Macron’s Speech Confirms My Prediction… the End of AngloZionism
This has been the conclusion of many of my recent blogs. The implications are critical for the Western world. A hegemony built on a house of cards has been the formula for Western over-consumption and abuses of the rest of the world for the past 100 years. The era of the West is finished, The viable technology has been “off-shored” to the Eastern world during the recent 40 – 50 years. The new term for Westerners, coined by the Queen, is “Useless Eaters”. Everyone seems to think this is funny and of no consequence.
The single most amazing event of the past couple of weeks was the absolutely astonishing speech French President Emmanuel Macron made in front of an assembly of ambassadors.
Here is an informal translation of Macron’s speech:
“The international order is being shaken in an unprecedented manner, by the great upheaval that is undoubtedly taking place for the first time in our history, in almost every field and with a profoundly historic magnitude. The first thing we observe is a major transformation, a geopolitical and strategic re-composition. We are undoubtedly experiencing the end of Western hegemony over the world.
We were accustomed to an international order which, since the 18th century (the last reset), rested on a Western hegemony, mostly French in the 18th century, by the inspiration of the Enlightenment; then mostly British in the 19th century thanks to the Industrial Revolution and, finally, mostly American in the 20th century due to the 2 great conflicts and the economic and political domination of this power.
Things change. And they are now deeply shaken by the mistakes of Westerners in certain crises, by the choices that have been made by Americans for several years which did not start with this administration, but which lead to revisiting certain implications in conflicts in the Middle East and elsewhere (NEOCONS and the Project for a New American Century), and to rethinking a deep, diplomatic and military strategy, and sometimes elements of solidarity that we thought were intangible for eternity, even if we had constituted together in geopolitical moments that have changed. (The events of 911 were the necessary catalyst to initiate support for the misguided ‘War on Terror’.)
And then there is the emergence of new powers whose impact we have probably underestimated for a long time. China is at the forefront, but also the Russian strategy, which has, it must be said, been pursued more successfully in recent years. India is emerging. These new economies that are also becoming powers, not only economic, but political, and think themselves as real “civilized states” now come not only to shake up our international order but who also come to weigh in on the economic order and to rethink the political order and the political imagination that goes with it, with much dynamism and much more inspiration than we currently have. Look at India, Russia and China. They have a much stronger political inspiration than AngloEuropeans today. They think about our planet with a true logic, a true philosophy, an imagination that we’ve lost.“
Now let’s unpack these key statements one by one:
1) “ great upheaval that is undoubtedly taking place for the first time in our history in almost every field and with a profoundly historic magnitude”
Here Macron sets the stage for some truly momentous observations: what will be discussed next is not only a major event, but one without precedent in history (whether French, European or American). Furthermore, what will be discussed next, affects “almost every field” and with huge historical implications.
2) “We are undoubtedly experiencing the end of Western hegemony over the world”
What is important is that even a Rothschild-puppet like Macron had to finally speak these words.
From now on, the notion of the end of the western hegemony on the planet is no more relegated to what the leaders of the Empire and their propaganda machine like to call “fringe extremists” and has now fully entered the (supposedly) “respectable” and “mainstream” public discourse. If you have been reading my blogs with any regularity, you already know that I have been predicting this for a long time. If you have not been reading them, you can go back and read them now. This is a confirmation of the extent of my understanding of reality in this world of lies and propaganda.
3) “by the mistakes of Westerners in certain crises, by the choices that have been made by Americans for several years”
While the internal contradictions of western materialism in general, and of AngloZionist Capitalism specifically, have been catching up with the Western World and while an eventual catastrophic crisis was inevitable, it is also certainly true that western leaders mostly did it to themselves . In this context, I would single out the following politicians for a nomination to a medal for exceptional service in the destruction of the western hegemony over our long-suffering planet: Donald Trump, Barak Obama, George Bush, the Clintons, François Hollande and Emmanuel Macron (yes, he too even if he now changes his tune!), Angela Merkel, of course, and then last but not least, every single British Prime Minister since Margaret Thatcher (maybe with special commendation for Teresa May). All these named, and a long long list of predecessors get the credit as flunkies in the service of the ‘World-Masters’.
4) “ the emergence of new powers whose impact we have probably underestimated for a long time. China is at the forefront, but also the Russian strategy, which has, it must be said, been pursued more successfully in recent years”
Yes, it’s not only China. Russia too is a major competitor, and a very successful one at that, hence the admission that in spite of all the efforts of the AngloZionist elites not only did the Empire not succeed in breaking Russia, but Russia has been very successful in defeating the western efforts. Finally, in military terms, Russia has achieved more than parity. In fact, It can be argued that at least in terms of quality the Russian armed forces are ahead in several crucial technologies (hypersonic missiles, air defenses, electronic warfare etc.) even while she still lags behind in other technologies (mostly truly obsolete things like aircraft carriers). But most crucial is the political victory of Russia: five years after the Euromaidan and the liberation of Crimea from the Nazi yoke, the USA is far more isolated than Russia.
5) “real “civilized states” which now come not only to shake up our international order”
Of course, Macron did not only mean Russia here, but also India and China. Still, and although the Russian nation is much younger than the one of China or, even more so India, 1000 years of Russian civilization does deserve to be listed next to these two other giants of world history in contrast to the US with 200 years. And what is absolutely certain is that China and India could never build the new international order they want without Russia, at least for the foreseeable future. In spite of all the very real progress made recently by the Chinese armed forces (and, to a lesser degree, also the Indian ones), Russia still remains a much stronger military power than China. Russia, China and India are all former empires which have had their turn in past reset periods which lasted much longer than those of recent history. Just by their size and geography, these are “un-invadable” countries who all present a distinct model of development and who want a multi-polar international order which would allow them to safely achieve their goals. In other words, Macron understands that the future international order will be dictated by China, Russia and India and not by any combination of western powers. Quite an admission indeed!
6) “ Look at India, Russia and China. They have a much stronger political inspiration than AngloEuropeans today. They think about our planet with a true logic, a true philosophy, an imagination that we’ve lost.”
This is the “core BRICS” challenge to the Empire: China and Russia have already established what the Chinese call a “Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination for the New Era”. If they can now extend this kind of informal but extremely profound partnership to India next, then the BRICS will have a formidable future (especially after the Brazilian people give the boot to Bolsonaro and his US patrons). And yes, Macron is spot on: China and, especially, Russia have a fundamentally different worldview and, unlike the western one, theirs does have “much stronger political” goals (Macron used the word “aspirations”), “a real philosophy and imagination” which the West has lost, completely. But one way or the other, and for the first time in 1000 years, the future of our planet will not be decided anywhere in the West, not in Europe (old or “new”), but in Asia, primarily by the Russian-Chinese alliance. The AngloZionist Empire is probably the last one in history, definitely the last western one.
Now we should not be naïve here, Macron did not suddenly find religion, grow a conscience or suddenly become an expert on international relations. There is, of course, a cynical reason why he is changing his tune. In fact, there are several such reasons.
First, an aspect of ‘Prime Directive’ requires the pre-informing of humans prior to large-scale high-impact events that are going to have a major impact on the World Order.
Second, all of Europe is in free fall socially, economically and, of course, politically. And with a total nutcase in power in London dealing with Brexit and with Angela Merkel’s apparently never-ending political agony, it is only logical for a French head of state to try to step in.
Culturally and spiritually, Russia is very much part of Europe. Geographically, economically and politically there is simply no way for any imaginable alliance of European states to save Europe from its current predicament without Russian help. Like it or not, that is a fact, irrespective of whether politician or some commentator realizes this or not. Macron probably figured out that the so-called “East Europeans” are nothing but cheap prostitutes doing whatever Israel wants them to do. Germany is collapsing under the weight of Merkel’s “brilliant” immigration policy while the UK under BoJo is busy trying to self-destruct at least as fast as the USA under Trump. Macron is right. If united, Russia and France could build a much safer Europe than the one we see slowly and painfully dying before our eyes today. But he is also wrong if he thinks that Russia can be “re-invited” back into the AngloZionist sphere of influence. In that context, Putin’s reply to the question of whether Russia was willing to return to the G8 is very telling: first he said that if the G7 wants to come back to Russia, Putin would welcome that, but then he also added that the G7/8 is useless without China and India.
It will be interesting to see if the current G7 will ever agree to mutate into a new G10 which would make Russia, China and India the most powerful block (or voting group) of this new forum. Macron’s words seem to be indicating that this option is at least being discussed behind closed doors. Frankly, considering how quickly the G7 is becoming utterly irrelevant, one can expect it to be gradually phased out and replaced by the (objectively much more relevant) G20.
Finally, there are Trump’s desperate efforts into getting Russia back into the G8 which are very transparently linked to the current trade war he is losing and geostrategic competition between the US and China. The offer is useless to Russia, but Russia does not want to needlessly offend anybody and that is why Putin did not publicly rebuff Trump or directly refuse to come to Miami: instead, he approved of the general concept, but offered a better way to go about it.
Conclusion: Macron reads the writing on the wall and obeys his Rothschild Masters to reveal this critical information, although in a subtle manner, as is always the case.
Whatever his motives to say what he said, Macron is no idiot and neither are his advisors. Neither is this a “one off” thing. Every word Macron spoke is putting everybody on notice (including the Ukrainians, the US, the EU and the Russians, of course). In fact, Macron has already invited Putin to participate in a Normandy Format meeting in Paris in the very near future. If that meeting eventually does take place, this will mean that the organizers gave Putin guarantees that this will not just be the usual waste of time and that some serious results will finally be obtained. That, in turn, means that somebody – probably the French – will have the unpleasant task of telling the Ukrainians that the party is over and that they now need to get their act together and start implementing the Minsk Agreements, something which Zelenskii might or might not try to do, but which the real gun-toting Ukranazis will never accept. Thus, if the West is really serious about forcing Kiev to abide by the Mink Agreements, then the West has to finally give-up its self-defeating Russophobic hysteria and substantially change their tone about the Ukraine. To invite Putin to Paris just to tell him again that Russia (which is not even a party to the Minsk Agreements) “must do more” makes zero sense.
When does the plug get pulled on the Western population? There is ample evidence all around that this is underway at this moment. However, Westerners have a very juvenile concept of time frames. 2025 seems like a reasonable date.