bomb-making technologies for Adolf Hitler and South Africa, sold Swiss flame throwers to the Nazis, and was named a National Socialist Model Company by Adolf Hitler

Schwab’s Escher Wyss company was protected not only by Hitler, but by Switzerland, Britain and America—making Schwab a criminal foreign meddler in every sense

.Mar. 15, 2021—To read his voluminous public biographies and books, Klaus Schwab is a boy scout. We have discovered that the opposite is the truth. He is a deceiving, evil man, we believe.

Schwab’s World Economic Forum byline is “Committed to Improving the State of the World.”

As strategized by whom?

Well, by Klaus Schwab of course, as well as his family and his murder of Pilgrims Society 1%-ers. They are now pressing to replace human liberty with a techno-economic enslavement. They decided this for you while you were at work paying off the debt they have saddled you with.

Case in point, Klaus’ daughter Nicole (who has never had a real job) is promoting climate-change neo paganism and “a spiritual parable of Earth-centered wisdom.” As an individual, she is free to explore, but as a well-funded child of the great reset, her immaturity is a toxic brew.


The UN-funded Schwab “reset” agenda has gotten so absurd that in 2011 they partnered with the World Health Organization to pitch “Queerious Conversations in India . . . to promote LGBTQ+ visibility in the Rajasthan region” of India.

Evidently, the Schwab agenda is to destroy sexual morality and replace it with hedonism as a way to undermine humanity’s pursuit of progenation..


Klaus married Hilde Stoll in Feb. 1971—just weeks after the first Davos conference. This marriage cemented interlocking Swiss-German corporate families that were a merger of Swiss banking and engineering industries, among them Escher-Wyss, Sulzer, Andritz, Stoll, Festo, Bank for International Settlements, MI6, CIA, Rahn and Bodmer.

The Schwab-Stoll families were steeped in the Jesuit, Habsburg and Merovingian controversies about blood lineage (“divine right of kings”) and papal control of banking, the Templars and the Knights of Malta.

The satanist British Pilgrims Society finally gained control of Europe by funding two world wars and a Bolshevik “Revolution” to subdue or destroy the monarchies of Russia, Germany, Austria (Hapsburg), Japan, Italy, France and Spain, to be replaced by their corporatist new world order in which Stalin and Hitler cooperated in their experiments at societal reconstruction through communist corporatism.


Indeed, in 1917 Vladimir Lenin lived in Zurich, Switzerland just a ten minute taxi ride from Escher-Wyss’s manufacturing campus before he was packed up in a train bound for St. Petersburg and the so-called Bolshevik “Revolution.”  This was no people’s revolution, but a massive seizure of assets and power.

Today those Bolsheviks are repackaged as ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter(BLM). Note that Klaus’ Escher-Wyss father Eugen Wilhelm’s second wife, Erika Epprecht, also lived 10-min. from the Escher-Wyss manufacturing campus in Zurich.

As we have exposed previously, the British Pilgrims Society trained Lenin and Stalin in London starting shortly after the Pilgrims’ formation in 1902.

* * *


Our discoveries about Klaus Schwab should prove beyond question that WEF is utterly fraudulent and an enemy of all humanity.

WEF meets every year in early February in Davos, Switzerland to map out their dystopic plans. We will show below that they are criminal, inhuman frauds. We will also show that Klaus Schwab is a sociopath with pathological ‘mommy’ issues.

We have learned with these corruptocrat biographies that the information they hide is always highly instructive of their true characters.



Klaus’ mainstream media and academia propagandists have hidden his Nazi past in a blizzard of awards, WEF programs, ghost-written books, speeches, interviews, honorary professorships and doctorates from all over the world. He is a totally fabricated fraud.

AFI researchers have dubbed Klaus “old sourpuss” because he almost never smiles. Now we know why. He knows he is a fraud—a ‘circus barker’ who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth whose heart has nothing good to share with the world.

Klaus also hides the fact that his biological mother was Jewish.

In his just-published propaganda Stakeholder Capitalism (Wiley, NY: 2021), Klaus wrote on the dedication page that his mother was Erika Epprecht. (“To my parents, Eugen Wilhelm Schwab and Erika Epprecht who taught me firsthand the value of education, collaboration, and the stakeholder principle”). This is a boldface lie.


Klaus and his older brother, Hans Ernst, were born to Eugen Wilhelm Schwab and Emma Gisela Tekelius Schwab (née Kilian) in Ravensburg (Mar. 30, 1938) and Karlsruhe (Oct. 13, 1927) respectively.

Hans Ernst did not disown his Jewish mother, Emma, like his brother Klaus has done. On Dec. 09, 1938, Emma Schwab emigrated to the United States as Gisela Schwab, leaving her suckling infant Klaus, presumably forever. Was she fleeing Hitler’s Jewish persecution? Possibly. Was Klaus’ 50% Jewish blood being buried and replaced by a pure Aryan persona? Probably, especially considering his and his father’s life-long silence about her.

By contrast, new wife Erika was of sturdy Aryan stock—acceptable to the Nazis. She was from Zurich, born Dec. 31, 1906, and like Vladimir Lenin, Erika lived just a ten-minute taxi ride from the Escher-Wyss turbine manufacturing campus in Zurich, according to the 1935 city directory.

Klaus’ pretend-mother, Erika, worked in personnel recruiting in the Zurich. Ravensburg.  Registry officials were unhelpful with birth, marriage and divorce records for Eugen Wilhelm Schwab, so no records of a divorce from Emma or re-marriage to Erika were accessible.

However, we do see Eugen and Erika traveling to Brazil in 1960, presumably to visit Hans Ernst and Escher-Wyss that Hans managed. Escher-Wyss, now Sulzer AG and Andritz AG, as well as Hilde’s Festo AG, all have large footprints in Brazilian industry, then and today.

Since Klaus hides his Jewish mother Emma—never speaking of her—we can only surmise that he suffers deep-seated abandonment issues, even now. This begs the question how this life-long maternal abandonment has affected his moral and spiritual priorities. Evidently badly.


Klaus’ father, Eugen Wilhelm Schwab, was the managing director of Escher-Wyss & Co. in 1938 when Klaus was born in Ravensburg, Germany, and continued with the company as President Emeritus until his death in 1982.

Escher-Wyss was founded in 1805, and developed unique engineering, manufacturing and high-strength materials capabilities focused on gas turbines, compressors, power generation, heat pumps, hydraulics, ships, thermal and hydroelectric power, and related automation controls.

Klaus has hidden Escher-Wyss’ Nazi sins his entire career. They are only now emerging. A few other researchers seem to have unearthed this evidence just recently as well. Much of it has been suppressed behind Top Secret archives in Switzerland, Germany, Britain and the United States—only recently released after 90+ years of diabolical suppression.

First, at the time of Klaus’ birth in 1938, Escher-Wyss had already been helping the German government build compressors, turbines and other critical elements for an emerging nuclear industry (since 1929). So, it stands to reason that as Hitler came to power, he coddled Escher-Wyss and the Schwab’s.

The British 1965 propaganda film The Heroes of Telemark is about the Nazi heavy water manufacturing plant in Norway. That plant was built by Escher-Wyss.

Second, as Klaus grew into the Escher-Wyss Schwab family business, he watched his father Eugen make top secret deals with South Africa to supply key components for a nuclear bomb.

Then, when Klaus graduated from university in Zurich, funded by Escher-Wyss, he was immediately assigned to handle a 10,000-employee merger between Escher-Wyss and Sulzer AG. The merged company continued to supply nuclear bomb capabilities to South Africa with Klaus leading the effort, right up to 1971 when he started the European Management, and very probably afterwards.


South Africa was busting U.S. nuclear armament sanctions (clearly a ruse to fool the world public) for Sulzer-Escher-Wyss using Marc Rich, the notorious Swiss fugitive who was famously pardoned by Bill Clinton on Jan. 20, 2001. This fact alone places Klaus Schwab on the list of aiding and abetting convicted criminals like Marc Rich.


C.I.A. archive documents show that Escher-Wyss and Sulzer were being directed by the U.S. Department of Energy and the State Department. This would logically mean that Klaus Schwab was a triple-agent, working simultaneously for: (1) the CIA-MI6-UN British-Americans Pilgrims Society, (2) Nazis 4th Reich, and (3) Switzerland.

Do we really want a triple-agent lying spy running the “Great Reset” and “Build Back Better?”  Do we really have any choice in the matter, given that humans are the fodder in this deal?

Third, Escher-Wyss was one of the largest employers in Ravensburg, Germany.

Fourth, Escher-Wyss was the first city in Nazi German to practice eugenics principles to murder “useless eaters” emerging from the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (something like the National Institute of Health in the US, or Tavistock Institute in the UK).

Fifth, contrary to the propaganda stories about Ravensburg’s lack of war-making industries (as the reason why the Allies did not bomb the city and its Escher-Wyss industry), we discovered many Ravensburg unconfessed sins surrounding the Schwab’s and Escher-Wyss.

Besides parts for ships, airplanes, submarines and power plants, Escher-Wyss brokered flame throwers built in their Zurich plant and sold to the Nazis. This information comes from the U.S. Archives. This would have been handled by Eugen Schwab with a then about 5-year old Klaus at his side. They also supplied turbines, compressors and propellers for Nazi ships and submarines, as well as gas turbines for powering the war machine, in addition to their nuclear technology.

Escher-Wyss exploited slave labor (Jewish, Russian, Gypsy, homosexual, Hungarian, Romanian, Polish ), as well as Allied POWs. Being a National Socialists Model Company, this would certainly have included Dr. Josef Mengele’s biological war crimes (“The Angel of Death”) and his young protégé, Dr. Anthony Fauci.  I Fauci any kind of real doctor, in the modern sense? Probably not.


Escher Wyss today operates under numerous re branded names including Andritz AG and Sulzer AG.  The AG Farben chemical works operates, today, under the name of Moderna, under the guidance of Anthony Fauci..  These companies are poised to profit enormously from the priorities reflected in Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset,” including hydropower, plasma turbines, nuclear power, materials science, nuclear weapons, oil and gas, coal, bio fuel, paper, food, robotics, artificial intelligence, financing, patents, pharmaceuticals and more.

Historically, the first (IBM) punch card machine readers, sometimes called Hollerith machines, were manufactured by companies like Escher-Wyss and Sulzer who specialized in textile machines in the 1880s. Punched cards were used to control the  creation of different patterns on textile machines, as well as in player pianos. Other names in this business were Semyon Korsakov (ca. 1805); Charles Babbage (ca. 1855); Herman Hollerith (ca. 1880); The Tabulating Machine Company (ca. 1910), including Dehomag (Deutsche Hollerith-Maschinen GmbH, IBM Germany); and Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (1911, renamed IBM).

Note: IBM International president Jacques G. Maisongroung was a feature speaker at Klaus M. Schwab’s first European Management Forum on Feb. 04-07, 1971, along with the black monarch and Fourth Reich heir apparent Otto von Habsburg.

Klaus married Hilde Stoll in the weeks following the first Forum in 1971. This was an evident corporate marriage. Hilde’s family, to this day, owns an engineering, robotics, artificial intelligence and process controls manufacturer name FESTO with over 20,000 employees.

It should be noted that the Escher and Sulzer families are interlocked with the Stolls, Schwabs and Bodmar families. The Bodmar family property in Cologny, Geneva Canton, Switzerland is the current site of The World Economic Forum headquarters as well as the Schwab residence—like a ritzy WACO-like compound.

The Bodmar family is a 15th-century silk manufacturing family who purchased the WEF land from Fanny Moser-Sulzer (Sulzer AG). Hans von Schulthess-Bodmar was a director of Escher-Wyss & Co. and those interlocked engineering firms and exclusive private banks are still in operation today (Escher & Rahn renamed Rahn Bodmer).

Indeed, none of these family businesses lack funding. Given their close proximity to untold amounts of stolen Nazi-Japanese gold at the Bank for International Settlements, their “success” comes into focus. In fact, it was during the Marshall Plan that the British Pilgrims Society took control of these Second-Reich family corporate empires to serve their secular new world order scheme.

Martin Bodmar was born the same year as Klaus’ father Eugen (1899). Martin was a vice-president of the International Red Cross (1940-71). Klaus is believed to have attended grade school in the Au suburb of Zurich (1945-47, ages 7-9) and lived in Bodmar castle during that posh primary schooling.


Klaus had all of his schooling bankrolled by Escher-Wyss financiers in Zurich just as his father Eugen Schwab, as managing director of Escher-Wyss CIE in Ravensburg was forming the Ravensburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry as vice-president (1945-46).

Eugen formed the Ravensburg Chamber of Commerce at the behest of Sir Winthrop W. Aldrich (Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger’s and Paul Volcker’s boss), Allan W. Dulles (OSS/CIA Bern, Switzerland), and the Bank for International Settlements set up by MI6 and the CIA.

The British Pilgrims Society had already begun to funnel dirty Marshall Plan funds to insider companies like Escher-Wyss and Festo and their interlocked private Swiss banking family companies, even before the war ended, in exchange for Ravensburg’s help in transporting the Nazi gold to Bill J. Donovan, Allan W. Dulles and Edwin Pauley (OSS cum MI6—the rogue C.I.A.), the British Pilgrims Society required Schwab fealty to the new world order being fronted by their newly-forming United Nations.

NoteLord Mark Malloch-Brown, the current Pilgrims Society chairman of SGO Smartmatic (with its masked OpTech ballot scanning software running in Dominion, ES&S, Hart InterCivic, Sequoia, Diebold, Premier), has served in almost every senior post at the United Nations: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Thailand, Africa, Central America and Geneva; Reform of UN communications; UN Development Program (UNDP); London International Model UN; UN Millennium Summit; and Deputy Secretary-General.

Note alsoSir Nigel Graham Knowles is Malloch-Brown’s fellow Pilgrim in SGO Smartmatic where he is director, chief trustee of Prince’s Trust America, and employed Kamala Harris newly-minted husband Doug Emhoff at DLA Piper LLP law.

Starting even before the Germans surrendered on May 07, 1945—just two weeks after the famous “Link-Up” (Apr. 25, 1945) of the American 69th Infantry Division with the Soviet 58th Guards in Torgau—Ravensburg was a staging ground for shipping stolen Nazi gold to Switzerland.  It has also been a processing hub for Allied POWs as evident cover for Ravensburg duplicities discussed herein.

The looted Nazi gold was routed through Ravensburg, near the Swiss-Lichtenstein border, and sent to the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Bern and Zurich. Allen W. Dulles was the OSS spy director in Bern in charge of the Nazi gold for the Allies (Read: Pilgrims Society).

After the war, Dulles became the first director of the C.I.A. and was the man who later covered up the Kennedy Assassination with the Warren Commission, after, many believe, he ordered President Kennedy’s assassination to protect his emerging Pilgrims Society global enterprise founded on the stolen Nazi and Japanese gold—the banking system that operates today, still named the Bank for International Settlements, Zurich that handles inter banking special drawing rights.

President Kennedy was assassinated not long after he told a colleague:  “I will splinter the CIA [Dulles’ creature] into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.” (New York Times, Apr. 25, 1966).

A particular Scripture comes to mind when considering the depraved moral foundations of the Bank for International Settlements:



President Kennedy, as did President Eisenhower, surely knew about the criminal Pilgrims Society banking of fascist industries paying their tribute behind the smokescreen of the Marshall Plan “helping” Europe recover… from a war that these bâstards just funded! (Please excuse the French.)

Escher-Wyss hosted numerous Sir Winthrop’s Chamber meetings in Zurich and Ravensburg, sponsored by their father, the son city fathers team of Eugen and Klaus Schwab.

As the Escher-Wyss managing director, Eugen was a man whose favor was sought in both Germany, Switzerland, and the Pilgrims Society, and who was grooming son Klaus to take over their Escher-Wyss dynasty, now 216 years old.


Today, Klaus Schwab’s Andritz AG auditor is KPMG who also audits SERCO (controlled by the British Crown) and SGO Smartmatic (aka Dominion etc.) Voting Systems (controlled by Lord Mark Malloch-Brown and Sir Nigel Knowles, Kamala Harris’ British handler.

Klaus received a bachelor and PhD in engineering from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, co-founded by Alfred Escher (1855).

Klaus also received overlapping masters and PhD degrees from the Jesuit University of Fribourg, Switzerland (1962-67). These Jesuits boast numerous Pilgrims Society globalists like British Zionist Chaim Azriel Weizmann; Basil Hume, archbishop of Canterbury; and, Juan Carlos, King of Spain.

Weizmann developed acetone used in cordite explosives for the British war industry in WWI, along with fellow British Zionist Sir Alfred M. Mond, chairman of Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) and gunpowder—a founding member of the Pilgrims Society (1902). He also founded the Weizmann Institute, funded by Lord Victor Rothschild, that coordinated biological research closely tied to the Coronavirus patent developer (U.S. Pat. No. No. 10,130,701, awarded Nov. 20, 2018)—The Pirbright Institute (UK). In fact, Pirbright tested many of biotechnology trials in Israel, according to newly-released Dr. Sydney Brenner and Victor Rothschild correspondence.

In 1966-67, Klaus was shuffled off to Boston for his Harvard grooming. He received a master’s in public administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government. There he admits collaborating with Pilgrims Society inner circle gadabouts Henry Kissinger and John K. Galbraith. Galbraith and Kissinger came to play leading rolls in the World Economic Forum strategies and tactics.

On the wings of Kissinger’s Pilgrims Society instructions, Klaus Schwab was assigned to organize the Europe Management Forum starting in 1971.

Starting in 1965, the U.S. Department of Energy began funding the development of nuclear weapons capability in apartheid South Africa (read: British-controlled).

Newly-discovered information for this most top secret program reveal that Sulzer-Escher-Wyss supplied critical components to the enrichment of triggering of a nuclear bomb, ostensibly for the South Africans. Apparently their prized elephant herds needed protecting.


Klaus’s first job after university was managing a 10,000-employee merger of Escher-Wyss AG and Sulzer AG. Now we know that these companies and their families were interlocked and this was merely window dressing. This occurred just as Sulzer was shipping specialize compressor and turbine seals to South Africa. Later, Swiss fugitive Marc Rich ran sanctions against South Africa for this secret Pilgrims Society nuclear cabal.


Nuclear sanctions-buster Marc Rich was pardoned by Bill Clinton as he left office on Jan. 20, 2001. Notably, at the same time, Clinton pardoned his former C.I.A. Director John M. Deutch (1995-96), and appointed Leader Technologies’ patent attorney Professor James P. Chandler, III and Microsoft’s Bill Gates to an organization euphemistically named “National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC)” that still exists to this day and is overseeing the weaponization of patents for the DoD Office of Net Assessment.

Leader Technologies, Inc. is the patent holder of the invention of social networking. James P. Chandler, III was their patent attorney who secreted a copy of Leader’s invaluable source code and gave it to a newly-forming IBM Eclipse Foundation on Nov. 29, 2001, just after the 9/11 false flag diversion that drove Congress to approve sweeping sacrifices of liberty, privacy and security, ironically in the name of security. Leader Technologies has filed a lien on the U.S. Government and wants its shareholders paid for the risks they took and the government stole.

Bono obsequiously promotes the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab and George Soros. Evidently acting on insider tips in 2009, he “invested” $56 million in Facebook private stock, sold corruptly by Goldman Sachs.* Those shares rose to $1 billion at the Facebook IPO on May 18, 2012, along with other Pilgrims/WEF insiders, including James W. Breyer, Accel Partners, Peter A. Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Yuri Milner, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft and Meritech Management (Ann Huntress Lamont) who cashed in $13.26 billion on Day 3, much to the outrage of CNBC’s Jim Cramer.

* Bono corruptly invested in Facebook during the Leader v. Facebook social networking patent infringement trial 2008-2010. He invested concurrently with Hillary Clinton’s secret State Department contract with Facebook to build “an election winning template” to rig elections. Hillary’s contract was blatant obstruction of justice, not to mention criminal conspiracy, espionage, treason and sedition.

And yet, she walks free.


Fig. 5—Sir Klaus Martin Schwab, KCMG, and Sir Bono, KBE (Paul David Hewson) relish the psycophantic adulation of their self-anointed fellow insider trading criminals at the 2016 World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland. Photo: World Economic Forum.


There is a reason that Klaus Schwab has been the only leader of the World Economic Forum since 1971—50 years.

He is doing the bidding of his masters at the British Pilgrims Society. His children Nicole and Olivier have joined him and Hilde to carry on the fascist Nazi thefts into the next generation of their carefully crafted criminal enterprise.

Klaus Schwab’s perfidy demands that he and the World Economic Forum cease operations.

WEF is nothing more than an organized crime guild for the Pilgrims Society. They have coopted the deposed monarchies of Europe to support the “Great Reset.” In return, those deposed monarchs get insider financial trading information so that they can continue to fund their lavish lifestyles.

Klaus uses Jesuit tactics of secrecy, just like Cecil J. Rhodes dictated some 118 years earlier, to keep the average citizen ignorant of their criminal doings.

They use the media to tell lies to fool and pacify the public, as well as haughtily “create public opinion.”

Klaus’s Fourth Reich will invigorate many of the deposed royal families with new life.

The difference this time is that they will be taking orders from the corporate and banking criminals of the British Pilgrims Society, while the Pilgrims in turn hide their organized crime behind the fascination of a naive public with royalty, while these bureaucrats interlock into the closed loop of a 1%-er’s club, like Escher-Wyss’ closed-cycle gas turbines that can run on any kind of fuel, including nuclear.

The insider trading of the WEF members, including his Escher-Wyss-Sulzer-Andritz-Stoll-Festo interlocking criminal enterprises create a scenario of total corruption that allows them universal control over the world.  Do not imagine for one second that the US has ever been free from the domination of the British Crown. This is a situation that apparently cannot be changed by any forceful means.  The Queen is a figurehead, but a very powerful one.  She has made it perfectly clear to all that she will not tolerate the present state of the world society.  The “useless eaters” will no longer be tolerated. You probably would prefer not to think of yourself as a “useless eater”, but that is only because you do not have the ability to view yourself objectively.  In reality, you are almost certainly a “useless eater”.  Put that two-and-two together to calculate your future

Amazingly, Many Fail to Notice the Real Agenda Behind the Lockdowns

People just grab the free money and take an unexpected vacation.  They think it is just more of life in ‘Lala Land’.  They see nothing wrong or dangerous in the massive gross debasement of the monetary system.  They see nothing to worry about as more people become professional ‘lockdowners’, with no real intent to return to dreary jobs.  They think it can just go on and on, like it always seems to, with no repercussions or consequences.  Although the same televised evidence upon which they base their acceptance of the fake scamdemic is also telling them that a massive ‘global reset’ is underway, and evidence abounds, they are comfortable just ignoring this ‘not so good news’.  This is probably something down the road that will never happen, right? 

The top-down reorganization of the world economy by a cabal of technocratic corporativists, led by the group around the Davos World Economic Forum– the so-called Great Reset or UN Agenda 21– is no future proposal. It is well into actualization as the world remains in insane lockdown over a nonexisting virus.

The hottest investment area since onset of the coronavirus global lockdowns is something called ESG investing. This highly subjective and very controlled game is dramatically shifting global capital flows into a select group of “approved” corporate stocks and bonds. Notably it advances the dystopian UN Agenda 21 or the WEF Great Reset agenda. The development is one of the most dangerous and least understood shifts since the last great RESET two centuries ago.

The UN “sustainable economy” agenda is being realized quietly by the very same global banks which have created the financial crises in 2004-2008. This time they are preparing the Klaus Schwab WEF Great Reset by steering hundreds of billions and soon trillions in investment to their hand-picked “woke” companies, and away from the “not woke” such as oil and gas companies or coal.

What the bankers and giant investment funds like BlackRock have done is to create a new investment infrastructure that picks “winners” or “losers” for investment according to how serious that company is about ESG—Environment, Social values and Governance.

For example a company gets positive ratings for the seriousness of its hiring gender diverse management and employees, or takes measures to eliminate their carbon “footprint” by making their energy sources green or sustainable to use the UN term. How corporations contribute to a global sustainable governance is the vaguest of the ESG, and could include anything from corporate donations to Black Lives Matter to supporting UN agencies such as WHO.

The crucial central goal of ESG strategists is to create a shift to inefficient and costly alternative energy, the Zero Carbon promised utopia. It is being driven by the world’s major financial institutions and central banks. They have created a dazzling array of organizations to drive their green investing agenda.

In 2013, well before the public heard of the coronavirus, the major Wall Street bank, Morgan Stanley, created its own Institute for Sustainable Investing. This was soon expanded in 2015 when Morgan Stanley joined the Steering Committee of the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF). On its website the they state:

“PCAF is based upon the Paris Climate Agreement’s position that the global community should strive to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and that society should decarbonize and reach net zero emissions by 2050.”

By 2020 the PCAF had more than 100 banks and financial institutions including ABN Amro, Nat West, Lloyds Bank, Barclays, Bank of America, Citi Group, CIBC, Danske Bank and others. Several of the PCAF member banks have been indicted in money laundering cases. Now they sense a new role as virtue-models to change the world economy, if we are to believe the rhetoric. Notably, former Bank of England Governor, Mark Carney is an “Observer” or consultant to the PCAF.

In August 2020 the PCAF published a draft standard outlining a proposed approach for global carbon accounting. This means the bankers are creating their own accounting rules for how to rate or value a company’s carbon footprint or green profile.

The Central Role of Mark Carney

Mark Carney is at the center of reorganizing world finance to back the UN 2030 green agenda behind the WEF Davos Great Reset, where he is a member of the Board of Trustees. He also is Adviser to the UN Secretary General as United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action. He has described the PCAF plan as follows:

“To achieve net zero we need a whole economy transition – every company, every bank, every insurer and investor will have to adjust their business models, develop credible plans for the transition and implement them. For financial firms, that means reviewing more than the emissions generated by their own business activity. They must measure and report the emissions generated by the companies they invest in and lend to. PCAF’s work to standardize the approach to measuring financed emissions is an important step to ensuring that every financial decision takes climate change into account.”

Follow the “Real Money” Behind the “New Green Agenda”

As Governor of the Bank of England Carney played a key role getting world central banks behind the Green Agenda of the UN 21 scheme. The major central banks of the world, through their umbrella Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basle, created a key part of the growing global infrastructure that is steering investment flows to “sustainable” companies and away from those like oil and gas companies it deems “unsustainable.”

When then-Bank of England Governor Mark Carney was head of the BIS’ Financial Stability Board (FSB) he established something called Task-force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) in 2015.

The central bankers of the FSB nominated 31 people to form the TCFD. Chaired by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, it included in addition to BlackRock, JP Morgan-Chase; Barclays Bank; HSBC; Swiss Re, the world’s second largest reinsurance; China’s ICBC bank; Tata Steel, ENI oil, Dow Chemical, mining giant BHP and David Blood of Al Gore’s Generation Investment LLC.

Anne Finucane, the Vice Chair of the Bank of America, a member of both the PCAF and the TCFD, noted:

“we are committed to ensuring that climate-related risks and opportunities are properly managed within our business and that we are working with governments and markets to accelerate the changes required…climate change presents risks to the business community, and it is important for companies to articulate how these risks are being managed.”

The Bank of America vice chair describes how they assess risks in its real estate loan portfolio by assessing, “acute physical risk analysis on a sample portfolio of Bank of America residential mortgages across the US. Each property was given a score based on the level of risk associated with 12 potential hazards: tornado, earthquake, tropical cyclone, hailstorm, wildfire, river flood, flash flood, coastal flood, lightning, tsunami, volcano, and winter storm.”

As well, the banks’ investment “risk” in oil and gas as well as other industrial sectors is reviewed using the criteria of Carney’s TCFD. All risks are defined as related to CO2, despite the fact there is no conclusive scientific proof that manmade CO2 emissions are about to destroy our planet by global warming. Rather, evidence of solar activity suggests we are entering an unstable cooling period, Grand Solar Minimum. That’s of no concern to the financial interests who stand to reap trillions in the coming decade.

Another key part of the financial preparation for the Great Reset, the fundamental transformation from a high-energy intensity economy to a low and economically efficient one, is the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB).

SASB says it “provides a clear set of standards for reporting sustainability information across a wide range of issues“. This sounds reassuring until we look at who makes up the members of the SASB that will give the Climate-friendly Imprimatur. Members include, in addition to the world’s largest fund manager, BlackRock (more than $7 trillion under management), also Vanguard Funds, Fidelity Investments, Goldman Sachs, State Street Global, Carlyle Group, Rockefeller Capital Management, and numerous major banks such as Bank of America and UBS. Many of these are responsible for the 2008 global financial collapse.

What is this framework group doing? According to their website, “Since 2011, we have been working towards an ambitious goal of developing and maintaining sustainability accounting standards for 77 industries.”

Where this is all going is to create a web of globally-based financial entities who control combined wealth including insurance and pension funds, which they claim to be worth $100 trillion. They are setting the rules and will define a company or even a country by the degree of carbon emission they create.

If you are clean and green, you potentially get investment.

If you are deemed a carbon polluter as the oil, gas and coal industries are deemed today, the global capital flows will disinvest or avoid funding you.

The immediate target of this financial cabal is the backbone of the world economy, the oil and gas industry along with coal.  [It has also geopolitical and strategic implications]. 

Hydrocarbons Under Attack

The immediate target of this financial cartel is the backbone of the world economy, the oil, coal and natural gas sector. Oil industry analysts predict that over the next five years or less investment flows into the world’s largest energy sector will fall dramatically. “Given how central the energy transition will be to every company’s growth prospects, we are asking companies to disclose a plan for how their business model will be compatible with a net zero economy,” BlackRock’s chairman and CEO Larry Fink wrote in his 2021 letter to CEOs. Blackrock is the world’s largest investment group with over $7 trillion to invest. Another BlackRock officer told a recent energy conference, “where BlackRock goes, others will follow.”

“To continue to attract capital, portfolios have to be built around core advantaged assets – low-cost, long-life, low carbon-intensive barrels,” said Andrew Latham, Vice President, Global Exploration at WoodMac, an energy consultancy.

The Biden Administration is already making good on his pledge to phase out oil and gas by banning new leases in Federal lands and offshore and the Keystone XL oil pipeline. The oil and gas sector and its derivatives such as petrochemicals are at the heart of the world economy. The 50 largest oil and gas companies in the world, including both state-owned and publicly traded companies, recorded revenues of about $5.4 trillion in 2015.

As a new Biden Administration pushes their ideological opposition to so-called fossil fuels, the world will see a precipitous decline in oil and gas investment. The role of the Davos globalists and the ESG financial players are out to guarantee that.

And the losers will be us.

Energy prices will skyrocket as they did during the recent Texas blizzards. The cost of electricity in industrial countries will become prohibitive for a manufacturing industry. But rest well. This is all part of the ongoing Great Reset and its new doctrine of ESG investing.

In 2010 the head of Working Group 3 of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Dr Otmar Edenhofer, told an interviewer, “…one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore…” The WEF Great Reset is not simply a big idea of Klaus Schwab reflecting on the economic devastation of the coronavirus. It has been long planned by the money masters, as has the RESET and its cover play, the COVID scamdemic.