Way Beyond Epstein 2

 Cohn, Murdoch and the Contras

Though Cohn’s influence in the Reagan administration and his friendship with the Reagan family and their inner circle has been acknowledged, less well-known is how Cohn aided the CIA’s covert propaganda efforts that were part of the larger scandal known as Iran-Contra.

Cohn, whose influence over the press has already been detailed, forged close ties with the director of the U.S. Information Agency, Chad Wick, even hosting a luncheon in Wick’s honor that was widely attended by influential figures in the conservative press, as well as senators and representatives. Soon after, then-CIA Director and Cohn’ friend William Casey was spearheading an extensive PR campaign aimed at shoring up public support for Reagan’s Latin American policies, including support of the Contra paramilitaries. 

This domestic propaganda effort was technically illegal and required that the CIA outsource the job to the private sector to minimize the risk of fall-out. As Robert Parry reported in 2015, Wick took the lead in obtaining private funding for the effort and, just a few days after Wick promised to find private support, Cohn brought his close friend, the media mogul Rupert Murdoch, to the White House.

1/18/1983 President Reagan during a meeting with Rupert Murdoch, Charles Wick, Roy Cohn and Thomas Bolan in the Oval Office

Reagan meets with Rupert Murdoch, U.S. Information Agency Director Charles Wick, and Roy Cohn in the Oval Office in 1983. Photo | Reagan presidential library

Parry later noted that, after this meeting, “documents released during the Iran-Contra scandal in 1987 and later from the Reagan Library indicate that Murdoch was soon viewed as a source for the private funding” for the propaganda campaign. 

After that initial meeting, Murdoch became the top media ally of this Casey-directed propaganda effort, and also became increasingly close to the Reagan White House. Murdoch, as a consequence, benefited greatly from Reagan’s policies and his friendship with the administration, which allowed Murdoch to increase his U.S. media holdings and to create the Fox Broadcasting Corporation in 1987.

 “The man in the black tuxedo”

Roy Cohn was not the only one close to the Reagan administration who was simultaneously running sexual blackmail operations that abused and exploited children. In fact, there were several figures, all of whom shared direct connections to CIA Director William Casey and other close friends and confidants of Cohn.

One of these individuals was Robert Keith Gray, the former chairman and CEO of the powerful Washington-based public relations firm of Hill and Knowlton, which 60 Minutes once called “an unelected shadow government” due to its influence in the capitol. According to the Washington Post, Gray himself was “one of the most sought-after lobbyists in Washington” and a Post reporter once called him “a kind of legend in this town, …the man in the black tuxedo with snow-white hair and a smile like a diamond.”

Yet, Gray was much more than a powerful PR executive.

Gray, who had previously been a close adviser to both Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard Nixon, was a very successful Republican fundraiser who “collects money in six-figure globs,” according to a 1974 report in the Washingtonian. He first came into close contact with what would become Ronald Reagan’s inner circle during Reagan’s unsuccessful 1976 presidential campaign and later as deputy director of communications during Reagan’s campaign in 1980. The latter position would see him work directly under William Casey, who later became CIA director.

Gray would go on to co-chair Reagan’s Inauguration Committee and afterwards would return to the PR business, taking on several clients including Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi and hedge fund manager Marc Rich. Both Khashoggi and Rich will be discussed more in detail later — particularly Rich, who was an asset of Israeli intelligence outfit Mossad, and whose later criminal pardon by Bill Clinton was largely orchestrated by members of the Mega Group like Michael Steinhardt and Israeli politicians like Ehud Barak.

The connection between Gray and Casey is particulary telling, as it was later revealed by former Nebraska state senator-turned-investigator John DeCamp that Gray was a specialist in homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA and was reported to have collaborated with Roy Cohn in those activities. Cohn and Gray were likely to have known each other well, as during Reagan’s 1980 presidential campaign Casey — then Gray’s boss — was calling Roy Cohn “every day,” according to Cohn’s former switchboard operator Christine Seymour.

Gray was a known associate of CIA agent and Naval Intelligence officer Edwin Wilson, having served in the 1970s on the board of Consultants International, an organization that Wilson had founded and that the CIA used as a front company. Though Gray attempted to distance himself from Wilson after the latter was caught illegally selling weapons to Libya in 1983, a Navy review of Wilson’s intelligence career, unearthed by journalist Peter Maas, stated that Gray described Wilson as a man of “unqualified trust” and that Gray and Wilson had been in professional contact “two or three times a month” as early as 1963. 

Though Wilson’s main specialty was front companies used to covertly ship and smuggle goods on behalf of U.S. intelligence, he also ran sexual blackmail operations for the CIA, particularly around the time of the Watergate scandal, according to his former partner and fellow agent at the CIA, Frank Terpil.

Terpil later told author and investigative journalist Jim Hougan: 

Historically, one of Wilson’s Agency jobs was to subvert members of both houses [of Congress] by any means necessary…. Certain people could be easily coerced by living out their sexual fantasy in the flesh…. A remembrance of these occasions [was] permanently recorded via selected cameras…. The technicians in charge of filming … [were] TSD [Technical Services Division of the CIA]. The unwitting porno stars advanced in their political careers, some of [whom] may still be in office.” 

According to Terpil, Wilson ran his operation out of the George Town Club, owned by lobbyist and Korean intelligence asset Tongsun Park. According to the Washington Post, Park set up the club on behalf of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency “as a primary means in an illegal effort to influence U.S. politicians and officials.” The president of the George Town Club at the time of Wilson’s alleged activities at the site was Robert Keith Gray.

DeCamp later reported that Wilson’s activities were a spin-off of the same sexual blackmail operation in which Cohn became involved during the McCarthy era with Lewis Rosenstiel and J. Edgar Hoover.

Father Ritter and his favored youths

The operation allegedly ran by Gray and Wilson was not the only sexual blackmail operation connected to Cohn’s network or to influential American politicians of the era. Another pedophile network that was connected to a close associate of former President George H.W. Bush in the early 1990s was run as an affiliate of the Catholic charity Covenant House, which was founded and run by Father Bruce Ritter.

In 1968, Ritter asked his superiorCardinal Francis Spellman of the Archdiocese of New York — for permission to take homeless teenagers, boys and girls, into his home in Manhattan. Spellman was accused of pedophilia and ordained known pedophiles while serving as the highest-ranking Catholic priest in the United States. Spellman was also a close associate, client and friend of Roy Cohn, as well as of his law partner Tom Bolan, and Spellman was alleged to have been seen at least one of Cohn’s “blackmail parties.” In addition, Spellman’s nephew, Ned Spellman, worked for Roy Cohn, according to LIFE magazine.

Ritter, like Spellman and other priests who served under Spellman, was eventually accused of having sexual relationships with many of the underaged boys he had taken in, and of spending Covenant House funds on lavish gifts and payments to the vulnerable teenagers he exploited. 

One of Ritter’s victims, Darryl Bassile, wrote an open letter to him a year after the priest’s preying on teenage boys was exposed by the press: “You were wrong for inflicting your desires on a 14-year-old . . . I know that someday you will stand before the one who judges all of us and at that time there will be no more denial, just the truth.”

Notably, when Ritter’s activities at Covenant House were exposed in 1989 by the New York Post, Charles M. Sennott, the Post reporter who wrote the story, would later state that “the secular powers more than the archdiocese or the Franciscans protected him [Ritter].” Sennott’s report was attacked viciously by columnists in other New York media outlets, powerful politicians including then-Governor of New York Mario Cuomo, as well as by Cardinal Spellman’s successor, Cardinal John O’Connor.

The likely reason these “secular powers” came to the aid of the embattled Ritter, who was never charged for having sexual relationships with minors and was merely forced to resign from his post, is that Covenant House and Ritter himself were deeply tied to Robert Macauley, Bush Sr.’s roommate at Yale and a long-time friend of the Bush family. Macauley was described by the New York Times as “instrumental” to Covenant House fundraising after he joined its board in 1985 and brought on several “other wealthy or well-connected people,” including former government officials and investment bankers.

George Bush and first lady Barbara meet residents at New York’s Convent House, June 22, 1989. Father Bruce Ritter is seated in the background. Rick Bowmen | AP

Macauley’s organization, the AmeriCares Foundation, which was later accused of funneling money to the Contras in Central America, was one of the main sources of funding of Covenant House. One of the members of AmeriCares advisory board was William E. Simon, former U.S. secretary of the treasury under the Nixon and Ford administrations, who also ran the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund, which sent aid to the Contras.

AmeriCares was also known to work directly with U.S. intelligence. As the Hartford Courant noted in 1991: “Knowledgeable former federal officials, many with backgrounds in intelligence work, help AmeriCares maneuver in delicate international political environments.”

Furthermore, Ritter was known to have visited Macauley’s Connecticut estate and served as Vice President of AmeriCares until he was forced to resign from Covenant House. Notably, George H.W. Bush’s brother, Prescott, was also on the AmeriCares advisory board. After George H.W. Bush died last year, AmeriCares stated that he had been “instrumental in founding the health-focused relief and development organization.”

Years before Ritter was outed as a pedophile who preyed on the disadvantaged and vulnerable teenagers who sought refuge at his charity, Covenant House was praised heavily by President Ronald Reagan, even earning a mention in his 1984 State of the Union address, which called Ritter one of the country’s “unsung heroes.” From 1985 to 1989, Covenant House’s operating budget grew from $27 million to $90 million and its board came to include powerful individuals including top executives at IBM, Chase Manhattan Bank and Bear Stearns.

It was during this time that Covenant House grew into an international organization, opening branches in several countries, including Canada, Mexico and elsewhere in Central America. Its first branch in Central America was opened in Guatemala and was headed by Roberto Alejos Arzu, a CIA asset whose plantation was used to train the troops used in the CIA’s failed “Bay of Pigs” invasion of Cuba. Alejos Arzu was also an associate of the former U.S.-backed dictator of Nicaragua, Anastasio Somoza, and a member of the Knights of Malta, a Catholic order to which former CIA Director William Casey and Roy Cohn’s law partner Tom Bolan also belonged. Alejos Arzu also worked for AmeriCares and was tied to several Central American paramilitary groups. 

Intelligence community sources cited by DeCamp assert that the Alejos Arzu-led branch of Covenant House procured children for a pedophile ring based in the United States. Years later, Mi Casa, another U.S.-run charity in Guatemala that George H.W. Bush had personally toured with his wife Barbara in 1994, was accused of rampant pedophilia and child abuse.

The downfall of “Washington’s Jay Gatsby”

After having left his job as an ABC News correspondent in the 1980s, Craig Spence found success as a prominent conservative Washington lobbyist. Spence would soon find his fortunes shift dramatically when, in June 1989, it was revealed that he had been pimping out children to the power elite in the nation’s capital throughout the 1980s in apartments that were bugged with video and audio recording equipment. Much like Jeffrey Epstein, who ran a similar operation, Spence was often likened to Jay Gatsby, the mysterious, wealthy figure from the well-known Fitzgerald novel The Great Gatsby.

A 1982 New York Times article written about Spence said that his “personal phone book and party guest lists constitute a ‘Who’s Who’ in Congress, Government and journalism” and stated that Spence was “hired by his clients as much for whom he knows as what he knows.” Spence was also known to throw lavish parties, which the Times described as “glitter[ed] with notables, from ambassadors to television stars, from senators to senior State Department officials.” Roy Cohn, William Casey and Roy Cohn’s journalist friend William Safire were just some of the other attendees at Spence’s festivities.

“According to Mr. Spence,” the Times article continues,Richard Nixon is a friend. So is [former Attorney General under Nixon] John Mitchell. [CBS journalist] Eric Sevareid is termed ‘an old, dear friend.’ Senator John Glenn is ‘a good friend’ and Peter Ustinov [British actor and journalist] is ‘an old, old friend.’” Notably, Ustinov wrote for The European newspaper soon after it was founded in 1990 by Robert Maxwell, the father of Epstein’s alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell and a known Mossad agent.

It was revealed just seven years after the Times’ published its doting profile of Spence that his “glittery parties for key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, media stars and top military officers” had been bugged in order “to compromise guests.” According to the explosive report published by the Washington Times, Spence was linked to a “homosexual prostuition ring” whose clients included “government officials, locally based U.S. military officers, businessmen, lawyers, bankers, congressional aides, media representatives and other professionals.” Spence also offered cocaine to his guests as another means of acquiring blackmail.

According to the report, Spence’s home “was bugged and had a secret two-way mirror, and … he attempted to ensnare visitors into compromising sexual encounters that he could then use as leverage.” One man who spoke to the Washington Times said that Spence sent a limousine to his home, which took him to a party where “several young men tried to become friendly with him.” According to DeCamp, Spence was known to offer young children for sex to attendees at his blackmail parties, along with illegal drugs like cocaine.

Several other sources, including a Reagan White House official and an Air Force sergeant who had attended Spence-hosted parties, confirmed that Spence’s house was filled with recording equipment, which he regularly used to spy on and record guests, and his house also included a two-way mirror that he used for eavesdropping.

The report also documented Spence’s connections to U.S. intelligence, particularly the CIA. According to the Washington Times report, Spence “often boasted that he was working for the CIA and on one occasion said he was going to disappear for awhile ‘because he had an important CIA assignment.’” He was also quite paranoid about his alleged work for the agency, as he expressed concern “that the CIA might ‘doublecross him’ and kill him instead and then make it look like a suicide.” Not long after the Washington Times report on his activities was published, Spence was found dead in the Boston Ritz Carlton and his death was quickly ruled a suicide.

The Washington Times report also offers a clue as to what Spence may have done for the CIA, as it cited sources that had claimed that Spence had spoken of smuggling cocaine into the U.S. from El Salvador, an operation that he claimed had involved U.S. military personnel. Given the timing of these comments from Spence, Spence’s powerful connections, and the CIA’s involvement in the exchange of cocaine for weapons in the Iran Contra scandal, his comments may have been much more than just boasts intended to impress his party guests.

One of the most critical parts of the scandal surrounding Spence, however, was the fact that he had been able to enter the White House late at night during the George H.W. Bush administration with young men whom the Washington Times described as “Questionable”

Spence later stated that his contacts within the White House, which allowed him and his “call boys” access, were “top level” officials and he specifically singled out George H.W. Bush’s then-National Security Advisor Donald Gregg. Gregg had worked at the CIA since 1951 before he resigned in 1982 to become National Security Advisor to Bush, who was then vice president. Prior to resigning from his post at the CIA, Gregg had worked directly under William Casey and, in the late 1970s, alongside a young William Barr in stonewalling the congressional Pike Committee and Church Committee, which investigated the CIA beginning in 1975. Among the things that they were tasked with investigating were the CIA’s “love traps,” or sexual blackmail operations used to lure foreign diplomats to bugged apartments, complete with recording equipment and two-way mirrors.

Barr would later become Bush’s Attorney General, rising to that post yet again under Trump. Furthermore, Barr’s father worked for the precursor to the CIA, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and recruited a young Jeffrey Epstein, then a high school drop-out, to teach at the elite Dalton School, from which Epstein was later fired. A year prior to hiring Epstein, Donald Barr published a science fiction fantasy novel about sex slavery. Notably, the same year Donald Barr hired Epstein, his son was working for the CIA. Bill Barr has refused calls to recuse himself from the Epstein case, even though he worked at the same law firm that has represented Epstein in the past.

Donald Gregg is also connected to Roy Cohn’s “influence machine” through his daughter’s marriage to Christopher Buckley, the son of conservative journalist William Buckley, close confidant and friend of both Roy Cohn and Cohn’s law partner Tom Bolan.

The Washington Times reports on Spence’s child sex ring also reveal his close ties to none other than the ubiquitous Roy Cohn. One of the Times’ sources for its first story on the scandal alleged that he had attended a birthday party for Roy Cohn that Spence had hosted at his home and that CIA Director William Casey was also in attendance. Spence was also said in the report to often brag about his social companions and regularly mentioned Cohn and claimed to have hosted Cohn at his house on occasions other than the aforementioned birthday party. 

“Bodies by God”

The revelation of Craig Spence’s “call boy ring” soon led to the discovery of the infamous Franklin child sex abuse and ritual murder scandal. That sordid operation was run out of Omaha, Nebraska by Larry King, a prominent local Republican activist and lobbyist who ran the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union until it was shut down by federal authorities. 

Buried in a May 1989 article in the Omaha World Herald’s probe into King’s Credit Union and sex ring, is a telling revelation: “In the 6-1/2 months since federal authorities closed Franklin, rumors have persisted that money from the credit union somehow found its way to the Nicaraguan contra rebels.” 

The possibility that King’s fraudulent credit union was covertly funding the Contras was supported by subsequent reporting by the Houston Post’s Pete Brewton, who discovered that the CIA, in conjunction with organized crime, had secretly borrowed money from various savings and loans (S&L) institutions to fund covert operations. One of those S&Ls had Neil Bush, George H.W. Bush’s son, on its board and it had done business with King’s organization.

Another link between King and the Iran Contra team is the fact that King had co-founded and subsequently donated over $25,000 to an organization affiliated with the Reagan administration, Citizens for America, which sponsored speaking trips for Lt. Col. Oliver North and Contra leaders. The director of Citizens for America at the time was David Carmen, who simultaneously ran a public relations firm with the former head of covert operations at the Casey-led CIA, his father Gerald, who had also been appointed by Reagan to head the General Services Administration and to a subsequent ambassadorship.

One of the investigative journalists who researched the Craig Spence ring later told DeCamp that Spence’s ring was connected to King: 

The way we discovered Larry King and his Nebraska-based call boy ring, was by looking through the credit card chits of Spence’s ring, where we found King’s name.”

It was later revealed that King and Spence were essentially business partners as their child trafficking rings were operated under a larger group that was nicknamed “Bodies by God.”

Exactly how many groups operated under this umbrella group, “Bodies by God,” is unknown. Yet, what is known is that the rings run by both King and Spence were connected to each other and both were also connected to prominent officials in the Reagan and subsequent George H.W. Bush administrations, including officials with ties to the CIA and Roy Cohn and his network.

Indeed Spence, just months before his alleged suicide in the Boston Ritz Carlton, had hinted to Washington Times reporters Michael Hedges and Jerry Seper, who had originally broken the story, that they had merely scratched the surface of something much darker: 

All this stuff you’ve uncovered [involving call boys, bribery and the White House tours], to be honest with you, is insignificant compared to other things I’ve done. But I’m not going to tell you those things, and somehow the world will carry on.”

It is also worth noting the role of the FBI in all of this, particularly in the Franklin child sex abuse scandal. Indeed, Larry King’s child sex abuse ring was quickly and aggressively covered up by the FBI, which used a variety of under-handed tactics to bury the reality of King’s sordid operation. Here, it is important to recall the key role former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover played in similar sexual blackmail operations that abused children and the close relationship between Hoover, Roy Cohn and Lewis Rosenstiel, who later employed Hoover’s former right-hand man at the FBI, Louis Nichols. 

Years later, documents released by the FBI would show that Epstein became an FBI informant in 2008, when Robert Mueller was the Bureau’s director, in exchange for immunity from then-pending federal charges, a deal that fell through with Epstein’s recent arrest on new federal charges. In addition, former FBI Director Louis Freeh would be hired by Alan Dershowitz, who is accused of raping girls at Epstein’s homes and was once a character witness for Roy Cohn, to intimidate Epstein’s victims. As previously mentioned, Freeh’s past appointment as a judge for the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York was orchestrated by Cohn’s law partner Tom Bolan.

Thus, the FBI’s cover-up of the Franklin case is just one example of the Bureau’s long-standing practice of protecting these pedophile rings when they involve members of the American political elite and provide the Bureau with a steady supply of blackmail. It also makes it worth questioning the impartiality of one of the main prosecutors in the Jeffrey Epstein case, Maurene Comey, who is the daughter of former FBI Director James Comey.

 The rot at the top

While there were several sexual trafficking operations connected to both Roy Cohn and the halls of power under the Reagan administration, in a matter of months after Cohn’s death it appears that another individual became a central figure in the powerful network that Cohn had cultivated.

That individual, Jeffrey Epstein, would be recruited, after his firing from the Dalton School, by Alan “Ace” Greenberg, a close friend of Cohn, to work at Bear Stearns. After leaving Bear Stearns and working as an alleged financial “bounty hunter” for clients that are said to have included the Iran-Contra-linked arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, Epstein would come into contact with Leslie Wexner, a billionaire close to the Meyer Lansky-linked Bronfman family, who himself was tied to members of organized crime syndicates once represented by Cohn.

The same year that Wexner would begin his decades-long association with Epstein, another Cohn friend with ties to the Reagan White House and the Trump family, Ronald Lauder, would provide Epstein with an Austrian passport containing Epstein’s picture but a false name. 

Lauder, Wexner and the Bronfmans are members of an elite organization known as the Mega Group, which also includes other Meyer Lansky-connected “philanthropists” like hedge fund manager Michael Steinhardt. While Epstein shares considerable overlap with the network described in this report, he is also deeply connected to the Mega Group as well as its associates, including Ghislaine Maxwell’s father, Robert Maxwell. 

We will now focus on the Mega Group and its ties to the network that has been described above. In addition, the role of the state of Israel, the Mossad, and several global pro-Israel lobby organizations will also be discussed in relation to this network of sexual blackmail operations and Jeffrey Epstein.

It is here that the full breadth of the Epstein scandal comes into view. It is a criminal and unconscionable blackmail operation that has been run by influential figures, hidden in plain sight, for over half a century, exploiting and destroying the lives of untold numbers of children in the process. Over the years, it has grown many branches and spread well beyond the United States, as seen by the activity of Covenant House in Latin America and Epstein’s own international effort to recruit more girls to be abused and exploited.

All of this has taken place with the full knowledge and blessing of top figures in the world of “philanthropy” and in the U.S. government and intelligence communities, with great influence over several presidential administrations, particularly since the rise of Ronald Reagan and continuing through to Donald Trump.

Hidden in Plain Sight: The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case

Epstein is only the latest incarnation of a much older, more extensive and sophisticated operation that offers a frightening window into how deeply tied the U.S. government is to the modern-day equivalents of organized crime.

To many of his famous friends, the current president among them, July 18th, 2019 is a threatening development. Many questions have since been asked about how much Epstein’s famous friends knew of his activities and exactly what Epstein was up to. The Trump arguably received the most attention after it was reported that Alex Acosta — who arranged Epstein’s “sweetheart” deal in 2008 and who recently resigned as Donald Trump’s Labor Secretary following Epstein’s arrest — claimed that the mysterious billionaire had worked for “intelligence.” 

Other investigations have made it increasingly clear that Epstein was running a blackmail operation, as he had bugged the venues — whether at his New York mansion or Caribbean island getaway — with microphones and cameras to record the salacious interactions that transpired between his guests and the underage girls that Epstein exploited. Epstein appeared to have stored much of that blackmail in a safe on his private island.

Claims of Epstein’s links and his involvement in a sophisticated, well-funded sexual blackmail operation have, surprisingly, spurred few media outlets to examine the history of intelligence agencies both in the U.S. and abroad conducting similar sexual blackmail operations, many of which also involved underage prostitutes. 

In the U.S. alone, the CIA operated numerous sexual blackmail operations throughout the country, employing prostitutes to target foreign diplomats in what the Washington Post once nicknamed the CIA’s “love traps.” If one goes even farther back into the U.S. historical record it becomes apparent that these tactics and their use against powerful political and influential figures significantly predate the CIA and even its precursor, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). In fact, they were pioneered years earlier by none other than the American Mafia.

A handful of figures who were influential in American organized crime during and after Prohibition were directly engaged in sexual blackmail operations that they used for their own, often dark, purposes. 

We will examine how a mob-linked businessman with deep ties to notorious gangster Meyer Lansky developed close ties with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) while also running a sexual blackmail operation for decades, which later became a covert part of the anti-ommunist crusade of the 1950s led by Senator Joseph McCarthy (R-WI), himself known throughout Washington for having a habit of drunkenly groping underage teenaged girls. 

Yet, it would be one of McCarthy’s closest aides who would take over the ring in later years, trafficking minors and expanding this sexual blackmail operation at the same time he expanded his own political influence, putting him in close contact with prominent figures including former President Ronald Reagan and a man who would later become president, Donald Trump

After this figure’s death, the blackmail operation continued under various successors in different cities and there is strong evidence that Jeffrey Epstein became one of them.

 Samuel Bronfman and the Mob

The Prohibition Era in the United States is often used as an example of how banning recreational substances not only increases their popularity but also causes a boom in criminal activity. Indeed, it was Prohibition that greatly increased the strength of the American Mafia, as the top crime lords of the day grew rich through the clandestine trade and sale of alcohol in addition to gambling and other activities.

It is through the bootlegging trade of the 1920s and the early 1930s that this story begins, as it brought together key figures whose successors and affiliates would eventually create a series of blackmail and sex trafficking rings that would give rise to the likes of Jeffrey Epstein, the “Lolita Express” and “Orgy Island.”

Samuel Bronfman never planned to become a major producer of liquor but true to his family’s last name, which means “brandy man” in Yiddish, he eventually began distributing alcohol as an extension of his family’s hotel business. During Canada’s Prohibition period, which was briefer than and preceded that of its southern neighbor, the Bronfman family business used loopholes to skirt the law and find technically legal ways to sell alcohol in the hotels and stores the family owned. The family relied on its connections with members of the American Mafia to illegally smuggle alcohol from the United States.

Soon after Prohibition ended in Canada, it began in the United States and, by the time the flow of illegal alcohol had turned the other way, the Bronfmans – whose business ventures were then being led by Sam Bronfman and his brothers — were relatively late to an already flourishing bootlegging trade.

“We were late starters in the two most lucrative markets – on the high seas and across the Detroit River. What came out of the border trade in Saskatchewan was insignificant by comparison,” Bronfman once told Canadian journalist Terence Robertson, who was then writing a biography of Bronfman. Nonetheless, “this was when we started to make our real money,” Bronfman recounted. Robertson’s biography on Bronfman was never published, as he died under mysterious circumstances soon after warning his colleagues that he had uncovered unsavory information about the Bronfman family.

Samuel Bronfman pictured in 1937 with his sons Edgar and Charles

Key to Bronfman’s success during American Prohibition were the ties his family had cultivated with organized crime during Canada’s Prohibition, ties that led many prominent members of the mob in the United States to favor Bronfman as a business partner. Bronfman liquor was purchased in massive quantities by many crime lords who still live on in American legend, including Charles “Lucky” Luciano, Moe Dalitz, Abner “Longy” Zwillman and Meyer Lansky. 

Most of Bronfman’s mob associates during Prohibition were members of what became known as the National Crime Syndicate, which a 1950s Senate investigative body known as the Kefauver Committee described as a confederation dominated by Italian-American and Jewish-American mobs. During that investigation, some of the biggest names in the American Mafia named Bronfman as a central figure in their bootlegging operations. The widow of notorious American mob boss Meyer Lansky even recounted how Bronfman had thrown lavish dinner parties for her husband. 

Years later, Samuel Bronfman’s children and grandchildren, their family’s ties to the criminal underworld intact, would go on to associate closely with Leslie Wexner, allegedly the source of much of Epstein’s mysterious wealth, and other mob-linked “philanthropists,” and some would even manage their own sexual blackmail operations, including the recently busted blackmail-based “sex cult” NXIVM. The later generations of the Bronfman family, particularly Samuel Bronfman’s sons Edgar and Charles.

 Lewis Rosenstiel’s dark secret

Crucial to Bronfman’s Prohibition-era bootlegging operations were two middlemen, one of whom was Lewis “Lew” Rosenstiel. Rosenstiel got his start working at his uncle’s distillery in Kentucky before Prohibition. Once the law banning alcohol was in force, Rosenstiel created the Schenley Products Company, which would later become one of the largest liquor companies in North America.

Though he was a high school drop-out and not particularly well-connected socially at the time, Rosenstiel happened to have a “chance” meeting with Winston Churchill in 1922 while on vacation in the French Riviera. According to the New York Times, Churchill “advised him [Rosenstiel] to prepare for the return of liquor sales in the United States.” Rosenstiel somehow managed to secure the funding of the elite and respected Wall Street firm Lehman Brothers to finance his purchase of shuttered distilleries.

Officially, Rosenstiel is said to have built his company and wealth after Prohibition, by following Churchill’s advice to prepare for Repeal. However, he was clearly involved in bootlegging operations and was even indicted for bootlegging in 1929, though he evaded conviction. Like Bronfman, Rosenstiel was close to organized crime, particularly members of the mostly Jewish-American and Italian-American mob alliance known as the National Crime Syndicate.

Subsequent New York state legislative investigations would allege that Rosenstiel “was part of a ‘consortium’ with underworld figures that bought liquor in Canada [from Samuel Bronfman]”, whose other members were “Meyer Lansky, the reputed organized crime leader; Joseph Fusco, an associate of late Chicago gangster Al Capone and Joseph Linsey, a Boston man Mr. Kelly [the congressional investigator testifying] identified as a convicted bootlegger.” Rosenstiel’s relationship with these men, particularly Lansky, would continue long after Prohibition and Samuel Bronfman, for his part, would also maintain his mob ties.

In addition to his friends in the mob, Rosenstiel also cultivated close ties with the FBI, developing a close relationship with longtime FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and making Hoover’s right-hand man and longtime assistant at the FBI, Louis Nichols, the Vice President of his Schenley empire in 1957.

Despite their similar backgrounds as bootlegger barons turned “respectable” businessmen, Bronfman’s and Rosenstiel’s personalities were drastically different and their relationship was complicated, at best. One example of the dissimilarities between North America’s top liquor barons was how they treated their staff. Bronfman was not necessarily known for being a cruel boss, whereas Rosenstiel was known for his erratic and “monstrous” behavior towards employees as well as his unusual practice of bugging his offices in order to hear what employees said about him when he wasn’t present.

Rosenstiel was connected to both the FBI and to organized crime

Such differences between Bronfman and Rosenstiel were also reflected in their personal lives. While Bronfman married only once and was loyal to his wife, Rosenstiel was married five times and was known for his relatively closeted bisexual antics, a part of his life that was well-known to many of his close associates and employees.

Though for years there were only hints to this other side of the controversial businessman, details emerged years later during a divorce proceeding brought by Rosenstiel’s fourth wife, Susan Kaufman, that would back the claims. Kaufman alleged that Rosenstiel hosted extravagant parties that included “boy prostitutes” that her husband had hired “for the enjoyment” of certain guests, which included important government officials and prominent figures in America’s criminal underworld. Kaufman would later make the same claims under oath during the hearing of the New York’s State Joint Legislative Committee on Crime in the early 1970s.

Not only did Rosenstiel organize these parties, but he also made sure that their venues were bugged with microphones that recorded the antics of his high-profile guests. Those audio recordings, Kaufman alleged, were then kept for the purpose of blackmail. Though Kaufman’s claims are shocking, her testimony was deemed credible and held in high regard by the former chief counsel of the Crime Committee, New York Judge Edward McLaughlin, and committee investigator William Gallinaro and aspects of her testimony were later corroborated by two separate witnesses who were unknown to Kaufman.

These “blackmail parties” offer a window into an operation that would later become more sophisticated and grow dramatically in the 1950s under Rosenstiel’s “field commander” (a nickname given by Rosenstiel to an individual to be named shortly in this report). Many of the people connected to Rosenstiel’s “field commander” during the 70s and 80s have again found their names in the press following the recent arrest of Jeffrey Epstein.

 The “Untouchable” Mobster

Bronfman and Rosenstiel became legendary in the North American liquor business, in part due to their fight for supremacy in the industry, which the New York Times described as often erupting “into bitter personal and corporate battles.” Despite their dueling in the corporate world, the one thing that united the two businessmen more than anything else was their close connection to American organized crime, particularly renowned mobster Meyer Lansky.

Lansky is one of the most notorious gangsters in the history of American organized crime and is notable for being the only famous mobster rising to notoriety in the 1920s who managed to die an old man and never serve a day in jail. 

Lansky’s long life and ability to avoid prison time was largely the result of his close relationships to powerful businessmen like Bronfman and Rosenstiel (among many others), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the U.S. intelligence community, as well as his role in establishing several blackmail and extortion rings that helped him keep the law at arm’s length. Indeed, when Lansky was finally charged with a crime in the 1970s, it was the Internal Revenue Service that brought the charges, not the FBI, and he was charged with and acquitted of tax evasion.

Lansky was remarkably close to both Bronfman and Rosenstiel. Bronfman regularly threw “lavish dinner parties” in Lansky’s honor both during and after Prohibition. These parties were remembered fondly by Lansky’s wife, and Lansky in turn did favors for Bronfman, ranging from exclusive protection of his shipments during Prohibition to getting him tickets to coveted “fight of the century” boxing matches. 

Rosenstiel also threw regular dinner parties honoring Lansky. Susan Kaufman, Rosenstiel’s ex-wife, claimed to have taken numerous pictures of her ex-husband and Lansky socializing and partying together, photos that were also seen by Mary Nichols of The Philadelphia Inquirer. In addition, Lansky, per Kaufman’s recollection, was one of the individuals that Rosenstiel sought to protect from legal scrutiny as part of his child prostitution and blackmail ring targeting high-ranking officials, and he was overheard saying that if the government “ever brings pressure against Lansky or any of us, we’ll use this [a specific recording taken at one of the ‘parties’] as blackmail.” 

Lansky was known to address Rosenstiel as “Supreme Commander,” a title that would later be used to refer to Rosenstiel by another individual deeply connected to the mob and sexual blackmail operations, previously referred to in this report as Rosenstiel’s “Field Commander.”

Lansky also had close ties to the CIA and U.S. military intelligence. During World War II, Lansky — along with his associate Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel — worked with Naval intelligence in what was codenamed “Operation Underworld,” an operation the existence of which the government denied for over 40 years.

Journalist and noted chronicler of CIA covert activities, Douglas Valentine, noted in his book The CIA as Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World that the government’s cooperation with the Mafia during World War II led to its expansion after the war and set the stage for its future collaboration with U.S. intelligence.

According to Valentine:

Top government officials were also aware that the government’s Faustian pact with the Mafia during World War II had allowed the hoods to insinuate themselves into mainstream America. In return for services rendered during the war, Mafia bosses were protected from prosecution for dozens of unsolved murders. […]

The Mafia was a huge problem in 1951 [when the Kefauver Committee was convened], equivalent to terrorism today. But it was also a protected branch of the CIA, which was co-opting criminal organizations around the world and using them in its secret war against the Soviets and Red Chinese. The Mafia had collaborated with Uncle Sam and had emerged from World War II energized and empowered. They controlled cities across the country.”

Indeed, not long after its creation, the CIA forged ties with Lansky at the behest of CIA counterintelligence chief James J. Angleton. The CIA would later turn to the Lansky-linked mob in the early 1960s as part of its consistently fruitless quest to assassinate Cuban leader Fidel Castro, showing that the CIA maintained its contacts with Lansky-controlled elements of the Mafia long after the initial meeting with Lansky took place.

The CIA also had close connections to associates of Lansky, such as Edward Moss, who did public relations work for Lansky and was said to be of “interest” to the CIA by the agency’s then-inspector general J.S. Earman. Harry “Happy” Meltzer was also another Lansky associate that was a CIA asset and the CIA asked Meltzer to join an assassination team in December 1960.

In addition to the CIA, Lansky was also connected to a foreign intelligence agency through Tibor Rosenbaum, an arms procurer and high-ranking official in Israel’s Mossad, whose bank – the International Credit Bank of Geneva – laundered much of Lansky’s ill-gotten gains and recycled them into legitimate American businesses.

Meyer Lansky, reputed king of American gambling, takes a break outside High Court of Israel where he is appealing for permission to stay in the Jewish state as an immigrant, March 1972. (AP Photo)

Lansky outside the High Court of Israel where he sought permission to emigrate in 1972. Photo | AP

Journalist Ed Reid, author of the Virginia Hill biography The Mistress and the Mafia, wrote that Lansky was attempting to entrap powerful people through sexual blackmail as far back as 1939. Reid contends that Lansky sent Ms. Hill to Mexico, where his West Coast connections had established a drug ring that later involved the OSS, the forerunner to the CIA, to seduce numerous “top politicians, army officers, diplomats and police officials.”

Eventually, Lansky was credited with obtaining compromising photos of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover sometime in the 1940s, which showed “Hoover in a gay situation”, according to a former Lansky associate, who also said that Lansky had often claimed, “I fixed that sonofabitch.” The photos showed Hoover engaged in sexual activity with his long-time friend, FBI Deputy Director Clyde Tolson. 

At some point, these photos fell into the hands of CIA counterintelligence chief James J. Angleton, who later showed the photos to several other CIA officials, including John Weitz and Gordon Novel. Angleton was in charge of the CIA’s relationship with the FBI and Israel’s Mossad until he left the agency in 1972 and, as was recently mentioned, he was also in contact with Lansky. 

Anthony Summers, former BBC journalist and author of Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover, has argued that it was not Lansky, but William Donovan, the director of the OSS, who obtained the original photos of Hoover and later shared them with Lansky. 

Summers also stated that “To [gangster Frank] Costello and Lansky, the ability to corrupt politicians, policemen and judges was fundamental to Mafia operations. The way they found to deal with Hoover, according to several mob sources, involved his homosexuality.” This anecdote shows that Lanksy and the CIA maintained a covert relationship, which included, among other things, the sharing of blackmail material (i.e., “intelligence”). 

It is also possible that Hoover was ensnared by the mob during one of Rosenstiel’s “blackmail parties,” at which Hoover sometimes found himself in attendance with prominent figures of the Mafia. Hoover was said to have worn women’s clothing at the some of the events and Meyer Lansky’s wife later said that her husband had photos of the former FBI director in drag. Furthermore, Hoover is on record showing an unusual concern in the FBI’s handling of Rosenstiel’s criminal links as early as 1939, the same year that his close associate Lansky was actively orchestrating the sexual blackmail of powerful political figures.

The blackmail acquired on Hoover and the mob’s possession of the evidence has been cited as a major factor in Hoover’s decades-long denial that nationwide networks of organized crime were a serious issue. Hoover asserted that it was a decentralized, local issue and therefore outside of the bureau’s jurisdiction. By the time Hoover finally acknowledged the existence of national organized crime networks in 1963, they were so entrenched in the U.S. establishment that they were untouchable.

Congressional crime consultant Ralph Salerno told Summers in 1993 that Hoover’s willful ignorance of organized crime for most of his career as FBI director “allowed organized crime to grow very strong in economic and political terms, so that it became a much bigger threat to the wellbeing of this country than it would have been if it had been addressed much sooner.”

 J. Edgar Hoover: Blackmail Victim? 

Most records place the beginning of Hoover’s relationship with Rosenstiel in the 1950s, the same decade when Susan Kaufman reported that Hoover was attending Rosenstiel’s blackmail parties. Rosenstiel’s FBI file, obtained by Anthony Summers, cites the first Rosenstiel meeting as taking place in 1956, though Summers notes that there is evidence that they had met much earlier. After requesting the meeting, Rosenstiel was granted a personal face-to-face with the director in a matter of hours. The FBI file on Rosenstiel also reveals that the liquor baron heavily lobbied Hoover to aid his business interests.

During that time, the salacious details of Hoover’s sex life were already known to the U.S. intelligence community and to the mob, and Hoover was aware that they knew of his closeted sexuality and penchant for women’s clothing. Yet, Hoover apparently seemed to embrace the very type of sexual blackmail operation that had compromised his private life, given that he was seen at many of Rosenstiel’s “blackmail parties” in the 1950s and 1960s, including at venues such as Rosenstiel’s personal home and later at Manhattan’s Plaza Hotel. Hoover’s penchant for dressing in drag was also described by two witnesses who were not connected to Susan Kaufman.

Hoover with Dorothy Lamour on the set of The Greatest Show on Earth in 1951

Soon after their first “official” meeting, the public relationship between the two men quickly flourished, with Hoover even sending Rosenstiel flowers when he fell ill. Summers reported that, in 1957, Rosenstiel was heard telling Hoover during a meeting, “your wish is my command.” Their relationship remained close and intimate throughout the 1960s and beyond.

Like Rosenstiel, Hoover was well-known for amassing blackmail on friend and foe alike. Hoover’s office contained “secret files” on numerous powerful people in Washington and beyond, files he used to gain favors and protect his status as FBI director for as long as he wished. 

Hoover’s own propensity for blackmail suggests that he may have associated with Rosenstiel’s sexual blackmail operation more directly, given he already knew he was compromised and his involvement in the operation would have served as a means of procuring the blackmail he coveted for his own purposes. Indeed, if Hoover was merely being blackmailed and extorted by the Lansky-Rosenstiel connected mob, it is unlikely that he would have been so friendly to Rosenstiel, Lansky and the other mobsters at these gatherings and participated in them with such regularity. 

According to journalist and author Burton Hersh, Hoover was also tied to Sherman Kaminsky, who ran a sexual blackmail operation in New York involving young male prostitutes. That operation was busted and investigated in a 1966 extortion probe led by Manhattan District Attorney Frank Hogan, though the FBI quickly took over the investigation and photos of Hoover and Kaminsky together soon disappeared from the case file.

Hoover and Rosenstiel’s deep ties would continue to develop over the years, an example of which can be seen in Rosenstiel’s hiring of long-time Hoover aide Louis Nichols as the vice president of his Schenley liquor empire and Rosenstiel’s donation of over $1 million to the J. Edgar Hoover Foundation, which Nichols also ran at the time. 

There is also more than one documented occasion wherein Hoover attempted to use blackmail to protect Rosenstiel and his “field commander,” none other than the infamous Roy Cohn, the other key figure in Rosenstiel’s sexual blackmail operation involving minors.

 The Making of a Monster

Decades after his death, Roy Cohn remains a controversial figure in large part because of his close, personal relationship with current U.S. President Donald Trump. Yet reports on Cohn, both in recent and in past years, often miss the mark in their characterization of the man who became closely associated with the Reagan White House, the CIA, the FBI, organized crime and, incidentally, many of the figures who would later surround Jeffrey Epstein.

To understand the true nature of the man, it is essential to examine his rise to power in the early 1950s when, at just 23 years of age, he became a key figure in the high-profile trial of Soviet spies Ethel and Julius Rosenberg and later as the right-hand man of Senator Joseph McCarthy (R-WI). 

Cohn’s dedication to anti-communist activities in the 1950s is allegedly what first endeared him to J. Edgar Hoover, whom he first met in 1952. During that meeting, as described by Hersh in Bobby and J. Edgar: The Historic Face-Off Between the Kennedys and J. Edgar Hoover That Transformed America, Hoover expressed admiration for Cohn’s aggressive and manipulative tactics and told Cohn to “call me directly” whenever he had information worth sharing. From that point on, Cohn and Hoover “traded favors, effusive compliments, gifts and elaborate private dinners. It quickly became ‘Roy’ and ‘Edgar.’” Hersh also describes Hoover as Cohn’s soon to be “consigliere.” 

The date and circumstances around Cohn’s introduction to Rosenstiel are harder to come by. It is possible that the connection was made through Roy Cohn’s father, Albert Cohn, a prominent judge and an influential figure in the New York City Democratic Party apparatus then run by Edward Flynn. It was later revealed that the Democratic organization dominated by Flynn and based in the Bronx had long-standing connections to organized crime, including associates of Meyer Lansky. 

Regardless of how or when it began, the relationship between Cohn and Rosenstiel was close and was often likened to that of a father and son. They were said to frequently salute each other in public and remained close until Rosenstiel was near death, at which point Cohn attempted to trick his then-barely conscious and senile “friend” and client into naming him the executor and trustee of the liquor magnate’s estate, valued at $75 million (more than $334 million in today’s dollars). 

LIFE magazine reported in 1969 that Cohn and Rosenstiel had for years referred to one another as “Field Commander” and “Supreme Commander,” respectively. Media references to these nicknames appear in other articles from the period. 

Though LIFE and other outlets had interpreted this as merely an anecdote about the nicknames shared in jest between close friends, the fact that notorious crime lord Meyer Lansky also called Rosenstiel “Supreme Commander” and the fact that Cohn and Rosenstiel would later become intimately involved in the same pedophile sex ring suggests that there may have been more to these “nicknames.” After all, the mob to which Rosenstiel was connected often used military-themed titles like “soldier” and “lieutenant” to differentiate the rank and importance of its members. 

Once he had made his connection with Hoover, Cohn’s star began to rise even higher in Washington. Hoover’s recommendation of Cohn would become the deciding factor in his appointment as Sen. McCarthy’s general counsel over Robert Kennedy, a rival and bitter enemy of Cohn’s.

** FILE ** Sen. Joseph McCarthy covers the microphones with his hands while having a whispered discussion with his chief counsel, Roy Cohn, during a committee hearing in Washington in this April 26, 1954 file photo. Behold the phantoms of the political opera. Kenneth Starr, dark lord of the inquisition. McCarthy and David Duke. Herbert Hoover. All have been invoked in the struggle for supremacy in the Democratic presidential contest, in the awakening campaign for the fall and in Washington diatribes that summon rapscallions of the ages. (AP Photo)

McCarthy covers the mic while having a whispered discussion with Cohn during a 1954 committee hearing. Photo | AP

Though Cohn was ruthless and seemingly untouchable as McCarthy’s counsel and helped the senator destroy many careers during both the red and lavender scares, his antics in relation to his work on the committee would eventually lead to his downfall after he attempted to blackmail the Army in return for preferential treatment for committee consultant and Cohn’s rumored lover, David Schine.

After he was forced to leave McCarthy’s side due to the scandal, Cohn returned to New York to live with his mother and practice law. A few years later New York Judge David Peck, a long-time associate of former CIA Director Alan Dulles, orchestrated Cohn’s hire to the New York law firm Saxe, Bacon and O’Shea — which would later become Saxe, Bacon and Bolan after Tom Bolan, a friend of Cohn’s, became a partner in the firm. Upon his hire, Cohn brought the firm a slew of Mafia-linked clients, including high-ranking members of the Gambino crime family, the Genovese crime family and, of course, Lewis Rosenstiel.

 What happened in Suite 233?

The connections Roy Cohn built during the 1950s made him a well-known public figure and translated into great political influence that peaked during the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Yet, as Cohn built his public image, he was also developing a dark private life, which would come to be dominated by the same blackmail pedophile racket that appears to have first begun with Lewis Rosenstiel. 

One of the “blackmail parties” Susan Kaufman attended with her then-husband Lewis Rosenstiel was hosted by Cohn in 1958 at Manhattan’s Plaza Hotel, suite 233. Kaufman described Cohn’s suite as a “beautiful suite…all done in light blue.” She described being introduced to Hoover, who was in drag, by Cohn, who told her that Hoover’s name was “Mary” in a fit of barely concealed laughter. Kaufman testified that young boys were present and Kaufman claimed that Cohn, Hoover and her ex-husband engaged in sexual activity with these minors.

New York attorney John Klotz, tasked with investigating Cohn for a case well after Kaufman’s testimony, also found evidence of the “blue suite” at the Plaza Hotel and its role in a sex extortion ring after combing through local government documents and information gathered by private detectives. Klotz later told journalist and author Burton Hersh what he had learned: 

Roy Cohn was providing protection. There were a bunch of pedophiles involved. That’s where Cohn got his power from — blackmail.”

Perhaps the most damning confirmation of Cohn’s activities in Suite 233 comes from statements made by Cohn himself to former NYPD detective and ex-head of the department’s Human-Trafficking and Vice-Related Crimes Division, James Rothstein. Rothstein later told John DeCamp — a former Nebraska state senator who investigated a government-connected child sex ring based in Omaha — among other investigators, that Cohn had admitted to being part of a sexual blackmail operation targeting politicians with child prostitutes during a sit-down interview with the former detective. 

Rothstein told DeCamp the following about Cohn:

Cohn’s job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn’s job was to set them up, then they would go along. Cohn told me that himself.”

Rothstein later told Paul David Collins, a former journalist turned researcher, that Cohn had also identified this sexual blackmail operation as being part of the anti-communist crusade of the time.

The fact that Cohn, per Rothstein’s recollection, stated that the child sex blackmail ring was part of the government-sponsored anti-communist crusade suggests that elements of the government, including Hoover’s FBI, may have been connected at a much broader level than Hoover’s own personal involvement, as the FBI closely coordinated with McCarthy and Cohn for much of the red scare.

It is also worth noting that among Hoover’s many “secret” blackmail files was a sizeable dossier on Senator McCarthy, the contents of which strongly suggested that the senator himself was involved with underage girls. According to journalist and author David Talbot, Hoover’s file on McCarthy was “filled with disturbing stories about McCarthy’s habit of drunkenly groping young girls’ breasts and buttocks. The stories were so widespread that they became ‘common knowledge’ in the capital, according to one FBI chronicler.” 

Talbot, in his book The Devil’s Chessboard, also cites Walter Trohan, Washington Bureau Chief of the Chicago Tribune, as having personally witnessed McCarthy’s habit of molesting young women. “He just couldn’t keep his hands off young girls,” Trohan would later say. “Why the Communist opposition didn’t plant a minor on him and raise the cry of statutory rape, I don’t know.” Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that those “planting” minors on their political foes were McCarthy’s allies and close associates, not his enemies. 

The question that necessarily arises from revelations regarding Cohn’s activities in Suite 233 is who else was Cohn “protecting” and servicing with underage prostitutes? One of them could very well have been one of Cohn’s close friends and clients, Cardinal Francis Spellman of the Archdiocese of New York, who was said to have been present at some of these parties Cohn hosted at the Plaza Hotel. 

Spellman — one of the most powerful figures in the Catholic Church in North America, who was sometimes referred to as “America’s Pope” — was accused of not only condoning pedophilia in the Catholic church and ordaining known pedophiles including Cardinal Theodore “Uncle Teddy” McCarrick, but also engaging in it himself to such an extent that many New York area priests widely referred to him as “Mary.” Furthermore, J. Edgar Hoover was said to have a file detailing the cardinal’s sex life, suggesting Spellman’s involvement in the ring and pedophile protection racket in which Cohn and Hoover were personally involved.

Cardinal Francis ‘Franny’ Spellman. Photo | Museum of the City of New York

People close to Cohn often remarked that he was frequently surrounded by groups of young boys, but seemed to think nothing of it. Similar off-handed comments about Epstein’s penchant for minors were made by those close to him prior to his arrest. 

Controversial Republican political operative and “dirty trickster” Roger Stone — who, like Donald Trump, was also a protégé of Cohn — said the following about Cohn’s sex life during an interview with The New Yorker in 2008: 

Roy was not gay. He was a man who liked having sex with men. Gays were weak, effeminate. He always seemed to have these young blond boys around. It just wasn’t discussed. He was interested in power and access.” (emphasis added)

Compare this quote from Stone to what Donald Trump, who was also close to Cohn, would later say about Jeffrey Epstein, with whom he was also closely associated:

I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” (emphasis added)

Though it is unknown how long the sex ring at the Plaza Hotel continued, and whether it continued after Cohn’s death from AIDS in 1986, it is worth noting that Donald Trump purchased the Plaza Hotel in 1988. It would later be reported and confirmed by then-attendees that Trump “used to host parties in suites at the Plaza Hotel when he owned it, where young women and girls were introduced to older, richer men” and “illegal drugs and young women were passed around and used.” 

Andy Lucchesi, a male model who had helped organize some of these Plaza Hotel parties for Trump, said the following when asked about the age of the women present: “A lot of girls, 14, look 24. That’s as juicy as I can get. I never asked how old they were; I just partook. I did partake in activities that would be controversial, too.”

 The Roy Cohn Machine 

Roy Cohn was only at the beginning of his career when he waded his way into the underground sexual blackmail ring apparently led by Lewis Rosenstiel. Indeed, when Cohn first met Hoover, he was only 23 years old. Over the next three decades or so, before his death from AIDS-related complications in 1986 at the age of 56, Cohn built a well-oiled machine, largely through his close friendships with some of the country’s most influential figures.

Among Cohn’s friends were top media personalities like Barbara Walters, former CIA directors, Ronald Reagan and wife Nancy, media moguls Rupert Murdoch and Mort Zuckerman, numerous celebrities, prominent lawyers like Alan Dershowitz, top figures in the Catholic Church and leading Jewish organizations like B’nai B’rith and the World Jewish Congress. Many of the same names that surrounded Cohn until death in the late 1980s would later come to surround Jeffrey Epstein, with their names later appearing in Epstein’s now-infamous “little black book”. 

1/18/1983 President Reagan during a meeting with Rupert Murdoch with Charles Wick Roy Cohn Thomas Bolan in the Oval Office

Reagan meets with Rupert Murdoch, U.S. Information Agency Director Charles Wick, and Roy Cohn in the Oval Office in 1983. Photo | Reagan presidential library

While President Trump is clearly connected to both Epstein and Cohn, Cohn’s network also extends to former President Bill Clinton, whose friend and longtime political advisor, Richard “Dirty Dick” Morris, was Cohn’s cousin and close associate. Morris was also close to Clinton’s former communications director, George Stephanopoulos, who is also associated with Jeffrey Epstein.

Yet, these were only Cohn’s connections to respectable members of the establishment. He was also known for his deep connections to the mob and gained prominence largely for his ability to connect key figures in the criminal underworld to respected influential figures acceptable to the public sphere. Ultimately, as New York attorney John Klotz stated, Cohn’s most powerful tool was blackmail, which he used against friend and foe, gangster or public official alike. How much of that blackmail he acquired through his sexual blackmail operation will likely never be known.

 Cohn and Epstein, and the sexual blackmail operations they ran share many things in common, including not only many of the same famous friends and patrons, but also connections to intelligence agencies and consortiums of mob-linked businessmen, the modern-day equivalents of Samuel Bronfman and Lewis Rosenstiel who have since rebranded as “philanthropists.” 

Cohn’s operation was known to have successors, as revealed by a series of scandals in the early 1990s that have since been swept under the rug. The significant amount of overlap between Epstein’s and Cohn’s covert activities in sexual blackmail and their ties to many of the same powerful individuals and circles of influence strongly suggest that Epstein was one of Cohn’s successors.

Epstein is only the latest incarnation of a much older, more extensive and sophisticated operation that offers a frightening window into how deeply tied the U.S. government is to the modern-day equivalents of organized crime, making it a racket truly too big to fail.

For all the reasons covered in this report, it is obvious that Epstein, while becoming a notorious figure among alternative news outlets and the increasing awareness of the issues of child trafficking and sexual exploitation, including murder, on the part of the general public, something needed to be done to put this to bed and out of the public eye.  He was arrested and confined to a city jail cell.  A narrative was contrived and enacted.  He became desperate and suicidal.  In spite of the impossibility, he managed to kill himself.  A dead man was removed from the jail cell who bore no resemblance to Epstein.  Everything about the whole narrative stinks to high heaven and is an obvious contrivance to fool the ignorant and remove the issue from the public spectacle.  There can be no doubt that he is alive and well, living in Israel under a new identity.  Soon, all will be forgotten….with a sigh of relief.

Nothing will change.

And now, Gordon Duff weighs in on the matter

Guys who thump their chests and brag a little too loudly about their (hetero) sexual conquests, obviously overdoing it, may be suspected of hiding something…from us, or from themselves, or both. As Shakespeare said in another context, “the lady doth protest too much.”

Are those two notorious over-the-top sexaholic maniacs, Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump, really closeted gays? That’s the suggestion from today’s False Flag Weekly News guest commentator, VT Senior Editor Gordon Duff, who says Trump was “made” by notorious gay pedophile Roy Cohn, in the same fashion that Epstein was “made” by notorious gay billionaire Mossadnik Les Wexner. Could the stories of Trump’s pawings and gropings and sexual assaults, like the stories of Epstein’s supposed minimum requirement of three schoolgirls a day, be part of a cover-and-deception operation hiding the existence of the kind of gay mafia Oliver Stone depicted in JFK? And might that gay mafia be working for Mossad?

Gordon also offers other intel-insider-perspectives on the Epstein scandal, including: How a Mossad “mechanic” might have quickly murdered Epstein in such a way as to leave the broken neck bones found by the autopsy; how intelligence insiders can easily enter even the most secure US prisons to kill inmates pretty much whenever they want to; how the Mossad, which has tremendous power in NYC, could have exfiltrated Epstein and sent him to Israel (in which case the body with the broken neck would be somebody else); how Barr is protecting Ghislaine Maxwell, who may or may not be in a certain New England mansion; how Richard Nixon really did state that LBJ killed JFK (sorry David Frum); and more.

Now, the autopsy fix is in

“Magic-Bullet” Michael Baden to Lead Epstein Autopsy-What Could Go Wrong?

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Wednesday, August 14, 2019 – 18:30.

Pathologist Michael Baden, served as chairman of the House Select Committee on Assassinations’ Forensic Pathology Panel that investigated the assassination of John F. Kennedy. This should immediately disqualify him to ever do an autopsy again. But against all truth and honesty, Baden is set to conduct the autopsy on Jeffrey Epstein.

As chairman of the investigation into the JFK assassination, Baden bolstered the official story that Kennedy was killed by a single bullet, also known as the “magic bullet” theory.. This is the theory that states that one bullet passed through JFK changed directions 4 times, changed angles 5 times, shattered 4 inches of Gov Connelly’s fifth rib, exited the rib cage and shattered the Governor’s radius bone and embedded in his thigh. Then the bullet fell out of Connelly’s leg on a stretcher at Parkland Hospital and it appeared as a pristine, never fired bullet. Never before in the history of gun shots has such a bullet ever existed. Yet, Baden endorses every word of this fiction and more.  There are so many parallels between the  cover ups of the JFK assassination and so-called (fake) suicide of Epstein, that it is frightening. Here is an analysis of this old cover story resurrected to sell the fake narrative that Epstein committed suicide while on suicide watch. 


There’s More

The man charged with the collecting, organizing and preserving of the photographic evidence, Lt. William Pitzer, was assassinated. He had privately told colleagues a few weeks before his assassination, that he would be going on the Tonight Show to tell about the evidence that was suppressed, and that JFK was not shot in the head from behind as the autopsy falsely stated by BADEN AND THE WARREN COMMISSION. Pitzer was left-handed. Yet, he shot himself with his right hand. His wedding ring finger was mangled in his “suicide” such that the forensic pathologists had to cut his ring finger off. Baden never questioned this.

There is more that cast a serious shadow over the JFK assassination from the Baden perspective:

The two appointed physicians that conducted the autopsy had never done a gun shot autopsy before, but Baden was OK with this. And when the autopsy (ie the fix was in) was complete, the original notes were burned. And as I pointed out, photographs went missing. Baden was OK with this. 

Let’s do some math and some connecting of the dots. Baden is now 85 years old. The assassination was 56 years ago. Do the math. HMMMM The autopsy doctors had no experience. And the records keeper was assassinated in a fake suicide just like we have with Epstein. But wait, there is more.  

There was a man, Cyril Wecht, who served on a board with Baden who testified several times in front of Congress and the House Select Committee  on Assassinations. Wecht says the autopsy and the subsequent investigation was a fraud and a coverup

With JFK the Fix Was In and With Epstein the Fix Will Be In

Cyril Wecht served on the Board, with Baden when he investigated the JFK murder. The following is an excerpt of an interview with Wecht as he exposes the fraud and cover up of the assassination. 

Baden endorses the ‘magic bullet’. 

Wecht closed his eyes and folded his hands on his desk. A study in concentration, he began speaking in measured tones about the JFK assassination and the Warren Report. But, soon, his passion, his incredulity, took over. His timbre rose. He stood and used his body as a model to show the location of Kennedy’s and Connally’s wounds. He laughed heartily at what he considers the incompetence of the commission’s findings, particularly Specter’s single-bullet theory.

Wecht didn’t need to look up anything. With dizzying dispatch, he rattled off the frames per second of the Zapruder film (18), the time it would have taken Oswald to fire, reload and fire again (2.5 seconds), the time between Kennedy and Connally reacting to their wounds (1.5 seconds), and the weight of the so-called “magic bullet” the commission said struck both men (158.6 grains). All showed the single-bullet theory to be what he has categorized as “scientifically absurd.”

He repeated his oft-repeated challenge for any forensic pathologist to produce a bullet that had done what the nearly pristine magic bullet is purported to have done. He first threw down that gauntlet in the late 1970s when, unlike him, the eight other members of the pathology panel of the House Select Committee on Assassinations accepted the single-bullet theory.

“Get me one bullet in one case, just one from hundreds of thousands of cases … that has done this. Nobody has ever produced one,” he said.

There’s little limit to his frustration at how the case was handled. As he has since February 1965, when he presented a paper before the American Academy of Forensic Scientists, Wecht blasted the decision that let Kennedy’s autopsy be performed by two doctors who had never done a gunshot wound autopsy. “Forensic science was … thwarted, stymied, perverted, ignored,” he said.

JFK’s brain went missing because the desired conclusion did not match forensic evidence provided for by the brain, so the brain had go missing and that was obviously OK with “magic bullet, missing brain” Baden. 



 And as Steve Quayle likes to say, “When you are taking flak, you know you are over the target”. 

So, the coroner says it’s a suicide.  So what?  It does not matter what the lying bastards say.  It’s ‘case closed’ as far as the naïve public is concerned.  Nothing more to see here. If you think they have whisked Epstein away into the ‘witness protection program’, to trot him out later when they are ready to take down all the dirty evil creeps, dream on. It is the dirty evil creeps that are running the show, and they are not going to prosecute themselves.

Way Beyond Epstein 1

Mega Group, Mossad, CIA, FBI, & Organized Crime

A deep-seated culture of moral depravity, wide-spread evil and power mongering at the highest levels of the world governmental power structure is disclosed by a careful investigation into the Epstein affair. While Epstein is just a pawn, the system of corruption he worked for is old and powerful and its members include most of the powerful and rich families on the world stage.

August 07th, 2019

By Whitney Webb  

As supposed questionable billionaire, certain pedophile, and sex-trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein was sitting in prison, reports continued to surface about his reported links to intelligence, his financial ties to several companies and “charitable” foundations, and his friendships with the rich and powerful as well as top politicians. Like most of these visible front-man figures, the apparent wealth is just a part of the tapestry that comes with the the job. It is essential to appear fabulously successful when you are the high profile figure who is luring rich and powerful figures into the honey pot. I think the apparent wealth of Epstein is safely in the bank account of the Mossad.

The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal: Too Big To Fail

Washington lobbyist, Craig Spence stated that his contacts within the White House, which allowed him and his “call boys” access, were “top level” officials and he specifically singled out George H.W. Bush’s then-National Security Advisor Donald Gregg. Gregg had worked at the CIA since 1951 before he resigned in 1982 to become National Security Advisor to Bush, who was then vice president. Prior to resigning from his post at the CIA, Gregg had worked directly under William Casey and, in the late 1970s, along side young William Barr in stonewalling the congressional Pike Committee and Church Committee, which investigated the CIA beginning in 1975. Among the things that they were tasked with investigating were the CIA’s “love traps,” or sexual blackmail operations used to lure foreign diplomats to bugged apartments, complete with recording equipment and two-way mirrors.

Barr would later become Bush’s Attorney General, rising to that post yet again under Trump. Furthermore, Barr’s father worked for the precursor to the CIA, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and recruited a young Jeffrey Epstein, then a high school drop-out, to teach at the elite Dalton School, from which Epstein was later fired. A year prior to hiring Epstein, Donald Gregg published a science fiction fantasy novel about sex slavery. Notably, the same year William Barr hired Epstein, his son was working for the CIA. Bill Barr has refused calls to recuse himself from the Epstein case, even though he worked at the same law firm that has represented Epstein in the past.

Donald Gregg is also connected to Roy Cohn’s “influence machine” through his daughter’s marriage to Christopher Buckley, the son of conservative journalist William Buckley, close confidant and friend of both Roy Cohn and Cohn’s law partner Tom Bolan.

While, “The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal: Too Big to Fail,” has focused on the widespread nature of sexual blackmail operations in recent American history and their ties to the heights of American political power and the U.S. intelligence community, one key aspect of Epstein’s own sex-trafficking and blackmail operation that warrants examination is Epstein’s ties to Israeli intelligence and his ties to the “informal” pro-Israel philanthropist faction known as “the Mega Group.”

The Mega Group’s role in the Epstein case has garnered some attention, as Epstein’s main financial patron for decades, billionaire Leslie Wexner, was a co-founder of the group that unites several well-known businessmen with a penchant for pro-Israel and ethno-philanthropy (i.e., philanthropy benefiting a single ethnic or ethno-religious group). However, as this report will show, another uniting factor among Mega Group members is deep ties to organized crime, specifically the organized crime network led by notorious American mobster Meyer Lansky.

By virtue of the role of many Mega Group members as major political donors in both the U.S. and Israel, several of its most notable members have close ties to the governments of both countries as well as their intelligence communities. As this report and a subsequent report will show, the Mega Group also had close ties to two businessmen who worked for Israel’s Mossad — Robert Maxwell and Marc Rich — as well as to top Israeli politicians, including past and present prime ministers with deep ties to Israel’s intelligence community. 

One of those businessmen working for the Mossad, Robert Maxwell, will be discussed at length in this report. Maxwell, who was a business partner of Mega Group co-founder Charles Bronfman, aided the successful Mossad plot to plant a trapdoor in U.S.-created software that was then sold to governments and companies throughout the world. That plot’s success was largely due to the role of a close associate of then-President Ronald Reagan and an American politician close to Maxwell, who later helped aid Reagan in the cover-up of the Iran Contra scandal. 

Years later, Maxwell’s daughter — Ghislaine Maxwell — would join Jeffrey Epstein’s “inner circle” at the same time Epstein was bankrolling a similar software program now being marketed for critical electronic infrastructure in the U.S. and abroad. That company has deep and troubling connections to Israeli military intelligence, associates of the Trump administration, and the Mega Group. 

Epstein appears to have ties to Israeli intelligence and has well-documented ties to influential Israeli politicians and the Mega Group. Yet, those entities are not isolated in and of themselves, as many also connect to the organized crime network and powerful alleged pedophiles. 

Perhaps the best illustration of how the connections between many of these players often meld together can be seen in Ronald Lauder: a Mega Group member, former member of the Reagan administration, long-time donor to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel’s Likud Party, as well as a long-time friend of Donald Trump and Roy Cohn.

 From cosmetics heir to political player

One often overlooked yet famous client and friend of Roy Cohn is the billionaire heir to the Estee Lauder cosmetics fortune, Ronald Lauder. Lauder is often described in the press as a “leading Jewish philanthropist” and is the president of the World Jewish Congress, yet his many media profiles tend to leave out his highly political past. 

In a statement given by Lauder to New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman in 2018, the cosmetics heir noted that he has known Trump for over 50 years, going back at least to the early 1970s. According to Lauder, his relationship with Trump began when Trump was a student at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, which Lauder also attended. 

President-elect Trump walks with Ronald Lauder after meeting at Mar-a-Lago, Dec. 28, 2016, in Palm Beach, Fla. Evan Vucci | AP

Though the exact nature of their early friendship is unclear, it is evident that they shared many of the same connections, including to the man who would later count them both as his clients, Roy Cohn. While much has been said of the ties between Cohn and Trump, Cohn was particularly close to Lauder’s mother, Estee Lauder (born Josephine Mentzer). Estee was even counted among Cohn’s most high-profile friends in his New York Times obituary

A small window into the Lauder-Cohn relationship surfaced briefly in a 2016 article in Politico about a 1981 dinner party held at Cohn’s weekend home in Greenwich, Connecticut. The party was attended by Ronald Lauder’s parents, Estee and Joe, as well as Trump and his then-wife Ivana, who had a weekend home just two miles away. That party was held soon after Cohn had helped Reagan secure the presidency and had reached the height of his political influence. At the party, Cohn offered toasts to Reagan and to then-Senator for New York Alfonse D’Amato, who would later urge Ronald Lauder to run for political office.

Two years later, in 1983, Ronald Lauder — whose only professional experience at that point was working for his parent’s cosmetics company — was appointed to serve as United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Affairs. Soon after his appointment, he served on the Dinner Tribute Committee for a dinner hosted by the Jewish fraternal and strongly pro-Israel organization B’nai B’rith, the parent organization of the controversial Anti-Defamation League (ADL), in Roy Cohn’s honor. Cohn’s influential father, Albert Cohn, was the long-time president of B’nai B’rith’s powerful New England-New York chapter and Roy Cohn himself was a member of B’nai B’rith’s Banking and Finance Lodge.

The dinner specifically sought to honor Cohn for his pro-Israel advocacy and his efforts to “fortify” Israel’s economy, and its honorary chairmen included media mogul Rupert Murdoch, Donald Trump and then-head of Bear Stearns Alan Greenberg, all of whom are connected to Jeffrey Epstein. 

During his time as deputy assistant secretary of defense, Lauder was also very active in Israeli politics and had already become an ally of the then-Israeli representative to the United Nations and future prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. Lauder would go on to be one of the most important individuals in Netanyahu’s rise to power, particularly during his upset victory in 1996, and a major financier of Israel’s right-wing Likud Party. 

In 1986, the year that Roy Cohn died, Lauder left his post at the Pentagon and became the U.S. ambassador to Austria, where his tenure was shaped by his confrontations with the then-Austrian president and former Nazi collaborator, Kurt Waldheim. Lauder’s interest in Austrian politics has continued well into recent years, culminating in accusations that he sought to manipulate Austrian elections in 2012.

After leaving his ambassadorship, Lauder founded the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation in 1987 and later went on to run for Mayor of New York against Rudy Giuliani in 1989. Lauder was encouraged to run by then-Senator Alfonse D’Amato, who had close ties to Roy Cohn and his long-time law partner Tom Bolan, who was D’Amato’s adviser. At the aforementioned 1983 B’nai B’rith dinner honoring Cohn, D’Amato was the featured speaker.

The likely reason was that Giuliani, though once an ally of the “Roy Cohn machine,” was at the time deeply disliked by the late Cohn’s associates for prosecuting Cohn’s former law partner, Stanley Friedman, for racketeering, conspiracy and other charges. Giuliani also had a history of bitter disagreements with D’Amato. Lauder’s primary campaign, though unsuccessful, was noted for its viciousness and its cost, as it burned through more than $13 million.

A few years later, in the early 1990s, Lauder would join a newly formed group that has long evaded scrutiny from the media but has recently become of interest in connection with the Jeffrey Epstein scandal: the Mega Group.

Lauder, Epstein and the mysterious Austrian passport

Before getting to the Mega Group, it is worth noting one particular act apparently undertaken by Lauder while he was U.S. ambassador to Austria that has recently come to light in relation to the arrest in early July of Jeffrey Epstein, a finding first reported by journalist Edward Szall. When police recently discovered an Austrian passport with Epstein’s picture and a fake name after raiding his Manhattan residence, the source and purpose of the passport came under scrutiny.

According to the Associated Press, Epstein’s defense lawyers specifically argued that “a friend gave it to him [Epstein] in the 1980s after some Jewish-Americans were informally advised to carry identification bearing a non-Jewish name when traveling internationally during a period when hijackings were more common.” This claim appears to be related to concerns that followed the hijacking of Air France Flight 139 in 1976 when Israeli and Jewish hostages were separated from other hostages based largely on the passports in their possession.

Given that Epstein was unable to meet the conventional qualifications for an Austrian passport — including long-term residency in Austria (the passport lists him as a resident of Saudi Arabia) and fluency in German — it appears that the only way to have acquired an Austrian passport was by unconventional means, meaning assistance from a well-connected Austrian official or foreign diplomat with clout in Austria.

Lauder, then-ambassador to Austria for the Reagan administration, would have been well-positioned to acquire such a passport, particularly for the reason cited by Epstein’s attorneys that Jewish-Americans could be targeted during travel, and in light of Lauder’s very public concerns over threats Jews face from certain terror groups. Furthermore, the passport had been issued in 1987, when Lauder was still serving as an ambassador.

In addition, Lauder was well-connected to Epstein’s former patron — former head of Bear Stearns Alan Greenberg, who had hired Epstein in the late 1970s immediately after the latter was fired from the Dalton School — and Donald Trump, another friend of Lauder and Greenberg who began his friendship with Epstein in 1987, the same year the fake Austrian passport was issued. In 1987, Epstein also began his relationship with his principal financier, Leslie Wexner, who is also closely associated with Lauder (though some sources claim that Epstein and Wexner first met in 1985 but that their strong business relationship was not established until 1987). 

Though Epstein’s defense attorney declined to reveal the identity of the “friend” who provided him with the fake Austrian passport, Lauder was both well-positioned to acquire it in Austria and also deeply connected to the Mega Group, which was co-founded by Epstein’s patron Leslie Wexner and to which Epstein has many connections. These connections to both the Austrian government and to Epstein’s mentor make Lauder the most likely person to have acquired the document on Epstein’s behalf.

Furthermore, Epstein and the Mega Group’s ties to the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad, also suggest Lauder was involved in procuring the passport, in light of his close ties to the Israeli government and the fact that Mossad has a history of using ambassadors abroad to procure false, foreign passports for its operatives. 

Lauder himself has been alleged to have ties to Mossad, as he is a long-time funder of IDC Herzliya, an Israeli university closely associated with Mossad and their recruiters as well as Israeli military intelligence. Lauder even founded IDC Herzliya’s Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy. 

Furthermore, Lauder co-founded the Eastern European broadcasting network CETV with Mark Palmer, a former U.S. diplomat, Kissinger aide and Reagan speechwriter. Palmer is better known for co-founding the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), an organization often described as an accessory to U.S. intelligence, and one whose first president confessed to the Washington Post that “a lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” A 2001 report in the Evening Standard noted that Epstein once claimed that during the 1980s he worked for the CIA, but Epstein later backed away from that assertion.

 The origins of the Mega Group Mafia

The Mega Group — a secretive group of billionaires to which Lauder belongs — was formed in 1991 by Charles Bronfman and Leslie Wexner, the latter of whom has received considerable media scrutiny following the July arrest of his former protégé, Jeffrey Epstein. Media profiles of the group paint it as “a loosely organized club of 20 of the nation’s wealthiest and most influential Jewish businessmen” focused on “philanthropy and Jewishness,” with membership dues upwards of $30,000 per year. Yet several of its most prominent members have ties to organized crime.

Mega Group members founded and/or are closely associated with some of the most well-known pro-Israel organizations. For instance, members Charles Bronfman and Michael Steinhardt formed Birthright Taglit with the backing of then, and current Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Steinhardt, an atheist, has stated that his motivation in helping to found the group was to advance his own belief that devotion to and faith in the state of Israel should serve as “a substitute for [Jewish] theology.” 

Other well-known groups associated with the Mega Group include the World Jewish Congress — whose past president, Edgar Bronfman, and current president, Ronald Lauder, are both Mega Group members — and B’nai B’rith, particularly its spin-off known as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The Bronfman brothers were major donors to the ADL, with Edgar Bronfman serving as the ADL’s honorary national vice-chair for several years.

When Edgar Bronfman died in 2013, long-time ADL Director Abe Foxman said, “Edgar was for many years Chair of our Liquor Industry Division, Chair of our New York Appeal, and one of our most significant benefactors.” Other Mega Group members that are donors and major supporters of the ADL include Ronald Lauder, Michael Steinhardt and the late Max Fisher. As previously mentioned, Roy Cohn’s father was a long-time leader of B’nai B’rith’s influential New England-New York chapter and Cohn was later a celebrated member of its banking and finance lodge.

In addition, Mega Group members have also been key players in the pro-Israel lobby in the United States. For instance, Max Fisher of the Mega Group founded the National Jewish Coalition, now known as the Republican Jewish Coalition — the main pro-Israel neoconservative political lobbying group, known for its support of hawkish policies, and whose current chief patrons, Sheldon Adelson and Bernard Marcus, are among Donald Trump’s top donors.

Though the Mega Group has officially existed only since 1991, the use of “philanthropy” to provide cover for more unscrupulous lobbying or business activities was pioneered decades earlier by Sam Bronfman, the father of Mega Group members Edgar and Charles Bronfman. While other North American elites like J.D. Rockefeller had previously used philanthropic giving as a means of laundering their reputations, Bronfman’s approach to philanthropy was unique because it was focused on giving specifically to other members of his own ethno-religious background.

Sam Bronfman had long-standing deep ties to organized crime, specifically Meyer Lanksy’s organized crime syndicate. Yet, Bronfman’s private ambition, according to those close to him, was to become a respected member of high society. As a consequence, Bronfman worked hard to remove the stain that his mob associations had left on his public reputation in Canada and abroad. He accomplished this by becoming a leader in Canada’s Zionist movement and, by the end of the 1930s, he was head of the Canadian Jewish Congress and had begun to make a name for himself as a philanthropist for Jewish causes.

Yet even some of Bronfman’s activism and philanthropy had hints of the mobster-like reputation he tried so hard to shake. For instance, Bronfman was actively involved in the illegal shipping of arms to Zionist paramilitaries in Palestine prior to 1948, specifically as a co-founder of the National Conference for Israeli and Jewish Rehabilitation that smuggled weapons to the paramilitary group Haganah. 

At the same time Bronfman was abetting the illegal smuggling of weapons to the Haganah, his associates in the criminal underworld were doing the same. After World War II, close aides of David Ben-Gurion, who would later become the first prime minister of Israel and was instrumental in the founding of Mossad, forged tight-knit relationships with Meyer Lansky, Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel, Mickey Cohen and other Jewish gangsters of the period. They used their clandestine networks to establish a vast arms smuggling network between the United States and Zionist settlements in Palestine, arming both the Haganah and the Irgun paramilitary groups.  At the same time these gangsters were aiding the illegal arming of ZIonsit paramilitaries, they were strengthening their ties to U.S. intelligence that had first been formally (though covertly) established in World War II. 

After Israel was founded, Sam Bronfman worked with future Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres to negotiate the sale of Canadian armaments at half-price to Israel and the bargain weapons purchase was paid for entirely by a fundraising dinner hosted by Bronfman and his wife. Many years later, Peres would go on to introduce another future prime minister of Israel, Ehud Barak, to Jeffrey Epstein.

The rest of the Bronfman family’s march on “the road to respectability” was undertaken by Bronfman’s children, who married into aristocratic families such as the European Rothschilds and the Wall Street “royalty” of the Lehmans and the Loebs

The Bronfmans’ newfound respectability did not mean that their association with the Lansky-led criminal empire had dissolved. Indeed, prominent members of the Seagrams dynasty came under fire in the 1960s and 1970s for their close association with Willie “Obie” Obront, a major figure in Canadian organized crime, whom Canadian professor Stephen Schneider has referred to as the Meyer Lansky of Canada.

However, Edgar and Charles Bronfman were hardly the only members of the Mega Group with deep and long-standing ties to the Lansky-led National Crime Syndicate. Indeed, one of the group’s prominent members, hedge fund manager Michael Steinhardt, opened up about his own family ties to Lansky in his autobiography No Bull: My Life in and out the Markets, where he noted that his father, Sol “Red McGee” Steinhardt, was Lansky’s jewel fence of choice and a major player in New York’s criminal underworld. Sol Steinhardt was also his son’s first client on Wall Street and helped him jumpstart his career in finance.

The ties between the Mega Group and the National Crime Syndicate do not stop there. Another prominent member of the Mega Group with ties to this same criminal network is Max Fisher, who has been described as Wexner’s mentor and is also alleged to have worked with Detroit’s “Purple Gang” during Prohibition and beyond. The Purple Gang were part of the network that smuggled Bronfman liquor from Canada into the United State during Prohibition, and one of its founders, Abe Bernstein, was a close associate of both Meyer Lansky and Moe Dalitz. Fisher was a key adviser to several U.S. presidents, beginning with Dwight D. Eisenhower, as well as to Henry Kissinger.

Max Fisher, center, and Henry Kissinger, right, meet with leaders of Jewish organizations prior to Kissinger’s 1975 Middle East trip. Henry Burroughs | AP

In addition to Fisher, Mega Group member Ronald Lauder was connected to Roy Cohn and Tom Bolan, both of whom were closely associated with this same Lansky-led crime network and who regularly represented top Mafia figures in court. Furthermore, another member of the Mega Group, director Steven Spielberg, is a well-known protege of Lew Wasserman, the mob-connected media mogul and long-time backer of Ronald Reagan’s film and later political career.

One surprise connection to Cohn involves Mega Group member, and former president of U.S. weapons firm General Dynamics, Lester Crown, whose brother-in-law is David Schine, Cohn’s confidant and alleged lover during the McCarthy hearings, whose relationship with Cohn helped bring about the downfall of McCarthyism.

Another member of the Mega Group worth noting is Laurence Tisch, who owned CBS News for several years and founded Loews Corporation. Tisch is notable for his work for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the precursor to the CIA, where Donald Barr, who hired Epstein at the Dalton School, also served and which forged ties with Lansky’s criminal empire during World War II. 

Wexner’s mansions and the Shapiro murder 

Leslie “Les” Wexner, the other Mega Group co-founder, also has ties to organized crime. Wexner’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein have come under scrutiny following the latter’s recent arrest, as Wexner was the only publicly acknowledged client of Epstein’s suspicious hedge fund, the source of much of this wealth, and the previous owner of Epstein’s $56 million Manhattan townhouse, which Wexner transferred to an Epstein-controlled entity for free. 

Before Epstein received the townhouse, Wexner appears to have used the residence for some unconventional purposes, noted in a 1996 New York Times article on the then-Wexner-owned residence, which included “a bathroom reminiscent of James Bond movies: hidden beneath a stairway, lined with lead to provide shelter from attack and supplied with closed-circuit television screens and a telephone, both concealed in a cabinet beneath the sink.” The Times article does not speculate as to the purpose of this equipment, though the allusion to famous fictional superspy James Bond suggests that it may have been used to snoop on guests or conduct electronic surveillance.

The 1996 Times article also noted that, after Wexner bought the residence for $13.2 million in 1989, he spent millions more decorating and furnishing the home, including the addition of the electronic equipment in the “James Bond” bathroom, only to apparently never live in it. The Times, which interviewed Epstein for the piece, quoted him as saying that “Les never spent more than two months there.” Epstein told the Times, which identified Epstein as Wexner’s “protege and one of his financial advisers,” that the house, by that time, already belonged to him.

That same year, Epstein was commissioning artwork for Wexner’s Ohio mansion. A recent article from the Times noted that: 

In the summer of 1996, Maria Farmer was working on an art project for Mr. Epstein in Mr. Wexner’s Ohio mansion. While she was there, Mr. Epstein sexually assaulted her, according to an affidavit Ms. Farmer filed earlier this year in federal court in Manhattan. She said that she fled the room and called the police, but that Mr. Wexner’s security staff refused to let her leave for 12 hours.”

Farmer’s account strongly suggests that, given the behavior of his personal security staff at his mansion following Epstein’s alleged assault on Farmer, Wexner was well aware of Epstein’s predatory behavior towards young women. This is compounded by claims made by Alan Dershowitz — a former lawyer for and friend of Epstein’s, who has also been accused of raping underage girls — that Wexner has also been accused of raping underage girls exploited by Epstein on at least seven occasions.

The presence of the electronic equipment in his home’s bathroom, other oddities related to the townhouse, and aspects of the links between Epstein and Wexner suggest there is more to Wexner, who has rather successfully developed a public image of a respectable businessman and philanthropist, much like other prominent members of the Mega Group. 

Leslie Wexner and his wife Abigail tour the “Transfigurations” exhibit at the Wexner Center for the Arts. Jay LaPrete | AP

However, bits and pieces of Wexner’s private secrets have occasionally bubbled up, only to be subjected to rapid cover-ups amidst concerns of “libeling” the powerful and well-connected billionaire “philanthropist.” 

In 1985, Columbus (Ohio) lawyer Arthur Shapiro was murdered in broad daylight at point-blank range in what was largely referred to as a “mob style murder.” The homicide still remains unsolved, likely due to the fact that then-Columbus Police Chief James Jackson ordered the destruction of key documents of his department’s investigation into the murder.

Jackson’s ordering of the documents’ destruction came to light years later in 1996, when he was under investigation for corruption. According to the Columbus Dispatch, Jackson justified the destruction of one “viable and valuable” report because he felt that it “was so filled with wild speculation about prominent business leaders that it was potentially libelous.” The nature of this “wild speculation” was that “millionaire businessmen in Columbus and Youngstown were linked to the ‘mob-style murder.’”

Though Jackson’s efforts were meant to keep this “libelous” report far from public view, it was eventually obtained by Bob Fitrakis — attorney, journalist, and executive director of the Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism — after he was “accidentally” sent a copy of the report in 1998 as part of a public records request.

The report, titled “Shapiro Homicide Investigation: Analysis and Hypothesis,” names Leslie Wexner as linked “with associates reputed to be organized crime figures” and also lists the names of businessman Jack Kessler, former Columbus City Council President and Wexner associate Jerry Hammond, and former Columbus City Council member Les Wright as also being involved in Shapiro’s murder. 

The report also noted that Arthur Shapiro’s law firm — Schwartz, Shapiro, Kelm & Warren — represented Wexner’s company, The Limited, and states that “prior to his death, Arthur Shapiro managed this account [The Limited] for the law firm.” It also noted that, at the time of his death, Shapiro “was the subject of an investigation by the Internal Revenue Service because he had failed to file income tax returns for some seven years prior to his death, and he had invested in some questionable tax shelters.” It also stated that his death prevented Shapiro from his planned testimony at a grand jury hearing about these “questionable tax shelters.”

As to Wexner’s alleged links to organized crime, the report focuses on the close business relationship between Wexner’s The Limited and Francis Walsh, whose trucking company “[had] done an excess of 90 percent of the Limited’s trucking business around the time of Shapiro’s murder,” according to the report. Walsh was named in a 1988 indictment as a “co-conspirator” of Genovese crime family boss Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno, whose long-time lawyer was Roy Cohn; and the Shapiro murder report stated that Walsh was “still considered associates of the Genovese/LaRocca crime family, and Walsh was still providing truck transportation for The Limited.” 

Notably, the Genovese crime family has long formed a key part of the National Crime Syndicate, as its former head, Charles “Lucky” Luciano, co-created the criminal organization with his close friend Meyer Lansky. Upon Luciano’s imprisonment and subsequent deportation from the United States, Lansky took over the syndicate’s U.S. operations and his association with Luciano’s successors continued until Lansky’s death in 1983. 

The “Mega” Mystery and the Mossad

In May 1997, the Washington Post broke an explosive story — long since forgotten — based on an intercepted phone call made between a Mossad official in the U.S. and his superior in Tel Aviv that discussed the Mossad’s efforts to obtain a secret U.S. government document. According to the Post, the Mossad official stated during the phone call that “Israeli Ambassador Eliahu Ben Elissar had asked him whether he could obtain a copy of the letter given to [Palestinian leader Yasser] Arafat by [then-Secretary of State Warren] Christopher on Jan. 16, the day after the Hebron accord was signed by Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.”

The Post article continued: 

According to a source who viewed a copy of the NSA transcript of the conversation, the intelligence officer, speaking in Hebrew, said, ‘The ambassador wants me to go to Mega to get a copy of this letter.’ The source said the supervisor in Tel Aviv rejected the request, saying, ‘This is not something we use Mega for.’”

The leaked communication led to an investigation that sought to identify an individual code-named “Mega” that the Post said “may be someone in the U.S. government who has provided information to the Israelis in the past,” a concern that subsequently spawned a fruitless FBI investigation. The Mossad later claimed that “Mega” was merely a codeword for the U.S.’ CIA, but the FBI and NSA were unconvinced by that claim and believed that it was a senior U.S. government official that had potentially once been involved in working with Jonathan Pollard, the former U.S. naval intelligence analyst later convicted of spying for the Mossad. 

Almost one year to the day after the “Mega” spy scandal broke, the Wall Street Journal was the first outlet to report on the existence of a little-known organization of billionaires that was “informally” called the Mega Group and had been founded years prior in 1991. The report made no mention of the spy scandal that had spread concerns of Israeli espionage in the U.S. only a year prior. However, the group’s distinctive “informal” name and the connections of its members to the Mossad and to high-ranking Israeli politicians, including prime ministers, raise the possibility that “Mega” was not an individual, as the FBI and NSA had believed, but a group.

In 1997, when the “Mega” spy scandal broke, Netanyahu had recently become prime minister of Israel after an upset victory, a victory that was largely credited to one well-connected Netanyahu backer in particular, Ronald Lauder. Beyond being a major donor, Lauder had brought Arthur Finklestein on to work for Netanyahu’s 1996 campaign, whose strategies were credited for Netanyahu’s surprise win. Netanyahu was close enough to Lauder that he personally enlisted Lauder and George Nader to serve as his peace envoys to Syria.

Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara with Ronald Lauder in 1997. Photo | Reuters

Nader, who was connected to the Trump 2016 campaign and Trump ally and Blackwater founder Erik Prince, was recently hit with federal child sex trafficking charges last month, soon after Jeffrey Epstein had been arrested on similar charges. At the time Nader was picked to work with Lauder on Netanyahu’s behalf, he had already been caught possessing large amounts of child pornography on two separate occasions, first in 1984 and later in 1990.

This strong connection between Netanyahu and Lauder during the time of the 1997 “Mega” spy scandal is important considering Mossad answers directly to Israel’s prime minister. 

Another possible connection between the Mega Group and the Mossad owes to the Mega Group’s ties to Meyer Lansky’s criminal network. Lansky had established deep ties to U.S. intelligence after World War II and was also connected to the Mossad through Mossad official Tibor Rosenbaum, whose bank was frequently used by Lansky to launder money. In addition, Lansky collaborated on at least one occasion with notorious Mossad “superspy” Rafi Eitan, who he helped acquire sensitive electronic equipment possessed only by the CIA but coveted by Israeli intelligence. Eitan is best known in the U.S. for being the Mossad handler of Jonathan Pollard.

Notably, Eitan was the main source of claims that the code-word “Mega” used by the Mossad officials in 1997 referred to the CIA and not to a potential source in the U.S. government once linked to Pollard’s spying activities, making his claims as to the true meaning of the term somewhat dubious.

Given that the organized crime network tied to the Mega Group had ties to both U.S. and Israeli intelligence, the “Mega” codeword could plausibly have referred to this secretive group of billionaires. More supporting evidence for this theory comes from the fact that prominent members of the Mega Group were business partners of Mossad agents, including media mogul Robert Maxwell and commodities trader Marc Rich.

The mysterious Maxwells

The Maxwell family has become a source of renewed media interest following Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest, as Ghislaine Maxwell, long described in the media as a British “socialite,” was publicly cited as Epstein’s long-time “on and off” girlfriend, and Epstein’s victims, as well as former wives of Epstein’s friends, have claimed that she was Epstein’s “pimp” and procured underage girls for his sexual blackmail operation. Ghislaine Maxwell is also alleged to have engaged in the rape of the girls she procured for Epstein and to have used them to produce child pornography. 

Ghislaine was the favorite and youngest daughter of media mogul Robert Maxwell. Maxwell, born Jan Ludvick Hoch, had joined the British Army in World War II. Afterwards, according to authors John Loftus and Mark Aarons, he greatly influenced the Czechoslovakian government’s decision to arm Zionist paramilitaries during the 1948 war that resulted in Israel’s creation as a state, and Maxwell himself was also involved in the smuggling of aircraft parts to Israel. 

Around this time, Maxwell was approached by British intelligence outfit MI6 and offered a position that Maxwell ultimately declined. MI6 then classified him as “Zionist — loyal only to Israel” and made him a person of interest. He later became an agent of the Mossad, according to several books including Seymour Hersh’s The Samson Option: Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy, and Robert Maxwell: Israel’s Superspy by Gordon Thomas and Martin Dillon. 

According to Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad case officer: 

Mossad was financing many of its operations in Europe from money stolen from Maxwell’s newspaper pension fund. They got their hands on the funds almost as soon as Maxwell made the purchase of the Mirror Newspaper Group with money lent to him by Mossad.”

In exchange for his services, the Mossad helped Maxwell satisfy his sexual appetite during his visits to Israel, providing him with prostitutes, “the service maintained for blackmail purposes.” It was later revealed that the hotel in which he stayed in Israel was bugged with cameras, allowing the Mossad to acquire “a small library of video footage of Maxwell in sexually compromising positions.” As with the CIA, the Mossad’s use of blackmail against both friend and foe is well-documented and known to be extensive.

Maxwell was also a close associate and friend of Israeli “superspy” Rafi Eitan, who, as previously mentioned, was Jonathan Pollard’s handler and who had previously worked directly with Meyer Lansky. Eitan had learned of a revolutionary new software being used by the U.S. government known as “Promis” from Earl Brian, a long-time associate and aide to Ronald Reagan. Promis is often considered the forerunner to the “Prism” software used by spy agencies today and was developed by William Hamilton, who leased the software to the U.S. government through his company, Inslaw, in 1982.

Ariel Sharon (right)meets with Robert Maxwell in Jerusalem on Feb. 20, 1990. Photo | AP

According to author and former BBC investigative journalist Gordon Thomas, Brian was angry that the U.S. Department of Justice was successfully using Promis to go after organized crime and money-laundering activities and Eitan felt that the program could aid Israel. At the time, Eitan was the director of the now defunct Israeli military intelligence agency Lekem, which gathered scientific and technical intelligence abroad from both public and covert sources, especially in relation to Israel’s nuclear weapons program.

A plan was hatched to install a “trapdoor” into the software and then market Promis throughout the world, providing the Mossad with invaluable intelligence on the operations of its enemies and allies while also providing Eitan and Brian with copious amounts of cash. According to the testimony of ex-Mossad official Ari Ben-Menashe, Brian provided a copy of Promis to Israel’s military intelligence, which contacted an Israeli American programmer living in California who then planted the “trapdoor” in the software. The CIA was later said to have installed its own trapdoor in the software but it is unknown if they did so with a version of the already bugged software and how widely it was adopted relative to the version bugged by Israeli intelligence. 

After the trapdoor was inserted, the problem became selling the bugged version of the software to governments as well as private companies around the world, particularly in areas of interest. Brian first attempted to buy out Inslaw and Promis and then use that same company to sell the bugged version. 

Unsuccessful, Brian turned to his close friend, then-Attorney General Ed Meese whose Justice Department then abruptly refused to make the payments to Inslaw that were stipulated by the contract, essentially using the software for free, which Inslaw claimed to be theft. Some have speculated that Meese’s role in that decision was shaped, not only by his friendship with Brian, but the fact that his wife was a major investor in Brian’s business ventures. Meese would later become an adviser to Donald Trump when he was president-elect.

Inslaw was forced to declare bankruptcy as a result of Meese’s actions and sued the Justice Department. The court later found that the Meese-led department “took, converted, stole” the software through “trickery, fraud and deceit.” 

With Inslaw out of the way, Brian sold the software all over the world. Eitan later recruited Robert Maxwell to become another Promis salesman, which he did remarkably well, even succeeding in selling the software to Soviet intelligence and conspiring with Republican Texas Senator John Tower to have the software adopted by the U.S. government laboratory at Los Alamos. Dozens of countries used the software on their most carefully guarded computer systems, unaware that Mossad now had access to everything Promis touched.

Whereas the Mossad’s past reliance on gathering intelligence had relied on the same tactics used by its equivalents in the U.S. and elsewhere, the widespread adoption of the Promis software, largely through the actions of Earl Brian and Robert Maxwell, gave the Mossad a way to gather not just troves of counterintelligence data, but also blackmail on other intelligence agencies and powerful figures. 

Indeed, Promis’ backdoor and adoption by intelligence agencies all over the world essentially provided the Mossad with access to troves of blackmail that the CIA and FBI had acquired on their friends and foes for over half a century. Strangely, in recent years, the FBI has sought to hide information related to Robert Maxwell’s connection to the Promis scandal.

According to journalist Robert Fisk, Maxwell was also involved in the Mossad abduction of Israeli nuclear weapons whistleblower Vanunu Mordechai. Mordechai had attempted to provide the media with information on the extent of Israel’s nuclear weapons program, which was eventually published by the Sunday Times of London. Yet, Mordechai had also contacted the Daily Mirror with the information, the Mirror being an outlet that was owned by Maxwell and whose foreign editor was a close Maxwell associate and alleged Mossad asset, Nicholas Davies. Journalist Seymour Hersh alleged that Davies had also been involved in Israeli arms deals.

Per Fisk, it was Maxwell who contacted the Israeli Embassy in London and told them of Mordechai’s activities. This led to Mordechai’s entrapment by a female Mossad agent who seduced him as part of a “honey trap” operation that led to his kidnapping and later imprisonment in Israel. Mordechai served an 18-year sentence, 12 years of which were in solitary confinement.

Then, there is the issue of Maxwell’s death, widely cited by mainstream and independent media alike as suspicious and a potential homicide. According to authors Gordon Thomas and Martin Dillon, Maxwell had sealed his own fate when he attempted to threaten top Mossad officials with the exposure of certain operations if they did not help him rescue his media empire from crippling debt and financial difficulties. Many of Maxwell’s creditors, who had grown increasingly displeased with the media mogul, were Israeli and several of them were alleged to be Mossad-connected themselves.

Thomas and Dillon argue in their biography of Maxwell’s life that the Mossad felt that Maxwell had become more of a liability than an asset and killed him on his yacht three months after he demanded the bailout. On the other extreme are theories that suggest Maxwell committed suicide because of the financial difficulties his empire faced.

Ghislaine Maxwell, far right, Robert Maxwell’s daughter, looks on his casket is unloaded from a plane in Jerusalem, Nov. 8, 1991. Heribert Proepper | AP

Some have taken Maxwell’s funeral held in Israel as the country’s “official” confirmation of Maxwell’s service to the Mossad, as it was likened to a state funeral and attended by no less than six serving and former heads of Israeli intelligence. During his funeral service in Jerusalem, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir eulogized him and stated: “He has done more for Israel than can today be said.” Other eulogies were given by future Prime Ministers Ehud Olmert (then Health Minister) and Shimon Peres, with the latter also praising Maxwell’s “services” on behalf of Israel.

Swimming in the same swamp

As he built his business empire — and even became a member of Parliament, Maxwell was also doing work for Israeli intelligence, as several of the Israeli companies in which he invested became fronts for the Mossad. In addition, as he became a media mogul, he developed a bitter rivalry with Rupert Murdoch, a close friend of Roy Cohn and an influential figure in American and British media.

Maxwell also partnered with the Bronfman brothers, Edgar and Charles — key figures in the Mega Group. In 1989 Maxwell and Charles Bronfman partnered up to bid on the Jerusalem Post newspaper and the Post described the two men as “two of the world’s leading Jewish financiers” and their interest in the venture as “developing The Jerusalem Post and expanding its influence among world Jewry.” A year prior, Maxwell and Bronfman had become top shareholders in the Israeli pharmaceutical company Teva. 

Maxwell also worked with Charles Bronfman’s brother Edgar in the late 1980s to convince the Soviet Union to allow Soviet Jews to immigrate to Israel. Edgar’s efforts in this regard have received more attention, as it was a defining moment of his decades-long presidency of the World Jewish Congress, of which Ronald Lauder is currently president. Yet, Maxwell had also made considerable use of his contacts in the Soviet government in this effort.

Maxwell also moved in the circles of the network previously described. A key example of this is the May 1989 party Maxwell hosted on his yacht, the Lady Ghislaine — named for his youngest daughter and Epstein’s future “girlfriend.” Attendees of the party included Roy Cohn’s protege Donald Trump and his long-time law partner Tom Bolan. A close friend of Nancy Reagan was also present, journalist Mike Wallace, as was literary agent Mort Janklow, who represented Ronald Reagan and two of Cohn’s closest friends: journalists William Safire and Barbara Walters.

The CEO of what would soon become Time Warner, Steve Ross, was also invited to the exclusive event. Ross’ presence is notable, as he had built his business empire largely through his association with New York crime lords Manny Kimmel and Abner “Longy” Zwillman. Zwillman was a close friend of Meyer Lansky, Michael Steinhardt’s father, and Sam Bronfman, father of Edgar and Charles Bronfman.

Another attendee of the Maxwell yacht party was former Secretary of the Navy and former Henry Kissinger staffer Jon Lehman, who would go on to associate with the controversial neoconservative think tank, Project for a New American Century. Prior to being secretary of the Navy, Lehman had been president of the Abington Corporation, which hired arch-neocon Richard Perle to manage the portfolio of Israeli arms dealers Shlomo Zabludowicz and his son Chaim, who paid Ablington $10,000 month. A scandal arose when those payments continued after both Lehman and Perle joined the Reagan Department of Defense and while Perle was working to persuade the Pentagon to buy arms from companies linked to Zabludowicz. Perle had been part of the Reagan transition team along with Roy Cohn’s long-time friend and law partner Tom Bolan (another Maxwell yacht guest).

In addition to Lehman, another former Kissinger staffer, Thomas Pickering was present at Maxwell’s yacht part. Pickering played a minor role in the Iran-Contra affair and, at the time of the Maxwell yacht party, he was U.S. ambassador to Israel. Senator John Tower (R-TX), who allegedly conspired with Maxwell in the Mossad-bugged Promis software at the Los Alamos laboratories, was also present. Tower died just months before Maxwell in a suspicious plane crash.

Ghislaine Maxwell was also at this rather notable event. After her father’s mysterious death and alleged murder on the same yacht that bears her name in 1991, she quickly packed her bags and moved to New York City. There, she soon made the acquaintance of Jeffrey Epstein and, a few years later, developed close ties to the Clinton family.

 Jeffrey Epstein and the new “Promise”

After it was revealed that Epstein had evaded stricter sentencing in 2008 due to his links to “intelligence,” it was the Mossad ties of Ghislaine Maxwell’s father that have led many to speculate that Epstein’s sexual blackmail operation was sharing incriminating information with the Mossad. Former CBS executive producer and current journalist for the media outlet Narativ, Zev Shalev, has since claimed that he independently confirmed that Epstein was tied directly to the Mossad. 

Donald and Melania Trump with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell at the Mar-a-Lago club, Palm Beach, Florida in 2000. Photo | Davidoff Studios

Epstein was a long-time friend of former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, who has long-standing and deep ties to Israel’s intelligence community. Their decades-long friendship has been the source of recent political attacks targeting Barak, who is running in the Israeli elections against current Prime Minister Netanyahu later this year. 

Barak is also close to Epstein’s chief patron and Mega Group member Leslie Wexner, whose Wexner Foundation gave Barak $2 million in 2004 for a still unspecified research program. According to Barak, he was first introduced to

Epstein by former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres, who eulogized Robert Maxwell at his funeral and had decades-long ties with the Bronfman family going back to the early 1950s. Peres was also a frequent participant in programs funded by Leslie Wexner in Israel and worked closely with the Mossad for decades.

In 2015, a few years after Epstein’s release from prison following his conviction for soliciting sex from a minor in 2008, Barak formed a company with Epstein with the chief purpose of investing in an Israeli start-up then known as Reporty. That company, now called Carbyne, sells its signature software to 911 call centers and emergency service providers and is also available to consumers as an app that provides emergency services with access to a caller’s camera and location and also runs any caller’s identity through any linked government database. It has specifically been marketed by the company itself and the Israeli press as a solution to mass shootings in the United States and is already being used by at least two U.S. counties.

Israeli media reported that Epstein and Barak were among the company’s largest investors. Barak poured millions into the company and it was recently revealed by Haaretz that a significant amount of Barak’s total investments in Carbyne was funded by Epstein, making him a “de facto partner” in the company. Barak is now Carbyne’s chairman

The company’s executive team are all former members of different branches of Israeli intelligence, including the elite military intelligence unit, Unit 8200, that is often likened to Israel’s equivalent of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA). Carbyne’s current CEO, Amir Elichai, served in Unit 8200 and tapped former Unit 8200 commander Pinchas Buchris to serve as the company’s director and on its board. In addition to Elichai, another Carbyne co-founder, Lital Leshem, also served in Unit 8200 and later worked for Israeli private spy company Black Cube. Leshem now works for a subsidiary of Erik Prince’s company Frontier Services Group, according to the independent media outlet Narativ. 

The company also includes several tie-ins to the Trump administration, including Palantir founder and Trump ally Peter Thiel — an investor in Carbyne. In addition, Carbyne’s board of advisers includes former Palantir employee Trae Stephens, who was a member of the Trump transition team, as well as former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff. Trump donor and New York real-estate developer Eliot Tawill is also on Carbyne’s board, alongside Ehud Barak and Pinchas Buchris.

Narativ, which wrote the first expose on Carbyne after Epstein’s arrest, noted that the Chinese government uses a smartphone app very similar to Carbyne as part of its mass surveillance apparatus, even though the original purpose of the app was for improved emergency reporting. According to Narativ, the Chinese Carbyne-equivalent “monitors every aspect of a user’s life, including personal conversations, power usage, and tracks a user’s movement.”

Given the history of Robert Maxwell — the father of Epstein’s long-time “girlfriend” and young-girl-procuring madam, Ghislaine Maxwell — in promoting the sale of Carbyne’s modified Promis software, which was also marketed as a tool to improve government efficacy but was actually a tool of mass surveillance for the benefit of Israeli intelligence, the overlap between Carbyne and Promis is troubling and warrants further investigation.

It is also worth noting that Unit 8200-connected tech start-ups are being widely integrated into U.S. companies and have developed close ties to the U.S. military-industrial complex, with Carbyne being just one example of that trend. 

Unit 8200-linked outfits like Team8 have recently hired former National Security Agency (NSA) Director Mike Rogers as a senior advisor and gained prominent Silicon Valley figures, including former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, as key investors. Many American technology companies, from Intel to Google to Microsoft, have merged with several Unit 8200-connected start-ups in recent years and have been moving many key jobs and operations to Israel with backing from key Republican donors like Paul Singer. Many of those same companies, particularly Google and Microsoft, are also major U.S. government contractors.

Who was Epstein really working for?

Even though Jeffrey Epstein appears to have had ties to the Mossad, this series has revealed that the networks to which Epstein was connected were not Mossad-exclusive, as many of the individuals close to Epstein — Lesie Wexner, for instance — were part of a mob-connected class of oligarchs with deep ties to both the U.S. and Israel. The sharing of “intelligence” (i.e., blackmail) between intelligence agencies and the same organized crime network connected to the Mega Group goes back decades. With Leslie Wexner of the Mega Group as Epstein’s chief patron, as opposed to a financier with direct ties to the Mossad, a similar relationship is more than likely in the case of the sexual blackmail operation that Epstein ran.

Given that intelligence agencies in both the U.S. and elsewhere often conduct covert operations for the benefit of oligarchs and large corporations as opposed to “national security interest,” Epstein’s ties to the Mega Group suggest that this group holds a unique status and influence in both the governments of the U.S. and of Israel, as well as in other countries (e.g., Russia). This is by virtue of their role as key political donors in both countries, as well as the fact that several of them own powerful companies or financial institutions in both countries. Indeed, many members of the Mega Group have deep ties to Israel’s political class, including to Netanyahu and Ehud Barak as well as to now-deceased figures like Shimon Peres, and to members of the American political class. 

Ultimately, the picture painted by the evidence is not a direct tie to a single intelligence agency but a web linking key members of the Mega Group, politicians, and officials in both the U.S. and Israel, and an organized-crime network with deep business and intelligence ties in both nations.

Though this article has so far focused on the ties of this network to main Republican Party affiliates, it will also reveal the ties developed between this web and the Clintons. As will be revealed, despite the Clintons’ willingness to embrace corrupt dealings during the span of their political careers, their mostly friendly relationship with this network still saw them use the power of sexual blackmail to obtain certain policy decisions that were favorable to their personal and financial interests but not to the Clintons’ political reputation or agendas.

Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire who no longer sits in jail on federal charges for the sex trafficking of minors, has continued to draw media scrutiny in the weeks after his arrest on July 6 and supposed suicide of August 12, 2019. Part of the reason for this continued media interest is related to Epstein’s alleged relationship to the intelligence services and new information about the true extent of the sexual blackmail operation Epstein is believed to have run for decades.

 Epstein was able to run this sordid operation for so long precisely because his was only the latest incarnation of a much older, more extensive operation that began in the 1950s and perhaps even earlier. 

Starting first with mob-linked liquor baron Lewis Rosenstiel and later with Roy Cohn, Rosenstiel’s protege and future mentor to Donald Trump, Epstein’s is just one of the many sexual blackmail operations involving children that are all tied to the same network, which includes elements of organized crime, powerful Washington politicians, lobbyists and “fixers,” and clear links to intelligence as well as the FBI. 

This report will delve into Cohn’s close ties to the Reagan administration, which was also closely tied to the same organized crime network led by the infamous mob figure Meyer Lansky. Of particular importance is the “Iran Contra” network, a group of Reagan officials and associates who played key roles in the Iran Contra scandal. Though it has remained relatively unknown for years, many key figures in that same network, and several fronts for the CIA that were involved in funneling money to the Central American Contra paramilitaries, were also trafficking minors for their sexual exploitation and use in sexual blackmail rings.

Several of these rings made headlines at one point or another over the years — from the “call boy ring” run by Washington lobbyist Craig Spence, to the Franklin child-sex and murder ring run by Republican operative Larry King, to the scandal that enveloped the Catholic charity Covenant House in the late 1980s. 

These rings — and more — were connected to the same network that involved key figures linked to the Reagan White House and linked to Roy Cohn — revealing the true scope of the sordid sexual blackmail operations and sex rings that involved the trafficking of children within the U.S. and Central America for their exploitation by dangerous and powerful pedovores in the United States. 

Appalling for both the villainous abuse of children itself and the chilling implications of government by blackmail, this tangled web of unsavory alliances casts a lurid light on the political history of the United States from the Prohibition Era right up to the present day and the Age of Trump, a fact made increasingly clear as more and more information comes to light in relation to the Jeffrey Epstein case.

 “Roy could fix anyone in the city”

Since Donald Trump burst onto the political scene in 2015, the legacy of his mentor, Roy Cohn – as well as Cohn’s influence on his most famous protege — have begun to garner renewed attention. Many of the profiles on Cohn following Trump’s rise have focused solely on certain shadowy aspects of Cohn’s history, particularly his association with major figures in New York organized crime, his corrupt dealings, and his eventual disbarment. Some of these portrayals even went so far as to label Cohn as politically impotent. While Cohn was known to deal with a sizable amount of sleaze in his career, such depictions of the man fail to note that he had created an influence machine of unrivaled power that included some of the most prominent people in media and politics as well as a cadre of celebrities.

Cohn was closely associated with numerous celebrities, famous politicians and political operatives. Many of his birthday parties over the years attracted such famous figures such as artist Andy Warhol, fashion designer Calvin Klein, and comedian Joey Adams, as well as notable political figures including former Mayor of New York Abraham Beame and then-Assemblyman from Brooklyn and future Senator Chuck Schumer, among others. In 1979 Margaret Trudeau, mother of current Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, attended Cohn’s birthday party, where she famously toppled his custom birthday cake; and of course Donald Trump, who became Cohn’s protege in the mid-1970s, was a frequent fixture at social events held in Cohn’s honor.

The politicians, journalists and celebrities invited to Cohn’s exclusive parties were said to be those who “had open accounts in Cohn’s ‘favor bank,’” his nickname for his unofficial balance sheet of political favors and debts that was surely informed and influenced by his extensive involvement in sexual blackmail operations from the 1950s well into the 1980s.

Many of Cohn’s celebrity friendships were cultivated through his relationship with and frequent appearances at the famous and famously debaucherous New York nightclub Studio 54, which was described by Vanity Fair as “the giddy epicenter of 70s hedonism, a disco hothouse of beautiful people, endless cocaine, and every kind of sex.” Cohn was the long-time lawyer of the club’s owners, Steve Rubell and Ian Schrager.

Studio 54 co-owner Steve Rubell and Roy Cohn, left, talk to reporters outside U.S. District Court in Manhattan on, Nov. 2, 1979. Photo | AP

Among Cohn’s closest friends were Barbara Walters, to whom Cohn often referred as his “fiancee” in public, and whom he later introduced to the head of the U.S. Information Agency, Chad Wick, and other high rollers in the Reagan White House. Yet, Walters was just one of Cohn’s powerful friends in the media, a group that also included Abe Rosenthal, executive editor of the New York Times; William Safire, long-time New York Times columnist and New York Magazine contributor; and George Sokolsky of The New York Herald Tribune, NBC and ABC. Sokolsky was a particularly close friend of both Cohn and former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, whose involvement in Cohn’s sexual blackmail operation is common knowledge. Sokolsky ran the American Jewish League Against Communism with Cohn for several years and the organization later named its Medal of Honor after Sokolsky.

Cohn was also the attorney and friend of media mogul Rupert Murdoch and, according to New York Magazine, “Whenever Roy wanted a story stopped, item put in, or story exploited, Roy called Murdoch;” and, after Murdoch bought the New York Post, Cohn “wielded the paper as his personal shiv.” According to the late journalist Robert Parry, the friendship between Murdoch and Cohn first began thanks to their mutual support for Israel. 

Cohn also leaned on his life-long friend since high school, Si Newhouse Jr., to exert media influence. Newhouse oversaw the media empire that now includes Vanity Fair, Vogue, GQ, The New Yorker, and numerous local newspapers throughout the United States, as well as major interests in cable television. New York Magazine also noted that “Cohn used his influence in the early ’80s to secure favors for himself and his Mob clients in Newhouse publications.” In addition to Newhouse, Cohn’s other high school pals, Generoso Pope Jr. and Richard Berlin, later became the owners of the National Enquirer and the Hearst Corporation, respectively. Cohn was also a close friend of another media mogul, Mort Zuckerman, who – along with Rupert Murdoch – would go on to befriend Jeffrey Epstein.

Cohn’s media confidants, like journalist William Buckley of The National Review and Firing Line, often attacked Cohn’s political enemies – particularly long-time Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau — in their columns, using Cohn as an anonymous source. Buckley, whom historian George Nash once called “the preeminent voice of American conservatism and its first great ecumenical figure,” received the George Sokolsky medal alongside Cohn’s mob-linked client and “Supreme Commander” Lewis Rosenstiel from the Cohn-run American Jewish League Against Communism in 1966. Buckley later got a heavily discounted $65,000 loan to buy a luxury boat from a bank where Cohn held influence and whose president Cohn had hand picked, according to a 1969 article in LIFE magazine. 

Buckley — along with Barbara Walters, Alan Dershowitz and Donald Trump — would later serve as character witnesses for Cohn during his 1986 disbarment hearings and all but Buckley would later draw controversy for their relationships with Jeffrey Epstein.

With connections like this, it’s no wonder that Stanley Friedman — a law partner of Cohn, who was later imprisoned over a kickback and bribery scandal while serving as New York’s deputy mayor — told journalist Marie Brenner in 1980 that “Roy could fix anyone in the city.”

 Politically ubiquitous and polygamous

Roy Cohn’s “favor bank” and his unique position as a liaison between the criminal underworld, the rich and famous, and top media influencers made him a force to be reckoned with. Yet, it was his political connections to leadership figures in both the Republican and Democratic parties and his close relationship to long-time FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, among other figures, that made him and his dark secret “untouchable” for much of his life. Though most of his political influence was forged in the 1950s, Cohn became even more powerful with the rise of Ronald Reagan.

Even though he nominally maintained his affiliation with the Democratic Party throughout his life, Cohn was a well-known “fixer” for Republican candidates and this is clearly seen in his outsized roles during the 1976 and 1980 presidential campaigns of Ronald Reagan. It was during the latter that Cohn would meet another of his proteges, Roger Stone, whom he infamously instructed to leave a hefty bribe tucked in a suitcase at the doorstep of the Liberal Party’s headquarters during the 1980 campaign. During this campaign, Cohn would also meet Paul Manafort — an associate of Stone and later Trump’s 2016 campaign manager — and introduce both to Donald Trump.

Cohn’s law partner, Tom Bolan, was also an influential force in the Reagan campaign and later chaired Reagan’s transition team in 1980. Reagan then named Bolan, whom he considered a friend, a director of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, the government’s development finance institution, and he was also the New York finance co-chairman in the Reagan campaign in both 1980 and 1984. Bolan was also close to others in Cohn’s circle, such as William F. Buckley Jr., Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch.

Furthermore, Bolan was instrumental in securing federal judgeships for several individuals who would later become influential, including future FBI Director Louis Freeh. Cohn was also able to get friends of clients appointed as federal judges, including Donald Trump’s sister, Maryanne Trump Barry. After Barry was appointed as a federal judge, Trump called Cohn to thank him for pulling strings on his sister’s behalf.

Though Cohn was not given a public position in the Reagan administration, he was not merely a “dirty trickster” who worked in the shadows during the Reagan campaigns. In fact, he worked closely with some of the more visible faces of the campaign, including the then-communications director for Reagan’s 1980 campaign and later CIA director, William Casey. According to Christine Seymour — Cohn’s long-time switchboard operator from the late 1960s up until his death in 1986, who listened in on his calls — Casey and Cohn were close friends and, during the 1980 campaign, Casey “called Roy almost daily.” 

Seymour also noted that one of Cohn’s other most frequent phone pals and closest friends was Nancy Reagan and she was also one of his clients. Reagan, whose influence over her husband was well-known, was so close to Cohn that it was largely his death from AIDS that led her to “encourage her husband to seek more funding for AIDS research.” 

Prior to Cohn’s death, Nancy and her husband Ronald secured his spot in an exclusive experimental AIDS treatment program, despite the Reagan administration’s well-documented “non-response” to the AIDS crisis of the era. Ronald Reagan was also a friend of Cohn’s and, according to late journalist Robert Parry, “lavished favors on Cohn, including invitations to White House events, personal thank-you notes and friendly birthday wishes” over the course of his presidency.

Given that Reagan heavily courted the evangelical right and promoted “family values” as president, the close ties between not only himself, but his inner circle, with Cohn may seem odd. However, Reagan, like Cohn, had deep ties to the same organized-crime factions that were among Cohn’s clients and affiliates of the same Mafia figures close to Cohn’s own mentor, Lewis Rosenstiel.

Not unlike Cohn, Reagan’s own mentor, Lew Wasserman, had close ties to the mob. Wasserman, the long-time president of MCA and the well-known Hollywood mogul, is known for not only making Reagan’s film and television career, but also supporting his successful push to become president of the Screen Actors Guild, which later launched Reagan’s political career. In addition, MCA was a major financier of Reagan’s successful gubernatorial bid in 1966 and, not long after Reagan became president, his administration controversially shut down a massive Department of Justice (DOJ) probe into MCA’s ties to organized crime.

Ronald Reagan, center, with A.C. Lyles and Lew Wasserman, right. Photo | A.C. Lyles

According to Shawn Swords, a documentary filmmaker who explored Reagan’s ties to MCA in Wages of Spin II: Bring Down That Wall:

Ronald Reagan was an opportunist. His whole career was guided by MCA — by Wasserman and [MCA founder] Jules Stein, who bragged that Reagan was malleable, that they could do what they wanted with him…That thing about Reagan being tough on [organized] crime — that’s a fallacy.” 

Swords’ characterization of this relationship is supported by an unnamed Hollywood source cited in a declassified DOJ document, who called Reagan “a complete slave of MCA who would do their bidding on anything.”

What elements of organized crime were connected to Wasserman? As a young man, Lew Wasserman joined the Mayfield Road Gang, which was run by Moe Dalitz, a close friend of Meyer Lansky who, per the FBI, was a powerful figure in Lansky’s criminal enterprise, second only to Lansky himself among members of the Jewish mob. 

Lew Wasserman would later marry Edith Beckerman, whose father was Dalitz’s lawyer. Wasserman’s closest friend and lawyer, Sidney Korshak, also had close ties to Dalitz and once partnered with Lansky in the Acapulco Towers Hotel. Notably, the magazine New West stated in 1976 that Korshak was the “logical successor to Meyer Lansky.” Korshak, as a lawyer, fit a niche similar to Roy Cohn and gained a reputation as the bridge between organized crime and respectable society.

In addition, the DOJ probe into MCA that the Reagan administration quashed was reportedly spurred after the Justice Department learned that an influential member of the Gambino crime family, Salvatore Pisello, was doing business with the massive entertainment company. At that time, the boss of the Gambino crime family, Paul Castellano, was a client of Roy Cohn. 

This blog is split into 2 parts due to its length. Look for part 2 in the menu.

Hired Murderers

Killing US Civilians Wholesale

They want you to fear their ‘fake lone crazed shooters’ but you are 1200 times more likely to be killed by your police force than the FBI’s lone gunman.

When you call 911 in the US, this is what is coming in response.

The police departments have all been militarized, re-equiped and retrained to treat civilians as terrorist enemies.  Last year, they conducted over 80,000 SWAT raids, more than half of which went to the ‘wrong address’, whereupon they busted in the door of the victims house in the middle of the night, killed their dogs, and in many cases the homeowner trying to defend the family. In the recent past, 40 SWAT raids per year was considered a high number. Other police have abused victims in routine traffic stops or just in the public purview.  They have killed 4,355 civilians in the process.  Some had their hands handcuffed behind their backs, yet the deaths were ruled suicides, another common phenomenon these days.

On another level, the FBI has made a full-time business out of finding retarded, junked-out and socially incapacitated “patsies” to set up as crazed lone perpetrators to execute mass shooting plots of various types to appear that random gun violence is rampant.  These mass shootings are conducted at schools, churches, shopping malls, movie theaters, concert venues, sports venues and other public places of gathering.  They have killed 339 people over the past 4 years, with hundreds more in staged fake killings using crisis-actors and catsup with full government complicity at all levels.

“It is often the case that police shootings, incidents where law enforcement officers pull the trigger on civilians, are left out of the conversation on gun violence”. But a police officer shooting a civilian counts as gun violence. Every time an officer uses a gun against an innocent or an unarmed person contributes to the culture of gun violence in this country.”—Journalist Celisa Calacal

Yes, gun violence is an apparent problem in America.

Yes, mass shootings are an apparent problem in America, deadlier and more frequent.

Yes, mentally ill individuals embarking on mass shooting sprees are an apparent problem in America.

The apparent solution, to the nonthinking, would seem to be gun confiscation.

However, tighter gun control laws and so-called “intelligent” background checks fail to protect the public from the most egregious perpetrator of gun violence in America: the U.S. government.  There is mob-related gun violence, but the mob and the government are one and the same, partners-in-crime.

Consider that five years after police shot and killed an unarmed 18-year-old man in Ferguson, Missouri, there has been no relief from the government’s gun violence.

Just a routine traffic stop

Here’s what we’ve learned about the government’s gun violence since Ferguson, according to The Washington Post: If you’re a black American, you’ve got a greater chance of being shot by police. If you’re an unarmed black man, you’re four times more likely to be killed by police than an unarmed white man. Most people killed by police are young men. Since 2015, police have shot and killed an average of 3 people per day. More than 2,500 police departments have shot and killed at least one person since 2015. And while the vast majority of people shot and killed by police are claimed to be armed, their weapons ranged from guns and knives to toys and other odd objects, like cell phones or sunglasses.

Clearly, the U.S. government is not making America any safer. And just as clearly, that is also not their objective.

Indeed, the government’s gun violence—inflicted on unarmed individuals by battlefield-trained SWAT teams, militarized police, and bureaucratic government agents trained to shoot first and ask questions later—poses a greater threat to the safety and security of the nation than any so-called crazed mass shooter(s). These government perps can kill with nothing to fear, as they have the tacit approval to do so, thus know they will not even get a slap on the wrist.

According to journalist Matt Agorist, “mass shootings … have claimed the lives of 339 people since 2015… [D]uring this same time frame, police in America have claimed the lives of 4,355 citizens.” That’s 1200% more people killed by police than mass shooters since 2015.

Police also have the option to beat a victim to death.

For example, in Texas, a police officer sent to do a welfare check on a 30-year-old woman seen lying on the grass near a shopping center, took aim at the woman’s dog as it ran towards him barking, fired multiple times, and killed the woman instead.

In Chicago, a SWAT team—wearing “army fatigues with black cloth covering their faces and wearing goggles,” armed with automatic rifles, and throwing flash-bang grenades—crashed through the doors of a suburban home and proceeded to storm into bedrooms, holding the children of the household at gunpoint. One child, 13-year-old Amir, was “accidentally” shot in the knee by police while sitting on his bed.

In St. Louis, Missouri, a SWAT team on a mission to deliver an administrative warrant carried out a no-knock raid that ended with police kicking in the homeowner’s front door, and shooting and killing her dog—all over an unpaid gas bill. Taxpayers will have to pay $750,000 to settle the lawsuit

Extreme unnecessary police violence.

In South Carolina, a 62-year-old homeowner was shot four times through his front door by police who were investigating a medical-assist alarm call that originated from a cell phone inside the home. Dick Tench, believing his house was being invaded, was standing in the foyer of his home armed with a handgun when police, peering through the front door, fired several shots through the door, hitting Tench in the pelvis and the aortic artery. Tench survived, but the bullet lodged in his pelvis will stay there for life.

In Kansas, a SWAT team, attempting to carry out a routine search warrant (the suspect had already been arrested), showed up at a residence around dinnertime, dressed in tactical gear with weapons drawn, and hurled a flash-bang grenade into the house past the 68-year-old woman who was in the process of opening the door to them and in the general direction of a 2-year-old child.

Overwhelming brutality

These are just a few representative examples among hundreds this year alone.

Curiously enough, in the midst of the finger-pointing over the latest round of mass shootings, Americans have been so focused on debating who or what is responsible for gun violence—the guns, the gun owners, the Second Amendment, the politicians, or our violent culture—that they have overlooked the fact that the systemic violence being perpetrated by agents of the government has done more collective harm to the American people and their liberties than any acts of terror or mass shooting.

Violence has become our government’s calling card, starting at the top and trickling down, from the more than 80,000 SWAT team raids carried out every year on unsuspecting Americans by heavily armed, black-garbed commandos and the increasingly rapid militarization of local police forces across the country to the drone killings used to target presumed insurgents or anyone else in the vicinity.

David Hogg is Adam Lanza at an earlier time. Does this give you any concern?

The government even exports violence worldwide, with one of this country’s few remaining production export goods, being weapons and arms. Indeed, the United States, the world’s largest exporter of arms, has been selling violence to the world for too long now as the real goods trade has evaporated. Controlling more than 50 percent of the global weaponry market, the U.S. has sold or donated weapons to at least 96 countries in the past five years, including the Middle East. The U.S. also provides countries such as Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan and Iraq with grants and loans through the Foreign Military Financing program to purchase military weapons.

Where do all the world’s weapons come from anyway?

At the same time that the U.S. is equipping nearly half the world with deadly weapons, profiting to the tune of $36.2 billion annually, its leaders have also been lecturing American citizens on the dangers of gun violence and working to enact measures that would make it more difficult for Americans to acquire certain weapons and passing red laws to confiscate existing legally acquired weapons.. Talk about an absurd double standard.

If we’re truly going to get serious about gun violence, why not start by a mass scaling back of the American police state’s weapons of war?

I’ll tell you why: because the government has no intention of scaling back on its weapons.  It just does not want you to have any means to protect yourself and your family from them. The second amendment is not for game hunters, it is for the citizens to protect themselves from tyrannical government.

In fact, all the while gun critics continue to clamor for bans on military-style assault weapons, high-capacity magazines and armor-piercing bullets, the U.S. military is passing them out to domestic police forces and CIA sponsored terrorist groups in unlimited quantity.

.Under the auspices of a military “recycling” program, which allows local police agencies to acquire military-grade weaponry and equipment, more than $4.2 billion worth of equipment has been transferred from the Defense Department to domestic police agencies since 1990. Included among these “gifts” are tank-like, 20-ton Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles, tactical gear, and assault rifles.

Tanks on your roadways.

There are now reportedly more bureaucratic (non-military) government agents armed with high-tech, deadly weapons than U.S. Marines. Under Obama, every government alphabet agency, including the Dept. of Education, has acquired a few hundred thousand assault rifles and a couple billion rounds of military grade ammunition. What is the purpose?

While Americans have to jump through an increasing number of hoops in order to own a gun, the government is arming its own civilian employees to the hilt with guns, ammunition and military-style equipment, authorizing them to make arrests, and training them in military tactics.

Among the agencies being supplied with night-vision equipment, body armor, hollow-point bullets, shotguns, drones, assault rifles and LP gas cannons are the Smithsonian, U.S. Mint, Health and Human Services, IRS, FDA, Small Business Administration, Social Security Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Education Department, Energy Department, Bureau of Engraving and Printing and an assortment of public universities.

Meanwhile, I read today that Chuck Schumer is working frantically to ban a popular children’s item, a bullet-proof child’s backpack, that concerned parents are hoping will protect their child from being shot in the back by police officers.

Seriously, why do IRS agents need AR-15 rifles? Are they planning to engage in mob-style methods to collect money owed by taxpayers?

They are trying to ‘pick the low hanging fruit’ as a first stage in total disarmament of the citizens.

For that matter, why do police need armored personnel carriers with gun ports, compact submachine guns with 30-round magazines, precision battlefield sniper rifles, and military-grade assault-style rifles and carbines.

They do not need these weapons and associated training for any reason associated with their stated job functions.  They are making these acquisitions for something that is in the plans for the near future.

In the hands of government agents, whether they are members of the military, law enforcement or some other government agencies, these weapons have become routine parts of America’s day-to-day life, a byproduct of the rapid militarization of government and law enforcement over the past several decades. This has all been seen before when empires have rotted to the core and fear for their ongoing existence.

Over the course of 30 years, police officers in jack boots holding assault rifles have become fairly common in small town communities across the country. As investigative journalists Andrew Becker and G.W. Schulz reveal, “Many police, including beat cops, now routinely carry assault rifles. Combined with body armor and other apparel, many officers look more and more like combat troops serving in Iraq, Afghanistan or Nazi Germany.”

Does this sound like a country under martial law? Any resemblance to the Nazi jack booters and brown shirters?

You want to talk about gun violence? While it still technically remains legal for the average citizen to own a firearm in America, possessing one can now get you pulled over, searched, arrested, subjected to all manner of surveillance, treated as a suspect without ever having committed a crime, shot at and killed by police.

You don’t even have to have a gun or a look-alike object in your possession to be singled out and killed by police. There are countless incidents that happen every day in which Americans are shot, stripped, raped, body cavity searched, choked, beaten and tasered by police for little more than daring to frown, smile, question, or attempt discussion about an order.

Growing numbers of unarmed people are being shot and killed for just standing a certain way, or moving a certain way, or holding something—anything—that police could misinterpret to be a weapon, or igniting some trigger-centric fear in a police officer’s mind that has nothing to do with an actual threat to their safety.

With alarming regularity, unarmed men, women, children and especially pets are being gunned down by twitchy, hyper-sensitive, easily-spooked police officers who shoot first and ask questions later, and all the government does is shrug, and promise to look into it, while the cops are granted qualified immunity. A severe punishment is a month’s paid leave.

Killed for standing in a “shooting stance.” In California, police opened fire on and killed a mentally challenged—unarmed—black man within minutes of arriving on the scene, allegedly because he removed a vapor smoking device from his pocket and took what they called a “shooting stance.”

Killed for holding a cell phone. Police in Arizona shot a man who was running away from U.S. Marshals after he refused to drop an object that turned out to be a cellphone. Similarly, police in Sacramento fired 20 shots at an unarmed, 22-year-old black man who was standing in his grandparents’ backyard after “mistaking” his cellphone for a gun.

Killed for carrying a baseball bat. Responding to a domestic disturbance call, Chicago police shot and killed 19-year-old college student Quintonio LeGrier who had reportedly been experiencing mental health problems and was carrying a baseball bat around the apartment where he and his father lived.

Killed for opening the front door. Bettie Jones, who lived on the floor below LeGrier, was also fatally shot—this time, accidentally—when she attempted to open the front door for police.

Killed for running towards police with a metal spoon. In Alabama, police shot and killed a 50-year-old man who reportedly charged a police officer while holding “a large metal spoon in a threatening manner.”

Killed for running while holding a tree branch. Georgia police shot and killed a 47-year-old man wearing only shorts and tennis shoes who, when first encountered, was sitting in the woods against a tree, only to start running towards police holding a stick in an “aggressive manner.

Killed for being naked. Atlanta police shot and killed an unarmed man who was reported to have been “acting deranged, knocking on doors, crawling around on the ground naked.” Police fired two shots at the man after he reportedly started running towards them.

Killed for wearing dark pants and a basketball jersey. Donnell Thompson, a mentally disabled 27-year-old described as gentle and shy, was shot and killed after police—searching for a carjacking suspect reportedly wearing similar clothing—encountered him lying motionless in a neighborhood yard. Police “only” opened fire with an M4 rifle after Thompson first failed to respond to their flash bang grenades and then started running after being hit by foam bullets.

Killed for driving while deaf. In North Carolina, a state trooper shot and killed 29-year-old Daniel K. Harris—who was deaf—after Harris initially failed to pull over during a traffic stop.

Killed for being homeless. Los Angeles police shot an unarmed homeless man after he failed to stop riding his bicycle and then proceeded to run from police.

Killed for brandishing a shoehorn. John Wrana, a 95-year-old World War II veteran, lived in an assisted living center, used a walker to get around, and was shot and killed by police who mistook the shoehorn in his hand for a 2-foot-long machete and fired multiple beanbag rounds from a shotgun at close range.

Killed for having your car break down on the road. Terence Crutcher, unarmed and black, was shot and killed by Oklahoma police after his car broke down on the side of the road. Crutcher was shot in the back while walking towards his car with his hands up.

Killed for holding a garden hose. California police were ordered to pay $6.5 million after they opened fire on a man holding a garden hose, believing it to be a gun. Douglas Zerby was shot 12 times and pronounced dead on the scene.

Killed for calling 911. Justine Damond, a 40-year-old yoga instructor, was shot and killed by Minneapolis police, allegedly because they were startled by a loud noise in the vicinity just as she approached their patrol car. Damond, clad in pajamas, had called 911 to report a possible assault in her neighborhood.

Killed for looking for a parking spot. Richard Ferretti, a 52-year-old chef, was shot and killed by Philadelphia police who had been alerted to investigate a purple Dodge Caravan that was driving “suspiciously” through the neighborhood.

Shot seven times for peeing outdoors. Eighteen-year-old Keivon Young was shot seven times by police from behind while urinating outdoors. Young was just zipping up his pants when he heard a commotion behind him and then found himself struck by a hail of bullets from two undercover cops. Allegedly officers mistook Young—5’4,” 135 lbs., and guilty of nothing more than taking a leak outdoors—for a 6’ tall, 200 lb. murder suspect whom they later apprehended. Young was charged with felony resisting arrest and two counts of assaulting a peace officer.

This is what passes for policing in America today, folks, and it’s only getting worse.

In every one of these scenarios, police could have resorted to nonlethal tactics.

They could have acted with reason and calculation instead of reacting with a killer instinct.

They could have attempted to de-escalate and defuse whatever perceived “threat” caused them to ‘fear for their lives’ enough to react with lethal force.

That police instead chose to fatally resolve these encounters by using their guns on fellow citizens speaks volumes about what is wrong with policing in America today, where police officers are being dressed in the trappings of war, drilled in the deadly art of combat, and trained to look upon “every individual they interact with as an armed threat and every situation as a deadly force encounter in the making.”

Remember, to a hammer, all the world looks like a nail. We the people” are not just getting hammered. We’re getting killed, execution-style.

Violence begets violence and there is a reason why it is being instigated.  It is in conjunction with increasing political divergence.  The left – right, red –  blue, liberal – conservative, democrat –  republican, supremacist – victim agenda is being pushed in the most aggressive and hysterical manner.  This is also the doings of your government.  The illegal immigrants flooding across the borders are being paid by Antifa and George Soros to further fuel the crisis.  The agreement signed by Obama with the UN is a part of this.  The UN has been invited to post troops and deploy large-scale weapons across the entire landscape of the US.  The agreement provides for the take-over of any city or area where any violence erupts do to any of these government-instigated provocations.

None of this is anything but a contrived problem which is reaching for a crisis point of any violence, upon which the UN is already pre-authorized to take charge of that city or area by declaring martial law followed by total door-to-door gun confiscation.  The first incident of this will likely set off other incidents. 

The goal is massive and total gun confiscation followed by large-scale arrests of pre-identified individuals who will be taken to FEMA camps for ‘processing’.

This is the beginning of large-scale depopulation of the Western nations.  It has already been disclosed that the US population is to be reduced by 80% by the year 2025.  With a surviving population of only 64 million, the military budget and GDP will be reduced proportionately as will the purchasing power of the currency.

Deagel, a CIA operated forecasting operation, releases updated forecasts for all countries in the world on an annual basis.

If you doubt this, then you are unwilling to accept what is happening in plain sight right before your very eyes.  Many will say, “oh, this couldn’t be true.  Look the TV, internet and cell phones are all still working.  Everything is normal”.  The fact is, nothing is normal about what is going on.  Most are too frightened to even take an objective look.  There are many other factors involved which can be easily identified once one grasps even a single element of the program.  But, once the guns are confiscated, there is no going back.  It is all going to a rapid total reset of ‘normal’.  This has happened many times in the past and has been papered over with revisionist history.  You can read more about this in the post Resets and Ghost Cities.


Mass Shootings 100% Fakes

Contrived Mass Casualty Events Follow a Distinct Pattern

Adam Lanza is David Hogg at a younger age. Does this give you any concern?

Considering most American’s infinite inability to think, it’s not surprising that nobody is looking for the obvious evidence that tells the real “truth” about how not only the latest mass shootings, but all the mass shootings going back to Columbine, really went down.

You see, since a picture is worth “a thousand words,” then a video is worth a thousand pictures, or a million words.

Ever bother to notice the Feds and the Deep State never let a single video be shown to the public from when these armed stooges approach and enter the premises of the store, school, or theater they shoot up?

After all, Walmart runs security video 24/7/365 from multiple angles, out front and inside, as do most schools. And we’re not even asking for the footage of innocent people being shot, just the video footage of the shooters entering, but we NEVER see it. Why?

Security video footage of the “shooters” won’t match the mass media narrative of the event, so it remains mysteriously unavailable.
The first thing the Feds do when they swoop onto a mass shooting scene is confiscate all security video footage from the inside and out of the location. They also confiscate any footage from surrounding stores or ATMs just to be sure they got it all.

Then, it’s always only ONE mass shooter, the “lone shooter,” even after eye-witness reports usually have survivors and witnesses talking about multiple shooters. Why?

And from moment one, they have photos, name, bio, affiliations, kindergarten records, interviews with friends, confessions, manifestos, etc.  identifying the perp as a drugged-out loner radical-type with a large collection of expensive weapons and gear which he somehow carries to the scene without anyone becoming suspicious.

You will never ever see the video footage of the “guy” who entered Walmart in El Paso and shot innocent people. You won’t ever see that footage – not on the news and not in court when he’s “prosecuted” for his crimes, if he is one of the few who is not killed under suspicious circumstances prior to being interviewed..

While you won’t see footage of him in the parking lot, walking around with his automatic weapon, but you WILL see gruesome footage of medics carting off and carrying off victims, because those are the emotions the government wants you to experience, and those match their narrative.

Ask yourself right now WHY you never see video footage of mass shooters entering the property. At Sandy Hook, the school had just put in a new, high-tech system for security. Where’s the outside or inside footage?

Afterwards, we saw plenty of black and silver Fed cars blocking all roads to the school, so no medics could get in or out (talk about creepy), but no footage of the stooge (patsy) breaking windows or walking right through the front doors of the school, ever. Just some lame picture of the kid from the psych ward 3 years earlier or of his bedroom containing weird and suspicious drawings or writings, easily planted there by the investigators who arrive far too early for all this material to be found and readied for TV.

That is how you KNOW when a violent event is staged, and usually, real people still die, but it didn’t go down the way it’s told endlessly by MSM, and nobody ever asks to see the security surveillance footage.

Americans are dumbed down by fluoridated water, flu shots, GMOs, TV and public education.

Want to know why the mass media always finishes the “investigation” coverage with the “lone shooter” theory? Because if there was ever really more than one patsy, they might get together later, in jail or with lawyers, and corroborate a completely different story, implicating the Feds and the insane gun-grabbing Leftists participants.

One stooge is much easier to control, keep drugged up, or even “suicided” later. Can’t have any whistle blowers down the road – got to stay in front of that lone shooter narrative.

And why does this playbook always seem to work out for CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, Washington Post, Boston Globe and the New York Times? Because no American ever demands to see the video footage.

All you see is paid crisis actors, rogue cops that are ordered to stand down during the shooting (think Parkland, Fla.), wheeling off of the injured into ambulances, and of course, all that followed by emotional families of the victims.

And God bless these families who are suffering, but be damned the liars and manipulators who stage these horrific events, that always occur after the real news exposes their most insidious acts.

How is this awareness of “missing video” important to your health?

You’re probably wondering why you’re reading an article on Natural News that seems to only be about mass shooting events, but you would be wrong. This is about awareness, mental health, and protecting your own human rights.

In the same way Americans NEVER demand to see the security video surveillance footage after mass shootings, they also fail to demand to know what’s in vaccines.

In fact, vaccines maim and kill more people every day than guns. That’s why the vaccine industry has paid out over $4 billion dollars in damages. How much have the families of mass shooting victims been paid?

If you consume pesticides and memory-erasing canola oil daily, you are being mind-controlled by the Deep State. You’re too stupefied to ask to see the mass shooting video footage (gun violence that’s perpetuated by every violent Hollywood movie – think John Wick here).

Still, it’s guns and video games to blame. Song lyrics are to blame. The kids were listening to Marilyn Manson and Eminem again while playing Resident Evil, Fallout, and Grand Theft Auto!

Where’s the video of the shooter entering the premises? Is it suddenly “classified” material by the FBI, or did they suddenly destroy or lose it?

See how important all of this is to your health? When the mass shooting coverage is plastered all over TV, newspapers and social media, realize this is ALL part of the great con, to keep you dumb and emotional, while voting for free stuff from the Government who will take your guns, your land, your children, and force vaccinate everyone into compliance.

Ever also notice that nearly every shooter is found to be taking SSRI prescription drugs? Yes, it’s a common denominator. These drugs list side effects of depression, anxiety, violence, and thoughts of homicide and suicide. We have no way of knowing what other mind control substances are being given to these patsies in the planning phase.

Ask for the video footage or don’t believe a damn thing they’re saying. None of it.

Natural News, Mike Adams

Nibiru Facts, Not B.S.

Nibiru is a planet of the binary solar system companion to our own solar system and is the home of our progenitors

Probably you have read about or viewed videos predicting the presence or imminent arrival of Nibiru within the inner solar system, threatening potential catastrophic consequences.  You probably already know of Nibiru as the home planet of the Anunnaki, the progenitors of homo sapiens, homo sapiens sapiens and homo capensis.  You will recall that Nibiru has a very elliptical orbit that takes it far from Sol on its aphelion and relatively close proximity to the sun at its perihelion.  Its orbital plane is tilted with respect to the ecliptic of the nine planets of Sol, therefore it crosses the orbital plane at a slight angle and is thus sometimes referred to as Planet X  or the crossing planet.  Its orbital period, call a Shar, is 3,600 Earth years.

Nibiru. Binary companion to the sun, has its own 7 planet solar system.

 Some self-styled experts predict disaster each time Nibiru enters the inner solar system.  This is possible but not immanent.  Like many comets with elliptical orbits and tilted orbital planes, it can pass through the inner solar system without incident or cataclysm.  However, Nibiru has the potential to cause severe disruption within the inner planetary system and has done so in past times, as have many comets.  In fact, the Earth, itself, in its current planetary configuration is a result of such a past encounter, as is the configuration of several of the other planets and moons in our current solar system structure. The passage of Nibiru precipitated the Great Flood of 11,600 BCE that almost obliterated life on earth.  A cometary collision brought on the ice age known as the Younger Dryas.

The Bible, which is a derivative story from what are known as the Sumerian tablets, tells a false story of the Great Flood.   This distorted story is conveniently supportive of the current paradigm of control and exploitation of the human race.  The existence of Nibiru is obviously a key factor in substantiating the truth in this matter.  Fortunately, there exists a great deal more solid evidence for the truth than the fairy tale story currently popular in the virtual ‘modern’ society.  The flood most certainly happened, but it was not due to the powers of the Lord Yahweh-Enlil in his intention to punish the humans whom he considered to sinful to continue living.

You will find so-called debunkers of the efficacy of the information of the tablets on Google and You Tube.  The main contention of these debunkers is based on the lack of incidence of the words Nibiru and Anunnaki in the translations as well as a supposed mistranslation by Zecharia Sitchin of words such as ‘Nephilim’, as found in the Old Testament of the Bible.  Allow me to explain these matters before we progress further.  The terms Anunnaki and Nibiru (or other terms like Globulus, Nemesis or Destroyer) are modern day descriptors for the people of Anu and their home planet.  There are dozens of instances of the word Anu found in the translations.  The word Nephilim, Elohim and many other jewish words  coined by authors of the Old Testament, which was written 8,000 years later than the tablets, were never words in the cuneiform of the Anunnaki.  These terms are intentionally nebulous in meaning but do, in fact, describe the Anunnaki (the Elohim) in terms of history of interaction with Homo sapiens. Homo sapiens is also not a word found in the tablets. They called humans lulus or adamus, as found in the tablets. The Nephilim are the hybrid off-spring of the Elohim who ‘found the human females to be fair (meaning attractive) and raped them, as described in the bible and the tablets.  These elohim are also referred to as “fallen angels” representing the opinion of the pure Anunnaki gods who disapproved of this practice, even though they all succumbed to the temptation eventually, including Enki and Enlil. 

I have read many books by many different authors on the topic of the Sumerian tablets.  Mainstream scientists, who receive their pay from the government, directly or indirectly, confirm the translations of this information, but insist it is totally mythological.  Unbiased scholars are able to discern the  truth as the obvious source of the derivative content of the Old Testament. Nobody seems to have a problem with the bibles, written by humans to serve their own agendas, but just can’t believe that the original source documents, the tablets, dug out of the ancient ruins could be genuine.  Even though they number more than 1 million so far. Does this seem at all backward to you? With the information now available, one must consider why it makes no sense to accept the obviously contrived bible versions, created thousands of years later by Hebrew priests who wished to tell a different story in the light of the actual source documents.  The Hebrew story converts the top-dog god, Enlil, into a mono-theistic single god, Lord Enlil-Yahweh, who brought them out of slavery to the land of milk and honey, to become the sole inheritors of the Earth and the masters of the goyim.  It is fact that the semite followers of Enlil were led around under his supervision.  There is only one little problem with this….Enlil-Yahweh is not GOD.  He is a very deficient and highly flawed mortal, even if he seemed immortal to short-lived humans.

Why should you believe the tablets over the bible?  One reason is because of ‘cui bono’….who gains from the deceit?  Because the Anunnaki were fastidious record keepers who had nothing to gain by lying.  Most of the tablets contain information on births, deaths, deeds, fiats, liens, marriages, divorces, bank accounts, common laws and other common records.  The Anunnaki gods did not need to write an altered version of history because they were already the “top dogs”.  They had no need to plagiarize and alter their documents to surreptitiously gain some advantage over humans.  They already had total control and dominance over the humans who worshiped them as though they were gods.  These documents are the source which far pre-date those plagiarized from them by the Hindus, Hebrews and Romans, who wrote the vedas, old testament and new testament respectively thousands of years later to advance their own specific agendas.

If you can open your mind, you will find there are many different themes that will ring with truth in support of the information in the tablets.  Over time, I am going to write on each one of them, but in this particular blog, I am going to focus on Nibiru.  Zecharia Sitchin, archeologist/author, has written a book entitled The 12th Planet.  He is counting the sun and the moon of Earth in this total, but the main point is the planet Marduk of Nibiru, being related to our solar system in a binary system.  Many contend that if this was true, it would have been discovered by astronomers by now.  This is not necessarily correct thinking.  The existence of such a planet was predicted by astronomers at least 100 years before Sitchin ever wrote a word about it.  This was based on numerous anomalies that were observed in the orbits of the outer planets of the solar system that indicated the presence of gravitational forces causing orbital perturbations.  In fact, this was how Pluto was discovered.  However, Pluto is way too small to account for the massive gravitational effects observed, so it is not the body being sought. 

Planets of the system of Sol

Most, if not all, stars exist in binary systems within the observable cosmos.  Not all of these twin stars are actively emitting visible light, being among various stages of their life-cycle, such as brown dwarfs.  Nibiru is described in the tablets as faintly glowing body, about four times the size of the Earth.  Since so-called modern observational astronomy is only a couple hundred years old, no one among present day astronomers has actually been alive during a period when Nibiru was in close proximity to Earth.

 Observing a dark body in the realms of space where Nibiru would be located during this period of time is extremely difficult, because it is not highly visible, but is an emitter at infra-red (IF) frequencies. Most new discoveries are made by amateur astronomers.  NASA, as a scientific organization, is a total fraud which spends trillions of dollars on fake programs and obfuscation of truth.  It is one of the many havens for the Fourth Reich.

NASA has probably sent feather-weight probes out of Earth’s gravitational field, but certainly no Mars rovers or men to the moon. They have spent $trillions on staging fake space missions to carry on the façade that gigantic-government is essential to the future of
mankind and they are the source of technology that we all must heed.

A sky survey in 1983, known as IRAS, using an infra-red sensing telescope, did identify a ‘Dark Star’ about the size of Jupiter at about 500 AU from the sun, about the correct distance.   This object was located in Orion, also the correct location.  After the announcement and initial excitement, NASA quickly removed any data referencing this object from the database and has not released anything further on it over all of these subsequent years.  This has become typical of NASA’ modus operandi, as almost daily, amateur astronomers see objects in sky photos of the current day, taken by the satellite telescopes, appear, then disappear by photo-shopped retouching the next day.  There is obviously a lot going on in the cosmos that NASA is hoping to keep from the public eye.  No doubt there is significance to this, or the effort would not be so ceaseless and all encompassing.

In 1986, William Corliss, a researcher who was cataloging anomalies from IRAS, as well as other sky surveys, published his book entitled “The Sun and Solar System Debris – a Catalog of Astronomical Anomalies”.  In his book, he made note of an object captured by the IRAS survey which has similarities to the “NASA-disappeared” object found in Orion described above.  This one is located in the zodiacal constellation of Sagittarius.  Oops, already in a book, too late for NASA to squelch the data.  Well, don’t worry, scientism is just as effective as NASA at squelching published data by disparaging it, then refusing to acknowledge anything further about it.  Now, 28 years later, this remarkable data has again come of interest to researchers independent of the government.  There is a dark star in our solar system located in Sagittarius with a mass several times that of Jupiter and a temperature of 270 degrees Kelvin.  Why are NASA and their minions so anxious to shelve important data of this nature?  Data supportive of Sitchin’s translations of the Sumerian tablets describing the home planet of the Anunnaki cannot be revealed to the public. This would reveal the ‘hidden hand’ of the Matrix controllers, the homo capensis, who are your true rulers in this world, left in-charge when the Anunnaki went home in 800 BCE..

The infrared sensing telescope used to conduct the IRAS survey.

  Sitchin describes the path of Niburu as entering the inner solar system from Orion and departing through Sagittarius, in the plane of the ecliptic, the orbital plane of the inner planets.  This would imply that Nibiru’s path is not as inclined to the ecliptic as some predict, but all else is supported by the tablets in terms of the passage through the already known and defined constellations.  In fact, this part of the sky is very special to the ancient Egyptians, who called it “Duat”, denoting the point of visibility of Nibiru, which is no longer in that area today, but very far away in the opposite portion of the sky, in Sagittarius.  Sagittarius is a summer constellation that sits very low in the Southern sky, not readily visible to observers in the Northern hemisphere, in the heart of the galactic plane.  This makes observation of Nibiru particularly difficult at this time due to the vast number of objects along this plane, both galactic and solar system.

The next question might be….”when is Nibiru going to be within observable distance?” where NASA can’t prevent awareness of its presence?  The answer to this question is around 2,800 CE.  Nibiru is visible from Earth for a period of about 65 years during each passage.  The last passage of Nibiru though the inner solar system was 800 BCE at perihelion.  This puts Nibiru at aphelion around 1,000 CE.  Since it is now 2019, only about 781 years remain before this event occurs, relatively short in terms of cosmic time spans.  On the 800 BCE passage, no serious consequences were felt on Earth.  However, on the passage of 11,600 BCE, the Anunnaki were aware well in advance that Nibiru would be disastrously close to Earth, such that gravitational forces would cause serious tsunamis in all the oceans of the globe as the polar ice caps collapsed due to the ending ice age.

 Enlil convened a council which made the decision to allow the resultant flood to totally annihilate the homo sapiens and the nephilim on Earth, thus eliminating what was considered a serious problem and a prior mistake.  The homo capensis and homo sapiens sapiens had not yet been created. Were it not for the subtle disobedience of Enki in informing his son, Ziusudra (Noah), of this impending disaster, we would not be here today, in all likelihood.  In the Anunnaki council where this decision was made, Enki was sworn to secrecy and to abide by the majority decision.  He conveyed this knowledge of the impending disaster to Ziasudra in a subtle fashion by describing the situation out loud within ear-shot, allowing for plausible deniability.  He also designed the craft that was to be built to withstand the conditions of the tsunami, as well as collecting DNA samples from the plant and animal species that would be saved and then be reconstituted subsequent to the flood. This history of the flood exists in every culture throughout the planet with remarkable synchronicity and timing of events.

At the passage of Nibiru in 8000 BCE,  Anu and other dignitaries of Nibiru visited Earth to make decisions about the on-going culture of the growing and spreading race of homo sapiens.  For example, it was decided that demi-gods, who were at minimum one-half Anunnaki genetically, would be the Kings to rule over Egypt, the beginning of the pharaoh dynastys, and other emerging civilizations developing elsewhere on the face of Earth.  On the passage of around 4400 BCE, another entourage of Anu visited Earth.  For this occasion, a new city, Uruk (Erech) was constructed with a new spectacular abode (temple) for Inanna (Ishtar), Anu’s beloved granddaughter, who remained on Earth after the departure of Anu’s delegation.

There have been numerous versions of the Epic of Creation, recreated from the Sumerian version over the thousands of years, substituting the names of the various Anunnaki gods currently in local power in the given region where the reclamation was underway, going all the way, three thousand years later, to the bible version.  The Sumerian version is as close to the original Anunnaki version as we are likely to ever find available due to the destruction of the Flood, and is the only one that is accurate.  They all share the title Enuma Elish and, other than the naming substitutions, all are scientifically accurate in terms of sequence of creation.  Enuma translates as when and Elish as high.  The common practice of that time was, in the naming of celestial bodies, to attribute the name of the gods (Anunnaki) who were the ostensible sources of the cosmic knowledge taught to men.

The Enuma Elish is found in seven cuneifrom tablets unearthed in Mesopotamia. It describes not only the characteristics of our solar system, but also the creation and reformation over the eons. This ancient information is only now being rediscovered by our science, who claim to have discovered it for the first time ever.

 Of course, by 600 BCE, the Hebrew writers of the old testament do not want multiple gods appearing in their story.  As a foot note, the old testament is claimed to be written by Abraham and Moses.  This has been proven to be false by literary experts through analysis of style and language usage. The timeline does not work at all.  The old testament was written at the much later date of 600 BCE by a host of different authors, at the time of captivity in Babylon, where versions of the Enuma Elish were readily accessible. The Babylonian version, by the way, substitutes Marduk (first son of Enki), the principal god at that time, for Lord Enlil-Yahweh. This is because Marduk is an even bigger megalomaniac than Enlil.

The Enuma Elish is written in seven clay tablets.  It begins with a description of a heaven and earth under the primeval Apsu (Sun) who begat them.  So far, nothing had been given names.  The earth in this case is Tiamat, the larger planet then orbiting in the path of the current asteroid belt, which is a water planet with no dry land yet appearing.  At that time, only Mummu (Mercury, Chaos)  had been formed or captured by the sun.  Next, Lahmu (Mars) and Lahamu (Venus) were formed or captured (theory holds that Venus was a captured comet).  The orbit of Venus may have been more comet-like, similar to Nibiru.  Much later, according to Immanuel Velikovsky, Venus was involved in a close encounter with Earth around 600 BC, during the flight of the Hebrews from an unknown location, not Egypt, which accounted for some of the phenomenon experienced on Earth at that time, attributed as miracles performed by Moses.

The aftermath has Venus being captured into its present orbit.  From this point in the creation of the solar system, “ages increased”, meaning much time passed.  Next in the creation agenda comes the formation of Kishar (Jupiter), Anshar (Saturn) and Gaga (Pluto).  Maybe you thought Pluto was a recent discovery (1939).  Finally, after the passage of much more time, comes Anu (Uranus) and Ea (Neptune), completing the ensemble of the inner solar system. 

Before continuing with the creation of the solar system, I want to tell you some interesting things that are related, coming from modern day astrophysics and astronomy.  Author, Andy Lloyd, in his book The Dark Star, has done a credible job of consolidating the research over the recent past related to existence of the star system called Marduk/Nibiru.  He makes a point early in the book, to the affect that man has a psychological craving to be the center of his universe.  As such, new information and discoveries have been resisted with great vigor, urged on by religions wanting to maintain their position of control and superiority as exclusive intercessors between the flock and the god.  This has been achieved, historically, by keeping information of cosmology exclusively in the hands of the priesthood, who could use it strategically to ‘shore up the faith of the flock’ by display of knowledge and prediction of cosmic events, especially solar and lunar eclipses. Each discovery that exposes our ordinariness in the eyes of the Cosmos reduces our concept of self-importance and is rejected off-hand for that reason alone. 

Astronomers now know that a planet beyond the orbit of Pluto need not be cold and uninhabitable.  Study of brown dwarf stars has shown they produce sufficient heat and light to provide their planets with habitable environments.  There is also a great deal of evidence that one of these dwarf stars exists as a binary companion to the sun.  Besides the planets, the bulk of the solar system is comprised of comets, asteroids. the Asteroid Belt, the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud that make up the bulk of the mass of the system. 

Stone carvings of astronauts unearthed from ancient sites.

 As is typical within scientism today, the mainstream scientists choose to adopt the position that it is all ‘settled science’ which is orthodox and no longer subject to new information or discoveries.  The burden is thus carried by the fewer but braver true scientists, often amateurs, who have open-minds and quest for truth.  All new important discoveries of the so-called modern age of science have resulted from the efforts of these few true scientists, most of whom were persecuted and disparaged in their day, until their efforts later proved true and were immediately accepted by the professional pseudo-scientists as their own. 

It is actually more difficult to observe such a binary dwarf companion star of our sun than it is to study more remote star systems.  Since other star systems are much further distant, this may seem contradictory, but it is the old adage….”you can’t see the forest for the trees” when you are standing in the middle of the forest.  Observing similar binary star systems is done using different observational methods which are not possible within our own system.  Suffice to say, the cosmos is rife with examples of such systems, with at least three-quarters of all star systems known to be binary.  One thing that we do know about our own sun is that its movement is eccentric, caused by gravitational influences. 

About 3.9 billion years ago, 500 million years after the birth of the solar system, the Earth and its moon were devastated by some massive body or bodies, the evidence of which is still clearly visible on the surface characteristics of both.  It is quite clear to at least speculate that another large cosmic body invaded the inner solar system at that time.  Other planets and moons of the inner solar system also display similar evidence of this cataclysmic encounter.  This event re-arranged the solar system as a consequence of impacts between the invading body and the existing planets and moons.  This is not the last time such cataclysmic interactions have occurred.  Not by a long shot.

In The Dark Star, Andy Lloyd uses an analogy for astronomy.  He describes it as looking through a garden hose at night.  You might be able to see the lights from you neighbor’s window, but your own back yard will be totally invisible.  The sun’s gravitational influence extends to 50,000 AU’s  (one AU is the distance between the Earth and the sun, 93,000,000 miles), but our knowledge of the solar system extends out only 50 AU’s.  In terms of area, we have knowledge of a miniscule portion of the realm of the sun.  In this analogy, if our back yard extends out 100 meters, then we see only the first 10 centimeters of our back stoop.  Yet, for some reason, we assume an excellent knowledge of the solar system beyond Neptune, which is blatantly untrue.

Dr. John Murray of the Open University of England studied trajectories of long-period comets thought to originate from the Oort Cloud, which has a random, but spherical distribution around the sun, like the skin of an orange.  Thus comets dislodged from this cloud should be randomly distributed.  His study showed this not to be so, rather that there is a clustering which indicates the effect of a large body, a ‘disturber’, within the Oort Cloud that is causing a patterned distribution of comets being kicked out of the cloud.  From this, Dr. Murray predicted the location and orbit of the ‘perturber’ to be almost exactly that described by Zecharia Sitchin for Nibiru.  It was inclined to the orbital plane by 30 degrees, also as described by Sitchin.

Kuiper belt

Back to the Enuma Elish, there was no planet between Venus and Mars in the solar system at this early time.  Earth, in its present zone was absent and Pluto was a moon of Saturn.  There was a watery monster planet called Tiamat (translates: “maiden who gave her life”) orbiting between Mars and Jupiter which had a large moon called Kingu.  “Then, along came a wandering planet that was not a part of the inner solar system, which collided with Tiamat.  This planet is Nibiru, and his dominance is clear”.  To quote: “Nibiru is the star which in the skies is brilliant.  Truly he holds the central position, they shall bow down to him, saying: “He who the midst of the Sea restlessly crosses, let ‘Crossing’ be his name, who controls its midst……”  As a result of the collision between one of Marduk’s eight planets/moons and Tiamat, Tiamat is split in two, resulting in the Earth, which moves to its present orbit (the habitation zone) along with and retaining the moon, and the remainder fractures into pieces forming the Asteroid Belt, in the former orbit of Tiamat.

 Continuing the quote:  “Marduk, as Anu, his father, called him from his birth; Who provides grazing and drinking places, enriches their stalls,  Who with the flood-storm, his weapon, vanquished the detractors, And who the gods, his fathers, rescued from distress.  Truly the Son of the Sun, most radiant of gods is he, In his brilliant light may they walk forever!”  (Tablet VI, lines 124 – 129).  The designation “Son of the Sun” is indicative of a binary star system where the Sun is the father and Marduk is the son, at a past time when, as a smaller star, it produced more light.  Over the vast time, it has become a brown dwarf today, as will our Sun in the future. 

Modern day astronomers maintain that the Enuma Elish should only be considered a mythical story and not be interpreted as referring to real stellar bodies.  However, in spite of metaphor, the actual information contained is not only accurate but more advanced than modern astronomy, a great threat to the establishment who claims to be discovering science for the first time, although, in truth, they are just rediscovering a bit knowledge from the distant past.

  The versions of the tablets from which this information comes relay ancient oral and written tradition from the Anunnaki gods, who obviously had knowledge surpassing current science.  In the 25,980 year Cycle of Consciousness, we are making our way through the Kali Yuga, the lowest state of consciousness.   Only a few from among the billions are awakening from this state of unconsciousness to re-learn the vast knowledge that has been lost during the descending cycle.  We need all the help we can derive from the shreds of antiquity discovered in the ruins of the great civilizations of the by-gone enlightened age.

Binary system, a second sun, companion to Sol. This companion solar system has 7 planets. One is the home planet of the Anunnaki. This system is exerting an attractive force on the solar system.

In the translations of the Sumerian tablets, it is told that the Anunnaki came to Earth from a planet with an elliptical orbit with a long orbital cycle.  A lone planet, far from the sun would seem to be unable to support life, based on current theory.  But the tablets also describe this body as glowing, with red wings.  This suggests a star progressing to the brown dwarf stage.  The tablets also describe this object as having a number of ‘attendants’.  This would indicate a planetary system of planets and moons.

 Another paper, published in 1985, written by astronomer Jack Hill, in referencing John Murray’s publications, added that the orbit of the Perturber through the Oort Cloud would be subject to the effects of the galactic tide over periods of hundreds of millions of years, thus would not have the stability of the orbits of the inner planets but would be constantly changing slightly in its path, causing it to drift towards the sun on some periodic basis.  This is likely what occurred 3.9 billion years ago when the planet Nibiru came into the inner solar system  and reaked havoc, as described in the Enuma Elish.  If a smaller brown dwarf binary companion star periodically entered the Kuiper Belt in a close passage to the sun, then it would leave evidence of its passage on the minor planetary bodies comprising the Kuiper Belt.  In fact, over the past few years of scientific study of what is called the ‘Kuiper Gap’, a zone in the Kuiper Belt has been swept clean of these small planetary bodies.  It is theorized that this sweeper may the binary companion star.

The Oort Cloud is the haven and source of the comets that break free from the cloud and travel through the solar system in a trajectory determined by the sun. Comets can be kicked out of the cloud by the passing forces of Marduk/Nibiru.

We usually denote bodies that revolve around a star as planets and bodies that revolve around  planets as  moons.  However, when the moons of the giant planets of the outer solar system are considered, they are more similar to the Earth itself, than to the Earth’s moon, in size and other characteristics such as possessing atmospheres. 

For example, Titan, moon of Jupiter, has a thick atmosphere, weather systems, oceans and land masses making it much more Earth-like than the planet Pluto.  The point is, things are not nearly so neat and tidy as modern scientism would like to have us believe.  Scientism also likes to have us think that everything is neat and orderly in terms of celestial orbits that have clock-like precision, but this is far from fact. Things may seem this way in the inner solar system viewed over what is time spans amounting to the blink of a cosmic eye, but over relatively short time spans in cosmic terms, at greater distances from the sun, there is great chaos. 

For objects like Marduk/Nibiru, which travel far from the Sun with a long duration cycle, it is to be expected that path and periodicity will be influenced by many factors over time and each cycle will possibly differ.  Because of this, by studying the after-effects of the passage of Marduk through the Kuiper Belt or the Oort Cloud, it can appear as two different bodies when it is really just the same one.  It can cause different researchers to find different data sets from different time frames creating the picture not quite in agreement with the idea of a precision orbit and period, but which is really the same phenomenon. 

Brown dwarfs are a relatively new type of object that have not been observed and studied until very recently.  They are  stars that have insufficient mass to create enough gravity to develop or maintain the normal fusion processes, thus they have varying degrees of lesser chemical and electrical activity to produce Infra-red (IR) heat and light.  They would definitely be uninhabitable, but they do have moons or planets that would potentially be habitable. 

Illustration of the “Iron Belt” also known as the asteroid belt. This was the orbital position of Tiamat prior to collision with Kingu, sending half of its material to form the planet, Earth and leaving the fragments of the other half to form the asteroid belt.

Therefore, it is possible that life may be present on those objects in the habitation zone.  Is it also not feasible that the brown dwarf, itself, would make a passage as close to the Sun as that described for Nibiru.  However, it is possible that on its closest proximity to the Sun, one or more of its planets could cross through the solar system and, under some circumstances cause interference.  Brown dwarfs emitting only in the IR band would produce lesser amounts of harmful UV cosmic radiation.  Brown dwarfs have now been found to be equally plentiful to normal stars in the Milky Way galaxy. “Normal” to us is defined based on our own extremely limited set of senses and is not necessarily “normal” for other entities. Normal is an ingrained tendency for us to see our solar system as having always been the way we now see it. 

Pluto and its relatively huge moon, Charon, are more of a binary pair, definitely not a normal evolutionary development.  The Enuma Elish has Pluto as originally a moon of Saturn, which was ripped away by the passage of Nibiru 3.9 billion years ago, and then named Gaga.   Titan, Saturn’s closest moon, which has an elliptical orbit, is also an anomaly, as it should have a circular orbit due to the tidal friction of Saturn, over the time spans involved.  Only if it had a totally smooth surface could this non-circular orbit exist.

NASA deep space probe Voyager 1

 However, the Cassini spacecraft proved that Titan’s surface is not smooth.  Something has to account for the disturbance to Titan’s orbit, which is again likely to be the passage of Nibiru of 3.9 billion years ago.  Looking at planet Earth, somehow a small wobble was induced into its axial rotation which produces what is called the Precession of the Equinoxes over a period of 25,980 years, the Cycle of Consciousness.  Precession cannot be accounted for by interaction of the Earth with the Sun.  Robert Cunningham, an expert in cyclostratigraphy, the study of rock layers, argues that the precession shows a historical record in rocks.  They demonstrate a harmonic period, the difference between the regeneration of each effect in the rock layers, of 3600 years, the exact periodicity of Nibiru, one shar.  Other researchers have also attributed the Precession of the Equinoxes directly to the binary companion star in the solar system.

NASA scientist, Maurice Chatelain, has found parallels to the work of Robert Cunningham in a 15 digit number found in one of the Assyrian clay tablets from the library of Assyrian King Assurbanipal.  This number is 195,955,200,000,000 from the sexigesimal equivalent found in the tablet.  Chatelain demonstrated that this figure represents the multiple of all the periods and orbital cycles of the planets of the solar system when expressed in seconds to within 4 decimal places.

 The  Sumerians, Mesopotamians and Assyrians had acquired astounding data about the solar system that could not even be interpreted until the present day.  He called this the “Nineveh Constant” which reveals a cosmic resonance throughout the solar system, a physical relationship between the energies of the planetary orbits.  In other words, this number is a constant because any change on the part of one planet results in the alteration of the orbital parameters of the others so that resonance is maintained.  The angular momentum’s of the planets add up to a constant so that any ‘Perturber’ within the system that affects even a single planet affects all the planets.

In the Enuma Elish, an encounter is told to have occurred between Nibiru and Uranus (Anu) that included an exchange of moons.  Unlike all the other planets in the solar system, Uranus is tilted on its side with respect to the orbital plane around the Sun.  Its original moon also orbits in this tilted plane.  Astrophysicists conclude that Uranus was knocked over on its side by an encounter with another planet at some time in the distant past.  In addition, Uranus has a pair of acquired moons discovered in 1997, which have highly eccentric orbits and rotate in the opposite direction of Uranus and its native moons.  This supports the information in the Enuma Elish of the encounter 3.9 billion years ago of a near-miss between Nibiru and Uranus.

Nibiru, Jupiter, Earth comparison.

The Earth’s moon is one of the most unlikely of all natural scenarios in the solar system.  Most planets the size of Earth do not have moons, or may have only asteroid-sized satellites, like Phobos and Deimos of Mars.  The moon is simply too large to have been a natural formation.  Earth is also too small to simply have captured a body the size of the moon in some natural manner.  Analysis of substance and dating indicate that the moon was formed of the same material at the same time as Earth.  Thus, it is most likely that the moon was actually part of the Earth at one time in the distant past and only became a satellite following a cosmic collision.  As you have read previously, the Earth and moon were originally part of Tiamat until Kingu, the moon of Nibiru collided with it 3.9 million years ago.

Astronomers are still stumped by the problem of how giant planets the size of Uranus and Neptune were able to form in their present orbits in the outer zone of the solar system.  There simply has not been enough time and should not have been enough material for the accretion process to account for them.  It should be that the larger planets would form closer to the Sun and ever smaller planets farther away from the Sun.  There is a principle known as Bode’s Law that dictates order and position for planetary formation.  While the Earth, in its present position, complies nicely with Bode’s Law, there should also be a planet between Mars and Jupiter in the location of the Asteroid Belt.  As you have read previously, Tiamat was in the orbital position of the Asteroid Belt at the time it was impacted by Kingu, resulting in the Earth and its moon moving to the predicted orbital position it now occupies.  At the 30th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston, TX in 1999, NASA announced that “Analysis of data from the Lunar Prospector spacecraft has confirmed that the moon has a small core, supporting the idea that the moon was ripped away from the Earth itself when an object the size of Mars collided with the Earth”.  The date of impact was estimated to be 4.45 billion years ago, but more recent discoveries have brought this date closer to 3.9 billion years.  The Asteroid Belt was clearly formed from some early destructive event.  The Mars-sized body cited in this analysis is the moon Kingu, as you have read from the Enuma Elish.

Schoemaker-Levi cometary fragments striking Jupiter.

When comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with Jupiter in 1994, it allowed astronomers to collect a great deal of data about the inner atmosphere of Jupiter, previously inaccessible.  An unexpected finding was large amounts of water.  Recall that Tiamat was a watery giant planet and large amounts of water were expelled into the solar system.  This also accounts for the large amount of water present on Earth at this early stage.  At the same time as the comet collision with Jupiter, the spacecraft Galileo was in position to capture the collision on camera, as well as release its atmospheric entry probe into Jupiter’s atmosphere on 7 December, 1995.  Although the probe was destroyed about one hour after release, it sent data confirming a massive amount of water in the atmosphere.

 In its present orbit, Earth is relatively close to the Sun, and water, being volatile, would have been expelled before the Earth was fully formed, had it formed in its present orbit.  Scientists tried to claim that the water is a result of comets colliding with Earth, depositing their water into the oceans.  However, the electric universe studies have shown that comets are not the ice balls once thought.  Furthermore, the isotopic properties of terrestrial water and cometary ice are quite different, with comets carrying large amounts of deuterium which is relatively rare on Earth.  Then they tried to prop up the failing theory by advancing the idea of water from asteroid collisions.  Another non-starter, as the chemical compositions are also a mismatch.  The conclusion is that Earth brought its volatiles with it from the start because Tiamat formed much further from the Sun (4 AU).

NASA Mariner 9 space probe

Unlike the Oort Cloud, which is like the skin of an orange encompassing the solar system, the Kuiper Belt lies mainly in the orbital plane of the ecliptic.  Further, within the Kuiper Belt there is an immense gap of essentially nothing.  Kuiper objects should be highly subject to the influences of Neptune and Pluto, but they seem to be de-coupled from this influence.  This indicates the existence of one or more large objects beyond the inner plane that are the predominant gravitational influencers of Kuiper objects. 

At this time, telescopes are not able to explore objects in the farther plane beyond the gap due to the problem mentioned earlier about the ‘garden hose in the dark’ analogy.  Astronomer Michael Brown of Cal Tech says…”It’s now only a matter of time before something is going to be discovered out there that will change our entire view of the outer solar system”.  Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are recently discovered planets that have only been visible to more advanced telescopes, thus it is not a surprise that a large object beyond the Kuiper gap has not been observed telescopically.  However, it may be the only explanation for the Kuiper Gap. The prestigious publication New Scientist, in its article entitled 13 Unsolved Mysteries of Science, included the Kuiper Cliff as number 10.” The Kuiper Cliff is where the density of space rocks in the Kuiper Belt drops off dramatically.  There seems to be no explanation except for the presence of a hidden terrestrial-sized planet exerting its influence by sweeping this area clean.”

Depiction of the orbit of Nibiru as it approaches perihelion.

So, what is the bottom line here with the research of modern astrophysics and how does this relate to the written history of a very old, but highly sophisticated civilization of the Golden Age? The actual translation for Nibiru is “Planet of the Crossing”, which has been thought to refer to the crossing of the orbits of the inner planets.  Another interpretation of this could be in reference to a cosmic “ferry” such as provides the means to cross from one point to another in space.  Let’s look again at what the Enuma Elish actually says:

“NIBIRU:  The Crossroads of Heaven and Earth he shall occupy.  Above and below, they shall not go across; They must await him.

NIBIRU:  Planet which is brilliant in the heavens.  He holds the central position; to him they must pay homage.

NIBIRU:  It is he who without tiring, the midst of Tiamat keeps crossing, let ‘CROSSING’ be his name – the one who occupies the midst”

What if Marduk is the brown dwarf star, the binary companion of the Sun, which has seven planets, the most distant being Nibiru, the only planet of the Marduk system which actually enters the Sun’s inner solar system.  Another of the seven planets is located in the “habitation zone” of the Marduk system, which never passes close enough to enter the inner solar system itself. 

Nibiru, when within the inner solar system is located in the closest proximity to Earth and Mars of any body of the binary twin’s system.  Therefore, Nibiru is the “ferry” which can be reached most rapidly and conveniently from Earth and/or Mars to transport gold or passengers from the Sun system to the Marduk system at this close passage each 3600 years.  Read the above quotation again, in light of this interpretation, and you will see what I mean.   I would seem that the interplanetary travel is only possible between Earth and Nibiru when they are in close proximity.

One of the factors that has caused astronomers to take exception with Sitchin is that Nibiru is said to enter the solar system traveling backwards, or retrograde, through the heavens.  This casts doubt on Nibiru being one of the original members of the Sun’s planetary system, which should have all planets moving in the same direction, regardless of the size of the orbit.  In this interpretation, Marduk has an orbit with respect to the Sun that complies with that of all of the other planets, just at a much greater distance from the Sun.  The sun is dominant in the binary relationship.

Depiction of the Nibiru orbit relative to the inner planets

 All of Marduk’s planets orbit in the same pro-grade manner as the Sun’s planets do with respect to the Sun.  However, if you are able to visualize these two systems from the standpoint of an observer on Earth, a member of the planetary system orbiting the Sun, you will easily see how a planet of Marduk can appear to the Earth-bound observer as traveling in retro-grade.  If this type of system seems to be not credible, then you have not been keeping up with recent discoveries in astronomy.  A recently observed system consisting of a brown dwarf star with its own solar system, designated ‘1207’ is being studied at this present time.

I have intentionally not presented all of the modern day scientific research that supports the Marduk/Nibiru existence, but, in the interest of brevity, tried to give you the most compelling information.  There is a great deal of additional information that the more inquisitive reader can find to further enhance the credibility of the Enuma Elish and the translations of the tablets as historical fact. 

The Enuma Elish was the most hallowed text of the Babylonians, the direct cultural descendants of Sumer.  It is a copy of much more ancient knowledge that goes back hundreds of thousands of years.  But even these tablets, the copies unearthed so far, are ancient compared to the Old Testament of the bible, which is obviously copied from them.  The first 6 tablets are devoted to the explanation of the creation of the solar system, the seventh is devoted to exultation of Marduk, the Lord.  Get it?  Six days of creation and one day of exultation, the seven tablets are the seven days.

Religions and scientists intensely need to have well established beginnings in order to legitimatize their subjects.  If we can’t establish a scholarly tradition with a glorious past, we kind of lose our sense of destiny.  Well here we have discovered a new scholarly tradition with a glorious past that differs from the one the establishment has adopted and bet all their marbles on.  Yet their paradigm is clearly a derivative of this newly found tradition which has numerous embarrassing alterations and omissions that have been contrived to establish a false paradigm which is being used to control and exploit the entire civilization of the world.   

Reporting truthfully and accurately on these newly found facts thus necessitates the questioning of the established authority and their rules, customs, tenets, creeds, belief systems, right-to-rule, laws and traditions of their outdated paradigm.  One must expect to be disparaged by the establishment who sees their very on-going existence threatened.  While they wield the power, they are going to lash out in every way they can to squelch these new truths, as they have been doing for centuries as new truths have emerged in a host of fields. Not all readers will be ready to adopt new truths, but it is vitally important to stubbornly follow the path of truth in order to lead a successful and fulfilled life.  My commitment is to present my readers with the truth, wherever it leads, without fear of the so-called definitions as sanctioned by law or custom, rights of heredity, or conformance with established mandates, rules, standards or principles in the interest of providing an accurate understanding of one’s heritage. Having a false understanding of your heritage can only lead to a fake life devoid of meaning and ultimate fulfillment.

Students of science and religion will have noticed that whatever is not readily explainable is granted a theory which gradually becomes dogmatic. In this density at this stage of conscious evolution, not everything is available or knowable.   The Big Bang Theory is one such of these.  Explosions are very popular among modern exponents of science and religion.  While a modern day cosmologist will try to tell you that I am crazy, he will then try to tell you that we all originate from an infinitely small point (meaning nothing) that is exploding, and meanwhile forming all of the objects in the cosmos. 

OK then, that really explains it for me….how about you?  Is that really any more rational or satisfying than believing the cosmos was brought into existence by a higher dimensional consciousness meditating on the cosmic “OM”?  String theory postulates that the background energy of the cosmic vacuum begins vibrating and “superstrings” form from it.  These strings are twenty orders of magnitude smaller than atoms, where space and time do not exist.  This background energy, called the Zero Point Energy (ZPE) or Zero Point Field (ZPF) is hyperdimensional and is the subject of other blogs on this site, which you can find in the archives.

ZPE pervades every aspect of our cosmos and, being quantum, is beyond the laws of classical physics in space/time, a special case of a greater reality.  The energy density of ZPE is infinitely greater that nuclear energy or any other form of 3D energy.  ZPE is quantum electromagnetic but beyond our 3D space/time.  It arises from an orthogonal (90 degree angle) electric flux from a fifth (or higher) dimension.  This energy can become coherent in 3D and form matter which has properties derived from continuous information from the higher dimension transported via the ZPE (Chi).  Quantum physicists call this the implosion (or collapse) of the energy vortex into a fractal platonic solid, which forms all of the elements in the periodic table. Interestingly enough, what brings about this implosion is consciousness itself.  So long as modern scientists deny consciousness, they will never get beyond blowing things up in great explosions of chemicals.  You won’t find this in any peer-reviewed publications where other misguided scientists review the work of their fellow misguided author to allow the misguided information to be fed to public dissemination…..sort of like incest.

To keep things at the ultra-simple level, let’s just agree that the cosmos was formed by the first “sound” in what may be just another round of the many previous cycles of the illusion of space/time, about 15 billion years ago.  Then, 10 billion years later, the topic of our current conversation comes up….the formation of our Solar System.  Is this yet another theory?  Not necessarily.  There is powerful evidence that the final or current configuration of our solar system was borne witness to by intelligent beings who were in an eye witness position.  These witnesses were also sticklers for detail and preservation of historical events in a medium destined to survive for the benefit of posterity.  We no longer have to make guesses about this matter nor believe in fairy tale versions obviously contrived to serve the ends of greedy psychopaths.  Thanks to archaeologists and scholars, the written history has been located in the ruins of ancient advanced civilizations and the cuneiform language in which they were written has been translated with perfection.  Of course, modern terminology for objects of our time were not in existence at the time of the original writings, but these highly advanced people were also astute enough to leave drawings and diagrams that are more than sufficient to span the terminology gap. The texts of the clay tablets unearthed to date were published circa 3,000 to 10,000 BC. They contain notations that tell the reader that they are copies of much older texts.  The facts told in these texts are amazingly accurate, as has been, and is even to this day, proven by the discoveries of our modern scientific instruments and space probes.  Yet, this information was written tens or even hundreds of thousands of years before these so-called modern “discoveries”.  Ponder that for a moment.

Sitchin holding one of his ancient tablets left by the creator gods

After the Earth entered its present orbital position, it was not spherical, but highly irregular as the major chunk of Tiamat, post collision with Kingu.  At this time, the watery monster, as Tiamat was referred to, sent water into the solar system where it was captured by the outer planets accounting for the strange presence of water, recently discovered by space probes as described earlier.  Earth retained a portion of Tiamat’s water, but due to not being spherical, initially all of the water was on one side of the  spinning planet (Pacific) while the other side was solid land.  Prior to learning this from the Anunnaki, modern science had confirmed this initial state and even developed a theory that the land masses regularly gather together on a 450 million year cycle  (see Scientific American Apr. 1992 and Jan. 1995).  The last anniversary of this reunion occurred 300 million years ago and lasted until the landmass breakup of 180 million years ago.  The last gathering has America floating across the ocean and colliding with Europe and Asia creating Pangaea, the named given by Alfred L. Wegener in 1912 meaning “all lands”.  This is why the outlines of the east side of the Americas matches so closely with the west side of Europe, Africa and Asia.  Wegener also proposed the theory of continental drift.  When Wegener proposed all of his theories, he was ridiculed and disparaged.  Fifty years later, modern science realized there was something to this and devised the theory of plate tectonics, finally catching up with the realities of history provided by the Anunnaki countless thousands of years earlier.

The Voyager 2 spacecraft surveyed the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) discovering that their theories about these planets were not even remotely close to reality.  For example, in 1986, during its encounter with Uranus, Voyager 2 discovered not a planet of frozen gases, but a planet covered in a virtual ocean of water.  A gaseous atmosphere enshrouds the planet but below it was found a 6000 mile thick layer of super-heated water with temperatures as high as 8000 degrees F.  Furthermore, Uranus lies over on its side from an apparent collision with another large space object.  Its winds blow in a retrograde direction, counter to what is regarded as normal in the solar system.

 These findings, all counter the prevailing theories of planetary formation and behavior but exactly conform to the information described by the Anunnaki texts.  The temperature of the side of Uranus that is perpetually away from the Sun is actually the same as the side exposed to the Sun.  This is less a surprise than the fact that the geothermal energy generated by the planet itself far exceeds that provided by the Sun.  The moons of Uranus orbit its equator with the same tilt as the planet and would thus seem to be the result of matter thrown off from the planet by the collision.  Uranus also has rings similar to Saturn from smaller dust and debris that was spewed out at the time of the collision.  This information left scientists scratching their heads in disbelief as they calculated that the celestial object of the collision would have to be the size of the Earth traveling at 40,000 mph.

In 1987, Voyager 2 came in range of Neptune, another one of those cold gas giants with no core.  Ohoh!  This can’t be right…..Neptune is another blue-green planet with an atmosphere of gases, swept by winds over a heat-emanating solid core.  The tablets call Uranus Kakkab Shanamma, “planet which is the double” of Neptune.  Neptune also has rings, an inclined magnetic field, numerous satellites and even the same surface temperature, although a billion miles more distant from the Sun.  The heat generating capacity of these planets demonstrates a phenomenon previously unknown, even unsuspected, that could create a habitation zone for some of the moons located in the right orbit zones. 

Jupiter and Saturn have moons and rings that are also in large part water-ice, with the possibility of liquid water. Triton, the largest moon of Neptune, is larger than the planet Mercury and is up to 85% water, including a layer 100 miles thick of bubbling hot water.  Jupiter’s largest moon, Europa contains a sea of frozen ice with a layer of mushy water below and the possibility of liquid water oceans of 30 miles depth. 

It is interesting that the firmament and the heavens are divided at the asteroid belt, the former location of the orbit of Tiamat.  Modern astronomers were not even aware of the asteroid belt until the 19th century.  We can’t really hold that against them as the Sumerian texts were not actually translated until the mid 20th century.  Of course, none of them read it (the translation).

Looking at the moon, we see a problem that modern astronomers are well aware of.  Mercury and Venus have no moons.  Mars has two asteroid-sized captured moons.  The outer larger planets have numerous relatively smaller moons that appear to have been spewed off from their surfaces by collisions.  The Earth should, technically speaking, have no moon.  At the very least, it should only have an asteroid-sized captured moon.  The composition and the age of the moon indicate that it has the same origins and was formed at the same distance from the Sun, 4 AU, as the Earth itself, thus was not a captured body.  This can only be accounted for by the event (or one similar) told in the Enuma Elish of the Earth and moon being knocked from the mother planet, Tiamat, to their current orbital positions.

This is a lot of information about Nibiru, but, with all of the articles, blogs and You Tube videos screaming doom and destruction imminent by virtue of Nibiru, hopefully it is timely.  Most importantly, it is sound, factual scientific information that is derived from the Anunnaki historical records going back hundreds of thousands of years.  Look at this information in light of the state of mankind only a few hundred years ago, when the argument revolved around the Earth being flat or round and it is a real eye-opener that totally destroys the common story of evolution of the current civilization, not to mention scientism and theology.  Of course, the shills have us arguing once again about the flat versus round dialectic.

The belief system of most of mankind is ensconced in the bible, koran, talmud, vedas and numerous other stories that are of much more recent origin, of human design and obviously derived from the much more ancient tablets.  Is mankind going to face up to these obvious issues or are we so indoctrinated that we simply cannot receive new information with an open mind?  That is the real question that will likely determine the outcome of the current struggle between the bulk of common man and its tiny cadre of elite psychopathic masters who maintain total control and domination by means of their Matrix in the light of your ignorance and gullibility.
